Category: Entertainment
Perfeitamente nós estamos começando a parte dois do react dos meus irmãos do heróis e mais reagindo ao omel que bota toda a culpa nos nerdolas nos fãs pelo cancelamento de delacr light muito bem parte dois é importante que você tenha assistido a parte um tá bom ah mas o giga pausa muito nos reacts tem... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What's up everyone it's ruby here bring guys uh another video and today it's going to be a little bit different because i want to try something that i've never tried before i just want to see if number one if this is okay and if it is then we might do more of it um in terms of copyright i'm not really... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] peterson's got it inside the five still driving for the touchdown peterson was not going to be stopped short this time 11 yards and a touchdown joe that's as good a run as you'll see better than anything we've seen already today and Read more
Category: Sports
I don't know why they have a problem with this like i think this is one of the best aspects of the game again we love creativity so doing away with something like this makes no sense to me yeah dude like they said again the the reason why they got rid of these pitch designs the main reason the pitch... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Vous voulez qu'on aille toujours plus loin dans l'un des sens politiques souvenez-vous il y a eu un refus d'obtempéré malencontreux où il y a une petite fille camilia qui a perdu la vie premier réflexe oui mais les refus d'tempérés c'est quand même un peu à cause de la police s y avait pas de police... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] extreme [music] oh what is up everybody we are back for the second time tonight getting ready to dive into some more tulsa football uh this will be the final game of the regular season and uh don't know what to expect here university of texas at san antonio is on the docket to play they have... Read more
Category: Gaming
Thought it was oh i think chad heard um you thought they thought it was uh your smoke detector beeping oh mine what does this mean no no i uh i don't fire bri it's it's fruits smoke detector it's cu she still smoking hot god damn it you beat me you beat me you [ __ ] you [ __ ] god damn my wrist was... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Come on l'a vu dans la vidéo précédente au sujet de la petite camilia le motard a été relâché en liberté mais attention il est sous contrôle judiciaire et blab blabla il doit se présenter à la gendarmerie une fois toutes les de semaines mais il est tranquille en attendant camilia malheureusement on... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ça y est la justice a été expéditive elle a montré un exemple dans l'affaire de la petite camilia 7 ans le motard a été remis en liberté contrôle [musique] judiciairetion si vous voulez revoir les fait invite à regarder tout simplement la vidéo précédente on va éviter de se répéter là-dessus tous les... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Zerator a annoncé le nouveau z event il a mis la tier list des gens qui ont participer au z event fl twist deviné beaucoup de d'influenceurs de ultra gauche ultra w et souvent les mêmes souvent les mêmes toujours les mêmes sauf un sardoch totalement gosté totalement cancel par zerator j'imagine aussi... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Les les fill et le nfp il faut qu'on en parle il y a eu beaucoup de choses il y a eu le soutien de rima hassan qui disait que le 7 octobre c'était pas un acte terroriste em caron qui a dit rim hassan là tu t'abuses il y a eu taa qui disait non mais tu peux pas contredire une femme palestinienne déjà... Read more
Category: Comedy
The show ladies and gentlemen welcome to the nate show we're about to get started hold tight [music] k k [music] o [music] oh [music] hey hey hey hey [music] yeah i'm not tired to your yeah i'm not tired to lo i make money till it's s all the nights i'm awake i it at all out of b money buting up to... Read more