Ironmouse and the vShojo Girls Discuss the Age Problem

thought it was oh I think Chad heard um you thought they thought it was uh your smoke detector beeping oh mine what does this mean no no I uh I don't fire Bri it's it's fruits smoke detector it's CU she still smoking hot God damn it you beat me you beat me you [ __ ] you [ __ ] God damn my wrist was faster than your wrist I thought I had it I my friend harler rler then ask me who am I again I'll just say I'm herzler he's the herzler all right surely power wash Sim will load this time if not then I will Co all over the place I was paying my Phantom taxes so that I could appease the rizzler and he said if I didn't do it he'd send me back to Ohio and that's not very demure of me oh no not Dem I don't understand deir I've been seeing that recently I get very mindful very mindful so Demir and I'm like what is this Demir it's the latest meme Hada I am I just old mentally yeah yeah oh man about it you're fing old I watched the documentary on linguistic anthropology so I could learn about the rizzler what I'm proud of you Mouse M I'm proud of you know who I am either not proud of me I'm proud of you what I'm proud of you Mil thank you thank you so much I'm not in high school so I can't keep up with the new L lingo even Zen knows very deir very mindful Huka I was going to say she didn't know what the [ __ ] uh she kept showing Mei this C with the finger to the cheek to the chin motion and both of us didn't what that is fun she didn't know what that is so she's old mentally too listen yes I'm listening nowe the age of 30 is in demand that's true wise person just said that you devour are you suggesting that Zenna is a wise person no yes theing fire alarm beep and then just I'm no no it's just the silence and then the beep no beep be be be I literally for

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