Share A Son Sunday’s….Gunner! a change on chat. Another FBS I painted coming up for sale (A Levi)

Published: Nov 05, 2023 Duration: 00:21:10 Category: Education

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my heaven babies my name is Angel and I am back today for share a Sun Sunday yes I have switched them around because my husband said Sunday Sunday you should have your Sundays on a Sunday so we're switching them so it's share a daughter Saturdays and then share a son Sundays so I'm sharing my beautiful Gunner this is a copy of the Joseph which is originally from Bountiful babies and it's based off of of a real born baby he was this big at 3 months old he wore 9 to 12 month clothing and he was just a big baby he's my gentle giant another baby I really wanted and my husband surprised me with him from alexpress and got exactly the one I would have wanted with the uh beautifully drawn on hair he's got beautiful rooted eyelashes eyebrows he's just stunning great artwork and everything but it was an AliExpress so he has a copy but I've shared him many times with you guys he was a gift and I'm so happy to have him like I said you know you can't expect to always get the real ones cuz they can be very expensive and you could save up for him but when you live paycheck to paycheck it kind of is hard to save and I wanted this one so bad and my husband surprised me with him so you know I'm not going to complain I love him very much and uh time for him back in the rotation we've already done a spotlight and everything on him and we're going to get him into another outfit and uh get him all cute while he he just sleeps the way he's my good eater and sleeper so we have time to go ahead and read our um devotional for today Billy Graham wisdom for each day and today we are [Music] on because I pre-record these videos so I got to figure out what day we're on here would be let's see that would be let's see I got to look at the calendar I'm sorry you guys so today would be Sunday November 5th God's if if you didn't hear that I was away from the camera here it was it's November 5th and this one's called God's amazing love God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us Romans 58 boy I love that verse and it goes on to say have you ever asked yourself what you would do with the human race if you were in God's shoes how would you treat them in light of their uh rebellion and neglect and mockery towards you we can we can really put ourselves we can't really put oursel in God's shoes of course he is far greater than we are but if you were God wouldn't you be tempted to wipe out the human race and blot them from your memory why would you even try to do anything good for them knowing they'd probably reject it but this isn't God's way and the proof is Jesus Christ you've heard the old statement that God hates the sin but loves The Sinner boy I like that Amen to that when Adam and Eve rebelled against God he punished them by sending death on the human race but he also refused to stamp them out and even promised an an eventual way of Salvation that way is Jesus Christ who loved us so much that he gave his life for us thank God today for his grace to you Grace that is greater than all your sin gosh I love this one you guys I know I always say I love them all but I love this one what God did for us to show his love if we were put in God I mean yes we would be so mad and we we would just want to wipe it out because we don't know how to love like God loves his love is so big you guys so big and so we need to be thanking him daily like it says thank God today for his grace for you God's grace is you know overwhelming and it just continues you know he he is always willing to forgive you with open arms and buried at the bottom of the ocean through his son's death Jesus Christ he had to come up up with the plan and he had his you know he came to the sin infested world as now God's son Jesus Christ died on a cross at the age of 33 because he was perfect the only perfect man could take on these sins but it saved us and that's why at you know at the very end before he died he said it is done it was done at that moment that anybody that wanted their salvation believed in God and lived their life the way you're supposed to as Christlike as we can would have eternal life eternal life God wanted us to have that because he loves us so much but would we do the same thing if we were in his shoes it would be hard because we don't know how to love like God sure we love but we'll never understand a love that great boy we can think about it though right and think that love is just an unbelievable Love To Die For Us unbelievable you guys and but it but believe it because it did happen and because of that today we all can have our Salvation if we want it that free Eternal gift to heaven and boy I sure want it so God's amazing love what a great start to this one what it was called uh the wisdom for today is we're so grateful father that your love is vastly superior to human love you loved us while we're deep in our own sin and incapable of returning it to kind turn returning it in kind may you never doubt the death may we never doubt the death of Your Love see it's a love we can't even even understand it's so big it's the death that's why they use the word death you know may we never doubt the death of your love it is so deep his love is so deep for us and what great wisdom for today know what God did for us and um you know if we were put in his shoes what would we do we have to think about how wonderful he is to us God is so he's too good to us I say that so many times I'm not even deserving of Heaven none of us are we all live in Glass Houses none of us are deserving of heaven but for God to give us heaven we can ask for forgiveness like it says here God um God hates the sin but loves The Sinner so see he doesn't like that we sin but he loves us we're Sinners saved by grace remember that don't ever forget that and bury that into your head what he did for us an incredible greatest love anybody could ever do for us so let's start our day go through our day and end our day with life's manual let's be reading and studying and getting a great personal relationship with Jesus who died for us honor obeying living by this word I am getting caught up you guys I did get back to my reading the day I said I was going to and I've been reading I'm going to do more today as I'm painting and um you know just loving God so much I do I love him so much and I know I fall short of him daily and I tell him I'm sorry for falling short I'm not even deserving of heaven but he says different he saids you deserve heaven so I'm grateful for that I'm grateful for his love story here his word I want to read it as much as I can and get right every day and get closer and closer and closer to him as the devil devil then will flee we'll go away he'll come back but the more we're spending time with God and stuff like that the devil don't want to be any part of that so let's do what we can for him and I hope that you guys enjoyed the reading today on let's oh I didn't even put that one in shoot it was November 5th I didn't put the little thing in there sorry hang on one sec here you guys God's amazing love God's amazing love right all right you guys so let's share a Sun Sunday with gunar we're going to put gunner in this beautiful outfit it's brand new I got it when I got him I had to get him clothes cuz I was getting clothes for him in like six months I thought that would fit him not realizing that he needs bigger this is a nine months but it is a onesie looks like it's going to be fine it's got more stretch and it's a four piece set from TJ Maxx and it's uh baby Essentials not just the what does it say not just the basics it says my best friend has Paws and he does we have a doggy little mini so it's a cream color onesie with brown writing snaps at the crotch there long sleeve and it comes with these adorable pants with dogs all over it their cream pants and it's got all different dogs on it it's got I don't even know the types of dogs on here looks like it might be a little yorky there and a um bulldog there I'm not sure of all the dogs but just all these cute dogs all over it it's got the uh you know the last last or the um band around the bottom of the pants and the Cream came with these matching socks that look like little uh tennis shoes the way it ties off they look like tennis shoes so cute in that tan color and then this hat not sure if the Hat's going to fit if it doesn't he has hair we don't have to put it on but I think it will stretch on his head but yes what a beautiful outfit so we're going to get him in this and get him out of this he's been in it for a while right it's been a while since you've been on again buddy let Mommy have your Groot yeah he likes this Groot he's baby Hulk that's like he's gentle giant or baby Hulk we call him cuz he is so massive so so this outfit was like one full piece and I forgot how this came apart um I think it does at the crotch yeah so we're going to unbutton this and take it over his head he does have a onesie on so we'll leave that on even though we're putting another one on we'll leave it on because this a short sleeve onesie but we will be removing the socks hard to get him completely in frame so some of his feet won't be in there um but we will do the best we can I'm going to take his Nook just so we don't lose it look at that face oh look at him my sleeping Joseph yeah no my sleeping Gunner my sleeping Gunner I have to lift him up a little bit sorry guys just to get this up over his chunk body and hopefully we'll be able to get this off of him easily cuz he is not easy to change no you are a hard one boy you are a hard one to change yes you are and I weighted him pretty heavy he's like a nine to 10 lb um uh vinyl and um I don't think I would want to go any heavier than that because I worry about the limbs coming out um but of course they feel heavier than that you know like he feels way heavier than that I should have went over his head but I'm trying to slide this down just because of his arms we don't want those arms falling out I always get so worried about that so this outfit was very complicated to get on him so I don't know if I ever want to put this back on you again boy cuz it was not easy to put on you and as you see it's not easy to get off of him either but yet it's a 12 month so we'll slide it up over his butt lay him down and hopefully now we can just slide it off of him over those oh sorry sorry guys over those chunk legs you got those chunky chunk legs look at how chunky is oh my goodness chunky butt you're so chunky and so cute oh my goodness do you guys see those rolls and look at how good he was done look at his paint job he is phenomenal you guys even that hair is phenomenal I want to show you that hair again if you're new to my channel and off of alexpress look at this beautiful hair oh my goodness it is so gorgeous it is and there's his front his face see if we can get that in there there's his face his rooted eyelashes eyebrows and that beautiful hair and the perfect blushing on him he is a adorable and he's my sleeping boy that's all you do is sleep yes that's all you do is sleep you're lifting set him down a little bit cuz his body's lifting cuz his butt's so heavy yes let's get this on you hopefully the light will stay on you guys as I've done a few videos today and that light wants to go out we're popping a tag and I keep forgetting who to tag that to if somebody could tell me who does that I will then put it um into my um description I keep I don't even remember who does that um but uh we got a lot of tags to pop here lot of tags to pop here probably should have had it all done but I just want to show you guys the new outfit so we'll get this on him and I'm really hoping that this fits him if not we'll have to to come up with something else for you buddy but I hope this fits cuz this is only a 9 months but because it is a onesie I'm guessing I can stretch it on to him so let's just hope right all we can do is hope all we can do is hope and pray right hope and pray that we can get this on you now his arms do move I did do them good but when he's in a onesie they're really hard to get his arms to move and when I try to do them looser then the arms fall out so he's got you know he still has movement like I said I can get them to move and everything but it's just when clothes are on it's a little bit more difficult um I'm I don't know what else to do i' I've redone his arms so many times and when I have them looser they fall off so when I'm putting clothes on them and lifting them up but they do move you guys they do move it's just that um like I said it's just because he's such a big baby and so massive you know it's just so hard because it's so easy for those limbs to fall out if it's not in there tight enough and if it's too tight they don't move at all but I got it where they do move it's just that when clothes are on it's a little bit harder to do that but that's okay we make do right we make do yes we do and we don't want an arm to fall out and I hope um that it doesn't fall out cuz that would not be good I'd have to redo this video so I do got to get some more zip ties though I only have a couple left so I got to get some more because I've been doing quite a few babies um you know the babies that I got um I got the zip ties from I can't remember where I got them dolls by Sandy or mcferson I'm not sure where I got them but I'm going to get some more um just so I have my hand in case we do lose a limb right um we don't want to lose limbs though so um but anyways how's everybody doing hope you guys are doing well hope you're enjoying your Sunday I hope you had a nice weekend I know that uh my weekend was busy um and or going to be busy busy I'm sorry cuz I pre-record these so it's going to be busy I mean and yeah I just hope that you guys enjoyed your Sunday and your full weekend hope your kids had fun trick-or-treating here they did it in snow if you guys got to see that video I put a little clip in on um Wednesday's video I believe it was with uh my Isaiah I put a little clip at the end of the snow coming down it was a day before Halloween so the kids all had to go trick-or-treating with snow on the ground but I remember back in I want to say 91 to yeah I want to say 91 I think it was Maybe I'm Wrong oh let's get these socks off look at these feet I love these fat feet oh they're so fat and so cute so short and fat and cute oh my gosh I love a fat baby um but anyways I remember I don't remember what year it was but it was in the 90s we went trick-or-treating you guys in a blizzard like literally it was a blizzard so it isn't uncommon for Minnesota to get um snow in October but it's not real common so it's been many years since we got that snow for the um I should have put your socks on first that's okay we'll get them on after um so it's been a while that we've had the snow but yeah I just feel bad for kids oh I bumped it again sorry guys this baby is so massive you're so massive Mommy gets in the way of everything because I'm trying to show you trying to change your heavy butt yes you are not an easy baby to change no you're not if you guys get this just know it's not an easy baby to change it isn't um it is very difficult but he is a cutie and he is worth it I'm sorry if I'm getting out of frame with him but I got to pull those up on him yeah get those pulled up over that chunk butt oh my gosh does he look cute in this adorable adorable see how nice the legs move so I can get the legs to move nice but it's just those arms once the clothes go on him he doesn't want to move his arms but he's so massive that's why so now we'll get on the little socks and the hat but yeah so yep the kids went trick-or-treating in the snow and I did see them but we only had one trick-or-treater here you guys because we don't normally get a lot here even though we have kids here they don't really come around a lot here I don't know why bothers me I wish they did I should have used uh scissors you guys but I'm using my mouth because I forgot to get one but anyways um so we don't get a lot of kids here but um and I kind of figured with the snow that maybe we wouldn't get any but we did get one our neighbor I knew kind of had a feeling he'd come around so we did get a small bag of candy um because I mean all the years we've lived here the most we ever got was last year and it was four so we do know that we're not going to get a lot of kids um as far as we know we're not going to get a lot of kids so see if I can get him up a little further so you can see his feet as I do his feet these socks are cute um so yeah we didn't buy a lot of candy but you know there was a lot of people my sister-in-law told me that they didn't get a lot of people that came around either and they normally um didn't even have enough candy last year and this year they bought this you know bought the same if not more and they got like four people that came so I think it was the weather that stopped a lot of kids um in our time when I was trick-or-treating in that that blizzard we didn't care back then but kids nowadays um they're just you know a little bit different don't do as much as we did as kids like we love the snow we loved being out in the snow it didn't bother us one bit um kids nowadays are more um stayhome kids I've just noticed that or whatever uh stay in more and um you know don't really do kind of what we did but we didn't have all the technology that they have now so that's probably why we were outside more because we wanted to have fun and there was nothing we could do but go outside oh yeah this is going to fit him good so cuz I wanted this hat on him because it's very cute with this outfit it's a knotted hat and he even though he's got the beautiful hair I just wanted this complete outfit on him and oh my goodness does he look good we lift his leg up a little bit just so you can see a isn't he so cute in the white like that's cream but oh my gosh I love babies in white or cream so so good look at him oh he's so handsome in this yes you are boy you're so handsome we'll give you back your Groot yes well you can kiss with this hand we'll let you kiss with that hand so he's gonna blow you guys a kiss he can barely reach it he loves God he loves Mommy and Daddy he loves all his aunties and uncles grandmas and grandpas and all of his cousins out there going to give him back his Nook I love you guys as well but remember as I read God loves you the most look at what he did for us because he loves us us with an internal love that nobody could love not like him not in a million years could we love like God I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and are all getting ready to go back to work tomorrow I know nobody wants to hear that but uh hope you guys are all staying um safe happy and healthy and God bless to each and every one of [Music] you [Music]

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