Baby Talk Tuesday’s…Changing my sweet Michael! FBS I painted & rooted. Let’s change & chat

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:22:43 Category: Education

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hello everyone and welcome back to my heavenly babies I'm Angel and this is Michael Michael is a full body silicone Levi that I fully painted and rooted to look like a little Italian baby and I did it after Sylvester Stone it's Michael Sylvester is his real name in real life um I did get to meet him I kissed him on the I'm going to stick up a picture right here of me giving him a kiss he's one of my favorite actors and I was so excited a couple years ago for my birthday in December we went to California and my husband surprised me and bought tickets for me to meet him so I did a meet and greet I got his autograph I got to talk to him I got to give him a kiss my husband asked please can she give me a kiss for her birthday I've got his uh um his signature tattooed on me and I have the pictures up on my wall um but I I would have snapped a picture of both of them one where we're standing together one where I get a kiss so yeah it was exciting but I always wanted a baby to do a little Italian baby after to loone and with the dark hair like that and call it Michael Sylvester so that was his real name he uses Sylvester though the middle name he just likes that better as his acting name but we did talk to him about it but his real name is Michael Sylvester in real life so this is Michael Sylvester and today is Baby Talk Tuesday which I host here on my channel so if you guys are interested and doing that um it's just talking about your babies that's it and please just take me but call it baby talk Tuesday and we're going to be talking about my beautiful Levi here um my beautiful Michael uh he is one of my top sellers uh for silicone and the Paris which I'm going to show you a picture of that baby I have done that baby uh where it just sold a few of them I've had custom and same thing with this one I have sold this one of just painting it and doing it and custom work on it so they're the two favorites um and they come in boy or girl they are anatomically correct because they are full silicone so you can get it boy or girl so if you are interested hit me up here's my email if you're wanting a custom done of that um two pares are going to be coming up though a boy and a girl I'm going to be doing two of those coming up here soon you're going to get to see them one will be an ethnic the girl is going to be ethnic um or AA ethnic you know biracial um I should say um and the boy is going to be a red head uh with red hair and green eyes and she's going to have the brown eyes and dark curly hair uh both rooted and those are coming up if you're interested in reserving them again hit me up I'll throw it up there one more time my email hit me up if you want to reserve them you can reserve them and they're yours um if you want to just wait till you see them come up great but they are babies that are very well loved that one is one of the favorites along with the Levi and the Levi has done pretty much like the original like 17 to 18 inches now he's got the froggy legs but because he's silicone he can stretch out to almost 18 um but he does wear uh prey to small newborn is what he wears uh but he's like I said a very loved baby so yeah and I love him I did open his mouth I do open the mouth for you guys so they can take bottles and pacifiers he's got a couple scratches on his face because like Stallone he's got that fist going he scratched himself he's been in a fight all right you guys we're going to go ahead and put God first we're going to read his word we are on August 13th and again all these videos were pre-recorded that's why you see me in the same outfit but I do that because starting Monday which you guys would seen the video yesterday I would have already been working on Sarah Linn for D so I like to get these videos done so you guys get videos still and I can still do my work all right right and then show my fat here all right we are on August 13 the only sin that can't be forgiven let's see what that is I tell you the truth all the sins and Blas Blas minies of men will be forgiven um will be forgiven them let me re reread that again that I don't know why it's my glasses it's the ring light I need bif fogal I can't see far away but I can see closeup I tell you the truth all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven then but whoever blasphemies against the holy spirit will never be forgiven he is guilty of an eternal sin so see that's the only sin that can't be forgiven is blasphemy to the Holy Spirit we don't want to blasphemy the Holy Spirit it goes on to say I suppose I've been asked if it um been asked it almost more than any other question over the years what is the unforgivable sin very often the person who is asking is convinced they have committed it but notice what Jesus first said all the sins and blasphemy of men will be forgiven them think of just a few of people Jesus forgave during his ministry the women caught in adultery the murderer who was executed with him or think of the soul of Saul of Taurus who violently attacked Christians and and determined to Stamp Out the church if God could forgive them can't he forgive anyone no matter what they have done can't he forgive you can he even forgive you there is only one exception the person who deliberately rejects the Holy Spirit witness that Jesus is the savior Sent From Heaven to save us from that sins the only sin God cannot forgive is the sin of rejecting Christ turn to him in Repentance and faith and he will forgive so see if you turn away and Blas me meaning you know where it's saying here turn from so the only sin God cannot forgive is the sin of re rejecting Christ we can't reject Christ we need to get him in our hearts we need to get him in our hearts and believe what he did for us because then that is the one sin that won't be forgiven but meaning yes we if if we've done that we like we didn't believe in all sin we do believe obviously we're going to be forgiven of that sin but meaning if we never do that's one sin that can't be forgiven because our sins are forgiven by the cross is what he's saying so no matter what we do once we get our Salvation you know we our sins are forgiven even though we need to ask daily on a daily basis to forgive us those sins were washed away by his death but if we reject Jesus and turn away and reject him and don't believe and say I just don't believe it ain't real and all that that's the unforgivable sin it is it really is because once you get your salvation it's yours but some people turn the other way you know what I mean and we don't want to do that but that is what it's saying and I hope you understand what it's saying here that that's the unforgivable if you don't if you know the only sin God cannot forgive is the sin of rejecting Christ turn to him in Repentance and faith and he will forgive for so saying turn to him in Repentance and he will forgive but it's the one sin that can't be forgiven if we don't believe so what he saying is all the other sins if we have our Salvation are forgiven so if you understand that but if we turn from him again people are thinking well if you're a Christian and you got that well why would you be turning from some people do some people turn away from God and that's it it's done they turn away and they don't believe in all of that well then that sin isn't going to be forgiven it cannot be and that's what I get out of that you know that it can be forgiven if you turn to him but if you turn away how can you go to heaven if you don't even believe in a heaven or don't believe Christ walked this Earth how could you get to heaven how could you all right wisdom for today Father you are so faithful to forgive us of our sins help us not to listen to the lies of the enemy who um who would have us believing that our sins are too many and are too great for you to forgive Amen to that boy the devil will make you feel that your sin is too great for God to forgive there ain't no sin too forgivable God can forgive them all and we just have to believe what his son did on that cross for God so loved the world that he gave his only son whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life eternal life listen to that if you believe the Bible can't lie we have heaven and so we need to believe and we need to try to walk the best we can you guys we still as Christians need to try to do our best we do but thank God for that blood right that blood shed in that body broken although we should have been up there not him not Jesus he was perfect but he came here for the soul perfect purp to die for us to die on that cross at the age of 33 and boy I can't imagine what he went through crucifixion is one of the most excruciating pains ever and we we want to sit and complain about little things that happen in our life we'll never face what Jesus did ever and if we believe we get eternal life eternal life but remember about that blasphemy you know blasphemy do not blasphemy the Lord do not say that there is no Jesus that he isn't real that is unforgivable all right you guys let's start our day go through our day and end our day with life's manual the Holy Bible we want to read it study honor obey and live by it let's live by his word every day pick it up let's read it that's the most important we don't need to worry about copy babies we don't need to worry about any of that stuff as long as we're living right for God our sins will be forgiven we need to worry about having a Bible and reading it God wants us to read it stud study it and Obey him obey his word you know he's got the Ten Commandments he's got things in there but we can be forgiven when the New Testament came and Jesus died we're forgiven we're Sinners saved by by Grace if we want it saved by grace all right you guys let's get Michael over to the changing table he's such a floppy baby too I want to show you guys he really is a floppy beautiful silicone he really is and he's Levi who doesn't love Levi so you knew that was going to be a popular baby but that Paris is a popular baby too it really is and that's I'm going to get a couple of those up and then I'm going to get some Levis going unless people just request one you can also call and you know I'm not call email me and request one cuz I can do a boy or a girl and we could do a custom or you can let me surprise you however you want all right you guys let's get over to the changing table all right you guys we're back here at the changing table with Michael like I said he is a full body silicone Levi you can see he does have the froggy legs we can do it just like the real one got all the veining and modling in him and all of that but yeah but they can stretch out a little longer so like I said um he is going to wear about the same size the real one might wear a little bit bigger can fit better like into newborn where he could wear more preey to newborn if it's a small newborn um just because he's silicone but he still is going to be very close to the real Levi okay he's really close in size to him um I would say just a tad smaller because I'm looking at mine right now and mine is about that size I wonder if I could bring mine over and show you guys let's see where is my Levi where are you buddy um why am I not seeing my Levi here oh I can probably bring my Levi over over and show you guys like the size difference just so you know that there isn't much of a difference it's pretty close but here is the real one okay here's my real Levi oh I love him but let's see if we can show the size here let me get this stuff out of the way move this one over as you can see this one's going to appear to you a little bit tinier just because this one's got a cloth body and everything but everything on it's the same you can see the hand and everything's the same but they are really close froggy legs all of that really close but you can see they're pretty close in size do you see that they are pretty close in size if I could get him up like him you can kind of see you know if the legs are stretched out and all that or or curled up like the other Levi you can see that they are very very close in Sid very very close there's just a slight difference from the real to the silicone one but okay yeah let's get him out of here and this is Levi I call him Levi this one because um I love that name so of course for the real Levi I call him Levi hope you guys could hear me okay I walked away there for a second but yeah I'm going to eventually show you guys and I you might have already seen it I got to do a video on my room um I probably will have showed you maybe after this I'm not sure how these come in because I pre-record all of them but I do want to get a video coming up here soon of my Nursery how great everything looks now and how the babies um just work so great in my living room SL dining room now they work great I mean it did work great at first but it was just I was getting a lot of bouncies and stuff and I was taking up a lot of room and I got rid of a lot of that um and I have it differently so I can't wait to show you guys that and you might have already seen it by now um of how I've got them and how it just makes it look more like a collection versus like a nursery in a living room I will be different once I get my own home and we have a bedroom for it I'll have an actual nursery and they will be set up differently then I'll have more cribs and different things like that but right now I love the way I have it set up I get to enjoy them and they don't have to be covered all the time where they're hid and all of that um like you know I mean I just did that because I liked them covered to keep them nice but they're nice the way they are and I really love the way the setup I just have a enormous setup you guys I have like almost 50 babies but like I said I don't know by the time you see this video if you would have seen it um or if it'll come up after this I'm not sure but I'm am going to get that video up for you guys because it's pretty much done in here I just want to do a couple more little things and then I'll show you guys all right Levi let's get this done this video all right we're going to put him in the last Wednesday for the year because it'll be a while before you see him again I've been wanting to do my silicon cuz everybody's been asking for my silicons I've been showing a lot of my um a lot of my uh vinyls because I've been doing unboxings and selling and getting new babies and all that so you guys have been seeing more of my vinyls I wanted to sh share my silicons with you guys I have a few more to share with you guys for the Silicon so I will be doing that but um yeah that's why you've been seeing a lot more of my silicones and uh that's my job what I do uh some of mine are copies some are real of the uh silicon but I been want to show you CU that is actually the job and why I started this channel was to buy paint and sell the full body budget silicones all right so Levi's going into the last uh onesie for the year because after that it'll be fall and you'll have to be in something warmer it's a blue and white striped little Carters and this is a preey size onesie but he could fit in a regular but I do preey onesies on him it's got two little dogs on it as you see they're done in Gray and one's got an orange collar one's got a gray little collar around the neck you know tie it on like a bandan snaps in the crotch so he's gonna wear that we're gonna put this little hat on him even though I love his hair um but I'm gonna do a little hat and it I'm going to go oh yeah I can do it that way doesn't matter it's just there is the front of it but it's the same color so we're going to put that on him and then I want to do little booties he's going to wear the little booties let me see why oh I'll just have to cut that little string on there but the little white booties crocheted booties we're going to do and the little hand Ms because he keeps scratching himself and we need him to stop doing that so I'm going to get him up and just show you guys because I am going to um I do you know these patches in here that's all that is but I do um put it really good you know in a napkin and it doesn't get on skin I know um uh D was saying be careful of that because um you know maybe you could put it in the diaper or whatever it gets on baby it doesn't with the um thing in and I've been doing it for a long time and it doesn't get anywhere on the baby um as long as it's in that cloth because it just gets on the cloth but here he I can't even talk here he is look at that Stark bite look at that baby fine black hair he has I'll show you when I comb it it it is very very cute when I comb it um just so sweet but he's got those scratches cuz he is supposed to be like Sylvester Stallone let me clear this up look at his scratches on his eye in there and the Stork bite his mouth his suck bump all of his art there let's go down and show his hands as you see um those are still they're just beautiful but they're a little bit more white even though I mixed a little bit more white than what I do now but I still love it I think he's gorgeous look at the veining on him look at his feet oh my goodness right isn't he stuck look at I emphasize every little nook and cranny on these babies I want to emphasize every little bit of the art I love that vein show you the back of it the back of his legs but yeah that that vein right there look at that vein oh I love veining but yeah he's got veins through his head there you can see that is blushing his ears he is a stunner a stunner like I said you guys are interested if you are interested in a silicone Levi let me know and I'd love to get a custom going for you or I'll get some up but if you are interested in one you can hit me up and I can do one early for you all right so let's get this onesie on him and this will be the last video I'm doing in this outfit um it's actually like I said still only Friday the 9th for me but you guys it is actually I don't even remember the date now because I'm off because I've been doing these let me look quick right now it would be um August 13th but it's actually only the 9th for me so yeah let's see 9 10 11 12 13 yeah I did five videos I try to get a lot of them done because now I won't have to make videos until like Monday evening or Monday during the day or even Tuesday because I'll have one on Tuesday you'll have this one today so I can wait until Tuesday to make more which gives me a chance to work you know even though I'm going to be working on sarin Monday um I can do those videos you know in the evening I can do in the morning or I can wait till Tuesday and do it however I do it but I'm still going to be working on Sarah Lynn I want to get her done and get her home to her mom I'm going to be adding some paint to her um since she didn't really have a lot of like mottling and uh veining and the creases so we're going to be doing a little bit of that to it I'm trying to change the skin tone just a little bit lighting it down a little bit um you guys will get to see all that when I'm done I'll explain all that when I'm all done with it and then rooting it so I'm going to be rooting her too for uh D but yes we're going to comb up his little hair here and then put his hat on just again just water that's all I use is water and comb and um all my the hair that I use is pretty much the same hair some I do differently like Sarah Sarah Lyn she's getting um a different hair um because it was requested by D and um of course you know payment of what she paid for it and all that so hers is a more of a uh it is a human hair yeah a human hair that she's getting um but this one here would be a mole hair or whatever but still great I love it look at how cute he is he is so boy isn't that boy look at that hair I love the way I did his rooting he's so boy he's all boy yes he is and I have done a girl um Levi and that one sold pretty fast um and she was a redhead adorable but yeah I love I love his little hair it's just so cute on him it really really is and uh what was I saying oh and his is a mooh hair and it's basically the hair I like to use um I can get it in straight or curly his has got a slight wave to it look at Hat's going to be a little bit big on him but I don't care it's adorable yes it's adorable he also has rooted lashes I think you guys would have seen that bring him up one more time then I'll bring him back he does have the rooted lashes if you see that again we're not in frame there but he does have the rooted lashes if you see yep see we rooted those lashes we didn't do eyebrows yet though we're going to either paint the eyebrows yeah I'm going to paint his eyebrows I don't know why I didn't do eyebrows on him yet but I notice I don't have any so we'll give him eyebrows he's going to have little eyebrows I'm done with him but I just forgot whoops but I'm um done with him but just forgot to uh do the eyebrows so he doesn't really need them uh some babies you know you can barely even see them a lot of people do barely their eyebrows so I might do that with him just a barely their eyebrow I'm going to roll this down just once cuz you can on these ones and because he's silicone you just got to make sure that the foot gets all the way in there and then um but yeah just a barely there uh ey brow you can do that or you don't even have to do eyebrows like he's fine without it I guess I've never really noticed he didn't have eyebrows I must have just forgot to do that I'm going to cut off this little string off of here um but yeah you don't have to do eyebrows on babies I mean babies can be without them they still look great um even without eyelashes sometimes when they're open eye and stuff you don't even need that cuz I mean you don't really see that on a baby it's not notice well you guys probably didn't even notice till I brought it to your attention but yeah it doesn't have them and I don't even notice it I don't think it is look at how adorable and like I said he needs Ms because this little boy won't stop uh scratching himself he's got that open hand so he scratches himself and you can see he really did a big scratch yeah he did a big one so we'll get his mits on oh how adorable we'll get this back in and now I'll just put it in this one um and I know it sounds silly because it's in here and people are probably thinking well why do you want to see that through that I suppose I could put it in the back too I could drop it down lower too so it's not noticeable I just like the smell of it up close with the but it'll still smell good even if I had in the diaper D was suggesting in the diaper and I could do that so and I might he's got that great olive skin tone I did on him I did an olive skin tone since he's Italian so he has more of the olive skin tone for that Italian but yeah there we go you guys here's his little monkey I didn't know if I even talked about that with you guys his little monkey his bottle and his paci he does take a passy full paci cuz he's got that open mouth so he does take the full paci I'll have it in the photographs but there he is he's all done and I was glad to share him it's been a while since I shared him again like I said I love the Levi and I love the silicone version It's just so cute and I love that vein oh I love that vein all right he's going to blow you guys a kiss he loves all his aunties uncles grandmas and grandpas out there he's so floppy and all of his little cousins I love you guys as well but remember God loves you the most and even if we reject him that's the only unforgivable sin but can ask for forgiveness if we reject him and accept him and then it can be forgiven and we have a place in heaven you guys let's remember that all right I love you guys everybody take care God bless and I will see each and every one of you let's get a little foot over in my very next upload e for

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