Category: Education
An israeli bedin man was just freed by the israeli army after over 300 days of cruel captivity and aas terror tunnel in the godess chip but who are israeli better ones let's explore shalom my friends this is the k gers with israel in five where we give you everything israel in five minutes please like... Read more
Category: Education
Bedin is an arabic word meaning desert dweller and bins in general including israeli bins were traditionally hundreds of years ago and thousands of years ago stretching back many many thousands of years were nomadic tribes wandering through the desert changing location depending on climate conditions... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Se trata de la reciente reaparición de la polio en gaza y los extraordinarios esfuerzos que se están realizando para combatirla después de 25 años sin un solo caso la polio ha resurgido trágicamente en gaza afectando a un bebé de 10 meses que ha quedado paralizado de una pierna las autoridades sanitarias... Read more
Category: Comedy
On s'est fait jeter du maghreb automatiquement avec nos passeports français tu imagines bien quoi ah ben on est mal vu là-bas moi je me suis fait passer pour portugais à un moment donné non parce que je je je bosse dans le bâtiment donc automatiquement tu briicoles de tris motsa après on a contourné... Read more
Category: Sports
Run oke bang kembali lagi nih bang ya bersama saya di channel par viifa seperti biasa sebelum kita membahas predisi pertandan barari ini bang kita bakalan mempattikan grup parleai saya dulu nih bang ya nah nih bang nama grupnya parleai jp bersama bang ya di sini sudah ada 101 anggota nih bang ya akhirnya... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Le commissaire aux affaires étrangères que je suis à l'assemblée nationale qui dénonce que l'état d'israël par le biais de netanahou le premier ministre a financer le hamas dites-moi monsieur répondez-moi à cette question parce que c'était dans les accords donc moi je vais vous expliquer c'était pour... Read more
Category: Sports
[musica] benvenuti in un nuovo video l'italia concede il bis perché dopo aver sbancato il campo francese del parco dei principi riesce a battere anche israele sul campo neutro di budapest dato che per ovvi motivi non si può giocare in israele per via dei problemi che stiamo vivendo in medio oriente... Read more
Category: Sports
[musik] italia sukses mengandaskan israel dengan skor 2-1 dalam laga match day kedu uefa nations league 2024-2025 [musik] Read more
Category: Sports
Mag syst [applaudissements] Read more
Category: Sports
In the uefa nations league 20242 matches israel played against italy on tuesday september 10th 2024 during the match day 2 of six italy and israel squared off in a nailbiter where italy emerged victorious with a 2-1 win the action kicked off in the 38th minute and it was david ftii who opened the scoring... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
But our family our family the grody patinkin family all got together after this most recent horror that we're all living and we felt we wanted to say something as a family and we put this out on our social media and i i don't have it memorized but i want to say what we all constructed as a family our... Read more
Category: Education
Hello everyone and welcome back to my heavenly babies i'm angel and this is michael michael is a full body silicone levi that i fully painted and rooted to look like a little italian baby and i did it after sylvester stone it's michael sylvester is his real name in real life um i did get to meet him... Read more