Category: Autos & Vehicles
Intro when you change the tires on the cybertruck how is that going to affect your range well today we're going to answer that question we have cobra with us check out his channel cobra told you i'm going to go ahead and link that down in the description cobra's got his cyber truck here with this fresh... Read more
Category: Gaming
Therefore why should they trust you well the reason i'm doing that vote is because the plan is as you know the vote is they have abortion in the ninth month in other words we'll execute the baby and that's not okay with me hence the vote what i did is something for 5 years been trying to get roie wade... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
What i'm about to do to my cyber truck is either going to be one of the coolest thing ever or one of the dumbest thing ever on the car but either way i'm going to do it and let's check it out all right so first of all i just destroyed my frunk like no i didn't destroy it but yeah i took everything out... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well as i said you're going to hear a bunch of lies and that's not actually a surprising fact let's understand how we got here donald trump hand selected three members of the united states supreme court with the intention that they would undo the protections of roie wade and they did exactly as he intended... Read more
Category: Gaming
And what is important is that there is a president who actually brings values and a perspective that is about lifting people up and not beating people down and name calling the true measure of the leader is the leader who actually understands the strength is not in beating people down it's in lifting... Read more
Category: Gaming
Came up in the first hour of the debate and we witnessed a a poignant moment today on capitol hill honoring the soldiers who died in the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan i do want to ask the vice president uh do you believe you bear any responsibility in the way that withdrawal played out well i... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
哈囉大家好 歡迎來到fire了安築的頻道 我是安築 今天要跟大家聊的內容有點多 包含了推出沒多久 超過萬台的cybertruck 所面臨的召回問題 一間你可能意想不到的公司 竟然也要投入自動駕駛競爭 這款超酷的輪胎 特斯拉正在與米其林洽談中 以及目前市面上的各種輪胎 在電動車上的表現差異有多少 這些排名 相信可以幫助各位未來要換輪胎時 更容易做出選擇 所以今天的影片內容將會非常有意思 如果你覺得我的頻道對你了解各種電動車資訊有點幫助的話 希望各位好朋友 能夠簡單地在下面幫我按個讚 並且確認你已追蹤我的頻道 這就是讓我願意花整天的時間 幫大家製作影片最大的動力啦 同時在上隻影片上線後我收到一些朋友私訊問我... Read more
Category: Gaming
If donald trump were president putin would be sitting in keev right now and understand what that would mean because putin's agenda is not just about ukraine understand why the european allies and our nato allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
This week at starbase spacex completed the stacking of the final module for their new launch tower the catch arms on tower one also underwent a rigorous series of testing and over at the build site we get our first look at fuel system changes for the block 2 starship now let's dig into this week's update... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Jackie chan is famous for his unique mix of martial arts stunts and humor he has acted in over 150 movies and does most of his own stunts he has also won many awards including an honorary oscar for his work in movies besides acting he's a director producer and even a singer he's also known for his charity... Read more
Category: Sports
Shaq just became the first man ever to receive a carbon fiber widebody tesla cyber truck called the cyber beast and this car is absolutely epic in the end of the video you'll also find out how lebron was involuntarily involved in this acquisition yo what up sh boy i need a favor yes sir i hate to sound... Read more
Category: Gaming
It is important that we move forward that we turn the page on this same old tired rhetoric and address the needs of the american people address what we need to do about the housing shortage which i have a plan for address what we must do to support our small businesses address bringing down the price... Read more