Zac Gallen Tosses SIX NO-HIT INNINGS In Diamondbacks Series Win Over Giants

Intro well Zack Gallen tossed six Innings of no hit baseball and the Diamondbacks hang on to win the series over the Giants uh by six to four here in the finale we have more in 30 seconds don't go anywhere let's go [Applause] [Music] ski and welcome in to another edition of the phn X dback podcast brought to you by bet 365 of course Go download the bet 365 app right now use our code of bet uh phnx 365 when you sign up choose your offer and find out why it is never ordinary at bet 365 and of course no ending to a Diamondbacks game can be ordinary uh nor can really a start for an Arizona Diamondbacks game be ordinary any longer Diamondbacks win tonight by a score of six to4 of course my name is Derek Monte occasionally known as your mayor of phnx this man in the box next to me uh is is being air conditioned properly now in his own home that he owns it's the one and only vice mayor aka the thunderstick Jesse fredman never a dull moment around here Derek ever a dull moment can't just be an easy win can't be one of those games because that's the direction this one was started uh in once again the Diamondbacks looked like they were just going to kind of roll over the Giants in this one they had an early lead and they kind of maintain that Zack gallon despite walking a whole bunch of guys Is Zac Gallen back? cruised in this one again no hits allowed in six Innings of work he was absolutely outstanding of course we'll get into that Corbin Carroll extended his hitting streak in this one to 14 games and now his uh on base record Jesse is up to 43 games that's it's just crazy like when we say July 9th we mean July 9th it would feel a little bit shocking at this point if Corbin car started a baseball game and did not come away with a it feels like it feels like it's it's two is sort of the Baseline like two is the expectation at this point one maybe feels like a bit of a disappointment yeah uh and if there isn't at least one extra base hit that also seems a little a little bit sort of like a disappointment for Corvett at this point uh yeah he continues to to hit really well and the Diamondbacks as as a whole their offense continues to do big things uh we talked yesterday about how they are the highest scoring offense in all the baseball by a wide margin and sure enough once again today I mean it wasn't you know it wasn't eight runs today it was only six but if you score six runs every day you're gonna win a lot of baseball games that way and that's a very big reason why the Diamondbacks are in the position they're in right now you're absolutely right and this game ended up being way closer than it should have been so they needed all of those runs once again in order to walk away with the victory but let's just start with Zack Gallen because he was amazing today it's the Zack gallon that we know the Zack gallon we love and maybe even a slightly better version of himself despite the fact that there in the second inning uh he did need to be unplugged uh wait 15 seconds and then plugged back in uh because after getting two outs to start the inning he suddenly couldn't find the strike zone well no I take that back he couldn't find the strike zone when he needed to put the batter away he was up like one2 I think he was 22 in the count like he was always he was in all it wasn't like he just couldn't find the strike zone at all he just couldn't put guys away there in the second inning almost walks four straight batters walks three straight batters uh and then luckily uh gets Kurt Cali to strike out and that was a blessing because that pitch was nowhere near the strike zone yeah that second inning was very bizarre for Zach Gallen I mean I think it sort of just embodied what the last couple of months have been like for him where things look pretty normal right he faced Tyler Fitzgerald to start the inning Fitzgerald flew out in foul territory then you get a shallow popup from Lamont Way Jr things that we're used to seeing for Zack Allen and then suddenly as you said it wasn't like he was just spraying the ball all over the place and couldn't throw any strikes at all he was up I believe onew in the count to Luis monos Marco Luciano and Brett wisley but as you said he just couldn't put those guys away I think it was a combination of some pitches just being un competitive just missing the Zone by too much to really Garner a swing from any Major League hitter and there were also some pitches that I think gallon executed fairly well out of those three at bats that you know Giants hitters to their credit were able to lay off but yeah it was a it was weird uh it was bizarre and yet you look up a few you know an hour or two later and Zack Allen has thrown six no hit Innings and uh you know maybe it's not exactly what you would have drawn up for him today but it was pretty close I mean anytime you're going six Innings and not allowing a hit you're you're doing a lot of things right one thing I noticed Jesse was he wasn't able to land his fast ball in a lot of those situations like when you go back and you look at the counts a lot of the balls were the for seamer but then after that he he he was able to put the for seam fast ball almost wherever he wanted to and I felt like that was the big key to getting back on track without that for seam fastball it doesn't set up that amazing knuckle curve he was throwing today uh doesn't set up the change up but once that was dialed in he was getting ahead in the count to every batter sat down 10 in a row after that little uh weird you know stretch that he had there in the second inning and uh was incredible struck out the side in the fourth inning just looked like himself and I mean much like the last outing that he had which was kind of a disaster but as he described it it was like two different games that he pitched right this was another one of those situations where as the outing went on he seemed to get stronger his pitches seemed to like confuse batters even more I believe they brought it up candy brought it up on the broadcast that like he was able to land all four of his pitches for strikes and at that point he was just dangerous because you you kind of had to swing at everything he was throwing yeah I think you hit the nail on the head with with the fast ball commands I mean we've been saying it for weeks now that's that's been not the only difference not the only issue for Zack Gallen here over the last month or two but one of the main ones if he is able to put his fastball where he wants to which usually there aren't that many guys in the league that have better fastball command than Zach gallon I mean it's been something that has really carried him for a number of years not only the fact that his for seamer is a good pitch has a lot of life to it but the fact that he's been able to put it wherever he really wanted to and we just haven't seen that version of his fastball for a lot of this season I thought he also did a pretty good job uh just getting ahead and counts in general we mentioned those those three hitters that he got ahead one two and wasn't able to put him away but by and large he was getting ahead in the count pretty much all night that's another thing that gallon has struggled to do in recent uh in recent outing so I think that's a good sign for him as well uh so yeah I mean this was you know maybe not maybe not vintage Zack Gallen if you want to use that phrase but it was it was a step in the right direction a really big step in the right direction for him uh there were moments where the change up looked like a dominant pitch and the curveball that's sort of been a steadying presence for him for a while we've seen that look like a dominant pitch even some of the sliders he threw were really nasty in this game so maybe this is the start of Zack Allen kind of getting things back on the right page he's been leaning on that curveball a lot because of how effective it's been but yeah it's just it's not the pitch that it can be without being set up right and if you know that he's kind of avoiding his fast ball or you can see that that's happening can see he's not Landing it makes it easy to kind of have the outing that that you know his last outing the way the direction that went but tonight he was Nails six Innings pitch zero hits allowed zero earn runs four walks eight strikeouts uh and impressive there at the end to finish the game with a strikeout finish his outing at least with a strikeout there was a weird discourse once again trying to you know get the fire Tory conversation going for some reason where people thought somehow that Zach Gallen would would be able to finish this game when he was at a 100 pitches after six Innings yeah wasn't going to happen Zach wouldn't have done it nobody would have wanted to see him do it like I'm sorry I know the game ended up going the way it went and that's unfortunate but this one this is one of those situations where I'm definitely not blaming the manager I'm blaming the performance of the pitchers because Tori goes to his Bullpen he goes to Kevin GLE and immediately gives up a hit immediately ends the no hitter and then the very next hit allowed uh is a home run that you know makes it a 4-2 ball game at that point um and I mean again this is one of those S situations where you kind of went to your guys in this one to lock it down uh you went you went to the guys that you thought you could rely on and Kevin gingle who who has been extremely reliable just isn't out of the gate he like he needed to get mad first before he could start pitching well I mean I don't know maybe someone needs to slap Kevin one time just one Shaky bullpen performance tonight strong slap before he goes out there for performance to get him fired up but I mean this was uh this this wasn't great and again it's another one of those situations where you're kind of riding on a high with the Diamondbacks being up four to nothing gallon not giving up any hits and then immediately the game the lead is is in Jeopardy because the you know they they cut it in half yeah I mean just a couple days ago we were talking about do the diamondb have a starting rotation problem it sure looked like they did and now the question is do the Diamondbacks have a bullpen problem it sure looks like they do I know this isn't just a question of of the last couple of days some some of these guys have been shaky for a while now uh but yeah I mean you look at the numbers from yesterday Derek Dbacks relievers yesterday two in a third inning seven hits five runs obviously Ryan Thompson struggles were a big part of that and then today three inning out of that group four runs allowed on four hits so you put these two games together and you've got nine runs on 11 hits Allowed by Dbacks or levers in just five and a third Innings of work is it has been a rough go uh over these couple of days against a Giants offense that isn't terrible by any means but also is not you know among the league leaders either so it goes back to sort of what we were saying yesterday with there's AJ Puck and then there's everyone else and I think if any game could have really embodied that this was it right AJ Puck comes in strikes out the side looks utterly dominant and then Justin Martinez and Kevin gingle both of those guys did not did not look sharp at all Jesse AJ Puck was filthy seven whiffs seven whiffs in in in one inning against three batters on seven on seven swings too every single time a Giants hitter attempted a swing they missed it was he seemed unhitable it seemed unable I don't care what what you know how if you bat righty if you bat Lefty it doesn't matter this man has been incredible I mean we've we've already talked about him being one of the best pitchers on the Arizona Diamondbacks but he he might quite possibly be one of the best relievers in in all of Major League Baseball yeah that's not that's not hyperbolic at all I mean you look at at AJ Puck's numbers since he was converted from a starter to a reliever that's something we emphasized a lot early on when the Dbacks first acquired him because his numbers were very heavily skewed by four starts that he made at the beginning of the year the Marlins trying to convert him to a starter since being moved back to a reliever he has gone 45 in a third Innings 25 hits allowed eight earned runs eight walks 56 strikeouts that's a 1.59 erra just incredible numbers I mean he has clearly been uh for the Diamondbacks and and in that stint with the Marlins before he was traded he has been one of the best relievers in all of baseball this season I mean these are like Josh hater esque numbers maybe the strikeout rate is a touch lower but you look at like Josh hater at his at his Peak I mean that these are similar numbers that we're seeing this season from AJ Puck so he has been outstanding he has been everything the Diamondbacks could have possibly hoped for uh if you're the Dbacks though you're hoping that a couple of other guys you know prove themselves down the stretch and start to look a little bit better especially Justin Martinez because he is a guy who once again Tori today refused to name closer it's like Tori does not even want to address that situation apparently that was addressed again today yeah he just wants to manage the team he just wants to manage the goddamn team leave the man alone he doesn't need to name name names give people titles he'll go to who he wants to go to when he wants to go to them and that person is always Justin Martinez who is in fact the closer whether want to call him that or not but things got dicey for him tonight Jesse and I mean we have not really seen him go out and have those same dominant Innings that we saw him have when he wasn't in this role it doesn't mean he hasn't been effective right he's been able to get the job done but it's never it's it lately it's not clean he gave up you know two earn runs tonight in the inning if the Diamondbacks offense didn't keep things rolling which we'll talk about a bit more here shortly this probably would have been his first blown SL save with the way that this one went with how close this game was yeah Justin Martinez continues to look pretty shaky and again he hasn't blown a save since the Diamondbacks moved him into the closer rle in August although I guess maybe I'm not supposed to say that because tor's not using the word closer but I guess I am um but yeah I mean I think for the Diamond Backs as well as Justin Martinez was pitching and in some ways has continued to pitch although certainly not these last few outings there was always a risk right with taking a guy who's 23 years old and plugging him into the most important role in your Bullpen and yes he has nasty stuff and he's gotten a lot better at commanding it but you still see you still see it from time to time you still see the Justin Martinez from last year from time to time right there was a splitter that he threw tonight that went to the back stop because he threw it so high that every once in a while he just throws a pitch that's completely competitive and we've seen more of that here in these last few outings as you look ahead to October Derek like I have to imagine that you and and pretty much every fan of this team like I don't know how good you feel about Justin Martinez being the guy in the ninth inning in October in the most the most important moments of your season still better than Paul seaw wal Jesse I still feel better than Paul seaw Wald being in there and I I can't lie about that and you know how much I love to jump around it was my favorite thing to do that song's ruined for me I can't even listen to it when I work out anymore but uh what does get me pumped up is this offense that continues to score Jesse you can't stop them they did it early uh again they get that one run in the first inning they give you know they give Zack Gallen the lead they give their starting pitcher the ability to have that lead Gino adds to it there in the second inning but again Corbin reaches base safely right away like you said doesn't even waste time and I mean 43 straight games of of reaching base I know that's not that big of a deal because of the caveat that it's just reaching base safely but still it just shows that lately Corbin is so dialed in that he is helping this team win by being a base runner every single night uh at least at least once but like you said that's usually a bad night for him usually you expect him to be out there a couple of times get a couple of hits uh and and this one he did get a hit extending uh that hitting streak as well the 14 games yeah and and you're seeing him use his legs a lot more as well he had two more stolen bases in this game after having two stolen bases yesterday that's a really big part of his game obviously he stole 54 bases just a season ago we haven't seen it a ton even as he's heated up because he's hit so many extra base hits that you know when you hit a home run there there's no base to steal when you hit a triple you're probably not stealing home so he hasn't had as many opportunities to really Flex that muscle but you're starting to see it more now that he's you know adding a little variety it's not just home or robust you're starting to see him get on base via the walk uh which I guess he's been doing sort of all along but um you know with singles as well from time to time so he continues to look just outstanding for this Diamondbacks team and as I think about catel Marte potentially joining this team soon which we got some reporting in San Francisco today that it sounds like he he will join uh the team team during the road trip I imagine that would be in Houston we didn't get any firm confirmation on that but it at least seems like a possibility I mean the thought of having this version of Corbin Carroll with this year's version of catel Marte at the top of the lineup every day that's something we really haven't had the entire season with Corbin going through the struggles that he did I mean it was a great one-two punch for the dbox last year but it could be a whole other level here in 2024 yeah you're not wrong Corbin has been incredible for this team oh sorry I just saw the Padre's won shocking they did they were down five to nothing in the fifth inning to the Detroit Tigers and in my head it was about a 5050 game at that point dere yeah like and then you get up five runs Midway through against the Padres like you're in a good spot but you're not anywhere close to winning that game and sure enough Jackson Merill three-run Homer in the middle of the game I think Manny Machado drove into um with a two-run single or something and then I don't just give that man the NL Royal ready he deserves it he earned it and that's gross for me to say and I know there's hate coming my way right now simply for praising uh any baseball player that's not a diamond back so let let me get back to praising Diamondbacks what if I would have told you on July 1 that GS fores was gonna have 24 home runs uh by September 4th you wouldn't have believed me you would have told me I was a fool and uh you probably would have asked me to get drug tested again uh but no not the case Gino has been mashing the ball it's a solo home run tonight uh I think the only disappointing part about that is he he hits a lead off home run Diamondbacks load the bases Jesse and then they're unable to produce another run and at this point it's weird to on a night where they scored six runs like you said it wasn't eight it was just six runs but on a night where they scored six runs to still kind of be disappointed that they missed on so many other opportunities I mean after three Innings they were one for 10 with runners in scoring position one for 10 after three Innings that's wild yeah I mean on the giant side of things I wouldn't say that they're pitching was necessarily fantastic the entire way through either uh Hayden bird song uh could not find the strike zone I think he had five walks and and obviously a pretty short outing tonight but the dback struggled to really make him pay for those I think one of those walks actually came around to score and as you said one for 10 with runners in scoring position through three Innings that's uh that that's a pretty tough place to be so yeah uh yeah they wound up pushing across enough uh but they had opportunities to definitely score more runs than they did they left a lot of meat on the bone but you know who uh mashed one Jesse paven Smith shout out to the paven Smith fan club exclusively part of the phnx Diamondbacks podcast uh he hits a solo home run to add to the lead there in the fifth and of course for all of you uh redheads out there that home run is our Sanderson Ford deep Drive of the game that was a 420 foot blast to center field and again at the time I think this put the Diamondbacks up four to nothing and Jesse it felt it's like when catel hits a home run there in the ninth inning it just felt unnecessary in the moment but it was like hey good more runs uh this one seems like it's already in the bag but who knows and sure enough they needed they needed them they needed those runs yeah I mean paven had both of the Diamondback's hardest hit balls in this game and their hardest hit ball of the night was not paven Smith's Homer it was actually a line out uh that I believe Lamont Way Jr made a really nice play on uh early on in this game so yeah paven Smith like you know I mean we can say all we want about how the pass numbers for him obviously haven't looked great at the big league level he's tended to hit in Triple A and then you bring him up and he's sort of struggled this hasn't been a fluke like his his production in the big leagues this season which you know I'm not gonna say he's been outrageously insanely good or anything but he has a 784 Ops which is solid and you look at his peripherals and they absolutely back it up if anything I think paven has maybe gotten a little bit unlucky this season and maybe maybe deserves to have have even better numbers than he does so it just goes back to what we were saying yesterday about how so many guys on this team are contributing offensively like Kevin Newman has been pretty darn good for being a utility player um and then guys like paven Smith who've sort of been up and down guys for this team this season they've been well above average hitters you know for this team as well so this offense continues to just have so much depth compared to some of the other teams in the league and yet you can still feel unsatisfied with the way that they performed tonight because when you look around you look at what what they left out there Josh Bell adds a run there but he hit into a double play uh but he still got do a few of those yeah he get gets the run in right like they get the run in but in the eighth it like if they would have lost this game the eighth inning where Gino hit what looked like a home run but wasn't a home run might have well just been the baseball Gods literally saying no you know you can't have this one because it literally looked like that ball got swatted from going for home run back into the you know back into play bounces off the top of the wall Diamondbacks don't get much but they do uh get an RBI ground out from Jose Herrera to make it 52 and then a Corbin Carrol infield single that made it very very important that made it six to2 and of course those are the runs that kept this game from going into Extra Innings with what happened there earlier as we described with the bullpen two runs Allowed by Kevin inle two runs Allowed by Justin Martinez late luckily the Diamondbacks did score enough to hold on and and preserve this win I the thought definitely went through my head uh in that inning so you had paven Smith who uh drew a walk I believe and then he stole second base you had a runner at second with nobody out Gino Suarez comes up and as you said he hits what appeared to be a home run but then it somehow bounces like on the top of the fence and then bounc back into the field of play and paven didn't score paven was on second base but on a near Home Run paven only Advanced to Third and gin was able to get into second and as the inning was progressing from there Luis gor came up and had a rough at bat and struck out Jose Herrera was due up next it very much looked like the Diamondbacks might not score at all on that inning and it occurred to me like how many times in Major League Baseball has a team had a runner at second with nobody out hit a double and not scored at all in that in like that has to be an astronomically like maybe it's happened before but I don't know that would have really crazy obviously didn't work out that way that the Dbacks as you said they were still able to push across both of those runs well of course the guy that uh gave them this great King Snake opportunity to win is the guy we needed to get right today and thanks to his efforts he did get right and he gave this Diamondbacks team an incredible performance our king snake is Zack Gallen six Innings pitched no hits no runs 8K I mean what more can you say I mean especially after bouncing back uh considering he had that you know that weird inning he couldn't really get the job done it looked like at times he he looked a bit frustrated he looked a bit lost out there you get you know Mountain visit from Bren Strom and then everything is right with Zack gallon sits down 10 in a row incredible yeah he he really he really got him a nice run and it it kind of felt to me like this wasn't a battle of Zach Gallen versus the Giants it was a battle of Zach gallan versus himself like if he was executing the pitches then the Giants weren't doing anything right but if if he was kind of struggling to miss his spots then that's what sort of opened the door for Giants hitters not even to get a base hit but to at least get on base via the walk uh I guess I should mention Mike yky who did put a heck of anat on that that was that was not gallon missing his spots I mean that was gallon throwing like 12 really good pitches and Mike gky finding a way on base anyway that and that also fired gallon up like he was pissed after that and like you could tell he didn't want to go back out there he didn't like or he didn't want to be taken out of the game he wanted to finish that inning and his pitch count was obviously in the territory where 93 or something after that at bat I think he gets the double play with one pitch in the next you know to the next batter and luckily that allows him to get through the inning but just a great day rattleback uh thank you so much for your Super Chat rattleback says first half he was Gino second half he's been G hell yes I like that way better than uh you know Gino that's that's a good one but yeah Gino Gino's been the guy for this team lately and I mean you talked about Corbin Carroll but that's like the duo right now I mean in the absence of the other guys in the absence of catel Marte and Christian Walker it's been Gino and it's been Corbin getting the job done do you this is a a question I'm curious what you what you think do you find it strange that the Diamondbacks are still hitting Gino Suarez seventh like despite the fact that he's been the most productive third baseman in all of baseball for the last two months and is leading baseball in RBI by I believe a pretty wide margin since July 1 like they haven't budged in his lineup position really at all even with Christian Walker getting hurt Gino Suarez continu to be near the bottom of this lineup and was hitting seventh again today I guess I am considering the shifts in the lineup that we've seen we've seen Pomo moved up like if there was anybody I I didn't want move just based on I guess karma just based on like you know by like a weird sense of of the success he's had there it would have been Pomo in the ninth hole uh doing what he's done for this team sure I I I do think that it is a bit strange considering that they did have the losses that they had and they could have moved Gino into you know cleanup roll hitting their fourth or third uh especially considering the way he was hitting I I don't I don't really know the reason for him to be hitting in the lower in the lineup but I mean maybe once again it's just about how Tory likes to construct his his lineup like we see it differently and it's it's a fact right like if you're hitting higher in the lineup you're getting more at bats period like you're getting right crucial at bats late in the game getting more at bats than guys lower in the lineup if you guys are you know having one of those days where not you're not getting a lot of at bats uh so I I understand it from that perspective but I do think that Tory views it differently I've heard him talk about kind of viewing his starting lineup as two starting lineups instead of it being like a like a top half and a lower half like he's literally trying to kind of do you know a leadoff hitter with a second you know a number two hole hitter with a cleanup hitter that kind of as the you know first half and through the second half of the lineup I I don't know if it's the best idea there are some unconventional things about the way that Tory Lolo manages teams that we do not see eye to eye on and basically that's because certain things have been proven to work and and Tory refuses to at times you know like he he will walk his own path as a manager he will do things based on what he feels is going to be success not necessarily what's the conventional you know uh route for for a manager to take I I just yeah I don't know I don't know at this point I just want to see catel back and I hope catel can get back and be catel that's I think that's going to be important how long is it going to take for him to get back online how long is it gonna take for Christian Walker you know to start uh you know contributing the way that we're used to him contributing he was it he struggled in in his first game back early on but man I mean by the end of the game you could see him getting better and better his swings lining up better and things you know looking more Christian Walker like yeah I mean it was a little odd not having him start in this game uh that he came in late as a as a defensive replacement Tori was pretty clear with us uh while you know while he was back in Arizona when the team was back here uh that there was going to be a return play sort of program for Christian Walker the Diamondbacks want to be careful with him which I can understand I mean tor really put it on himself that Walker got hurt in the first place Walker had played in every single game that the Diamondbacks had had up to that point so they want to make sure that they you know set him up well for the playoffs to be able to stick with this team the rest of the way and not have any hiccups and to Josh Bell's credit I mean it hasn't hasn't always been pretty there have been maybe a few more ground balls lately than than you would care to see but he still is is finding ways to to be a run producer for the Dbacks in the middle of this line so he's done a really nice job stepping in well of course we thank you guys for being here in the phnx sports YouTube channel if you haven't subscrib to the channel yet I implore you to do so now sign up for notifications that way you don't miss whenever our shows go live and of course hit that like button uh gallon gallen's fired up he's ready for you to hit that like button and we all are of course if you are listening on the audio podcasting side there is no like button to hit but you can leave us a review we appreciate those reviews those five star reviews mean the world to us especially my campaign uh for mayor of phnx which is really the most important part of this show uh this show is about the Diamondbacks but never forget it's just an extension of my mayor all campaign my ongoing efforts to keep phnx uh I guess this ship afloat around here but uh we'll be right back with some more information on this game some more numbers from tonight's win but first we got to thank Sanderson Ford for not only sponsoring the Deep Drive of the game but for their incredible customer service and of course their amazing offers right now that you can get down on over at their 65 acre facility uh of course do not miss getting lunch while you're there but also do not miss the deals that they have right now they are pushing for the playoffs and you get the payoffs like deals on a 24 Ford Sport uh bronos sport Big Bend just ranked highest in quality in its segment by JD Power you can also get 0% financing with 36 months no payments for 90 days on Ford F-150 Escape Edge explore and Expedition so get down on the Sanderson Ford summer Sales Event which is here right now and of course they are teaming up with The Boys of Summer for 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best they know what's behind the mask I am very leery every time pety says anything for me to watch that's the darkness is there is a Darkness if he's hiding the darkness behind his facade what else could he be hiding pety who is he really for there is a Darkness ethical standards in PHX officials is responsible for the content of this advertising really makes you think doesn't it I mean I don't know I don't know Stephen Peters might not be the man that he says he is he hides behind a mask I heard I don't mean to be uh pulling back the curtain too much but that's just what I've been told uh Jesse let's take a look at the count presented by desert Financial Credit Union uh because this is another one of those Gam games where yeah not a lot makes sense The Count Diamondbacks win six to4 they out hit the Giants 7 to4 uh Giants were just one for three with runners in scoring position Diamondbacks uh well at least that's a Stone Cold Steve Austin thing there three for 16 188 batting average not great lots of opportunities that's great not great that they only got three runners uh scored three runners in scoring position uh they did have three extra base hits uh the Giants still had two though uh for the limited amount of offense the Giants had they almost matched the Diamondbacks output and then the walks Diamondbacks had eight walks to the five walks the Giants were able to generate so uh of course this kind of tells the tale the Diamondbacks got a lot of those runners in scoring position through the walks through getting those guys on base but weren't able to convert and again uh not trying to you know I guess make a make a win into a loss I feel like we've done that now maybe two nights in a row but uh there's just still some things that the Diamondbacks need to clean up and in this case their offense was good but it could have been much better yeah I mean this does feel like six runs does feel like an underwhelming performance for this offense at this point and yet the Diamondbacks had you know with the eight walks and the Seven hits they had 15 base runners in this game like that's that's pretty good that's going to win you a lot of games but I think the I think the Diamondbacks pitching struggles are just it's it's not that people don't want to talk about the offense because it it has been so unbelievably good we are going to continue to talk about how good this offense has been but the the lack of stability in both the rotation and in the bullpen right now I think is I I get it I mean it's this team going into October you know having a an offense that scores a bunch of runs is is a huge thing in a postseason situation but you also have to be able to really rely on your on your top end Talent um in your pitching staff right it's your top four starters and then it's your top four maybe five relievers that are really getting the majority of the Reps in the big moments in the postseason and the Diamondbacks it's a little bit unclear exactly what that's going to look like at this point um but again yeah the offense just continues to do uh outrageously incredible things and again catel Marte is still out and Christian Walker did not play in this game and Gabriel Mareno is obviously still out as well so uh the fact that they're still able to do this is just very incredible well and the offense needs to do it with the way things have gone with pitching lately outside of Ryan Nelson performances uh which you still can't trust the bullpen and tomorrow is going to be interesting considering the amount of guys that are going to be down out of the bullpen no Justin Martinez tomorrow probably no AJ Puck probably no Kevin gingle so it'll be interesting to see who Tory turns to and what kind of outing Merill has for this team tomorrow in the finale but uh elgo 4978 brings up a great Point uh says it's crazy that both the Mets and the Braves have the tiebreaker it's so crazy uh yes crazy you could say terrifying is another thing you could say because again these teams are all winning everybody keeps winning yeah the Dodgers were the only ones that that lost tonight that have any relevance here when it comes to the Arizona Diamondbacks in their position in the race for the playoffs essentially and that's still kind of to a point of being Out Of Reach that that shouldn't be what their focus is or I think our Focus as a fan base our Focus needs to be on you know wishing all the bad things in the world on the Mets on the Braves on the Cubs sorry Cubs guys I love you guys over there we had a great time out in left field but I have to wish all the bad things upon your team that I can uh because the Diamondbacks need you know they they need to continue to win here they the things are getting very close and uh they need to keep Pace did you see that the Cubs threw a combined no hitter tonight yeah yeaha I think went seven and then I started having that little thought for us I wanted I was like please Jesus I've seen what you've done for others can you do that for me and he didn't but he still gave us the win tonight and that's all right uh I will also say that uh despite what I say about like not caring about the Dodgers I lie I totally want to catch the Dodgers but of course I'm a liar we know that uh now when it comes to being mayor I'm a very truthful mayor Numbers Don't Lie but I'm a liar uh as a pro wrestling guy I'm also sometimes a liar as a fan uh but we know the numbers Jesse they never lie uh tonight's number that doesn't lie what do you have for us tonight's number is 1005 that's 1.005 and this Derek is aeno Suarez's Ops going back to July the 1st let's go 91 Ops at the end of June going into July and since then he has as I said earlier he's been the most productive third baseman in all of baseball with an Ops just over a thousand his slash line in that span is 306 359 646 he has 18 home runs and a league leading 55 rbii that's in a 56 game span so basically driving in a run per game on average he's been outrageously good and you know I could have envisioned like if you would asked me in in late in late June early July I wasn't exactly thinking that AO hen o Suarez was going to turn things around if I'm being totally honest I don't think anyone was really thinking that at that point when his Ops still started with a five but I probably could have envisioned you're a liar Derek we've already that but I I think I could have envisioned Gino bouncing back and being good enough for the Diamondbacks the rest of the way like good enough to justify holding on to him and looking back at the end of the season and being glad that you didn't let him go but I I did not see this coming I mean for him to go out and just be an elite offensive producer for more than two months now I mean this is I think well over 200 plate appearances this is a pretty long time of Gino Suarez being basically as good as he's ever been like Gino has had some good seasons in the past he's been one of the better hitters in the league in the past I'd have to now I'm kind of curious maybe I'll do this after the show like I don't know if Gino's ever had two months this good in his career I mean this this has to be up there with as good as he has ever been yeah well I mean the end result is going to make the deal look very very good and of course the Diamondbacks might not be in the position they're in without Gino they definitely wouldn't be in the position they're in without Corbin we wouldn't be in the position we are in without you guys as our viewers so we thank you of course for being here for watching and of course I do have to read be uh bcom See Clearly Super Chat here uh so I'll they want you to read this one Jesse uh but I know that's not going to happen so I'll go ahead and take this one I will say I'm a little disappointed in your spelling of thick I feel like in this situation it would be with two C's and not a k but I'm GNA read it anyway he said oh BT dub Kyler Murray is thick yams and I also mean we win that's all we do and need to do we are fine we'll get healthier and win and that's exactly true we will get healthier and win and I think that's what's coming you know I watched Jesse I by the way thank you bomc clearly for your super chat we appreciate you and all of your inappropriateness uh Jesse I watched catcher footage for about four hours today I don't even want to explain to you what I ended up doing but I learned a lot about catching today and I learned a lot about what makes Gabrielle Moreno successful including like stuff that oddly happens during the course of a baseball game that con that makes us as as people viewing think that the Umpire is maybe calling the game in favor of one team or another and one thing we definitely don't think about is that there's one catcher catching for one team and one catcher catching for another team and how that catcher sits and how far back they sit and where they what their style is of picking the ball up and catching the ball all impacts the game and I I want to start I I I want to say that my main conclusion that I took away from this unnecessary Rabbit Hole film set that I went down on YouTube is that I miss Gabby Moreno very much and I think that this team does and I think it goes beyond the offense we instantly think about missing his offense as as a catcher and what he did did for this team with the bat in his hand but I think that it's more of what he did behind the plate to make these this pitching staff look better and and have better results like not just look better like literally frame better and literally do things that cause you know balls that right now are being called balls to be called strikes and differently uh when he's behind the dish we miss Gabby a lot and I think you know this team might be be be much better when he's when he's back and and that goes for both sides of the ball I mean imagining this lineup right now with catel and Gabby in it is pretty crazy right I mean the Diamondbacks obviously put out a pretty good lineup today they scored six runs they had 15 base runners but there are two spots in the lineup tonight were pretty clearly weaker than the rest right Luis guor in the eighth spot not to say gor has been terrible since he came over I think he's done a really nice job overall pretty big hits percentage is is yeah his defense has been great he's drawn a lot of walks he's found ways to get on base um but yeah the two weakest spots are clearly guor in the eighth spot and then Jose Herrera in the ninth spot I mean if you think about replacing gor with an MVP candidate and catel Marte obviously the the MVP thing probably isn't going to happen for him this year given all the games that he's missed but he's still probably going to get some down ballot votes you're replacing guor with that guy and then you're also replacing you know Jose Herrera with a guy in Gabrielle Mareno who in addition to everything you're saying about the defense which the Diamondbacks have so clearly missed especially in this last week or two you're talking about a hitter who was on an absolute tear when he when he got hurt in the first place so yeah that for as great as this lineup has been imagining what it could look like in a couple weeks or however long it takes to get both of those guys back it's it's pretty crazy pie of Yoshi says Luis guor Tucker Barnhart but at second base and I don't know why that made me laugh a lot but it really did and that's great both guys like I remember Barnhart for a while running an on base percentage that was pretty high because he was draw he was drawing a lot of walks and guor has kind of done the same thing so far with the Diamond Backs I I guess he did yeah he had a walk in this game as well so yeah I maybe see some similarities there offensively I think gor is probably a lot better at fielding his position than was though all right well we got to pay some more bills but when we come back we will talk about this wild card race and how close it is but first I'm thirsty you're thirsty look Jesse's drinking water right now uh he could have himself a Thirst Buster uh well that's what they used to be called I'm s sorry that's that it's America's thirst stop but they're called Polar Pops now I just revealed my age once again I hate when course make sure to grab yourself a PO I think I remember that Circle okay they used to call them they used to call them thirst Busters yeah yeah back in the day but we have Polar Pops now we have frosters which is my personal favorite of course you also can save on some gas you can save on those drinks you can save on some snacks all by joining the Inner Circle do so right now for absolutely for free uh by downloading the Circle K app today terms and conditions apply at participating locations visit for details when you do you'll save 25 cents off gallon on your first five phillps you'll save three cents off per gallon every day after that and then every time you come in the app there'll be some deals there'll be some free snacks there'll be some stuff for you to stop by Circle K uh make sure you keep your tummy full keep your car full of gas and most importantly uh keep yourself hydrated because it is hot out there tomorrow is going to be one of the hottest days of the year and we are in September that doesn't make any sense that doesn't seem fair and I hate it I hope meteorologists are wrong I hope they're wrong all the time uh and tomorrow is definitely one of those days I hope they're wrong but of course uh we can't wait for the Diamondbacks to come back into town they have some very important series coming up and of course if you want to be there for those games make sure to check out game time it is the place for last minute ticket deals you can save up to 60% off by buying tickets last minute with our friends over at game time of course right now they have a new feature called Game Time picks that makes getting tickets for your favorite Live Events even easier game time picks filters out the stuff uh filters out excuse me the flow to show you only incredible deals on great seats so you don't have to waste time searching through thousands of tickets so take the guesswork out of buying tickets with game time right now download the game time app create an account and use code phnx for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and Rec redeem code phnx for $20 off download game time today what time is it it's game time all right Jesse well of National League standings update course we have to take a look at these Major League Baseball standings because no matter what no matter how much we win the other teams win uh and that kind of makes me sick it kind of makes this fun but my God uh we are taking a look now at the last wildcard team already having 76 wins Jesse I have no idea how many wins it's going to take to end up in the playoffs but it's going to be a lot more than 80 that's for sure it's going to be a lot more than 84 like it was last year so right now the Dodgers sit at the top of the national league with a record of 84 and 56 the Phillies are right behind them at 83 and 56 and then the Brewers are the final division leader in the National League central at 81 and 59 then you have your wild card teams of the Padres at 80 and 61 who won tonight the Diamondbacks who won tonight 79 and 61 the Braves who won tonight 76 and 63 those are your three Wild Card teams then outside of that you have the Mets who won 76 and 64 the Cubs who won 72 and 68 and then I don't even care about the Cardinals but we have to because even though we tried to distance ourselves from all these National League teams the Cardinals are still within shouting distance at 71 and 69 they are five and a half games back from the final wild card spot and I will add that the Cardinals did also win today they be they also won today beat the Brewers they beat the Brewers in Extra Innings uh yeah this is Bonkers I mean trying to pinpoint how many wins it's going to take to get in is really difficult because of just how well all of these teams are playing simultaneously it doesn't feel like you can just take these team's current record and just use the win percentage and you know extrapolate out to 162 games and there you go because these teams are all playing basically at their best at the same time um I think if you take the Braves current record they're on Pace for 89 wins and they're in that third wild card spot right now so if you're trying to make a guess based on that I guess you'd say 89 but yeah I don't know if I don't know if 89 actually will get you in the playoffs with with the way that things are trending right now uh so yeah it it's it's been outrageous Derek I mean every single game the Diamondbacks play continues to be so important um even though they built up a pretty nice cushion for themselves the Mets still have not lost a game uh since they were here last week Corbin carrolls Grand Slam that game is still the last time that the New York Mets actually lost uh so this is this is going to be a dog fight here for for the next three weeks luckily the diamond have four more games here against this Giants team that they just beat up on even though they were able to mount comebacks in both of these games uh this has still been this is still a good team to have a lot of games on your schedule considering how just how they're playing how this lineup right now is constructed they don't really seem like they are they they like they white waved the White Flag already on this season uh and they're not really even playing for pride in the same way a team like the Rockies might be playing for but the diamond back still have a series against the Rockies as as well then they have I think six games or maybe even seven games against the Brewers here on the schedule before the end of the season that concerns me a bit and of course the biggest concern is that they finish up their season against the San Diego Padres but uh Damon would be the first one to tell me not to overlook these Houston Astros that the Diamond Backs have coming up next luckily uh catel Marte like you said should be back for that series and he will be a sight for Sor eyes maybe hopefully fingers crossed uh I mean I also would add that I wouldn't take the Giants for granted tomorrow because they've got some guy named Blake Snell on the mound and I know the Dbacks when they face Blake Snell early in the season that was a fascinating game if people remember that was that was an Apple TV Plus game that was Jordan Montgomery making his Diamondbacks debut against Blake Snell and Montgomery was great and Blake Snell was terrible but oh how things have changed Derek oh the turn have turned oh how the turntables have turned Blake Snell in his last 10 starts this goes back to July 9th when he's had a a couple of different stints where he's pitched and then uh Gone on the injured list and then pitched again but this goes back to July 9th his last 10 starts he has a 1.30 erra in 62 in a third inning so he's averaged more than six Innings per start in that span his opponent Ops in that span is 372 his opponent batting average is 17 did you say did you say the opponent Ops is 372 that's what I said and the opponent batting average is 117 he's allowed all of 24 hits in 62 in a third Innings pitch um he's been he's been Sensational he has pitched a quality start every single time out except for I guess the first start there which was only five innings but it was still five one hit Innings scoreless Innings against the Toronto Blue Jays and then a couple starts ago he had sort of a fascinating Blake Snell outing against the Mariners where he only lasted three Innings and threw a whole bunch of pitches and didn't allow a run had five strikeouts but also walked six guys so that was a bit of a a bit of a clunker for him but by and large he has been so good for the Giants here over these last couple months and obviously Meo Kelly who is going for the Diamond Backs has struggled as much as really anyone in their starting rotation recently so it'll be a big day coming tomorrow for sure I just did the math Jesse based on what you said about his outings and that last time that he was bad it's time for him to be bad again lak Snell gives up six earned runs tomorrow okay all right old prediction yeah I'm an idiot don't listen to me uh but I'm glad you do listen to me I'm glad you guys are here of course I know it's mostly for Jesse and uh sometimes it's for when I take my shirt off but of course we uh will'll definitely be back tomorrow with uh one more series or I guess one more postgame show for this series uh before we head to that series for the Houston Astros on Friday so make sure to come back here tomorrow afternoon uh tomorrow is a 12:45 start so we will be live uh 20 minutes after the final out make sure to join us right here same bat Place same bat Time same bat channel of course you can follow us on Twitter I'm atcor cman with a K this Maniac in the box next to me is at Jesse and fredman of course uh our producer producer the people's producer Damon is at Damon dog that's D AWG we are Damon's dogs bark bark our show is at pH nxor Dbacks but of course all roads lead to phnx Sports on Twitter Instagram and Facebook we thank you guys again so much for your time we will see you tomorrow hopefully you have a wonderful evening much like the Diamondbacks did and remember kids baseball is fun but it's so much more fun when you just don't allow any runs [Music] [Applause] we all sting like the mayor

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