Category: Entertainment
Jim holly supercross live on uss i'm here with heather l the winner of the vip rockstar treatment you're getting the rockstar treatment for real that's right i am it's great now where you from utah so you got a flight here you got the hotel you're staying at the mgm grand garden you got a chad... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to another beat the odds horse racing video and i'm proud to announce that we've teamed up with seek whether it's an nfl nba nhl or mlb game se geek has you covered if sports isn't your thing that's okay too seatgeek also has tickets for any concert you want and even broadway shows look... Read more
Category: Gaming
J friends was geht herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen folge der f124 karriere wir sind heute beim zweiten rennen der zweiten saison in australien und haben am ende der letzten folge noch eine auszeichnung erhalten für 25 rennstarts nimmt man mit ich meine das ist das einzige was wir wo wir nicht irgendwie... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yeah okay go ahead all right go hey we're at the tru park the atlanta braves today opening a pack of obsidian flames it's so hot out here but we're going to smoke the competition of the braves game today see we get that code card right there bam code card our energy is psychic see what we get out of... Read more
Category: Gaming
J j j friends was geht herz willkommen zu einer neuen folge der f124 karriere wir sind heute in ungang angekommen beim ich glaube neunten rennen der saison in den letzten acht rennen konnten wir schon 11 punkte sammeln was auf jeden fall nicht schlecht ist ob wir an die 50 punkte der erste saison rankommen... Read more
Category: Entertainment
네 오늘 날씨 어떠셨나요 이것은 서울의 아침 최저 기온을 나타낸 겁니다 오늘 서울의 아침 기온이 22.2도 비가 오면서 한층 선선했습니다 기온이이 정도로 떨어진 것은 지난 7월 12일 이후 처음이었습니다 거의 두 달만에 느껴보는 시원함이 있는데요 7월 중순부터 8월 내내 25도가 넘는 대화가 계속됐죠 오늘은 의 긴 터널에서 빠져나와 한층 더 가을에 공기가 가까워진 하루였습니다 그렇지만 오늘 내린 비로 더위가 완전히 수그러든게 아닙니다 내일 아침 서울의 기온은 22도로 출근길에는 선선하겠습니다 낮에는 다시 30도가 넘는 더위가 나타나겠습니다... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
In een plots wending in de politieke en persoonlijke sferen van lilan marijnissen onthulde de politica gisteren dat zij en haar partner jri en baby verwachten wat een geluk zo dankbaar in oktober verwachten we een kleintje die alvast even naar jullie zwaart jubelde lilian in een intieme post vergezeld... Read more
Category: Gaming
Chat can i get a freaking pogies for what is going to be really hype which is watching an interview woo i have no legs okay but actually it's really great and then i can comment on it as a chair which will be confusing to anybody who doesn't know what's going on um so this is hi melanie thanks so much... Read more
Category: Sports
Strepitosa strepitosa riesce a far fallo danan lancio per [applauso] jti recup [applauso] hai [musica] capit dellaa [applauso] partita scont sadra migliore di è stata presentando a livello proprio generale europeo prima di questa finale probabilmente in tanti avrebbero dotuto sottolineare proio questa... Read more
Category: Education
Ever heard the story of two players who dared to challenge the "bad boy" of soccer, zlatan ibrahimovic? he's known for his fierce attitude and willingness to duel, but two players stood up to him. first, let's go back to 2013. rio mavuba faced off against zlatan in a heated match. out of nowhere,... Read more
Category: Sports
Start 3 2 [music] [applause] 1 inis in wales in c as we begin your 100 km journey we wish you the very [music] best woo yep, that's me. you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation yep that's me you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation feel good i actually feel right... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shouty hey it's me flippy and today to celebrate 10 years of adventures with you we're going to turn this bounce house into the most epic ball fit ever yeah we're going to fill this bounce house with 500,000 b pit balls yeah using dinos and construction... Read more