WVU vs. Albany Game Week Updates + Your Predictions and Q&A | WVU Football 2024

ready [Music] set as the hills of West Virginia ReSound on the south of golden blue football almost heavy West Virginia now let's bring on the Mountaineers goes around about at the 15 10 a touchdown with Virginia he did it he did it catch with white touchdown Tay B Austin but Don Nan's Mountaineers enjoy walking in Where Angels spear To Tread I think you think that these guys are going to fall over de for for you well I got news for you they're going to punch you right in the mou it's m near pry nothing cheap nothing dirty but West Virginia football West Virginia football leave no doubt tonight they shouldn't have played the old g boo not this night they've done it they've done it a perfect season and the Mountaineers for the first time in history undefeated and untied Don nean and his Mountaineers for the second time have finished a regular season with an unblemished [Music] Mar stop the gold and blue [Music] it is a great night to be about to here wherever you may [Applause] be what's going on Mountaineer Nation welcome into another live stream here gameweek stream here on the Country Roads webcast September 5th edition of the crw live here obviously as is the case every week and we'll be throughout the 2024 season like to hold these towards the latter portion of the week so that you know earlier in the week about midweek you guys get to hear our predictions on our preview and predictions podcast but this show here is for us to get your all's predictions of course so drop them in the chat there whatever you got score predictions of course but any other predictions you got for the game coming up this Saturday against Albany westeren second game of the 2024 season throw them in there or any questions you guys will answer those as well touch on some news and notes throughout the stream also and of course going to carve out a little section for uniform talk share the uni Reveal video for those that may have not seen that yet talk a little bit about West Virginia uniforms for the upcoming game and uh some other cool fun story lines and stuff that we have to discuss in the lead up to this game guys hey what's going on I see Tim in here see Dawn appreciate you guys Tim says we have a complete season ahead of us still keep your heads up and let's go Mal he seriously thinks we can still win the Big 12 Conference let's go Neil Brown we can do it indeed Tim well said man couldn't agree more I'm sure you know I've been sharing those same sentiments around uh myself people definitely overreacting after the week one game talked about it a little bit in our Penn State review a little bit more in the Albany preview and predictions podcast as well uh but definitely this still going to be a good football team all their goals are still in front of them here uh you know with the Big 12 Conference that's what they're looking to win and you know haven't even made it to Big 12 Conference play yet so the breaks on any overreactions let's see what happens these next couple of weeks coming up with this game against Albany first and then when we get into Big 12 Play we'll have plenty of chances to win some more big games you know Kansas is likely going to be ranked when we play them in a couple of weeks Oklahoma State's probably going to be ranked Arizona may be ranked so you know we got several opportunities to beat you know ranked teams and beat you know good teams people are saying you know Neil Brown hasn't had that big win has been able to beat the ranked uh football teams that we've played he's going to have plenty of chances coming up in the next few weeks and once we get into Big 12 play for sure Don agrees with us here as well appreciate you as always Don Johnson uh the Big 12 is the goal look forward and do not look back absolutely I got Tim's prediction in here 56 to 13 West Virginia Over Albany hey not too far off from mine you know I won't spoil it in case some people haven't got a chance to check out the preview and predictions podcast yet but I've got westg scored over 50 as well I'm hoping to see 50 Burger that'd be nice what you know great history against FCS teams undefeated against FCS teams really and save for Neil Brown's first season in 2019 the scoring margins have been very large for West Virginia and the you know winning margins have been uh very large for West Virginia these matchups with FCS teams as well so appreciate you sharing that prediction Tim anybody else if you're in here in the Stream you know drop them in the chat there I'll share them on screen we'll share your prediction here and of course if you're watching this after the fact on a playback know I'm doing this one a little bit later at that I typically usually do but I had to work and close the night at work so this is the earliest I could get it done so some people might watch this one after the fact if so that's cool too you can drop your prediction in the comments and I'll respond to you there as well but I appreciate you guys hopping in hopefully you know you guys had a chance to check out Neil Brown's radio show tonight I did listen to that while I was at work some really good tidbits talking about how they you know kind of are what they're using to kind of move on from the Penn State game how they're kind of explaining it um mentioned the uh I can't think of what the name of the Paradox is but it's the guy that survived during more time uh was one of the only people that survived um as you know I think he was a p and you know he mentioned that you know all the people that didn't make it were you know kind of the optimists versus him you know being a realist kind of realizing his situation was the reason he was able to make it through and so that's kind of what their message was to the team was to talk a little bit about that to the fact of you know we can't ignore it what whatever happened happened we have to you know accept it and learn from it and then move on and that's how we're going to find success moving forward and seems like they've took all the right steps to bounce back from that disappointing performance in week one and uh move on to better and brighter days here moving forward throughout the West Virginia football season also talked a bit about Garrett Green in that game you know and one thing that we had talked about is you know him kind of missing some reads in the Run game and some reads in the passing game and so they really felt like he uh was you know throwing some difficult passes at times when there was a lot of green grass and he could have scrambled and took off and made some big runs specifically mention you know one could have been about a 20 plus yard gain and another one they felt like would probably have been a touchdown run if he'd had chose to scramble out of there versus trying to fit a pass into a tight window uh which they're just hoping that Garrett you know can be Garrett moving forward thought that maybe put a little bit too much pressure on himself in that game you know to try and improve his passing to try and show how much he has improved his passing and so he was going a little bit against his own characteristics in that game even you know going against his scrambling ability trying to force passes when he could have took off on the run so hopefully you know he's got that off shake that off and can move on and we can see Garrett play more like himself more like the quarterback we saw last season moving forward here in 2024 and I think we will see that for sure and something I talked about in our you know review of that game and you know a little bit in our Albany preview as well was kind of the moment maybe being too big for the guys and Neil Brown said just as much in his you know uh coach uh coach's radio show tonight that the moment was a little bit too big for the Mountaineers unfortunately when it came down to it so you know something that we'd all kind of felt like was the case and Neil Brown all but confirmed that on his radio show tonight as well but a lot of good stuff there that came out of that show uh they're definitely expecting to get some of the young guys involved this week which will be nice to see hopefully get to see them come into the second half of this football game I think you know if our predictions hold to be true uh we'll definitely get a chance to do that for sure Tim I think we just need to clean up our defense a little bit and Garrett needs to settle down we'll be fine absolutely and uh that's something Jordan Leslie was on the show tonight in the back half there the final 30 minutes and that's something that he addressed was really the Silver Lining from the game and Neil Brown talked about this a little bit as well was the fact that it wasn't an effort issue it wasn't a physicality issue you know there wasn't people loafing and that's why you know that there were mistakes made they were physical like they wanted to be they put out the effort like they wanted to be it was really just you know getting away from your fundamentals just doing making little mistakes whether it was eye discipline Gap Integrity things like that that really hurt them in that football game so it's all things that they can correct fairly easily and you know they felt like because of that they feel like they're going to really still have a good unit on both sides of the football the offense still going to be good and they think the defense can still be uh really good as well so those are definitely uh things to look at moving forward so appreciate everybody that's in here live I do want to ask you whether you're watching this live or on a playback back do me a favor just hit the thumbs up button here on YouTube really helps a ton uh with that YouTube algorithm and of course if you're WB football fan be sure subscribe here to the channel we'll have two podcast episodes coming at you every week game preview and game review plus if you become a channel member here by hitting that join button down there in the video description you'll get be able to get the player grades videos the snap counts the depth chart projections the injury reports and uh just today actually if you come in at that Almost Heaven level um you get the fil reviews as well today I put out the film review for the WWE vers Penn State game I broke down about six to eight plays that I felt like were really key plays in that game and kind of showed some stuff about what went wrong for West Virginia and some of those plays and then what went right on a couple occasions as well and hopefully moving forward on these film reviews uh we'll get to talk more about what went right and highlight some positive plays for West Virginia of course after last week's game a lot of those plays were kind of accentuating the negative of what went wrong and kind of pointing out where the mistake was made that led to you know a big play for Penn State or like that but if you're into you know game uh film breakdowns definitely become a channel member here at that almost 7 Level I'll have a film review out for each game got the one up for Penn State already so having said that encourage you guys continue drop your predictions there in the chat won't keep you guys too long we'll try to make this a shorter stream since we're coming out at late at night but with that being said we got to do a little bit of uniform talk you guys know it's always one of my favorite Parts here of this stream this prediction stream with you guys is um getting a chance to uh talk about West Virginia's uniform selection for the upcoming week and doing it on Thursday nights or Friday nights typically we already you know have that un Reveal video so let's go ahead and share that the uniform Reveal video from the West Virginia media team uh for this week's game that up uh momentarily here let's see all right guys here we go the uniform Reveal video for this week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good stuff there good stuff and you guys know uh that's one of my favorites as Tim says here everyone knows I love gold absolutely by far my favorite uniform combo is the gold from head to toe and that's what we're pulling out this week for the Gold Rush pretty cool Reveal video though there in the mine and they have you know some gold bars there maybe wonder if those were real but also I believe that's Rasheed Marshall doing the uniform reveal videos again so pretty cool Easter egg there as well uh definitely and Tim says he enjoyed the film review today I appreciate that Tim uh if you guys want to check that out like I said become almost heav level member here I'll have film reviews for each game so be sure to do that let's pull up some pictures some close-ups here of the uniform selection this week because there are some pretty cool things uh to highlight with that let's see here all right so from wvusports.com obviously Gold Rush game this Saturday so if you're heading up to morgant toown I'll be there maybe we'll see each other for one but for two be sure wear your gold have that whole crowd covered in gold and the team's going to match as well see some pictures here of the uniforms there's the up top look there get a look at the gloves holding the gold bar and of course the pants which I think the new gold pants with the right there you know going back to kind of the Don nean era there really look great and uh yet again the helmet such a nice touch that they put those canaries on the visors we saw on the blue helmet get the gold Canary here on the gold helmet you obviously get a blue Canary which is pretty cool as well and you know interesting because uh they are breaking out the state outline helmets uh which you know I think in the when we talked about the new gold helmets they do have two different VAR iations they can have just the regular flying WV the traditional one or this one and what we had heard previously was that this one right here was going to be used on the road and the other one be used at home but seems to me like they're really kind of transitioning this to just be the main gold helmet which you guys know I'm a fan of I love that state outline with the flying WV inside I think it's a great look I'd love to see that at Midfield on on the field there at mser field but I really love the gold helmet and the nice touch there uh with it hopefully they make him any version of that gold helmet so I can get it and add it to the collection here in the background so uh pretty good good stuff there especially for me someone that's a huge fan of the all gold from head to toe my favorite uniform combination by far and of course our friend WVU uniforms 304 always providing the good tid tidbits here game two all gold everything and WVU is three and 0 all time in the all Golds so that's the gold helmet the gold jersey and the gold pants we've never lost lost in it so that's hopefully a streak we can keep going and God just another reason to love this combo we're undefeated in it so you know you can't discount that at all for sure so wanted to share that as far as the uniform is concerned other than that I got a couple other things here um we do have the NFL season starting tonight I believe the Chiefs and the Ravens are playing tonight if I'm not mistaken that's probably ongoing right now uh but West Virginia made a good post this week highlighting the Mountaineers that made you know the final rosters for teams and will be playing in the NFL this year so let's uh throw those right here on the screen and I'll read them off for you guys we got beanie Bishop made the Steelers roster Yik kjust is there with the New York Giant still in the league there former West Virginia offensive tackle uh rasul Douglas now with the bills really you know found a resurgents with the Packers I believe it was and then signed a good contract there as a free agent now with the buffalo bills good cornerback obviously phenomenal in college uh you know was tied for the lead lead and interceptions across the whole Inca when he was here his final year Tony Fields uh playing linebacker they're still on the Browns roster Bryce Ford weaton makes the Giants roster as well I think a lot of that is credit to you know his ability to play special teams is one reason that he's able to make this roster uh for the Giants you know looked like he was going to be right on the path to make it last season had that injury but is able to battle back from that and make the roster this year Zack Frasier of course going to be the starting center for the Pittsburgh Steelers from week one huge accomplishment and he's going to have a very stored NFL career I believe Will Greer was briefly cut from the Eagles but then they brought him back there on that roster so Will Greer there with the Eagles David long not only with the Giants at the linebacker position obviously a guy that was a tackling machine in college but not only is he with the dolphins and making the roster but he's actually a team captain for the Dolphins this year so that's pretty cool accomplishment Colton mckivitz with the 49ers and Doug Nester how about this pretty cool as well uh he actually was with the Vikings previously in Camp the Vikings cut him from the roster but he was signed by the Steelers to the practice squad so you have not one not two but three West Virginia Mountaineers playing on the Pittsburgh Steelers for the upcoming season beanie Bishop Zack Frasier and now Doug Nester as well David seals on the Broncos roster and how about Marcus Sims uh teaming up with another former Mountaineer of course Gino Smith in h Seattle there Marcus Sims I believe on the practice squad there with the Seahawks after uh having some good uh times there in was the usfl XFL one of the two that he was playing in so of course you know we got Gino starting quarterback for the Seahawks yet again really found a Resurgence in his career late there with the Seahawks finally and then two Mountaineers both on the Arizona Cardinals there those being Dante Steel and kazer white who will both get pretty much significant play in time there kazer white is a linebacker Dante Stills looked really good as a rookie on that defensive line for the Cardinals think he'll continue to have a good NFL career and speaking of Gino Smith one of the other things that I wanted to share with you guys was just this brief video from Gino talking a bit about Tavon Austin we know Tavon announced his retirement from uh professional football just you know what about a month ago you know a few short weeks ago and Gino was kind of asked to give his thoughts on that so I wanted to share this clip because I thought it was really good stuff from Gino talking about Tavon a little bit on the NFL Networks let me share this with you guys gin we could talk all day about DK and Lockett and and Jackson Smith and I want to go back to a college teammate of yours who on our show we celebrated for an entire week with news of his retirement just take two seconds here to talk about the impact that Tavon Austin had on you and on college and pro football as a whole as he hung him up and retired after nine years in the NFL earlier this summer yeah I mean you know I was hoping to get a chance to play with Tavon you know at least one more time and uh you know I told him this man he changed the game forever uh just the amount of kids who grew up watching his highlight tapes and saw the things that he did when we were at West Virginia and the style that he played uh it was it's truly ahead of his time he's one of those of one type of players I don't think there ever be another player that plays the game and can do as much as he can um Dynamic with the ball in his hands and just a great teammate overall man always brought that energy always brought the right uh stuff to the game shoot man he changed my life forever made me a better quarterback uh allowed me to grow and you know all the stuff that we did back in college man those will be memories that you know we'll keep forever and uh just just honestly just you know grateful to ever be able to play with so good stuff there some nice words there from Gino in regards to Tavon Austin and absolutely you know the things he said about you know changing the game for sure uh but I think even more so for us here at WBU is it continues to be an impressive recruiting tool I mean you hear year after year uh recruits you know when they ask when's the first time you heard about West Virginia oh Tavon Austin's highlight video you know that or Tavon Austin you know Gino Smith those guys so really still today you know with 12 years later people are coming to West Virginia because of Tavon Austin and how special of a player he was so definitely cool to hear goino Smith acknowledge that and uh wish Tavon the best in the future man retiring from football but pretty crazy Gino Smith still a starting quarterback in the league um as well but hoping to see him have success this year with the Seahawks I don't really watch too much NFL football I'm pretty much strictly a college football guy but I'm always cheering on the the former Mountaineers so pretty cool to hear you know one praise the other there as Tavon retires Gino gets set to head into another year uh starting there for the Seahawks all right guys uh you guys got any other predictions drop them in the chat here uh Tim says very well said from Gino what a guy indeed indeed very very true of both those guys Gino and Tavon Austin um you guys get any other predictions there drop them in the chat probably get ready to wrap this one up before too much longer I got a couple other little uh news and notes Here I want to share with you guys other than that I'll just catch up with you guys in the chat you guys guys got any questions comments or want to share your predictions there drop them in there uh like I said won't keep this one going too long uh since it's me solo tonight and we're doing it so late uh but definitely always still want to hold true to the promise try and do these every week with you guys where we try and get your all predictions since you guys get to hear ours of course in our podcast every week we like to give the chance for you guys to share yours or ask any questions ahead of uh ahead of game day which uh coming up Saturday night 6 o'clock p.m. going to be on ESPN plus Gold Rush game against Albany and one of the cool things there is with starting at six that means at least the second half we'll get to see the sun go down get to see those new lights in the stadium uh that are not only going to make the field look better with you know the new LEDs uh more white tinted than the previous kind of yellow tint so it'll look better automatically with those lights on but also when West Virginia crosses the goal line they're going to flash those things gold blue bit of a light show there so it's going to be really cool to experience that as well something cool to look forward to in addition to the game which I think will be fun West Virginia get a chance to correct some of their mistakes from week one really show that their offense can be explosive show that their defense can uh stop some people show that they can play good in the trenches and then hopefully you get off to a nice start and you get to see some of these young faces in the second half that you probably won't get to see you know throughout the rest of this season you know thinking about the Nico marol the rder Burton Trayvon Dunbar in the backfield Dior hubard in the backfield um you know maybe Tom Collins out of receiver Brandon Raymond of course we've seen DayDay farmer already but price the in more extensively in this game get to see some of those young guys get in there on the defensive side probably see Z Jennings to get some snaps maybe Elijah Kinsler Nate Gabriel along the defensive line I get to see you know those Jackson twins get in on the defensive side as well so get to see a lot of guys get reps in this game which is always uh you know something that's a good side of playing FCS team is that you do get to see some more guys get some snaps and it'll make for a longer uh player and snap counts stream when I do that to uh start off early next week but hey that's a lot of fun as well I always look forward to those but I'm sure these a couple of the things I got here two of these of course are West Virginia but then I want to share something with you from the Albany side about one of their players to watch out for uh this game coming up on Saturday I highlighted him a lot in our preview podcast I think he's a explosive guy so we'll talk about that momentarily but first I want to share a couple positive things from the Mountaineer side and that's uh how about this one here Garrett green we know he's been on watch list for you know the Maxwell award the DAV O'Brien award the Manning award which are you know more on the athletic side more football awards but how about him getting nominated for the Campbell trophy the William V Campbell trophy is you know award that recognizes kind of academic Excellence so got to shout out Garrett green for that one a guy that not only performs on the field but also is performing well in the class room to be recognized here for this William V Campbell trophy as the West Virginia's nominee there as the national football Foundation put out on social media this week so yeah congrats to Garrett green indeed and shout out to him performing both on and off the field and then thought this was really cool as well um you guys know a lot of teams a lot of schools pretty much have their nil stores now where you can go there you can get the gear for you know team wise but you also can get gear for select players that you know puts money directly into their pockets uh so you go on there look through the whole roster click on it get a hood with the players you know logo and name on it and number uh t-shirts jerseys all that stuff and West Virginia's nil store is performing very well uh which here's the link right there if you guys haven't checked that out it's w.n. store um I'll pull it up here in a second and kind of show you guys uh just to look at it in case you guys haven't seen in the past but how about this right here West Virginia's nil store was the sixth bestselling School in the month of August in the entire nil store Network which is more than 7 programs so great job there by West Virginia and here you see the graphic of the teams that are kind of in the top there in West Virginia top 10 among nil stores which is pretty cool and let me show you guys the nil store I know I highlighted here back when they first announced the nil store I did it on a stream probably about a year or so ago now but uh just one more time in case you guys haven't seen it before it's not only for football you can go for any sport really so I mean you can go football basketball women's basketball rowing rifle all of that uh for our purposes here let's go to football and you see here now any any athletes that signed up here with NL store will be represented on there and you can click on them and kind of check out the merchandise they have for them so let's check out Garrett green and you see here they've got jerseys t-shirts sweatshirts different colors gray gold blue so all that's pretty cool and all that money you know at least a portion of it go directly to Gar green or whatever player that you select there and like I said you can do it for multiple Sports if you guys want to check that out support you know a specific player it's w.n. store and you can do it for any sport there uh for the University so I wanted to share that as well Tim says he'd like to say thank you for putting on a show this late it's awesome hey thanks Tim appreciate that shout out man hey like I said a little bit later than what we usually do these but you know sometimes with my work schedule that's just how I have to swing things and definitely wanted to still bring it to you guys and I figured it' be better to do it on Thursday night if I would have done it tomorrow night it would have came around the same time as well because I'm closing tomorrow night but figured some people may be traveling up early some people like to go up on Fridays get a hotel uh the day before the game so maybe some more people would tune in if we did it here on Thursday night and typically I like to kind of do them on Thursday anyways same day as the uniform Reveal video same day as Neil Brown's coaches show so that's usually when we try and do these uh streams where we get your all predictions and do some kind of game week updates there so appreciate that shout out Tim and uh just one more time you know some people may not be able to tune in this live if you are in here live go ahead drop your prediction in the chat we'll highlight that here on the screen for you but if you're not if you're watching this on a playback share it in the comments we love to hear your prediction for West vir's uh second game of the 2024 season here today uh what's going on Kenny see you in there man appreciate you hopping in even though coming in late at least you came in here to tune in as well that's still pretty cool uh just you know trying to get everybody's prediction as always You're In The Stream Kenny if you want to drop yours in the chat uh we'll share up there your score prediction any other prediction you got uh for the game Saturday and uh that goes for anybody watching this on a playback as well like I said drop it in the comments if you'd like um still want to see your prediction even if you don't get a chance to hop in here live but if you're in here live or in here on a playback Thumbs Up Button giving us a like helps a ton with the YouTube algorithm and as I said earlier just be sure to subscribe here if you haven't already if you're a Mountaineer football fan tons of WWE football content couple podcast episodes a week and if you be kind enough to become a channel member uh what you can do for as low as 199 a month you also get access to a bunch of bonus content which not only uh you see the uh helmet there the helmet badge there beside Tim Green's name as he's a channel member you get that which looks pretty cool in the comments and in the chats um you also get a ton of bonus content though um I do weekly streams where I share the PFF grades the snap counts and then if you go up to the next level there The Almost Heaven level you get access to the film reviews I just put out the film review today for the Penn State game and uh do game rewatches as well where I provide commentary and break those down you can rewatch the whole 2023 season with commentary and like I said those film reviews will be coming on there as well after each game moving through the week so you get a bunch of WWE football content here on the main Channel but if you become a channel member then you really get a ton so if you're someone that can't ever get enough Mountaineer football content definitely encourage you to check that out for sure yeah Tim we've definitely been praying for you man uh knowing that you've been sick and everything glad to see you back in here for this live stream uh this week I know that you've uh not been feeling well man so hopefully you're doing a lot better and uh definitely been in our thoughts and prayers here on the crw man for sure uh camera battery actually just died on me so hold on M let me switch out this battery we're gonna wrap this up before too much longer but I'm gon switch out the battery here for the end bear with me guys I had one on charge I figured it would come close to uh dying because where I did that filmed the film review earlier I probably should have went ahead and changed the battery out before the start of the stream but I didn't know how much juice it had left switch it out really quickly all right there we are there we are back at it back like I never left all right guys I'll see Kenny sharing his prediction in there let's see what Kenny's thinking Kenny's going 55 to 27 I like it I like the way you know Tim shared his in here earlier as well both you guys are thinking over 50 points that's what I'm hoping to see as well nice little 50 Burger um on there um overall but I like it Kenny and a solid win there that would be for West Virginia appreciate you sharing that man appreciate you sharing that my friend all right so the last thing I want to share with you guys that got encourage you guys any questions comments or predictions you got there share them in the chat I'll touch on them one more time before I wrap up but the last thing I wanted to talk about was you know some of the standout players for Albany which if you want to know more about him in depth be sure to check out our preview and predictions podcast episode we released earlier this week if you haven't already can watch the video here on YouTube find it on wvsports now.com or if you're more of an audio only guy you can find it on any podcast platform you like Spotify Apple podcast iHeart Radio um all of those you can find it there as well uh but we broke down kind of some of the standout players I'm not going to go into all of them but the one that I do want to highlight here is a guy named seven McGee who you'll see playing on the offense there for Albany his name is seven and he wears number seven which actually Tony Ked pointed out today that the reason that he does that is because he's the seventh kid in his family which is even makes the tidbit even cooler I thought seven was a cool enough name already uh you guys that are fans of Seinfeld might remember George castanza wanting to name his kid seven so that's what it made me think of the first time I heard it but nonetheless seven McGee is a wide receiver there for Albany that is very talented he was previously at Oregon then he was at Jackson State with uh Deion Sanders coach Prim there and now he's here at Albany and he is super explosive Neil Brown said he probably will be the fastest player on either team and I've got a little play I want to share with you guys to prove that so if you're looking for a guy to watch that West Virginia probably needs to stop it's number seven for Albany and his name is seven seven McGee and here is kind of a highlight from him from week one so you can see a little bit of his explosiveness now Alban's a team that does want to run the ball they're a run first ball club they're going to try and control the clock but if they do go to the air watch out for number seven and they'll probably try and get the ball into his hands in multiple ways other than just throwing it to him maybe some screens maybe some Jet Sweep handoffs but he's a guy that's explosive and I want to show you guys evidence of that from their game uh from their week one game uh right here in this video [Music] [Applause] so shout out to albanes Media team for that one got that pulled that one off their Twitter SLX account uh but as you see there Breakaway speed once he gets it gets in the open field he's a tough guy to catch so you don't want to allow him to you know get the ball in the open field because he has truly game-breaking speed there so seven McGee definitely a guy to watch uh for Albany believe he had over 100 yards and only five receptions so that goes to show you right there and I believe that was a 75 yard touchdown so he got a big chunk of it right there in one play so definitely a guy West needs to contain there with their defensive backs is seven McGee and then of course stopping the Albany Run game as well they're going to try and run the football they return I think three of their five offensive linemen from their squad last year that really did a great job running the football got them all the way to the FCS semifinals and even this year they're a team that's still ranked in the FCS top 25 so no slouch there at that Division and their offensive lineman are you know good size they could probably play up to this level a lot of their players last year that were on their higher caliber team did transfer up to the FBS level so yes they're probably out match West has a lot more talent but they do have some players that are good seven McGee and that really stood out to me so I wanted to share that with you guys for sure Kenny says he'd like to see W leaving with a big old Goose EG I hope yeah that's kind of what I'm hoping to see not necessarily a shut out uh because I know sometimes you know when you get these big leads in these games you're going to have some younger guys in there late but I would like to see our starters at least keep them out of the end zone as far as our defensive starters and I would love to see when our offensive starters are in not have to see Oliver straw come on the field and punt the football at all until we make some some substitutions and start getting some backups in so that's kind of two of the things that I'm hoping to see as well Kenny our defensive starters maybe hold them scoreless or at least keep them out of the end zone and our offensive starters put drive together every time you have the football let it end in points if it's end in a Kick let it be an extra point or a field goal and you know keep Oliver straw off the field as much as possible in this game and that would really you know uh be a bright spot I think yeah put Hollis Jr on him hey indeed indeed put Hollis Jr on seven McGee I'm sure West Virginia will match up manto man uh with them a good bit and you'll get to see one of West Virginia's Corners there cover him whether it's Hollis Jr or Aiden gns and hopefully they do a good job of it and I think West J certainly will uh do a good job you know Hollis Jr played good I see that there Kenny saying Hollis played well but not good enough and that's one thing Jordan Leslie mentioned they thought that he played well but they think that he can play better and yeah you know going back through the film review that I did earlier today of that Penn State game he really had good coverage on some passes that Penn State still yet completed well mus did go manto man they do feel like Hollis Jr is the best corner they've had at press man coverage since they've been here at WV really which is good to hear and you saw some evidence of that even the passes that Penn State completed on him he still had good positioning just didn't break up the pass you think of that long touchdown there before half for one so I think he's a player that's going to be a really good quarterback for West Virginia this year same goes for Aiden gares and dantz Fagan looked good in the action that he got as well as West Virginia has those three transfer Corners playing a lot but hope to see you know some more jacobe spells this week hopefully he's healthy ready and can get some reps here because they're going to need him throughout this season and TJ crle there at that cornerback spot as well he Charles Kelly sharing a prediction appreciate that appreciate you doing that Charles always like to hear the predictions from you guys 48-13 WVU that's pretty close to Steven's prediction I think that he shared in the preview and predictions podcast we released uh he was too hyped he says we were too hyped for the P Penn State game set the tone here for the rest of the year indeed couldn't couldn't agree more talked about that a little bit earlier the moment just got a little bit too big put a little bit too much pressure on ourselves but now that's no longer something we have to deal with now we should be ready to go from this game from the get-go and that's what you want to do because you know the recipe for an upset is letting a team stick around with you too long so you want to come out get off to a fast start in this game for that reason and also the reason of you know you want to get up on this team early so that then in the second half you can rest your starters a little bit have a little bit of extra rest this week heading into that game against Pittsburgh in the Backyard Brawl next week because if you can do that that's a little bit of an advantage for you as well because Pit's not going to be able to do that Pit's play in Cincinnati so they're going to have a hardfought game where they're gonna have to play their starters from beginning to end so if West Virginia can get some of their starters out some of their key players out in the second half save them get a little bit extra rest that's going to be nice too heading into that Backyard Brawl game uh but West Virginia definitely should win this one going away and hopefully they get off to a fast start to be able to do just that great prediction Charles appreciate you sharing it just as I appreciate everyone else that's uh tuned into the stream here tonight like I said if you didn't get a chance to tune in you're watching on the playback leave your prediction in the comments still appreciate you tuning in on the playback as well been a fun one here tonight guys going to get ready to wrap this one up like I said don't want to keep you guys too long know it's late tonight uh but definitely it's going to seem um like a long uh couple of days or I guess a long 24 hours tomorrow uh waiting to get to Saturday to see the Mountaineers wash that bad taste out of their mouth you know get back into the wind column for the first time in 2024 and then get ready for more success that's coming on the horizon I truly do believe for this team that they're about to uh really show us what they're made of you know I know a lot of people are talking about well you not how much can they show us against Albany well they can come out and put on a good performance and that's a heck of a start and then you go out in the backyard braw and you do the same thing and then you're really kind of turning the tide heading into conference play where you're going to have those big matchups against ranked team starting with Kansas as the conference open in a couple weeks the canes will probably be ranked in that game so West virgia is going to have chances to win some more big games moving forward swinging a Miss on their first try but they have 11 more tries and I think they're going to have a lot more success than failure throughout these final 11 games so super excited to get to Saturdays guys um like I said it is gold rush so if you're heading up you know I'll be there Steph will be there uh we'll be wearing our gold hopefully you guys will as well and of course we'll be back to talk about it afterwards in our review podcast that'll be releasing most likely Monday morning and then I'll also have the uh player grade stream for channel members that day so you know no better time to become a channel member if you haven't already it's going to be all that bonus content you can hear about the player grades the snap counts on Monday and I'm gonna try and get the film review out a little bit earlier this week if I can as well earlier next week I guess I should say than I did this week I just now got the film review out for Penn State today hopefully next week I'm able to get it out uh Monday or Tuesday as we review some more positive things from this game against Albany but I appreciate you guys tuning in this one West Virginia looking to get a big win against Albany and then head into the backyard braw we'll be able to say eat pit uh all next week is pit haate week will begin uh following this game against ALB so lot of fun stuff to look forward to in this 2024 season I'm excited to cover it and talk about you guys with it get your predictions weekly throughout the year here in these live streams coming on Thursday or Friday nights appreciate you guys hopping in for this one uh it's been a lot of fun guys looking forward to a fun West Virginia game on Saturday and a fun 2024 season having said that as always I'm Jordan Cruz and until next time let's go Mountaineers

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