Kamala Harris Needs TIM WALZ to Hold Her Hand in CNN Interview | Guest: Allen West | Ep 230

[Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're going to call Ben mince Let's uh put full screen of Ben mint just to get a face this is my friend I've known him he went to Old Miss I went to LSU his roommate his best friend was uh Brothers with my best friend so his best friend is a guy by the name of ma Le better my best friend is a name a guy by the name of land Le better it's kind of confusing land lead better M lead better it's hard to say their names but I was roommates with L Le better he was roommates with ma Le better who were brothers so when we'd go to Old Miss we'd hang out out I've been with Ben I've gambled with Ben I've hung out with Ben I've been to the casino with Ben uh had beers with Ben I mean I would consider Ben a friend and him and I very were friendly We messaged and he congratulated me on some videos and I congratulated him on getting hired there so it's really sad that I've lost a friendship with Ben and I'd like to rectify that so I'm going to use Jimmy as a way to try to broch or repair the burnt bridge and try to fix it so let's show Jimmy Jimmy I texted you Ben's number I'm about to call him okay call him on speaker make sure to turn it loud there you go put it right there on it then better [Music] answer Everybody Needs to Go tweet at B to answer his phone your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice aema that is B number 4 4 is not available oh [ __ ] just oh my gosh did we just put his number out there well I'm sure that'll help [ __ ] this is they're going to think we purposely try to leak his number now and we didn't even do that my producers two bunch of an idiots realize did you hang up did you we miss any of the numbers or did we get every number I think I think I hung up just in time we'll have to we'll edit it out in post oh my [ __ ] God we're trying to I know Jimmy but and I'm not even mad at you Jimmy because that's partially my fault as soon as you started saying the numbers I should have said cut it off that's partially my fault oh God but I think we just tried to repair the relationship with them men so we just doxed them on accident oh my God damn I was thinking about what I was going to say a I can't believe I just did that I'm so sorry if this [ __ ] backfires I'm so sorry well it's already going to backfire no need to apologize I can already say this is going to be bad I guess might as well lean into it now people are probably going to be tweeting at him now that alexin accidentally leaked his number which I didn't I didn't mean to do that people are going to think we did a bit right there Jimmy they're going to think that we no I can't believe not we're just that [ __ ] that we did that not that funny oh my God apologize Ben if you get any funny numbers Hey Ben I'm so sorry sorry if this [ __ ] I'm so sorry don't cuss in front of your daughter line with the PLS my grind so refined I got no time for no games ask yourself why would I make time for you lames all ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages why did that end so weird Chris you're fired all right uh yes you got you can get the hell out of here all right welcome welcome to Prime Time with Alex Stein I'm your host Alejandro Stein and tonight we have an incredible episode my hair looks kind of funny I want to look nice not like our first guest the one the only comedian Ari Manis as well as Iraq war veteran the one the only Colonel Allan West AI so Colonel West there's a reason why I brought Ari on this program tonight and we're going to get into that but we have to react to some news does Adam sandley look alike yeah dude shots fired right away I mean I'm I'm sitting here thinking about what the boy High A2 I was not expecting that well I'll figure you know what he was so quiet and reserved just showing me his gun before he's a colonel you he knows how to talk crap more than anybody this guy course I do yeah in different languages [ __ ] I can say bang and like 10 different languages you win I'm not doing this roast but be easy he need he needs your support but we're going to get into that shortly and uh guys to start the episode I have a huge announcement that I'm going going to announce after or I guess right at the end of the show not after the show but you'll be able to see it after the show and I need you guys to share that and I hope I keep you on pins and needles but before we get into that what do you think about camela Harris Colonel West I mean is she capable of running this country in your personal opinion look let me tell you about camela Harris if you want to understand how great America is KLA Harris shows that you can be an absolute dumbass and be the vice president and almost be a president of the United States of America a person that cannot stram together a thought I mean you've seen some of these words Sal and everything else you know and and when I was looking at the Democrat convention they were talking about how she gives me joy well guess who also is getting a lot of Joy zi Jinping Vladimir Putin ayatolla com they're like please elect this person so very scary do you think uh this is a serious question there too you know I know this is a comedy show I thought in the 2016 election I thought Trump was going to lose because I believe the media and that's kind of what woke me up but looking back I'm like is America misogynist so do you think is America too misogynist to have a woman president no just not this one just not this one okay but then again you know what is a woman I have no idea I mean Ari he knows AR's kind of liberal what is a woman Ari uh if she's got some nice lips for me to suck on that's nuts even if she has even if she has a she's hanging Wang that's still a woman but yeah no that's uh I'm traditional from California I'm from California I don't act like it if someone's got a wiener you're born and raised in California please tell the colel subcribe to the trans movement he knows how to interrogate people he's going to know if you're I just know that you know when you sitting there and you have a Supreme Court Justice again supposedly you got to be smart to be a Supreme Court Justice and you get asked a question you know can you you know Define what a woman is and she couldn't oh KI Brown Jackson what did she say exactly though she said she said I'm not a biologist I'm not a biologist so do we know that KLA Harris is a woman I mean I've seen those bikini pictures are those AI or real those are AI but I'd like to see bikini picture of Michelle Obama no no all right but before we get into that pass you're going to pass on that because she does look like you are a graduate of University of Tennessee Tennessee volunteer yeah go vs Go Big Orange she looks like she could play linebacker for the volunteers right or is that is that R tied in tied in she is more of a tight end build you are right okay let's let's play saw number one of uh cela's interview on climate change that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act she's taking credit for the inflation reduction act well she did cast the deciding vote but it's kind of interesting that when they came in inflation was 1.4% and she was the vice president it went up to 99.1% it's still at three something percent hasn't been that much of a reduction interesting thing I guess what you just showed was a clip from this CNN interview which was pre-recorded in other words rehearsed and everything so it really wasn't interview she can't even go on an interview by herself she had to have you know that coward Tim wal with her but think about you know it was like a long time ago there was this thing called the Dust Bowl mhm lasted for like 10 years yeah all the crops yeah there wasn't a whole lot of you know cars running around so how do you explain that H I don't know how do you explain that Colonel West you can't just the same was when I was grow maybe you guys I'm 63 maybe y'all don't remember but uh when I was growing up in Atlanta the big thing was about we're going back to the Ice Age M it kind of freaked us out down in Georgia cuz you know we didn't want to freeza there well you thought they they said Time Magazine said we're were going to be frozen by like 2000 yeah and now all of a sudden we're supposed to be too hot so I don't know what these people you know think they're not meteorologists no they're not but listen we're going to get into uh the climate which is Barack Obama bought buys a house in Martha's Vineyard on the beach Bill Gates you know climate change activist buys a house in San Diego on the beach they're all in private jets they don't really care about the environment no look at Davos come on give me a break these guys waste more money and kill more Greenhouse or admit more Greenhouse emissions than anybody but something that I think you're passionate about we're going to get into Tim Walt Stolen Valor but but Ari over here he he's a comedian and he likes to tell a joke that he is a veteran why do you tell a joke that you're went to a military High School and I've been telling people that I'm a veteran how do you feel about that as are you a sergeant major I was a I was a what's the rank a Corporal he's like Eddie Murphy on you know uh what was that Trading Places I was special forces Recon I was you know I I all these think is that what I tell people I was a corpal I've only been slapped one time for it okay and is that illegal what do you think about that does that upset you to hear that that I tell people that I'm a veteran the fact the fact that you are from California and you have no morals you have no Integrity you have no honor that's true so I I'll bless you son for you have S go out and send no more if you do if you do that again in my in in my presence I have yeah you know what's under this jacket I was scared yeah open carry this is open carry are this is not California we got guns joking I'm not joking when I say this I realized what are we three minutes into the show I don't belong on this show no you anything what you guys you do belong because you have a singing wait there's a reason why you're here already so do not sself short but the reason why I get into The Stolen Valor talk because this is something that I'm very passionate about as you can tell that I'm a heavy set mail but even since I was an early age my parents I got divorced very sad but my dad I I lived with a single dad and he would not cook really very much but he gave me a credit card at a very young age and he said Alex you can only use this for food you can't buy anything he's very strict on it you know I could spend like you know 200 bucks a week or whatever it was like I forget exactly how much but I could use it and I Liv near McDonald's so I grew up going McDonald's like every other day of my childhood with my single dad and I love McDonald's people say the microplastics how terrible is of course it's poison but I get so sick and tired of these people say oh I don't like the way the french fries tastes yeah right it's the most delicious genetically modif fries are good the french fries are good yeah so now we have the vice president of the United States stealing McDonald's Valor by saying that she was a fry cook for McDonald's yeah that makes me mad all those fried cooks that cook for me some of the managers that kicked me out Daryl I remember you but I love those guys they're out there getting burnt with the grease on the grill getting yelled at by people like me getting yelled at by all kinds of people it's hard to work at a McDonald's it's hard to work at any fast food but especially McDonald's and I think it is so disrespectful to pretend that you work some service industry low-level job that is very difficult and go there and steal the Valor of a McDonald's employee it makes me sick well that's that audite nature of people that you know were raised a certain way I mean Berkeley Cali californ and then you go off to Montreal she's in Canada for home is there McDonald's in Montreal I think they do have him in Montreal they got him in everywhere I don't think they have any in Iraq though do they no no they don't probably do on the base no no no no it was Burger King they had was in Iraq actually I served my country no you're not he's going to shoot you Ari stop Ari Slow Down slow down we don't he he was in he was in Afghanistan right yeah you with Tim Waltz I I saw you over there in Kandahar me and him were old war buddies we a lot of Iraqis absolutely you do okay well let's let's uh let's play this little McDonald's clip and I want you to focus though Alan why does she start to use the black scent when she's around this why did she do this so let's play the clip then I want to get your initial reaction I worked in McDonald's I I did the French fries and I did the ice cream I worked in McDonald's I was a student when I was working in McDonald's there was not a family relying on me to pay the rent put food on the table and keep the bills paid by by the end of the month but the reality of McDonald's is that a majority of the folks who are working there today are relying on that income to Su household and a family and if we want to talk about these golden arches being a symbol of the best of America well the Arches are falling short isn't that sad colon I mean everybody loves McDonald's but that's the best of America is the golden arches you other words so that that should be your end goal you know when when I started working Baskin Robinson uh it was down 31 Flavors 31 Flavors down Ansley Mall just right next to pmar Park you know $325 minimum wage job I was happy to have that all our you know High School buddies that's where we work but now you go to these places you got old heads like me yeah so where are the young people going to get a job all of a sudden we have told people that Frying french fries is a $20 an hour job mhm you know Shake Shack just closed six locations in Los Angeles cuz made it Absolut in- and- out's better I don't know in- and- out's overrated Five Guys yeah people like five guys but you know what what people when they come from California to Texas they make fun of waterburger which I love waterburger California don't like waterb it's not as good it's fine I don't hate it but it's not as good but here's how I knew she was lying she said she worked at the ice cream machine that never was on ice cream machine never works that's how we caught her play uh full screen number three real quick and then we'll go to F FS2 if it's too hard to switch it or actually show the Snopes first so Snopes did an investigation this how you know snopes is a liar they even pulled up camel's resume from 1987 she never had McDonald's on her resume when she was really young and now Jimmy read this it's too small for me to read please uh it said Harris has made this claim repeatedly over the years uh but aside from Harris's testimony there's no evidence such as photo employment record or confirmation from a friend or family member to verify the claim we reached out to Harris's campaign and McDonald's and we'll report this when or if we learn more so the next thing she will say is that she was the shift manager why would she say shift manager cuz then she could say well because you know knucklehead was a command sergeant major oh I see she even more I thought she' say she's a shift manager because there might not be some record or something oh I see you're saying yeah she's going to steal Valor and this is this is a picture of camela AI made this picture of camela trying to fix the ice cream machine she's uh not doing very well but I am this is a serious thing just show me for a second these people now they're illegal immigrants work their butts off cam and the fact that you're going to go there and steal their Valor you're disgusting for that and I think that you really should be held accountable and I don't know if anybody will ever hold you accountable for lying about something like that but it just shows you that you're a very inauthentic liar and you do not deserve to be president of the United States okay before we get into our next segment do we have a Liver Health formula ad Jimmy we do all right let me get this done we love Liver Health formula uh it's really good for your health R you might need some do you know why Lieutenant Colonel Allan West is in such good shape do you know why he could end my life with his bare hands if he wanted to is it his military training no it's because he has a healthy liver so many of us have a sluggish fatty liver that makes us gain weight and lose energy for decades now your liver has helped you with over 500 key functions every single day like going number two When Alan West comes at me with a weapon it's time you help your liver there is a solution Liver Health formula it's an allnatural sment that helps recharge and protect your liver so if you're looking to ignite your fat burning metabolism boost your energy and transform how you look and feel try Liver Health formula today and when you do you receive a free bottle of our blood sugar formula to reduce those sugar Cravings you get that free when you order today if you want to look good at the beach this summer you need to try a Liver Health formula try Liver Health formula by going to get liver help.com Alex and claim your free bonus gift today that's get lih help.com Alex how do you have such how are you in such good good shape you know I still do my same old army uh workout six days out of a week I get up and run anywhere from four to 6 miles a lot of push-ups a lot of crunches and uh do much swimming that's the wrong answer this is the reason cuz black don't crack well you you you you didn't ask me about my face well I'm just saying you look so young yeah that's well that is the truth black don't crack I'm telling you it is the truth you saw the girl come in she didn't even have to really put makeup on she just blotted it out cuz you know we have those natural imoan that come out of our skin you do I'm telling you you look very youthful and I mean that I'm not just saying this because you are a colonel and you could kill me in two seconds but I'm just saying you are you have a very youthful May four I'm a little bit older okay well still I don't want to die today um but now there Alex before we go on we got a $50 Super Chat Matthew Adams oh Matt Adams say chat rat emoji oh thank you Matt Matt we're gonna see you soon we're gonna see you in Seattle one of our big fans our audience they're called Al I messed up the the B Block the instructions didn't go over so just you have Alan West do you have the do you do we have the city okay everything just call let's start with shot number four real quick uh the city council we're probably not going to watch the whole thing but real quick let me let me introduce it colonel Wester is a DieHard football fan is that correct I would say so College mostly college mostly because the NFL seems like it's rigged Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift winning the Super Bowl seems kind of doesn't pass a smell test but I've lost my love and passion for the NFL because of all this and I was a DieHard Dallas Cowboys fan I mean EMT Smith even pass I love Tony Romo and I love Dak Prescott believe it or not I love Dak Prescott I think we should have paid him a long time ago Jerry Jones is is an imbecile he has a daughter that uh had to sue him and then he sued her because he had an illegitimate daughter out of wedlock and if he won't pay his own daughter then I don't think that he would actually pay our free agents very well so I want to play this little clip of me this is at Capel City Hall and cell their high school team very good high school football team they're called the Cowboys so Colonel West I want to get your initial reaction of me going and speaking to the mayor of Cel about the Dallas Cowboys Mr Alex Stein howy mayor um my name's Alex sign I'm also a member of the booster club as well and I'm here today for a very serious thing it might sound like a joke I don't want you guys to laugh sir address please oh it's 759 uh Inwood Road and this is my this is why I'm here though May West I'm talking to you manto man as a booster the copell Cowboys I love that high school I support the Cowboys so much but what I don't support are the Dallas Cowboys and I'm here with a petition that I would like it if we could change the name of the copel Cowboys to reflect a franchise that actually wins the Dallas Cowboys stink they have not been to an NFC Championship game in over 25 years Jerry Jones sued his own daughter because she tried to say that he's her real father and he is her biological father Jerry Jones is too afraid to admit that he's got a daughter then why do we think that he can run some football team and it makes me sick they signed Ezekiel Elliott Ezekiel Elliott stinks he just played for the Patriots now look at the Dallas Cowboys when's the last time they were good the last time they were good starter jackets were in Vogue at the time now starter jackets nobody even wears them the Dallas Cowboys stink mayor and I want to change the copell Cowboys so we don't reflect a mediocre franchise the Cowboys aren't going to the playoffs this year they're going to be lucky to go uh 6 and 11 which I imagine they will so I want you as the mayor to try to start a trend where we're not going to reflect that that of a crappy NFL franchise with a bunch of players that beat their wives Josh Brent Dallas Cowboy player killed his teammate drunk driving uh they just signed CD lamb Jerry Jones said he's such a good GM but yet he paid him all that money and had to miss the entire spring training he didn't even participate in team drills and yet he still paid him as the second highest non-quarterback in the NFL so the Dallas Cowboys are misran and I don't want you to misrun this city mayor West I need you to show some some support and I need you to try to sign this petition so that we can stop being associated with a crappy franchise like the Dallas Cowboys who have not been even close to Championship caliber in almost 30 years so I stand up here and I beg you each and all of you council members we have to denounce the Dallas Cowboys okay they give me two more minutes but I think we should more minutes Jimmy should we tease the last two minutes so they go watch the rest of it on YouTube what do you think do okay guys so the it gets even crazier but I I want to save it because I only have the colonel for a short time so if you guys want to watch that full video it gets way Wilder in the second half trust me we probably should have played the second half but go check it out it's going to be on the YouTube channel after the show Colonel West what do you think about the Dallas Cowboys well first and foremost Mayor West and Allan West we're not related no you're not let's make sure we get that out there nor am I related to Cornell West you know he or Kanye West you're not related to Kanye West I thought you were sorry Jimmy I thought he was related to Kanye no no did you want Kanye about him look look I I don't have a lot to say about you know the Dallas Cowboys because I was born and raised in Atlanta so you love the Falcons yeah but I think we remember that Super Bowl game the greatest the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history oh my gosh the Patriots 28 to3 that makes me sick yeah it it made me sick too but I I I know what it's like to to be in that position but you know it's so funny cuz when I was in kahar Afghanistan and I I no you haven't Ari stop that's right there my man him and Tim Waltz Tim W uring fre Corporal and Sor major Tim wall all right but anyhow um we're going through on a convoy in Kar Afghanistan and what do you see you see a little Afghan kid with a Dallas Cowboy t-shirt on absolutely people know that star wherever so there's there's an aura that goes with that I mean used to be America's team but I think now they I don't know if they're still America's team well maybe they are a good representation of America cuz America stinks right now so maybe they are that might be it maybe it is matching up uh maybe they still are America's team it doesn't make sense that they have all that money all that Fame and Jerry Jones can't put together a winning team and they can't ever pay the players right like they could assigned Dak Prescott for really cheap in the early you know earlier in his career waited till the last minute now he's going to be a free agent probably go somewhere else it makes me absolutely sick but $20 hot dogs too $20 hot dogs the stadium is ridiculous but you know the thing is everyone goes I've been to AT&T Stadium a couple times all you do is you sit up and look at a big screen the whole time you're looking at the board you just stay at home I I I tend to agree with that too because on the TV screen it's even better but then everybody the traffic true yeah the traffic's bad I mean and the ticket prices are ridiculous so so guys go support your local colleges or go support your local high school teams now I want to play so number five now this is a great video of Colonel West versus some college students let's do you identify as black jeez no it's a serious question you might not it's a serious question huh you're not trolling huh okay when IED into the not done with my question my gosh oh oh oh oh young lady young lady I'm just asking you to listen to me and and I'm about to answer your first question but I didn't I didn't finish my question okay D yeah I'm black yeah you know I can't believe that was like six or seven years ago that's at Northwestern University it look the same it does look the same having an ASE of day well it's like a smart kid School right artist Northwestern yeah Northwestern and the topic was the Iranian nuclear agreement okay and the first question that I get asked is do you identify as black that that to me that shows how dumb these kids are on some of these College University campuses that I'm standing there and there she has asked me do I identify first of all what does that mean identify as black I'm black my mommy and daddy were black my grandparents they're black we're all from down there in South Georgia okay you know so this indoctrination of our is that you know all of a sudden your your skin color the the amount of melanin is supposed to dictate how you think it it is absolutely incredible to me and uh if you look at that full clip I mean I I really took her to task on some of the stuff that she was saying and everybody needs to watch that full clip it is really good and then this is actually a serious question I want to ask you because I I i' I've done debates about this and uh some people say you win the debate you lose a debate but this isn't a conservative Theory but I do because of our private prison industry that for profit prisons I do believe that black people are statistically persecuted more than white people so I do inherently think our criminal justice system is racist don't do the crime is that is that really how you feel look look I I grew up in an inner city okay don't do the crime I I had to tell you something when you look at the inner cities today when you destroy the the nuclear traditional black family when you take the man out of the home you know I became an officer in the United States Army because I had a dad who was a World War II veteran and he challenged me at the age of 15 to be the first officer in our family now if he had been removed out of my life where would I be you know if I came home and I had my pants down where you could see my underwear see my butttocks you know Dad would have beat the crap out of me you know and and Mom would not allow that to happen you know what what was one of the worst things that happened during that time Jerry curl was that bad like that it ruined everybody's uh you know living room furniture you know I didn't think about that my parents would not allow me to have that spray W com America that movie were there yeah we kept it was yeah remember and and they had the big spot on there that that kind of craziness did not happen in my house and so when you talk about you know unfairly targeting which was what KLA Harris did when she was attorney general that's what I'm saying she did do that she was racist towards black people absolutely but also we have to take responsibility in that we got to police our own neighborhoods because no one talks about black- onblack crime which is really the epidemic that really is and I think it's also young black men yes they're shooting each other too it's not you know there's black on black crime but it always tends to skew younger people doing this I mean how do we stop that I mean how do we indoctrinate people to not want to shoot each other and not live this because I guess that's what I said with the private PR prison industry I'm such a conspiracy theorist Colonel West is that I believe a lot of these record labels and this has been proven and even Michael Jordan has invested in it that there's a conspiracy that a lot of media that we get that they feed to young black men is to lead in rap to lead a life of gangster drug you know you're you're right in order to fill up these private prisons you know when when rap first came out it was Sugar Hill Gang hip hop Hi H hi it was fun or Biz Marquee you you got what I need but you you say he's not your friend but then all of a sudden it got to where we're calling black women [ __ ] M and hoes and and we're talking about shooting each other and drugs and this whole gang culture so it did take a very bad turn and and and I'm totally against that and so I do think that they're for whatever reason is a wholehearted effort to devalue Life devalue Family devalue education uh devalue business entrepreneurship and growth in the under City communities you don't have to go far go look here in Dallas and you know this is a controversial statement but you know you have a lot of abortion clinics and uh you know Margaret Sanger of course that was the whole purpose was to get rid of the human weed and the undesirables and that's what we were to her 70 to 71% of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in the black Community now I know that they just recently had you know the Planned Parenthood uh bus up there at the Democrat oh my gosh public abortion who would have a convention and say oh we're so proud we're going to dismember babies at our convention I'll tell you who somebody that worshiped Satan and they want to copy mik or they want to sacrifice children I believe that I mean I'm serious I am happy that they had a vasectomy uh cuz all these little Delta male lefties snip them we don't need them we don't need them reproducing we don't need more you got to vect me didn't you or is that not I had to I was getting so many [ __ ] sorry I know you don't like that term I was getting so many [ __ ] pregnant and that's why you had to get it yeah I had to do it well I'm happy you took care of I'm like a black guy as well I am a black guy I've had I have a lot of baby mamas and kids well you're like Ben Stell Ben Stell said he wish he were black I know he does well I kind of wish I was black to be honest really yeah because I would have been better football cuz I played college football and nobody ever took me serious even though I'm tall and I was even 275 back then cuz I was white if I was a black guy they would have tooken me more serious I think I don't think so started okay but okay now now but that's the only reason why I argue this so why are more black people in the NBA or why are more black people in the NFL if they're not better athletes don't you think you would have to agree that black people are better athletes let just real what if you look around you're starting to get a lot of those Eastern Europeans who's the star player who's the star player Dallas so I mean I think it's it's things are starting to change still there'll never be another Michael Jordan or Shaquille O'Neal or Lebron James but uh our next Graphics I want an indepth on Tim walz is he actually stealing Valor or does he just misspeak as KLA said yeah because what did he served in Europe so how did he but this is serious question though is it still in Valor because he was in the reserves I know he lied about going to Afghanistan but is it still in Valor if you still we in the Army Reserves though is that a gray area no it's not a gray area for us it's not thank you when when when the Call Comes you're supposed to answer it mhm you don't abandon your he was the senior enlisted man in in a battalion I was a battalion Commander so in other words uh in 2003 when we got the call to go to Iraq I didn't tell my Balan hey look guys you know I I don't think I can hang out with y'all let let you guys go that's basically what he did and Italy is a long ways away from Afghanistan last time I checked on the globe and it's a nice place it's a really nice place it's a really nice place I've been to Afghanistan it and you've been to Afghanistan right as nice there's a lot of spiders it's yeah C oh wait wait are there is it true there's all those rabid dogs in Afghanistan yes it's true you did not you you did you get bit many times yes you can tell he he has rabies he no but you did not you did not go out late at night but I will tell you this the dogs hated the the Taliban no they didn't oh yeah that's why we would always say were trying to have sex with them no no that's the Sheep oh that's a sheep she but you know in the Muslim culture they they really disrespect dogs they don't like dogs absolutely so what we would do is lots of times I mean if you could get these dogs you know get some shots in them because we had vets over there uh they were the best guard dogs around they would alert you that the tbam was come around that's awesome that see I love that CU I love animals I'm I'm an animal freak I have cats and dogs I love animals but so they you guys would use them as military defense that's brilliant I think that need that need there needs to be like a book about that people that love dogs you really should elaborate on that more that's actually really I didn't I didn't know that I had no idea that I thought they were just scared I thought you guys would shoot the dogs to be honest cuz they were so rabid no no you know if you could bring them in I mean if there's a a really really rabit yeah yeah I think you'd have to shoot it right but if you could you know find a dog that you know was kind of mangy hungry and and you know could be trained absolutely so you guys rehabilitated some of those dogs that makes me that's the best thing let's clap for that we Love Dogs We Love Dogs Kines okay Jimmy what is this why does it say s number eight Japanese joke well we have a couple if you want to do commas cringe speech or Joe Biden on the beach or we could go to AR's mil let's do both real quick just look at them real quick no we're going to do yours AR don't worry cuz we're about to get to you AR we're getting to you your toast you're yes you're get I just want to sit here and listen I just want to sit here and listen no you're doing good you're doing good but you're about to get it really bad he's going out he's going he's still going to California he's going to Austin after this yeah basically it is I'm I'm wor oh oh colon West are you worried about Texas becoming blue I am too and this is why the the the blueprint for the other side is to come to a red State and take all over all the major population course and so when you look at Texas you look at you know Dallas and anonio Austin Houston uh El Paso you know that's your major population centers and so there's going to get a point where East Texas and West Texas cannot continue to prop it up same thing you see in Georgia where I was born and raised it's the Atlanta area Mak Columbus Augustin Savannah and that's why they have two AOW socialist as Senators you think Trump should he should be campaigning here more he needs to come here and I already told his team they need to get here to Houston in Dallas ASAP he needs to get to Dallas ASAP because there's a lot of conservatives in Dallas but it's just I go down to City Hall and all this stuff now now our mayor Eric Johnson he went and said he was liberal and now he's conservative and on the conservative side we're pumping him I like Eric Johnson but my point is every other person there is a liberal on that I'm saying DieHard liberal I mean and and let's be real I mean he's more conservative now but he's not super far right you know he's he's kind of you know middle of the road conservative which is fine I'm not saying they has to be far right but I'm just worried when our Council in Dallas the biggest city you know in north Texas they're all liberals and and there most three or four of them are homosexuals I mean you know it's just we're we're some of them going to get a pink slip next May cuz we got the Municipal elections coming up that's what we need to do we need to kick them out but let's play Campbell's cringe speech real quick I know that's short it's only like 10 seconds just place real quick our country is counting on you listen to this all of you you are leaders by the very fact that you all are here in this room doing what you do at this incredible school doing it as one big team understanding all the different parts that fit together together to create a team that didn't seem that bad that didn't seem that bad all right she's that motivated you to go that wax on wax off she has she's drunk yeah is she on X that's Brandon had a good point do you think that she's on some sort of barbit or or pharmaceutical medic I I just think that she's not a very bright person look you know she went to law school I got it I I didn't go to law school I used to jump out of airplanes but I I just don't think she's a very bright person look when you say that I need notes at a debate yeah you're not a very bright person she's scared she's scared of that she's terrified when you say that Donald Trump's scared that's pure projection because that's deflection too yeah so and then now the last one there uh look at our commander-in-chief right here in reoboth Beach Delaware you got kind of a backshot of the president there enjoying the sun last couple of days back shot I want to hear both of you get your response to what Senator V just laid out but let's start here Mark for years KLA Harris um was an advocate of very specific green energy mandates should I be worried that we're on the brink of World War III with Iran and Russia should I be worried that our president's asleep on the beach look there was a great scene out of the movie Apocalypse Now where Martin Sheen asked a soldier who's in charge and the soldier said ain't you we don't know who's in charge of this country you know that what you just saw supposedly the the leader of the Free World hanging out on the beach that which you just showed a clip of previously was the second leader of the the Free World they have not had a cabinet meeting since October of last year oh wow they haven't had one cabinet I realize since October of last year I thought they would have had to have one to you know for the transfer of power that she's running so they didn't even did Obama kick him out well I think Obama his his his crew so so really who's in charge and and I think that's the fear that we have right now and it's kind of like being in a matrix I say this all the time we are living in a fake reality like there's a real reality and then the one you hear on the TV you're only downtime he was just relaxing on the beach give the guy a break well hey but last week he was on downtime in your state he was in California some people need more downtime than others you know and and did quit don't be the president I just was bummed that no one rubbed lotion on his back I don't want to see that show I want to see creepy in front of the colonel come on don't ask don't tell on this on this set good job it's a good job rubbing lotion on the president's back I'd take that job commander-in-chief that's that stuff they used to do in the Roman army and those like yes it is very Romanesque that is very Roman I ain't rubbing no man's back no not me me neither uh but we have you can hang out with me in Afghanistan thank you sir I'll R Lo on your back anytime no you no you will not do that AR you want to get shot no I'm not gay stop it no you're not going to say any of that stuff even thinking something like that could get you hurt that's very questionable but there's a reason why now we can get to why Ari is here now I want to play Ari is a very well-known standup comedian very funny guy so to give you some context definitely not well known well he will be after this show let's play this clip of uh Ari at the Netflix as a joke Festival if you are a white guy and want to feel like a black guy go to Japan I never felt more like a that guy then when I was in Japan I was taller than everyone there every girl there wanted to F me no one wanted to introduce me to their parents everyone assumed I was good at basketball they're like you play basketball I'm like no I don't they said you look like Kobe Bryan I don't think that's true well the reason why Ari is here of multiple reasons Ari's going through a little tough time I don't I don't want to elaborate too much he's going through a breakup that explains why he's dressed like he's Adam Sandler and he he looks at me and this is a serious thing I know this is a comedy show he goes Alex I'm young enough I I'm and he's dead serious when he says this I want you to either give him his opinion whether he should or shouldn't I said he should not he says I'm really lost right now and I want to join the military and he's not being factious not playing a bit and I said I don't think you should do it right now you're you know we're about to go to World War II you're a little older uh and and I said how old are you 34 arm you could be 35 I looked right here's the thing I have residual income I have good income I don't work that hard I'm bored all day long I want to get jacked I want to get real I want to get he's serious tell him you're serious dead serious I went to a military high school I'm a patriot I've always wanted to be the Patriot I already tell people I was in the military might as well make it real I don't know there's a I can't really the only argument I could think against it is I don't like being told what to do and place that that might be a deal killer and I'm a little old but I don't know genuinely you like to sleep in yeah wave off thank you no job is perfect no job is perfect I think I could do it well you know what actually actually he's going through a breakup though look actually he would fit into today's woke military speaking of let's do we have that full screen I know it's a um we yeah we can get full screen a give it a second look at this this is who's in charge I know I know that you know let me tell you that killed me that killed me that kills me all these and you know I'm not even if you want to be transgender go be transgender not in the military you know but you know what give the Air Force no I I I I called that fat boy Rick because I did do a segment on and so Fatboy Rick is you know on hormonal therapies and all this stuff do you know that because of that he is non-ep because he's on all those hormones absolutely so you're looking at someone that the United States taxpayer is paying for and getting all these therapies but yet he cannot answer the Call of Duty because of the therapies that he's taken because he may not get access to him in the in the combat zone and we don't have a picture of Rachel LaVine but Rachel LaVine said the most Richard Dick LaVine that's where they he used to go by dick LaVine and change his name to Rachel but what makes me so mad is that dick LaVine Richard LaVine was speaking at a at a brunchin for women and said that their favorite or his favorite moment in his life was having children as a dad he said I love being dad that was his greatest accomplishment how can you be a dad if you're transgender if you're a girl I'm just saying how how convoluted how screwed up is but that's that's why it is a mental condition it it it is not rooted in any semblance of reality whatsoever look you know it was so interesting there at the Olympics when the uh International Olympics committee said you know we have a hard time deciding and Discerning what a a man and a woman is I said very simple have them drop their pants okay you know and and Prett simple yeah if you can't make that determination so it's just getting crazy I mean who would have ever thought we'd have two biological males boxing for the women's Olympic gold medal you're ridiculous but you know I'm actually sick of people like you as trying to stop that cuz I gambled on them and I won a bunch of money on them me khif so you need to try C wse be quiet we because we'll let them we can bet on them I'll give you next time I'll give you tips next time uh we can bet on them and we know we're going to win cuz I off you don't want to gamble on those on those transer okay well you're missing out on money I'll be in Vegas Texas all right well I'll send you a gift basket uh now before we get into the Ari stuff I I do want to say final thing AR go in the military are you going to go yes let's just end this you really don't think I should cuz he was being dead serious I'm telling you no I you know it's it's a very honorable thing like I said uh my dad was in World War II my older brother Vietnam my father-in-law was in Vietnam I did 22 years uh that's our family story but I will tell you right now that you need to make sure that you have people that will look out for your best interest cuz those 13 troops that died in Afghanistan where you you were but those seriously those 13 troops should not lost their lives uh and the fact that no one has been held accountable that's why our recruiting and retention levels are are low because people don't trust the leadership in our military right now but uh I commend you if you're serious for thinking about this he's dead serious but I think you need to kind of like train yourself like start waking up at 4 in the morning and start having someone with a garbage can banging it you know over your head and stuff like that uh but it's I have no regrets you know no regrets of you know being cold being wet being hungry being shot at whatever greatest experience in my life for 22 years and so if you're honest and truthful about it I commend you but you got to first and foremost make sure it's in your heart you pray about it okay cuz this this is serious business yeah okay you go into this military you're going to be deployed wow World War I right on the give me something to think about that's I kind of want that experience oh my gosh are you trolling care no I'm dead serious I've been really thinking about it so we'll see I don't know what's going to happen did you just start thinking about it after you broke up with a girl because I think that's where this is he is going through a bad breakup and he comes Alex that's part of it that's part of it but not going to lie that's part of it I do want her to look at me and think I'm a badass but I also want to look at myself and think I'm a go buy a motorcycle or something kill yourself on a motorcycle don't do it in fujia Iraq uh now I'm really mad at my producer Jimmy he's been messing up all episode Jimmy and last night do we have a screen drag we don't even have a screen grab of the uh cake do we Jimmy well we can just show at your feet the the brown no do not show the brown caret I thought you had an accident no sir it did not this is we there's like little kernels of corn in it is a weird cake but um what I wanted is is I wanted to bring Jimmy out you need the pans maybe honestly yes I do have have continence issu just like Joe Biden um uh I wanted you to interrogate Jimmy because I sometimes I I don't know if he's doing kind of like a inside job I don't know if he's you know I sometimes I don't know if he really has my back so if we could come here Jimmy come down real quick I want you to be interrogated just colon West can you just ask him a couple questions to see if he really is dedicated to Prime Time with Alex sign because sometimes I worry about Jimmy and we brought you your interrogation equipment so this is water and a rag is this how we do it oh I'm not going to do jmy what do you mean isn't this how we do it colon W no no no hold on hold on hold on yeah here we go oh my God I didn't think you AG great yes I didn't think he would either okay so this is how we do it are you going to start oh no no no no oh god oh are you going to be good you know be are you going to start you know paying attention to your duties and responsib I'll fill out B Block with Graphics next time all right don't screw up anymore okay all right okay all right get out of here Jimmy great work get out no no no we we plan this B we were planning on you saying no because that's ridiculous and not plan on getting wet so out of here Jimmy you learned your lesson get out of here you idiot Jimmy went to Princeton what do you think about ivy league people uh let's see um so some of these other folks that you know ivy league that Barack Obama Michelle Obama I ain't impressed no me neither SEC man SEC all the way Tennessee LSU we got it dude South Eastern conferences where this country really the south of this country and I'm not saying that Civil War or anything like that but I'm just saying the south is better people are just better in the South we got Florida we got Texas it's just I mean California was such a beautiful country but Ari you go out there you get I stepped on a fitl needle last time I was in Los Angeles California free drugs you're complaining well that's a good point yeah that is a good point that is a good point I was high as a kite when I said I'm not fit all needle well how do we save this country Colonel West it's with each and every one of us if you remember what Benjamin Franklin said it's a republic if you can keep it so everyone has to take the personal responsibility of how they can make things better and I think it's so important that uh parents have to reclaim their homes and household they have to reclaim their kids and you know I got two grandkids you you got to step up and uh prepare your grandkids for a better future and that's what I try to say too you know you got to worry about the things you can't control and we do have to have more of a family life I think that's why in the young Community or the you know young black men that don't have a father it's critical it's critical you're right about that now uh Jimmy let's play uh uh or full screen number nine I want to I want to get your opinion you love football this is a a football Centric episode everybody likes Patrick momes he played in Tyler Texas and you know East Texas guy we love that his dad pro baseball player played for the Rangers his wife has gotten a lot of criticism because she's outspoken to say the least and I didn't like her that much but now that she's come in support of Donald Trump and when she got uh you know backlash she doubled down I love this woman so what do you think about Britney Mahomes uh having to deal with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce having the coones or tatas what whichever one you want to use for this example to stand up for Donald Trump isn't there something happening in Kansas City because uh what's his name Harrison Buck Buckner bucker the kicker I mean I think people starting to step out and say I don't want to be a part of this I I you know I can speak for myself last time I checked we had the freedom of speech freedom of expression I mean we we we have freedom of conscience uh and so I think this whole Collective group think that the left you know wants to for people into folks are rejecting that the interesting thing is remember back Once Upon a Time young people would rail against the man yeah of course still rail against well the left is now demand what do you mean so they own everything they're the ones demand and people are you know pushing back against them I mean Co really opened up a lot of people's eyes yeah when you tell someone that even if you're healthy you can't go outside your house mhm sunlight yeah you like sunlight's the most important thing you can't go get it yeah or if I'm with my my kid at a at a playground no one else was around me you're going to arrest me for that so yeah I mean they're they demand now and and people are starting to push back and Revolt well okay I look at January 6 I didn't think January 6 was that bad you know they say it's worse than 911 obviously that's a lie but how do we revolt without getting because I think there's a lot of FBI agents there probably you know I think a lot of people were entrapped in that so how do we stand up and fight back without getting arrested because you see how the department of J has been weaponized against yep great Americans I have very I have a very good friend I went to school with Luke coffee who's facing a long time in jail and I know we like to joke around but it makes me sick cuz he's a good guy never had a crime in his life absolutely I I think that is the the leadership level that that is corrupt I think your everyday FBI agents DEA agents you know board Patrol agents they want to do the right thing but you know Donald Trump gets back in office he's got a clean house through all these agencies ATF CIA FBI doj what have you and he's got to get people in there to understand that they work for and they serve the American people how funny it is that Tim Walt sat there and watched you know Minneapolis burn to the ground but no Insurgency there you can burn down a police station everything they bailed him out came ba bailed him out that's absolutely perfect so people starting to see more and more of that hypocrisy okay now this whole beginning of the show this was the easy comedy part now I got to ask you some hard questions because you just mentioned the CIA and you know this you're you're a guy that's decorated the CIA laughs at the president because they know that the president can only serve four to eight years and they get to serve forever so why would they really be feel threatened by that's the bureaucratic administrated State that's what I call the non-elected bureaucrats running and what what Donald Trump needs to do is say that we're going to put term limits on them on CIA because you can never leave the CIA absolutely but you got to put term lims on these people now again you got those special operators that come out of military and they go out there and they do great work when you start to look at that that upper level of management and directors and things of this nature these people got to move on they cannot be entrenched and start to you know next thing you know they're collecting on you know the president or the vice president or this this this intelligence agencies that we have now is it's very dangerous time what happened with the assassination I cannot explain how a person with a rifle can be in direct line of sight 132 yards uh I could have made that shot yeah and just thank God that that kid was not a good shot but when you're up there and you're the counter snipers you have a sector and you're supposed to be scanned across that sector and those two buildings without a doubt had to be in someone's sector so of course so the minute that kid comes up there bang you take them out I don't I I I think without a doubt and this is not conspiracy stuff there's some inside action well now let's get into some conspiracy I asked everybody this question it's not conspiracy if well no not that but but you know I'm coincidence theorist conspiracy theorist now uh you're going to think I'm crazy and I hope you don't but I'm very passionate about this subject when it comes to September 11th 2001 I believe and this is just the official statement this is the official statement I don't want to go to any conspiracy right now I want to go to the official statement is that cond Lisa Rice and George Bush were both warned that there was a guy in Afghanistan that had a plan to fly planes into the buildings that they were warned and this is the official story that he got to say this behind closed doors with Dick Cheney and basically the official story is oh well we just didn't take the threat serious enough and that the greatest military in the world got defeated by 19 guys with box cutters to me that seems like a lie and then we look at the 911 Commission report 28 Pages redacted we don't know Saudi Arabia's involvement we don't know other countries involvement we know Saudi Arabia was invol we know their involvement but I'm saying what happened with 9911 in your personal opinion uh well I will tell you this um I was on an exchange assignment Camp Lun North Carolina with the Marines and I remember that morning cuz we had just finished morning PT physical training taking a shower and we got the phone call you got to get down to the Operation Center M and we got down to the operations center just in time to see the second aircraft hit the Trade Towers uh and that was a long day cuz you know when you were at the Marines now you're starting to plan contingency operations cuz that's the 911 force that was a huge intelligence failure and and again that's my concern about this intelligence apparatus that we have here in the unit States of America that is more so concerned about turning it itself on the American people than turning itself on the enemies of this country and I Alex I will tell you that the biggest concern that I have not fear but concern that I have right now when you have more single military age males in this country illegally yeah than you have the size of your active duty Army and yet you want to disarm me the American people got to step up well do you think they can take the legals and turn them into some sort of United Nations Army or something some sort of no this is an Insurgency uh if you have not seen that video of the Venezuelan gang yeah I have seen it with the guns yeah how how do single military age males here illegally get long rifles and pistols well I know a guy but I meaners yeah but but I mean are shouldn't you be more so concerned about that than more so concerned about Allan West having an AR-15 of course of course but but now we're getting off 911 I have to ask you this is I just do not give me a politically correct answer just answer this just honestly I I it was an intelligence failure no I no no but one question no this is my question though the day of the attacks yep the FBI miraculously found the terrorist passport two passports but the Black Box the thing that's built to be indestructible built to survive a plane crash MH couldn't find it couldn't find it like I said but you're telling me 15 piece of paper in a little plastic thing survived and fell out and so to me that seems like a boldfaced lie one of the most boldfaced lies to say oh I got this Terrace passport and then they knew oh it's Osama Bin Laden when you know this Colonel West with the movie called Charlie Wilson's War I remember Charlie wils we funded out of Texas exactly we funded the muja there's a great book that I'm reading right now and it's called surprise kill and vanish and it's about the history of the OSS which was the precursor to the CIA and so I would recommend you read that because it really does go behind the scenes about a lot of these things and you know we had opportunities to take out Osama Bin Laden yeah in Sudan yeah he was kind of just getting started during the Clinton Administration he he worked with the CIA right there and they say and they said and they said no so it's not a conspiracy theory it it's more of a coincidence Theory yeah and you're absolutely right there are too many things out there we cannot answer and and I think that the American people has to start looking for individuals that will be leaders in this country that have been out there fighting for this country that understand the he that we took because I I'm not trusting these politicians and these incompetent people and these cowards that will sell us out for special interest self-interest or whatever Saudi Arabia China they have too much invested in this country you you think about here in Texas we couldn't even get legislation passed in the state ofex to prevent China from buying up farmland and and land it's ridiculous they own and they own all the buildings in New York City they own a bunch of I mean they own some of the most so why so why is that happening because that kind of dub tals what you're saying do we have people that are willing to sell America out well Hunter Biden did and Joe Biden did and if you look at the the the new generation of Chinese fighter aircraft very similar to the F35 oh it's the same thing you know they okay okay we only have a couple minutes left there's a few more questions I asked two more questions then I want to ask you about Boeing now this now these are coincidence now these are conspiracy theorist and you're going to think I'm crazy you're going to think I'm real crazy for uh the next one 1969 through 1972 moon landings I do not believe that they told the truth of that because you're like why they did a thing called Operation Paperclip after World War II they brought the top Nazis uh Warner Von Brun over and this guy's a Nazi he built Rockets was a rocket scientist that killed people in Poland with his rockets and they said oh come on down I got a job for you you can build our Rockets here and go to the Moon so I think if they would do that morally I think that they would lie about going to the Moon if we hadn't been back in 6 years you messing with my childhood memory I know why am I crazy I want to mess with my child sitting there with my dad looking at you know one giant step for man blah blah blah I think that's fake you just saw the greater good they just cuz they hired that Nazi doesn't mean anything okay last question real quick na is even bad who knows well today then now everybody's a Nazi they call me a Nazi I'm I'm supremacist blackace of white supremacy so I mean you know okay last one uh you have to this honestly because I know you know I know you're hiding the TR my best with everything I'm hiding the truth because listen to this and I we I should have brought this Austin wion has a you want to pour water on me now no no I'm not going to interrogate you I'm sorry I know you kill me but this is the thing they say in all the military training manuals when you look at the plane stuff that all the measurements the triangulations this and that is all based on a flat plane so they say how you triangulate something is it possible that the Earth is flat I don't think so okay all right damn it do you think the Earth is flat maybe why not I don't think so you sure it's not I think you circumvent well do you know why this is why I think so too is I believe in the Bible and the god talks about the firmament and also there's a time in the Bible where uh God stopped the sun and the moon so that would mean that the Sun and Moon are moving not us moving and uh believe it or not the heliocentric model the model that we all follow it it doesn't make sense because the the Northstar Polaris we're going five different directions so when they so when they're up there in the International Space Station it's on balloons it's on balloons oh so they're on big balloon you know China has big balloons so so we're not they have balloons there's not this big circular thing edited did you see Transformers oh my gosh that's so fake you and my grandson were Transformers yeah that's what I'm saying trans I saw people fighting in San Francisco the size of building so you know they can show us anything but this is one thing the Polaris which people have used for Celestial I how Columbus solved that well I don't know about all that Columbus isn't he wasn't he racist or something why do Italians don't they fight over Columbus isn't there something everybody's racist to the other side okay so the Earth is not flat dang it uh and the moon landing is real and 911 is don't take away my child all right we won't okay 911 we're kind of iffy no 911 is not iffy I will say that it was a massive intelligence failure I cannot sit here and put myself in anyone's mind and say this is the reason why they did it any anything I say would be speculation but when you have the greatest nation in the world the greatest intelligence apparatus in the world we should not have allowed that to happen I mean we know where these people are all over the world and before we shout out both you guys uh one last question Boeing all these planes are crashing I fly every weekend I know you fly like crazy I'm scared to death to get on a Boeing flight that whistleblower that said that he killed himself he was pictured in a Tommy Bahama shirt I don't think it's possible to kill yourself if you wear Tommy Bahama your like I mean your life's too happy what is going on with you know that's one of the reasons why I'm a paratrooper and I always carry a parachute with me so I'll just you just jump right out of Delta Airlines no big deal you go on commercial flights with a parachute on you just like you were you were in Afghanistan right could you imagine that but you've been on some bumpy flights though those planes can take a lot of bumps right he can take a lot of bumps cuz I fly all the time I get so scared push me to sleep it's kind of like rocking you could just sleep on a plane you don't get nervous have you ever been on an army C130 aircraft no they're huge and they have how many engines four or eight four four big DD and so it's it's fine is that flight turbulent though or is that things very it is yeah a lot of people barf especially when they do what's called nap of the earth when they go down and you know nap the Earth because you you know that's their training Mission so they're not detected oh so you go under the radar yeah and so you're still there with your parachute and all that gear and you know the force guys like to make us throw up and and she was a she's a veteran and that's where she was on a plane and they would fly for eight hours on and off and they would just do just surveillance just flying oh yeah yeah I can't believe every day going to work and get awax yeah that's exactly what she was she just sit in awax is that what is awax is that awax and she would say she would be there and she'd be looking at monitors and stuff and just be on a plane for eight hours I think their base is right up there in Tinker Air Base in uh in Oklahoma City well I don't know actually yeah this is where it's funny she's Lauren's a good friend of mine and that is exactly where I think she was based out of Oklahoma City I know she's watching so clip this okay now uh Colonel West what do we got going on you got some awesome event the Reagan yeah Reagan ra Roundup you know I'm the chair for the Dallas County Republican party and we want to have a real nice fun event and so we got John Rich a friend of mine coming down do a country uh uh concert Thursday the 12th of September uh there at Gillies and a couple of the things that you can uh win through the auction you get an opportunity to come shoot with me and after we shoot you go over to my house and we grill steaks and eat wow you can't beat that that is going to be fun and then uh tell the people where can they find you and how can they support you uh Dallas gop.org that's the website and you find me on all the social media platforms up Tik Tok cuz I don't play with the Communist Chinese party and I'm on substack as well and you know the Tik Tok in China the kids get like math problems and you know uh but but our Tik Tok it's like people getting shot Deery yeah yeah ridiculous AR where can they find you ris.com for my upcoming standup comedy shows where I promise not to discuss politics I don't know how I ended up here cuz you're friends with me cuz I'm friends with you you wanted to rub oil on my back that's right that's right I came here I came here touch this not cool at all not but uh yeah I'll I'll tell you some jokes and make you giggle and tickle you all right and then also see you in Afghanistan see you there I love that we were able to connect and he gave you good advice uh you need to start waking up at 4:00 a.m. if you really want to do it also guys my episode with Roseanne is out right now it just released 30 minutes ago or maybe an hour ago exact 600 PM central time so when our show started go to rumble and watch that it's uncensored Rosanne and I go crazy and then also my big announce ment pimp on a blimp is opening up for the one the only Tucker Carlson on September 24th in Fort Worth at the DI Arena thank you biggest biggest event I've ever been a part of uh my biological stepfather thank you so much for the support I love you Tucker get your tickets at Tucker carlson.com if you're in the Metroplex you definitely want to come to that guys it's been a great episode thank you guys for joining us always a privilege and I mean that thank you for your service I know our country's you know our whole military no stop AR I know there a lot transgenders in there I know there's a lot of transgenders in the military but I still respect the military 100% so all right guys we end the show the same way every time with the free style finale DJ hit the beat yo yo Colonel West is the best he will always pass the test Ari man is what's his deal kind of gay needs to chill if you want to be a pimp on a blend you got to eat that shrimp go follow Colonel West he's not related to Kanye West we love you guys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I was wrong I thought he was Kanye's Dad I'm an idiot but I love you guys Colonel West is the best [Music] peace for

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Category: News & Politics

Let's play s number one of uh cela's interview on climate change that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act she's taking credit for the inflation reduction... Read more

Shouting Out MS-13 Gang Members & Calling Out Fentanyl Dealers thumbnail
Shouting Out MS-13 Gang Members & Calling Out Fentanyl Dealers

Category: News & Politics

Big up to the big dogs in the chat who represent the east side ms-13 latin assassins crew i hope big eduardo gets out of rikers island very soon the crew misses your influence on the young hustlers that need your gangster guidance i was told by some ms-13 gangbangers that if i didn't give a proper shout... Read more

Trump Hits Kamala With "IM SPEAKING" thumbnail
Trump Hits Kamala With "IM SPEAKING"

Category: News & Politics

In minnesota she went out wait a minute i'm talking now does that sound familiar [music] Read more

Tucker Carlson on Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce thumbnail
Tucker Carlson on Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce

Category: News & Politics

Are taylor swift and travis kelce getting married or is this just a publicity stunt well i don't know i'm just being i got to be honest with you i did not go to princeton so i don't have as much information about taylor swift if i had that coveted ivly degree but i will say this i mean i wouldn't know... Read more

Dana Bash's First Interview with VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz on Their White House Vision thumbnail
Dana Bash's First Interview with VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz on Their White House Vision

Category: People & Blogs

Day one it's going to be about one implementing my plan for what i call an opportunity economy i've already laid out a number of um proposals in that regard which include what we're going to do to bring down um the cost of everyday goods what we're going to do to invest in america's small businesses... Read more

Reason Behind Kamala Harris Did Not Receive Support from Her Father in U.S. Elections | SumanTV thumbnail
Reason Behind Kamala Harris Did Not Receive Support from Her Father in U.S. Elections | SumanTV

Category: Entertainment

H dem [music] i think kam haris chicag d [music] bral [music] may donald harris stanford university un for [music] Read more

'WE SHOULD ALL BE AFRAID': Duffy blasts Walz's governing of Minnesota thumbnail
'WE SHOULD ALL BE AFRAID': Duffy blasts Walz's governing of Minnesota

Category: News & Politics

Really dive into this topic about theater shortages and education place to say we have sean duffy joining us he's coast of the bottom line it. so good to see you. i considered you an expert on the education topic you are well versed with nine kids. what do you make of this ongoing teacher shortage got... Read more

Kamala Harris CNN interview: Harris responds to Trump's comment on race thumbnail
Kamala Harris CNN interview: Harris responds to Trump's comment on race

Category: Entertainment

I want to ask you about your opponent donald trump um i was a little bit surprised people might be surprised to hear that you have never interacted with him met him face to face that's going to change soon but what i want to ask you about is what he said last month he suggested that you happened to... Read more

Présidentielle américaine 2024 : Ce qu’il faut retenir de l’interview de Kamala Harris sur CNN thumbnail
Présidentielle américaine 2024 : Ce qu’il faut retenir de l’interview de Kamala Harris sur CNN

Category: News & Politics

Présidentielle américaine 2024 ce qu'il faut retenir de l'interview de kamala haris sur cnn kamala haris a donné sa première interview en tant que candidate démocrate à l'élection présidentielle américaine sur cnn triomphalement investi par son parti lors de la convention nationale démocrate de chicago... Read more

Kamala FUMBLES Easy Interview, STILL No Clear Answers | StateOfDaniel thumbnail
Kamala FUMBLES Easy Interview, STILL No Clear Answers | StateOfDaniel

Category: News & Politics

Kamala harris' first interview reminded voters  why they elected former president donald trump   in the first place. look, the great thing about  being an independent is that i don't blindly root   for republicans or blindly root for democrats.  i can just call things how i see them. and this   highly... Read more

This Kamala Harris CNN Interview Was Actually Just a Gameshow thumbnail
This Kamala Harris CNN Interview Was Actually Just a Gameshow

Category: News & Politics

[music] how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a democratic primary and should they feel... Read more

CNN’s interview showed how media will work overtime to get Kamala Harris elected thumbnail
CNN’s interview showed how media will work overtime to get Kamala Harris elected

Category: News & Politics

The most important takeaway of kam harris's first interview since becoming the democratic nominee is that she still has nothing to say on inflation the best she could come up with was yet again to wave at price gouging even though she's already backed off her plan to supposedly deal with price gouging... Read more