Kamala Harris' first interview reminded voters
why they elected former President Donald Trump in the first place. Look, the great thing about
being an independent is that I don't blindly root for Republicans or blindly root for Democrats.
I can just call things how I see them. And this highly anticipated interview, Well, it wasn't
the train wreck that Republicans were hoping for, but it also wasn't a touchdown for Democrats
or a home run for Kamala Harris either. And in fact, I think it's actually going to
be a net negative for Kamala Harris and the Democrats because Kamala failed to do the two
jobs she had. Job number one, distinguish and separate her herself from Joe Biden. And job
number two, to paint herself as the outside candidate. And instead what she did was She again
reminded voters why they elected Donald Trump. She proved that she would be a
return to politics as usual. And, uh, just the old boring status quo. And you
can tell that she failed based on how the media is covering her. Here's a look at what
the daily beast said. It's actually a good thing that Kamala Harris's CNN interview
was so dull. I actually disagree with their premise here because what their
premises, what they're implying is that. Kamala Harris is dull because
Donald Trump is only exciting because he's controversial and divisive and
dramatic, and that makes for good TV. Well, being dull isn't a good thing, like they're
implying here. It's actually a good thing that her interview was so dull. Imagine
interviewing one of the founding fathers. What if Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson sat down with a journalist today?
Do you really think that their interview would be boring? Now, it might not have the bombast
or the dramatic flair that Donald Trump has, but I guarantee it would be a riveting watch
because of their ideas, because of their ideals, because of their philosophies, because of their
vision for the country and their conviction of, uh, making sure that they're able to
carry out that vision for the country. I guarantee none of the Founding Fathers would
ever be described as evil. quote unquote dull. So I don't think that's quite the defense
that the Daily Beast thinks it is. Also, uh, the Associated Press went along
those same lines. The interview, Kamala Harris's inaugural sit down, was the
most notable for seeming dot dot dot ordinary. Again, or like, that's your big selling point.
I'm ordinary. I mean, is that really what we want in a president? And that, and that's the
false dichotomy that Democrats are trying to set up here. Right? Because they, they're trying to
paint this picture of Donald Trump is unstable, dramatic, and dangerous. And on the other
hand, you have Kamala Harris, who is ordinary. Well, shouldn't we want something
more than ordinary in our presidents? Shouldn't we demand extraordinary? I
mean, that's what we want in a leader, someone who has a vision, someone
who has conviction. And of course, we want all of those things to be rooted in the
ideals of our country, rooted in the constitution. But again, I don't think that that's quite
the selling point that the media thinks it is. Last but not least, The Independent
said Kamala's interview was a masterclass in dodging traps set by Trump. No, it
wasn't a masterclass in that. It was a masterclass in just avoiding to answer any
question, period, because that's what she did. I'm gonna go through her interview, clip by
clip, and, uh, just thoroughly analyze it. Now, to be very clear, um, I'm going to have
to interrupt these clips every once in a while because YouTube will flag me for just, uh,
reposting CNN's videos. So, before I get comments being angry that I'm interrupting these videos,
uh, I I have to do that because of the copyright. strike system, and I don't want to get in trouble
on my channel. So here is the very first question that Kamala Harris was asked by Dana Walsh. She
was asked about what she would do on day one, and I want you to notice she never
actually answers the question about what she would do on day one. They're
really eager to hear what your plans are. If you are elected, what would you do
on day one in the White House? Well, there are a number of things. I
will tell you first and foremost, one of my highest priorities is to do what we can
to support And strength in the middle class. Um, when I look at Okay, and here's what
I mean by that. A lot of people, especially low information voters, and I don't
want to call That term sounds negative, right? Because it implies that they're ignorant.
And they may be ignorant because they're not watching the news, but most people
aren't political junkies, right? They, um, They're too busy working and providing for
their families, uh, just to clarify that. But, you know, she gives this answer, and it seems
politically correct, and it seems very sterile, and, you know, she, as if she's not
dramatic and not gonna cause trouble, and a lot of people just think, well,
She's likable, so I'll vote for her. But if you'll notice, she doesn't
actually answer the question. What, how are you going to strengthen the middle
class? She makes all these promises, but never digs into the specifics. What specifically
would you do? Does that mean tax cuts? If so, how big are the tax cuts? Who are the tax
cuts for? Are you going to pass regulations? If so, what are those regulations?
What industries are you going to bring manufacturing back? How are you going
to bring manufacturing back? How are you going to entice businesses to invest in the
United States? at the aspirations, the goals, the ambitions of the American people. I think
that, um, people are ready for a new way forward. Um, in a way that generations of Americans
have been fueled by, by hope and by optimism. I think sadly, In the last decade, um,
we have had in the former president, someone who has really been pushing an agenda
and an environment that is about diminishing, um, the character and the strength of who we are
as Americans, uh, to, really dividing our nation, and I think people are ready
to turn the page on that. No, that's not true. There is unity in
success, unity in strength, and unity in America first. Trump has never tried to
divide America. It's been the Democrats, and it's been the media, who have tried to make
America first. Even his most benign statements, remotely controversial. Here,
here's the proof, right? Because remember, when Trump first ran, and he
announced that he wanted to build the border wall, Democrats called it divisive, they said it was
inhumane, they said it was xenophobic and racist, they attacked him for wanting to build the border
wall. Well now Kamala Harris is out campaigning, literally campaigning, and saying that
she's going to build the border wall. Where are the attacks on her? Why isn't
the media calling her racist? Why isn't the media calling her xenophobic? I thought
walls didn't work. I thought walls were bad. And now Kamala Harris couldn't go out there and
say she's gonna build the border wall? In fact, Kamala Harris, as I pointed out in a
previous video, she's now using at least, in three different instances, uh, footage of the
border wall that Trump built in her campaign ads. So, uh, her talking about Trump being divisive and
all of that just doesn't make sense. But again, the question was, what are you going to
do on day one? She did not answer it. She provided vague things like, we're going
to strengthen the middle class. Again, how are you going to do
that? What are the specifics? Give us your policy. Give us the details.
So, Dana Bash asked a follow up question, and again, Kamala Harris didn't
answer. Again, just more, um, hope y, change y language. We're going to make an
opportunity economy. Well, what is an opportunity economy? How do you make an opportunity economy?
How is that different from what we have now? Here's a look at that. So what would you do
day one? Day one, it's going to be about, one, implementing my plan for what I call an
opportunity economy. I've already laid out a number of proposals in that regard. Um, which
include what we're going to do to bring down, um, the cost of everyday goods, what we're going
to do to invest in America's small businesses, what we're going to do to invest in families. For example, extending the child tax credit to
6, 000 for families in the first year of their child's life to help them buy a car seat,
to help them buy baby clothes, a crib. Um, there's the work that we're going to do
that is about investing in the American family around affordable housing, a
big issue in our country right now. So there are a number of things on day one.
Yeah, I, I, and, and that too, you know, Democrats are also giving free housing to illegal,
illegal immigrants. So there should have been a follow up question on that. What about that?
Um, and that's one thing I want to talk about, too, moving forward. You'll notice that even
when Kamala doesn't answer, and even when it looks like Dana Bash has asked a follow up
question, there are so many opportunities for Dana to have asked more follow up questions,
or, can you specify, can you clarify, or, let me, Provide a counterpoint and can you,
um, give me a response to that counterpoint? And she doesn't do that. It was a very softball
interview. A lot of the questions were teed up for her. Um, now Dana asked Kamala about
her statement of we're not going back, which is really ironic, right? Because during
the DNC, they kept chanting. We're not going back. We're not going back. Well, Just a few short
years ago, things were better under Donald Trump. We had world peace, no new wars, the Middle East
wasn't exploding, Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine, they only did that because of the disastrous
Afghanistan withdrawal under Joe Biden, the economy was roaring, wages were
high, there was virtually no inflation, the cost of living was down. I mean, the economy
was soaring under former President Donald Trump. And so Danavash asked, Uh, can you
clarify what you mean by we're, we're not going back? Talk about,
you call it the opportunity, uh, economy. You are well aware that right now many
Americans are struggling. There's a crisis of affordability. One of your campaign themes
is we're not going back. But I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when
it comes to the economy specifically because their groceries were less expensive, housing was
more affordable when Donald Trump was president. Okay, so she's going to just to give you a preview
because I want you to be aware of what she's going to do here. She starts talking about COVID
and how the Biden administration, you know, recovered from COVID. And the issue with that is
that President Trump did a great job of managing COVID. You know, he had the 15 days to slow the
spread and then he did what he was supposed to do. He left it up to the individual states. Because
it's not the role of the federal government to institute a nationwide shutdown like a lot
of other countries. He let local states, local jurisdictions, come up with their own plans.
And what happened was, is that radical Democrats, like in California, exposed themselves as being
radical, and they also exposed their hypocrisy. Gavin Newsom Famously, uh, infamously shut down
his state. Meanwhile, within his own state, he went to parties without masks. He drank
a lot, went to like, you know, eight fancy cheese boards, uh, and charcuterie boards
with his friends while he shut down the state. So the Democrats exposed the
radicalness, exposed their hypocrisy. Meanwhile, Republicans took a more
common sense sensible approach. They opened up schools before much of the
blue states and, uh, the blue cities, they opened up their economies. And so
it's unfair what Kamala Harris is about to say. And then, um, there's, there's a
lie later on that comes about inflation. We'll get into that. Well, let's start with the
fact that when Joe Biden and I came in office during the height of a pandemic, we saw over
10 million jobs were lost. I mean, literally, we were all tracking the numbers. Hundreds of
people a day were dying because of COVID. Um, the economy had crashed. In large part, all of
that because of mismanagement by Donald Trump. of that crisis. When we came in, our highest
priority was to do what we could to rescue America. And today we know that we have
inflation at under 3%. A lot of Okay, gonna stop her here and correct a few things.
Number one, inflation at 3 percent sounds great because it's down from 8%. It's down
from 7%. But Inflation is cumulative, so what happens is, just for easy math, let's say
inflation, the cost of something is 100, right? Um, let's say inflation goes up 10%. Well,
now the cost is 110. Let's say inflation goes up 10 percent next month. Well, you're
not taking 10 percent of the original 100. You're now taking 10 percent of that
new number, 110. So it keeps growing, growing, growing. Inflation, though,
uh, when she says it's lowered to 3%, that doesn't mean that, uh, Uh, we've
now gone from 110 for that cost to 103. What she's saying is now, we're gonna
take 3 percent of 110 and add that to 110. So in other words, inflation is still
worse. We're still worse off today and, and costs are still going higher. So her
phrasing of inflation's down to 3 percent No, what we want, um, would be, uh, For those
numbers to go back down to their baseline. So that that's not a good thing. Number
two, um, more people died. This is a fact you can fact check me more people died
under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris than died under Donald Trump. She wants to talk
about mismanagement. They had the vaccine. They could have shut down the country.
They could have instituted mask mandates. They could have, and I'm not saying
they should have done that. I mean, they could have theoretically, you know, um,
but I, again, not saying that they should have, but. I only want to say that because she
wants to talk about mismanagement. And, you know, they had more therapeutics, they had
more resources, the hospitals weren't full, and yet more people died under their
administration than under Donald Trump's. She, she really wants to talk about mismanagement?
Our policies have led to the reality that America recovered faster than any wealthy nation
around the world. But, you are right. Prices, in particular for groceries, are still
too high. The American people know it, I know it. Which is why my agenda includes what we
need to do to bring down the price of groceries. For example, dealing with an issue like price
gouging. What we need to do to extend the child tax credit to help young Okay, again, she
stole the idea for the child tax credit, and then when it comes to price gouging,
That's what they do in communist Marxist countries. Price gouging, uh, controls
have, have never worked in history. Also, she talks about price gouging and
addressing price gouging as if, you know, the food industry and the grocery industry is,
you know, trying to rip off consumers. Well, the profit margins in that industry are oftentimes
less than 1%. Grocery stores and food processors. I mean, it's, on the high end, 3 percent
profit margins, but for most of them, 1%. And she, she wants to accuse them of
price gouging, and she's going to put price caps on them. That is going to drive
costs through the roof. It's going to put, uh, grocers and food producers and farmers
out of business. And that would be terrible, not only for the economy, but
for our way of life in America. Families be able to take care of their children
in their most formative years. What we need to do to bring down the cost of housing. My proposal
includes what would be a tax credit of 25, 000 for first time home buyers. So they can just
have enough to put a down payment on a home, which is part of the American dream and
their aspiration, but do it in a way that allows them to actually get on the path
to achieving that goal and that dream. That right there also will, would just
giving, you know, homebuyers a 25, 000 down payment would only drive the cost of housing
through the roof. Because that doesn't answer, that doesn't address the core
issue here. The core issue is, why is there a shorting houseage in the first
place? Why aren't more homes being built? Why are these mega corporations, why are these
mega, Organizations such as BlackRock able to buy up all this land? Why are they able
to buy up all these apartment use units? Why are they able to turn, you know, all these
single housing units into, you know, tall and skinny duplexes and just rent them out? I mean,
there is a huge shorting crisis in this nation, and that, by the way, has to do, or is a cause
for the rising prices, because what is inflation? Well, it is when, um, there aren't
enough goods, and there's too much money, too many dollars chasing too few goods.
And she is not addressing, you know, all the money that's, uh, artificially in
the economy, thanks to Joe Harris's bailouts, and the lack of supply, the, again,
the lack of housing, the lack of homes. So she would actually make the problem worse
without addressing any of the issues. Now, one of the issues she did talk about was fracking
in Pennsylvania, and she attempted to deny that she. Claim that she would
not ban fracking. Take a look at this. Let me get some clarity on where
you stand on some key policy issues. Energy is a big one. When you were in Congress,
you supported the Green New Deal. And in 2019, you said, quote, there is no question I'm
in favor of banning fracking. Fracking, as you know, is a pretty big issue, particularly
in your must win state of Pennsylvania. Do you still want to ban fracking? Okay, before she
answers, I do want to point out that Dana, Referred to Pennsylvania as her must win
state as I've been saying Realistically, whoever wins Pennsylvania will win the
election if Trump wins, Pennsylvania. It is a 93 percent chance He wins the entire
election versus Kamala Harris if she wins, Pennsylvania, it is a 91 percent chance. She
wins the entire election And the state itself has a 33 percent probability of being the state
that decides the election one way or another. So, this issue of fracking is really
important, especially in Pennsylvania. No, and I made that clear on the
debate stage in 2020. That I would not ban fracking. As vice president,
I did not ban fracking. As president, I will not ban fracking. In 2019, I believe,
uh, at a town hall, you said, you were asked, would you commit to implementing a federal
ban on fracking on your first day in office? And you said, there's no question I'm in
favor of banning fracking. So, yes. So, it changed in the, in that campaign? In
2020, I made very clear where I stand. We are in 2024 and I've not changed that
position nor will I going forward. I kept my word and I will keep my word. In
2020, I made it very clear where I stand. First of all, that is a lie. I will expose
that here in a few seconds. But Dana Bash should have asked a follow up question to
that and really pushed her on it because that's what a good interviewer does. They
don't just ask follow up questions. They also push back on statements and provide
counter arguments or again, will push. you previously said this, you're saying this,
these two things don't jive, they don't mashup, How do you explain that? And, um, you know,
CNN apparently has more footage. This is a pre taped interview. It was edited.
So we don't know if Dana Bash asked a follow up question and if they chose to leave it
on the editing room, on the cutting room floor. We don't know that. But I would have asked
a follow up question there because Um, Kamala Harris did in 2019 say that she would be in
fracking, and then in 2020 she never clarified her position on it, which she said previously in
that clip. She actually clarified Joe Biden's position on it because she did that when she
was on the vice presidential debate stage. So she never clarified her position. So the
last statement we have from her is her 2019 position when she said she would be in
fracking. So this is actually CNN. And that's how you know this interview is
bad. CNN fact checked her on this. Um, they showed her 2019 clip and then they showed,
um, her in 2020 defending Joe Biden on it. But again, talking about his, his policies
and not hers. This is what it looked like. The fact check bottom line, Abby, is that
she did not actually make clear at a 2020 debate that she had changed her previous
support for a fracking ban. So let me take you through this kind of saga. So here's
what she said at a CNN climate town hall. in 2019 on the subject of a fracking ban. Will
you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office, adding the
United States, the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice? There's no
question. I'm in favor of banning fracking. Joe Biden will not end fracking. He has been
very clear about that. I will repeat and the American people know. That Joe Biden will not
ban fracking. Again, there you have it. Kamala Harris didn't provide her views on fracking.
She was providing Joe Biden's. And that's what, you know, I'm not criticizing her for
doing her job for defending her boss. That's what she's supposed to do. But
she could have given insight into how she views it. And if Dana Bash had done
her research and taken a look at all of Kamala's statements, she would have
known that she could have said, well, you actually didn't Tell us your views on that
debate stage. You were talking about your bosses. What are your views? Can you clarify? I
really think Dana should have pushed back, and I really think she should have, uh, tried
to get Kamala on the record. Just being clear, because Kamala has clearly flip flopped
on so many issues. Now, Tim Walz, Kamala Harris's support dog, her support
animal, you know, the straight white man, as Democrats like to say, was with
her, and he performed just as poorly. He refused to answer any questions. And
again, I think most people who don't pay attention to politics closely, if they
tuned in, they'd be like, Oh, he's fine, he seems nice, but when you really listen to the
substance, There is no substance there. It is just intellectual fast food. Um, you had to clarify,
uh, that you had said that you and your wife used IVF, but it turned out you used a different
kind of fertility in order to, uh, have children. And then when you ran for Congress in
2006, your campaign repeatedly made false statements about a 1995 arrest for drunk and
reckless driving. What do you say to voters who aren't sure whether they can take you
at your word? Well, I've been very public, I think they can see, uh, my students come out,
uh, former folks I've served with, and they do, they vouch for me, I certainly own my mistakes
when I'm Okay, so, he's gonna continue. But I wanna point out, she asks questions
about, like, you've lied about IVF, you've lied about all these things, how do you
answer those? And he, he doesn't answer them, he just says, my students can vouch for me,
people vouch for me, I'm a good guy. That's all he's saying there. He, he's not answering
the question at all, and that is a fallacy. He's trying to appeal, um, to, uh,
his moral goodness, and his character, and trying to say, I'm a good person,
and therefore, I would never lie. I, I, I just have poor grammar. That's why I lifted
my video here, because on the chyron there, uh, he essentially was, sometimes my
grammar is poor, or whatever it was. Really? He's gonna blame his grammar for
his lies? Just take a look at this. He, he, he never addresses the question. And it's just
People vouch for me. I'm a good guy. People say I'm a good guy. The one thing I'll tell you is,
um, I wished in this country we wouldn't have to do this. I spoke about our infertility issues,
because it's hell, and families know this. And, uh, I, I spoke about the treatments
that were available to us that, that had those beautiful children there. Um, that's
quite a contrast in folks that are trying to, uh, To take those rights away from us. And so no
one is trying to ban Iiv. FI, uh, I think people know who I am. They know that record, they've
seen that I've taught thousands of students. I've been out there and, um, again,
an appeal to party. I won, apologize, appeal to his character, whether it's guns in
schools or protecting of reproductive rights. Uh, the contrast could not be clear between what
we're running against the vice President's position on this has been clear and, um. I think
most Americans get it if you've been through that, um, I don't think they're cutting hairs on IVF or
IUI, I think what they're cutting hairs on is an abortion ban and the ability to be able to deny
families the chance to have a beautiful child. Okay, so, well, denying families the chance to
have a beautiful child, that's what abortion is and that's what you stand for. I mean,
abortion is literally killing a beautiful, innocent child in the womb when they're
most defenseless. Disgusting. Um, but next, Dana Bash asked Tim Walls about his, the
stolen valor accusations against him and if, again, listen closely, he does not ever once deny,
he never denies the accusations of stolen valor. I want to ask you a question about how you've
described your service in the National Guard. You said that you carried weapons in war,
but you have never deployed actually in a war zone. A campaign official said that
you misspoke. Did you? Well, first of all, I'm incredibly proud to have done 24 years
of wearing the uniform of this country. equally proud of my service in a public school
classroom, whether it's Congress or or the governor. My record speaks for itself, but I
think people are coming to get to know me. I speak like they do. Um, I speak candidly.
I wear my emotions on my sleeves and, uh, I speak, uh, especially passionately about,
uh, about our children being shot in schools. I speak like they do. Is he calling the rest
of America liars? He speaks about children being shot in schools. What does that have
to do about stolen valor? He's just trying to change the subject. He's trying to
distract voters so that they, you know, like him on this one issue and totally
forget about the stolen valor accusations. Again, he's not denying any of
that. Around, around guns. So, uh, I think people know me. They
know who I am. They know where, uh, where my heart is. And again, my record has been
out there for over 40 years. Moral authority. And the idea that you said that you were in war.
Did you misspeak as the campaign has said? Yeah, I said we were talking about, in this case, this was after a school shooting. The ideas of
carrying these weapons of war. And, uh, my wife, the English you're telling my grammar is not
always correct. But again, if it's not this, it's an attack on my children for showing
love for me, or it's an attack on my dog. Uh, I'm not gonna do that. And the one
thing I'll never do is I'll never demean another member's family. Service in any way
I never have okay Here's the thing. No one is demeaning his service What people are
criticizing is him lying about his service and he didn't here's the thing. He says it's
just my grammar He didn't just repeat these claims just say these claims once he's repeated
them multiple times when it came to his rank He was introduced by the incorrect rank multiple
times and he never corrected those people So it would be one thing if he misspoke once because
everyone misspeaks, but when you start doing it multiple times it's Just that there's
a pattern, either premeditated or sloppy. Either way, I think both of those are
disqualifying or are, um, huge red flags about your character and your integrity. Um, so
I, I, I think that's a big deal. And again, he, he didn't answer the question. Now, Kamala Harris
did answer one of the last questions that Dana Bash, Dana Bash asked, and it was about whether
she had any regrets covering up for Joe Biden. And Kamala said she has no regrets.
What? What? She is literally only the candidate right now because Joe Biden
dropped out, he was forced out, um, because of that awful debate performance
because no one thought, you know, that really exposed him finally as being
infirm, a day that will live in infirmary. Yes, I know it's infamy, but, uh, I'm calling
Joe Biden infirm. Some people don't get that joke whenever I say it, so I just wanted to
explain. Um, but Kamala Harris said she has no regrets covering up the health and Joe Biden's
obvious cognitive decline. I think this answer right here should be disqualifying for her as a
candidate because she has endangered the Biden. I mean, we are literally on the verge of World
War III with what's happening in the Middle East, Russia, China. Uh, hello? This is a national
security issue. Vice President Harris, you were a very staunch defender of President
Biden's capacity to serve another four years. Right after the debate, you insisted that
President Biden is extraordinarily strong. Given where we are now, do you have any regrets
about what you told the American people? No, not at all. Not at all. I have, um.
served with President Biden, um, for almost four years now. And I'll
tell you, it's one of the greatest honors of my career. Truly. Um, He cares so
deeply about the American people. He is so. Again, this is another thing that they do.
They, they try to change the topic. So they don't answer the question. Like, do you have
any regrets saying that Joe Biden was fine? Oh, he cares about the people. He's so loving. He
said, that doesn't answer the question. But for, again, for those. Low information voters who don't
follow the news and only hear these soundbites, they think, Oh, she, she speaks so lovingly about
her boss, they really care about the country. And that's what's scary is that it's through no
fault of their own, the low misinformation vote, low information voters. The fault lies with
the media for allowing these candidates to get away with fluff, because that's what this is.
Intellectual junk food like this. Smart and, um, and loyal to the American people. And I have spent hours upon hours with him, be
it in the Oval Office or the Situation Room. He has the intelligence, the commitment,
and the judgment, um, and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve
in their president. She also claims that, uh, her first thought when she found out Joe Biden
was dropping out of the race was about him. I don't think that's the case. I would bet
money that she thought about herself and her own political future. Uh, what do you
think? My first thought was not about me, to be honest with you. My first
thought was about him. Yeah, I doubt that. Um, and so David Axelrod,
uh, excuse me, Obama's former campaign advisor went on CNN afterwards, and he said
that this barely moved the ball forward. And, uh, CNN's review, uh, commentary
panel essentially agreed that, yeah, it maybe moved the ball forward, but it wasn't a
touchdown. It wasn't a home run. Here's what they had to say. Now, you might not like the way she
answered him, but she answered him as a capable, qualified leader. And I do think she I think
she moved the ball forward a little bit. You know, maybe she didn't score a
touchdown tonight. It wasn't a huge, I don't think she moved the ball that
much forward. No, and again, like I said, at the very beginning of this video, I really
think she reminded voters why they elected former president Donald Trump in the first
place. Because he's a candidate of change. He says what, uh, he means. He's not,
uh, Politically correct and people people aren't supporting Trump just because of the
drama They're saying because they're they're supporting him because they know when he says
something he means it when he says something He's gonna do it when he says something.
It's not because it's poll tested It's not because there have been these focus groups
and you know He's found these buzzwords that are going to help him in the polls or help him
with Public approval or help him with his image. He says things that he means, you know, Tim Walz
says I take I talk like an ordinary person. No you talk like someone Who's a crazy person. You talk
like someone who's a radical leftist because you are. It's Trump who talks like a normal person.
It's Trump who, uh, talks about love of country and love for our fellow man and our people and is
proud to be an American and puts America first. Meanwhile, the Democrats, all they've done the
last few years is talk about how racist and how, uh, Uh, flawed America is that's why they
encouraged people and I get it's a first amendment, right? That's why they encouraged
people to kneel during the national anthem. That's why they're supporting pro Hamas
pro gaza pro palestine instead of pro israel because israel is an ally of
america and is a symbol of the West. Okay, I'm getting off off topic here. But again, I think Kamala Harris really just reminded
people that she is the status quo. She is a normal politician who speaks in politician
speak. It's very polished sounding, um, but doesn't really say anything. It's just
intellectual junk food, intellectual fast food. At first glance, you know, maybe satiate
satiates, uh, your hunger and your thirst, but then you realize, wow, I'm really
malnourished because there was nothing of substance there at all. She didn't
answer any of the questions. She, again, has not revealed any of her policy
positions or her ideas. And, um, hopefully, She'll feel comfortable after
this interview because the press is trying to cover up for her and hopefully now she'll
give more and will expose herself even more. But as always all of that
is just my analysis and just my opinion and I would love to know what
you think in the comments down below. Uh, do you agree with my assessment? Do you think
Kamala Harris succeeded in this interview or do you think she, like I think, um, Reminded
voters why they voted for Donald Trump? Let me know in the comments below. If you haven't
already, please be sure to give me a thumbs up. I know it's a simple thing to ask for, but it really
does help me and the algorithm to reach more viewers like you. Be sure to smash that subscribe
button and to check out one of these videos.
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>> over the past four years, kamala and crooked joe biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing one financial atrocity after another. as vice president, kamala cast deciding vote that caused the worst inflation in american history. you are all victims of it. we all are. everyone... Read more
There's a reason people call them fake news.
cnn's first interview with kamala harris was, yes, bad for kamala, but it was also just as bad for
cnn, because it exposed and laid bare cnn's double standards for interviewing republicans versus
interviewing democrats. i made a compilation video... Read more
So we are 3 days removed from the presidential debate and that means that the new polls include and this is michigan but the new polls in all include data that was only taken after the debate so we can look at the responses to the debate in the polling and see how it matches up so we will start with... Read more
Do you support kamal harris more than i support trump you know and that's kind of dangerous to say even nowadays why because people want to kill you because you're not with their you're not if you're not with them you're against them it seems like i have friends that are ready to kill each other at... Read more
Do you still want to ban fracking no and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 i think the difference is if you said okay let's lay out a reason of why my opinions have changed was no reason it's just of course i said i'm not going to do it you have a situation like what's going on currently... Read more
What would you do on day one in the white house one implementing my plan for what i call an opportunity economy which include what we're going to do to bring down the cost of everyday goods what we're going to do to invest in america's small businesses what we're going to do to invest in families for... Read more
Today vice president kamla harris back in washington fresh off of her first sitdown interview since becoming a presidential candidate confronted on cnn about her policy shifts from 2019 my values have not changed harris also emphasizing the importance of unity saying she's open to naming a republican... Read more
>> emily: vice president, harris has finally agreed to a sitdown interview but she won't be facing the questions alone and it is thought to be a pretaped joint interview with her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz. let's go live to mark meredith in savannah, georgia, with the latest. mark. >>... Read more
Right now, turning to the latest in the race for the white house later today, kamala harris' running mate, tim walls will campaign right here in north carolina. his event in raleigh comes just hours before he and vice president kamala harris are said to have their first joint interview. wcnc charlotte's... Read more
Alina habba trump's attorney goes on an intense rant against vice president kamla harris during a trump r accusing her of being dependent on others and vowing to get her hands dirty for trump's return to power but is this just desperation from a crumbling campaign or something deeper watch as harris... Read more
Welcome to today's deep dive into the latest polling in the 2024 us presidential race between former president donald trump and vice president kamla harris as we break down the data we'll explore how these two candidates are fairing both nationally and in key battleground states what factors are shaping... Read more