The Apprentice yes hello this is Donald Trump uh from Mr cone thank you so much Donald who Roy con nice to meet you do you Roy CL from all the papers yeah you're brutal guilty is [Applause] charged Roy col is a crook he's been indicted three times I'm going to let you in a little secet people they hire me because I'm a winner how do you win the first rule is the simplest attack attack attack it's going to be the finest building in the country in the world it's going to be spectacular rule two admit nothing deny everything you think you can beat the US government rule three no matter what happens you claim victory and never admit defeat I record everything in case I need it well that's illegal you have to be willing to do anything to anyone to win W there are two types of people there are winners and there are losers you're over leverag and have debt up to your ears I know what I'm doing have a look at yourself you're getting ugly don't you forget I made you we have a brand new campaign slogan let's make America great again H well I like the Again part Nightbitch he's super cute do you just love getting to be home with them all the [Music] time yeah I do I love it you're an artist right well I I used to be a wow but that feels like a lifetime ago literally definitely we get it I used to be a stripper the before times nobody in this family can clean their own butts no no no [Music] oh if you wake him up I will rip your throat out okay for what it's worth I would kill to stay home with him every [Music] day Mama fuzzy I'm not fuzzy I just feel off look at my teeth see how sharp they are it's a little bit weird motherhood and changes you and connects you to some Primal urges a I feel like I'm stuck make up a plan draw up a schedule happiness is Choice happiness is a choice I'll try I'm never going to be smart happy or thin ever again oh and I'm pretty sure I'm turning into a dog you're so funny do you ever feel like the big secret is that we are gods we [ __ ] create life we so powerful what the [ __ ] I could crush a walnut with my vagina I am a woman I am an animal I am night you're so dirty where did you go I her [Music] run this fet is about to look so sexy House of Spoils you going to leave your wife hell yeah that's how it's done watch and learn I'm leaving to be head chef at my own restaurant we have a beautiful sight Upstate all yours Baby [Music] W we're pulling off a fine dining restaurant in the boonies it is make or break and we got to make you the next big thing I don't need them burnt I need them delicious move move let's go I've never seen greens like these tell them we only want the best got it what's proyo Pudo oh [Music] you okay Chef yeah I'm great the previous owner you know about her everyone around here has a witch lady story I wouldn't need anything from her garden you've been watching too many tales from the [ __ ] my dude come this way come we have a squating groto [Music] it was hot the spoon can get very hot what was that all about look there is something very wrong with this place you are the chef oh my God this is on you you're continuing to have anxiety this feels different I really believed you when you said that you were ready for this now I'm watching you fall apart hope you're all still hungry [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] Megalopolis one filmmaker has always been ahead of his time time stop go now from Visionary writer and director Francis Ford Copa comes an event nothing can prepare you for Imagine today's society as a branch of [Music] civilization about to reach a dead end is this way we're living the only one that's available to us my plan is a city that people can dream about megalopolis what about those standing in your way power to the people you like it the way it is people don't need dreams people need help now don't let the now destroy the forever we're in need of a great debate about the future enjoy the show one two three yippe yay [Music] [Music] there's still so much to accomplish but is no [Music] time go Francis Ford cop's megalopolis [Music] Smile 2 I need you to listen to me something really bad happened you remember Louis for [ __ ] from high school I went to his apartment but when I showed up Louis no no away from me what he was smiling at me ladies and gentlemen Sky Riley you are in the middle of a big world tour you okay I keep seeing this face [Music] everywhere this thing is a parasite [Music] you witnessed a death now it's latched Onto [Music] You 911 what's your [Applause] emergency I've traced a string of deaths to you nobody has survived longer than a week Skye pull it together and get back out there no I will not let this thing use me how do we stop it we need to kill you first [Music] what we have to end it no matter what you're not a I am I need to stop it but I don't know how [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hold Your Breath mama can you tell us about the wheat when the wind blw the weeds would wave one day we played hide and seek in The Tall Grass you could hide inches away and I couldn't see [Music] you doctor says it's just too much dust in the air it's a battle it's good you brought the girls Margaret why is that I guess you haven't heard about The Drifter killed the mama and the kids did he ever catch the Drifter it's like he just melted into the dust the gray man is everywhere you can't keep him out didn't I ask you to tie the doors I did he seeps through the cracks and gets inside [Music] you he's all around us if you breathe him in he'll make you do Terrible Things he'll make you do Terrible [Music] Things Mama were you outside all night my advice say keep the house seal best you can relax you're taking your sleeping aid any word on that driftor what if it happens again these girls are lucky to have you you don't think that he could be anywhere was he in me Mom if you breathe him in get die he'll make you do terrible things we're very well [Music] you Sonic you finally found your family Sonic the Hedgehog 3 try to keep up I know it hasn't always been easy but you didn't change who you are in here yeah in my lungs where your heart there's been a high level security breach and we need team Sonic's immediate assistance project Shadow is far beyond anything we've ever encountered Shadow's story began a lot like your Sonic but where you found family and friends sh Shadow found only pain and loss all right we got a rogue alien on the loose how do we find it start with the giant Fireball I love it let's start with a giant Fireball he is much more impressive than the Hedgehog I thought previously dude I'm standing right here you're colorful Bunch we don't want to fight you actually Sonic I would like to fight no no [Music] yeah my turn can we just talk about this he's too powerful Z I can't believe I'm saying this but we need you know who this is a bad idea when has that ever stop me doctor we have visitors this is sad Robotnik even for you we need your help on one condition what do this if I can't rule the world I might as well save it I need room but sir I don't have the proper materials found [Music] some when we're done there won't be anything right hey no cheat code what did you do what I had to welcome home my boy it's impossible is it it couldn't be couldn't it I am are you in the saggy Last Signal flesh imagine the world really ends tomorrow no it it won't why not I would have gotten the heads up I get it you must really miss your family far away in space at 8:18 a.m. a giant asteroid will fly at the minimum distance from our planet miror call lra now lra look out the window L can you hear me is that you Dad yes hello sweetheart promise me you'll get her here safe and sound okay yeah S I promise search system activated I'll keep an eye on [Music] her hold on please wait hold on it's okay you're going to be fine [Applause] [Applause] Apartment 7A I came here for one reason to make something of myself to be on stage to see my name in Big life but dreams don't always come [Music] true you know when we found you wa you lost honey [Music] you were kind of a mess we want to help the place is yours if you want it Terry you don't even know these people look moving into my own place feels like a first step I think this belonged to your old tenant she skipped out of here like Cinderella and midnight all I want is to dance show me again again again being on stage isn't [Music] worthless what's the hold up there can you just leave [Music] please maybe I shouldn't have bothered every every single thing handed to you on a silver platter there's something wrong with these people I think something happened to the girl who lived here before me they did ungodly things to her and now they've chosen you you what do you mean I need to know what's happening to [Music] me ah we to give you everything the name up been big lights this is so much bigger than me and I can't run from this this is a road you were born to play babies here to stay Die Alone what happened we've been threatening to let viruses wipe us out for years when finally called our blood after the deadliest day yet social media is dubbing the infected the reclaimed some say it's the planet's attempt to reclaim balance by killing us all off you shouldn't be out here alone you are yeah well I'm not an idiot how's your head I've got amnesia I was in a car accident I was with Emma we were driving to the lake keep your Amnesia to yourself people today are looking for weaknesses in others how do you two know each other I lost someone too she's helping me find her my memories are a confusing blur maybe it's for the best cuz right now my life is something I'd rather forget just wondering if it's safe out here alone I'm not alone got mytle that's a dangerous thing you know thinking the worst about people especially in times like these that looks bad anything else in here just Never Let Go poison y'all ready never let go never let go never let go never let go life's been hard on your boy since the world end i' remember One Touch without ROP on is all it takes remind the house while we deserve his [Music] protection bless blessed House of ancient wood Shel to the to the pure and good we'll keep you bright and never wrong Heaven is here within our home did it touch you say it bless w show keep you and never R Heaven is here with say it Heaven is here within our where the world now is here with in our home I get why you think I did this but Bad Genius I'm the last person on Earth who needs to cheat ask anyone you're going further than your mom and I ever could you're going to accomplish big big things I think you deserve a chance to make whatever kind of future you want for yourself no matter what the rules say then will the first in our family to go to college we know this is the best place for getting into top tier schools there's no way we can afford 50k a year you can attend for free I'll have a real chance at getting an audition at juliard now that food smells foul Lyn I am so sorry I'm late who are you I'm Grace your new school Ambassador you're basically smarter than every student what if you tutored me you may begin she's my friend why wouldn't I help my [Music] friend my girl this is I'm just guessing money's pretty tight right now everything is a transaction the British kids get great scores we get paid everyone wins what if we made our own code for music I paid for piano lessons since when is that illegal I don't know how you're doing it and I don't care I just need to get him into colobia cheating is impossible it's the fort KNX of tests you just haven't put your big brain to it I need help no one can do what you do the only way to beat a Rick Davis to outmaneuver it this is a first class ticket to your future it's always the ones with the most delus who suffer so what's my cut 150 Grand [Music] what do you think's going to happen if I get caught we can't quit now this is what you do with the future open this door [Music] Terrifier 3 now you survived the most famous serial killer since Jack the Ripper the 5-year anniversary is coming up I think a lot of people would really like to hear from you after all this time want to know what it's like to be in the presence of that kind of evil what goes through your brain when he's close enough to you you feel his breath [Music] [Music] I saw him today who how can you be sure it was really him I could feel it who is this Santa he's scaring my kid yeah he's scaring me too hey Santa's handing out present jul why would he come back here even if he was alive which he isn't wouldn't he want to get as far away from here as possible as far away from you we both know this isn't [Music] over I have to go back to the terrifier it's still a bar there isn't it it might be the only thing that can stop them [Music] looking forward to the best Christmas ever filled with fun smiles and laughter Weekend in Taipei I'm John Lawler I was under cover to finally take quang's operation now we getting it all on camera [Music] we can still solve This Confidential informant come forward I just need we C what's the hand off Ty absolutely not after what happened last time go relax the drugs will still be here on Tuesday and so qu all [Music] right Joey my love where were you today my trial started [Music] ready who's the snitch that's an excellent question I can finally take him down I don't know why you mared sometimes it's easier to forget a past Joey it's been 15 years whoever broke your heart is not coming back what are you doing here how did you find me mom who's this mom you have a son sure cor send him and right now you bring me my wife and kill John merler you're in trouble now seriously who is this guy see you haven't changed a bit everyone shut up and let me drive this between you and me not going to lose you again you're supposed to be dead you a minute kidding your mom will take care of [Music] that guys what are you doing we forgot our keys you're stealing cars and he's punching everyone who are you people get in listen to your mother the award goes to Brick Maxwell Cassino in Ischia for the Big Bang 2 light the fuse hey I got some news for you you sitting down the horsemen came through they're going with brick Maxwell the demographic is changing and they want a new kind of hero I need some time why don't you take a nice trip if you want to tour come with me let's do it Isa was born from the sea my films are totally forgettable as am I it's a sign I want you to star in this film time for me to get back to work reclaim the throne let's go we're going to revive the Glory Days of Italian Cinema action where's the sound mixer just count 1 2 3 you are over counting [Applause] ah you are the great Nino wow guess all the training came in handy time to save the world again [Applause] yeah so you are creating a masterpie I'm doing this film to prove I can act Nic casino is bad [Music] I, The Executioner [Music] [Music] for for Hard Truths look at you fix your face you're dealing with the public handling people's food stop please and you can pip down and all standing there like an ostrich people can't stand them cheerful grinning [Music] people Mama see in a bit where do you think you're going for a walk people are going to accuse you of lightering with intent your sister call me who Shantel I know who my sister is thank you very much what are you going to settle down why you have somebody for me yes Jesus at least he was a single man do you want to come to the flat on Sunday the girls would like to see Le you know I got health issues I might spend the day lying in bed she makes everything about her she's rude man I've been harassed by people all day I'm sick to death of it I just want it to all stop why are you so angry why can't you enjoy life I don't know [Music] you worry me you know pansy what's going on I'm so lonely what are we going to do about [Music] it I don't understand you but I love [Music] you and her over there with that fat baby parading it around in the little outfit not dressed for the weather no with pockets what's the baby got pockets for what's it going to keep in its Nickel Boys pocket long time long time long [Music] time W that's it h you're doing great what happened today one kid used to hangry all the time you don't remember remember what you really don't [Music] remember I don't know what Morey you want me to remember what are you going to do it's now [Applause] another hello [Music] he

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