College Football Season Rankings (Tiermaker Tierlist)

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:32:23 Category: Gaming

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hey y'all what's up um it's been a while I'm wolf laugh welcome back to the channel uh today I'll be ranking years in college football so might you might just see years since 2000 here um I'm just going to R ranking years by how good they're college football season was uh and we're only doing the playoff era because honest to God if I had to figure out the BCS era if I had to remember all the way back to like 2006 when I was born yeah yeah no that's not going to work so I'm just going to be doing all of these uh from 2014 to 2024 um obviously normal tier making tier ranks uh sa a b c DF starting off with the clear like Standalone s tier the college football era or the college football playoff era 2021 oh my god oh I should clarify we're using regular season and postseason uh taking both those into consideration 2021 what can I say that year was the year of absolute parody uh I mean you had a solid or you had some great games that year first of all let's just get the elephant in the room out of the way National Championship was absolute Cinema games before it were not the semi-finals are pretty bad um but the regular season in the national championship were absolutely amazing I mean first of all let's take a let's let's let's think about the best games that year we had Michigan finally beating Ohio State right that was just Monumental you had the Oregon Ohio State game earlier in that year which was really good you had the Michigan Michigan State game which made M everyone think that Michigan state was were not frauds when Michigan just absolutely choked that um even in somewhat smaller games Iowa versus Penn State not a small game by any means but still Iowa versus Penn State number two versus or like number three versus number four at some point Iowa yes Iowa was number three before they eventually choked to Wisconsin everyone thought that they were playoff Contender they were not there were so many great games that year uh when I just think back to it it gets a smile on my face bedum that year as well Oklahoma versus Oklahoma state was amazing everyone thought that if uh Oklahoma state had won their conference Championship they probably would have been in the college football playoff instead of Alabama or instead of Georgia rather um but yeah I mean there were so many Michigan Cinderella story all the way up to the semi-finals though it did end um because of very angry Georgia uh also can't can't forget Cincinnati's undefeated regular season and their failure in the college football playoffs but still we finally got a group of five team um yeah it was that was a pretty great year we also had uh some smaller games everyone might have forgotten about a appstate versus Coastal Carolina everyone thought Coastal Carolina real Contender there I think they had Isaiah likely at the time but nope they they were not but anyways that that season is just absolutely amazing I mean just every single game or most games that season were just great now let's go to the complete opposite end of the spectrum 2020 was a garbage year let's be honest um there were some good games I mean what comes to mind is any game involving Indiana and Florida were both those were just great games Texas A&M actually had a good season as well but it's just such a forgettable season uh Miami was good for a second but I mean overall just not a great season it was just kind of [ __ ] I I mean Florida the the one great part about this season was how Florida limited themselves from the playoffs when they actually probably might have had a better chance going into the championship against Alabama if they weren't a two lost team but they eliminated themselves like absolute goobers and it was just the funniest thing in the world so yeah 2020 F uh f f year also the playoffs in that year were just bad nothing really to say about that no good playoffs uh then let's go to some of the more midlink things all right there's only one and S only one and F and they came a back toback years I think what also helps is that this happened right after this so you're starred for college football but there there were some pretty great uh things in 2021 I also forgot to mention I mean what what what really comes to mind is um gosh first the Penn State Illinois game was really funny it was a crapshoot but it was really funny um that was pits Cinderella story where they won the ACC Championship Kenny picket and they actually had a chance at the college football playoff until they lost to Miami uh also same with Wake Forest until they lost to North Carolina both of those that was first time in forever we didn't have an ACC Championship game involving Clemson or Florida State that was pretty cool uh other 2021 great oh yeah Kansas first time they got a win in like two years and they stormed the field that just comes to mind um obviously if we were doing all the year since 2000 which are on here 2007 would easily be up there with 20121 because that they have the same sort of vibe um but yeah that's enough about these two seasons which are an oppos to ends of the spectrum let's go to 2015 now which I would put an a tier uh season as far as I remember this is the year where Iowa had a chance in making the playoffs that big 10 championship game of Iowa versus Michigan State absolute Cinema uh this was the year of the really funny play that nobody that no Michigan fan ever likes to remember um oh no he's got trouble with the snap uh if I edit this I might roll the clip but um yeah 2015 Iowa almost made the playoffs I think this was the Stanford year as well where chrisan mcaffry was absolutely going off but they just failed and this was also the year that Oklahoma State and Oklahoma both had really good teams let me just take a look hold up yeah I think yeah that that was 2015 I'm not stupid I promise let me let me look up some things though um [Music] uh yeah all right I did have to look up something for future years but that's just a like a future reference kind of thing but overall I mean this was a pretty good year 2015 uh they had some really fun regular season stuff I can't remember who won the national title who won the national title 2015 I think it was Alabama uh I'm currently looking this up oh sorry that's that's CU they're yeah it was Bama 2015 Good Year playoffs kind of [ __ ] I can't even remember I remember Michigan State made it they were that Cinderella team they got absolutely smoked in the semi-finals and there was some other teams but who really cares I'm pretty sure it was like Clemson and Oklahoma or something like that all right uh anyways these three these three years are ranked so far let's move on to 2020 let's go 2017 this is also an at uh year in terms of regular season mostly though because regular season there was only one undefeated team by the end and we all know who that was it was the uh shared national title ERS of UCF this was a great year in the regular season but honestly the postseason there were some good moments in the postseason I can't lie uh including conference championships because in the regular season you had Auburn knocking off these back-to-back number one teams um they beat both Georgia and Alabama they had way too hard of a schedule I'm going to be honest that was not fair to them they were they should have been in that playoff because the way that divisions and all these things worked Auburn was just [ __ ] so yeah they didn't get to the playoffs because of that um what else regular season oh right there was that Cinderella Miami Hurricanes run where everyone thought they had everyone thinking oh the hurricanes are back until you lose to Pittsburgh and then Clems into the ACC title game but still a great year I believe this was also saquan Barkley Cinderella uh story this is this is seon Barkley's year that they won the Big 10 Championship I could be wrong let me let me look this up I know I'm doing a lot of looking up for stuff I should know off the top of my head what year did did Penn State win the big win the Big 10 Championship oh no that was 2016 huh oh that's wrestling I don't know why I had pulled up wrestling okay no that was 2016 when when Penn State had their Miracle run this was I think the Penn State Ohio State game uh that was this was a good year in my opinion overall this was the year that Notre G made the playoffs and they just got absolutely smoked uh so yeah that kind of happened and it was really really annoying but hey it could be worse let's uh wait no no was that the year that mot D made the playoffs who made this is a great video I know college football playoff there we go oh my God I hate the fact that I had to do 2018 because it's technically in 2018 okay yeah no this was the this was Oklahoma this is the 2C ACC in Big 12 year okay I remember this now because the Big 10 just collapsed on itself cuz this was the year I believe that Penn State beat Ohio State and this was a good year this was an at ater year because obviously Auburn cannot be Auburn for aubing cannot exactly be discounted so we can't really move this down ah we might be able to move this down to B because honestly the playoffs themselves he had second and 26 but it's just the same old same old it was just a backtack Alabama win yada yada speaking of which 2016 when it was um terms of playoffs pretty [ __ ] regular season pretty [ __ ] we're going to put that in D tier anyone who remembers the 27 or the 2016 2017 season which I do I do remember watching a lot of that year I mean there were some there were some miracle runs in 2017 there wasn't much 2016 I mean there was Washington's bid for the playoff until they got absolutely destroyed uh there were a few other noteworthy teams but overall not a great not a great time let's just move on to 2014 first year a tier it was the first year of the playoffs everyone's like oh my God this is great and it actually was uh the only snubs notably were I think TCU and Baylor who one of them I can't remember which one won the Big 12 and was a one lost team and they got they got knocked down by Ohio State getting moved up but Ohio state did eventually win it all so yeah that was a really good that was a really good year uh obviously the regular season for that year was just phenomenal you when you think back to it I mean you can think of oh uh I'll get to what I just thought of in a second you just think back you have all those nostalgic teams you have Marcus Mariota winning the Heisman Trophy he had 2014 Florida State which was just an absolute cluster [ __ ] but they somehow still made it um but on the note that I just was thinking of 2016 anyone remember the game from 2016 how horribly rigged it was that was the year of the fourth and one that was just not called correctly at all and the entire game was officiated horribly one of the biggest rivalries college football aside Maybe army navy which army navy has been good in all of these years I'd say so nothing stupid about that I mean think I think that I think 2017 though was the year the Army finally broke through anyways 2016 refs from the game there there's a reason why they're not allowed to ref those games anymore it's because they did it so horribly that it led to Michigan to lose uh yeah I had a lot of family who were Michigan fans so you know there is a little bit of bias here but also 2016 the game that game was just that was rigged from the start uh moving on let's go to 2018 2018 2019 season [Music] um yeah this was the year that Joe burrow got changed by a UCF player but overall it's kind of a beaser year mediocre I mean uh Clemson won the national title 2016 Clemson also won the national title so it was an alternation with between it went Bama Clemson Bama Clemson then LSU randomly in 2019 we'll get to that in a moment then Bama 2021 was Georgia Georgia right yeah Georgia Georgia oh Michigan yeah so we will uh 2024 will not be included on this list because the year is still progressing if it was though we're only in like week one when I'm recording this I think it'd be still in like beats TI I haven't seen enough out of it but the week one match ups that were actually entertaining were kind of boring but still there were some good ones I mean making fun of Florida is always it's never a not fun thing Miami absolutely slacking them the Notre Dame Texas A&M game pretty decent so I I wouldn't exactly rank this yet just because it's not fair but anyways uh yeah let's talk about 2018 think about it more we're moving at to C tier boring year uh there was UCF getting snubbed out of the college football playoffs again but then they lost their bowl game because Joe burrow oh this was the year that um it was the Texas A&M LSU game that's the one redeeming quality this year that I can think of otherwise this year was UN remarkable entirely it was just kind of boring it wasn't bad it was just mid a lot of mid there was no true excitement there was no true um what the [ __ ] has happened happening kind of like in a bad way cuz a lot of times 2020 2021s what the [ __ ] is happening moments were exactly why um it's in s tier oh speaking of what the [ __ ] is happening uh the iron bow from 2021 great great game the iron or not even though Alabama should have actually lost that because there was an uncalled intentional grounding uh from Bryce young he didn't escape the pocket but somehow the refs love him um so yeah and also there was Texas A&M Alabama first time ever Sab lost to one of his former offic uh former assistants I've spent more of this 2018 segment talking about other years that just tells you what what you need to know it was just a mid year 2019 almost s top of a how do I there you go top of a tier 2019 that was the year the final I think the final year that there were no playoff not the final year final year there were no playoff controversies was 2016 final year where the playoff controversy didn't really like or final year where there was like everyone agreed that these the four teams that deserved to be in was 2019 and what a year it was in my opinion LSU Tigers obviously came out as the national champions this was Joe Burrow's uh bid to be the first overall pick and it worked Alabama finally not being in the playoffs again uh Clemson having a good year there was a lot of yada yada in the season but there was some good moments there's definitely some good moments having when everyone thinks of 2019 though they can only really think of LSU at the start and that's all I'm able to do right now too there is I I remember there being some good games so I can't uh the opener one of the kickoff Classics Florida Miami again always a great rivalry game um great game to watch uh what else Florida That season did have a pretty good team um there was the final year that Ohio State won the big game and gosh I'm I'm struggling to think of anything else who were the playoff teams that season it was LSU Oklahoma Clemson Ohio State so pretty much more of the same kind of uh lame in terms of playoff teams oh Minnesota had that really Miracle run Wisconsin had a pretty good year uh just trying to think of Big 10 Big 10 was the only other remarkable conference really uh oh and the iron bow that year iron bow that year was great there was the really funny dink that the uh Alabama kicker had were just bounced back in the field of play see yeah no 2019 does belong in a tier 2022 B tier because of quite possibly in my opinion the lamest National Title ever because of how bad the uh previous semi-final officiating uh refs were the don't um I'll tell you the the Ohio State game was good the Michigan TCU game was not that was just poly refed there was a lot of fishy stuff going on I mean it was just but uh 2022 again this was the second year in a row where Jim Harbaugh just absolutely bested Ryan day and that running G that running game from Donovan Edwards was insane Blake corms Heisman snub uh what else oh 2021 had Aiden Hutchinson's Heisman snub um so yeah two Michigan players being snubbed from the Heisman back to back years although he was injured for was injured for the back for the like the last year then there was gosh what else other notable things 2022 good Army Navy game good Army Navy game from what I remember 2023 had a better one so that'll that'll impact my rating 2022 also had tring to think back what else did I have there were some really good games 2022 oh Alabama LSU gosh Al the LSU's whole Cinderella thing until they lost to Texas A&M great G uh great sort of season uh Alabama C Alabama LSU was a great game um LSU had a really fun season the SEC Championship Game even though it was an absolute blowout was really funny to watch and Alabama lost to someone else early on they lost to they didn't lose to Auburn that year they lost to [Music] LSU they didn't L to Texas A&M gosh who were there two losses who were [Music] Alabama's two losses in 2022 LSU oh LSU and Tennessee yeah oh my God I forgot about Tennessee that's why I remember this being B tier Tennessee great year Cinderella story again uh Beamer ball finally joining the SEC that was really funny um the way they kind of ruined sec's Champion sec's champions for uh two teams in the playoff there were just some really good games uh Texas Alabama earlier game even though Texas was finally on the rise they did kind of lose anyways was sad yeah that was a really good uh in my opinion 2022 really good year I know I'm kind of rambling but we're on the final part 2023 where would I put this oh yeah I forgot to mention TCU uh Cinderella Story the kind of got exposed for not being that great during Kansas State uh also USC Caleb Williams Heisman campaign both of them were kind of exposed in their conference Championship games but TCU did was undefeated to that point so they were allowed in and I I mean yeah Utah cannot be like forgotten about in terms of fun teams the Pack 12 as a whole in 2022 that's why it's in B tier to be honest Pack 12 was great so much parody really funny conference to watch cuz they all just killed each other and [ __ ] each other over just a a pretty good year not a great year pretty good year 2023 is also going to go in B tier I know we have three B tier and three a tier teams we haven't had a lot of bad years just we did have some mid and when everyone thinks 2023 I'm sure there's one controversy no one's able to forget and that's why it's not an a tier playoff selection committee don't care if Florida state had an injured quarterback they won all their games it does not matter it was the dumbest thing in the world that an undefeated power five school just got left out because oh they're a little injured well in spite of their injuries they still beat some decent teams Louisville was not a laughing stock Louisville was the ACC runner up they were a dang good team if they didn't lose to Kentucky in that rivalry game which by the way rivalry games are always close pretty always close just due to the fact that it's a rivalry game you play your rival close so they actually had a shot the uh at the college football playoff 2 but to leave out an undefeated team like that was just dumb in every uh possible way I know Alabama won their conference but so did so did FSU obviously the other three teams were perfectly selected so Texas um Washington by the way that pack 12 Championship was the bomb it was amazing this whole year the regular season was great it's one thing that keeps it from being like what it's one thing that that keeps it from being in this tier and it's the playoff selection choices I have family who are friends I have family friends or not family friends family and family friends who are Michigan fans so they really don't care what the playoff selection choices do but as someone who's uh unbiased I do this was stupid it was really really dumb that uh uh a team like Florida state that was great in the regular season could be left out also that a team like Texas and Alabama who were both not undefeated to be let in although Texas definitely deserved to be there Alabama did not I don't care what the playoff semi-final said they didn't do the work in the regular season to justify them being in the the postseason what matters is winning a win is a win that's how they Justified putting Alabama in the playoffs in 2021 even though a lot of their games were not close the only game a lot of their games were very close the only game that really was um not close with the SEC Championship but yeah uh 2023 Good Year just should not have uh what am I saying right uh LSU not LSU um I'm I'm sound like [ __ ] Joe Biden here I'm rambling FSU should have been allow in the playoffs uh Bama should have been kicked out we did end up with a good playoff anyways uh we did end up with a great regular season I'd say Michigan finally getting their uh win after three seasons was was pretty was pretty cool to see uh nobody was really rooting for him though everyone was really rooting for I think Washington was was the was the choice for uh America nobody wanted to watch Michigan win uh nope actually no people were fine with Michigan winning I'd say nobody wanted to watch Alabama win because they've done it for forever nobody wanted to watch Texas win because their fans are insufferable so it was pretty cool it was a great season uh J Jaden Daniels did not deserve the Heisman just because I mean just he just did not win games at all and just had nice stats that he was kind of remarkable but to be honest again I'd say Blake corm got snubbed and yeah it was a pretty good year I'd say 20123 Good Year not a great year Good Year the game was great Army Navy game was just fantastic if anybody actually everyone should have tuned into that Army Navy game was great I went to the Army Air Force game like a month earlier there was an undefeated a Air Force team and Air Force got swacked by Army and that was the moment I realized oh this Army team they definitely have a chance to beat that all right Navy team as well but yeah it was a pretty pretty good season Army Navy game always does factor in but since all of these pretty much had decent Army Navy games I think 2018 was the worst um from what I remember I always tuned in that one because you should go on guys support the troops USA and whatnot yeah 2020 Good Year good year so so if we had to I mean 2021 easily the best year if we had to rank these again I'd say 2017 belongs all the way down there in 2022 just for the parody in the Pack 12 and in the uh and in the SEC definitely deserves to be there oh 20123 there was also the really funny disrespect to Michigan during the Big 10 Championship when everyone thought oh iow got this guys uh they did not 2018 good year or a meh year 2015 should probably be over 2019 just because the regular season in 2015 was just better 2014 definitely belongs where it does 2019 definitely belongs where it does and these are just this year's bad this year is just oh my god there were some good moments but overall just a [ __ ] year they didn't let in I think it was an undefeated BYU and an undefeated Cincinnati who it's just this was the year that made everyone realize we need a 12 team playoff so bad because there were two undefeated group of five schools left out granted they were playing weaker opponents but I still think that that BYU team led by Zack Wilson College Zack Wilson mind you and the Desmond Ritter College Desmond Ritter I know um LED Cincinnati team would have probably been able to compend for a title that year granted I think Alabama was the best team still but I still think that that they were title contenders Alabama was still the best team easily they definitely would have won that regardless and they were just better than everyone else I mean they had Devonte Smith who that's the one redeeming aspect is that their Heisman actually [ __ ] belonged I'm going to go through the Heisman uh Trophy winners that didn't deserve it these past 10 years during the playoff and we're going to we're going to take a look at how many there are he did not deserve this Bryce young did not deserve that at all he was so carried by the fact that he played for Bama uh 2023 Jaylen Dan Jaden Daniels did not deserve that either 2022 [Music] was who was the Heisman that was that was Caleb Williams he deserved that when he kind of was but Blake cor was kind of snubbed in both of these years Aiden Hutchinson snubbed this year um along with CJ strad snub this year but he did kind of play like dog [ __ ] during the uh big the big game so I guess guess I understand why other years I I think it was what it was Trevor Lawrence one year I think did he win a Heisman when did Trevor Lawrence win the Heisman oh he didn't win the Heisman I don't think um this was the CMC that was a really stupid thing that happened 2014 that was uh Marcus maroto that was a good year and Joe burrow also deserved it so these two both good years for Heisman the rest of them Jo were just kind of why Derek count was 2016 though that was a that was a good Heisman Heisman year in my opinion it was 20 was it 2016 or 2015 when did Derrick Henry win the Heisman wait did he win the Heisman okay yeah he was the 2015 so yeah CMC was snub 2015 2016 sorry CMC was snub 2016 but Derrick Henry definitely Des deserved it 2015 um yeah again Heisman winners all over the place Bryce young was definitely the least deserving in 2021 um if you actually watched him in that that year you watched him against Auburn brother he did not deserve that at all he had maybe one good drive in the fourth quarter and they're like oh this there the Heisman he this Heisman moment guys if they watch the rest of that game they'd realize no he did not Aiden Hutchinson deserved the Heisman that year but they're never going to give it to a defensive player the one redeeming aspect of 2020 is they got the Heisman perfect Devonte Smith was just insane uh anyways I hope you did like this tier list screenshot it if you want this is my opinion on what uh how each year college football granted this is the the way that the way that college football seasons work is it's 2021 2022 season so National Championship happened in 2022 but the year itself is 2021 I'm talking about what year the regular season was but I hope you did enjoy this uh tier list if you enjoy this video as a whole be sure to like And subscribe share it with your friends and I will see you all next time bye-bye

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