Category: News & Politics
Controls for those entering germany such as this one near poland now look set to become widespread across the country's 3,700 km long land border after ramping up security measures on several of its frontiers last year amid a surge in firsttime asylum requests germany has announced temporary internal... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
This is 2024 carnival and no matter who original who call who coaches no one's watching no one you'll see some of the most beautiful people in the most beautiful colors carnival is in my bloodstream it's in my system we have to keep shining bright like a light you know respects to the guys who started... Read more
Category: News & Politics
President putin has said tonight that the us and european countries will be directly participating in moscow's conflict with ukraine if they lift restrictions on kev using longrange missiles to strike russian territory he said this would change the nature of the conflict and mean the us and other nato... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Germany is witnessing a significant shift in its political landscape as the farri party alternative for germany that is afd has achieved a historic milestone by winning its first state election in theia and nearly tying for first place in saxony this development has raised concerns and sparked intense... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Reingehen was wir gesehen haben ist ein dramatisch schlechtes abschneiden der ampelregierung das war das votum für die abwahl der ampel der wähler will neuwahlen auch im bund haben darauf bereiten wir uns vor und dementsprechend sollte der kanzler olaf scholz die konsequenzen ziehen und zusammen mit... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The most recognizable phase of germany's farri right afd now bj herker has led a right-wing extremist party to win a regional election for the first time since 1945 an historic victory the afd victory in thja deals a devastating blow to germany's mainstream parties of the three in the coalition governing... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I saw the picture and honestly it looked very it was a very nice looking family but his brother endorsed me and the whole family endorsed me i said who are all the people there's something weird with that guy he's a weird guy jd is not weird he's a solid rock i happen to be a very solid rock we're not... Read more
Category: News & Politics
इन अ स्टनिंग टर्न ऑफ इवेंट्स जर्मनी फार राइड अल्टरनेटिव फॉर जर्मनी और एफडी इज सेलिब्रेटिंग अ हिस्टोरिक विक्टरी इन द ईस्टर्न स्टेट ऑफ थंगिया द एंटी इमीग्रेशन पार्टी सिक्योर्ड यरली अ थर्ड ऑफ द वोट मार्किंग अ सिग्निफिकेंट विन फॉर द फार राइट इन अ स्टेट पार्लियामेंट इलेक्शन सिंस वर्ल्ड वॉर ट द एटी आउटपेस द कंजरवेटिव सीडीयू बाय नाइन पॉइंट्स एंड लेफ्ट जर्मनी थ्री गनिंग पार्टीज फार बिहाइंड हावर डिस्पाइना एज अदर पार्टीज आर अनलाइक टू कोलैबोरेट विद देम इन ससोनी अनदर... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Tommy robinson is a open blatant zionist supported scumbug he is on the zionist payroll there's not some kind of conspiracy theory he saying there's someone even behind tommy robinson 100% everything that tommy instigated on these specific rights at the very least have been orchestrated supported funded... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well for some analysis we can speak now to thomas kig a professor of political science at the university of manheim thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today can you first just explain why the afd is so popular in eastern germany there are multiple reasons one is about the frustration... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Not much happens in forced on the german polish border but tonight seems to be the exception the biggest show in town is political a gathering of the afd the far right-wing party that increasingly channels and fuels growing frustrations here notice the proportion of young faces like in france the eastern... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Bei der europawahl wurde die afd im bund zweitstärkste kraft und im osten sogar stärkste partei letzteres könnte sich bei den wahlen in sachsen brandenburg und thüringen laut umfragen wiederholen und so stimmt sich die parteispitze schon darauf ein was sie tun würde wenn sie regieren würde genau darüber... Read more