WOW: Fox guest ADMITS debate was a DISASTER for Trump

Speaker 1: Brit Hume, political analyst  on Fox News. 81 years old. He's done it   all. He's seen it all. He was willing  to admit last night this debate was a   disaster for Trump after some attacks on Kamala  Harris. Brit Hume lays it out. The most sober,   the only sober analysis, even partially sober  analysis that we got last night. Listen to this.  Speaker 3: Her nominee, Tim Walsh. This is  a different person who was well prepped,   absolutely well prepared, had  answers and knew where she was going.  Speaker 4: Not only a different person from  the person she was in the interview on CNN,   but a different person from the absolute  dunderheaded. So many of us thought she was.  Speaker 1: Thought she was. Speaker 4: Her conduct as vice president   when she would come out with these ludicrous  statements and started no swearing and it ended   in midair. Unburdened by the past and unburdened  by common sense. And and here she was tonight. She   was composed. She was prepared. She kept her cool.  She saw advantages. She took them. She baited him   successfully, which was the story of the debate,  in my view. So she came out ahead in this,   in my opinion. No doubt. No. But it will  move the needle in the race. Very few things   seem to. But but but that remains to be seen. Speaker 1: So, listen. And we're going to look   at one more clip of Brit Hume here. Brit Hume  seems to have some desire to be considered a   serious political analyst. And so he's not doing  what the rest of the people on Fox News did. And   this is as critical a review of Donald Trump's  performance as you're going to find on Fox News.  Speaker 4: Make no mistake about it, Trump had  a bad night. He rose to the bait repeatedly when   she baited him, something that I'm sure his  advisers had begged him not to do. You know,   in. The first debate when Biden attacked him,  he just kept his cool and kept going. And in   this debate, he rose to debating. And we heard  so many of the old grievances that that we had   long thought that Trump did learn were not winners  politically. And nearly all were talking about how   he didn't lose election and all that. I mean, so  my sense is that she came out of this in pretty   good shape. How long this will last And and is is  is anybody's guess. But for for tonight at least,   this is pretty much her tonight you're saying. Speaker 1: Yeah that's the you know you we found   a needle in a haystack amidst fake panic and  unhinged attacks on ABC News. We found the one   analysis from Fox that makes sense. Now, Brit  Hume is right. We don't know what effect this   will have. Just as a reminder, Kamala Harris  was leading by 1.1 going into the debate seven,   ten days from now. We'll see what the impact is.  Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel. We   breached 2.5 million YouTube subscribers in  the middle of the night. Nice little number   to wake up to. Let's push on to 3 million.  We'll take a quick break and be right back.

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