Tony Pollard or Tyjae Spears in DYNASTY? | Fantasy Football 2024

good evening everyone you've reached us we're back we're Ling life it's trade blocked brought to you by Club Fantasy I am your host Dustin you can find me at F Dusty Dog um you can find the artist formerly known as hoov uh next to me on the screen here uh at hoov tube and then we've got special guest filling in uh the one and only other Dustin uh on known on this podcast at the dunit 13 welcome to the show Dustin good to see you again thanks thanks for having me on man it's an all Wisconsin uh show tonight so happy texted me texted me this morning said hey can you jump in I said sure can yeah we miss you Joel we miss you the whole squads that hasn't been together in a few weeks I mean I was gone in Canton we were together last week but you know we got to get back in Rhythm but we miss you in the meantime we're happy to have you Dustin but obviously you guys can see that I look a little different uh from last week just a little bit but the reasoning why is because a part of the pros but Joe's uh charity um League that I'm a participating in I said last Friday that if we hit over a100 that night that I would do a Fu Manchu until Aaron Rogers my MVP pick and the Jets lose their first game so we'd actually hit our goal and that's been awesome High we've been riding $155 currently going towards Alzheimer's Association and L's so that feels great even though I look a little silly in the meantime it's for a great cause and so if you guys haven't already make sure you guys go ahead and buy an entry it's $1 an entry the pros with Joe's is in my uh it's in my bio at the website go ahead and sign up there and um come try to co-manage a league with your boy ho in the meantime I look like an international Harvester we were saying before the show you're one of the few people that can pull it off so I think it looks good you know that's a big compliment because there's a few things like with being like the fashion guy in the industry I've realized I can't rock and so I'm glad F man Sho is not on that list but like cheetah print that's on there like rhinestones used to be on it but like it depends on like how you rock the rhinestones for sure feathers is on there I can't do feathers but Fu man Sho is not on there so this is a win this is is a big win that's right I'm glad it's for a good cause and you're not just going through some sort of uh midlife crisis or something here where you just it's a quarter handle decided to shave sorry oh I'm sorry uh I think of more myself mid AG so my apologies didn't well let me tell you something brother all right we're gonna drop a few of those in tonight a few oh we have to have to Hogan yeah K Hogan love it uh yeah we've got a great show we're doing a double Beach here this evening we're talking the Titans backfield little Tony Pard little Taj Spears uh but before we get into any of that we've got to uh talk about one of our our sponsors here this evening uh and that's trophy smack uh we're honored to talk about our sister sit's new partnership with trophy smack head over to Trophy on offline draft do you need to get yourself a chionship belt The Basque in the rain as your League champion how about a decorative ring to remind your league mates who the real Champion is trophy smack has it all so head over to Trophy Laura Oakman's Galvanize an organization that offers women the tools to succeed in sports media you can find the links in the description that will take you directly to Trophy smack and some of their products shop for the cause today go check it out they got great products I know if you saw what they got yet but they got a Jaylen Herz Jersey now they just got rid of the S lorta and the am manra one so they're giving that out tomorrow I believe or Tonight Tonight on the show so make sure you guys tune in later on tonight but now they got a Jaylen Herz Jersey and they even got a Jason Kelsey Kelly Green so all the Eagles fans out there make sure you guys go ahead and sign up $ five dollar a raffle ticket it's for a great cause much like the stash you know what we do here at at Club Fantasy and women of fantasy we're all about good causes so let's continue some women in this in the in the sports industry baby that's right that's right so let's get into this shall we because I think this could be a fairly polarizing episode here considering we're talking about an entire backfield instead of just one player let's talk value current value here on Dynasty we'll start with Tony Pard so Tony Pard is currently Army 29 over on Dynasty nerds uh overall 107 in a single QB league and overall 121 superflex so who do you feel like this is some appropriate value for Pard um what are your thoughts I I can get down with this I feel like it was a little bit lower than what I was expecting when checking it today but lowkey I think I can get down with it at rb29 uh once we start looking at some players that are around his value I think that it's going to be a an easier indicator on whether I'm G to be drafting him at that price but if if you can get Tony pilot at rb29 obviously he's going at rb24 on sleeper but if he slides a few picks down and there's a few guys in redraft this year oh that might be enticing even though I'm a Tai J Spears guy yeah what about you Dustin well let me tell you something there brother the disrespect for Tony Pard has gone way too far Tony Pard should be going as rb2 maybe even RB 15 he's gonna take over that backfield this Taj Spears hype has got out of control let's just face it Tony poer is going to be a sleeper at this pick of 29 I will take him all day every day you're getting Great Value G you guy that's going to be the bulk of the carries this is not a split backfield this is Tony PD's backfield Taj spe is a give tony Pard a breather guy that's all he is I think Tony Pard should be going above top 20 in the running backs he's going as running back 29 huge value there there's truth to that there's truth to that but we we'll we'll talk more about that later but there's truth to that like he's the guy to give him a break but how productive is he going to be in those opportunities that he gets that's the debate and I feel like that's the debate that everyone's been having that's why everyone's here tonight Dustin can you break the tie I'm I'm more in the spears Camp than the Pard Camp I'm not gonna lie um M I'm just disappointed well that's not the first time someone's been disappointed in me so that's okay I'm used to it um and I think it's it's I mean they signed Pard over for a decent contract you know it wasn't you know the high-end running back free agent contract but it was a decent one and I know he had a down Year from what the fan fantasy analysts were all expecting uh he still had an okay year but um from what we saw out of Spears last year and kind of limited opportunities now that Derrick Henry's gone uh in my opinion and and Spears are fairly they got similar skill set um so I think they're going to lean more on the guy that they they drafted and kind of invested that capital in but I mean they're both real real close for me uh but I think it just Hedges out to Spears for me I'm just like itching to say it now at this point like because we talk about we're gonna compare them to other other back fields I'm going to compare them to Washington this year I'm going to compare them to Carolina last year it to me it feels very similar to to my sanders signing in Carolina is that he got this big contract to go there and then there's another guy that we saw that he's so explosive with the opportunities that he got chubba Hub last year that he's going to be the guy that later on in the season he does more with those reps and so even like this year when you see someone like Washington with like how bad their offensive line is much like Tennessee you know like they're making the right steps but that's only one tackle that they brought in uh they still have another another another tackle that they definitely need and probably a guard as well um so they're making the right steps but still not a great offensive line and so you're going to need explosivity to overcompensate for that bad blocking for the opportunities that you're gonna get so like guys like Tai J Spears I'd rather have him over Tony Pard guys like even though Austin Eckler you can see that he's missed a step with his explosivity he also was a little hurt so I'll give him that but I'm not as in love with Eckler as I am in with like Tai J Spears with what I think he could do so that's just like the best cop I can get I'm not saying he's gonna fall off as bad as like as booby Sanders did but there is a similarity to that and you're seeing a bad off I mean Carolina even had a better offensive line than than what both of these guys had now so I'm I'm very cautious when it comes to Tony Pard especially with other guys that easily could outproduce their ADP as well but at 29 [ __ ] that's that's not bad for someone that's gonna get all these opportunities so yeah and my Mantra kind of this entire offseason here is I'll take the guys as long as both of them don't creep up too high in ADP I'll I'll take whichever guy is going to follow to me in drafts I I mean that's it's just that simple because I'll just take the value uh it's a very ambiguous backfield we really don't know no um give me the guy that's cheaper only because of that is it though is it really that ambiguous sometimes cheaper it is let me let me let me ask you guys this question are you guys taking Tai Chandler over Aaron Jones I I don't think Ty is more explosive like okay if we were gonna compare the two like I think Aaron Jones is is so much better than Tai J Chandler that Tai J Spears is like Tony let's let's look at it this way Minnesota signed Aaron Jones a one-year seven7 million deal Tennessee gave Taj spe or gave Pard a 213e so $7 million a year same price per year as Aaron Jones Taj Spears and Tai Chandler had similar carries now Taj Spears had more pass catching but let's just look at carries similar yards per carry almost identical yards per carry as Taj Spears and T and and Tai Chandler so why are we not worried about Tai Chandler taking his load from Aaron Jones if we're worried about tajj Spears when you look at what Bri and you and Dusty you brought up that they drafted Taj Spears but Brian Callahan didn't draft him Brian Callahan went out and signed Tony Pard Brian Callahan has always had a one running back system look at Joe Mixon 2023 251 carries all three other running backs 61 carries 2022 20 210 carries 101 carries that was Sal JP run that's most the second running back has had in a Brian Callahan system now 2020 292 for Joe Mixon 20 or 2021 that was 2020 119 he only played six games Joe Mixon did uh GI giovan Bernard had 124 the other guys had 59 2019 Joe Mixon had 278 carries the other guys on the team had 53 Brian Kum has run a run a one running back system and I think that's going to be Tony Pard and I think because they have simar similar skill sets there's no sense to pull Tony Pard unless he needs a breather it's not like Tony par can't catch the ball he's a very good pass catcher same silket as Taj Spears Taj spear is going to come again breather it's not like they're going to rotate him out I don't understand why people are buying in Taj we've seen yes some explosiveness but it's not like Tony Pard is an explosive I just don't see the system running this two-headed monster I don't think it's going to be 5050 I think it's going to be 8020 maybe even 9010 split I think it's all Tony Pard just looking at what Brian Ken has done in the past with his running backs it's a one running back system a running back like Joe Mixon is just like Tony Pard can candle The Rock and can pass catch paid him similar money we're not looking at Derek Henry we're not worried about the backup in Baltimore taking money same similar contract we're not worried about C Herbert Roshan Johnson stealing work from DeAndre Swift similar contract so if you follow the money the money says Tony Pard is gonna be the guy I would I would re you on that but um to answer your original question I think the stats would would show as well that like Kevin oconnell is just not a a check down guy with his running backs and whatnot and if if Brian stefansky is a one running back guy I think that it would come to the point where talent wise I think that Tai J Spears on impact this year he's gonna show by the end of the year that he is more talented than Tony Pard and so I think that that's like where he would become the one in that offense but like I definitely think that Aaron Jones would be like the one over him and then even when you're you're asking like about picking the more explosive guy look at like Miami look at where Devon a Shan's going right now he's probably the most explosive guy in like out of this category but look at how different the explosive guy in that backfield Devon a Shan's being drafted compared to Raheem moard and like he was obviously extremely like relevant as well and so you're seeing it even like with like jir Gibbs and David Montgomery you know like people want them more explosive back because they're seeing the upside that comes with it so like even uh even last year like the opportunities that AJ Dylan had like he gets a lot of slack on this podcast and I feel like L A lot of my content and whatnot but like the opportunities that he got he just didn't do very much with them and that's why Aaron Jones just became like the guy for the longest time and so I think that that could be something like that Tony Pard if he doesn't show out enough in those opportunities then it's going to create too much of an opportunity for Tai to come in but we should probably move on and start breaking down like where we would view him in Dynasty so uh five running backs currently above 20on PD's ranking on Dynasty nerds Alvin Kamara at rb24 Jaylen Wright at rb25 Joe Mixon at rb26 Derrik Henry at RB 27 and Aaron Jones at rb28 is there any of these guys that you think that you would rather take Tony Pard over than them currently this is a dynasty perspective this is strictly from not Aaron Jones he's only got a one-year contract he's probably gonna be you know looking for a new home after this year I'll take Jaylen Wright foros it's really old s a chain can't stay healthy so and that running that system is a support two running backs more than what I think you know someone else will so I will take Jaylen Wright but any of those other guys probably not I think I would take every single one of these running backs over Tony Pard you're gonna be wrong on who I I I'm with who I'm with you on this one I would probably take all of them um especially if I'm competing this year in Dynasty I would I would want to take um any of these guys over over um poed I would be shocked if Alvin Kamar does not finish in the top 20 this year I would be so shocked I would be shocked if Kamara doesn't Mixon doesn't like derck Henry obviously he has top 10 upside until the wheels fall off baby you know so I can't really like fade Derrick Henry like if I was gonna look at and think Tony PD's done after this year or tyj Spirits is gonna overlap him every single one of these guys I would rather have their impact alone in 20 24 if I had to hold on to their asset like their Dynasty asset if Derrick Henry retired after this year and he just went on top like I still feel like Derrick Henry would impact more in 2024 and then I could go out on a championship with his upside so like every single one of these guys I feel like they're GNA impact Jaylen Wright maybe not this year but um there's gonna be a few games that you're gonna look at Jaylen Wright as the long-term Dynasty asset and definitely take Derek Derrick Henry this year like Derrick Henry this year should be a top 12 running back like my issue with Derrick Henry is where does he go after this year same thing with Aaron Jones what happens after this year are they just not say washed but are they do they struggle do they get the Zeke Leonard forette situation where they're older running backs who have produced but are struggling to find a place when I'm looking at Dynasty I want something that's going to produce this year and can produce for the next two to three years Tony PO is under contract for three years at least this year and next year they have an out in terms of money he's only 27 years old he doesn't have a ton of wear and tear on his tires compared to some of these other backs I'd be surprised if Tony Pard finishes below rb5 this year and I think he'll be similar next year if all things Trend the same way I think Tony p is as you guys know super undervalued right now I think he's gonna see 250 plus carries he's gonna see probably 6070 receptions and he's gonna be he was RB 14 last year with 252 carries I think he easily repeats that I think he's going to be close to a top 12 running back this year and Taj Spears will be in the 30s or 40s holy crap that is now that is look now Tony par top 15 running back Taj Spears below rb25 oh my God that one out and Sh oh that's all right well hey I I love the confidence in that though I love that confidence what are our people in the comments section saying heat Gator what rv5 no way thank you gator I just if I didn't have big sunglasses on you'd see how bugy my eyes are right now I'm like there's no reason to take Tony po off the field what does ha Spears do better than him he doesn't pass catch better than him he might be a little more faster an explosive but why are you gonna rotate him out just for that to answer your question that's what he does better but that's not something you rotate him in for you rotate him when Tony PA breaks off Tony PA's gonna carry the ball on first down catch the ball on second down the first down on third down and they're okay I've gotten three plays in a row throw Taj spe out there for a play or two and then we'll go out we are gonna be talking after this episode and making a little fun bet between a fun bet okay so uh moving on to who's going right after yeah below Tony Pard we have on Dynasty hers David Montgomery at rb30 Blake Corum RB 31 Nick chub RB 32 Jaylen Warren at rb33 and Brian Robinson at RB 34 so I kind of talked about it earlier like Brian Robinson like I I think that that's like the same thing I think that honestly it's it's the youth like I think that it's the youthful what you're gonna get out of Tony Pard and Brian Robinson is not gonna win you leagues he's probably gonna get you like 10 12 and he's gonna be very consistent and that but like is that going to win you a league no you want to win your leagues by having guys with the most upside and and if I came down to Tony Po and Brian Robinson I would take Brian Robinson but I wouldn't over Tai spear um just because I think that the long like short term TJ Spears has more upside now and Brian Robinson like he's gonna be a guy that he's gonna be a hindrance for a long time on some on some top tier running backs like let's say next year Washington drafts a high-end RB and they still have Brian Robinson on on the roster with Austin Eckler on a one year okay Brian Robinson is going to be a hindrance to that RB's like top production he's just that good but is he gonna be good enough to win you alone no so he's like honestly like he's what everyone wanted Antonio Gibson to be like he want like he could be the hindrance but just be good enough and like just like be a filler in a zero ARB um RB roster so uh Jaylen Warren like whether you're in on him or not like you just know that Arthur Smith loves to utilize butial running backs and whe you're na guy Jaylen Warren's gonna see the field and he's gonna get opportunities not a Blake Quorum guy uh Nick chub in a dynasty it's if you would asked me last year I would have thought Nick chub wasn't coming back like to his full self I'm slowly becoming more optimistic and if I'm gonna say the same thing about Derrick Henry that I'm just gonna have to write it till the wheels fall off I gotta do the same thing with Nick chub so I think the only person that I think I would take Tony Pard over currently is Blake Corum so I think I'd even rank him a little bit lower than some of these guys in Dynasty yeah I'm Blake km is the instrument I am in on Blake km I am out on Kyon Williams I think Blake corm will be midseason will be the guy I'm definitely taking Pard over David Montgomery who had a good year last year but I think that continues to Trend to Gibb's role Nic chub I agree with you who move that I think you ride him to the wheels come off like that injury was so devastating it's not his first one I I I was out on him at the end of the year I'm curious to see how the looks coming back Brian Robinson I think is a good running back I agree that he's gonna be the thorn in someone's side he's gonna be the the future David Montgomery of a Jamir Gibbs that's what he's gonna be it's exactly he's gonna be a solid running back who is there and you're like ah I guess he's good like he's good he's going to produce and he's going to split the backfield he's good enough to Warrant a 50-50 split now Jaylen warrs interesting one I don't think Nai fits the long-term Steelers plan so Dynasty is Jaylen Warren going to be their longterm I don't know because his contract will be up in two years so that's interesting one so I would certainly take probably Blake korm right now over Tony Pard but I'm taking Tony Pard over everyone else on this list okay that's it's quite a take as well Dustin other Dustin double DUS but yeah I would probably take um I I would take Montgomery and Korum over Pard but that'd be about it on this list um in Dynasty yep okay I we might have to Circle back on this one at the end of the season I think that that would be fun that would be a fun thing for the trade block we'll go back on every single asset that we've talked about during the preseason along the way and see who primarily was more correct between the hosts and guests good amount of accountability on us on the team so maybe we'll do that I gotta start training now for my Victory lap on Tony Pard at the end of the season start running out there get my miles in nothing's gonna ever bring you down you're the best top 15 book it that's so wild that's so wild why didn't you say that on our trip back to Wisconsin man we could have literally talk about that the whole way we were talking about so many other things that's true so let's talk about we talk about a dynasty value for Tony Pard let's squeeze it in let's get uh five running backs above Tony po currently on sleeper so we can talk about his redraft value um currently at rb22 um so we have DeAndre Swift at rb19 James Rob James Conor at James Robinson haven't heard that name in a while James Connor at rb20 David Montgomery at rb21 rre Stevenson at rb22 and Nai Harris at rb23 any of these guys this year in sleeper that you would take uh Tony pilers over not not a single one I would take um I would take probably um everyone I shouldn't say everyone let me start over my brain it's been been a long day I my apologies so oh the only ones I would take overpowered are Swift Connor and Montgomery so I'd have him kind of right in the middle of this group you'd have him more at rb22 yes okay now I'm if you guys can check the Tapes big rre Stevenson guy uh I think that out of these the only thing that like you could like talk me into is if jir Gibbs is that much more valuable than David Montgomery and he finally makes the leap but I just don't see that happening like especially now with this lingering injury that's going to start out the year like David mony's gonna get a lot of early season value that's gonna raise his ADP next year and you just you know the routine so even like this year like I think that David Montgomery has so much value um Shane walren I've CH I said it in articles I said it on camera how many times like if the bear start slow and battling the Vikings now I wouldn't say battling the Vikings now at this point but if they're like very close to the Vikings in third or potentially in last in the division they're going to start pointing the finger at someone with these 4,000 yard expectations for Caleb Williams and it's probably gonna be Shane walren before it becomes Matt eberl's problem in the off season so like you know that Shane Waldren likes to use like one RB otherwise he would have used uh Z shanet last year so I think that that's why they got DeAndre Swift is for Shane Waldren to Pound The Rock and like to use him primarily but if if Shane Waldron's out the door that's gonna open the ran Johnson door khil Herbert so many other ones like it definitely could be more of a split back field so like there's all these guys like this year alone extremely valuable at their adps definitely would like to have a few more shares of them but people are too smart man people are too smart so Let's uh let's talk about people Five Guys underneath Tony Pard currently on sleeper Raheem Morris uh Raheem Morris Raheem moer at rb25 zamir white at rb26 Nick chub at rb27 javante Williams at rb28 and Zach Moss at rb29 any of these guys that you would have over Tony powler javante for me is the only one I think this is still the discounted price of javante being you know possibly getting cut the rumors we heard a couple weeks ago javon's locked in as their starter he's going to be the guy he's the guy would take over Tony B but I'm not taking the rest of them over Tony Pard yeah I don't I don't know that I could take anybody uh on this list over Pard uh personally I just maybe most are because he's got that kind of weak-- winning potential upside to him um where he could get you you know 30 points but you don't know when that's going to happen either um I I do think Pard will probably give you a little bit safer floor than that this year so it really depends on how you like to play the game um if you're highrisk high reward guy but um it it would probably be po over all these guys but really close with moster there well let me tell you something brother all right there's two that's number two for the episode I ran into someone at the Expo not Andre the Giant but probably as big as him big disco energy big draft energy and he's preaching zamir white potential top five upside and if if I'm anything I'm someone that could jump on a bandwagon and I'm I think I'm here for it I'm not here for top five that's that's as wild as Tony P top 15 that's that's a little while but I see the upside I see so much upside in Samir white that I definitely would take Samir white over Tony Pard um I'm gonna be a little bit of a hypocrite because I talked about Nick chub until the wheels fall off baby but like with Tony Pard like with Tony Pard versus Tai J like I've said I think Tai J is like so much more competition like he's so much like competitive compared to Tony po that he's gonna end up taking over the role Jerome forward should not be slept on this year and so like if we were looking at like what they're gonna produce this year alone like if Nick chub's not 100% healthy and he's like not there like obviously like you'd rather have Tony Pard but Jerome Ford's a dog and he's gonna produce heavily this season so this season alone I think I'd rather have Tony Pard but in Dynasty I think I'd maybe just like rather take the chance of Nick chubs upside but this year alone it's hard to buy in after that injury um I completely agree I I'm I'm worried that Nick chub won't come back until week five six and that just limits his upside for the season this year okay y so Dustin you have anything to add no no I I said my piece on those on this guy should we move on to Taj Spears then we should we should get to the more talented side of the Back Field I know you don't want to hear it but it's truth baby it's the truth the TR r u t h baby the truth I Chandler Kenny G side of the backfield good Lord why are we hating why are we hating we don't need that we don't need that energy right now all he is man big draft energy right now baby all right so five running backs currently above Tai J Spears current ranking on Dynasty nerds Rashad white at RB 17 javante Williams at RB 18 niji Harris at rb19 rander Stevenson at RB 20 and Samir white at RB 21 any of uh any of these guys you would take Tai J Spears over uh the only one I'm taking Taj Spears over is Rashad white I think Rashad white is probably done after this year I think Bucky Irving Sur plants him Rashad white is just so inefficient on the ground it's just been a volume play he can't get away with that for long like he's gonna get replaced and then he could just be a one like a one and done like he just might be done after this year Samir white probably gets two years ra mandre Des signed a big deal I'll take Spears for the potential upside that you know something goes catastrophic with Tony Pard but I can't buy Rashad white over tajj Spears in Dynasty right now this for spice flying all over here raining on your guys' parade left and right this for me is a tier where like I think I'm gonna buy into a few of these RBS um like I don't like to invest heavily in like RBS in a dynasty startup and whatnot um even like giving a lot of compensation but rre Stevenson for what he's valued at like so so valuable in my opinion uh javante like I'm not a javante guy so it' be hard but I think that in Dynasty I'd rather have all of these guys over Tai J Spears just because even though Tai J's more explosive that this 2025 class is loaded with RBS and that easily someone like Tai J Spears that lacks size maybe like that's why they did bring Tony po because they realized he can't carry the full load of like a Workhorse but they bring someone in that maybe could and and that eats up a lot of Tai J's value in the Long Haul in Dynasty so um I'm not as big on Tai and Dynasty as I am in redraft this season I could be proven wrong yeah I think the only player that I would have ranked above Taj in this this tier of guys is Rashad white um the rest of them they're fine they're all kind of lumped in the same tier for me so uh I think that's fine but yeah I think just sorry Dustin but I I I think you're wrong here on on your Rashad white take um tell you know you want to know you want to know another running back that's been super inefficient over his career but has uh continued to play and uh be fantasy relevant it's the guy he just brought up recently was Joe Mixon he's just been we know he's wildly inefficient but he just gets volume and he's in the top 10 almost every single season so why can't Rashad white be the next incarnation of Joe Mixon here that we see for the next eight years he could be but I think they drafted Bucky Irving to because they realized they can't run they they don't do the volume Mixon was getting so hey Rashad white man get out of here the maybe midseason you won't be able to trade Rashad white for Bucky Irving that's another bet that we will be talking about after the show 100% oh man that's you're Bo has some competition we got a spice Prince over here man like Bo but he's he's right on barrels loaded ready to roll gez man all right so five RB is currently below tyj Spear's current ranking on D on Dynasty nerds Marshawn Lloyd Wisconsin's Z Maran Lloyd at rb23 Alvin Kamar at rb24 Jaylen Wright at rb25 Joe Mixon at rb26 and Derrick Henry at rb27 any of these guys you would take over Tai J Spears currently in Dynasty yeah I think I'm with you on Derek Henry that I'm going to ride him till the wheels fall off it might only be this year and next year Alman chra no I I just worry that he's going to lose a step Jaylen Wright that's a tough one just because I don't know I think I might take him over a Speers in Dynasty Joe Mixon no so I'm taking Henry Jaylen Wright and then the question is what do I do with the other one with Marshon Lloyd who I like and I think Jacobs is really only a one-year deal AJ Dylan sucks he I don't know why they resigned him he should just be he should not be in he should be playing for the CFL I don't know why he's still in the NFL I think I'll probably take Marshon Lloyd over T spe this year in Dynasty because I think Lloyd will take over next year I'm glad you said that because I'm feeling very very anxious about my my share I have one share of Marshon Lloyd and I was like man if this hits like my Robby room is loaded compared to the rest of this this dra this uh this league but I'm like slowly slowly getting back onto the Josh Jacobs train very slowly it's it honestly could be to like week four before I'm like fully there but I'm seeing it I'm seeing them want to use Josh Jacobs and even last year I I remember uh talking about how the that there was a reason to think the Packers could have been interested in derck Henry yeah and everyone thought that that was crazy and then you heard that they were interested in JT and it's like that's not that far off you know like they were already looking for someone younger than Aaron Jones even though Jones was a very viable option for Green Bay very home favorite for Packer fans 100% so it was a tough decision but they really wanted Josh Jacobs and he's the guy that started this whole RB Market or was it saquin and then Josh Jacobs I believe but he's like the he's the guy that really kind of started it all you know for these contracts and whatnot so um like how the Bears went out and sought out DeAndre Swift like I think that that kind of shows that it's what Matt Matt fflur is like trying to build and he really will utilize Josh Jacobs until there's an obvious need but the the fumbling issue with Marshon has been like a thing that I don't think that the Packers and Matt lur are gonna appreciate a fumbling running back and if he starts fumbling early I mean you saw it with people like mvs and the drops like Packer fans remember stuff they will remember that until you are retire or put into the Packer Hall of Fame whatever they will remember that Devonte Adams had a problem with drops at the start of his career like people remember that kind of stuff so it's it's gonna be a hard thing to overcome if Maran lyd starts fuming the ball but I'm I'm optimistic um I'm slowly getting back on the Josh Jacobs train but for all these guys I think that I for Dynasty uh definitely I'd take Jaylen Wright over over Tai J all these guys immediate impact I gotta stand with what I'm saying but Dustin's got a point Marshon light is probably the most questionable guy I think I would contemplate Tai J over yeah I think I would take all of these guys over Taj um although with Lloyd and kamaro it's it's close and Mixon like they're all like right there with him um but I especially for this incoming season with like Mixon and um and chimra you know I do like them this year and probably next year too so um but it's close it's close so let's talk about redraft because this is where my whole thing is with with Tai J Spears and maybe I can maybe I can talk Dustin into getting a few Tai J Spears I don't know maybe I will but currently five RBS above Tai Spear's current rank on sleeper redraft uh Zack Moss RB 29 Austin eir rb30 Jonathan Jonathan Brooks rb31 Jaylen Warren rb32 and Devin single ter at rb33 any of these guys that you would take Tai J Spears over Brooks is the interesting one who I think is more talented but the injury and wind Brooks will be available for this year is the question mark for me if you told me Jonathan Brooks is back by week three I'm taking him over if you're telling me John the Brooks is back week six or later I think Ian fears just because he is because he's the same player as Tony Pard if something happens Tony Pard he can instantly step up and nothing changes and he can fill that that volume role he can also get the 90% of the carries and then Julius Chestnut can take the 10% that Aaj Spears normally has Brooks is he's a much better player I just don't know if he's going to be around long enough and play enough games for me for this year to produce enough points to pass Taj Spears that's a good take that's a damn good take Dustin yeah I would I would take um everyone except the last two players here on the list um as it's scrolling through my brain's not working so uh it's jayen Warren and Devin single I I would drop them below um but the rest of those guys I I do like the the other three above uh and I'd put those three above Spears for this year I would take Tai J Spears over like to Dustin's Point Jonathan Brooks would be a big question mark I think it's very close um I think Jonathan Brooks went above where I picked taii Spears I picked taii Spears in in Scott Fishbowl over my my darling this year jsn just because of the rushing upside in Scott Fishbowl and I think Jonathan Brooks went a few picks before Tai J so maybe that's where I was leaning and I altered to uh Tai J spear I'm trying to remember but I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about something that I don't I don't see very often read about very often um hype for Devin single ter Devin Singletary is probably one of the most consistent RBS at his value um if you wanted to draft a draft an RB that was gonna finish right 32 right around this this range to be a backup that's your guy that's that's the most consistent pick um I don't know if I'm GNA get into Tyrone Tracy like he could he could be someone like a Damien Damen Pierce that just kind of Pops off and and produces but Devin Singletary is very consistent he's not flashy he's not Joe Mixon and that's why a contender like the Texans went out and got an impact like Joe Mixon but Devon sleary is very consistent at his at his ranking and if Tai J Spears doesn't produce the way that I anticipate him to be Devon single T at this price is a great value yeah yep so we talked about five RBS above Tai J Spears let's talk about five RBS below him currently on sleeper uh Brian Robinson rb35 Trey Benson rb36 Gus Edwards bcow potentially RB 37 ezekiell another bcal potentially at rb38 and Chase Brown at RB 39 I'm taking them all I mean all of them are going to see they're going to be in now I think Brian Robinson is the leader of the of the commander backfield he'll see 70% of the carries Gus Edward's probably gonna see 70% of the carries Zeke could see 50% if not more Chase Brown could see 50% more again I think taji spear is gonna see 10% of the carries this year um so I don't see him producing a ton of value in the thing so I'll take all these guys who have potential to be Bellows without an injury like they could be closer to a 50-50 split than I think Taj spe will ever be I'm not going to take any of these guys over Tai J but I'm definitely gonna take them with the anticipation and hoping that Gus Edwards and Zeke fall back to me in the next round because their value at where they're going like people aren't viewing them to where they should be I was talking to my cooworker to this we did had a work draft last night and he was like I was contemplating getting Ezekiel Elliott I'm like that's not a bad pick by any means where he's going at all like still a bcow um i' grabbed a share of Rico D just in case I was wrong but I mean another guy that I like raand Dre Stevenson and I'm not afraid to tell people that so when Zeke chips in to someone that I'm big on you kind of have to still view Zeke as a Potential Threat you know like a Brian Robinson like we were talking about that he's still good he's not the greatest Dynasty asset anymore we get it but he's still a viable option by every mean you know so um yeah I'm not going to take these guys over even Gus Edwards someone that you know that Harbaugh loves to Pound The Rock and he could be extremely utilized this season don't think I can take them over Tai J but they still are probably gonna be very valuable yeah I think out of this group the only one that I would take over Taj as Chase Brown um I I like that backfield and I I think he could could be sneaky surprise there and end up taking over that backfield so um I do like his upside and um and I just think that's going to be a much more high-powered offense than what the Titans are going to be even though I do like the direction that they're going they really invested they do want to become a more pass heavy more high-powered offense so um but I just do like that volume that we'll see in Cincinnati um but the rest of those guys uh they're fine but uh I just I guess I just don't see the potential upside in them like I do with uh Spears or brown let's let's go around the room because we're talking about Titans backfield just for fun I'll say I'll say a backfield you tell me who's going to be more productive okay so we'll start obviously it's a Titans episode we'll go Titans let's go po Spears Spears Spears PD correct po not even close not even close for for our guy Jamie in the chat let's go Washington Robinson or Eckler I'm going Eckler Robinson not even close I think I'll go I think I'll go Eckler slightly but it's very close very close just with the explosivity um there's another one that I was thinking of too oh um Cincinnati this is another one that's very very cont controversial as well and this is a very hard one for me too so honestly I think you guys might be able to sway me either way so I'm this just isn't a Back Field I'm interested in in investing in but there obviously could be a lot of sneaky value like you guys are saying Dustin I'll take Zach Moss I think it's gonna be a 6040 split and you said Chase yeah I agree I well I think if you're going with the backfield I would I would rather take Zach Moss but it is pretty close I was really high on Zach Moss early in the off season um but as things have kind of gone on I've gotten more in on on Chase but I still lean Zach Moss uh especially after what we saw in that Indianapolis offense last year like he he was the guy and he he showed out so uh just given that and Cincinnati was the guy that they identified in free agency to bring over I'm I'm leaning him that's another thing that's another thing like I'm saying about Zeke like if if you're if you were like bandre Stevenson and you noticed that Zeke was good enough to chip into an rb9 at one point like then you have to realize that Zeke is not washed same thing with Zach Moss like Jonathan Taylor in my opinion he could finish rb1 this season just like with them trying to not put too much on Richardson plate right away after the injury so he could have a great year and Zach Moss chipped in a lot to to Jonathan Taylor so I think if I had to make a pick I'd go Zach Moss with you guys but that's that's where my mind would be in the decision just Chase Brown just doesn't do it for me I don't know but Jamie I appreciate your comment I hope I hope the Dustin is right all right so let's uh let's get into some trades since this is a trade show for the last 12 minutes or so if you guys haven't you guys haven't drop the comment drop a comment down below for Tai J Spears or Tony p that you have done or excuse me are interested in making and we will break it down for you let you know if it's even let you know if you're winning whatever all right so first one we got a 10 team superflex start 10 we got T Higgins and Jaden Daniels for Malik neighbors a 2026 first a 2025 second and Tony Pard once again T Higgins and Jaden Daniels were Malik neighbors a 2026 first a 2025 second and Tony Poler with this one give me Higgins and the Jaden Daniel side um I I do love love neighbors a lot uh par you know he'll be fine but it's the 26th first I mean you're looking at a couple years out for that it's while it's still a first it's it's a couple years out for me and i' I'd rather take the value now than wait two years to be able to make that pick yeah that's a really good point I think if that first was a 25 first I would lean that side I think Higgins and Neighbors in terms of I'm assuming this is the dynasty League are pretty equal I think if you looked at neighbors and a second is equal to Higgins for me the Jaden Daniels in the superflex league is really hard because you're hoping that 26 first can be a quarterback but there's a possibility that 26 first is a late first and you don't get a top end quarterback so I'm going to lean the Higgins and Daniel side as well again if that first was a 25 first I can replace the Jaden Daniel sooner rather than later and I have a better feel of where that team might land so if you said hey this is from the team that has finished you know bottom third the past two years and you know might be an early first 26 is so far out you can't even project that so I'll take Higgins and Jaden Daniels right now I I would agree and I would definitely I think that the Jaden Daniels value alone like right now with the top top three I don't know I don't know it'd be hard to get two seconds for Drake May right now but definitely Caleb and Jaden you're you can easily get two first for those guys um to a rebuilding team so Malik neighbors like I would kind of honestly talk I'd cancel this trade encounter with what can I do to get to move from T hains to Malik neighbors that would be my best advice for this because just because like Jaden Daniels seems so much more valuable if you really are Tony po guy maybe you could talk yourself in like oh yeah well I need to rebuild and like I could really use an extra running back for my team he's only 27 like Dustin was L into earlier you talk yourself into it but I think that with the fact that Jaden Daniels is going to be so good right away in my opinion that that 26 first is definitely going to be a late first so I agree um anything else to add before we move on to the next one I would say if you want to move to Higgins neighbors like if you could get Daniels out of the deal take the 21st six if you can get neighbors that's second and 25 and Pard for Higgins I'm okay doing that if you're in like a kind of a rebuilding because then you have Daniels and Neighbors on the same team you're getting young Bard can be serviceable this year next year and then maybe you ship them off midseason next year to get another third so I think I would do that but right now you want to hold Daniels in a super Flex League you're saying you're saying t for Neighbors plus yeah t for Neighbors second and aoll yeah oh baby oh okay then we are we are in two different camps my friend T Higgins is still a is still a top 10 wide receiver he he just is 10 top 10 15 you you could talk me in 20 confidently 15 questionable Malik neb by the end of this year will be a top 12 top 12 100% no way neighbors gets nowhere neighbors sniffs the top 15 this year he doesn't have to productively for Fant but if you can watch the eye test and go that's the top 12 right wide receiver year he's a talented player but the system matters he's gonna have Daniel Jones throwing him trash all year on a trash offense that can't score points if you're talking fantasy value like Higgins is still going to produce top 12 I think top 10 wide receiver numbers and League neighbors is going to produce in fantasy top 20 below numbers just because he doesn't get the volume of targets nor are they quality Targets on a good offense I wouldn't I wouldn't sleep on that's that's just not me I'm not going to do it I'm not going to sleep on the Giants you guys can all overreact preseason games but I'm not doing it I ain't doing it Texans defense is good I understand why those picks were thrown when you have Playmakers on defense playing in playing making making plays in the preseason that doesn't surprise me by Daniel Jones is hot trash but at the same time like people could understand why Daniel Jones threw those p you have people hyping up Justin fields in the in in preseason as well for under thrwing receivers overthrowing receivers making wrong reads so like people aren't looking at the right things I in my opinion I tell isn't as bad as that people think so I wouldn't now if you told me Drew lock was throwing the ball I might have neighbors a little higher hey [ __ ] I think that they I threw this tweet out there let's talk about it just for a second before we move on to the next one I was saying what if what if bayy zappy beats out Joe Milton for qb3 in New England and they cut him and then he links up with Jaylen hayatt in New England or New York no bigar make big plays come on baby come on that's a good one that's a good one drop it in the comments let me know you guys you guys know volunteer all right you Wendy love Joe Milton that's a big that's a big dude like if I wanted anyone to back up my quarterback or potentially play and take hits it's Joe millton that's exactly what a quarterback should look like like when you got guys like Spencer rler as your backup no thank you all right I would rather have Joe Milton over SPC St Spencer Rattler and future starter for the Giants Joe Milton thank you very much good night amen all right next trade you got side one Tony Pard side two Raheem moster and 2025 second I'm assuming this is a dynasty trade this is a dynasty trade yes yeah I'll take Tony I like the Tony Pard side Rahe oer probably has this year maybe half a year with Jaylen Wright that second can be a decent player next year but again it's a flyer if it's a early second maybe you get a startable piece for Fantasy again I think Pard is going to be fine for the next two years if not then some so I think he's going to be a starting running back I think it'll be an rb1 rb2 for your fantasy team this year next year he'll be a flex play in 2026 and then he's probably done so I'll take him over Raheem oer who's an rb2 this year and a second round pick next year that's gonna be maybe a flex play this is a tough one because like I really don't want to be hypocrite I don't want to be a hypocrite but I'm I'm probably going to so Dustin give me some time to think I what how how I want to say this yeah I'm going to go with the mostard side I know this is just how we we were valuing Tony par differently so I'm not saying that you're wrong Dustin you know I I understand exactly where you're coming from on this uh but I would probably take the mostard uh and the pick side I feel like mostard um he's gonna have a blowup week and you could probably get a second and a third for him uh if you don't believe in him long term which I don't I think he's gonna have a really good year this year but if I'm looking at it from a dynasty perspective I'll wait till he has one of those big blowup weeks and then trade him when the value is high to a team that really feel like they need another running back uh and just extract that value and then I've got more picks that I can uh use as ammunition to make uh bigger and better trades um if I feel like I need to make moves as the year is going on this is we have we have another comment in the comment section a question so I'll make this quick um I think I I think I'm gonna stay true and I'll say Raheem moster in a 25 25 second but it's really tough because like if I'm wrong I like to always like con contemplate I could be wrong and not many people will say that they're going to St stand by all their take but I'm not perfect so if I'm wrong on Tony Pard like Raheem mostard is probably gonna 100% be done after this year with the Jaylen Wright pick 100% so if I'm contending like I the the opportunities and the games that Raheem mostard is gonna play I think I'd rather have Raheem moard like this season alone over Tony Pard and then the fact that they have the 2025 second on top of it but if I'm wrong I don't think that Raheem mostard being a like a roster clogger next year and the 2025 second like this class for the RB is like I mean it could be a late it could be a late second it could be a midc and I don't know where these RBS the top ones are going to be going like there could be five RBS next year like all go in the first round because there's that many like good ones and then the drop off could be that intense and you know that in 202 or 20 or seconds in general drafting RBS it's such an inconsistent rate like you got Kendra Millers you got you know Trey Surman of the past like people Arby's in the second round is just it's very hard to to hit on those and so uh it's a tough it's this a tough one but I think i' just like try to to make lightning strike and with that 2025 second with Raheem moer this year so that'd be the best way to put it but we do have a comment from our twitch our friends over at twitch what should be the second overall pick CMC is for sure going first well I actually in my work draft last night had the second overall pick and uh I picked Bree Hall and I even changed my name to bed bath and bean beforehand hoping that they'd snipe me so I had the choice of CMC and Bree Hall but it didn't work Vixie C first off and honestly I can't be mad when you got Bree Hall walking away from it yeah I agree it's Bree Hall way over bean I think the Tyler aler stuff is true I think he's going to get plenty of work cut into his workload for me it's Bree hall or if you're in a full PPR League I think I could go CD lamb I'm not worried about the hold out at this point so those are the two guys I'm looking at at number two yeah I'm gonna say CD lamb uh for me I'm not worried about the hold out at all Jerry Jones will do the right thing at the end of the day uh and it's just who else are they going to throw to who they're not I don't I mean I know we're just talking about Zeke a little bit here with these running backs but I don't believe in Zeke um having a ton of highend upside this year so I feel like they're going to be passing the ball a ton uh and I love Jake The Snake Ferguson uh that's my boy but um he is not gonna be eating in the CD Lamb's uh Target share all that much so it's it's going to be CD lamb all freaking day again this year and that's why I'm going to take him as my second overall pick it is a full PPR as well I don't know if that changes your opinion at all Dustin I think it just depends on what you think you can get in the second round so if you take CD lamb can you get running back in the second round or are you going to go zero RB and how do you feel drafting that way I think it comes to comfort in your draft and how much you can Flex I think I'd rather go I think I'd still go Reese Hall because I think I can pick wide receivers better in the third fourth round than I can't running backs Bing go that's exactly it uh in this draft I was honestly thinking I'm like I wonder if my work colleagues are gonna think that Jamar Chase is actually gonna sit out for a long time or CD Lamb's gonna sit out a long time yeah and I could draft Bree Hall at two and then somehow by the stroke luck it's a eight team so there's a chance that they could have fell they didn't they didn't they didn't take the bait he went at the end they both went at the end of the first round I was wrong but I was hopeful I was hoping that one of them would have fell back to me but um Gibbs did fall back to me so people were a little cautious about his injury so I paired that up when got Bree Hall and jir Gibbs so uh one more he's saying 10 man and two teams are picking QB first started a work league and I don't think they played before Oh that's that's huge you got to know your league and right if so if they're gonna take a momes or an allen or a Herz in the first who's going to come back to you in the second in that snake draft that's my question between Bree and CD lamb I don't think there's any chance Bree Hall gets back to you I think there's a 5 perent chance CD lamb gets back to you in that League I think that like if you went Bree Hall at two there's a really good chance someone maybe like AJ Brown fell back to you I think AJ Brown's gonna have a huge year this year even like I picked later in the draft I picked Scary Terry last night as like my first bench bench spot and I was like if anyone's gonna not produce this year I got literally people they passed on T Higgins they pass on George Pickins my wide receiver room is stack now like whatever but uh like if Scary Terry doesn't hit I like at least like I have other options there's so many other options at wide receiver than compared to running back this year so yeah then the doson trade happened and now he's like primed to be this year's DJ Moore so and I do also think taking the Brie Hall at two you continue that run so maybe three four get scared and they start taking running backs where maybe they should take a CD lamb so if you take it goes mcaffry you take Bree Hall third place goes well I gotta take a running back because they're all going so fast they take bejan all a sudden fourth goes well I gotta take a running back they take jir Gibbs or one of these other guys and then quarterback quarterback and all a sudden you're in the second round and the second round starts and CD chase you know Amar St Brown they're all still there right AJ brown one of those guys can fall to you to me if if you take CD lamb there's no way Bree Hall gets back the people go I take who ever I want because there's no run you don't create that position scarcity so that's why I go Brie all over cidd I do think CD is worthy of that pick but I think in that like especially with how wonky if they're inexperienced players you can take advantage of there's a a slight chance that CD lamb falls back to you I don't think there's any chance prol does 100% let's go speed round for the rest of these trades because I this has been a great episode Dustin great guest come back anytime brother we've been really breaking it down I feel like we've been get getting a lot of info out a lot of good now for for our viewers so let's go through a speed round wrap this thing up we just got over an hour let's do it Tai Spears in a 2024 midc for a 2025 first Dustin uh give me the first take the first as well all right the universal we're all going 2025 first I currently own Pard Brian Robinson and a 2025 second for Tai J Spears and a 2025 third Dustin Brian Robinson second for Tash Spears in a third um I guess give me Spears in the third it's pretty close though yeah it's pretty close the fact you own po I'll take the Handcuff in the third um and hopefully maybe I can pivot off if Pard goes down and maybe I can get more out of Taj spear so I'll take Spears in the in the third all right I'll be the guy I'll be the I'll be the hypocrite here I think I'll take Brian Robinson in a second just because like second you know you could lightning in a bottle again and Brian Robinson he's going to be a thorn inside for a long time so Dynasty asset wise maybe he's not like the worst thing but definitely moving from the third to the second that would that would intrigue me and just kind of holding on to Pard maybe maybe trying to trade him somewhere else yeah okay let's do the opposite side I currently own Robinson Tony Pard in a 2025 third for Austin Eckler in a 2025 second I'll take Pard in the third yeah take take in the third as well yeah I'll go Eckler in the second too I'll go that explosive route and then I'll even take lightning in a bottle right there I'm just I'm moving on up to the east side with a de in the all right this is not very lightning round Nick all right Tai J Spears in a 2025 first for Kenneth Walker um give me Spears in the first uh with with how this running back class is supposed to be coming out next year um give give me the first um and I'll I'll take the hit maybe on production the little bit of hit on production this year yeah I'll take Spears in the first hopefully I can flip Spears maybe if he has a good game or two for a second or a third you're missing out on Kenny Kenneth Walker but sharan is still there getting into the back field and that first should be a high value pick next year oh man this is really tough because like Kenneth Walker to me is like the close he's like the RV 13 in my opinion he's like the prime rb13 candidate candidate and so is he like gonna would I give up a 2025 first in Tai Spears for my rb2 yes I think i' I would rather take Kenneth Walker yeah if it was 2026 first or 2024 I would but 2025 is a lighter draft class enough I think I'd rather take the immediate impact Kenneth Walker TJ Spears in 2025 second for Rashi rice I will definitely go rash rice here same yeah I'll go rushy rice yeah that is the wide receiver one for Patrick Mahomes that is the wide receiver one for Patrick Mahomes I will repeat it there you go yeah this year until next year suspended for six games and that's okay that's that's fine you know trade him again next year trade him halfway through this year just draft get rashie rice on your teams Tony po go ahead I want to say I agree with Jamie in the comments I think Walker can be a top five running back this year as well I think he's top 10 for sure I think he flirts in that five through seven range you talk me and it easy peasy I'm on your side now there you go Tony P at 2025 first for James Cook Hollard in the first in the first easy the Jinx easy there's some James Cook people out there that we'll fight you on that we'll fight you I'm a Bill's fan so hey that's fine I mean that's fine they take James Cook from me then yeah Ray Davis baby believe believe I believe Ray Davis yes sir all right ton Pard and a 2025 second for DeAndre Swift and a 2025 third Pard in the second um I'll take Swift in the third I think I will take Swift in the third as well that's really that's that's hard I think that's the only one I'm not going moving on up for because I I don't know I think I I think if I can trade the Andrew Swift at the right time this year I could might get two seconds out of them still if I can find the right person I'm gonna hold Hope on that so maybe I'm right I could be wrong but that is that seems too too easy for me but that was the last trade do we have any other trades in the comment section okay FN B Rob fax had a 60% opportunity share coming off of getting shot in the leg unfortunately he was 12th in total touchdowns 14th in receiving yards 25th in receptions rb1 in yards per receptions RB 22 points per game RB 14 points per opportunity RB 24 Breakaway runs rb7 in yards created per touch now he has a rushing quarterback so less stack boxes very good point Jamie very good point don't sleep on Brian Robinson this year what stat shows me a better offensive line that's what I want to see I you're not making bad points at all like there's a lot of reasons like we we talked about Brian Robinson's a great fantasy option it's just like is he gonna is he going to win you a league like he's GNA get you 10 to 12 like he's probably your your favorite like zero RB candidate just for consistency but like I think Austin's gonna have a few games that he's like 16 points like he's gonna he'll put up some some League winning games this this year in my opinion I don't know if Brian Robinson does that for me so you gota go great Brian Robinson's a a it and forget it flex play for me every week in fantasy football yeah that's it so Dustin can you remind every one of our viewers out there about our beautiful beautiful beautiful partnership at trophy smack oh I was gonna tell them about our other great sponsor over that's all right we got so many sponsors so many people want to partner with trade block baby because this is where the part's at to tell us all about Dynasty nerds yeah yes yeah you heard us talking about them all episode long here with their their values uh but do you want to take your Dynasty teams to a championship and do you want to Stack championships for years to come then you need to hear about Club fantasy's newest partnership Dynasty nerds Dynasty 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Rich gab yeah I got a new podcast it's uh last it's Tuesday nights at 10 p.m. Eastern live uh it's called bridge the gap you can find it on my Twitter or btgp FF on Twitter uh it's a conversation based podcast where we talk about different topics in the football universe so Tuesday we talked about how do we handle preseason games what information we should and shouldn't take away this Tuesday coming up I've got Stephen Johnson so step Roto fantasy cares we're talking about football cards and fantasy football and how you can utilize the information from one to help you in the other so we're talking about different conversations different topics we're going to talk about all kinds of things we've talked uh salary cap leagues we've talked hype we've talked um IDP we're GNA talk about how to admit you're wrong we're going to talk about you know uh starting out in fantasy we're gon talk about how to make fantasy fun we're talking about these topics just to help you have more information and help you just be more well-rounded we're not doing the you know this podcast great to get information we try to give you some but it's more of a conversation based so bridge the gap every Tuesday night 10 p.m. Eastern you can find us on YouTube love you guys to tune in hit that like And subscribe I appreciate it I appreciate you guys having me on it's always fun to cut it up with you two Wisconsin guys three Wisconsin guys on the podcast is always great yes sir and surprisingly we haven't thrown any back we haven't thrown any back this episode but we have to we definitely thank you so much for coming and being a part of this so we have to in return make an appearance on bdge the Gap at some point and we'll get you guys on make an appearance so but if you guys haven't already if you guys missed at the earlier part of the episode I am a part of Pros with Joe's charity campaign and if you guys want to go ahead and co-manage a team with you boy who it is $1 for an entry and it is going towards the Alzheimer's Association so whatever whatever counts $1 towards it and you guys can uh win a raffle winner gets an Optimus fantasy t-shirt a part of the other team that I'm with and uh if we hit like 500 I'm gonna do an exclusive hoof tube hoodie we hit $100 so I'm doing the fu Man chew until Aaron and the Jets lose their first week so let's do something great you know come join and as well make sure you guys are going and buying some raffle tickets for women of fantasy so we can further some women's careers in sports because that's number one most important thing so five dollars you win a Jaylen Herz Jersey you could win a Jason Kelce kelly green jersey so five five bucks five bucks could be the cheapest Jersey you've ever gotten and honestly even as a 49ers fan those are some damn cool jerseys so go ahead and buy some yeah and L in my bio by the way as well sorry to cut you off Dustin Link in my bio for no worries go ahead do that yeah uh yeah before we before we sign off this evening make sure you're following and subscribing uh to Club Fantasy FFL at Club Fantasy FFL on Twitter and the women of fantasy football at women ofor FF and make sure you're following along with all of Club fantasy's shows we've got we got some great content every single day of the week on Mondays we've got mocking with the Stars on Tuesday the master class on Wednesday we've got women of fantasy football on Thursday or no I'm sorry Wednesday double header don't miss it you also have the flagship show of no punt intended on Thursday you've got us trade blocked and you've also got the mck girl summer uh coming up right after us at 10 p.m. Eastern on Friday we've got mock at like it's hot and on Sunday it's the dynasty Afterparty so make sure you're going out and checking out all this great show we got tons of content out here uh just to make you ready uh and on top of your game for this fantasy season uh and Dustin uh I just want to say thank you once again uh for joining us it was a blast having you on um I think we're gonna have to have you back after the season's over so we can have one specific episode just for you to revisit all this great content we had today uh because because lots of good stuff and I feel like we could have talked for another hour uh very easily very easily so uh thanks again um any last words who before we sign off for this evening all right well we'll see you next week folks enjoy the the uh preseason games we got here regular season coming up right around the corner

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