Defensive Coach Media Availabilities (June 12) | Pittsburgh Steelers

if you remember dick labau back in the day uh when he came Rod Woodson and Carell Lake both said he's changed the perspective of the defensive play calling from the eyes of the secondary and we love that MH does that still hold true today or is that true with every team I think it is I mean obviously uh I'm going to call a game from a secondary perspective uh you know a linebacker guy would call it from that perspective and if you had a dline coordinator they would do it from that perspective so I think that's kind of uh probably the way we see the game and and how we see it unfolding was maybe a little bit different than uh other guys what can you say about this secondary this year uh so far uh I like I like where we are um I think I like the communication aspect of them uh working together uh we've got some things we got to iron out um in terms of uh you know just how we're you know going to match up and do some different things like that but I think overall I like where we're trending the trade that you guys made uh for Dante Jackson it's important for you guys not just in terms of what you're trying to get from Dante but also gave up in Deonte um how do you think he's fitting in and how does he help this secondary big picture from what you've been able to clean so far uh first of all he fits in well I think he's a real Pro goes about his business uh asks good questions does the things that that are good Pro will do um and I think the way he'll fit in because he does give us a different type of cover guy than Joey you know Joey's going to be a line of scrimmage tall get his hands on people and he's going to have the ability to play off uh can really run still uh so I think it gives us a little bit of a a nice matchup in terms of coverage um and some flexibility because he has played and done some things inside so I I I like where he fits that way and so I think it's it's good for us uh you know we like to have peace guys that can do multiple things in the secondary and and and uh he fits that that allow you as well to you know obviously people just associate Joey with going with the best wide receiver but if you have a one and a onea receiver can you allow yourself to go build off more body type of what the opposition has now or a skill set of the opposition has now yes absolutely his relation Rel Joy yeah I think it's it's always good I think when you have a good Pro which I think Dante is uh guys that you know all the guys they want to talk to you about your experiences and the things that you've done and and maybe how you've done things differently uh because they've come from a different system a different way of doing things and I think that's just uh I think it's really good that Dante is helpful that way and I think it's really good that Joey wants to learn that because I think that's really important for a young guy uh you know there's you can get good information from a lot of different areas and I think trying to find it out is the key if you're if you're searching to get it I think that's good for you as a player kind got the trade corner you got the free agent linebacker you got a draft linebacker how much better people do you feel uh this year I think right now at this time obviously we all feel great uh but you know the trth test will come once we put the pads on and we know some of those guys have resumes in this in this league with pads on uh but it's really more of the unknown with the young guys seeing them with pads on how they how they adjust and adapt to the NFL life uh but so far in shorts running around in the underwear stuff we're I like how we're doing pickle this year you know you're asking some stuff already yeah um right now that's that's going to be a thing we we're not quite sure you know we're going to work around that we're going to we're going to audition you know that's been some area that that we've had some some issues in trying to pH uh so we're we're looking for it I think we've got a some good young candidates in there I think we you know we got a veteran candidate in Josiah we got a young candidate in beanie um we have some other guys that we know can play in there so uh we're going to let that thing shake out at Camp uh but I think it's going to be a heck of a competition I think whoever wins is going to help us uh be a better football team is Cam Sutton the final piece there pardon me isn't cam Sutton the final piece he could be absolutely absolutely uh we know uh cam is a football player he's really versatile he can do a lot of things for us and uh you know so I think obviously he would be uh as as part of that mix as well what does ading Camp do for that room and for the whole defense I think when you I mean obviously we've got a a relationship with Cam and so uh you know coaching cam for you know I had him for four years uh it just that he can do a lot of different things uh he's a really good Pro he helps in the room he helps on the field because he can do multiple things and so I think having him back is going to be uh really good for our room and for our team Cory T caught up yet I mean obviously wasn't around much on the field last year will he be in the mix do you like where he is right now yeah I think right now uh Cory's just working his way back into to getting somewhere close to full strength but he is a uh he had a promising start last year until the injury injury and I think he's kind of starting to pick it back up in terms of that getting closer to where he was really like uh how he's doing we've been real you know careful with him uh because we want to make sure that we get him to camp and give him the best opportunity to succeed because we did uh think that last year he was he was trending in the right direction how how unique are the skill sets that Queen brings and what would he allow you guys to do well the thing I think with with PQ is uh you know obviously we signed him because he's he had a great year but it wasn't just a one-off he's played well ever since he was at Baltimore and we think he's a three down linebacker force uh so uh he'll go in with the Green Dot before you ask Mike uh he'll go in with the Green Dot and and he'll be the guy that's going to be out there on every snap but I think he does a unique thing because he can cover uh he can Blitz he can do a lot of things and and he's a really sharp football player so I'm really happy we have him uh with us and and it gives us an opportunity you know to build around him in that in that room how does that make the rest of your defense better pardon me having him there how does that make the rest of your defense better well I think when you have a guy in there who's basically quarterback and up front I think that helps everybody uh it it brings a calmness to everybody uh when that guy's the Green Dot and he's making all the calls and he's there every time I think that that settles things down sometimes it can get a little eradicate who's calling it who's got it who you know there's been times we've had to send it in from the sideline there's been times you had different guys doing it uh so I think you have that one steady person I think that that's that's really calming for the defense one of the critiques of one of the critiques of of Queen's game is that the best was brought out of him when he was playing alongside ran Smith what has he kind of shown you early obviously still football in shorts that you that he can do that as an individual or work with the guys here to kind of play to the same level that he was achieving in Baltimore alongside Ron well I think you know I'm I'm not going to you know obviously it's always great to play next to a great player but I think he was trending into that on his own I mean you're talking about a guy that was going into his third fourth year and each year he got better so I wouldn't uh I think that's more to his own growth and development than to anybody else's and and we still expect that to continue to go we got a lot of good contributions last year from the rookie class I was curious with ke and what did you especially like about what he did and where will he need to continue to evolve and grow well Keanu is is big and athletic and strong and he's you know uh the sky's a limit for that guy uh I think I I I think the world of him right now uh and and I think he's got a lot of room for growth The Good the good thing is he's in a really good room uh he's going to get a lot of pointers from a guy who's really good um in Cam and and and those guys that are in that room uh and so I I just I just really expect him to really take a jump uh this year and and really be a a dominant player inside we talked to M Fitzpatrick La uh last week he talked about getting back to Minka ball and you guys used him in a a wider variety of ways last year compared to previous years what do you do as a defensive coordinator maybe help him get back to Minka ball and how did the newest additions help with that as well well to get him back to Minka ball uh as he would say uh Minka is at his best when he is playing back a little bit deeper seeing things and able to react and see the game because he sees it really fast and so my job is to try to keep him back there as much as possible uh and keep him out of situations where he's blitzing and doing that stuff not that he can't uh but he's better doing the other things uh and that's where the other additions come in you got guys that are able to handle some of those duties that you know he kind of picked up last year uh so we're going to have other guys do those duties and let Minka get back to being uh what you know get back to where he's really and not good exceptional par me potentially playing more nickel will that help in that regard it doesn't matter Oki or or nickel it doesn't matter it you know my job is to get him in a place where he can perform because when he performs at his highest level it helps us it makes us better do landed and pton Wilson help you play more nickel potentially they they could we we could play more nickel but I mean we're going to you know with queen and and and you got e and you got Payton and you know we'll hopefully get Cole back at some point uh I think we got a good core in there that we'll be able to play nickel uh whenever we need to but I think more so it it really showed itself when Minka had to play Down was really showed itself more in the oky stuff uh in our base package and and so you know we want to keep him back where he can really perform and so uh no matter who's in there uh Minka is going to get back to being Minka Sav help with that as far as like you know understanding the complete constructure of the defense and him being back to to kind of see that and work around it yeah I I mean I this is just a you know we all know what kind of football player is uh and and like I said the biggest thing is as coaches our job is to try to get all of our guys in the best positions possible so they can they can play as well as they can and play up to their abilities and and so last year you know I I probably failed in that regard because I you know he had we tried to have him do too much stuff and and I think I'm going to get back to you know really what makes him special TJ said that he as he reaches 30 you might have to pull back a little bit in preparation what role do you play in that come maybe know August in training camp for you better make sure he's healthy yeah I think that's sa from himself yeah I think we you have to do that with a lot of guys and I think sometimes uh and I know when I first got in the league it was always hey you had a vet day for guys over 30 and so every couple of three days those guys had a day off to kind of rest and recharge and and even though they may have wanted to practice that was a way to get them arrest and and and try to save them from themselves so so to speak but uh we'll we'll make sure we take care of TJ because we know how valuable he is uh you know it's very similar when I first got here you know cam was under 30 uh but but it was the same thing once he got a little bit older we kind of pulled him back just so you know because he would take every rep and and he loves it but uh sometimes you know you just got to try to help them uh keep them govern themselves so that we have them when we get into November and December and we're playing some really meaningful games has Elon Roberts kind of changed the culture of the linebacker group and you guys just kind of naturally Look to Him in in that unit yeah the guys do they I mean he's a heck of a leader I mean he's a football player uh he's just really I think what really endear him to our team and our defense in particular is he is a contact player and he is always searching it out he is never shy from it and I think that fits you know what Steeler defense is and why guys kind of gravitate to him ter cam is over 30 now obviously they with injuries last year can what kind of impact can he still make on your te I think you know it's it's hard to tell right now but I'm I'm anticipating him getting back to be the cam Hayward that we know uh he's big he's strong he's moving well you can see it now he's moving so much better than he was last year uh and so I I just I'm assuming that we're going to get the cam that that we're used to seeing with Minka and wanting to play more Minka ball I mean how does he kind of Express those frustrations to you maybe late last season or in the offseason that has kind of had you adjust what he's going to do going forward to make the additions that you guys have well I wouldn't call them frustrations I just think it was you know you go back and look at the tape and going well they're throwing balls where Minka normally is when minka's back there those balls don't get thrown then it's my job to get Minka back there and that's how I look at it is pton Wilson a natural dime and if so what kind of shot does he have taking that position well I think he does lineer dime linebacker yeah absolutely because he can really run I mean I know if you guys watch practice that guy can move uh I think he's really sharp he's into the football he asked great football questions uh so I think that that he's going to have a legitimate shot to be a dime linebacker right off the bat because that is one area that that he can do he can cover he can run he's smart uh you know the biggest thing is like I said once we get the pads on uh and I don't I don't anticipate it changing but once we get the pads on then we can really make a final determination of where we go with him Joey Porter Jr talked about wanting to follow number one receivers I know he expressed that but last year but is that something that you guys are planning to do more this year because of his experience no I think we're just we we always play it by ear and and what's the good matchup for us what's the best matchup what helps us uh you know put the best product out there on the field to give us an opportunity to win that's what we look at I mean we don't look at personal grudges well I want to guard him well if that's not best for us then that's not what we're going to do and so we we're going to do what's best for the Steelers and what gives us the best opportunity to win you brought in a couple Elliot now go Desa Elliot Li he bring your second I think when you when you see one thing I like is he he knows what AFC North football's about uh you know start starting in Baltimore so he he figur he knows that uh what he brings is that he's a real good Pro uh he's tough he's a good he's a striker you know he brings some toughness in that secondary uh where he he's going to get down in there and he can punish some ball carriers and so I think that gives us a level of physicality that we really want and like and and he does match up and he can do some things on the slot as well and so he brings us some flexibility in there and and that's what we like for him you brought in a couple rookie outside corners in Ryan Watson beanie Bishop but asking them to kind of learn some new roles now at this level how are they taking you know beanie to the slot and and Ryan to safety so far uh beanie and the slot's been good um you know he is you know learning just like like most young guys and so there's a curve in there he's going to be some things he's good at and some things he's not so good at uh but his mentality is good his work ethic is good uh he's a sharp kid and so uh he he's taken of that uh be interested and really excited to see what happens when we get to Latrobe where we can really kind of hey is he going to be able to cover these bigger receivers can he cover get down the big backs all the different things like that uh and Ryan what I really like about Ryan is the fact that we got a a a a guy that's got a corner background and now he can be a guy as a safety that can come down and maybe play on a on a re pass receiving tight end he can play on the slot he can do a lot of different things and he is long and Tall just like you know he's like Joey he's like those guys CH uh but he can play inside and I know he's physical as a corner he was physical at Texas so um you know those guys are adapting well they're doing well and but like everything I I I don't get too excited about what we see out here I just kind of hey I lay the groundwork and then hope that thing carries on once we put on pads CU you know sometimes you put on pads and guys disappear you don't know what happened to them a camp be le and louder milk you know they're kind of third four yeah it's they're going to be really big I mean we you can't understate it I think I think milk made a a nice jump last year uh in terms of of being really steady we really could count on them uh where where Marv was a little bit more up and down but uh marvs looked outstanding they both looked really good in the this offseason stuff uh Marv uh looks like he's in great shape really runs through the ball really doing some things and uh and so again it'll be a big year for them uh and I'm expecting them to come through uh they're both good good guys uh so I want the best for them because if they're if they're if they're good then that's really helping us ter I know that it's only shorts and helmets but can you see the signs of Nick heri taking that year two jump yes and and it's not so much in in in the rush and how he's rushing but I think it's his approach to the game and what he knows you know it's always a little different you get used to NFL football the first year the second year you get a jump because now you kind of understand the game and that's what I see with him he understands what's going on around him it's not just hey what's my position he can understand and he has a good feel for the game and so I'm I'm excited about Nick and I and I and I think you know when you look at what he did last year on the limited amount of reps he uh play played uh his impact was pretty good and so if he's playing more this year it wouldn't wouldn't surprise me and I wouldn't be like oh oh we got to get the other guys back in I would be trustful of what he's going to do when he's in the game how much has he grown in that aspect over the last few years from in our R season that man he's grown so much that's the that's the thing about him he always is trying to find a way to get better every offseason for him it's something different and this offseason it was like ankle flexion just been just different things like that he's always improving on something that's really what makes him so great he looks I don't want to say thinner he he looks like maybe he he didn't lift as much this year or yeah he's got a good training regiment with the guys in uh back in Wisconsin Brad Arnette they do a great job with him out there there's no questions they have a nice plan set up for him every year that he goes out there but they're fine-tuning it and getting better at what they're what he's doing every summer and it's just you just see it see it in his body he's playing fresher he looks better I like it what kind of challenge is it for you to keep finding things to pressure two guys that are best Edge rusher eding F in the NFL oh that's that's literally my job you know what I mean no one cares it's just I got to find a way to get them free nobody gives the damn how it happens but find a way to get this guy home find a way to what are we seeing on tape what are other people doing around the league we do it all we look at any and everything to to literally exhaust every Avenue we can to try to get that dude home sounds like a lot of extra tape work yes sir that's my job though there ain't nobody Pat me on the back for that you know what I mean that's what I got to do this is what I'm here to do and I love doing it it's my favorite how how is Nick Tak second year like how you seen him grow just the different kind of questions he ask you just see it in his maturity man he's just so much more mature he just knows what's coming you know what I mean he knows what to expect almost at this point the plays don't change he just getting more fine- tuned with what he does and you you can see it out on field every Super era here uh the common threat seem to be great linebackers are you there we'll see you know I mean it's we Bas we doing football and grass with no consequences right now so obviously it looks great you know what I mean but judge that by wins and losses I'm praying you know what I mean what we've been looking at these last years is looks like that but you never know you just got to see if these guys are going to take that next extra step so on paper on paper we look great but I know you know you're the legend you know they don't do nothing on paper no more you know what I mean so you know we got to go out there and prove it yes sir yes sir how motivated you think TJ is by the no playoff friends in his career he's mentioned father can you notice that n it's not something that he's out there saying oh man I went everybody wants it you know what I mean it's down from everybody everybody wants to win in the playoffs you know what I mean it's not something we're trying not to do you know what I mean it's something that we're always constantly thinking about every day something we got to do we know we need postseason success and that's what we're going to keep working towards you said who knows he might be done in 2 years he might be done in 10 years something tells me you see him and he doesn't look like a guy's going hanging out for two years me neither I agree I agree that guy there man I don't ever see him stopping football lovers like him I just don't ever see it I don't know when it's going to stop it's his love for football have to die and y'all know him like I do that ain't dying so keep pushing you are of the the argument of Miles Garrett versus TJ watt but you know people lot of Steward fans will point to the sacks and the numbers are always higher but some people PFF and people say oh it's the it's the patch Rush percentage or different numbers here as a person who you you obviously coach TJ there's but what do you see as in that argument that like sort of stands out to you about why TJ or you know is better or isn't well you know I don't work for the brown so I wouldn't really know their aspect of it I just tell you take my guy that's just what I'm going to say you know what I mean the work he puts in and the things he does for me give me confidence and I don't really get into that argument into that battle you know what I mean cuz I got the guy and I think my guy's the best in the world so that's that's where I stand on that argument Pro Football Focus that's right they don't work here though you know what I mean I ain't got to answer to Pro Football Focus so no I'm with you is this your first time working with a 27y old German rookie outside linebacker defensive end yes and it's fun cuz Julius is really you should see him he's up my office early mornings trying to get everything he can out of this experience it is not he takes it so serious and it's so fun to coach a guy like that CU if you watching him out here he's getting better he's putting the things we're asking him to do an individual he's putting it on tape every day and that's all we can ask for you look at it as a ball of clay when you have a guy that's that size and hasn't been doing it for that and now you also have that bonus practice I know that's not your department necessarily but the bonus practice squad hey when I'm when I'm shaking your hand and I'm looking up at you I'm happy you know what I mean as long as I ain't looking down at you I'm looking up at that big son of a gun and he's going to be somebody that's really really going to be able to put his his talents on display I think were you worried he would understand English well enough I didn't know what but then I found out he was at Michigan for 5 years I'm like oh you know some ball you done played in some good systems you'll be all right you know what I mean so he's good he understand I think I said expand to him the first day and he was like what does that mean I was like okay all right I got to explain a little more it's good I don't have a problem with that but he's a great dude he plays hard he works hard and he wants to get better standing out to you the position it's a solid group it's a solid group cam has only been here couple of days you think about it so think about all of the Reps that other guys were able to receive before cam got here so be got a lot of reps Joe Scott got a lot of reps um um TG Thomas Graham got a lot of reps so I think it's a good group of guys for for slot position is he the last piece that you've uh manifested for the secondary is it ready I don't I don't know that I manifested that for the secondary but what I would tell you is he's played a lot of ball in this system and when cam is on the field when he's on the field you feel his level of communication and understanding in spatial awareness and Concepts you can feel that when he's on the field earlier today da was talking about how his experience as a secondaries coach has influenced how he not only calls the defense but also shapes the defense how have you experienced that influence over the last couple of years and how has that evolved over time say that one more time having ta's experience as a DB you know done this for quite a long time how has that kind of permeated into what you do with your defensive back ser and how does that maybe enhance things I think I think the the unique situation is we have four secondary coaches on the defense starting with Mike T his experiences moving to TA and his experiences moving to my experiences then Anthony so so there's a lot of ideas there's a lot of opportunity for conversation on hey what's the best way to do things that's the great that's the great situation we're in here from a schematic standpoint from a secondary play standpoint how do you find out you get a guy like P McQueen where are you and what's your reaction shoot where was I uh just the really the reaction is just the excitement to be able to coach um a a player to his caliber and then also understanding there comes a huge responsibility that when a guy when a guy has played that well uh as long as he's played that well that you have a responsibility to to help him continue to grow his game uh that's probably the coolest part of it how about the draft pick Wilson what were your impressions of him pre-draft and are you seen what you thought you would out here absolutely pre-draft um my note on him was that he was a football junkie and he really is uh he meets um he wants to be right he takes constructive criticism properly he he wants all the answers he's going to study tape on his own he's going to come in with questions he'll spend all day in the building if you let him um he's just a he's a football junky High football character guy that loves this sport so he's fun the coach like if you were going to write up a job description for Steelers if I had to write up a job description for Ste as inside linebackers I say you got to be enthusiastic tough violent and play smart with a a guy like pyton have you seen anything with with his kind of speed and what can you do with that have I seen his speed before um yeah in my background I spent a lot of time with Bobby Wagner Bobby played fast like that um so seeing that speed um it's really exciting because you know there's going to come there going to be some plays that only his speed can make and so I'm excited I'm looking forward to that those opportunities for him does he look like a guy that the team chooses to play nickel that he be next to Queen yeah I think he's just doing a good job of uh really finding his spot I think he could do everything that anything we ask him to do he does a really good job of studying um and I know that when we call him he'll be ready

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