hello everybody Welcome to the United stands I'm Mark goldbridge and this is your reaction to Manchester United's 2--1 loss to Brighton get your player ratings in the video description but look I tell you what we can all unpack that uh but you've got to say credit to Brighton they in the last 10 minutes look like the better side because ten hog inexplicably and has never done it before took Bruno off Bruno Fernandez off in a game where we shouldn't have took him off um from start to finish team selections were absolutely shite absolutely shy look I'm not getting into sack ten hog and all that we know we know they've been lurking there'll be certain journalists there'll be certain media Outlets there'll be certain fans that are celebrating this and you know justifying I Told You So the sacking of the manager is not on the agenda here and and it actually doesn't do justice to the fact that we should be talking about what actually went wrong in that game because he will be in charge next week against Liverpool and for a considerable period of time there's no way inosa sacking ten hog anytime soon so look I I wanted this manager to stay I wanted the third year I said before the game when the team news came out I was stunned absolutely stunned and that is a disaster class I'm furious with ten hog I'm absolutely Furious I I can list off the things he's done wrong right first of all mctom is meant to be sold to [ __ ] Napoli this week why is he coming on for Bruno Fernandez in a game when it's 1-1 and we need to win what what what planet are you on that you think that's a good idea what so what kind of [ __ ] sorcery is this you take Bruno Fernandez off who has got probably more assists than anybody in the Premier League for a guy who's never had an assist and the and the momentum of the game changes completely and not only that he the bloody Captain Bruno was laughing as he came off I think he was as surprised as anybody else you take the captain of the team and the most creative player off when we're hitting them constantly on the break and he actually provided the assist for gono something in ten Hog's head went we're killing them on the break here my Captain's a focal point of that we're killing them on the break if we just we just need to be calm play the right pass and we'll win it and then something in his head goes I know let's take off the captain who will provide the calmness and the biggest creator for Scott momy and let's play momany as a number 10 absolutely stunning and that was the moment where we lost the game because at that point we were hitting them on the break all the time he takes Bruno off he puts mctom on game over we didn't we didn't have a good chance after that incredibly crap decision and he needs calling out on it he needs calling out on it because it was absolutely incredible but it wasn't just that let's go back to the start of the team we've got a manager who waits for problems before he puts Solutions in I would say finishing eighth in the League last year and nearly losing your job was a big enough problem to solve without picking the players that put you in that position again over your new signings to all the morons who said well I agree with him picking the team that beat Fulham last week it didn't beat Fulham last week it was xery and gacho that beat Fulham last week and they were back on the bench again for the likes of Mount and rashford so he didn't even pick the team that beat Fulham he stuck with a team last week that didn't actually make any bloody sense and then had to had to had to take two of those players off and also on top of that he does something that I find absolutely incredible incredible and it shouldn't be missed arry Maguire has been at this club for five years it cost 80 million pound and in that five years he has never established himself as a center back that we all go we can build a team around him so why is he starting games now when you've bought a center back that everybody understands is going to be a center back that's meant to build the team around delit and Martinez so we go away from home he puts delit on the bench and he starts arry Maguire because he's got this weird mentality and he did it with casmiro when we bought him two years ago he kept picking mctom until momany made a mistake so he picks Maguire until Maguire makes a mistake so we've got to concede a goal before he'll start playing a new signing I can't get my head around this you've bought a guy to play in our defense that's had a problem for years you start a new season and you pick the guy from last season who was a problem over the solution what what Madness is that and guess what happens it costs us a goal we lose that game 2-1 if the lit starts the game there's no way that we con seeed that first goal it's it's it's m i don't understand it I don't understand it and last week mountain and Bruno didn't work so he does it again and then he takes Mount off at halim because he has to get xery on and then he takes Bruno off and he can't bring mount on because he already [ __ ] started him so he's got to bring mctom on it's just an absolute shower of [ __ ] an absolute show of [ __ ] and there's no point in talking about sacking and there's no point in individualizing it that is a what God knows what's happens this season hopefully we can still get t for hopefully we can have a good a good season but there's no there's nowhere else to go that is on the manager the manager is messed that up like why is delit not starting you pick Maguire who's made mistakes for years and makes another bloody mistake why is xery not starting he scored last week and it doesn't work without a striker and effectively we've lost the game 2-1 and we really should have won it and we could have got a draw out of it so imagine if he'd made the right decisions we lose against Brighton away from home with a last minute winner and ten hog made about six decisions across the game and before it that contributed to a 2-1 loss if he' had just made two or three decisions better we would we would have won the game if it' have picked the lit over Maguire we wouldn't concede the first goal if had have kept Bruno on the pitch we wouldn't have conceded the winner it's just I can't I can't look anywhere else other than the manager today I don't think the performance was that bad I really don't think the performance was that bad I don't think it was amazing but I don't think it was that bad I just think the manager has has cost us the game and he needs to learn very very quickly because he's absolutely cost his the game and also I just want to say as well why what what is he doing is he getting external pressure I don't know what's going on I really don't know what's getting going on I don't want to talk about rashford really but he ain't good he ain't good last season he ain't good this season he ain't good I don't think he was terrible but he offers nothing he doesn't offer anything he doesn't offer creativity he doesn't offer goals he offers he doesn't offer really hard work he offers next to nothing he should be on the bench as an impact player like Anthony why is gacho back on the bench for Man United again I don't understand this this is a lad who's worked his ass off for the last two years from the bench to be a first team player and and now he's back on the bench again why is gono back on the bench I was Furious about that before the game and I didn't say anything cuz I was like I don't want to be that guy but now I will be why is gacho back on the bench I I don't get it he's the best Winger we've got why is he on the bench why are we still trying to give people a chance that have had their chance Maguire's had his chance rashford's had his chance get delit in the team get gacho in the team get xery up front like obviously I agarte to come in but I don't get it I don't get what's going on here at United at the moment I'm I'm really confused because it's meant to be inos ten hog new structure new signings and he's picking the same old [ __ ] making the same old decisions I'm confused as to what the plan is I've got no idea what team is going to pick against Liverpool none I presume it will be delit now because Maguire's made the mistake but will it be rashford back on the left again and Gano on the bench Amad scored was one of our better players will it be Mountain Bruno again will it be mctom and Z I don't know I don't know because he's he's he look as I said there's no point polishing a turd it was it was crap from ten hog but exclusively for me the blame is with the manager tonight I I can't I can't even blame Maguire because he shouldn't be playing I can't blame rashford he wasn't he shouldn't be playing I can't blame M he shouldn't be playing I can't blame momany shouldn't be on for Bruno it was just it was just I've not I've not seen a game like that for a very long time but I tell you what I tell you what there if there is a positive from this said it before the game if he picks that team that I wouldn't have picked or you wouldn't have picked and it wins he gets the praise if he picks that team and it goes wrong he gets criticized we don't have an injury crisis there are no excuses we should have there was a way to win that game there was a way to draw that game and there was a way to lose that game and all three outcomes were not based on me were not based on our amazing away support and it was not based really on the players there was three ways to win that game I saw a win there I saw a loss there which was the reality and I saw a draw and the person who controlled those three outcomes is the right person it's the manager and ultimately I can't complain Brighton scored a legit goal to win it it was a basketball game whether it should have been a basketball game or not if you're going to play a basketball game and what we mean by a basketball game um is that he really um if you're going to play a basketball game what a basketball game means is if you've ever watched basketball it's there's a lot of there's a lot of points scored because it goes one end one end one end one end and it was like that in the last 20 minutes against Brighton but if you're going to play a basketball game make sure you keep Michael Jordan on the pitch and what I been by Michael Jordan is your leader your your guy that can score but also provide and it was open it was a wide open game it's perfect for Bruno Fernandez and he takes him off for a player that were're trying to sell to na I don't know I don't know I don't know and I tell you what before we do the player ratings as well I'm worried about tenar I'm worried there's something weird about this van nissy thing it's weird and I'm worried about ten just leave it that I'm worried about him this weird weird stuff happening on the bench and weird I'm not saying van lissoy is doing it I'm just saying it just feels weird around United today it was almost like we conspired to lose game we should have won um before we do the play ratings let's get some of your comments as you said rashford why and why is there no urgency when there's five minutes to go play it sideways backwards sideways haven't learned from last year says Chris we only played um well for 15 minutes in the second half says SG look Brighton hit the bar at one nil it was a good goal by ammad but brighten at the bar start with your best lineup and take a hold of the game early says coach I know this this is my point really we're Manchester United we've not won a title in 10 years we finished eighth last year and we've got a manager who's picking a team waiting for mistakes before he picks better players like we're handicapping ourselves we're not man city like pick your best team why you why is rashford playing because you want to play him into form when gacho is better why is Maguire playing when delit is better why are we picking a team with problems in it when there's a stronger team on the bench like I I don't I can't explain how frustrated I am with ten hog today it's not anger I don't agree with these people who call him bold fraud and all that it's just it's not it's not it's not analysis it's pure frustration at at the idiocy of picking players who are going to cause you problems um yeah um Joe Cole saying Maguire offered the lit mistake as tied against United and mgu Maguire world class at dealing with crosses he's an idiot mate absolute idiot I haven't got a clue what he's talking about another quote Rio Ferdinand I thought Harry McGuire grew into the game and played really well I was surprised when he came off idiots absolute idiots I mean look these they've played the game they don't watch the game they've got absolutely no idea what they're talking about we didn't lose the game because Maguire came off the the lits Maguire cost us the the goal that probably you know causes the biggest problem but we didn't lose the game because we changed our Center back it's not unusual to take players off with 10 minutes to go Maguire went off for delit with 10 minutes to go maybe Maguire's been tired you know that's that is absolute [ __ ] punditry [ __ ] punditry the reason we lost the game was because we took Bruno off and completely lost control of the break we stopped St being a threat on the break and that gave Brighton more opportunity the reason we lost the game is because when that cross came in Anthony bottled a 50/50 and everybody got pulled to the front post and Delow our left back for some reason thought he was a right back and we had nobody at left back that's why we lost the game it's got nothing to do with delit from Maguire Maguire on the pitch wouldn't have stopped that winner no not not at all and Maguire on the pitch wouldn't allowed us to create chance we lost the game because we took Bruno off and because our left back wasn't in position oh you know I pity I pity people who have to put up with that sort of [ __ ] fed to them because it's just completely not accurate uh we need a CDM casmiro is out of pace says Felix we always criticize ten hog for not taking out rashford and Bruno when they're playing bad but when we criticize him when he does Bruno wasn't good says William look the the rashford substitution was correct the Bruno one was wrong you don't take off a creative player for Scott mctominay we we look mate watch the I'm not I've got no problem with Bruno coming off a mount I've got no problem with Bruno coming off for Erikson but you don't take a creative off for for mctom um ten hogs out of his depth I want to to back in but his decisions are undeniably delusional says Henry Mountain Bruno pressing at the start but after nothing we've become press Merchants without the finishing says Juno ten hog made mistakes with the lineup in Bruno sub but it's honestly annoying seeing people say ten hog out as soon as something goes wrong I mean Jeremiah the ten hog out stuff is just for idiots really it's that's the world we live in you know it's it's it doesn't it doesn't add anything I'm massively disappointed with the manager who made a shitload of mistakes but have I once said he needs to go no because it's the second game of the season leave that to talk [ __ ] and other idiots it's it's I I wouldn't give a United fan the time of day if they're if they're shouting ten hog out today that that's just that's just not it's just ridiculous after two games uh mctom is the new Fellaini says Muhammad we must get gal Galatasaray coach says dermis I'd like your Insight on zery today he came on from out and I feel like he played the same role no runs in behind and didn't provide the option to hold the ball up I feel ten hog is using him ROM says Hamza there's definitely an obsession with playing for two two false nines we saw it when momy came on as well uh I've never seen um ten hog sub Bruno before says raset Joe Cole saying Maguire done that one we're been tell telling you ruds there to replace him says United one if ten plays the same starting 11 next week against Liverpool I'll be the first time ready for a new manager says Dorian mate there's a massive chance we're going to lose next week and if he loses two out of his first three he's in massive problems Scott Pig says ten hog absolute ridiculous decisions if majority of his fans can see the issues why can't he weak mate it's got Scott the only the only excuse he's weak he's weak you know you ask for delit you start Maguire you you you develop gacho you bench him for rashford you ask for xery you play two false nines the only reason can be weak if I was inos I'd be saying why have you bought these players Eric why have I bought you these players and then you don't want to use them you know Maguire cost us the first goal you want to delit that's on you simple as that why does he never start Gatos says real and compact haven't got a bloody clue that team didn't work at home to Fulham why did you think it would work away to Brighton says Anthony bringing vanor in manager by Christmas says KL as you said rashford why done that from Chris we only played 50 I've done that one as well um that offside rule is nonsense if a player plays on the ball is ahead of the last Defender then it shouldn't matter if the player receiving it is two says well it's the rule mate hate to say it but Mayu is an issue in Midfield he continually just leaves the Midfield wide open I think he looked tired Trey I was very surprised mctom didn't come on for Mayu xery would have started if we had agarte the game is chaotic and open when it's a two-man pivot with kazm as we saw second half says mcis let's keep K we lost and maybe now we buy someone says Angel bomb I have a feeling ten hog is going to do this a lot this season says Dante gacha will have every right every right to move to a better Club at the end of the season if this carries on says I prefer not to speak uh let's do the player ratings thank you everybody for getting involved as per usual look we have got a GTE to come into the team and it will make a big difference when we have him we are again playing games without signings which always pisses me off to be honest with you casemiro was a player they were trying to sell and we're still using him so look that that's on inos at the end of the day um we shouldn't be in a position where the midfielder that we need isn't available having said that would ten hog start aarte if he was here or would he stick him on the bench for some weird reason because he wants to pick the player that doesn't work um brandan says take a walk around the garden rashford Scott Maguire won't be starters on any of the other top teams they need to be sold says prell buys a new strike in a center back but doesn't start them says Thomas United back to ruining the weekend uh Mark has he started Martinez and Maguire over Varan against Brighton as United as a United manager after what we never saw Maguire hope we never see him again says Abit right I'm doing player ratings so play ratings let's get into it make sure you smash a like And subscribe uh I'd say Anana today was a six uh 5.3 for you okay that's fine um yeah I'd say he was a six today um I thought that um I mean there's not a lot you can say on either goal he's you know you'd like him to save them but they would be worldes if he did so I'd give him a six um we're never going to look we're never going to for Anana to be a goalkeeper that Everyone likes we need to play a high line we played so deep today we played so deep today it was it was it was ridiculous uh mazra I'd probably give him a six um I thought he kept matoma very very quiet um um in the game um but never really got forward enough we don't utilize the right hand side enough so I'd give him a six uh Maguire for me was a five um I thought he was better in the second half but in the Premier League away from home he can't be gifting goals away and he had two opportunities to deal with that cross and he didn't he cost us the goal I don't think he was Dreadful but he cost us a goal and we I've seen this movie many times I don't know why he started five for me four from you uh Martinez uh six for me um didn't really do anything majorly wrong um I don't think he works with Maguire very well um I think we've seen that actually over the last two years that Martinez and Maguire actually don't work well together I think I think Martinez is better with Lindelof from what I remember but um I thought he was a six uh Delo you know what I probably would have given Delo man of the match I'd give Delo a um I give him a 6.5 and I would have given him man of the match because I thought he was very good but he's at fault for the winner like where is he where where is he on that back post like he's the left back and I don't know i' look I'd love to know what the explanation was because you look at the by Pedro there's another Brighton player there as well there's nobody on the back post and I don't understand why um and and it reminds me of um Chelsea last season and we're not learning we're not learning the low Chelsea equalized at Stanford Bridge he loses his head he loses his position and he starts going to try and score a winner and they and they score a winner and here we are at Brighton he's had a good game again and he's lost his head because he's not in the position he needs to be in and we're not we're just not learning are we like better to draw than lose kaziro for me i' I'd give him a five I I I don't see this glow up that people are seeing I see um a player that's can play a really good pass and then can play a really [ __ ] pass I see a player that can make a good tackle and then completely mess it up 350 k a week I do not see I see a player that has moments good and bad um I don't see 350k a week uh Mayu today's got to be a six uh I thought again there was moments that were good but he looked tired in the last 20 minutes so I'd give him an average six uh Mason mounts shouldn't have started the game and actually would have been quite useful Off the Bench um yeah I i' would give him a six I don't think Mason Mount was [ __ ] I really don't I just don't think he should have started I think he would have been a very good player to bring on for Bruno instead of mctom with 15 minutes to go but starting him makes the system [ __ ] it doesn't work with mountain Bruno in the team you can't shoehorn a player in we create nothing the Press is good we don't concede many chances because we've got four midfielders but we don't create anything the system doesn't work with Mount and Bruno in it so but M Mount wasn't bad but the system needed to be changed that would be my explanation uh Bruno I thought was a six I thought he was okay never should have been brought off um it wasn't his best performance but he shouldn't have been brought off um and I've said enough about that Ahmad I think I'm going to give man of the match too and I'm going to give him the start um you know I know we've lost the game but if he doesn't score that goal we would have lost it by more um we need to get the ball down the right hand side more and we didn't get the ball down the right hand side enough but when we did it goes and scores a goal like that um I think he could have had a better performance but in a game I mean God six is average I'm giving him good for getting a goal that's what I'm doing so I'd give Ahmad um a seven rashford I mean at this juncture what are we saying what what are we what are we actually saying here he needs to go to the bench I'm going to give him a five he needs to go to the bench he I wouldn't say he was Dreadful but I'm tired of saying that what are we you know what did I say about casemiro we're paying casemiro 350k a week we're paying this guy 300K a week we're being robbed by both of them I can't sit here and protect a player on that wage and say wasn't terrible like we are getting no value out of him at all he shouldn't be in the team I don't know what the excuses now you know he's had the summer off social media he's had the summer being dropped by England I mean are we at a point now where we're actually saying he's been figured out there's not going to be a sudden glow up he's been figured out like where's this glow up coming from you know it wasn't like he's not getting the opportunity to take players on he just can't get past them it's not like he's not getting the opportunities to get him behind he can't stay on side I don't know where this glow ups coming from because at the moment this this this this form from rashford in the nicest possible way has been going on for longer than a year the form he's in has been going on for a year so what How likely is it we're going to get a switch to something better I don't know I don't know um gacho would be a six for me when he comes on things happen look there was a couple of times where he lost the ball but there's a couple of times where things happen he should start for Manchester United it's as simple as that uh Scott Momin uh 5.5 I mean it's not his fault he came on but you know you've got xery you've got Ahmad and you've got gacho you just need a Creator and you bring on a guy you know he's just not a Creator is he um xery i' probably give him a six I thought he came on and did reasonably well um he should be starting games um he's very unlucky to be fair um I I I felt I felt bad really because I was just so frustrated that we didn't score but I think he was a bit unlucky um and he should be starting games of football as well um but I'm I'm I'm Liv I'm just so fed up with that uh delit did delit did okay when he came on I mean I don't I don't get get what people are talking about about like Maguire cost as a goal I'd have subbed him off at half time I certainly wouldn't have started him delit for Maguire did nothing for that game other than minutes for delit the the delit Maguire substitution makes no difference we were defending deep anyway it wasn't why we ConEd uh Anthony five for ducking The Tackle watch it back watch the winner back he could have put tackle in he he bottles it they put the cross in I ain't got time to talk about players like this really I haven't got time um three it's got to be three it has to be three because it wasn't one bad decision it wasn't just Bruno for mctom it was starting Maguire it was starting rashford over gacho it was starting Mount over xery um it was just there was too many too many today to not put to not pin it solely on the manager um Ahmad man of the match 56% um yeah I mean it's Hollow though isn't it because we've lost the game of football um which is devastating um it's just it's just it's a crap loss to have right at the start of the season if for being honest and uh I I don't I don't really know what to say I was I was stunned by the goal these things can happen I'm not taking anything away from Brighton there was no controversy with the referee we conspired to lose that game because the manager um did it Michael says something isn't right with rude there like artetta being Emory second waiting in the background it does feel weird it feels weird Michael it does feel weird and Roode is not backwards in coming forwards being on camera as well every time we score a goal or something it it does I don't think that looks like a good fit I hope I'm wrong it feels to me like I don't know I don't feel like ten hog and Roode look like they're together but I'm we've got Liverpool next week um that's a very disappointing L second game of the season very very disappointing um right I will be back on the channel later on tonight 8:00 show but we've got the fan forum now and I'm doing Villa against Arsenal thanks everyone for tuning in today I can't hide my disappointment and I'm not going to start ranting and raving about sacking this and that it's way way too early for that but um just yeah solely on the manager I hope he owns it you can't [ __ ] pick teams like that and those sort of decisions and that's very very worrying very very worrying uh take care get over to the fan forum make sure you subscribe Legends I'll speak to on in a bit

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