Pastor Greg Locke’s house gets SHOT UP!

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:15:21 Category: Entertainment

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welcome back goly vipes family hope everybody is well I'm back with my brothers Dennis Stevenson and Nick Novo um today's story is very very wild for those who don't know who Pastor Greg lock is he is a uh I would say a controversial Pastor uh who's been in the media for different things um not too long ago somebody uh put a trailer in front of his church and they burnt the trailer and it had all kind of Bibles in it so he's been getting threats for a while but it has come down to them shooting up his house right let's read what uh Greg lock said it's 2 a.m. and for the last three hours our home has been a full-blown crime scene according to the security cam footage we pulled into our driveway exactly 1 minute after a Madam unloaded an entire magazine of bullets from an automatic weapon into our house that's the Lord amen one minute after wow of bullets from an automatic weapon into our house garage and my truck the sound on the video is truly horrific detectives will still be here for a good while tonight only one of our kids was home and thank God not in the same area of the house as you can see in the last pcks one of the bullets cut through the headboard of our our youngest daughter's bed and lodged in her pillow oh my Lord H that's the Lord wow we are all being we are all being security escorted to a hotel tonight we have no further details the only detail that matters is that Psalm 91 is true and God protected Us in unimaginable and Supernatural ways please pray for the lock family tonight now this is very sad you guys we also have different pictures um of his truck uh completely just shot this this person let off a whole magazine clip at Pastor Greg Lock's house first of all how do they know where he lives you know what I mean um second of all he must be doing something right if you got these demons manifesting like that that's absolutely insane um uh te technical difficulty sorry guys but you know uh it's it's it's it's a blessing that they weren't in that house one minute away from having a whole can you imagine they pulled up a minute earlier and whoever that was caught them coming out of the car caught them coming out of the truck right and was shooting listen if they were shooting at the house they were shooting to take his life they don't know where he's at in that they they know where he's at in that house so if they seen him they would have been thinking themselves jackpot he's right outside we can get him right it's over it's over can you imagine if his daughter was in the bed on her pillow with the bullet penetrated oh boy the Lord the Lord was definitely in that situation for them to pull up a minute early a minute later for the daughter to be on another side of the house not in her room on her bed you know what I mean like but this is a testimony show how good the Lord is you know it glorifies God let me get your opinions on this it's on you Nick yeah that's crazy uh the Lord the Lord definitely had his hand on him um and on his family that night um I mean there there's no there's no coincidence in my book so you know one minute one minute difference I that that's that's definitely the Lord and they're I don't know how they would have known where he lived you know what I'm saying like that that to me is is crazy you know um I'm glad they're all well though am man yeah I believe just with this encounter that he just had I believe he's going to the Lord's going to begin to release some things upon him to see him even greater and even further just by this situation and alone because you know what the enemy meant for evil God turns it for good so I believe he's in a turning situation for good I believe also believe that he is a voice and um in America and this was planned but I know that through this whole situation that just happened God's going to turn it for good he's going to have something to say and he's going to have something to do with God it's going to be something newly released now for the family I know it could be traumatized for the daughter for the wife and just for the surrounding family that's around him but I know the Lord's going to have surrounding Angels around them and it's just another journey in his life of wanting to preach the word of Truth in America amen you know there's one or two things that's going to happen from this situ ation one you either step into fear and you start quieting your mouth and you do exactly what the enemy wants you to do mhm or he about to turn up the heat or it's about to get even more real you know like I said Pastor Greg lock has been a controversial Pastor for some time and he's called out a lot of different pastors you know could it be pastors who are sending people to his house because of the calling out that he's doing could it be demons manifesting in individuals because we understand that the word of God says the son of predition will sit in the temple of God pretending to be God right talking about a physical Temple it's talking about the C predition sitting in different temples It also says the Antichrist come out from amongst them so there's different people who are in a church that you think are Christians that are actually witches warlocks demons manifesting the question is do you have discernment to see it right so there's people who may have been in this congregation there people that he may have come against that are operating out a out of a different spirit that try to make him disappear there may be information that he has against different individuals that are trying to make him disappear why else they would why would they want to why else would people want to take Pastor Greg's life why else because he's came out and said that he had different information on different people he's came out and said that he that uh said he had different things that could potentially put people in prison wow H so why else would there be a an attempt like that you know there's people who run up on who run up to you on the street and try to fight you and this and that but when you take a automatic rifle to a man's home where you know he has children and a wife and you fire at that point you've reached a deeper point in somebody Soul where it's affected them that much where they feel like I don't care who I hit I don't care if the family's there the children's there he needs to go or he needs to feel excruciating pain to make him shut up so there's going to be one two things he's going to shut up or the heat just got turned on on the stove amen hallelujah am man what my brother's talking about hey man um knowing I mean knowing Greg lock you know it it may turn it up a little bit for sure but um you know when when when it it comes that close it can kind of shake you but we'll see uh what what happens with Greg lock I just pray the Lord continues to reveal things to him I prev I I pray that you know the Lord would spiritually encounter him and and and and show him some things you know um but yeah that this this a crazy scenario oh yeah for sure Greg lock is going to turn it up another Notch another level you know and it's not going to really stop anything but it's just going to just bring more attention bring more attention to the word of God or bring more attention to the church you know maybe it was against Greg lock some people don't even know who he is but now they're going to know he's a pastor or now they're going to know that he's preaching the word of God and they're gonna want to learn okay okay well why do they want to do this to him they're going to get studious and want to inquire more like okay who is this person why do they want to shoot him what God is he talking about you know let me see myself is this is is this a Potential Threat and yeah man that's what's going to be for us as well too so we can't even look at it like oh it's just Greg lock because when we begin to speak the words of truth and demons do begin to manifest and people really do begin to plot and make plans against us they're going to want to come and try to do what they want to do to us persecute us how it was in the early church or in the modern day church so I'm expecting it but we ready right just like just like the you know like you were saying brother like uh you know the son of predition will sit in the the in the in the temple of God right so you know Paul says we're the temple right but the word used there in that passage is the word naos right which is referring to a spiritual Temple right there's there's two words for temple you know Heron and naos Heron would be talking about a physical Temple so it says the word naos so that means a spiritual Temple so that means there's people preaching the word of God you know and and things like that that really have the son of predition in them so you know and it says in the Book of Revelation that you know it says that uh you know you let you let Jezebel preach in the pull pits you know um mystery Babylon so you know there there's there's a lot of deception and and people definitely could be operating in a different spirit and and be wanting to come against Pastor Greg lock for things that he's saying or or things that information that he has right that he may have on other people so you know it's a it's it's a dangerous game Amen brother yeah man there's definitely different people out here with a son of predition in them um they're Antichrist you know if they're teaching if they're teaching a Doctrine that's not Christ they're then they're Antichrist you know it even talks about um you know uh the Tower of Babel you know being a pull pit know being an altar they're babbling W it's the Hebrew word mcdal you know they're they're they're in the pull pits Bab in they have the son of predition in him they're Antichrist teaching a different Christ that's not Jesus Christ you know and we've had uh uh Pastor Greg lock visit uh the church I if you guys remember that amen you know Hallelujah glory be to God we were uh worshiping very hard the it was powerful that day he even gave a testimony yeah yeah yeah he he he spoke that day you know what I mean uh cuz I guess he didn't used to believe in miracles signs and wonders he was one of those uh preachers who didn't believe in things like that and then the Lord um embarrassed him so he says out of bad theology the Lord literally embarrassed him out of that he said Hallelujah yeah humble humbled his heart to come into understanding and believing because believe it or not if you don't believe God can do what the Lord says he'll do he won't do it you know uh he he not going to bring signs Miracles and wonders in your church when you're saying he can't you say the Lord can't do something all right all right you know it's going to take belief it's going to take Faith Hallelujah um and you know I understand people are taught different Doctrine that's not of the Lord so they don't truly have faith because they don't truly have understanding you know and faith comes from believing and believing comes from understanding so unless you have it uh you're not going to have that but we know why because a lot of people aren't getting taught in spirit and truth right you know what I mean so you know we're praying for Pastor Greg lock we're praying for his family uh for everybody in that situation that's a traumatizing uh event you know I've been in different trauma traumatizing situations and those type of things can really affect you in your mind and in your in in your spirit and really um be with you for a while until you come to a place of learning the Lord until you come to a place of Deliverance so I pray that it didn't really affect the daughter like that because she was in there right that type of stuff is is is scary you know so I pray it didn't really affect her like that I pray that she's come into a trauma traumatized State um and you guys have any last words um man just like you said you know Faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of God right so if you don't believe right that the Lord can do certain things then Amen Let It Be according to your faith you know um but you know we know the Bible says that these signs will follow those that believe right and and and the word says also that we will do greater things than Christ himself did than Jesus did amen right so um but the Bible also says the Antichrist will will bring lying signs and wonders so this is you know it all comes back to Spirit and Truth we got to know the true we we got to know the true spiritual interpretation of the word of God and and and that will that'll help us you know be able to discern right what what's truth and what's not and you know and you know pray pray praying for the family for sure brother well just like Nick said you know I don't think that our walk with Christ should be based off Miracle signs and wonders but I believe that your walk with Christ should be based off Doctrine scripture what do you understand and the interpretation that you do have because the Lord say going to be lying Miracle signs and wonders hey was not was not Moses throwing down snakes and was not Pharaoh magicians throwing down snakes too that's right so we know there's Lon signs and wonders but what does not change and what cannot be affected is the word of truth because it's pure and it's undefiled so yeah Pastor Greg lock you about to lock in I already know what's going on God bless you man of God and we just pray that for your safety and for what's coming for you next amen bless you brother amen Brothers um you know both of you guys said something really uh key you know Nick was talking about discernment and brother Dennis was talking about you know true Doctrine and what we really want to understand is that to have true discernment is not just what you feel emotionally to have true discernment is to understand who's teaching by the Flesh and who's teaching by the letter of the law and who's teaching by the spirit of the law that's right you get what I'm saying so um we really want to come into that as a people because only with that will true Reformation come Hallelujah so you know definitely praying for the family def playing for press GE loock and praying praying for all Christians who are in this situation whose situation does not get headlines amen you get what I'm saying cuz there's different people in different countries that are going through this daily there's different Christians in Afghanistan there's different Christians in uh Iran that are going through this daily different Christians in Nigeria who are going through this daily so our prayers are for all you brothers and sisters who are going through this type of situation we are there with you in spirit my brothers and sisters stay strong and hold on to the faith Hallelujah glory be to the Lord Yeshua hamashiach we bless you guys God bless shalom shalom

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