Turmoil Tuesday -What In The Blue Blazes!! Haitians Eating What??

e [Music] ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please the show starts in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 go [Music] [Music] the time is now the time is now the time time is now I'm Trent and this is Vision preparedness the time is now the good evening everyone and welcome to turmo Tuesday where anything can happen yeah that's just how that goes how's everybody doing today hope everybody had an amazing [Music] Tuesday and y'all's favorite pup just woke up and uh showed his head and said hi Dad I'm awake how's everybody doing who's coming in the door tuck good to see you my friend he said he said no top chat y'all so I was even in top chat and had to change it good to see you tuck how are you my man camo Carl look look y'all's favorite puppy dog yes is in the building and awake good to see you you got to lay down okay you got to get your foot off the table please get your paw down please you mind I'd appreciate it and thank you all right there we go widow's diary artist and poet slpj good to see yall hope y'all are doing well wolfbang in the building good to see you Teresa welcome welcome welcome Lisa Harris good to see you littleone prepper good to see you Kenan good to see you my friend loving life good to see you family thank you for that email because that was confirmation of not only what I was thinking but what was in my spirit as well thank you for that and uh by the way they said cutest puppy in the world he is Stone Cold rotten good to see your family Loretta good to see your family Hol eyeses welcome in welcome in and there she is the greatest name on these YouTube streets coffee first then speak good to see you sis hope you're doing well hope you had a great Tuesday who else we got in the building miss metal good to see you paper buttons 19 good to see you Jason M Schmidt welcome in my brother Psalms 146 Home and Garden good to see you sis the Celtic Grandma's in the building y'all better behave again I'm telling y'all Grandma's in the building and if my Renaissance Grandma shows up that's two grandmas in the building and you they'll snatch you if you're not behaving right good to see you hope you're doing well Southern ter prepper good to see you hope you are doing well who else we got in the building here we got a whole bunch of folks in the building independent many United good to see you hope you're having an amazing day today and everything is going well my man KP bruh hope y'all are safe and hunker down for the uh hurricane that's coming your way uh please be safe stay safe my brother I know you will as always because you are a man's man and you take care of your family and your people I appreciate you and you still the best Concrete Man in the business yes indeedy Plan B in Idaho good to see you Sherry good to see you as well Shannon welcome in welcome in my man ghost Lincoln Shenanigans and turoy you got that right bro that is exactly what going down tonight not only here but all over the place yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah coffee hi Don e welcome in welcome in and and I know I'm way behind on the chat but that's okay because that's what I do uh greetings I just want to say this to all of you amazing people y'all rock and roll thank you for rocking and rolling with me tonight on turo Tuesday what in the blue blazes Haitians are eating what we're gon to talk about that but first couple of announcements uh at 7:45 tonight The Four Horsemen ride again uh that would be Hudson Valley prepping and survival the Livingston man the roaming prepper and yours truly VP tonight at 7:45 on Hudson Valley prepping and survivals Rumble Channel if one of of my amazing moderators if you could please drop the link to Hudson Valley prepping and survival's Rumble Channel 7:45 and we well I'm not g to promise you but hopefully we will be done before the uh debate uh the clown show or whatever you want to call escapades and shenanigans goes off tonight yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the scratch Shack welcome in good to see you hope you're doing well thank you for joining us t tonight Holly eyes if I didn't speak to you also hello how are you hope you're having a great day today yeah so we're going to do it y'all so check this uh for those of y'all that may not have seen a community post today was the first day those that reserved their Opus Mega one you could purchase yours and uh I bought mine this morning and uh yeah it already says that it's uh ready to be shipped didn't say it's shipped but it said it's ready to be shipped so for those of you do not forget when you use your custom coupon code also use you can add a second coupon code Vision five that's Vision all caps and the number five for an additional 5% off I did it this morning everything is working and uh yeah it's paid for and uh yeah ready to be shipped yeah exactly tu said I saw this coming yeah okay all right let's dive into tonight's topic so here's my disclaimer don't shoot the messenger okay don't please don't shoot the messenger don't un unsubscribe just just hear me out listen to Because guess what H we are in Ohio yeah Ohi o Springfield Ohio is an hour west of these great places where I stay yes that's right thank you coffee that's right there you go right there Rumble tonight 7:45 be there or B Square yes the four horsemen ride now according to the let me get this up on the screen this comes straight from NBC News and uh we'll do this we'll go here and then we'll go here there we go Ohio police have no credible reports of Haitian immigrants harming pets contradicting JD Vance's claim now you can say what you want until I see evidence it is who it is what it is when it is now Vance wrote on X that people have uh had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't be in the country police Le say they haven't seen any evidence I'll drop this link in the chat to this article from NBC so you can read it yourself now police in Springfield Ohio said Monday they had not received they had received no credible reports of immigrants harming pets contradicting a claim by Republican Vice Presidential nominee senator Dev Vance who's a senator from Ohio okay the senator from Ohio as well as other Republican lawmakers and several conservative commentators had in recent days asserted without evidence that the arrival of thousands of immigrants from Haiti had created chaos in Springfield and uh I'll uh share some Insider information I know personally after we go through all this in a post on X Vance wrote Monday that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who should not be in our country the Springfield police division uh said in a statement that they were aware of the rumors and had no information to support the rumors in a recent rumor allting criminal activity by The Immigrant population in our city we wish to clarify that there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed inquired injured or abducted by individuals within the Immigrant Community the police said in a statement emailed to NBC News okay so we we'll give them that okay yeah so there it is so that's the first thing now because you know I don't always look at one source so matter of fact I went to three sources the next one here happens to be from uh the independent there have been no reports police debunk V's racist claim that Haitian immigrants are eating pets and I've seen all the stuff on Tik Tock about them taking geese and Ducks from the park and this and that and that and this so police say they had not received any credible reports of immigrants harming people's pets in Springfield Ohio as a racist rumor spread now I I'll say This Racist Rumor Has Not it race has nothing to do with it the fact of the matter is that there they're claiming that people people don't care what color they are whoever whatever are eating people's pets plain and simple Professor mad Shad good to see you my friend I hope you had a great day today and tonight folks this cup of coffee is dedicated to my brother Mr mad Shad skore good coffee good coffee Jennifer ocean good to see you um Jennifer said my question is why is it because they purposely won't investigate or just flat out lying as usual don't forget police are controlled and owned by the elites I understand I'm I agree with you 100% in that statement but uh you never know don't know I'm not defending nobody I'm just shooting the facts and saying and seeing and what I said and uh I'll wrap this up quickly uh but thoroughly yeah so with that Springfield police division said it wasn't aware of the rumors but has no information to support it okay that is from the Independent okay so okay two third one and this this could be a complete cover up by the local news and police I don't know I'm not there but I know somebody who is yeah okay so third story here finally of all and and and this one comes from the local channel 2 news WDTN okay Springfield Ohio WDTN TV channel 2 news says the City of Springfield is gaining National and political attention after social media posts accusing Haitian immigr ANS of crimes went viral despite Springfield police confirming there are no credible reports for the past few years Springfield has seen a massive population influx due to Legal immigration now a national attention has been brought to the city's City struggling with accommodating the growth city leaders requested federal aid in July but strain continues to cause tension in Springfield now politicians are starting to take notice Ohio Attorney General David yoast commented on the issue of overwhelming public services in the city saying that his team is looking into legal recourse to curb immigrants from coming to Springfield specifically Al he said I want to get in front of a federal judge to review this because what's happening in Springfield shouldn't happen to any City really dude so what what's going on across the country with the illegal immigrants even though they're saying that the Haitians are coming in to Springfield legally okay uh he said it's simply unsustainable well welcome to 2024 turn around and thank Grandpa ice cream for allowing that citizens and Springfield officials believe something needs to be done to accommodate the sudden growth while residents and local leaders continue to have conversations about resources a social media post making claims authorities say are not true is making National headlines there it is I'm not there I don't know I'm going be honest with you I don't know you know I always said I will take note on things that happen in not only the great state of Ohio but in these great republics of the United States yes so with that check this out I made a phone call to somebody I know that is over there in that area and uh I will not mention their name for uh OBC um one happens to be actually a family member and I asked him about this and they said that it is not true Watchman good to see you he said I have not seen anything of the such he said said I heard it just like you did and he said not too many people are reporting that their dogs and cats are being taken away and eaten I don't know he said I didn't hear anything about it but I will let you know yeah Billy Bird welcome in welcome in good to see you good to see you Jason eing welcome in my brother good to see you um Psalms 1 46 said I got to admit when I dive P drove past the park I'd be looking at them geese like a Thanksgiving dinner exactly now the question is and y'all can answer this because y'all are very very very smart people and and I value your opinion Cherokee survival my brother good to see you welcome in I hope you my friend are having a great day um and Psalms 146 you know what I I I'm going to leave your post right here because that's exactly what I'm talking about how many of y'all have drove past a park and saw geese or duck out there and be like man that'd be some good eating although I would never eat a geese I love duck matter of fact I have a duck in my freezer um but what if and y'all can answer me this what if they're not the Haitians that is they're not stealing people's cats and dogs and everything they're saying and they are taking maybe geese and Ducks from the park now we know that geese are supposed to be and I'm doing air quotes uh federally protected okay so that's a federal law violation right there what's the difference between it happening now versus shtf what say y'all I want to see the comments yeah CJ the prepping prepper welcome in good to see you hope you're doing well tonight I don't know if it's true that they do or not yeah the Watchman said all American dogs are poisoned with Chinese dog food and the meat is probably tainted with tumors you know what watch Watchman that would not surprise me yeah yeah my man devil dog prepper in the building good to see you my brother hope you're doing well today another fellow o IO ohioan you're more than welcome Mad Chad because as you know as well as I know coffee makes things a little bit better yeah Dan H welcome in my brother hope you're doing well today so what do y'all say what what what do you say about supposedly the Haitians eating geese and ducks and everything else what what do you say all good Jason hope you're doing well my brother thank you for stopping in I'm probably way behind on the chat and uh all of that Rip Curl good to see you my brother welcome in another one of my amazing fine moderators metal spawn is in the building welcome in welcome in I'm trying to get the rip curls comment and I'm lost so anyway Rip Curl said most of the time the domestic water foul doesn't taste as good it depends on the environment they are in there you go there you go exactly rip exactly see youv farmers in the building welcome in he said I am watching from the People's Republic of Michigan oh you another okay yeah well welcome in good to see you so you know what if that happened yeah what if they are uh you're right Watchman I agree law enforcement is always downplaying the actual crime of course they do yeah you know so they're saying they have not had any reports okay but my question would be have you investigated it plain and simple have you rode by the parks have you rode through the neighborhoods Lisa Harris welcome in good to see you if I did not speak to you yeah so you know it it's what's the difference between eating them now and waiting for shtf event yeah to where they can't wow I'm way behind on the chat good Lord Guardian prepping good to see you my brother exactly exactly guardian and and and that's a great quote Guardian said in desperate times I don't blame anyone for what they eat there you go just don't eat meat okay don't eat meat please I'm old for a reason the meat is tough and uh yeah you're not gonna do it anyway yeah Sister Marie's kitchen welcome in good to see you sister I hope you're doing well oky con good to see you plan B said shtf is one thing but as a guest to this country the laws apply to all you're right the the laws apply to everybody and if you're eating a geese that you caught in a park you committed a federal crime therefore you will suffer the consequences and repercussions I agree Plan B yeah Amber's truth welcome in good to see you Amber said it's a one-sided story too person speaks no English for defense there you hey you know what hey there it is yeah yeah so you know Kon John said law enforcement just not roll your window down because well you know right bro exactly exactly yes but you know okay so I here's my opinion I don't care I don't I don't care desperate times people will do desperate things to eat and feed their kids does it surprise me no Ed my man good to see you my friend I hope you and Tara are doing fantastic today thank you for joining me um that's the thing are they or did somebody just make this up because their cat's missing and they don't like their neighbor who just happens to be ha and they were having a barbecue instead of looking at what's on the grill which could have been anything that they just said they're eating my cat because they can't find the cat there it is I don't know and honestly I don't care but the thing is we have to be the Smart Ones to be able to tell the difference between turmoil Shenanigans May hammock and the truth there's always two sides of the story the truth well three the truth the lie in their version there it is yeah 11 life said I'm sure they're receiving welfare checks is there a reason they are not grocery shopping like the rest of us exactly you know and and according to Springfield police these are legal who legal immigrants who are coming in Legally so you know that that's another thing but it is what it is and honestly I could care less the roaming prepper I Pete I'm with you there what a day good to see you he said hit the like button I'm with you we got one more to go and by the way folks uh the roaming prepper will be streaming live streaming the debate tonight uh until YT either decides uh no you can't do that and it kicks him off or whatever but um check out the rumming prepper if you want to watch the debate and uh hear some amazing commentary yeah yeah um yeah Amber said uh even though third world countries do eat cats dogs I did a live on it earlier but after debunk I took it down right exactly and and and and that's just my thing you know this could be true it could not be true I don't know I don't live in Springfield okay and I know people that do and I asked they haven't seen anything of the such so there it is I I'm not saying whoever whatever they're lying I'm just saying I don't know and to be honest with you there's more important things going on in the world than worrying about somebody eating somebody's cat or geese or Ducks from the local Park Pond preserve all of that R curl said I'm not as worried about people taking Wild game to feed themselves the real important question is why are they doing it and it's because they are hungry just IM imagine how bad it will get in a shtf exactly rip exactly why are they doing it because they're hungry for whatever reason I don't know I don't have all the answers couldn't tell you not trying to tell you because I take care of me and mine but I was tired of hearing about this story and kept hearing about the story and kept hearing about the story so I I did some minor investig I didn't spend a whole lot of time digging in to see who it was or go over there and interview somebody and watch them roast a neighbor's cat I don't care so yeah that's how that goes yeah but anyway the debate is tonight y'all H this ought to be man I hate it when the when when when the mustache hair curls up instead of land straight uh the debate is tonight yeah yes they said the first and probably the only one and I I guarantee you right now let me see here here here's what I want everybody to observe that may watch it listen to it watch the replay whoever whatever this is what I want you to do um because I'm G to check this out myself here's my only thing I want to see exactly how many complete sentences the cackling hen pontificates in other words how many complete sentences she can actually say without laughing stumbling bumbling rumbling and mumbling uh because she may have Grandpa syndrome you know what I'm talking about yeah because she has no clue what she's doing but anyway um the debate is tonight y'all it's going to be a doozy um yeah yeah yeah the Watchman said rip not to mention the reduction reducing the deer population because of wasting disease exactly right and and guardian prepping said yep especially in a place where everything is built up like in most First World countries yeah why are they doing this because they're hungry so I I don't know but I do know is um Mrs metal said freaking AI I didn't send that last message yeah exactly exactly yeah I love my Ohio family these guys are just you know all I can say is if you're getting ready to eat somebody's cat don't put your mouth on it yeah because next thing you know you'll have to get some type of uh arm ticket for something then you put your mouth on don't just don't do it y'all but anyway how's it how's everybody doing today parot ey photography good to see you welcome in thank you for joining us hope you had a great day today yeah rip said but I will have to say right now killing actually pets isn't okay I agree with you a th% it also reinforces the idea that our laws and rules don't apply to them and that is a whole another issue you got that right I wish somebody would try to think they're GNA eat y'all's favorite puppy yeah I I would like to see that I'm going to put that on pay-per-view yeah yeah yeah if they're eating people's pets they need to go to jail plain and simple yeah and be charged with everything that that person could be charged with yeah Ed said question is how long until they're coming through the door for you and yours right what's next what's next they ate the cat they ate the dog they ate the squirrels the Chipmunks the geese and all that now they're coming for us no bueno as the roaming prepper says no bueno and that's not gonna ride well I guarantee you right right Pete why are they eating Park animals when they are getting Federal funds right if they're actually starving then why did the government bring them here when they can't help them Settle yeah tons of questions Tara welcome in good to see you good to see you right this is not desperate times no I I honestly I don't know if it's true or not y'all and and I would not be surprised if the media and the the the police and the politicians and local authorities are covering this up that would not surprise me because we've seen that movie before yeah so you know it it is what it is um my question is why why are they doing this are they really that hungry or or do they just want to create turoy and Chaos I don't know uh I may have to gather up some of my Ohio people we may have to take a field trip y'all just saying you know we're going on a field trip yeah exactly camo pets are family and pigs can eat a whole human you got that right they sure can yeah that's right Amber's truth discernment yeah we gotta we have to have discernment folks between what's real and what's not yeah yeah yep ghost Lincoln said I bet if they if they're eating the geese and ducks that Parks the parks would be cleaner no poo everywhere got that right uh where I used to live I the geese me and the geese had an ongoing battle that was just horrifying I'm talking geese poop all over the driveway all in the ground and and I yeah I I was ready to go to federal prison yeah yeah yep okyan said they have video of the gal okay I haven't seen that and like I said it would not surprise me if they are and and I'm sure yeah uh oh Tara I I pray not she said the problem is soon will be children they do rituals first could be yeah Haitians are known for Voodoo and all that other stuff but I I hope it doesn't come down to that I truly don't yeah I'm trying to make logic out of it I the only question I want to know is why if you're eating people's pets why if you're going to the local park and get a goose or a duck to eat because you're too cheap and don't want to spend the money that whoever's giving you giving you yeah you you need to have a conversation but if you're eating people's pets I want to know why what is the problem are they doing rituals that's right Tara yeah yeah are they actually doing rituals uh Michael wolf I'm with you on that deportation absolutely without a doubt deportation Deport them send them back MH yeah hey exactly Pete remember Alf when the aliens uh they ate cats yeah it was funny and fiction yeah but the aliens ate cats there you go yeah uh you got that right Jason right discernment is not an option it's a necessity absolutely especially in these turoy and mayhemic times yes we have have to have discernment it is a necessary yeah I'm with you exactly okyan don't touch my animals just saying same here we got a problem we got a problem yeah uh Tara I agree with you and I know exactly what you're talking about Tara so I I'm I'm with you on that sister yeah and and and and I guarantee you if children start coming up missing all hell's going to break loose in Springfield Ohio uh especially if I got to get involved because I got peoples over there that are in my family and uh I will roll in hot and heavy plain and simple yeah par parrot said parrot's ey said geese are probably more healthy than McDonald's you got that right absolutely yes uh X NYC OG prepper good to see you my brother good to see you he said fried geese I tell you this I do deep fried duck and it is absolutely delicious and uh yeah but you know instead of instead of talking about who these people are whether they're legal immigrants or illegal immigrants is not even a question that should be on the table the question on the table is are they eating people's pets are they not eating people's pets are they eating geese and Ducks from the park and then why are y'all doing that and if they're eating geese and they get caught with a geese then that's federal charges and then they have consequence es and repercussions yeah to deal with absolutely yeah uh okyan said uh I saw a video of the woman caught eating the cat and being arrested okay okay uh I'm I'm with you parents I don't eat anybody's cat no I am not eating anybody's animal period well not their cats or dogs now I'll eat your your cows your steer I'll eat your Lambs I eat your chickens I'll eat your Ducks um yeah I'll eat farm animals yeah absolutely I'll eat your goat yeah just gifted good evening welcome in hope you're doing well tonight yeah yeah exactly camo right poaching is only legal to them right absolutely absolutely yeah uh so she ate the cat in front of her neighbors folks first of all does this surprise anybody I I'm being quiet for a reason does this surprise anybody the times we're in I'll say this and and loving life y'all were dead on it and the acknowledgement is real we're going to see a lot worse that's all I'm gonna say we're gonna see a lot worse so get your discernment antenna sharpened up and on and and and and deal with it don't don't be surprised and uh yeah uh tuck said this kind of thing has been happening in South Florida for years check our local news outlets horses are getting butchered in the pastures wow wow yeah yeah yep I may take a field trip any of my people here in Ohio up for a field trip to Springfield just let me know and uh we can talk talk about it yeah pepper book club's in the building good to see you my brother hope you're doing well hope you're doing well yeah but you know I may do that I I just may ride over there and see if I can find out some information yeah and of course take take some of my guys with me and and and we go do that yeah field trip yeah chance welcome in ason te85 welcome in I hope you're doing well tonight as always yes yeah uh you got that right ter we ain't seen nothing yet folks I'm just saying Oki Khan said where's a time machine when you need one yeah exactly exactly but folks this shouldn't surprise anybody there's much worse going to happen what I I don't know when I don't know I just know there's going to be much worse happening and and it's going to be um tiger tiger tiger tiger 454 says uh Vision I'm sorry my cow's in my freezers you can't eat it okay D you know what bro I I'm I'm good with that thank you for letting me know yeah see his cow's in the freezer already that's that's how we do it that's what you do farm animals yeah yep exactly I'm G butcher your name mama kosia mama yes we need to pray I do agree it will get worse it is GNA get worse and and and and when it does get worse folks we have to stay in our right mind not freak out but just deal with the situations that come to your your door and my door and not worry about what's going on everywhere else see and and and I'm concern I'm I'm I'm keeping an eye on this story only for the fact that I have people in Springfield and I'll I'll leave it at that um but you know it's going to get worse we have to know that exactly chance right if you won't do your own Intel then how can you expect someone else to you only control what you Patrol my man yeah I'm gonna take a ride over there in the next couple of weeks wow Cher key let me find that post thank you for that info bro I I need to okay okay so Cherokee survival said Vision USA all EBT cards is that 13418 13,41 cash $45.99 a month payment till illegal aliens yeah see that that's yeah and and here we are uh stru strling and and working to the Bone every day and companies closing every day yeah Green Leaf good to see you Green Leaf said I'm gonna change my flux capacitor anyone have an extra gigawatt or two sitting around exactly exactly but uh Green Leaf I hear you can go to AutoZone and get one too yeah look it up on their website yeah flux capacitor yeah I'm I'm with you rip right I don't hunt or dispatch anything I won't eat right I don't just hunt horns and trophies besides horns and antlers are hard to chew yes they are my brother well unless your name happens to be cold then he'll take the horns and antlers and Hooves and and pig ears and all that stuff but yes I agree with you 1,000% my friend Yeah Song of the South greetings to you welcome in good to see you thank you for stopping by um by the way folks do me a favor if you have not hit the Thumbs Up Button here's why so this has been happening lately to my channel uh like pretty much all other channels after this live stream is over and uh my uh you know because it is getting monetized now but tomorrow or later tonight it's going to not get monetized and then I got to go have them do a review of the content and either they may say yeah okay we made a mistake because the algorithm now controlled by AI instead of an actual person and yeah we this may not even get monetized and I really don't care but it's the fact that YT plays Shenanigans and buffoonery so yeah we'll do that if you don't mind please kind sir kind ma'am smash the like button for me you can even share this out um but yes yeah the thing is why are they doing this and I forget who who who I think it was was it Ed yes Ed said the number one question is why are they doing it why is it rituals are they really hungry or are they just flat out lazy and want to do things their way instead of abiding by the laws of these Republic States of America and if they're breaking the law then they need to answer to their wrongdoing plain and simple yeah yeah see green leaf there you go mad Shadow help you out yeah he's got the lithium crystals somewhere he just has to find them yeah y'all are amazing y'all are funny yes exactly Billy Bird she yeah what's going on with that yeah y'all talking about changing out everything yeah Cherokee survival food stamps 13,000 we do not get that you got that right we don't we have to trade dollars for hours to work until we die I just to take care of our families and these folks don't do nothing but sit there and eye your kitty cat and want to have a barbecue and invite everybody over I I don't I don't know if it's true or not yeah exactly you're right Cherokee you're right but despite all of that you amazing folks know the difference all I can say is keep prepping now let's talk briefly let's talk a pinch we just gonna talk a pinch about the debate tonight and and y'all know me because I'm I'm that guy and I'm talking I don't care where you sit I don't care if you're on the right the left the middle the sideways the corners the the horizontal vertical I I don't care okay but tonight's debate listen for what you do not hear from both candidates plain simple that's all I'm gonna say that's it I don't care who you vote for just get out and and and and vote plain and simple uh thank you jwes she said smashed it yeah thank you yeah EX exactly Matt Shad right charity will tear up an antler absolutely so we call it'll be crunchy chewy for him yeah yeah ex exactly can right they're controlling the discussions and ability to share uh absolutely absolutely without a doubt yes um but the thing is for the debate listen to what you don't hear finally I guess the cackling hin put out what her platform is going to be yeah yeah coffee said Do they have any anti- cackling pills no basically all that is is a nervous laugh yeah pay attention pay attention nervous laugh a lot of y'all know what I'm talking about when people get nervous they laugh yeah yeah uh okyan I I was just thinking about that and I'm glad you said it she said I think they're living like they did in Haiti and that could be the case that could be the case because in hati I'm sure if they saw somebody's cat walking by they would scoop it up and that would be dinner for tonight could be I don't know but that may be yeah cam Carl said I found a pile of sacrificed pets in a gravel tunnel in the 80s yeah yes I'm with you Matt Chad I crry shananigans yeah I I I ah tiger there you go I got my Opus Jenny not delivered yet but it is ordered there you go I ordered mine this morning and it said ready for shipping yes yes indeedy I'm with you on that tiger get them while you can folks I think it's uh the early bird price is good through October the 10th so if you did register and you got your custom coupon code it's good until October the 10th um and then there's our coupon code Vision five all caps and the number five save you another 5% off um get them while you can because uh after that they go back to their original price I think of $6.99 something like that I don't know yeah yeah chance chance said keep stuffing decoy cats and leave them in a clear field of view yeah Wisconsin farm boy welcome in welcome in you're right Billy Bird we are pretty amazing y'all are and and and I just want to say this I want to thank you for for for just hanging out with me just hanging out with me cuz y'all are amazing y'all are smart folks y'all are smart folks and amazing people yeah yeah without a doubt and and we gota know the difference between reality and Bs plain and simple either either it's true or it's not there there is no in between it's either true or it's not the police said they have no evidence of it folks said they recorded a lady eating somebody's cat in front of the neighbor I heard that story too but I didn't know there was video but there it is so it's either true or it's not plain and simple just like the debate tonight it's either true or it's not and you either can you either talk in complete sentences or you don't and and hopefully hopefully tonight will be just like the first one and and Expos either one or two of the people for who they are oo y'all it o good gracious good gracious there it goes folks the cup floated away listen there's that magic poor and if you didn't hear that listen to this [Music] thank you say hi OHA the COO and look her sidekick just walked out the door he left me he said flat out left me he said nope I'm going with Mom yeah the cup is full y'all magic happens even on turmoil Tuesday you got that right Cherokee it'll be a funny show each one it will be either way it's going to be a great debate tonight yeah yeah the co said hello to everybody yeah absolutely and everybody is speaking to the COO yeah not yeah she bolted she's tired she had school today she had class she came in dragging and uh you know Cole was still there hi Mom how are you how was your day here's my bone I got my bone I just want you to see it but I'm glad you're home mom yeah ghost Lincoln I won't take that bet and I'm not putting it on the screen either yeah uh the debate is at um I'm trying to think what time is the debate uh Billy bird that this that that that pup they don't want to see that pup no that that pup don't play the debate is at 9:00 Eastern Standard Time thank you coffee yeah they would like to if that but he ain't never alone because he don't go far from Dad or Mom and if they see him then you can best believe dad is in the vicinity and you know Dad has another type of dog he keeps with him it's called a Glock WIIL and uh yeah that that dog's bark that dog's bite yeah they don't want no parts of that one yes but uh yeah it it's going to be good right oky K yeah her laugh is a nervous laugh yeah because she don't know what she talking about she don't know what she doing and and and y'all's favorite pup is back he was like nope mom didn't give me no treats Dad Hi scoobydoo how are you here he comes so just in case y'all didn't know here's y'all's favorite puppy 15 months old 120 lbs yes good to see you my friend hope you're doing well and uh okay thank you for the photo bomb and the guest appearance and you my friend come on over here and lay down thank you very much man that boy just he just storms in and he's like a bull in a china shop but it's my bull and uh he's a good pup good dog good dog and uh see now look look look look there you go everybody's all cold see you stole the show dude you stole my live stream did I see my brother from another mother walk in here Hudson Valley you in the building yeah welcome in His Amazing Grace first time here from the roaming prepper good to see you thank you for coming in welcome welcome welcome welcome thank you for coming in yeah y'all's favorite pup absolutely paper buttons 19 look at that see yeah amazing yes tonight no coal no no sir you can't get up here go lay down you got to go lay down okay going over there and get your bone thank you be a good boy yeah y'all favorite pup Mr Shan Shenanigans himself happy Matt good to see you he said poor tiny hungry baby puppy he just looks starved yeah he does yes this boy he's better than I do sheesh Billy Bird said looks tasty yeah yeah exactly Song of the South you need a saddle for that dog exactly he's still a puppy though y'all and uh he's only gonna get bigger he's probably gonna top out at about 200 pounds yeah later on Ling life good to see you have a great evening y'all stay safe and uh hit the like button on the way out the door we appreciate you yeah little lap dog that's what he thinks he is Green Leaf he thinks he's a lap dog he he just wants to get up in my lap and just sit there yeah yeah but anyway y'all I'm telling you tonight's debate listen for what you don't hear there he is that's right folks The Four Horsemen ride in 15 minutes on Hudson Valley prepping and survival's Rumble Channel tonight after this live stream go to rumble find Hudson Valley prepping in survival one of my moderators if you could please drop the link again and go to their Rumble Channel join us tonight absolutely and and and it's going to be all types of good stuff yeah exactly mad Shad your nephew right there just has to photob bomb every live stream and show up yeah that's right the horsemen ride in 15 minutes so with that I hope we've had we've had a discussion so if the Haitians are eating cats and dogs neighbors cats and dogs if they're eating geese and Ducks I want to know why some of myio guys we need to do a field trip I'll do a live stream from there and we're gonna figure this out Cole live stream yes kicking it with Cole we got to get on episode we may just take him with us and use him as a decoy and see what happens yeah yeah thank you devil dog for that by the way folks if you have not smashed the like button it is 7:31 I've I've held y'all hostage for one hour and I want to thank everybody for joining me tonight The Four Horsemen ride at 7:45 on rumble on Hudson Valley prepping and Survival Channel tonight he is hosting it's going to be all things let loose tonight I don't even know what the topics are but I know they're going to be good and we're going to have a great conversation and with that folks please remember this keep on prepping because your family yeah you in the back your family depends on you and it depends on your life this is Vision preparedness God bless everybody have an amazing evening listen for what you don't hear if you're going to watch the debate and we will see you in the next video take care stay safe stay vigilant stay strapped and stay frosty [Music] [Music] the time is

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