COOHMP Discussion with Brothers

good morning bear nation it's bear with bear i'm here with the stalwart peacekeeper uh i don't know if this is gonna be a patreon only or if this will end up on youtube but we had a comment on the live stream recently of a guy who was in california who's like hey i'm working 80 hours a week i'm trying to by the way i'm about to let jw beat the crap out of me um so yeah it's it's the morning how do you start your day bear one of these some of this and today dudley gets to beat the crap out of me but there's a guy on a livestream who's like hey i've got twins in california twins on the way i'm working 80 hours a week i'm trying to prepare for these babies that are coming and get out of california how do i maintain my relationship with my wife and work 80 hours a week it's like there's a lot to unpack there yeah but we were just talking about you were talking about coming out of her my people yeah getting out of babylon what were you saying so i hear people often or read their comments or whatnot that they they can't come out of her for this reason that reason whatever it's honestly not true you can come out of her at any moment in time nice shirt by the way this is not planned not playing at all this is my work shirt but um coming out of her initially starts with a left foot in front right and you just do it you can either pack stuff up or not pack stuff up you can sell stuff off or you can buy a place to go to or what you can come out of her simply by putting left foot in front of right and going now should you that's where discernment and the right comes in well you were saying you know if you've got you know two babies uh maybe living in a hammock in the woods like you is not uh not a good idea and i said well yeah but maybe a three room tent and right so you were in north texas you know living the life living the dream and you're like screw this [ __ ] and we have uh we've had 100 success rate with veterans with jeeps who show up here so uh you throw all your stuff in a jeep and hammock's hanging in a couple of trees over here and here you are and so for the reason i say that is for those that don't know you can speak with some authority on christ yeah it's not notional right it would be a good idea if like no i did it yeah it's not it's not a theoretical uh dissertation like this is practical right you live in a hammock in my backyard yeah and there's there's lessons learned you have to adapt to everything and then the amount of uh preparation you're able to do like getting a piece of land or whatever mitigates some of those adaptations you'll have to make but the point that i was getting at was that you can you can always come out like you literally just have to put left foot in front of right and do it but then you're then you're stuck out of her and you have to be able to exist that way that's where it comes down to this should you well i was gonna a thought occurred to me i was gonna say that um my backyard and your hammock is not your final resting place it's a stepping stone it's the first step on this path towards whatever you see fit to do as you come out of her my people and for those who are unfamiliar with that phrase it comes from it's on his shirt kuhemp come out of her my people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her plagues which comes out of the book of revelation it's a phrase that's been popularized by pastor joe fox of viking preparedness and shofar mountain meaning flee from the cities yeah viking preparedness exactly get out of the cities because population density uh first of all it's a higher quality of life out here says me second of all the population density is going to be a major issue if when things go sideways and so if you want to prolong normalcy for you and your people um dealing with people who are behaving badly and tens of thousands hundreds of thousands millions of them around you is going to be a problem in shtf so and to be clear um this is a stepping stone this is a this is a waypoint pad a launch pad um but you said when i determine what the next thing is but it's really when ya tells me where to go next because that's not i came here because y'all told me to and i think that that is not a small factor because i agree going back to come out of her my people unless she's taking her sense of place it it expounds upon this and i believe it's ezekiel that the cities are where sin thrives you know and it and i i've definitely witnessed that i think most people if they ever get a chance to experience the contrast of not being in the city will agree that you're inundated with it at all times it's everywhere you know yeah yep so it becomes exponentially more difficult to walk righteously when you're in that environment so that that's more towards the motivations and yah's direction is what i'm i will be following to launch out of here um but you know you mentioned that another uh prohibitive factor is a lot of people have never seen zero exactly yep they're uncomfortable at zero and i've what i said to you was man i was born and raised into zero i've been at zero myself several times throughout my life i'm i don't like being at zero but i i can be comfortable at zero right because i know how to i've historically proven i know how to turn zero into one and what's the biggest thing once you understand that you can turn zero into one yep and then the rest of it and then it's not a linear thing it's exponential so it goes from zero to one one to two two to four eight sixteen thirty two sixty four one twenty eight two fifty six five twelve yeah and it and it it's it's a exponential growth from there you know people all the time are like bear how do you do it all well it all i was at zero when i came here three years ago literally zero out there where my gazebo sits i put my knees in the dirt my face on the ground and prayed to the father until [ __ ] started falling out of my face because i was at zero and here we are just over three years later and it's like man we got all these things going on and all these people and we got the businesses and we've got the ministry and so you when you're at zero like you said the direction of yaw is critical whether you're at zero or 1028 right or you know whatever um it's absolutely critical because he he guides the steps of the righteous man the righteous woman right but zero is an okay place to be and if you have to leave a 256 in the city to come to a zero out here knowing that he's going to guide your steps and knowing that it is entirely possible to get from zero to one and then from one to two to four to eight and start building from there that's okay and i think the other thing that people miss and uh they stagnate they plateau which i hate i hate plateaus is you get people feel stuck and then they get comfortable where they are yeah right they're like i'm comfortable i don't want to i don't want to leave my good job i'm afraid to leave but how am i going to earn money i came to nowhere oklahoma quit my job in northern texas um and i was like now we murdered our debt before we got here ordered our life in such a way that we needed very we still need very little money as a household each month in order to survive got all of our ducks in a row with that came out here and we we had land we had our family we had our faith in yah and we had blood sweat and tears that's that's what we had to work with and with that we were able to turn zero into one to two to four so forth and so on that fear of of like people saying well how am i gonna make money or whatever that fear i think largely comes from having never actually gone from zero to one so it's one of those things that until you've done it part of your brain won't believe that it's possible like it just seems like so insurmountable of a task to take zero and make a one i can assure you having done it both uh give me a little bit of liberty i'll say it on my own when i was younger right i've had resets as well and then doing it now with yacht yep turning zero into one is uh old habit for him he's been doing it since creation right he is the one yeah right and so how do you turn that zero into one yeah he's been add the one to your zero he's been making something out of nothing since the beginning of everything literally in the beginning there was nothing it's infinitely easier um i i assure you of that but it's one of those things that knowledge and belief there's a there's a disconnect there sometimes when you haven't done it and you haven't experienced it um so the other the other thing i was contemplating about this right before we started recording was that you know back to the should you come out of her coming out of her is a physical thing you can physically put left foot right in front or right and come out of her at any point in time but then you have to also affect the heart condition and your mindset you're on the same track as i was like because otherwise you will be absolutely miserable if you're not able to shift those things and come out of her in those regards also because it's a three you know it's in threes right it's a three-fold process like you can physically come out and never disconnect your mind or your heart set from the city and that's where you end up with these people that have 20 acres and a freaking 300 000 home sitting on it that it's it's ridiculous like like having this super nice house they want high-speed internet and they want uh all of their massive air conditioners running all the time on you know solar and you got people spending 150 000 for a solar system that'll support yeah their latte machine that's sitting on the granite counter top and it's like you know what and if you're independently wealthy more power to you but you don't need those things that that's the thing you know like you can make coffee and a canteen company cup next to a fire yep and and it's the simple things it is it's not just the physicality you're right it's it's the mental emotional spiritual that goes that goes about as well and if you've left your heart in babylon and you come out here you're going to be unfulfilled and if you i you're going to be unfulfilled and i would even go so far as to say that if you think that just making the fiscal move think i'm gonna go find me a piece of land with a trailer or a house on it or whatever and i'm gonna come out of her right but if you're not prepared to make that mindset and heart set change you're i would go so far as to say you're actually going to do more harm than good because that's where you and and i know you've seen it where you see people come out but then they go back they're not ready to be here they're not ready to actually come i don't actually want to be here right they like the idea morning brother you wanna pull up a chair we're talking about coming out of here my people and then i'll let you beat the crap out of me oh okay um another man with some experience another man with some experience that's exactly right so we've got the panel of experts here on uh cool hampton that's right so talking about the the mental emotional spiritual aspects of coming out of her my people and we've seen i've seen people in our assembly and outside of our assembly who have moved from the city to the country but they still had that country mentality the city city mentality rather yeah they didn't actually want to be out here and a lot of times what happens is they try to bend this situation to their will rather than bending themselves to this situation learning how to thrive here in union with yah rather than they can't do that they want they still want all the glitz and the glamour um there's several people that come to mind who i'm i don't need to talk about them on camera but it didn't work they came out they bought land but they were basically almost like uh like big faith and i say capital b capital f big faith the industry of big faith box checker mentality of sunday morning get dressed nice show up plaster the fake smile on your face sing the songs raise your hands slap your money in the plate amen go home peel that stuff off and be miserable again it's like they were doing the same thing but they were doing that with the property that they bought or the relationships they were trying to build out here it's like you can't fake your way through coming out of her my people that's true the um uh what were we reading in genesis was that lot whose wife turned to salt yeah uh that's that's the same it's in the book over and over again how things are going to happen in your life if you're still living in a city you can still be righteous however you need to see where it is that you're gonna go it's proven right there with lot and his wife they decided uh well they were told you need to get out of the city and as they were his wife kept turning back because she wanted to still be a part of that city life to that partying that whoring around even though she was married she wasn't ready to um be led by her husband she wanted to turn back and when she turned back she turned to salt yep and that's what happens to a lot of people that say oh well uh this seems all fun and good but they don't have the heart condition they come out into wilderness and all they do is uh cleave to their city life and want to go back to that or make their city life here in the country exactly right they want to bring babylon to the wilderness exactly yep so i think the key takeaways here is you can you can do it right you you came out of new jersey yeah you came out of north texas it wasn't as bad i came out of north texas um after being i think we've all traveled the country right like um to some extent and and y'all i think it's important to say yeah moved us here like for me when i say i was at zero when i came here i was alone other than my family and we looked for land for three years diligently prayed over land for three years murdered our debt for three years every day all right father i know you're making away when you open that door i'll step through it man he opened this door and there was no apprehension we got here i got one foot out of my pickup truck in the driveway over there that one foot hit the ground and boom a thousand pounds of bricks and conviction just dropped on me it was like literally like the sky opened up one of those moments is like you're home and i had another one of those [ __ ] falling out of my face moments i'm like i'm i'm home this is where i'm supposed to be granted we tried to move every butt everywhere but here we really did we looked at we offered on two other properties we looked everywhere but here and then but it wasn't where i wanted to go it was where y'all wanted me to go and now having that perspective three years later it's like oh i get it i understand why he put us here because if he hadn't put us here all these other downstream effects wouldn't have happened and so in that process if you are coming out of her my people um if you are looking for land if you are seeking the father's face and trying to do his will when he says go here go here like jonah's ass went to nineveh regardless of whether or not he wanted to go right he it would have been much easier for him if he just put on his jerusalem cruisers and started walking rather than getting swallowed up by a whale either way he went to nineveh right and so where the father leads you go and don't be afraid of going to zero because people think you think you're gonna get stuck at zero without realizing you're stuck at 256 in the city go to zero add the one the father add that one to your zero and then be amazed as that compounds into two 4 8 16 32 and that ball starts rolling you have to purify yourself that's where people uh people aren't ready for you have to purify and purge yourself what is anchoring you to that lifestyle do you need this no so get rid of it do you need to be here no so i clear all your stuff out oh do you need a base basement full of stuff no that's what ended up happening with my wife we i started to hear i hear the voice of yah and then i had to talk with my wife about it we don't need to be here we don't belong here things aren't right here we can't get pregnant here um what do we need to do we need to get out of new jersey oh well the money isn't right the house we're renting let's get rid of the house got on the phone with the people that we were um we were renting a house from were out of here in six months so that was well that was february we told them and then we were out of there right before august and right after that hey i peed on the stick i'm pregnant what are we going to do uh well we i am a truck driver the truck is pretty big we can live on a truck and hopefully i can buy a van i'm showing her all the van life videos and getting her into understanding that process and as as time went on we started purging ourselves of toxic people of toxic belongings of toxic relationships and trusting in yacht and then that's what was able to get us get us free get us debt free and get us on the road and then yeah said hey well i like your ideas living on the truck then the van uh the baby is pregnant but you need to be more stable i'm gonna have uh one of my good ones give you a call and invite you out and now we're here well praise y'all but it also illustrates because we're talking before you come up here um that phelps currently lives in a hammock right that's not his final resting place right but you went from a house in the city to the sleeper cab on your truck to a van to a fifth wheel now and the next step will probably be a house on land right and so zero one two four multiplies right and so it can be done but it can't be done if you're half-assed in the steps that you're taking what kind of time frame was that for you just fall apart eight months since that january or february of 2020 i started having the calling to get out 2020 started putting a plan together i presented it to my wife i got her on board with it and then we set the ball rolling i letting everyone know we're out of here uh we're out of this house uh by august we were out by the middle of was that june july so you came out less than a year ago and in less than a year so and then everything that has happened since you've come here in the last three years and that's you know a ton more um it's i keep saying from with yah it's zero to one two but it's to me it's like instead of we've done these resets before and it's zero to one to two to four to eight right with yaw it's like zero to one to two to skip a few too well look look at her look at her brother yankee yeah at howitzer hill yep he he had this conviction of his heart met him on a grindstone deployment in florida and uh on the way back from florida y'all visited him and he had one of those there why is there [ __ ] falling out of my face moments right which are the best especially when you're like a big tough dude and y'all's like watch this you know one of those right um so we met him in florida he got back to pennsylvania i was like i can't i can't do this i gotta go and within 72 hours policed all of this stuff i was like i need this this is what i need the rest of this is trash right i'm taking this if it'll fit in my jeep it's going i drove from pennsylvania to oklahoma during the covent the beginning of coburn when everybody was like everybody's going to die before anybody knew what was going on with co but he's like the whole messaging was everybody's going to die comes to eastern oklahoma within a matter of months went from single guy living out of a jeep in eastern oklahoma to wife two kids cabin on the land uh and a baby on the way it's like a in within one year yeah right and so yeah one two skip a few 99 right and so but it takes that faith on that front end and that obedience when y'all says jump you're like yes sir how high yep and he's like dude you can't even imagine how high we're gonna jump yeah because i'ma put this like miraculous air underneath you when you jump off you're like holy [ __ ] right and and that's the other thing people are so afraid of falling it's like you don't think y'all's going to catch you you don't think he doesn't know he doesn't know what he's doing and i think a lot of that comes from the concern that the steps of a righteous man were ordained by the father are you doing the best that you can to walk in righteousness i said that's a that's a that's an equation it's not just oh well then my steps are ordained by the father because you you have to input into that yeah you have to walk righteously to the best of your ability yep so we're going to leave it at that because i got to let you beat the crap out of me because i got a meeting afterwards and we're already at 25 minutes if you guys um enjoyed this type of discussion i know many of y'all have been asking hey we want to see more of the brothers we want more conversation please let us know down in the comments and uh we if you like this we'll make it happen some more and and what other questions do you have about coming out of her my people about and i don't mean like the the super tactical specific how do i find land call a realtor like i'm not a realtor you know um do your do your own research do your own diligence you know all those things um but if you have questions about what what this looks like and how to get to this and and our back stories is how we got here if there's some value that we can provide to you on that level let us know down in the comments and uh we appreciate y'all shalom

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