Category: Education
[music] hello hello yes dr hami how are you i'm doing good how are you i'm fine what do you want to say to us dr hami first of all let me welcome you here and we are happy to have you what do you want to say uh i just wanted to uh debate with you that's fine i saw that you were up to the dat so i thought... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Un equipo de biólogos y bioquímicos de la universidad de munich baviera alemania liderado por change en pan ha aprendido a decolorar cualquier parte del cuerpo de los animales para lograr que sean invisibles cuando se sumergen en alcohol y otros fluidos que modifican el índice de refracción de los tejidos... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Church of jesus christ for latterday saints i served a two-year mission in montana you said you're a returned missionary so you just returned as a missionary yeah i got home like two weeks ago i'm fresh on the field for two years yep and i know that's mandatory for mormons is that true well you guys... Read more
Category: Education
God never misses a moment he never misses the opportunity to teach and so that's why we always need to be open to god's spirit speaking to us through his word and through the things that are going on around us he never misses an opportunity and this is what he's trying to point out with this little... Read more
Category: Music
Intro hello my beautiful and amazing family alex rodriguez here and welcome back to my channel and now i'm bring a new singer here in my channel so the subscriber uh send me a link to react a french uh singer unfortunately he already passed away but the subscriber told me that he is one of the monuments... Read more
Category: Education
Why the muslim will think that theal is allah no no muslims don't think that so you muslims you you write in your books lies about your prophet no we say that the false messiah he can cut the person into two pieces and make him alive again how he can do that by the power of god so the false messiah... Read more
Category: Education
Gott hat eigentlich nur drei lebensformen erschaffen engel menschen und tiere die bibel berichtet von einer vierten lebensform die von gott nicht erschaffen wurde den riesen oder den giganten als die söhne gottes zu den töchtern der menschen eingingen und sie ihnen kinder gebaren in manchen bibeln wird... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
N i believe it's nikota uh in north carolina pronouns are he him wants to talk about abortion being morally wrong yes let's do this so ben you sound eager so let's let's i won't i won't get i won't get in your way get in your way how you doing hey how you doing good so so yeah r run us through uh through... Read more
Category: Education
Hello there brothers and sisters in christ god bless each and every single one of you at is hunter's point here with another video i do hope and pray that each of you all watching me right now are having a good thursday afternoon so far wherever you all are at i do hope and pray that each of you are... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Bonjour iman bonjour franck euh merci beaucoup de prendre le temps de de de me parler aujourd'hui euh je sais que tu es très occupé tu on s'est déjà parlé jeudi et c'est pour j'ai vraiment eu envie qu'on prenne un peu plus le temps euh et et qu'on se reparle et de pouvoir partager ça avec avec plein... Read more
Category: Entertainment
After months of feeling hopeless david found himself praying one night desperate for a sign as he sat in the darkness a single beam of light pierced through his window illuminating his hands david felt an overwhelming presence of love and reassurance it was a brief moment but it filled him with a sense... Read more