A9E Ann Rice Vs Interview with a Queen Of The Damed

it's not the worst vampire movie ever made guys don't get me wrong but man it is most definitely the worst book to vampire movie adoption ever it gets it so wrong in so many ways on so many levels and so many insults to the original content with so many objections from author and creator of the vampire Chronicles and rice that she washed her hands entirely of the project and her relationship with Warner Brothers well I I didn't care for the movie of the Queen of the Damned at all uh I begged the studio not to make that movie I told them that the readers really didn't want that movie Royce was so angry at what was done to her story and her characters that we wouldn't see any further adaptions of her story until over two decades later with AMC's Interview with the Vampire anyway Queen of the Damned the book awesome Queen of the Damned the movie absolutely awful and in today's video I'm going to tell you why so let's talk about how this movie got off ground and we will go from there in the year 1994 an's first book Interview with the Vampire was made into a movie put up on the big screen and was a massive success with big names such as Tom Cruz Brad Pitt Christian Slater and an up and coming Kirsten duns playing the role of Claudia as I said the movie was a hit and it wasn't long before director Neil Jordan began pushing for a sequel which unfortunately did not come the hierarchy at Warner rejected sequel suggestion time and time again with an herself even stepping in to try and get the movie made even offering to write the screenplay free of charge her choice was to make the on-screen adoption of the vampire lad as it was the natural successor to interview the studio once again said no what's worse for Anne was that she had other Studios offering to make the movie she wanted if she could secure the release but it just wasn't happening for the author however a clause in the contract stated that if a sequel wasn't at least in somewhat of a production state by the year 2000 then she was free to pursue other deals and negotiations brilliant news for an the sequel the fans we we might have to wait but we'll get the movie we want eventually do you think that's what water brother has let happen of course not they took $ 35 to $40 million and slapped together the Queen of the Damned movie based on the novel of the same name but with about a quarter of the vampire start novel smudged somewhere in between and then tried to pass it off as the next installment of the vampire Chronicles movie series the budget was so low that the movie actually turned a profit despite being absolutely panned by critics comparing that for example to death to smoochie 50 million budget for an 8 million return for a movie about smoochi the Rhino will it just goes to show what the studio actually thought of an and her vision for the movie she was fighting so hard to get made correctly if you're an anr fan you might be feeling a little angry after hearing that and I don't really blame you Michael Rymer took on the role of director instead of Neil Jordan and that Trend followed with none of the actors from the original movie reprising their roles Stuart Townsen took on the role of lead and despite putting his own stamp on the role he was completely different to the character of The Vampire we see Cruz portrayed 8 years earlier lad is described as having blonde hair and piercing blue eyes while townend played him with brown hair and brown eyes that was something I could live with until I seen Marius this is how he's supposed to look and this is how he looked in the movie not to mention that the movie was supposed to be set in the80s where glamrock ruled the scene it was all about hair metal bands like mutle crew poison bonie big hair hair band skinny jeans and leopard print boots it was about where music was all about partying living life to the full and just rocking out instead the setting was clearly changed to take place in the 2000s with everyone looking like they're about to walk onto the set of a Lincoln Park video before hopping a cab down the street to the free papar roach concert taking place the movie itself had its own plot Al together and was taken in its own Direction it's supposed to be based on two books yet takes UPS absolutely nothing from them to steer the story in a somewhat respectable Direction it basically just takes the part concerning the stat from both books and tries to merge them together in what I can only call a complete insult to the original story and it also leaves so many main characters out let's look at who they leave out okay they leave out Gabrielle lat's mother Nikki lat's friend who I might add is the first real example of a vampire struggling with their mental health due to the thought of living Forever Without a meaningful existence it's such a sad part of the book and would have been great to see they also leave out lat's father and his creator Magnus once again another great tale of lat's birth as a vampire oh don't worry we do get the backstory sorry guys yeah instead of sticking to the original story The Writers instead decide to change ANS work and make marus be a stats maker because that makes sense I mean what is the point in writing and shooting a flat flashback scene for it only to be something that has never even happened Daniel Malloy is nowhere to be seen in case you don't know who Daniel is he's the guy that interviewed Louie in the first book baby Jinx well if you've only seen the movie I might as well say Bobby junks Bobby Jinx or baby junks because they're all as nonsensical as the others without knowledge of the novel's true events M now this really really bugged me M is so important to this story she's the one that that returns and kills aasha absolutely nowhere to be seen it's as if she never existed they just substitute her for her sister maharet instead marari is the one to deal the final blow because of the total and complete horrendous torture she suffered under a casas's orders having her raped having her tongue removed and then placed into a coffin and left to float in the sea in comparison maharet gets quite similar treatment but instead of her tongue She gets her eyes removed something she has replace with human eyes which only last temporarily trust me guys it gets worse because there is no sign not even a whisper not even a mention of Lou de Ponto lag someone who meant a huge deal to Lad and someone who was integral in the original book interview nope they just decided to shelf him too which is a massive shame especially due to what I believe is an extremely important scene in the book where he tries to convince lad not to go ahead with the concert and asks him to be how they used to be basically to become lovers once more yeah for all the homoerotic tensions throughout the books between Lou and the stad not even a gatar machine could detect anything in this movie probably because it was straightwashing in existence with a character as important as Lou missing this is supposed to be the conflict leacha feel before going ahead with his plans instead they force a relationship between lad and Jesse a girl he's meant no more than twice but of course the premise of this movie is to put the boy with the girl when the boy has loved another boy for the best part of two centuries to be honest the Saving Grace of this movie is aasha herself and that is all credit to what would have been a rather inexperienced Ayah at the time what a mesmerizing performance she delivered for the entirety of the movie the world was just annoyed an incredible musical act and what I'm sure would have been a future awardwinning actress she dedicated so much of herself to the role she took six months of vocal linguistic lessons in order to nail down the Queen's accent the dark side and um it's fun to go to the movies and escape and and really get deep into the whole Fantastical characters and um I myself have always loved the dark side as well so I think it's something that everyone SE L Longs for and wants she practiced and practiced what she believed it would have been to be a casha with the sacred core inside her her blood rushing like waves through her veins as she almost swayed when she entered the room how she commanded the attention of everyone during every scene she was in her intimidating presence literally makes you believe that something is going to happen with anyone she encounters she should be the only positive thing remembered about this movie because without a aah this movie isn't worth even searching for on Google guys then we have Pandora Armand Maul and cman appear in the movie brilliant it's good news they shoot the scenes and have dialogue excellent then the scenes which were crucial to actually link the movies plot together are completely cut from the film and tossed onto the editing floor just incredible guys and don't worry it doesn't stop there my friends at least Armon is a little more book accurate even if he does look like Leonardo DiCaprio's long lost brother don't even get me started on the special effects because they fall into the category of trying to be ahead of its time but turning out worse than intended it's like trying to place a PS5 game into a Sega and hoping for a result I can understand that it is to highlight the speed of the vampires being looked upon by the human eye but it just doesn't work it's cheap it's just awful here's the thing guys when you try to merge two books together there's a small thing to remember it's two books worth of content two stories it's a shitload of information that has to somehow be made work lat's entire upbringing was left out his first encounter with Armand where he beats him to a pulp in front of his satanic vampires of whom would go on to become the theatr day vampire that was left out it was lad Who convinced these vampires to abandon their ways just for your information we only see L start waking up in the the movie but it completely ignores the reason why he was sleeping in the first place he wasn't in a tomb or a fancy Crypt either like we see at the beginning of the movie the stat just buried himself deep within the Earth within the mck within the soil because he couldn't bear to continue existing any longer in such a boring dull climate it was only through hearing Satan's night out did he have the urge to want to crawl out of his grave Jesse is such a massive character in the book while she has no Dimension whatsoever in the movie and she's literally a supporting actor to a supporting actor in the film in the book Jesse discovers her powers as a young girl and even ends up talking to the ghost of Claudia at one point which is a pretty big deal it's all left out of the movie despite all of that despite leaving 80% of the book out the biggest issue I have is the absence of probably the most important piece of information in the entire franchise the origin story of vampires how they were created how they came to be and trust me guys it goes into a lot of detail with a spirit known as a male at the head of this info point but alas it's not even mentioned even the relationship lat has with the Vampire as he meets is just non-existence there's no substance to any of it the only somewhat okayish development was his connection with Marius which as I mentioned was fied on the fabric the beginning between the two it was okay of course until it wasn't marius's character Arc was completely and entirely wrong that they should have just called him Greg since everything but his name was changed the vampire had over 2,000 years of knowledge and experience he allowed himself to be guided by his wisdom he'd seen and done it all as a vampire 10 times over in the movie however he tried to be the lad to Lad like the lad to Louie in the movie movie's predecessor it almost seems like they tried to make this movie so much better than interview but failed massively well doing it with a budget that didn't even reflect what was needed to actually make it an appealing movie now look I've said this at the beginning of the video it wasn't all bad they did get some things right they showed the start waking to the sound of rock music they showed his concert him revealing himself to the world as a vampire we see him challenge any opposing vampires to come forward if they had a problem with the road he was taking we seen the son of a compound and all the vampires gathered to discuss what to do with aasha we also see the great mother's death and I just have to stop for a moment because despite seeing her death surprise surprise they changed it aasha was literally sizzling vampires one by one this was not what happened in the book some of the vampires were as old as aasha Cayman and maharet to name too there was no way aasha could kill them so easily and the fight scene wasn't that great but but you know something they did show it m unfortunately didn't appear but really what else is knew about this movie's production they had some fantastic and beautiful locations but they really didn't make the most of them except that beach scene between lat and aasha great location great setting dozens of dead bodies in the background small problem it's daylight lad cannot walk in the day he was supposed to receive a cashes telekinesis Powers not the ability to do what no vampire has ever been able to do walk in the sun then the movie shits on itself by contradicting the entire subplot of lat's concert and calling all the vampires out so let's just analyze this for a moment so I can get this straight okay so let's just slow down I want you all to hear me out the vampires are furious with lad for revealing himself they've remained hidden from the beginning and lad is just revealing all their secrets and everything about their species the vampires in the book go to the concert but ATT tackless that afterwards when he's leaving when he's trying to get away in the movie they contradict their entire argument with him completely by attacking him on stage flying everywhere running at the speed of light jumping so high it's nearly the height of a building right before 100,000 plus people attending the concert therefore revealing themselves which is something that they didn't want to do it's it's just ludicrous here is my conclusion guys if you haven't read the books and had no real idea of the characters and what they represented the story then it's a bearable movie I mean I can sit through it and it won't make my eyes bleed it's watchable however it is hands down one of the worst book to movie adaptions ever made and was basically only created as a slide as an Fu as a middle finger to anr instead of actually handing her the rights to her story back as I said it's watchable if you haven't read the two books then it tries to dissect and Stitch them together in the most inappropriate twisted and nonsensical way I know the movie has its fans but I can't ever see it holding up to an's name and work like its 1994 predecessor thankfully we've already gotten season 1 of Interview with the Vampire the TV series from AMC and it's been fantastic in my opinion

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