this is big breaking emergency news we are now seeing talks of the 14th amendment being activated that is what is being talked of right now from high level ranking member officials inside of our government all right they are warning that this could also lead to a quote potential Civil War that is the warnings we are seeing all right we're also getting warnings from Biden right now saying that they are holding emergency meetings for the situation inside the Middle East we will get some more details on that and we are also seeing major disruptions of trading and stock manipulations potentially okay everyone's seeing what's going on with the stock market today but behind the scenes they have been locking people out from Trading okay we have seen company after company go down and we're going to cover all that so let's Di the details here really quick guys please just hit it up for me down there hit that like hit that subscribe I'm posting every single day keeping you guys updated on this big urgent news all right so lots of stuff going on 14th Amendment news talked about being activated right now and they are saying that if they use this card this 14th Amendment card that high level officials are saying they're going to use then I'm going to show you guys a video in just a second then this could lead to Civil War inside the US that's what they're warning of right we also have emergency meetings right now Biden and vice president Harris are now in the situation room or have been in the situation room today holding emergency meetings on developments inside the Middle East okay this is what Biden said earlier in a statement he said I was briefed in The Situation Room on developments in the Middle East we received updates on threats posed by Iran and its proxies diplomatic efforts to deescalate Regional tensions and preparations to support Israel should it be attacked again we also discuss the steps we are taking to defend our forces and respond to any attack against our Personnel in a matter and place of our choosing all right that is a statement that Biden just put out in the last few hours they are saying that they are on high alert for these attacks and the us could respond as well all right we are also seeing major outages of trading and disruptions of the stock market okay and we are also seeing attacks on US Air bases we will get to that in a second too but these disruptions that have been happening in the stock market okay Charles Schwab Fidelity Vanguard and a merit trade all took their services offline this morning so people could not get into their accounts and sell their stocks okay there has been a massive dip off that happened over the weekend people are relating it to what's going on in Japan relating to their interest rates hikes okay they had a hike and they're saying that caused major disruptions in a lot of these markets right and these companies sh shut off access to everyone's account Charles swab Fidelity Vanguard am Merit trade people were reporting they could not get into their accounts to sell their stock so the big guys can sell their stuff off the big guys can still move their money around but you individually you cannot get into these apps they just lock them down this is what they always do whenever there's big swings in the market like this they shut down the apps and you cannot trade E Trade was down right all these different trading companies were offline this morning so you could not respond to the market so that's how it's going to be too if there's ever some type of big economic collapse or scenario like that the banks and the banking apps the ATMs all these things they're not going to work right they're going to shut them down if there's ever a bank run scenario they're going to lock down the ATMs they're going to lock down bank accounts and they're not going to let you get your money out of these accounts all right they're going to try to mitigate the damage and manipulate it but in the background they can still do their thing right they can still move money around sell Money Warren Buffett all right just dumped massive amounts of stocks and he's holding his largest cash reserves ever right before all this happened okay this was just reported last week that he pretty much dumped everything and is just holding pure cash right now and then what do you know this weekend we have a major crash so now all the big buyers can come up and buy all the stuff up for cheap okay let's get into what's going on with this 14 Amendment news all right cuz this is big and this is a major warning for our country they're saying that this could bring us on the edge of a civil war okay so something that we're talking about here is the 14th Amendment and article three of it okay or section three sorry section three of the 14th Amendment that's what's being debated here and I want you to listen to what this Congressman just said this is a high ranking Democrat Congressman he's on multiple different committees he's on the house he's the ranking member for the house oversight committee and he's a high level Democrat okay and this is what he said this is Jamie Rasin I want you to listen to what he said this is very important and this is this could have potentially change our country and this is what their plan is their plan has been revealed it's to use the 14th Amendment so I want you to listen to this really quick what can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly and the greatest example going on right now before our very eyes is section three of the 14th Amendment which they're just disappearing with a magic wand as if it doesn't exist even though it could not be clearer what it's stating and so you know they want to kick it to Congress so it's going to be up to us on January 6 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified and then we need bodyguards for everybody in Civil War conditions all because the nine justices not all of them but these justices who have um not many cases to look at every year not that much work to do a huge staff great protection simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means and I'm glad that sherlyn's creating her new center so we can bring that what can be all right so I want you to listen to this key part again really quick listen to this really quick again what he's saying what it's stating and so you know they want to kick it to Congress so it's going to be up to us on January 6th 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he's disqualified and then we need bodyguards for everybody and Civil War conditions all because all right did you hear that he is saying that Trump might win and he's saying if Trump does win then they are going to activate the 14th Amendment Congress is going to do this and say that Trump is not allowed to be president and he is saying that this could potentially activate a civil war right and I don't want this I don't want any of this that's what a top ranking member the ranking member of the House oversight committee he's on dozens of different committees this is a top Democrat and Jamie Rasin and he is warning of this he is saying that if Trump wins he's saying on January 6th 2025 they are going to prevent him from taking office by activating the 14th Amendment all right and this is what the 14th Amendment says all right this is the 14th Amendment section three disqualification from holding office it says no person shall be a senator or representative in Congress or elector of president and vice president or hold any office civil or military under the United States or under under any state who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress or as an officer of the United States or as a member of a state legislature or as an executive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States shall have engaged in in in an Insurrection or Rebellion against the same or given Aid or Comfort to enemies thereof all right so they're essentially saying that Trump caused an Insurrection right we've all heard this narrative that they've pushed for years and years and he's saying that they're going to use the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump if he wins Congress is going to try to do this and enact this right that's the push that he's pushing for and he's saying that this could even cause a civil war he's saying that they need more security and protection for members of Congress and all this stuff all right so they're really setting this narrative you you can see it when he's talking about this right I'm just going to show you guys a screenshot on here just for like copyright reasons okay because this is a video that's going around and it's it's getting hit if you play the whole thing so I'm just going to show you a screenshot of him playing the audio here but in his face you can see he's thought of this before he's thought of this scenario he's played it through his head and this is the card they're going to play is that they're going to say hey Trump is not eligible he did this quote Insurrection right and cuz that's why they kept using that term they've been planning this for years that's why that term kept being used over and over because they knew that this term was in the 14th Amendment and they can use this this is their one of their final cards they can play they've already tried to play so many different cards lawsuits assassination attempts all these different things and now this is one of their final cards that they can play is the 14th Amendment and to say it's Trump's disqualified even if he wins all right that was the scenario he's talking about Trump's going to win but then we're going to have to stop him and shut him down right that's what high ranking Democrat members are warning of right now all right so make sure you guys are getting prepared getting ready if something like this does happen we don't want this guys we don't want a Civil War in our country okay but if something like this bubbles up some kind of civil unrest does Bubble Up we're already seeing this around the world in the UK right now this could happen here we could have civil unrest here things bubbling up and it could be used to implement martial law like scenarios right and to shut down elections shut down these the he's actively talking about Trump wins the election and we're going to disqualify him then what who's President then all right we're kind of in a constitutional crisis if something like that does happen who who wins the person that lost the election now just wins because who who does the vice president does Trump's vice president now become president how do how does any of this even work all right this is a constitutional crisis that they would be throwing us into all right Uncharted Territory so make sure you guys are stocked up prepped ready to go all right I've been dealing with this hurricane and our power was actually out for hours this morning right we woke up with the power out and it was out for a while all right I had to get the generator running to get the fridge going and to get them get some things charged up all right I got the generator going but one thing to think about during these hurricanes it was pouring rain the yard was soaked so you have to have some kind of system for your generator to run outside in the rain I have these little blocks that I put it on to keep it up out the water okay and then I had just a little tarp right I hooked my tarp up to the fence and just made it a little a little angle like this little triangle and put the generator under that to keep it dry right so have a strategy for that too cuz we've been in the middle of this hurricane this hurricane Debbie that's now moving through Georgia and South Carolina all right so I was glad I got prepared yesterday filled up my tanks and was ready to go right but let's get into the southern news here lots of stuff going on still right they're having emergency meetings for the Middle East and Biden said he just talked today with King Abdullah of Jordan on efforts to deescalate Regional tensions including through an immediate ceasefire and hostage release deal and it says the United States is proud to be Jordan's partner in promoting peace and stability that's also another statement that the Biden team has put out recently okay so they're reaching out this is another front here okay another front that we could see pop off right they could a big war could pop off before the elections maybe it causes some type of disruptions maybe there's some type of Cyber attack shuts these things down I'm not saying it's going to but just a few days ago we were issued a warning in a memo on these exact things potentially happening right by multiple agencies we also have attacks on US service members right and US military bases inside of Iraq it says five US service members were injured and at least won severely as a result of tonight's rocket attack by Iranian backed forces on alassad air base in West Iraq this is air the air base that's always getting hit Al Assad it is in a very dangerous region right and it's constantly getting bombarded and attacked by these groups and it says following tonight's Iranian backed rocket attack on alassad Airbase in Western Iraq which resulted in injuries to at least five American Service members us President Biden spoke to members of his National Security team about response options though it's not known if a decision was made by the President right so potentially responses could be coming from this Airbase attack as well much less attacks from the US teaming up with Israel and defending them and launching potentially preemptive attacks as well right now we could see responses from this US military base that has been hit too right so lots of big news going on here guys 14th Amendment talk and this is one of their big cards I'm telling you they have a few big plays that they can bring out right now before the end of the year and even after Trump wins they're saying even if all the other cards fail and Trump still wins somehow then they could even activate this 14th Amendment after he wins after all the electors vote everything he's saying that they could activate it on January 6th and shut it down at the last second the last moment all right so this is big that they're bringing this up that they're talking about this they're bringing it out in the open cuz a lot of times these plans happen in the background and we don't really hear about it or see it until these things are out in the open right but now they are openly talking about this and plotting this all right so get prepared guys this us Congressman ranking member is warning of Civil War in the US he's saying that we need heavy Security in the US right and think of if this is stopped this is disrupted think of the aftermath as well too okay think of the next 4 years after something like that happens inside the US it's not going to be a healthy situation in the US to say the least all right so that's why I believe personally the best bet is to be getting yourself off of these grids and systems before they're dest rupted before there's shut down before there's a major hit before there's a social credit score right before there's internet ID and all these things all right it's already being set up around us right now and in the future you might be locked out now it's Trump but in the future it could be you could be you individually where you're blocked out you're blocked out of your banking you're blocked out of your buying goods from certain places or companies or buying certain things all right because you don't have the right opinions you don't have the right beliefs these things are coming these systems are being set up and that's the future we're moving towards with these dystopian ideas being brought up these 14th Amendment ideas right they're going for it so I believe believe personally the best option is to be opting out essentially right now right still vote make your voice heard all right which is discouraging in itself I understand it's still one of these things that's still it's it's discouraging it's overwhelming the way we've what we've seen happen before a lot of times it does feel almost hopeless okay but we can't give up it's the only system we have it's the only system we have so we can't give up on the system yet right but I understand I I feel like that sometimes too but I have to remind myself this is the system we have these are the options we have and we need to at least try with what we have for now all right but stay engaged in that sense but then disengage in other ways so you are not reliable on these systems like this economic crash and this recession this destabilization that we're seeing okay all these things are bubbles back away disengage from these things and invest in real assets your homestead stuff that's right in front of you that you can touch it's not in the bank nobody can lock it up and keep it away from you invest in the things that are right in front of you that have real value to you and your family right now all right Land Food security animals preps defense self-defense all these things security invest in these things now all right because look at it this way all right the dozens of chickens that I have right they didn't crash in value today stock markets crashing they didn't crash in value they just went up in value actually because if we have a recession it's hitting the fan they're going to go up in value they're going to be more valuable people are going to be trying to these are adult laning hens that we every single day and you can eat them too if you need them all right their value is only going up and growing your own food producing your own way that is only gaining more Equity all right every single day as things collapse economically socially around us the equity that you build in your homestead and your life and your food security for your family that's going up it's always going up when the other way goes down all right so that's one of the only ways to really be insulated from these events all right because I didn't I didn't wake up panicking from the stock market stuff because I'm really not invested in this okay that's not what I really invest my money in I invest my money into my Homestead into preps into equipment into chicken coups satellite internet tools equipment tanks all these things this is what I'm investing my money in all the time I don't have extra money to dump in the stock markets or crypto or whatever so I'm not worried about that and anytime something like that goes crashes or whatever it's just more Assurance for me that I'm doing the right thing here all right cuz if it hits the fan I have I have dozens and dozens of chickens I can eat for two months right they're giving me eggs every day I can eat their eggs and I can eat them for months and I have preps to have fresh meat and I have a ton of canned meat and preps and rice and water tanks and gas tanks and generators all these things right that's what I invest in that's never the generator that I bought I bought this thing 3 years ago it's $200 more now a couple years later right it's all going up in price so telling you so I know I'm wrapped in here guys but it's just my little two cents on what's been going on in the world here is that invest in yourself invest in your sustainability your reliability your homestead your preps all these things even your preps you bought your preps a year ago well the food's more expensive a year later now so you just beat that inflation on those preps as well all right you're you're not going to lose when you invest in yourself and your preps in your homestead all right so thank you guys please hit it up for me down there it helps Get These Warnings out so people know I hope you guys have big blessings for your life your family and I hope you have a big old blessed day get

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