WWE 2K23 - The 2K Servers Crashed & RUINED a Perfectly Good Match

over the years how are you feeling about her come back all right all right don't mind that don't mind that might not you're not saying me Ivy you know we go way back there all right I gotta I gotta I gotta win by steal her finisher Ivy now guys she's got submissions [Applause] keep it out my way please thank you on the other side of the ring is the unique Ivy Nile she's been compared to oh my God your short time in this business but I think she's really set out to form Charlotte relax and she's stunned in the corner oh my God bro I'm telling you bro oh we can take that hair we can take it here well we can tell her too what's up out of the race he has to mind the ten count we can take it out here too what would you like the queen doesn't need anyone's advice but she can't uh listen [Applause] yo I ain't gonna lie do not like fighting with the female wrestlers [Applause] she's like that what's up here we're here come on get in here all right she's back in ready to go that's cool that's cool Charlotte why is she still boasting around she's in a fight for goodness sake wow hey yo that's hilarious suplex vertical get up get up get up can I pick her up can Ivy pick her up let's see the strength position how's your finger there The Landing bro oh you saw it coming uh yeah you don't gotta like that Charlotte sorry sorry Charlotte you don't got it like that okay you better be stuck you're not stunning nice [Applause] yeah cold cold flare is falling behind now the Queen's perseverance being tested here come on you talk to me all right here we go ivy set up in the corner of the Ring we risked stuff over here ivy [Applause] it was a risk it was a risk [Applause] you know that's what I get that's what I get I should just use the I should just start the finisher yeah let's not it's not all right stop that yeah you stand again oh oh counter by Charlotte foot just stomping down yeah setting it up yo I ain't even gonna lie Nile of the ivy oh yeah she's really getting fired up great job anticipating ivy every move attempted oh brother incredible agility oh what it was Charlotte Charlotte [Applause] still in this match our determination she's not going to go quietly oh snapshot hold on behind okay okay don't do don't do don't do that don't do that don't do that yeah you're strong I gotta give it to you [Applause] I gotta give it to you he's shocked yeah you just think you gotta win every game huh what are you doing thunderous clothesline Picture Perfect takedown running knee oh my God I never seen I would go to the top of the return buckle but let's do it do it let's get her to use her originally see so we can steal her finisher ending at all there probably shouldn't have done that don't don't miss I'm telling you Charlotte powder and now there's an opening Series of reversals reversals reversals and more reversals don't crash oh my God [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Applause] that was probably the best female match I've ever played but we're gonna move on facing a Brock Lesnar but I don't understand why [Applause] let's go hardly raised bro I don't see more [Applause] is this taunt that I want to do I'm gonna try to win like that come on go figure huh no time for fair play or holding back we'll figure with the spirit huh [Applause] I know your whole game plan now buddy nice I know your whole game playing now [Applause] that's crazy bro [Applause] [Applause] replacing them right where they want them into the corner saw that one coming took advantage this guy [Applause] he had it scouted look at this gonna counter for counter this is insane bro I need to have a little trouble [Applause] I need to see something this just moves the same Simone's Spike kitchen sink what the [ __ ] hello that'll do some serious damage yeah cut that out yeah race that's what I'm talking about race yo what's the spirit s [Applause] that's stupid stupid I am tripping this man got the three amigues on oh brother this should be fun did I not [Applause] iced they each are did I not oh brother fraction [Applause] oh there goes that man [Applause] there goes I don't even know bro I don't even know at this point what's up with the reversal brother Divas nine nine B wow okay I'm stunnitz [Applause] El more left in the tank all right [Applause] oh he isn't taking this lying down anymore yeah but race needs to maintain some of them can he take advantage throwing some extra scouting oh man this is excellent he's sick don't wake me up okay like the nice guy you are pick me up buddy no if you got springboards I'm done [Applause] being shown and paying off as well wow he's able to combat out of Brock's grip lesser Cuts him up yeah yeah yeah [Applause] amazing he's begging him to get up so he can put him back down I lose could pick Rucka right we'll knock it till you try it again using their Cranium as a weapon don't knock it till you try right [Applause] bodies yeah the tank is being empty tonight Harley Race he's getting up and there's danger in front of him all right [Applause] what the [ __ ] yeah I doubt there's any Panic seeping into Brock's mine no no no no no no no no no no no German uh I can't sue black I'm sorry I mean no reversal Champion I'm tripping man I'm not sure I'm tripping don't even step on me about it hits him with a girlfriend get up man and hard to tell where race is still finding these bursts of offense yeah Brock being faced with adversity here in Anger boiling over all coming to a head up on the stage as we can only see it's only getting worse by the second Michael he's one step back with both athletes showing that they have it see up to the Raptors and there's not a single person sitting down what if this is all all eyes are glued on this battle here's the snapmare followed by the knee drive that's what he don't want that's what he does sequence of offense from race race displaying all of his ability and now thrown back into the ring and there's the cup because he don't want to have them and you lost and he lost buddy you did all that to lose [Music] but that's fine Gigi's though yeah he did all that made him overall Hunter just to lose you want to play again guess what now sorry gotta move on it's been nice hanging out peace

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