Lyndon Dykes, Twin Atlantic & Sanjeev Kohli | Scotland HQ presented by M&S Food

e [Music] this is the Alpine Resort of garish party in kirkin this is Scotland's training camp and this is Scotland HQ [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to Scotland HQ presented by M&S food what a show we have in store for you today we are joined by Sam MC trusty of twin Atlantic actor and comedian sanjie KY and Scotland Striker lynon dkes but first Steven mil and Chris Forbes have been out on the streets giving our supporters a bit of a pickme up cesy of our friends at M&S food we are here in Munich and I'm joined with my good friend friend Chris Forbes how you doing thank you very good oh thanks for having me yeah no problem at all listen it's just been fantastic the last few days obviously hundreds of thousands of Scotland fans here as well how's your journey been how's your few days been epic it's almost almost you almost put the football aside because half the enjoyment is just the traveling the camaraderie the fans meeting German fans German people so the Trip's been epic whatever happens for the rest of the whole summer the trip and the meeting people is just phenomenal how many schnitzel do you have had so far a lot of snitel it's been it's been snitel heavy yeah snitel heavy well luckily we here with M&S and we have got these gut shots the M&S gut shots CU they make you feel better and they hopefully make us play better as well we'll see what happens the rest of the tournament and we're going to be catching up with some Scotland fans finding out their favorite memories and also giving them a we gut shot as well to help them through it's been a heavy few days we'll help them out favorite ever memory of following Scotland watching Scotland what's your what's the one that sticks out for you we'll start with you Jimmy probably mom's last minute go against Israel honestly this the stadium I've never seen it that and the reaction after it the whole place was bouncing I that or mom's going Spain it was the best 45 seconds of my life but for me dog Le said when we beat Wales 78 here we go this is what happens when you get the older ones we all amazing memories so listen Peter favorite memory of following Scotland probably two the two1 winning Oso me and my P were at it Kenny mle's goal obviously that one was a big one but yesterday just being with being with my wife and we girl showing bra off around Shadow we K and stuff yesterday so probably football wise alsoo but family wise being hard and here and listen we are here with M&S and I'm sure you've had a few beers over the last few days there's been one or two yeah so listen we're helping you feel a we bit better lots of good nutrients in this gut shot here so this is yours if you want to take that you can have that at your leisure you can have it just now if you wish you can even share it as well not sure Bri's into that there I don't think she's fanc she just loves the beer down it come on down it there we go hey hey there he is he looks better already you're glowing right your number two here we go didn't even touch the size Jimmy on you go he's grown an inch taller look no my he please no more there's obviously hundreds of thousands of Scotland fans here and there's also a former Scotland goalkeeper here as well Rob Douglas 19 caps for Scotland or 18 and a half was it 19 0 18 and a half the Hong Kong waiters will say it was a full cap so listen we are here with M&S we' got your gut shots you had a few beers over the last few days a few Steins and all one or n one or nine one or nine that's fine so there you are there your got shot cheers everybody cheers there's the 20th cap that's it there you are lovely stuff if I don't have a hangover tomorrow I'm getting involved thanks just quickly before you go RAB you're obviously a wee bit different from everyone else that we've spoken to because we've been asking everyone their favorite Scotland memories is that your first cat for Scotland was that the special one obviously first C wasn't at hton so I was disappointed in that but I think as a kid you grow up want to stand at your National Stadium get a c and sing a national anthem it's Absolut amazing feel um I think probably favorite memory was obviously we beat Holland and then we get leathered over there so we'll not speak about that we drew with Germany as well at hamon which was a great game as well Rob enjoy the rest of time in Germany and ten thanks very much we'll give it a cheers guys thank you I think it's fair to say that Rob Douglas might want to take a couple of gut shots with him on his holidays and well he's heading off to tenner Reef we're heading to Toronto to catch up with twin Atlantic frontman Sam MC trusty Hi Sam it's great to have you with us how you doing I'm good mate I'm good still feeling optimistic good that's what we wanted to hear because obviously on Friday night against Germany that wasn't the result that we wanted but whereabouts did you watch the match so I'm over in Toronto just now and I watched the match with a bunch of other expats believe it or not who were all at my in-laws Pub it's called the Queen's head so it's like a Scottish themed Pub loads of Scottish M layup and street signs that have been pillaged and brought over there ocean years ago so quite a good environment to watch it in to be fair bro there's a lot of expats in Toronto then to watch the match with M there's so many loads and loads of Scottish people here which it's not the same as obviously being at home with a hype in the games um and I do have regrets that I didn't just say stuff it I'm going to go to Germany person of course you're a big football fan as well Sam you and your band mates recently visited Hamden Park you got the chance to spend time in the Chang rooms you got to go pitch side what were your experiences like at the National Stadium surreal mate I mean amazing to be honest like so myself I grew up um like meters away from hamen um my bedroom window faced the the sou side of the stadium so getting to be on the pitch there for any reason was amaz um I just feel like a wee boy man brilliant are you any good at football yourself well no I used to be when I played as a kid I used to play for teams growing up all around the south side of glasgo and for my school and stuff like that but uh once music took over I kind of lost my touch and uh Fitness well football's loss is definitely music's Game Fan because twin Atlanta you guys have a new album coming out it's called meltdown it's going to be releas released in August it's going to be the band's seventh album the lead singer for the album is called sorry and that was released earlier in the month does that give us a flavor of what to expect from this album yeah it does I mean we're we're kind of just leaning into kind of more classic songwriting songs with a bit of a deeper message but then a big chorus that kind of delivers a Melody you can sing along to that that is kind of what our band has always been about um we might have kind of drifted here and there and tried different we sub genres of rock music but this song is is kind of really H straight away and it's maybe one of my favorite songs we've ever released so selfishly I'm delighted it was a single brilliant now speaking of fans Scotland have got a massive game against Switzerland coming up on Wednesday in Cologne what are your thoughts going into this one well It's tricky because the game on Friday night was obviously a bit of a double-edged sword where Germany kind of turned up and played as solid as any international team I've seen in in years especially the opening game and all that um I think we just I think maybe have a bit more of an attacking mindset which is easy for me to say sitting here but um maybe one or two changes to the starting lineup would help that a we bit are you confident we can get the three points I kind of am I but I mean I was also confident we would get some result out of the Germany game I I just think that I'm hoping that having a defeat like that ends up being the best thing that could have happened for us you know what I mean cuz now you know maybe play with a handbrake off a little bit there's nothing really to lose we've kind of the worst that could have happened happened already you know obviously the goal Defence thing might come back to haunt us a little bit because I know Hungary and Switzerland are really kind of respected teams and have' been putting in good performances recently but so have Scotland you know I mean to get us to this stage we we really we we came up against some big opponents in the the qualification process and I think if we can just kind of tap back into that energy we still got a chance to get through the group stages brilliant s ad my your confidence thank you and I just wanted to say good luck with the album and good luck with the upcoming tour thank you very much for joining us in Scotland HQ from a rockstar off the pitch to a rockstar on it we are about to be joined by my favorite Scotland player he is a superstar Center forward please put your hands together for lynon dikes to see you even although you're injured at the moment you've still made out to support the team your commitment to Scotland knows no bounds how are you enjoying your time in the camp at the moment yeah I'm really enjoying it um it's just good to be around with the boys playing games come to watch training um would prefer to be on the pitch but is what it is so still have to enjoy it some way I can tell us about your injury when you expecting to to get the boot off it's off on Monday so um can't wait to get it off cuz it's pain in the ass but um yeah it's off on Monday and then I'm back just to kind of start my rehab and can get walking again yeah I it's a pretty obvious question about how frustrating is it that you had to miss out in this tournament yeah it was um can't put put it into words obviously he was preparing for it for so long um thinking about it for so long and then just at the last minute um obviously got injured in training which is probably the worst outcome didn't even make a game which is not great but yeah really frustrating um but I've uh I've made up my mind now you know it is what it is and just want to try and enjoy it and watch the boys now as a supporter yeah know you're such a big personality and you bring so much to Scotland both on and off the pitch and even though you've been able to even though you've not been able to contribute what do you think you have been able to bring to the team um taking all the at poker pretty much no it's um I just try and you know just chill with the boys as usual just trying to be the same as I would um you know it's it's always good to just you know bring an Aussie accent for all the boys and a smile here and there and just try and um you know just just chill out for everyone so um everyone has their own qualities I'm a little bit quiet but I like a bit of poker with the boys so I take all their money and it's the best I can do so you're the best poker player in the team team yeah definitely definitely they don't want to play when I'm playing what makes you better than everyone else I don't know they were too rash they're too rash now as a player like how do you bounce back from a disappointment we've got a big game coming up against Switzerland how do you put a setback behind you and just focus on the next game that's coming up I mean I think it's just part and parcel of um what everyone does um the other night didn't go the way everyone wanted to go and everyone knew that but you know straight onto the next one that's how like they have to think they would have analyzed that game seen the bad things and I'm sure the manager would have seen that as well but um it's tournament football you know it's not over yet we have to make sure we're positive again and like the boys have been doing on the training ground you know they they're focused again and hopefully everyone can get back behind them Wednesday night and get a result we need excellent that's what we want to hear now London we're also joined by another guest joining us down the line is the star of still game and River City it is the comedian and actor sanjie KY Sanji it's BR to see you how are you I'm how you guys doing right we've got a big game on Wednesday against Switzerland how are you looking forward to it uh hopefully my voice will way back I'll be I'll admit I did do a lot of shouting at the screen uh the other night um uh but you know what it's like do you know when you get punched really hard in the face and um it takes you maybe I don't know a day to sort of recover and then you have a coffee and then maybe chase down with a whiskey and then you're back in the fight I feel that as a Scotland fan we're back in the fight now it was it it was horrible you know it wasn't nice for anyone the other night but I think we're back in the game and also we need to remind ourselves that we're there on Merit we're not there as someone's plus one you know what I mean we're not there cuz we wanton a competition out of a chrisb we're there on Merit and if we can just remember the qualities that got us there you know I'm not I'm not one for turning on Steve Clark and the team I I still think they're brilliant and I think they had a bad day very bad day the offers the other night but I think in a lot of ways as well it sort of clarifies what we need to do on Wednesday night because um we can't be kg now I mean that might have been an option say we nicked a draw the other night right say we nicked a draw on Friday we could have maybe said well maybe we Nick another draw or we play at kg we can't we just need to go for it now and I think we're a team that can go for it so hopefully that'll be the tactic now so I haven't entirely lost my confidence if you if you'd asked me you know uh 10:00 local time on Friday had I lost my confidence it might be a different answer but I think I think we're back what do you think L Sanji right do we just need to go for it against Switzerland yeah I I agree um I think everyone's disappointed about the game the other night but I think we just go go out and we just take him and just totally go for it and just try and outscore them and be confident and um show everyone that like you said we got here because we deserve to be here um so yeah I totally agree now Sanji a lot of the focus has been on Scotland fans coming to Germany but we haven't really thought about Scotland fans back in Scotland what's the mood like back home uh the mood was lovely uh you know uh the place was absolutely buzzing um we ended up we watched it with uh like friends and family cuz uh uh good pals of bars had booked a room in a pub with a big screen so it was kind of multigenerational about 50 people in the room watching it and it was a great atmosphere I dug the Kil out when we did score that goal eventually against Germany and you could see the reaction in the crowd is kind of you know it was the same here you know we still celebrated it and um yeah it's it's probably very similar to Germany you know it's it's it's still it has still transformed the place and I think there's still a lot of confidence here what are some of your favorite moments from watching Scotland over the years oh god well I mean I'm so I'm 53 so the first um uh tournament that I remember I I was 4 years old than 74 I wish that I've been older because weirdly during lockdown they um played a lot of old football games and they played the Scotland Brazil game from 74 and I'd never seen it in its entirety in fact I don't think I'd seen many even clips of it so I sat and I watched the whole game and Scotland could have beaten Brazil in 1974 and you saw the players on the pitch the players that we had the world class players obviously famously uh that team um came home early without lo you know without losing a game you know uh and drawing with Brazil and um so I I don't actually remember I do remember 78 vividly I remember Ali tar Armory I remember Andy Cameron I remember that same sense of optimism in Scotland uh I do remember the Holland game uh I I can't remember I think it was at a friend's house watching the Holland game and thinking we've beaten Holland who were top three at the time yeah and of course the Archie gble go I mean it never gets any less sweet watching the Archie gble go and it still gives you that that little kind of the hairs on the back of the neck every time I watch it it doesn't I call it dishwasher safe it doesn't matter how many times you watch your AR G will go it's still a beautiful beautiful thing it is objectively a beautiful thing you don't have to like football to know it's a beautiful thing that a guy that looks like he's come around your house to to fit your boiler can do something so absolutely gorgeous and objectively beautiful so I mean that's got to be the standout they given us they've given us moments over the years and I think we've got two games to get some more moments now I'm still Confident by the way London I think we I think we're going to do it are you confident then we can get the results so we need to progress to The Knockout stages yeah definitely um I'm a supporter now so the boys you know I'm supporting all the way and hopefully they're going to go out there and smash it and get through the the group for the whole nation and everyone watching excellent I think Lyndon Lyndon I think you need for for us for SCS you need to get one more tattoo are you allowed out to get tattoos anymore no any any chance of getting a tattoos on I'm there I'm looking at your knees now they're not done I need to get I need to start my legs if you could do like a some kind of Swiss one on the left knee and some kind of hungry one on the right knee I I feel this could be the the totem we need to to take I just get a claim more sword straight through both of them there you are that's it right if you get that done by by Wednesday I think no worries no worries just for you I'll get that yeah I was going to ask about tattoos I mean pretty much we can see your entire top half's covered are the legs the next stage yeah probably um funny enough I never thought I'd ever get this many tattoos but I am somehow ended up with this many and I still want to keep going so I think legs will be next yeah where does that love for the ink come from I don't actually know just it just it's just started and it hasn't stopped um and it gets a bit addicting after a while so yeah now I don't know if you remember the last time you were on HQ you were talking about getting a tattoo that said Boys on tour do you remember that I don't know okay well listen you might not remember it but we all certainly because I have got a tattoo here so you see there Boys on tour I got it in the bicep I thought I'll you meeting a professional athlete I'll do a couple I'll do a couple of press UPS before I leave the house just to just get myself pumped so there you go a Scotland on tour tattoo and if you want to get the chance to get one of these as well keep your eyes peeled for our roving team in Cologne cheers Sanji great to have you in the show thanks for Jo joining us and enjoy the rest of the tournament the SCS now we are heading back out with Steven mil and Chris Forbes for the Stein challenge we are ready to do the two-minute Stein challenge with M&S F to the brim with M&S ginger beer and fans celebrities Scotland fans of All Sorts have been taking this on and today we've got a combination of both celebrity and fan because we've got Comedian Chris Forbes here more fan than celebrity right okay well that's fine let let the people decide um so are you ready for the Ste challenge have you been working out you've been going to the gym uh th this is my Euros this is big for me I can't I've been looking forward to this and uh how much preparation have you been putting in have you been a lot of pre I can't detail my training techniques but you've been lifting Bro you've been lifting bro right okay I believe we've got the stein ready to go so we've got 2 minutes on the clock if you hold it right out it needs to be extended there we are and he's shaking already 2 minutes begins now question number one who scored the last time Scotland beat Germany Don Hutchinson John Collins or Gavin Hastings H Hutchinson how many clean sheets has Angus gun kept four five or seven four who managed most matches for Scotland out of these three managers jock Steen Craig Brown Steve Clark oh Brown whose record did Andy Robertson take as most capped Scotland player Billy Bremner George Young or Captain B's eye how's the Army all right who's the oldest player in the Scotland Squad Kenny mlan Grant Hanley or James Forest Hanley okay question number six who did Scotland playing Steve Clark's first game in charge San Marino Cyprus or Belgium H Cyprus seven C did Tommy Conway score against for Scotland on the 21s last week turkey Belgium or England uh Belgium you're managing this incredibly well this is amazing question number eight how many caps did Daren Fletcher receive for Scotland 508 or 70 uh 70 how many games did Scotland win in Euro qualifying three four or five four okay question number 10 who did Kieran TI make his Scotland debut against Denmark Austria or Norway Denmark who did Ryan Christie score his first Scotland goal against Lithuania Cyprus or lvia Lithuania who's the youngest player in the Scotland Squad Billy Gilmore Tommy Conway or Ryan poras Conway question number 13 who scored Scotland's last goal in Europe 2024 qualifying Lauren Shanklin sh Armstrong or John mcin mcin which player earned their 75th cap against Finland Craig Gordon Grant Hanley or John McAn uh Gordon who was Scotland's last goal scorer at the Euros Callum McGregor Scott Momin or London Dykes uh 2 minutes is quite a long time where was Euro 92 held England Germany or Sweden what did you just say where was and there the whistle go I've started so finish okay where was Euro 92 held England Germany or Sweden oh Sweden is the correct answer I thought that was pretty impressive we're going to tally up the scores and find out how Chris Fords got on thank you that was very impressive Chris I must say how's the arm thank you I've always wanted one arm longer than the other so that's what I've got now I thought you did extremely well there congratulations Chris you said that this was your euros and I think you can go with your head held high after that thank you I feel proud feel proud I just want to say thank you to my parents there no there's nobody here it's just us Chris oh there's one person there was one person clapping that's fine there we are H right thank you very much Chris fors we'll be back very soon with some more two minut time challenges with M&S now Lyndon you have told us how good you are at poker but how good are you at Pub games we're about to find out ex you are exactly right we are about to find out because this is the ultimate Scotland HQ challenge Lyon dkes is going to take part in three tasks and try and beat Scott momin's time of 18 seconds did you get the chance to see him take part in the ultimate Scotland HQ challenge I did watch it yes and I heard there's actually disqualification on the way he caught the thing yes well we'll explain exactly what Lyon has to do yes we'll see I mean I don't want to correct Scott mctom he seemed quite an intense guy but the tasks are all pretty straightforward the first thing you have to do flip a beer mat and then catch it and I what it's got MCT was he caught it under AR rather than snap at it like a dragon so that's he's always cheating that boy he's always the second task is very straight forward you have got a pingpong ball and you have to get it into the Steiner and then you have to sink a putt and you have to do that as quickly as possible SC Momin times 18 seconds there is a wee bit of Doubt as to whether or not that valid but do you think you can beat it yeah excellent okay Lyon as soon as you flip that beer mat that's when your time begins so the best of luck oh this is nerve-racking in it yeah I like see how you get one oh oh right okay okay there we go there's onto onto the next one on to the oh I'll give you I'll give you I'll give you that one I'll give you that one let's see if you can sink aart you said you've got this at home like see if you if practice makes perfect oh my not quite not quite there you go that's a decent one oh off the edge there get in nearly nearly Oh my days oh JS I think Scott mctom will sleep easy tonight short game's not good like no to be there you go it's in the net well Lyndon you have completed the ultimate Scotland HQ Challenge and you finished with time of 35 seconds almost double what Scott mcom he got how' you feel there no need to rub it in no I'm disappointed that's disappointing no it's good but listen you can you can bounce back take on it poker take all his money from him I'd like to thank everyone who's joined us on today's episode of Scotland HQ and I want to thank our guests London dikes Chris Forbes Sam MC trusty and sanjie kley join us again very soon for another episode of Scotland HQ presented by M&S food we'll see you soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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