[Music] [Music] he [Music] what is going on commanders fans no I am not jackberry my name is Joey Peterson I will be the filling host for today's commanders report and we are live high at top a 100 degree downtown Dallas but excited to be with you all excited to be talking about this awesome preseason matchup we got against the Miami Dolphins currently the over under is sitting about 36. five about average for a preseason game um I that's kind of what you come to expect at this point right when you when you have so much playing time by so many second or third stringers the point totals are never going to be high uh dolphins are four and a half Point favorite however so interesting I think I'd put a little money on uh on the commies what about you guys it's good to be here good to be with y'all I will ask you one thing a little bit of patience I am riding solo right now I don't have a producer I don't have anybody it's just me and y'all which is awesome I love it we're just hanging out me and 105 of my closest friends but I'm saying there's going to be some times where I'm looking down looking at the screen feel like you might think I'm not paying attention to you I'm paying attention don't worry I'm just kind of uh I'm just kind of focused trying to get some other things up like this you guys let me know down below where you watching from shout your city out shout that City out like I already said we are currently on the 21st floor of a building in Downtown Dallas um it has been a hot summer a hot day and that's not going to change anytime soon but let me know where you are from I'm GNA start giving some shout outs uh van Jones from ATL Mikey cools you my favorite host thanks boy I appreciate you Tai Tai young saying what's up Joey where's the guy from last week Sean he'll be back I'm just filling in he's got some duties right now so I will be your host for today uh beer Outdoors it's a nickname for commanders love it from Jaden Daniels Maurice Johnson from South Carolina Maurice where from in South Carolina my my parents just moved there Jack sp's a goat checking in from Richmond Virginia my sister is a student at the University of Virginia at UVA uh goo's Wahoo Brunswick Georgia the wick where is that in Georgia Billy let me know um I my wife her family is from Atlanta uh the uh Roswell area of Atlanta Sydney Ohio oh uh ler England let me know if I'm saying that correctly David if not tell me how to say it uh let me know Cassie both checking in Cassie wrong stream but thanks for being here so happy to see you Cassie glad you are in the Stream she's checking in from Dallas uh Brian Washington checking in from New Jersey Brian where in New Jersey J I was born in Summit New Jersey fun fact born in Summit New Jersey uh Lakehurst New Jersey is where John's checking in from dance checking in from Toledo uh FR Derek wheeler checking in from Camden Dan checking in from Toledo Kenny Harris from Hickory North Carolina Roger saying love you show bro go commanders love you all Ronaldo woodbery Philadelphia Elco Nevada that's where Mike Lee's watching from when will Bobby Wagner suit up not not sure Sean Bobby's one of those guys that he's played so much football in his career it's not NE like it's is it necessary for him to play in the preseason that's kind of what you got to ask yourself you know I know like we all want to see him but like you gotta kind of just be like yeah he's like he's a veteran he doesn't need preas I know it's with a new team and new scheme but he's Bobby Wagner I don't know would love to see him today uh I'm just not sure if they have any plans to uh to suit him up Todd's checking in from Dudley Mass ch6 um you're going to stream the game on here just talk about James we're going to just be talking about it we'll have live score updates um in the regular season when we're off the NFL app we will have play-by-play down there uh like Graphics but today we're just going to be talking about it chopping it up uh I like commanders plus points David I do as well David me and you are rocking together uh Mikey cool is currently in Hawaii but my entire family is in fredicksburg where in Frederickburg what I have uh I've been to fredburg Texas a couple times that's cool you're in Hawaii though you there for vacation or something like that Mike kada Colonial Beach Virginia uh David Clark Lester I was close David you got to admit I was close let me know what you're doing in England you from there and if so how' you become a commanders fan let me know fville Georgia HTTR baby HTTR Mount Laurel that's where Brian's checking in from Cassie V I'm on both streams LOL same hey Jonathan good thing I got Jonathan and Cassie in here if this is your guys first stream there's the these things called Bots and they suck bad they're going to be in the chat we'll see him in a little while and they just send spam messages and things like that but we got Jonathan and Cassie here to just snipe those things so shout out to Jonathan and shout out to Cassie jaylen's dead checking in from Japan heck yeah where from in Japan hello to the commander says Jasmine gra Fort was Jasmine Fort Washington Maryland Maryland's beautiful love Maryland love you show brother I'm in North Carolina Roger we all love you Port Smith Virginia what up Lonnie from Chesapeake Virginia HTTR since 1980 I saw the commanders uh on the commanders up that bobb's not playing um I doubt it let me go ahead and check Twitter for you right there um see if we can get a Bobby Wagner status update um and see if we can find out any information let me go to latest see if there's anything new 14 players will not suit up for the commanders Marcus Mariota Sam Harman Dante Fowler Jr Keandre Jones Bo Bower Bobby Wagner Jordan McGee um Brandon Coleman Zack Herz Jonathan Allen donon Payne Jon Newton fa abota and kelen frell really would have loved to see Johnny Newton um I know you guys probably feel the exact same way um we'll see uh from New York Jane Daniels is heck yeah where in New York Lonnie from ches Peak Philippines is where M Mason's checking in from love that love the Philippines we're worldwide here on Commander report we are worldwide everybody I love this Martavis Bryant comm's debut it is it is I'm excited about it I'm gonna be honest to you okay are you guys are you guys locked in because I'm about to drop some truth I wouldn't be that expectant of anything if I'm if I'm just like cold heart truth me and you let's just let's just be real my senior year of college uh so two years ago yes I am a baby I just graduated May of last year so a year and a half ago me and my friends were like hey let's get really into the XFL and so we were like okay let's let's each draft a team my team I got was the Vegas vipers long story short Martavis Bryant was on that team I was so excited I was like dude he's about to go off in the XFL he didn't nuds flash he didn't which like which is which is like tough because out of Clemson there was so much hype and so much excitement about him and he had so much potential and but I don't know who knows who knows I mean he was playing with XFL quarterback so maybe you playing with Jaye Daniels maybe he pops off I'm excited to see it it's going to be fun uh glendell Arizona uh Lonnie Kinley say love this my first time that's awesome Lonnie we love that you tuning in with us uh these what we call our watch parties we will be live for every game of the commander report um that the commanders play all season long Jack's going to be the host for most of them I'll be there producing but today I'm happy to be the host for it so today let's take a look at what we like to call our donation Vu got some new things on there okay new things on there for everybody every 10 shares we're we're going to uh we're going to really like hone in on shares today okay every 10 shares that's an old base shot I know you guys are DMV a lot of you guys are in Maryland all along the coast o Bay shot okay I got my shot glass I got my old Bay and we're going to get it rocking uh Cassie ask who's producing today Cassie it's just me I'm rolling solo I'm pumped about it let's go uh first time super we're going to cheers at one point I have somebody bring me a beer however my wife was very very kind and dropped me off this coffee uh because I was here streaming a game earlier I've been here since like 7:30 uh and so I'm a little tired so I just need a little pickme up you know nothing crazy sorry for that sound right there but so we're going to cheers to that uh for every first time super big cheers we're all at tailgate together five $5 Super Chat gets you in to a raffle for a Commander's hat now this isn't any just like you know run-of-the-mill your your grandpa's Commander's hat or something like that no no no no look at this puppy wrong way look at this puppy boom that's sick I'm sorry that's cool if you're going to a class you're going to a party you're going to anywhere you can rock that baby right there and all at my use $5 $5 gets you into a raffle for this Commander hat we'll be raffling off at the end of the show $5 you can go home with that puppy now we got a deal thank you Cassie for your props I I appreciate that we got a deal right $5 get you one raffle ticket well Joey what does $10 get me well you who asked $10 gets you three raffle tickets that's right three raffle tickets I'm all about charity I'm all about giving deals I I love that $10 three raffle tickets again let me pull it up one more time let me just show you what we're rocking with here a little bit of that right that's kind of sick that's kind of sick I I know y'all think it's cool I know y'all think it's cool and then the last item $20 gets you into the club one of the most prestigious clubs in all of chat sports and that is the hog m Maia so some perks you get with hog Mafia you get two two big ones other than just like getting a roll around all day with with just the swag of knowing you're in one of the coolest clubs in the world you get a donation sticker right so every time you send in a Super Chat that hog Mafia sticker shows up now no promises our super chat if you guys were with us last week our Super Chat thing has been a little buggy I'm usually behind the uh behind the computer like pulling those up and building those manuals however I am in front of it this time and so bear with me today with super chats but you also get a shout out on every live show so with that being said I think it's time to scroll down here and let's find our hog mafia members because it's time to shout out everybody we doubled the size of hog Mafia last week doubled it and here's our members IQ barbecue Marco Gorman Omar burner Lord buddy bear Luc Gorman TJ Commando Mike and James Howard I'm not gonna lie to y'all I kind of forget who uh who won the the raffle from last week so Cassie Jonathan if anybody's in the chat and remembers who won last week please let me know because uh because we doubled the size we doubled the size uh from last week so uh Eugene says o is crab seasoning yes it is yes it is my friend Jonathan thanks for going back and check uh Jasmine I'm excited to see uh you don't have to Jonathan we're good stay right here you're chilling uh I'm excited to see Jane Daniels playing the game I am too I am too he is uh he's going to be playing a for about two drives that's what the reports are saying so it'll be double of what he did last time right but it will not be a t like we're not going to see him for a quarter we're not going to see him for like a half we're going to see him for a couple drives which like I've got my own thoughts on this I don't know how y'all feel about this if you're a rookie quarterback I think they should play a little bit more of the preseason I just think It prepares them a little bit better like you're taking a massive jump going from college where you're playing 18yar olds right you're playing kids who just got out of Alba 2 and then now you're playing grown men who have children who have retirement plans who have all of this stuff right who have wives and so it's just like it's a different jump and I just think preseason it it it can't hurt I don't think they should play the the entire game I'm not even necessarily saying they should play a whole half but I think I think a quarter is not like not too much to ask TJ TJ was the one who wanted thank you you Jonathan uh thank you my friend Todd Smith HTTR from South Carolina um so guys real quick because we're sitting at right now about 45 minutes to kickoff I would love to hear this answer from you we're going to talk about that after this I'm going to go over my personal 10 players to watch going into today's commanders first Dolphins game starting off number one always goingon to be Mr Jaden Daniels it's always going to be Mr Jad and Daniels Jane Daniels had a as good of a game as he could have last week against the Jets right uh two pass attempt or two pass completions three attempts 45 yards hit dami Brown down the field for a beautiful pass ended up rushing for a touchdown um and so like he did what he was supposed to he did what people wanted him to do we just didn't get to see him a lot and so I there's there's two parts in this right one I'm really excited to see how he plays but two I'm just excited to watch him play football he's one of the most electric players in football he was the most electric player in football in college football last year so excited him be I mean I'm just so happy he's a commander so excited to see him play today Emanuel Forbes this one is is for a little bit of a different reason than Jane Daniels right Emanuel Forbes first round draft pick last year got all of this excitement right going to get a lock down Corner six pick sixes at Mississippi state is senior year NCAA record struggled a lot of freshman year in the in in uh in the NFL first year lots of struggles but you're like okay he's a rookie he's going to figure out he'll be back next year right and then last game against the Jets kind of struggled a lot like they caught a touchdown pass on him in the quarter of the end zone and it was a guy who who's going to struggle to make this roster okay and so he is one of my 10 players I want to watch because he's one of the 10 players he's one of the biggest players on this Commander team that needs to have a good game speaking of players they need to have a good game let's talk about Jan doson okay Johan doson third round or first round pick a couple years ago and is kind of in that same boat as Emanuel Forbes right he needs to have a good game there's lots of of rumors coming out and and and talk coming out from this Commander team and this unit that he's almost on the outside looking in when it comes to a starting position and I've even heard me and Barry were talking about this I've even heard that he's on the on the roster bubble that he might even get cut a third round pick or a first round pick just three years ago now I'm not guaranteeing any of that I'm just saying there's Rumblings about it so he needs a good game because what he's shown so far he hasn't been great next up dami brown had a great game against the Jets end of the day two catches 55 55 yards 42 yards was his longest it was that uh it was that money from Money Ball from Jaden Daniels and you know this is a guy you're looking at okay he's he's trying to solidify himself as that as that solid number number two wide receiver position behind Terry mccl can he do that I think that he can next player to watch all zakus I I don't know about you guys am a huge fan of aim zakus I think he is just kind of exactly what every team needs on their football team right they go to him so many times for just little short routs he has such short hands and he's such an asset on special teams and when you want to be an asset in the NFL you have to be an asset on special teams and that's what he is next up talked about a little bit Martavis Bryant can he be a guy that could step up and that can make some plays just got signed right hasn't been with the commanders for long can he make kind of a late roster push in this late part in his career he's been bouncing around teams for his entire career last time he played snaps in the National Football League guys 2018 2018 I was still in high school I know I know that's crazy so I think it's a long shot but we'll see we'll see what he can do I'm excited to see him regardless bra Daniels offensive tackle was a guy who didn't play a snap last year right dealt with injuries and so he had a pretty good game last week although the offensive line did struggle at times but he's a guy I've got an eye on right can he Step Up can he be proven I know he's had to sit out a year because of injury but what's he G to look like Andrew Wy another guy what's he G to look like he was one of football's most underrated tackles of last season end of the year with 977 offens of snap plays that was 28th best in the NFL for tackles only gave up four penalties only had four penalties that was tied for 50th in the entire NFL and then only L up nine sacks that was tied for fourth in the entire NFL end of the season was 69.2 overall grade 67.5 pass blocking 66.1 run blocking I'm not saying he's going to be the next Tyron Smith or the next great tackle in the NFL but man he's just a guy that's very underrated and a guy at the end of the day you're like man let's go we got Andrew Wy on this team from one Wy to another Michael Wy had a really good game last week the best game of all the commanders running backs eight carries 34 yards and a touchdown broke off a 15 yard at one point and when you look at this running back depth chart right Austin Eckler that's your rb1 that's that's I mean Brian Robinson Jr excuse me that's your rb1 that's pretty much solidified Austin EK going to be in there at that running back two position even though I'm not super high on Austin Eckler I don't know about you guys or how y'all feel but that's just kind of my thoughts but Michael Wy I think he can make a strong push to be the running back three on this team I'm not very high on Chris Rodriguez and it didn't look very good last game right against the Jets last week Chris Rodriguez Jr six carries Guess how many yards Z zero zilch guess how many yards I had last week against the Jets that's right zero zilch same as Chris Rodriguez Jr and he had six more carries than I did Micha wey had a great game I'm looking forward to see if he has a great game again and the last one Ben cinate this is a guy that I think was a steal I really do coming out of Kansas State you saw him last week with a couple of big plays he this team in receiving three receptions 57 yards had a 44 yard uh long reception at one point he's a run after catch guy which is so valuable when it comes to tight end think of the best tight ends right in the history of this game you're think of the Travis Kel Kelsey you're thinking of the Shannon Sharps the gronos right all of those guys those are great run after catch guys and Ben Sate looks like he can be a pretty great run after catch guy and if memory serves me correctly there was a play that got called back that he had a pretty big gain on last week and so those are the guys I'm looking forward to I would love to know who you guys are looking forward to which commanders player are you most excited to watch okay who is it let me know down in the comment section we'll we'll talk about a little bit we'll chop it up a little bit I'll give some shout outs but let me know who you guys are most excited to watch I'm going to grab a sip of coffee real quick all right I'm back locked in TI Tai young Rodriguez trash I don't like I don't disagree I went to Tennessee so I'm a little biased like I think Chris Rodriguez sucks because he went to Kentucky like I think he sucked in college too but who am I to say um Chris Rodriguez about to be scissor Emoji Mac you might not be wrong um you really might not be wrong his time might be next um but we'll see Chris Chris yeah that's a good pull that's a good pull we'll see if Ben Sate can be the next Chris KY um Jasmine Gray she's excited for Ben sinate Eugene he's excited for little Mike S that's a good pull right there I'm excited I think that's going to be a f one to watch Little Mikey ass Mikey Sanders still uh Tai Tai young cut uh I think that's talking about um I think that's talking about Chris R Rees Jr guys keep letting me know let me know down below boring but Newton Jonathan unfortunately John Newton's not playing today um he is one of the 14 commanders players that will not be hitting the field today um and so that is is uh is unfortunate Anthony B that's a really good that's a good point not on this list Luke mcaffrey yeah I agree uh that's a good that's a good call I'm excited to watch him he kind of flashed towards the end of last game um and and so really excited to see if he can if he can come in here and um and be just if he's an ounce of what his brother is you know just an ounce I'd be excited about it uh Tai Tai young excited for Jeremy chin yeah safety um got a lot to prove um see uh I'm excited for him Johnson saying what yeah I know I know Jones is is looking forward to Owens um I guess yeah I guess so Jonathan I guess so um you guys keep letting me know who you're excited to watch let's uh let's go over this donation menu just one more time again we're doing every 10 shares I'm doing a shot of OB okay got the shot glass let me check the shares let me check them because I'm pretty sure I got a notification or I got a chat that said they shared it a lot um let's see okay we're at 10 shares already we are at 10 shares already so I'm going to go ahead and do this this shot of oey o man that's a lot I know it doesn't look like a lot but I swear it is so everybody here's to you cheers I'm going to need my I got my water Chasers right here water Chasers so um so here you go Kennedy Peterson hey guys my wife's in the chat before I take this this uh before I take this old Bas shot I need everybody to spam Kennedy I need everybody to spam Kennedy I know this is what this is what we usually do with Cassie but but spar's not here it's time to spam Kennedy she shared at 100 times so I guess I got I got 10 shots Cassie saying hi Kennedy Jonathan saying hi Kennedy you got keep sping Kennedy I'm going to take this old base shot down oh my gosh I'll tell you what guys oh man spill a little self spill a little bit on myself I've done that a decent bit recently on live streams and it's not fun it's really not it doesn't get easier everybody saying what's up to Kennedy we got van in the chat uh Phoenix boot saying Kennedy hello tat Tai young spaming Kennedy Eugene spamming Kennedy Max spamming Kennedy jasine gray hello Kennedy tat Tai young spaming Kennedy Phoenix boots saying Kennedy the goat TI Tai young spaming Kennedy that's disgusting says van I agree Max says blood pressure all effed up honestly Mac you're not wrong needed some Fireball with that jack of all trades you are you're not wrong Tai Tai young is asking where Jack at Jack had some uh yeah thank you for that thank you for that uh Jonathan Jasmine I did spill a little water on this shirt I think I was a little like really excited to uh to get that shot that uh shot of O down and so I was a little eager getting the water um but okay well that was for 10 shares you guys keep sharing the video I'll keep doing that first time super chats we're going to do a cheers when I finish this or when the game starts how about it I'll open a beer but for now Kennedy brought me this coffee again Shad out Kennedy and so I am uh I'm going to be cheersing with this but you know we're all at one big tailgate cuz we're all just hanging out together watching the commies they're not on yet we still got about 30 minutes until kickoff so anytime first time Super Chat I need to like uh this is a way for us to show him hey we're all in this together right cheers to your first Super Chat so that's what we're going to be doing $5 $5 Super Chat gets you into the raffle for this sweet Commander's hat look at that y'all see it pretty cool not your Dad's hat it's not your grandpa's hat no it's much cooler than that Washington commanders and that script font going be looking So Fresh So Clean it's like a $40 hat and so if you want it you could get it for $5 right $5 that's all you need to get a chance to win that pretty sweet hat and then $10 great deal three raffle tickets for $10 three raffle tickets for that hat and then $20 gets you in to hog Mafia Tai Tai uh we don't show the game because we can't because it's the NFL they have rights to that and the NFL is um very powerful you know but I do play byplay we all watch type in the chat hang out together um and so you might have ask hey what's hog Mafia well only $20 to get in it you're in a very prestigious group you get a hog Mafia donation sck on every Super Chat you get you get a shout out on every live show I've already shouted out all the hog mafia members uh there's eight of eight of them total uh there was four going in the last live stream we added four more so we doubled it can we double it today can we do that guys spar's entrusting me right he's saying okay Joey I'm giving you this can you leave it better than you found it can we leave it better than we found it let me know I'm not sure I hope we can I believe that we can but I'm not sure I want to hear real quickly what you guys think of store score is going to be okay I'm G to say 20 I'm GNA say 17 247 commanders that's what I'm going with that's what I'm going with okay let me know in the comment section down below what you think the score of this game's going to be but I'm going 247 commanders that's what I think David Clark born in England and from 1970 tuned into American forces Europe and the first name I heard was the Washington Redskins in the rest's history I'm 70 next month my photo is four years old looking good David that's awesome first off happy early birthday 70 fantastic you look as young as ever uh really really cool that you found the commanders all the way from across the pond that's awesome uh van Jones is thinking 23 to 20 that's a good one honestly I kind of want to steal that but I'll let you have that one Tai Tai Young's thinking 277 keep keep typing them in keep typing them in 2717 from Jonathan Taylor as well he's going to change that say 21 to 17 Jasmine gray saying 217 Tai Tai young saying 21-4 uh Davis That's crazy dude happy birthday that's what Phoenix Boots the same David when's your birthday uh I've got a birthday next month I got a birthday in two weeks actually I will be 24 on September 1st Eugene is thinking 24 to 13 Washington over Miami David Clark saying 24 to 21 Washington David what time is it over there I know I could just like look that up but I I like interacting with you guys I like I like interacting with the chat so let me know what time is it over there uh any word on if Brandon Coleman is going to play he is not going to play he is one of the 14 commanders um who are not going to be suiting out today on that list is Marcus Mariota Sam Hartman Dante F Jr Keandre Jones Bo Bower Bobby Wagner Jordan m m McGee Brandon Coleman Zack Ur Jonathan Allen donon Payne Jon Newton fa aboda and kelen frell so he's one of those hello Sam I know it is a lot of people what's going on um I don't think so uh I appreciate you no I'm great great if you could bring me a beer actually that would be great yes please thank you uh two thank you so much guys producer Sam giving me a beer shout out to him um where is the usual commentator of this channel just curious well Thomas he is currently um doing the Steelers game and so I'm filling in for him uh I'm Joey Peterson let me throw my name plate right up there again I am from Arlington Texas uh right like 40 minutes from where we are right now in Dallas I went to the University of Tennessee that's where I went to college go vs and then I went to Mississippi State to work for their athletic program a year after for a year after I graduated and then I've been working for chat sports only since May so for about what two and a half months now actually in three days will be my three months so um so that's that's me I'm filling in for Jack um but he will be back very very soon um I got some Steel Reserve says Eugene good Matt 15th September 1954 the anniversary of the Battle of Britain and it's 2333 here in England so that's 11:33 Man David you're up late man I don't know if I'm gonna be up at 11:33 uh I uh I don't know I've been I've been going all day so congrats to you though Again David that's awesome any fun plans for your birthday uh I've never been to England would love to go someday uh it looks beautiful and there I just love the history of it all it's very very cool um and so that's awesome Thomas says doing a great job Joey congrats on the working at chat sports thank you Thomas I I feel like I found a diamond in the rough here you know uh was looking for jobs and just stumbled upon chat sports and it's been awesome I love everybody I work with um everybody's so great I have a really really fun job that I get to do bad news okay you could hey mountains are blue that's how you know it's good thank you Sam okay great have hey have a good night see you buddy thank you appreciate your help today great that's same everybody uh I got some Don Julio heck yeah Tai Tai heck yeah it's not time yet I'll crack this bad boy open when they kick off but before that Jonathan's saying hey Sam Cassie saying Sammy no I'm housebound I'm waiting for a second knee replacement six months on the waiting list oh no David I'm sorry man that is that is tough I hate that well I'm glad that you're doing okay I know it's probably hard to be housebound but hey on the bright side we're all here hanging out with you we're all going to be one big family tonight and so at least you got a great bunch of commanders fans uh to hang out with if you're excited for yet again to watch Jaden Daniels play today go ahead and like the stream right now we're sitting at 50 likes 120 people are currently watching so that's not even 50% um Jasmine thank you so much I appreciate that but that's not 50% guys that number is not good enough that's not like that's not the standard here on the commander report just fine that's not the standard 51 likes 117 people watching let's see if we can get that to 75 okay if we get that to 75 in the next 60 seconds I will do another shot of old B I know I know I'm putting the stopwatch on now okay 60 seconds if we get to 75 likes I'll do another shot of O B we got 56 okay keep it going keep it going good momentum 121 people watching if we get to 75 likes I will do another shot of o b o XC DDD what's good bro go commanders I'm about to like thank you so much dxx prods like the videos or you're a fake like the video you're a fake fan that's what I'm saying Cassie that is that's what I'm saying David says that's what happens when you play soccer for 26 years in an industrial electrician for 50 years just worn down wow David where'd you play soccer at uh let me know what what what club do you play for that's really interesting uh Jasmine's ready CJ and Daniels we at 62 likes guys we got 13 seconds we got 13 seconds to get 10 likes we have 13 seconds to get 10 likes okay come on I want to take another shot old B even though it's disgusting three five oh I'm I'm gonna start off okay I'm give five seconds five four three two one okay let me refresh let's see what the final number is we need 75 did we get there and it's connecting it looks like we didn't we got the 66 which isn't bad okay that's not bad but we could do better we could do better I know you know that I know that it's okay we'll get another run it at some point we will get another run on it at some point so who do you guys got today let me know okay let me know down below I know it seems like a a silly question to ask you know on a commander stream who you got we all know who we're rocking with but there might be a couple Dolphins fans in here or there might be a couple pessimistic commanders fans so let me know Down Below in the chat who you're rocking with today type w for the commanders type Mia for the Dolphins funny story real quick I have a uh I have a little sister her name is Mia and when we were very young we were watching an NFL game on Sunday Night Football and she looked and it was the Dolphins they were playing I don't remember who they were playing uh this was like literally like 18 years ago and she saw Mia on the scoreboard and she thought it was really funny because that was her name so uh good little story for you guys David Clark I just played for local football for various I just played local football for various clubs my soccer team is Tottenham hot spur you know what David it's funny you say that I'm not a soccer guy I'm gonna be honest to you I'm more of an American football guy um but if I had to choose one soccer team it would be Tottenham I got really into FIFA a couple years ago Tottenham was always my my team because they'd say Eric Kane you know when he was when he sprinting down I'm sure I'm sure you're a big harry Kane fan uh I have a granddaughter called Mia she's nine years old awesome David that rocks but yeah Tottenham is my team if uh if I had to choose a a soccer team even though I'm not a big soccer guy Jasmine's rocket with Wasing TI Tai Young's rocking with Washington um DX DRX prods I appreciate you I appreciate you my guy says I'm the goat uh Jonathan Taylor's rocking with Washington Thomas Batson's Ro rocking with Washington Johan Dodson that's what Chris Russell is saying I guess he's excited to see him uh yeah I think he's got a lot to lot to prove in this game I really think he does Cassie V she's rocking with Washington Eugene's Ro rocking with Washington uh and so is DRX PR Cassie are you uh are you rocking I'm I'm sure you probably got Steelers on the TV Steelers stream on the TV are you rocking commanders on on the laptop is that what we're roing with right now let me know let me know we' love to would love to hear Eugene says I played basketball for my church a few years ago yeah Eugene I'm kind of more in that lane as well um I'm tall I'm not as tall as fa is but I'm tall but that's about the only thing I got going for me athletically I can I can like I can be fine but I'll never be like I'll never be a first pick in the draft but I'll never be a last pick in the draft you know and so while we're talking about that while we're talking about first picks and while we're talking about just who you love guys I hope you guys love this channel because I love being here I'm having a blast so far with you guys we've been live for what 42 minutes already having a ton of fun let's see if we can get this number a lot higher guys I've got a challenge okay here's my challenge to you if we could get that to 18K I will'll do a beer bong you heard it here first I'll do a beer bong oh we lost one already if we can get that number to 18K so that's 159 more subscribers I will do a beer wrong if you're subscribed to that CH this channel that's great that's fantastic you've done all that you can except you hav't you know people who aren't subscribed you know people who are commanders fans that aren't subscribed send this to them okay share it with your friends share it with your family share it with all of your you know commanders buddies I know for a fact you guys are all in commanders group chats I know it you know why because I'm in group chats for my favorite teams and if I summoned upon a channel as awesome as this with a host as cool as this sorry Shameless plug I'd share it I would i' shared to all my friends let's see if we can get that number to go up let's see if we can get that number to go up C Cassie says yes that's the setup I knew it uh Stevie's girl Miami Dolphins taking it all the way you think that they're uh you think that they're going all the way interesting Jonathan Taylor I'm a Bills fan Mains so rooting against Steelers love that love that I really hope the commanders win me as well DRX prods Stevie girl rock with Miami Wizards baby we're definitely hitting 18K I think so too however Cassie not off to the hardest start because we lost a subscriber oh then we just got one right back we just got one right back is anyone putting this Game on live for us who don't uh us who don't have a way to see well Mickey we can't show it because the NFL would uh sue us and so I'm just going to be here giving you a little play byplay going to be all watching together all hanging out there we go that number's going up that number's going up I love that uh I have a few accounts let me see if they're sub Mack you're the goat for that yeah if you guys have multiple YouTube accounts go ahead and sub them all no harm go ahead and sub them all my favorite uh alltime player is Shawn Taylor rip David you're a real one uh because I think that Shawn Taylor I would say if I had to pick my favorite commanders player ever it would probably be Shawn Taylor as well just they don't make him like that anymore you know there's not safeties that play the way that he used to play there's not safeties that that rock the same you know just like confident Swagger that he he used to have the way he taped up the face mask uh just the way he he played with no resolve you know um man he's he's the goat he's the goat I would love to know how many commanders fans there are out there that that's their favorite player ever I think there's going to be a lot of them uh do they have every one of these channels for each team uh Alex yes uh yes the Dolphins guys live no to the every team part there's a lot uh I think we C o like 25 teams in the NFL think we cover 25 teams but not every one of them not every one of them um and so but we got a lot we we've got a good amount of channels going chat sports has been has been crushing recently that's why I'm really excited to be part of the team we we're we're up in that sub number guys we're up in that sub number um I few counts uh he took everything out yep he did he did um K I'll s on them all says DRX prod love that people who Miss RG3 yeah I mean gosh that was such an electric year in football also I don't know if y'all saw this but he got let go from ESPN the other day and so no longer working for ESPN as RG3 um I gave two more subs Mac thank you so much my friend let's see if we can get that number to to just 17850 right now okay we're three away we're three uh wa I think it's around 25 or 26 something like that yeah I think you're right Jonathan I think you're right my favorite Ever Was Daryl green 28 I also saw a Raiders lady uh well Raiders is actually not run by a lady it is run by Mitchell RNs Raiders is our second biggest channel uh on chat sports one of our biggest in terms of Revenue um and it is run by MIT Rin let's take a look at who last week's losers ro real quick these are guys that made Jack loser lless for last week's game Emanuel Forbes number one uh we talked about this before already but if you're just now tuning in Emanuel uh is a guy in preseason you're expecting a lot out of him because he's a guy that's supposed to go up against wide receiver ones right he's a guy that's that's oh yeah you're right Cassie you are right she probably probably saw H pop up on the Raider show um he's a guy that's supposed to go against wide receiver once and he hasn't been proving that he's been able to do that he didn't prove it all last year but you can also say okay he was a rookie give him some time maybe he'll figure it out and then first game back in the preseason this year he gets scored on by a guy who might not even make the roster tough outing for him so that's why he was one of last week's losers Marcus Mariota he made this list um he just didn't have a good game right and and now he's he's hurt he's not playing this this week uh he went one for one with six yards he just like they didn't give him a lot of run it's just it's sad to see that he's kind of I think on the tail end of his career um that he is Riley Patterson I don't know if yall remember last week he missed a kick when you're kind of in a kicker battle you can't be doing that um he'll get a chance to to reup tonight Chris Rodriguez Jr we saw him already uh we've talked about him already six carries how many yards zero Z yards that's right every single person in this chat right now every single person in this chat had the same amount of yards as Chris Rodriguez Jr everybody every single person and then offensive line saw the offensive line struggle a little bit uh saw guys like Sam Hartman get pressured pretty quickly uh saw guys like Jeff Driscoll get pressured pretty quickly um and and that was just a big struggle touchdown Comm uh by the way henden hooker uh my Tennessee quarterback from a couple years ago good for him last week's winners Jane Daniels had to be number one right and not because he necessarily did anything spectacular he just we got to see him he played really well they scored a touchdown on his Drive of the game it was the one of two touchdowns in the entire game uh and so he's got to be number one he did exactly what he was supposed to do right dami Brown he made this list um he caught the long pass of the day strike from Jane Daniels to him that was like the thing that stinks is that was the most exciting play of the game and it happened in like the third play of the game and so that was kind of unfortunate J mean Davis um he had a great game you know he's a guy that is it's gonna be really interesting to see how Dan Quinn uses him he's kind of he's like Dan Quinn's like if Dan Quinn could make a player in a lab he would make a guy like Jimmy Davis and so I mean he proved that he proved that Dan Quinn's rocking uh Alam zakus he had a great game last week his final stats uh for the for the whole game um he didn't do much like in when it came to actual pass cing pass catching what he did so great was in the special team side things uh and then Ben cinate I think he should be a little higher on this list I don't think it's a one two 3 4 five like numbering I think it's just allinone but man led the team in receiving steal out of the draft out of K State uh one of them you know wheat fed corn Fred cornfed Miss Western boys um he had a fantastic game against the New York Jets so those are all kind of guys to uh to have your eye on you know be look be on the lookout for them but real quick you tell me going into this game what's your confidence level and the Commander's winning okay let me know for one to 100 100 you're like there's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that they're going to win also sorry if I keep doing this I have like small ears and they go right in the middle and I had this headset on already for like four hours today and so ears ears are hurting a little bit ears are hurting a little bit but let me know down below 0 to 100 let me know let me catch up on the chat y'all hire RG3 Joey um yeah that'd be a good one I I don't think we have the money to hire him but but I would like like that maybe he could run the commander Channel DRX prod say I subbed all my other accounts goat um why the o line cuz they didn't really play very well uh van J van Jones they um it didn't take long for guys like Jeff Driscoll to be under duress was kind of happening pretty quickly so that's going to be one of the things I keep my eye on today best two plays in one game was at Dallas when we were losing 13-0 going into the last 4 minutes who is our short quarterback who threw the hail mared touchdown I can't think of it right now David If someone knows let us know in the chat um o line is good second and third stringers due to injury yeah that's fair Jason you do see a lot of second and third stringers that's why it's just kind of hard to judge preseason I'll just say RG3 should take a biology class interesting Mac why do you say that uh Jonathan's typing the donut uh Joey Peterson you're a goat man thanks bro maybe that's a goose egg like an egg like a zero that's what he's saying I don't know oi needs fixed Tai Tai young saying Rodriguez was the water carrier he ran the way I don't know David I didn't think Rodriguez played very well um Sam leor comp for for Ben S I like that Jonathan um Eugene say 70 that's a pretty good that's a pretty good guess I would say now you will see Tua for a little bit you won't see like you won't see like Tyreek Hill or anything like that but they do have a really good running back room with like Devon a chain Raheem moer I don't know if you'll see moer and uh and the kid they just got from Tennessee Jan Williams and so it's going to be interesting it's going to be interesting I would probably sit at a at a 605 I'd probably say a 65 MVP how you are not wrong I am not Jack sper my name is Joey Peterson filling in for Sperry today happy to be here let's go commanders is it worrying that our offense has dominated our defense in workouts no I don't think it's I don't think it's uh I don't think it's worrying I think you could look at it either way you know um I don't think it's that bad of a sign I really don't I really don't um get out of here Bots we're too fast for him you guys are you guys are crushing them I love it Louisiana says Commander's going to be that surprise team this year just watch I would love that I don't know if that's going to be the case also guys bear with me I'm going to fix my you guys see this little oh wait no it's coming from here never mind I forgot that's like a that little line y'all see right there that is like a sun glare coming through the window so I can't even fix that but real quick I'm going to throw up our donation menu again cuz we've got 6 minutes till kickoff okay and I love being here I love rock with y'all however we've yet to get a donation yet to get a Super Chat and I kind of I find it hard to give back this channel to Jack Sperry at the end of the day and say hey man hey man we didn't get a single Super Chat it'd be hard for me to look him in the eyes and say that I'm going to be honest with you it's going to be hard um and so here's what we're offering today every 10 shares that's a shot of O Bay got that right here first time Super Chat we're going to Cheers everybody cuz we're all together in one big tailgate I should probably finish this $5 that gets you in the raffle for the sweet Commander's hat we got going $5 guys you can win a $50 hat for $5 you get three raffle tickets for $10 we're offering a great deal on that $20 get you into hog Mafia which is one of the most exclusive clubs and all of chat sports Joey how you doing man how I'm doing well um just hanging out ready for this game to kick off because I'm ready to watch some football I'm ready to watch some football so who's going to send in that first uh that first Super Chat of the day who's it GNA be who is it gonna be I would love to know excited to see who it's going to be I uh I can't in good graces give this chat back to or give this channel back to Jack Sperry and have zero super chats it's just not gonna that's just not going to be good I'll tell you what if someone sends in if we can make before the end of the first quarter if we could somehow stream together 50 bucks I'll do a Beer Boot okay I'm sitting out out there now you ask what's a Beer Boot Joey a Beer Boot boot is a giant glass boot that has three beers in it three beers and B and bang we got a $20 Super Chat from Lamar Bowers hey Lamar let's see if these are pulling I don't know if these are going to pull I would love if they pulled today uh but wow thank you my friend uh Jordan my brother-in-law in the chat saying Beer Boot let's go let me see if these are pulling again if you're just now tuning in I'm riding solo today riding absolutely solo and so um and so oh and another a $2 Super Chat from Jordan Clemens let's go okay guys so this is how it's going these are all three firsttime super Chatters so that means I've got to do three shots of OB B which is brutal absolutely brutal so I'm going to knock those out first first off Lamar thank you so much for your $20 Super Chat I wish these were pulling I really do I wish we could show you the love um but you know they're just they're not they're not pulling they're not pulling I wish they were I'll I'll take the time let me take the time to build them I'm going to uh I'm going to take these These Old Bas shots so far though um okay let's let's go I'm going to knock down three of these okay first one oh yeah I can't a FL it f one oh yeah oh yeah luck in the draw thank you for that $1 Super Chat my friend I owe one more o shot man oh wait guys I just did two o shots for no reason I wasn't even looking at at my old at my own uh own donation menu first time supers those are just cheers and I think it's about time for me to crack open one of these all the tailgate together cheers to everybody cheers to all those firsttime super Chatters to Lamar to Christopher and to Jordan thank you guys all for your super chats Cassie I said that on my stream with with Ravens this morning do you remember the video of GloZelle the girl who did the cinnamon challenge and then like like uh like choked and it went viral I know you know what I'm talking about that was a uh that was a a great viral YouTube video Jasmine cheers to you shout out everybody you guys just crushed it um I put out the call we're still $28 away from uh from getting me to do a Beer Boot but we got a whole quarter to get there so I think I think we got a chance Cassie says yes the biggest spoon ever okay I'm gonna build I'm gon to build that super chat for you Lamar also Lamar you are now a member of hog Mafia so shout out to you my friend um let me get this going but in the meantime while I do that again you guys are awesome I know you're bearing with me I know I'm not the fastest today but I'm trying my best let me know your Super Bowl predictions down the chat okay let me know your Super Bowl predictions let me know what they are let me know if if maybe the uh maybe the commanders are in them I'm not sure let me know let let me know your super chat or your Super Bowl predictions down in the chat below I'm going build that uh I'm going build that social uh here we go let me get all these deleted delete Lamar I'm a build yours for some reason it's not even letting me build the ones that are less than $5 so apologies to everybody else okay and let me find this Lamar we're getting you up on screen in just a little bit I promise my friend anything with that nothing with it great nothing with it alrighty we're getting you in there let's pull it up I know it took me long enough don't worry guys thank you for bearing with me I'm trying my hardest okay we're getting the game on in here okay bang $20 Super Chat from Lamar Bowers thank you so much my friend all right guys last chances last chances I got to know who you got who you got do you have the commanders if so type w if you've got the Dolphins type Mia a man that Sunspot is brutal do you guys see my hand that's brutal it's okay it'll pass at some point it'll pass at some point I think the Chiefs will be there but won't win okay interesting interesting Cassie um commanders that's what Mason says uh Lamar say let's get those super chats in there yeah guys follow suit with Lamar get these super chats in there shout out to you my friend uh Mason s commanders versus Eagles Chiefs Niners again that's that's what Jordan's saying Mason saying Hell No commanders Lions Texans interesting Eugene that's an interesting one I like that am Mason they can't both in the NFC and we got a $2 Super Chat coming in from Thomas 13815 that's a cheers to you my friend thank you for the $2 Super Chat mg is saying dolphins easy um command verus Texans My Wish though Lions Texans would be hype though I agree that would be hype Jordan that would be hype I think my pick I think it's going to be the Chiefs again I hate to say it but like momes arguably had his worst team in his entire career last year and they won the Super Bowl now I get their defense was really good but like offensively they like weren't great like like they were a fine offense and they won the Super Bowl so I gotta think with the additions of Hollywood Brown I know he's injured he'll be back in four to six weeks and the additions of Xavier worthy um I like Jared Wy at tight end I don't know I think I think they're going to be good Rashid rice I think is gonna have another good year Isaiah Pacheko obviously Travis Kelce I think Chiefs are going to be in it from the NFC Niners have so many weapons they really do ah but yeah I think it's going to be the Niners yeah I think it might be Chiefs Niners again I know that's boring and I know you're like probably sitting behind your screen being like man this guy gets like this guy talks about sports for a living and he just picked Niners uh Niners Chiefs yes I did I'm sorry but it's a little boring but that's okay let's check in real quick before this game starts because we are almost at game time on how this sub Count's doing okay we're we're slowly slowly slowly making our way up I know the Suare is not helping it but we are slowly oh there's another one there's another one 17856 17856 slowly making our way up there can we get to 18,000 can we get to 18,000 guys you know I would love this is what I would love whenever channel gets to like a whole number in subscribers like a different thousand we send in our slack channel uh like commanders uh example Commander 17K right everybody sees it everybody likes it guys it'd be pretty sweet if I could send in a a Commander's 18K tonight and they're like yo Joey just like just got the channel for three and a half hours and he's already getting them to 18K he's already getting him to TK you guys want to help me out with that there we go numbers are going up 17858 we are 42 away from 17,900 we are 142 away from 18K MG saying doson will be cut after today I don't think so mg but I do think that it could be like getting dicey for him getting a little dicey for him if he doesn't have a really good game um I know sper talked about what um what coach Quinn was talking about the other day with with doson um and how they just they don't know how they're they just kind of don't know what's going on either and so it hasn't been the strongest uh let's just say the strongest off season for him he's going to need a really good season to change some Minds um but who knows who knows maybe he can do it maybe he can do it I'm going to I'm going to show y'all that uh today we are in what we like to call a Super Chat battle and you ask Joey who are we battling well guys we're battl in the Dolphins so far we're losing it's okay there's a lot of time left there's a lot of time left but we're almost losing by 100 and I don't know if that's acceptable for this channel I don't know we had a great Super Chat uh live stream last week had an awesome one I think someone threw it a 100 I forgot who it was but that was electric but if we can beat the Dolphins that'd be pretty fantastic right now we are $94 away from beating them again we got a lot of game left we haven't even kicked off yet here in Miami um but I just want to I want to be honest with you guys I want to be fully transparent we're losing we're losing by almost 100 but still appreciate everybody that sent in a a super chat so far if you guys want to know okay what's this Super Chat stuff for also by the way six raffle tickets to our friend Lamar for his awesome super chat earlier he has six raffle tickets everybody else for all the $2 guys out there if you just super chat three3 more dollars and you enter a uh a raffle for a hat just $3 more dollars you in a raffle right now Lamar's the only one in that raffle he has six tickets he has six tickets I need to be writing this down somewhere because it's all going to go away from me at some point and I've got so much going on here I kind of need to remember this so let me write it down raffle tickets Lamar I'm going to write your name down six times there we go see guys I'm My Own producer today having fun it is kind of fun guys I'm not going to lie it's fun because it's like literally just us two and uh it's like in that Tim Robinson skit where he's on the ghost tour he's like we can say whatever the hell we want that's kind of how I feel right now we're just chilling just hanging out just us uh we're almost getting going from Hard Rock they're lighing up the kick right now looks like the commanders will be taking the ball 86° in Miami Gardens 62% humidity um Florida gets humid guys uh it really does and so that's honestly not like that bad of humidity if I'm being honest um like 62% it's humid but it's like it's doable they'll be fine um what do you all think of Hard Rock stadium I wish it was cooler than it was like I don't think it's that cool and maybe it's just cuz like the Dolphins in Miami like the U play there and they're kind of lame but um yeah but that's kind of that's kind of what I'm thinking I'm not a huge fan of Hard Rock stadium kick is lined up it's off scooped up tackle broken almost and it'll be return to the 24 yd line that is Pringle on the return and your commanders will have the ball and we're about to see our King jayen Daniels last season LSU 72.2% completion percentage 3,812 yards 40 touchdowns four interceptions also run for 1,134 yards and 10 touchdowns had a phenomenal season for the LSU Tigers obviously won the Heisman I've got for the commercial break I've got a jayen Daniel story to tell you guys it was pretty electric but here we go starting out with a pistol got r to each side got a tight end to each side looks like it's going to be a handoff to Brian Robinson Jr and he'll get stopped pretty quickly behind the line of scrimmage that's going to be maybe a gain of one jd5 good and warm weather you're not wrong Eugene you are not wrong my friend he's used to playing in that humid Louisiana weather shotgun snap Jane Daniels looking finding ooh and that's going to be a third down ladies and gentlemen that is going to be a third down it's third down it is third down what's going to happen what is going to happen what do y'all think you think commanders get it here let's see shotgun three receivers to the left one to the right JD fires he finds dami Brown and that's a first down Brown there we go commanders there we go commanders beautiful pitch and catch there by dami and by Jane Daniel looks like they've got some really good chemistry already the hurry up Jane Danel will keep and it'll fall for about two yards that is one thing I think Jane Daniels can get a lot better at and I think that's one thing he needs to get a lot better at in um like in the NFL is is limiting the amount of hits that he takes CU he was really bad about that in college like really bad like he takes some big shots and it's like dude you're the starting quarterback you can't be doing that you can't be putting your body like in those situations you know and so I hope that's something that's he's getting better at looks like he already is uh shotgun snap Brian Robinson Jr play fake Jane Daniels finds him and that's going to be a close to a first down Terry mclen on the catch be third and two it's third down ladies and gentlemen it's third down ladies and gentlemen come on type those threes type those threes looking like it's going to be shotgun three to the right one to your left Brian Robinson in the backfield to the left Jane Daniels third and two 12 minutes left in this first quarter third and three that is Jane Daniels pitches catches he finds Teran mclen who breaks the tackle and gets a first down commanders and they're hurrying it up and they're hurrying it up look at that M mclen smiling type those ones type those ones everybody type those ones that's a first down Commanders what a route what a route by Terry McClaren Scary Terry oh we missed the play we missed the play looked like it was intended for Jan doson don't know what happened that's not a good sign for Jan in that first uh first little time guys let's spam those ones let's spam those ones you second and 10 1153 left in this first quarter thank you Cassie Jane Daniels in the shotgun joh doson in motion he finds is that dami brown finds dami Brown for a four yard catch it will be third and six I will say guys the uh the Dolphins report they're like right two Studios over and it sounds like their game is like a a little bit ahead of ours and so I can hear them like I could hear that being like it's third down so I knew was going to happen so it's kind of annoying hopefully that gets drowned out all right third and six from the 31 almost 32 yard line Jaden Daniels in the backfield drops back lobs to Scary Terry and that's going to be incomplete looked like a little bit of a miscommunication there um don't know what was going on there looked like Jaden thought he was running a little deeper looked like scary Terry kind of was going toward the inside at the end I don't know just kind of a little bit of a miscommunication but that's okay not a bad Drive ended it a little bit worse than they started it obviously and here oh my and Riley Patterson misses again and Riley Patterson misses again damn everybody type damn in the chat I agree but the thing is is like I think I think you just got to I know this sounds crazy I think you just almost just got to bring in a new a new kicker and just do like start it over like position battle it you know like cuz obviously he's not working right Riley Patterson isn't working missed one last week just missed one right there he's not cutting it I don't know he's the only place kicker you got on this roster I think that's just like that's tough because you start off with a a lot of really good plays um you start off with like Jane Daniels was looking hot he was looking good he found damy Brown a couple times found t mclen a couple times but that's okay that's okay guys that is okay they're gonna have to find a kicker after Final Cuts Bobby I kind of agree good first trve from the offense hey gray I agree thank you for for pointing that out gray that was a good first drive that was a good first drive I know it sucks and I know it's like oh but we didn't end in points and we didn't but that's okay it still was a good first drive not a bad way to start off the day like not a bad way to start off you know like the game just didn't end the way that you wanted it to um and of course like Riley Patterson at this rate he's going to find himself on this losers list again I'm not going to lie I am not gonna lie something else I'm not going to lie about what you should do right now and that's subscribe and join the most interactive commanders Channel on YouTube there's not one out there that's as interactive as Commander report by chat sports hit that sub button costs you nothing but you gain so much by it daily videos weekly live streams we'll be going live for every single game this season and whether I'm in the chair producing or I'm up here on the headset hosting it we'll be live and it's going to be a blast so go ahead hit that sub button too aloa quick strike for the first down what do y'all think about Tua would love to know I was really high w a mint says my grandpa can kick better than that yeah I think so too Wana you're not wrong I think mine can as well but I was really high on Tua coming out of uh Alabama but I'm less high on him now I'm not I don't think he's bad as bad as some people think he is but I don't think he's very good quick strike to the left that's going to be a gain of five that's going to be a gain of five Mike McDaniel his third year with the Miami Dolphins last year ended in a halt for him got drummed by the Kansas City in that crazy cold weather game in KC but still a lot of Hope for for Mike MCD he's a cool coach I will say twoa hands it off I think that's Raheem moer that's going to be close to a first down but I don't think it will be that's going to be a third down that is going to be a third down and you know what that means guys you know what that means it's time to type those threes in the chat time to type those threes in the chat let's go we need a big stop GRE go said it best we need a a big stop right here Ty those threes type those threes come on everybody threes in the chat thre's in the chat threes in the chat third and one two on her Center 36 yard line about about sends a Man in Motion hands it off to Roser and he looks like he got stuffed I don't think he got it I don't think he got it dor Armstrong great play there at defensive tackle I think that's a fourth down I think that's a fourth down and if so y'all know what it's time for typ those fours everybody typ those fours everybody come on typ those fours fourth down I don't know why in preseason if like you have a punter that you're really confident about if it's fourth and one why don't you go for it like every time if you're past the 50 like it's preseason just do it fourth down oh looks like that was a full start goes to moard again he's going to get it looked like SMI had a false start right there am I the only one that that that thinks that maybe you would love to see that replay okay finishing the coffee thank you Kennedy first and 10 in the pistol to a talk ala looks like it's going to be an end round golly barreling down great tackle there though who was that in there on the tackle I missed it 740 left in this first quarter second and one Baptist Health is the sponsor on the scoreboard makes me laugh every time I see this stuff in the preseason man's in motion quick handoff and that's going to be first round first down that's something you'll see from from Mike McDaniel he's gonna send a Man in Motion just about every single time looks like that's Devon a Chan it is I was really high on him coming out of uh andm I think they got a steal looks like Jaylen Wright former Tennessee volunteer is not playing uh looks like he's on the sideline just in a jersey no pads um that's something you'll see from Mike McDaniel there's going to be a guy in motion just about every single play Tu in the pistol Raheem do his back from the 22 Man in Motion going to say it every time hands off to moer tries to set an edge great great great defense right there Chen looked like he was in on the tackle so did Walker Manel Forbes looked like he was close to the action man he is so skinny it is crazy he's so skinny second and 10 625 left in this first quarter dolphins have the ball they're in the red zone or close to the Red Zone from the 2 too man in motion oh dumps it off wow little run over right there oh look like he fumbled it Mikey Sanders still on the tackle though great tackle there got him down it's all that matters even if he did get uh trucked a little bit that's okay that's okay man dorren Armstrong got back in there in a hurry though he got back in there in a hurry kind of freaked Tua out a little bit I think if that's any quarterback other than Tua that's like a sack but I mean two has played for a good amount of time at this point so he's a little bit of a veteran third and two big third down right here big third down stop come on everybody there's 178 of us in this thing Let's Get Loud Let's get locked in made a motion run moer and that is a tackle come on fourth down do they kick or do they go for it what would you guys do type K in the chat for kick type G for go looks like Mike McDaniel spaming G because they're keeping the offense on the field five minutes left in the fourth quarter they're saying no to the points and they're trying to kick this or they're trying to go for this man this first first quarter is uh is flying by fourth and two two talk in the shotgun got a running back to his left Rim moer he throws and that's a touchdown and that is a touchdown to your Miami Dolphins damn that's okay a lot of football left to be played lot of football left to be played great pitch and catch who was there on the who was that on the cover coverage right there who was that on the coverage right there oh it's Benjamin St juice Benjamin St juice on the coverage Brian I'm with you I'm with you man type damn in the count in the in the chat tyo in the chat great throw by Tua I will say St juice just a little late on that got kind of left in the dust touchdown Dolphins but hey Ty Boo Ty boo if you're pissed two fourth Downs can't get a stop I'm not happy about that I agree grey ghost I agree um tough there the I will say the one thing is is those fourth Downs were very close it's not like it was like fourth and eight or something but you definitely want to get a stop on one of those especially one where they ran for like five yards and kind of didn't get touched so my Jane Daniels story I spent this last last year uh from July of May I lived in Starkville Mississippi I work for Mississippi State LSU came into Starkville the third week of the season and let me just say I saw our King jd5 put on an absolute show I mean guys let I got to find these stats it was inane this game that jayen Daniels had against Mississippi State the final score is 41 to 14 which is pretty crazy Jane Daniels went 30 for 34 with 361 yards and two touchdowns he also led the team in rushing 15 carries 64 yards and two touchdowns as well so he had 425 total yards with four total touchdowns absolutely unreal day and that to me is when he kind of like solidified himself as my thought of the second best quarterback in this draft um I would have put him to right behind Caleb Williams I would have I liked him more than Drake may I would put Michael pinnick above Drake May if I'm being honest I wasn't a huge Drake May fan um but yeah I mean it was insane I was I was on the sideline for that game because I I used to shoot video from Mississippi State and like I was just watching that happen and just watching him have his way it was Unreal uh why is he still playing our team I see him get cooked for years St juice is trash yeah that wasn't great coverage there um D and wide receiver clearing CB yeah Nikki V you're not wrong it doesn't look that way so far it will the Dan Quinn effect is going to come into play it it will I promise you that you're going to see you're going to see Improvement the most Improvement you're going to see is from this year to next year though I know that's hard to like believe but once he gets one more year to like fully coach these guys um and and fully get like his guys in the building and his guys in there you're going to see some big improvement with Dan Quinn I I can promise you that um yeah I can promise you that let's take a look real quick at our donation menu we got going today we talked about it before rocking with some awesome donations every 10 shares is a shot of Old Bay which I need to check that after this first time Super Chat cheers to everybody $5 is a raffle for the commander hat so far we only got one guy uh who that's Lamar Bowers he's got six entries $10 is three offer tickets $20 is into hog Mafia let's get back to the game it's a hand off Brian Robinson Jr Das to the right he's got to pick up first down he's going to pick up a first down that's how you start a drive everybody that's how you start a drive everybody everybody type those ones everybody type those ones come on come on type those ones let's get the good juice going let's get the good juice going type those ones first of 10 Jane Daniels and the shotgun oh that's going to be it off sides or is it going to be false start and that's going to be a false start and just like that seems like the momentum just got sucked out a little bit what a great start to that drive to just be followed up with that is kind of a bummer that's Andrew Wy guy we talked about had kind of an underrated season last year didn't look great there it's going to be first and 15 Jonathan Taylor saying yours is behind as heck I'm like four plays in front Jonathan I'm sorry man we're watching on the like NFL Plus app Brian Robinson Jr takes a handoff god 13 yard rush 12 yard rush for Brian Robinson J is looking really good so far we're working on the uh rock with the NFL Plus app it's not great it's really not for how good the NFL is at everything thing this is not one of the strengths and so the next break at the end of the quarter I'm going to get out of this and I'm going to go back in it and see if I can get us like fully loaded up looks like we got an injury to a Miami Dolphins player so I'm going to do that right now see if I can get us back uh locked in guys we're sitting right now at 17,8 79 subscribers that's a great number let's see if we can get that number to 1,900 let's see if we can get that number to or excuse me 17,900 if we can get that there by a halftime we can maybe do some deal cuts for uh for today's Super Chat menu maybe cut cut some things in half give you guys some good deals we'll see at this point two of our rookie quarterbacks can be the starters why not yeah King King dck that wasn't a great play by St juice it really wasn't um especially judging from the fact that it was against a guy who's like going to be fighting for a roster spot in Miami that's just like that's just like what sucks about this I don't know about fighting for a roster spot but like he's not going to be a top guy in Miami and and to you just let up a touchdown to that guy that's not a good thing okay we're looking for the game still it's still loading Jonathan I'm trying to I'm trying to get get locked in mg says St juice got got smoked he did he did he kind of got toasted I'm not going to lie you're not wrong 19 subscribers away from 17,900 subscribers okay here we go found the game let's get it back on see if it can load us up is Daniel starting Mr tigerplays Daniels uh did start the game he played a full quarter uh not excuse me not a full quarter he played a full drive he's been in on this drive but currently um there is a little bit of like a an injury timeout and I'm trying to get the game on the TV we're 16 away now 16 away chip chip chip it away I love it okay guys this TV I'm not gonna lie is not being very nice to me Joey is Mitch Rin here uh King he is however he is in the middle of his stream for the Raiders pretty sure Raiders preseason schedule oh actually no they play at 9:00 P PM so he is here he is in the office I'm in the studios on the other side of the office though so he's pretty far away but he is here okay watch live is it gonna let me watch live there we go we're back we're back everybody 302 left in this first quarter hopefully I'm a little more caught up than I was Jane Daniels second overall pick in the 2023 draft we or 2024 draft we all knew that 2023 heising winner at the 50 2 minutes 45 seconds left in this quarter Jane Jane Daniels in the shotgun Chris Rodriguez Jr to his right throws it Johan doson good catch runs for about four yards second six not bad not bad for Johan Dawson like we said he going to need a a pretty good good start to this game uh a good game to to solidify a a top spot a top spot of this wide receiver depth chart second seven Daniels in the shotgun the 46 yd line since Rodriguez to the other side snap play action pass that's going to be Ben s it and that's going to be oh no it was ba that was to Bates that's the first down commanders that was John Bates great catch there strong fingertips there we go good catch by Bates that's a first down commanders you know this offense just has so much more juice when Jaye Daniel's in in the game that's why screen pass to Chris Rodriguez or is that oh that's Austin Eckler actually that's Austin Eckler you know I don't know how y'all feel about Austin Eckler I'm like I'm so so on him I was good I just I just think he's lost a little bit of what he had if I'm being honest I think he's lost a little bit of what he's had uh what he had but that's just me but that's just me second and six Jan danels and Shotgun 27 yd line that's a quick out stiff arm get off me stiff arm baby alade zius with the stiff arm let's go we don't care about next weather 17,8 185 of you guys subscribed shout out you all thank you guys for hitting that sub Button as you guys can see hey this this uh this thing's going away Sun's setting here in Dallas third and two 40 seconds left in this first quarter it's going to be probably one more play looks like they're taking their time Austin Eckler to the right of Jaden Daniels he's in the shotgun third and two 29 seconds left 5 seconds left on the play clock four three snap is away hand off is to Eckler and that's going to be a first down commanders there is a flag there is a flag who's it going to be on H who's it on Dan Quinn's pissed was that Wy again yeah that was golly not a good start to this game for Wy guys not a good start to this game for Wy looks like they might just run this one to the end of the quarter me too bro definitely not happy with Austin we should have kept Gibson Austin better do more than 50 in every game Robinson going to give us at least 60 yeah I think Robinson's easily the better back and that's the end of the first quarter guys sorry this time isn't uh isn't exactly kept up with I'm riding solo if you guys are just now tuning in just me with y'all today that's the end of the first your Dolphins lead 7 to zero I would love I know they just said two drives I would love to see Jane Daniels I really would Jonathan Taylor saying I don't trust Patterson to kick I don't really either um that's why I'm think it's kind of big to get a a touchdown now while you got while you got uh I got J out Daniels out there in the game real quick shout out your city for me we did did this earlier we got some new people we got 208 people watching shout out your city for me let me know where you're watching this from we are in Dallas Texas high at top a 99 degree Dallas uh let's see where we're at in the fields like temperature it feels like oh 104 that's good that's good Shout Shout It Out shout out your city where are you watching from I'll give some shout outs Cassie's in in in Dallas Cassie how long have you lived in Dallas for let me know Louisiana shreport as you should be Louisiana I'm guessing are you just a big Jane Daniels fan let me know I have a feeling I have a feeling you're just a big jayen Daniels fan Brian Cooks watching from Frederick touchdown highlight watch this says King drock Buffalo New York Charlotte North Carolina that's where Mr tiger plays is watching Mr tigerplays my brother-in-law and sister-in-law or my sister my brother-in-law and niece just moved to Raleigh North Carolina Capital Heights Maryland that's for a kill something to 103 hashtags watching from Richmond Virginia Washington that's where mg's watching from Wilmington North Carolina he uh heel blue Wilmington beautiful city went there my junior year of college loved it such a cool Town love that you're right on the beach uh big big big fan right there Charlotte North Carolina we don't get the game so I'm tuned into to my boys love that Matt happy you're tuned in man love that you're here with us um Louisiana says you know it love that Louisiana I will say I'm a Tennessee volunteer Alum I was in Death Valley when Tennessee kicked LSU's ass a couple years ago and it was awesome I will say that Paris Tennessee Dana Dean Dana Dean spent a lot of time in Knoxville four years there uh love the volunteer say Cass says two years in Dallas we moved when I when Jack got the job that's awesome that's awesome Jeffrey likes watching from Jersey my my birth state my birth State Jonathan Taylor I'm an Auburn Alum oh that's pretty cool Jonathan that's awesome love the SEC Louisiana loves the SEC Mr tigerplays what are yo what are your thoughts on T mcen I love T mclen I think he might be the most underrated player in the NFL I do there's a $3 Super Chat from Thomas 13815 and you my friend have entered yourself into the raffle for the Hat let me write your name down cuz that is $5 total for you my Gody Jonathan Taylor says Mike is glitching out a little bit anybody else anybody else having troubles hearing me I'm just by myself I don't got a producer so if you're having troubles just let me know and we can see if we can get it figured out Marshall nickel great question he asked what uh what raffle I'll let you know in just just a little bit um Charlotte North I roote for UVA or VT for college sports Eugene my sister went to or is at UVA currently uh she's at UVA currently uh so Wahoo W nope says kill something that's good to know but the commanders are favorite team LSU second skins caught my eye first as kid that's awesome Mike sounds fine to me thanks Nikki V Jonathan Taylor says all right I'm okay now good that's good to know that is good to know all right Riley Patterson lining up for the kick let's get back locked into this kick is up and you'll never believe it everybody you won't believe it but the kick is good the kick is good everybody for Riley spam those threes spam those threes and while you're at it go ahead and spam those fgs guys Riley did it we've been wanting him to do it forever we want him to do it he finally got it seven to three four-point game four-point game everybody that's huge right there that is huge right there so I heard someone ask Raffa for what great that you asked let's look at this uh a Super Chat menu for today so if this is your first time watching commands report anything from chat sports we do this every live stream this is our donation menu every donation you make by super chat or by vinmo goes straight to the company none of it goes in my pocket if I had a producer there I'd say none of it goes in his pocket but I'm riding solo today none of it goes into any of our pocket goes straight to the company straight into investing to make more content for you guys every 10 shares on today's video I will be doing a shot of Old Bay and I actually need to check that I'll check that after this uh first time Super Chat we got a cheers uh looks like Thomas was the first time Super Chat we already cheers for him but I I'll cheers for him again $5 Super Chat gets you in to a hat raffle a hat raffle and what are we raffling off right let's see this hat Joey you're talking about it like it's so cool that's cuz it is it's pretty sweet guys Commander's hat isn't your dad's or your grandpa's hat no this is a sick hat this hat you want to rock this hat all the ladies want to see you in $5 gets you into a raffle to win that hat $10 a $10 Super Chat gives you three raffle tickets right now we've only got what two people in this raffle Lamar's got a ton of tickets he's got six cuz he sent it a 20 and so if you send it a 10 you get three raffle tickets you're right in the running for this thing $20 you get into the hog Mafia Club one of the most prestigious clubs in all of chat sports let me do something real quick let's go ahead and check in on our Super Chat battle because we're not just battling the Dolphins on the field we are also battling them in super chats they currently are sitting at $123 but you know what we the commanders report are sitting at 30 so we're still we're still bad down a lot we're still down a good amount less than 100 but still down a good amount $93 can we make that closer can we get closer I don't know you guys tell me you guys let me know all right we're back Riley Patterson to kick it off the Dolphins will have the ball they'll Fai the kick take it the 20 at Braxton baros He is flipped get to the 25 yard line shout out to all 1788 of you guys that are subscribed let's see if we get 12 more if we get 12 more I'll do a shadow o b if we get 12 more in you want to say by the five minute Mark in the quarter bang bang bang bang coming in from Marshall nickel we got a $20 Super Chat that says type I love that we got a $20 Super Chat Miami takes a shot deep and incomplete bang Martin on the coverage there my guy Marshall shout out to you I'm building all these supers right now I'm going to get yours built as fast as I can because we can only build supers that are $10 or more sweet picture of you by the way with that Marlin that's pretty tough my guy that is pretty tough thank you for your $20 Super Chat you have now earned six raffle tickets and also you are a member of hog Mafia so welcome that one's coming in from Marshall nickel my guy again guys I ask if you're just now tuning in to bear with me I'm riding solo tonight so I'm going to be a little bit slower a little bit slower but that's okay all right Marshall we're gonna get your super chat up there we're going to get your super chat up there $20 Super Chat coming in for Marshall nickel shout out to you my guy guys producer Sam it was kind enough to bring me this chors light he's slacking me right now telling me if you could uh you know it's not the auto chroma it's not Sam weirdly enough enough it's not the chroma it's the glare from the window Marshall thank you for your Super Chat my friend good little return to the 30 I'm going to flush that up there one more time so guys that brings us a little bit closer in the Super Chat battle little bit closer in the Super Chat battle chip chip chipping away chip chip chipping away that brings us to a total of 50 now if you remembered and I know Jonathan and Cass will I said 50 by the end of the first quarter I'll do a Beer Boot we got to 50 however it took us a little bit into the second quarter so I'm not going to do one but I'll put this out there if we get to a 100 if we get to 100 by halftime I will do a Beer Boot I'll do a Beer Boot that's three beers in one chug it all also Marshall here to you first time super chatter thank you so much my friend and uh guys I just want to I just want to give you a little bit of a reminder to like the video okay I need you to to like this video it helps us out it helps fellow commanders fans out hey Jeremy it's uh it's literally just the stre the window like it's it's not the I thought it was the chroma too but it's it's that yeah see isn't that interesting yeah it's going away yeah maybe if you don't mind guys if you love The commanders if if you love Washington if you love this team that we all love so dearly go ahead and like the video we're at 117 likes that's pretty Dam good that's not bad 153 people watching currently go ahead and like the video it help helps me it helps you and you know what it does this helps the YouTube algorithm it tells it you know people are liking this video people are liking this video it puts it into other people's YouTube suggested gets more commanders fans in here gets more subscribers in here it does everybody good so go ahead and like that video we're at 118 likes if we can get to 135 likes I'll take a drink 135 likes I'll take a drink uh actually 140 we get 19 likes in 60 seconds I'll take take a drink so let's see let me set the timer let me set the timer for a minute if we get to 18 likes in one minute I'll take a drink three two one go one minute we got it we got it Jonathan and Cassie they're saying like it up people I could not agree more y'all need to like the video super easy to do helps me out helps you out helps everybody out helps everybody out out let's see wow wow oh my gosh oh my gosh the most electric play of the game so far from Jeff Driscoll about a 30 yard rush jayen Daniels who with the legs Jeff Driscoll from the 20 all the way to the opposing 30 Jeff dris the most mobile quarterback on the commanders question mark what do you think chugs yeah also Cassie Cassie says hi hi Cassie uh chug says hi chug says hi Cassie shotgun snap that'll be a handoff to is that Chris Rodriguez that is Chris Rodriguez out of Kentucky wow that was electric from Driscoll I'm not going to lie that got me fired up I needed that I needed a big play there oh that was McNichols you're right you're right Jonathan thank you hand out to McNichols again get stuffed behind the line or at the line yeah that's yeah for sure it's just literally a little thing I think okay I will after the sun goes down it should be good hey Justin post post Malone's new album it's pretty far it's pretty far you should give it a listen third eight dris in the shotgun McNichols to his left three wide receiver bunch to the right 11 minutes left in this second quarter shotgun snap he's looking he's firing finds McNichols who gets tackled at about the 25 yd line so that'll be fourth down bringing up Riley Patterson can you do it from the looks of the chat I'm not going to lie I'm not feeling good about it I know we're a little behind on the stream and I'm not feeling good about it from the looks of the chat ah I'm not expecting this to go in 10 minutes 35 seconds left Riley Patterson it's up and it's wide right it's wide right Riley Patterson with his second miss kick of the game his third miss kick of the preseason hey chugs is there any way I don't know like we're really behind on this is there anything we can do for that or no okay I didn't think so here you go okay Riley Patterson man that is so like so frustrating that's a guy who came into this game and you were thinking okay look you need to make a couple kicks you went one for two last week and then he starts this game misses the first one makes the second one you think okay maybe he's turned a corner and then he comes back and just misses that one oh look at that look at that I'm Blended in guys there we go a little bit [Laughter] better everybody say hi to Jeremy chugs everybody say hi to Jeremy chugs Owen Harrington ask where is Jack Sperry well Owen he's got some things going on right now he's a little busy at the moment so I am your host for today Jonathan Taylor saying hi chugs so I'm your host for today I've been the producer past couple weeks produced last week's live stream I produced yesterday's live or Thursday's live show so I'm the filling host for today just rocking with all my commanders fans out there cut Patterson please this is a terrible kicker Jasmine I don't think like I I I I really think there's a chance that that happens I I really do think so like this is not just one preseason game it's it's been two and like kicker is just not one of those positions you need to mess around with let's take a look at Art door Nation menu for the day Old Bay shot every 10 shares quick let me check in on the share analytics real quick on this see if we got to 20 last time we were at 10 Let me refresh those and okay great thank you so much chugs and we got to 22 so I'm taking another shot of O B shout out to you guys for sharing this video really appreciate it this is disgusting uhoh o they're going to want it to be a fumble shot of O Bay for you guys oh second and 10 for the Miami Dolphins let me get that score back up there strike wide open found in the middle of the Zone that's going to be first down for Miami it's looking like they got Skyler Thompson at quarterback the former Kansas State quarterback delivered a dart there just lost in the zone man just lost in the zone first down Miami you see Bobby Wagner and Street Clos behind there 954 left in this first half patter in the gun empty set he's looking he's throwing looks like it was the same exact Play Just overthrew him just a tad just a little bit bang bang bang and we got a $15 Super Chat for my man Thomas 13815 and Thomas if you do the math that's good enough for four raffle entries for today's commanders hat raffle thank you so much my friend I'm going to get you in there four times three four I also got to get my man also let's see I also got to get my man Marshall nck Nickel in there was in there six times cuz he sent in a $20 Super Chat we're going to do some halftime deals for y'all we're going to do some halftime deals it's going to be electric it's going to be electric we're going to start R we're going to start rolling in these super chats Thomas shout out to you my friend thank you so much you also are now a member of hog Mafia Club so congrats to you as well Scot Thompson Pass catch beautiful catch pretty good ball there by Skyler okay I'm sick of it guys I'm sick of it we need to stop we need to stop I need you guys be typing stop I do I'm sorry I need us to be typing stop let me build this real quick come on type those stops in the chat we got eight minutes left in this half second and six type those stops type those stops thanks Brian thanks Brian for typing those stops I'm G be Stam spamming them second and six Skyler Thompson in the pistol sends a man a motion play action looks like that was a little RPO right there he predetermined the route a little bit that's going to be third down Cassie both with the stop sign emoji stop stop stop also guys I Che checked down my stopwatches was at like 9ine minutes totally forgot but we never got to 140 likes so I'll just keep sipping on this third and six 755 left in this half Skyler Thompson in the gun running back to his right he's looking he's scrambling looked like there's a little bit of holding there he's firing oh my goodness what a play who was that there who made that play was that Percy Butler I think that was Percy Butler fantastic play there that's right that's what those stops got us we're spamming stop and we gotta stop baby was that Percy Butler yes it was yes it was Derek Forest on the rush as well Rush the throw came in there like a bullet to get to Skyler Thompson so they're going a kick they're going to attempt the kick and that's good the score is 10 to three Miami Dolphins the home team they're on top 745 left in this first half like this first half's going by pretty quick it was like really quick that like first five first quarter was Blazing it's a little slowed down a little bit slowed down just a little bit what I want from you guys what I would love from you guys is to uh type me in that chat I want to give some shout outs we got have a little stoppage time have a little bit of a stoppage time if you want a shout out type me in the chat spam the chat I'm shouting out everybody that types me spam that chat I'm typing I'm shouting out everybody that types me so far we only got commanders report by Chad Sports they're the only ones typing me if you want to shout out on today's stream go go ahead type me down in the chat and I'll be giving out some shout outs Cassie great question why OB is my choice of shot you see very close to uh to that Northeast Coast they love a good shrimping crab broil and this stuff goes on everything up there and so I figured you know what DMV area let's encapsulate let's do some base shots and it's just like to me it's funnier to watch somebody try to take a shot of that than it is like alcohol because it's very gross keep spamming me Cassie votes in the chat she's spamming me Eugene is spamming me keep it going keep spamming me in the chat everybody let's keep it going let's give some shout outs here let's give some shout outs Jeffrey Lake guys keep it going we're g to try to break let me see let's try to break a uh a chat rate record so far our biggest chat rate spike is 32 that's horrendous that's horrendous we're going to try let's get in the 100s let's get in the 100s can we get the chat rate to the 100s okay that's a tall task I'm gonna need everybody I'm gonna need everybody to spam me that means you Jonathan that means you Cassie that means you Eugene that means you Jasmine keep spamming me we're going to try to get this chat right up let's see if we can break the record of 32 let's see if we can get it to 100 Alfred's in there spamming me I love that hey Kennedy's back hello Kennedy Jonathan's in there Cassie's in there Jonathan's in there Brian's in there Eugene Jonathan Cassie Brian Jonathan Jonathan Brian uh oh we got the Bots back we got the Bots back Cassie spamming me Cassie spamming me guys Kennedy just came in spam one me and left what the heck is up with that guys what the heck is up with that Odell Beckham Jr on the sideline GNA be weird seeing him in a dolphins uniform keep spamming me guys keep spamming me we got 10 seconds let's see if we can break this chat rate record there's Kennedy again she's spamming me Cassie spamming me come on Kennedy spam it says Jonathan Cassie spamming me Jonathan spamming me five 4 three two one and we're done I see Brian I see Jonathan I see Brian and I see Cassie great little return there back to the 22 yard line keep it going Brian I see you my friend I see you my friend it's 3 to 10 commanders have the ball 7 minutes 45 seconds left in this half chat rate was pretty good there you guys want to know what we got 69 nice nice 69 not a bad chat right Cassie both saying Kennedy uh Kennedy if you don't know Cassie is Jack's girlfriend Jack is the usual host for Wow and that's a first down commanders fantastic pitch and catch from Jeff Driscoll to Luke mcaffrey for the first down there we go that's how you start a drive that's how you start a drive 7:15 left in this half me finger red number one yeah Eugene I bet y'all were spamming that that was great seven minutes left the handoff to MC Nichols turns one way he'll get about a yard or two he will get about a yard or two by the way can our kicker be like the Dolphins kicker I agree Jonathan he is uh he's not doing great Eugene saying hey Kennedy Kennedy what you doing right now are you at home are you eating uh are you eating dinner is applesauce with you for everybody that doesn't know applesauce is Kennedy and mine uh it's going to be third down elimidate zakus with the catch there about third and five applesauce is the name of me and Kennedy's golden doodle yes Jonathan Kennedy is my wife we got married in March we moved here in may we have a one-year-old golden doodle named applesauce she's our best friend I'm sure they're just hanging out right now eating dinner watching uh watching the commander report like all of you fun people are we got 108 people tuned in Jeff Driscoll's going to Scamper and he's going to get the first down man looked like he took a little bit of a shot there he's going to get up he's going to be okay great little scramble on that first down for a first down from Jeff Driscoll gosh his legs are are so underrated they're so underrated he's making such a good case for himself like hey I should be the second quarterback on this roster I know Marcus Mariota is there I know it's going to be a battle but man he's making a really strong case for himself nice little pitch and catch that's Mitchell Tinsley on the reception it's going to be about second and six Kennedy says apple and I are sitting on the couch watching you and I'm wrapping your birthday presents haven't eaten yet well that's sweet birthday's in two weeks tomorrow uh sorry you haven't eaten yet I haven't really either just Obe but thank you for wrapping my birthday presents oh oh that's a that's a throw the flag throw the flag are you kidding me with an actual cheap shot on zakus that's kind of ridiculous on the foone with your parents s lagging that's okay Cassie says she loves a name applesauce Cassie it's a great name Kennedy picked it out I can't take credit for it it's a fantastic name mg s Driscoll stinks he's up and down he's up and down third and six looks like there's a cornerback Blitz coming L mcaffry is calling it out Drisco is making some audibles 4 minutes 58 seconds no one picks up the quarterback Blitz till it's too late and the passes oh oh my gosh like okay elim Zaki has kind of gotten screwed these last two plays kind of gotten screwed these last two plays like that looked like it was a flag there it looked like it was L like he's grabbing him look at his right hand it's all over zakus it was good coverage but like he's holding his jersey you can't do that I don't know man Driscoll not a bad throw Under Pressure Commander is going to punt it away commanders are going to punt it away to be down within the 10 yard line that's great I saw way too many punts today in preseason football that were like punting from the 50 that were down at like the 20 if you're punting from the 50 I'm sorry you are a NFL punter that should be inside the 10 every single time can we we get five more subscribers before halftime can we get five more subscribers before half we have 4 minutes 45 seconds left let me update this clock we need five more subscribers guys subscribing costs you nothing you get everything from it get a video every day get a live show every week you get a live watch party every weekend we'll be here live for every single game for the entire football season great Edge set right there hello Reed how are you doing buddy warm it's warm I got the fan going what' you say yeah if you don't mind that'd be great guys we're three subscribers away I'm finishing my drink when we get to 17,900 I'm finishing my drink three subscribers away two subscribers away one subscriber away can we get there can we get there let's get to 17,900 and then we got a new goal then we got a new goal it's 18 K that's 18K come on one subscriber away 4 minutes 10 seconds left in this half second and eight oh Reed was calling it there Reed's calling it it's not coming Reed pass that's dropped looks like there is a flag on the play yeah I got you thanks Reed false start on the Dolphins replay second down and we got there 17,901 of y'all cheers to everybody now 9002 and I'll go ahead and finish this Jonathan says if we get to 18K I may Dono Jonathan I'd love that Kean welcome to the party thanks for subscribing Nicki V I do think it looked like pass interference I do uh we are 99 Subs away 98 Subs away from 18K would love to hand this back to Jack SP at 18K everybody would love that that would be electric I got to finish this it's third down 3 minutes 17 seconds left that was for y'all thanks for 17900 shout out to y'all Scott Thompson seat belt man Washington had a rough drive there I'm not going to lie dropped the ball on that uh Second down play ended up not mattering because of the false start and then just kind of dropped that one right there Commander she going get the ball back I mean that's a pretty good ball from Skyler Thompson you just kind of got to catch that you just kind of got to catch that fourth and three Miami's putting Commander getting get the ball 2 minutes 50 40 seconds left in the game oh my goodness for some reason who was that on that punt return they did not call a fair Catch and just got laid out by Campbell that was a pretty fantastic hit right there I I I can't lie to you as a fan of big hits that was pretty sweet did anybody else just like me when you were a kid just look up like YouTube compilation of like the biggest hits in in like college football in the NFL and just like with all your buddies just watch people just get absolutely rocked because I did that's what I did looks like it was a flag sorry if I'm making sounds while I'm drinking things guys I have no clue I can't hear a like I I can't hear my own audio and so if I'm being loud just let me know you guys can hear me I cannot 177,000 93 of you guys have subscribed that is fantastic ooh that's going to be helmet to helmet I think yeah that's gonna be a flag good for us Thomas binoya yo what's up baby welcome in the chat Thomas go commanders go Commanders so the commanders will have the ball 2 minutes 45 seconds left in this half can they get some points if you are perfect from kicking so far you're only down one but unfortunately you're not Riley Patterson has had a really bad game you have the ball starting at the 46 yd line can you get 46 yards and 2 minutes 46 seconds to T to get a touchdown to tie up this ball game can you do it Driscoll takes snap hands it to W is that Wy that is Wy makes a cut in the ground gets a first down that's a first down commanders you know what we're bringing this back we got to type type ones for those first downs type one for that first down type one for that first down let's see it guys let's see it type one for that first down 2 minutes 25 seconds left left this will be the last play before the two two minute warning most likely 2 minutes 13 seconds left 11 seconds left in the play clock Jeff Driscoll in the pistol hands it to Wy get stuffed in the back field absolutely stuffed that's chop Robinson first round pick out of Pinn State fantastic player one of the best defensive players in this draft just gets I mean was unblocked like Wy had nowhere to go even if you're even if you're Jeff Driscoll and like it's not like he made the bad read it's not like he shouldn't have kept that we got the two-minute warning everybody we've got the two-minute warning while we're in the two-minute warning let me show what we're rocking with on this donation menu let me show you what we're rocking with on this donation menu every 10 shares from today I'll take a shout to Old B if you're wondering how you share the video very easy just click share and then text it you can text it to a family group chat a friend group chat you could text it anywhere you could post it on Twitter post it on Facebook post it on your Instagram story a share that's all it does that's it it counts first time Super Chat cheers just finished my beer I'll open this I'll open this next one up when we get a next first- time super chatter okay stay close until then we'll cheers for that $5 gets you one entry into the Hat raffle $10 gets you three entries to the Hat raffle that's the best deal going right now on this donation menu now get used to these but also we're going to do some halftime deals we will do some halftime deals so don't you worry $20 you get entered into the hog Mafia the most prestigious club and all of chat sports MG said Old Bay vodka vomit yeah it's not good I don't like it but that's what you guys make me do things I don't like if you share the video you got to share the video share it with friends share it with family you'll be puking on Old Bay you know I've already taken like three or four old Bas shots today actually more than that today but during the stream three or four and you know I'm doing fine I'm doing fine but if you guys want to know what that hat looks like that you're putting those raffle tickets in for looks like this pretty sweet it's pretty cool you could wear it to class if you're in college you could wear it to work if you have a pretty chill job and and they and they let you uh they let you wear hats you can wear it to a party you could wear it to the bar you could wear it to a restaurant you can wear it hanging out with your friends you can wear this hat anywhere cuz it's sweet it's got commanders in the script you got that new W on the side this isn't just a regular Little W on the front helmet no this is pretty sweet and for $10 you get three raffle tickets to it three raffle tick tickets for $10 $5 you get one raffle ticket so right now the names we've got three names in it so it's going to be between three people so far and they've each got about six entries Thomas has five Marshall and Lamar each have six so mg if you think it's a nice hat if you think it's cool go ahead send in a $10 super chat if you want a chance to win it it's $10 super chat if you want a chance to win it subs haven't moved in a little while still at 9004 17,94wh Jameson Crowder it's going to be third down Mike McDaniel looking on got to take care of chop Robinson blew up last play or the play before last got to take care of him minute 34 left in this half Driscoll in the gun Wy to his right oh looks like it might have been an offsides they got a blitz coming Driscoll picks it up Jameson Crowder with the catch with the yards after catch and that's going to be a first down commanders great little pitch and catch there from Jeff Driscoll great little pitch and catch there from Jeff Driscoll minute left my mom's saying let's go everybody type K in the chat my mom's here everybody spam K in the chat my mom's here my mom's here show my mom some love everybody she's saying let's go first down 50 seconds left first and 10 great yeah thank you thank you so much Reed see you buddy 40 seconds left great and that's going to be a sack that's going to be a sack I see a timeout being burned in the F there it is 35 seconds left second down it's okay it's okay Jonathan says Joey there's a bills player going stretcher oh no that's it's not good Jonathan who is it let us know guys I know we just got a sack but we got to show my mom some love you know she's in the chat best mom of the year summer say so I need everybody to spam K in the chat oh it's scantlin oh gotcha oh that's not good Eugene saying K Jonathan saying hey K Cassie V saying Mama K mvs that's not good that's not good we 17,000 97 that's pretty good guys we got some ways to go but that's pretty good I think we're almost halfway from where we started I'm a Bills fan so can't deal with any more injuries yeah injuries aren't ever good wow Jeff Drisco got blown up on that play but he got it out in time Jameson Crowder Crowder having a pretty good drive that's his third catch so far we got 28 seconds left and that'll be third down let me update this time real quick ladies and gentlemen let me update this time real quick oh and I just realized this the ball possession was off my bad guys okay 28 seconds left commanders have the ball down a touchdown third and 11 Riley Patterson would have to go out on the field to attempt yet another kick Jeff Driscoll and a quarterback one time out left for Washington third and 11 got Wy to his right three receivers to the right one receiver to the left four for eight so far on third Downs not bad 50 50% there's the snap he's looking he's looking he's throwing oh pass interference pass interference oh my gosh what a great route by Tinsley I guess that wasn't pass interference just a little mistimed on the jump jumped a little later than he should have went off of his hands so that means trotting out Riley Patterson out there for the kick for his fourth kick of the game can he get back to 50% 38 yard attempt kick is up and it is good Riley Patterson has made a kick ladies and Gentlemen let's get those field goals in the chat let's get those field goals in the chat everybody let's get those field goals in the chat for Riley he's coming back he's coming back funny style says the uh ball thrown a tad too far yeah I agree funny a little bit too far not a bad ball from Driscoll though pretty good play from uh from that Miami Corner mom saying yes field goal heck yeah Mom Mom is a notorious Commander fan she's loved the commander since she was a uh since she was a little girl biggest commanders fan I know actually she's really excited about Jaden Daniels she actually thought Jaden Daniels was better than Caleb Williams so looks like Commander's got a steal there 19 seconds left commanders will be kicking it off to Miami Miami has three timeouts I doubt they'll try to do anything for the half Runs Out Riley Patterson to kick I still like I don't know about y'all I don't think I'm used to these um these new kickoff rules yet I think it'll be a while till I'm used to them like maybe honestly to like next year it's just weird braxon Barry's on the return got it to about the 27 15 seconds left three timeouts for Miami I assume they're just going to run the clock out on this one it's funny whenever I take my headphones off to like to give my ears a rest I always it sounds like I'm talking like really loud and so I'm just like I'm by myself in here and I just bet I'm screaming and I don't even know it and I have no clue 15 seconds left looks like skylet Thompson's in the shotgun they do three timeouts maybe if they get a big play here they can try to get a field goal Scot Thompson dropping back he's scrambling pitches it to the right and that's going to be a loss one and 7even seconds burn on that I'm sure that'll uh that'll be the end John Peterson says really hard for me to say but go commanders that's my dad everybody everybody my mom and dad are in the chat we're almost at halftime can we show them a little love can we get some John's in the chat I know Cassie and Jonathan are going to do this who else is going to join them they're the ogs let's get some Johns in the chat everybody let's get some Johns in the chat skylet Thompson drop him back checks it down and that's going to take us to the half ladies and gentlemen it is halftime the Miami Dolphins lead your Washington o excuse me there lead your Washington commanders 10 to six up and down game for the commanders offense hasn't looked bad you've been in field goal range multiple times Riley Patterson's 50% this game easily could be 12 to 10 commanders but it's not but that's okay because you still got a whole half left Jeff Driscoll look pretty good of course he hasn't looked perfect no backup quarterbacks do but he's looked pretty good defense hasn't looked bad St juice got burned on one uh route to The End Zone on the first drive other than that defense has looked pretty solid it's gotten stops when they've needed to everybody keeps spamming John I see Jonathan Kennedy saying let's go John K saying John Kenedy saying let's go John virtual Fireball what's up man welcome into the chat Cassie V saying John Jonathan's asking it's a family reunion yes it is Jonathan are we crashing a family reunion Jasmine saying let's celebrate for John I agree let's celebrate keep spamming keep spamming everybody Jonathan you are not crashing the family reunion just shows how awesome my family is because they're all rocking with us on Commander report right now and again it is halftime your commanders are down four easily could be up too so far let me know who you guys think the winners are so far I think Jane Daniels looked really well um I think that McNichols has had a pretty good game I think Wy might be one of the biggest losers up today so far I think that Wy and Riley both aren't looking great um Jonathan saying we got John K Kennedy and Joey Peterson I know Jonathan it's a Peterson party it's a Peterson Party he kills something 213 says I'm John as well well shout out you my friend shout out you while we're in halftime let's take a look at our donation menu for the day and we called a donation menu you you might ask why it's a weird name for it not really it's just a donation to uh to the channel every dollar in Super Chat we get does not go in my pocket does not go in anybody's pocket it goes straight back into this company and goes to make making better content for you the viewer The Watcher The Listener the fan so every 10 shares share this to your buddies I'll do a shout out OB B I've done quite a bit today but I don't mind keeping going first time super chat we'll get a cheers $5 ENT you into a raffle to win a hat uh I'm good thanks Reed thanks buddy $10 gives you three raffle tickets and $20 gets you into that uh Mafia now guys I'm going to be I'm be nice okay I'm going to I'm going to bend the rules a little bit I'm going to say for halftime only okay for half time only that we're going to offer some deals so for the next like 10 minutes okay so if you spend $5 you get three hat raffle tickets okay $5 Three hat raffle tickets $10 get you five okay you want to know what you're looking at it's one of the coolest things we've raffled off so far no it's not just a lame hat with a W on it pretty sick Commander script W on the side Washington on the top and that cool red color I know it's I know it's sweet I picked it out I know it's sweet so again I'm offering some deals for you guys because I want to get some super chats rolling in I want you guys to get these sweet this that sweet hat so $5 you get three hat raffle tickets $10 you get five hat raffle tickets $20 you get into hog Mafia we've had some awesome donations so far let me check in with our Dolphins uh to see where they're sitting at at halftime because we're sitting at a pretty good number right now um so let me check check in with them and and we will uh and we can get you guys updated on that how that Super Chat battle is going uh because I'm really happy with how we're doing so far uh we are doing pretty pretty great uh let me know who's your favorite commanders player let me know I think um it's hard to say I I I I would love obviously I want to say Jane Daniels but I love tan mclen I really do like I said earlier I think he's maybe the most underrated player in the NFL um if you like look at if you look at his stat profile he's been dominant since the second he stepped into the league right he's had four straight seasons over a thousand yards he's only had one season under a thousand yards and that was 919 yards and the thing is the thing is is like he's doing it I'm not going to lie he hasn't been doing it with great quarterbacks like imagine what he can be with jayen Daniels in a year or two he can be something really special I'm uh I'm going with ch mclen I'm gonna go get food hold it down Cassie 104 yep QB usually get the shine I agree cool beans I agree who's y'all's favorite player let me know let me know uh down below while you're at it what team do you guys hate the most who do you hate the most is it an NFC East team is it Dallas is it Philly is it the Giants I think the team I hit going well man thanks Ry I think the team I hate the most is is is the Eagles I Can't Stand the Eagles like I can't stand them bride Robinson that's who Jeffrey lak's favorite player is I have hated the Eagles since I was a child I used to call them the stinking Eagles um because I was young and I I just I hated them Cassie both says the Browns Cassie big Browns hater Cassie you hate the Browns more than you hate the Ravens interesting interesting interesting Cassie hates the Browns what team do you guys not like let me know okay we got an update from the Dolphins we got an update on where they're sitting at Super Chat Wise Guys I'm not going to lie if I them I kind of start getting a little scared okay because we're kind of making a push hate the cowgirl says ulyses Gomez hate the cowgirls you and everybody else my friend you and everybody else K Casey says or Ravens had a Ravens fan farting next to me on the plane that sucks Cassie that that's like the worst when you're on a and you get and you sit next to to like just you just get a rough seating that's just that's the worst well guys we're halfway we're halfway back okay we're only 65 out if you remember there's a point we were $97 down from the Dolphins report and we're inching our way back inch by inch piece by piece and if there's a time to take advantage and try to get back it's now it's now $5 three raffle tickets $10 five raffle tickets we're uh we're giving you guys the best deals we're trying we're trying Jeffrey Lakes says Dallas that's his least favorite team Jonathan's back by the way dolphins and jets those are his least favorite teams I'm not a big Robinson guy not enough touchdowns for me says funny style yeah touchdowns a hard stat with running backs cuz like so often you do a lot of the grunt work and then like if you're a really like if you're a number one running back also sorry if I look goofy I'm just giving my ears a rest everybody but if you're like a number one running back you can do so much to like get him down the field and then they're just going to put a bigger back in or a guy who's fresh kind of at the one or two yard line get get the touchdown like if you remember like a couple years ago Zeke had like 11 touchdowns for the Cowboys and he was awful but he had 11 touchdowns like that's just kind of like a weird stat um that's a weird stat Jeffrey Lake says suck Dallas but sucks I'm in Eagles territory Jeffrey are you in New Jersey is that where I remember you being I'm pretty sure you're in New Jersey um yeah I I don't like the eagles their fans are mean they're just everything about them like just disgusting my dad one time went to an Eagles game and um and they were not very nice to they weren't but they're not very nice to anybody are they 17,99 of y'all are subscribed we are 91 Subs away 91 Subs away from getting to 18K can we do it can we do it oo 18 18K Subs what should I do let me know in the chat what should I do if we get to 18K Subs would love to know would love to know that'd be a pretty sweet pretty sweet thing if we got to 18K would love to give this back to Jack would love to type a little 18K commanders in the works slack show off a little bit 100 jumping jacks says says Jonathan Taylor okay 18K I'll do 100 jumping jacks I'll do 100 jumping jacks that's not bad that's not bad Beer Boot says Cassie I'm listening I'm listening I'll let the people decide Hunter jumping jacks or something like that y'all keep letting me know y'all keep letting me know who are y'all's biggest winners from that first half who are they Beer Boot than 100 jumping jacks would be diabolical says Jonathan yeah that would be brutal that would be brutal yeah I would uh I would not enjoy that who are y'all's biggest winners I think my big winner of that first [Music] half hard to pick one biggest winner who's y'all's biggest winner Daniels that's a good one I mean Daniels is just he's a solid pick Jonathan yeah Jonathan's a big winner game day steamed Maryland Blue Crabs with Old Bay Heen I'm rocking some right here mg I'm rocking some right here rocking some of that Old Bay let's take another look at that Super Chat menu halim's almost over so the deal is almost done but for right now $5 get you three hat raffle tickets $10 gets you five and I'm even going to offer okay I know this is crazy we get a 50 that's 50 raffle entries for the hat if we get a 50 that's 50 raffle entries for the the Hat that's big that's huge if someone throws in a 50 that's 50 raffle tickets handful of bean boozled jelly beans yeah Cassie were you on the Steelers stream a little while back when I did that I think I did that two streams in a row I think I did that two streams it was brutal Giant Food parking lot August 24th Hooper's Crab truck one dozen for $50 that's a pretty good deal mg that's a pretty good good deal Jaden Daniels says ja Terry mclen yeah T-Mac might be one of mine that is bad Cassie I tried that once let's just say I ended up sitting by a trash can for a while only a few people are in the raffle so everyone has a really good chance you're right Cassie you are right there's only three people in the raffle two of them have six tickets one of them has five and so if you throw in a 50 right now and you get 50 tickets I don't want to say it's all but guarantee because everybody's got a chance but you got a really good chance you throw a 50 you got a really really good chance Cas say I think that was one of your first days you did the beans yeah I think so too it's definitely in my like first month it was definitely my first month first couple streams it was bad but uh but it was fun you know it was fun alrighty we're back everybody the commanders will be kicking it away to the Miami Dolphins and let's get underway with this second half sure we'll see a lot of uh second third string guys from both teams which can be fun Jasmine gray saying Dallas her least favorite team Riley Patterson see if he can get a good k kick here oh man he's struggled kicks underway fielded around the seven good tackle there got a flag think that's going to be a holding think that's going to be a holding MG saying Dallas first Raiders at 10m hey Cassie do me a favor tell Kiran and platinum if they're in Steelers to hop in here and just come say hey for a little bit let them know I want to see them let them know I want to say hey looks like the refs are uh going have a meeting on this one seems like every call they've had to have a meeting over I don't get why hold buing on Miami guys I'm not going to lie I've been standing for so long and my legs are killing me I know you can't tell but I'm a tall guy I got long legs I'm not as tall as Jack he's like 66 but my legs are killing but it's okay I'm here here for the squad here for the family Johnson says my TV is ahead of his oh sorry Jonathan 1455 left in the third Skyler back in a quarterback he hands the ball off fantastic tackle there fantastic tackle there who was that on the tackle that was Tyler Owens came in like a bullet we're gonna have another flag you guys should have stools yeah you know if I like next time I do two streams in one day I'm going to I'm going to stool the second one that's what I'm going to do last uh stream last week Commander stream um Jack was on a stool the whole time looks like that's going to be holding on the defense standing for three hours yeah well I stood for four hours and 15 minutes earlier we've been live at for 2 hours 45 minutes so that's about six hours of standing my math serves me correct nope seven hours of standing first and 10 Miami after the holding penalty Skyler Thompson in the gun sends a Man in Motion little end round trick play oh my gosh oh can't bring him oh no golly Jeremy Reeves made the great play to fight through the block but just didn't quite wrap him up who was that for the Dolphins Eric ukama great play there by him see the little end round look at that play from Jeremy Reeves Great play just didn't get him to the ground Tyler Owens try to go in there make the tackle second and four Man in Motion going to hand the ball off he's going to get stuffed that's going to bring up third down and two that's going to bring up third down and two everybody so you know what I want yall to do same thing we do every third down spam those threes spam those threes Jonathan saying you actually pronounced that correct thank you so much Jonathan spam those threes everybody it's a third down third down and one spam those threes this is huge let's get the ball back touchdown you go up with the lead third and one I say you bring five here knowing Dan Quinn I think you will it's a run up the gut makes a man miss I don't think Reeves is going to catch him he does oh thank God Reeves catches him Reeves catches him Chris Brooks with the run there for the Dolphins great tackle there by Reeves man Reeves has really had a good possession had a good defensive possession start this half man not 39 Reeves oh I mean Tyler Owens excuse me Reeves missed the tackle Tyler Owens caught him uh caught him down he's had a great he's had a great possession yeah Reeves missed the tackle thanks Jonathan two is fired up damn okay that number's Rising 17,9 17,9 111 89 away we're less than 90 okay we got 121 people in the chat dad Thanks for typing three Unfortunately they break open that run and uh that's going to be a first down uh we got 121 people in this chat we got 149 likes that is a great number let's see if we can get that up to 160 let's see if we can get that up to 160 you guys think you can get that up to 160 if you love Washington if you love The commanders like the video hit that Thumbs Up Button let's see if we can get that to 160 we're at 149 we're at 150 now keep it going keep it going everybody I get it's preseason but like come on man the only thing that looks good is JD and he's a rookie King I agree with you um like he has looked really good but I think the wide receivers look good like John Dawson didn't look bad tonight dami Brown made some plays Luke mcaffry made a great play at the middle Terry McClaren looks like Terry mclen and so I don't think it's just JD that looks bad uh or that looks good I think the offensive line definitely needs a little bit of work um but you know there's been some bright spots in this game um sharp says doing a great job man thanks sharp I appreciate you my brother I appreciate you shout out Jonathan for killing those Bots keep liking the video guys keep liking the video we're 153 likes right now we are seven away Forbes looked terrible last season yeah cool beans he didn't look great the good thing I will say about Forbes tonight I know we haven't called his name a lot but when you're a quarterback that's kind of a good thing right like that's that's not a bad thing to not have your name called uh it's kind of the same thing like an offensive lineman right if you go the whole game without getting your name called like that's a good thing and so that's good for forms haven't talked about him yet means he's doing pretty well 153 likes come on seven more likes seven more likes do you think there's a chance that DB maybe gets bumped to wide receiver 2 and godson doson gets bumped to wide receiver 3 maybe Dawson is better in the slot and DB can be out yeah I think there's a good chance Sharp I really do I I I would not be surprised at all if going into the season dami Brown is your second wide receiver and John dodson's your third there's been some rumors like on Twitter and things now I don't want to give too much like into them because they are just like rumors and Rumblings another man down this one for the uh for the Dolphins but there have been some rumors that Johan Dawson might get cut um and so I don't I don't feed into that too much um but but you know like I do think dami Brown is is going to uh I do think dami Brown is gonna is going to be the wide receiver too on this team I do think so bro our D is still terrible our cornerbacks can't cover for crap dline can't do anything I'll give you offens is all right but definitely looking like last year all over again you know King it like I know that I know that you want that that we is like we want everything to be automatically better we want this team to win 10 games this year I don't think that's in the cards for this year but I think that's okay I think you got the guy in the building that you needed in Jane Daniels I think Dan Quinn's GNA be good I think the staff that he brought over is going to be good I think you got rid of river you got rid of the owners you know like there's a lot trending in the right direction I think it's ridiculous to kind of assume you know you're going to go from a four- win team being a four wi team to like a 10- win team um and so I don't think that's going to be the case I think eight wins this year is going to be a massive Improvement and I think you just keep building to the next two or three years I don't think the plan is for next year to have a fantastic like 10 12 win season I don't think that's the plan uh I think the next this this next year this 2024 season the plan should be improve get better you know and then and then set yourself up for for a better future in the next two or three years after that but you got who you need in the building and that's Jane Daniels and that's Jane Daniels I get it's not going to be better rle rip I expect it to look better than last year it's not looking that way yeah I get the frustration I do but also this is pre season you're seeing second and third strings right now it's the second half like this is just like it's just different it's just different man this is uh the second half is taken very slow we got 12 minutes 38 seconds left you guys are still subbing you guys are still rocking we're still all rocking together second 12 12 minutes 30 seconds Skyler Thompson still on the back field sends a motion to the right or to the left empty set looks back to pass fantastic coverage no way that's a penalty Dominique Hampton on the coverage there's no way that's a flag like is that a joke golly King Mayhem saying what we had for first Rings look like crap on D what are you talking about well like excuse me that's how you know we're live everybody that's how you know we're live um I don't think they look that bad like they let up one touchdown but they played the entire first quarter Miami's got a really good offense you're going against one of the best offenses from last year so it's kind of hard to judge that you know 85 from 18K sub for kami's dub says cath Cassie pistol formation toss to the left beautiful Pursuit great gang tackling there Anthony Pitman had him in the backfield couldn't come down with it but John Baptist ended up with the tackle at the line of scrimmage I'm not saying the cornerbacks look good I'm not saying that I'm just saying the whole defense didn't look terrible quarterback is definitely going to be like a weakness on this team for the entire season I think um and something that I mean I I still think can be addressed like still got zaven Howard still got Stefon Gilmore quick screen and that's blown up and that is blown up ladies and gentlemen we've got a third down who is in on that tackle who is in on that tackle AJ Woods fantastic tackle we've got third down you know what that means type those threes get those threes in the chat Jan B says genuine question um sharp saying I hope maybe we can bring in a vet DB yes exactly I agree with you I agree with you sharp Gilmore played last year with Dan Quinn in Dallas had a fantastic year last year with Dan Quinn in Dallas oh was iGo it was Noah I'm GNA just say Noah uh third and goal 4 seconds left on the on the play clock from the nine yd line scy Thompson drops back he's looking he's scrambling he's looking he's scrambling he's under the durest and he is sacked he is sacked who's in there who's in there for the sack fantastic is that Anthony Pitman no it's John Baptist John Baptist great contain and ended up getting the sack okay field goal attempt it's going to be 33 y let's see if he gets it and it goes through the uprights so your Dolphins extend it back to seven points with 10 minutes left in this third quarter third quarter has been molasses so far still down a touchdown still down a touchdown please explain what part of D looked good look I'm not saying it looked good King I'm just saying it wasn't like it's hard to judge like on one drive with the first strings in a preseason game like I I'm just saying I'm not like pulling out the White Flag right now you know like there's still time to for this season you got a month left you had a lot of starters not playing on defense Bobby Wagner wasn't started uh wasn't playing on defense Jonathan Allen wasn't playing on defense joh Newton's not playing on defense you got a lot of guys not playing and that's just that you know you're not even close to what your full team is even with the first stringers out there and so I'm not saying it looked good but I'm just saying like it's not time to hit the panic button yet just because you're giving up a touchdown to the first stringers on Miami's team that's what I'm saying that was a good pass rush says mg I agree J B says lol love old ladies King Mayhem says bro it's been 20 plus years what are you people going to stop making excuses man come on I'm with you man I'm with you I am with you it's a C+ game says mg yeah C+ might be generous you know C+ might be generous we're 83 Subs away we are 83 Subs away from 18K can we get there can we do it I don't know it's up to you guys it is up to you guys you need to subscribe and join the most interactive commanders commanders Channel on YouTube there's no other commanders channel on the entirety of YouTube that has as much back and forth as we do here on the commanders report I'm talking to you guys in the live chat as we speak because this is how we do things here on the commander report for daily videos to be live every single game for the best content you could ask for hit that subscribe button we are 82 Subs away we're at 17,99 Cassie V says Gatorade dump at 18K that's not bad I feel like Cassie though I feel like that's more of like a a 20K thing you know like I feel like you saved that for 20 25k CU that's a big celebration 17,99 it's a great it's a great uh it's a great idea though I do Mr tiger plays do you remember me from earlier yes I do welcome back Jan that's that's not nice Cassie does not stink Cassie does not stink the kick is away he going to be fielded and he's going to be brought down about the 23 yd line in the Commanders will'll take the ball about 10 minutes left in this third quarter slowest quarter of the game so far by far I love what you guys do on here on this channel but it's time to stop making excuses for this team from all of us and look at what Texans did yeah yeah um they had a good year they did they found they they caught lining in a bottle think that that could happen this year but it's just uh it's hard Jeff Driscoll and a quarterback quick toss and that's going to bring second and eight quick little screen play there N9 minutes 41 seconds left in this third quarter no need to time out it's already hidden when I'm in s third this game is really bogging down yeah I agree I agree with you mg Cassie says LOL my computer's a little slow yeah sorry Cassie Jeff Driscoll he's scrambling he's gonna get four or five yards there we go Jeff it's okay LOL the third quarter has been long bro yeah it's it's been pretty long you're not wrong you're are not wrong Dave butts says P Turner F's own s MH yeah that wasn't a uh that was not a great return little Sho string tackle that's what we call those Cassie if uh platinum and Kiran are on uh they're on Steelers right now tell them to come over hop over to com commanders tell them to say hi to their favorite producer tell them to say hi to their favorite producer not Coupe me third and five big third down down a touchdown from the 27 Jeff dri Jeff Driscoll delivers a strike across the middle to Luke McCaffrey for a first down commanders looks like they're hurrying it up looks like they're hurrying it up we need a touchdown enough field goals SMH I agree Dave I agree I would love to see a touchdown just to see a touchdown you know what I'm saying I'd love to see a touchdown just see a touchdown quick little screen pass this is looking like the uh Josh hypo offense a Bryson Germain Jeff Driscoll has been bad I gr like a b so far I texted Jack just about it but we haven't seen P oh just Kiran oh interesting interesting 750 left in the third second and five Drisco in the shotgun great little check down to our guy Ben cinate and that's going to be a first down for the Commanders Ben s it first time we called his name today first time he's called his name today he's getting his he's getting in the game do you guys think commanders are going to trade Jan Japan no I don't think they're gonna trade Japan I don't know if they'll trade Jan I just don't know how much trade value he has uh which they kind of in a tough situation about Chris Rodriguez two or three yard carry I don't I don't think it's a good sign for Chris Rodriguez if he's just now getting in this game uh just now getting carries in this game McNichols is getting more carries than Chris Rodriguez is that kind of says a lot to me guys I wanna play action Jeff Driscoll looking deep he's gonna fire in a double coverage man tried to make a play on it there ended up being an incompletion but you got to commend Mitchell Tinsley on that effort tried to like Odell that tried to Odell that guys I really want to open this it's call my name but I need a first time super chatter I need any Super Chat when we get a Super Chat I'll open this Super Chat of any amount I will open that third and seven Jeff Drisco looking to scramble and he's going to get sacked nowhere to go and that's going to bring up fourth down jailbreak is Right mg yeah Dave doson did have the whole season he didn't I just like that's my point is I just don't know how much trade value you'll get from him I don't know if it's worth it I think it's just like okay maybe run it back one more season and and like see if he blossoms cuz he'll be that wide receiver three maybe he just wasn't a guy who could be a wide receiver one or two uh I just don't think he's going to have I don't think he'll have a lot of trade value that's the thing pun is away fielded at about the 12 makes the man miss there's a flag on the play that's probably going to go against the Dolphins that'll go back that'll go back that'll go back thank you guys so much for hanging there with me today I know it's been a little slow I'm all by myself I know it's been a little slow but I'm trying I'm trying my hardest I have been I've been trying my hardest you're doing awesome says Mom thanks Mom needed that appreciate it Joey thank you for doing this jonan anytime man Sharps I'm rooting for Dawson even though I want to draft a la because Terry was his mentor at outut State and I'm a buckeye fan LOL yeah Chris would have been a great draft pick uh he's been doing really well in New Orleans I think he's going to have a really great season I don't remember that draft how close if you if you can remind me sharp how close were the commanders to like did they have a chance to get a la I don't necessarily remember mg is saying boring game horrible game mg you're not wrong I'm not going to lie to you it's uh it hasn't been the most fun to watch but hey I'm having fun with you guys that's what I know I'm having fun with you guys okay let's get a little let's get a little more fun going okay get a little more fun going some more interesting questions I want to know let me get this up there I want to know okay hope if I would save it two to three picks apart okay Dotson went before lava yeah that's tough looking back on it Sharp that's tough looking back on it MG saying draft a receiver next year yeah the only thing is that stinks about that is um is you know like this was such a great receiver class this last year it was a really good one I want to know what's the best burger in Washington or where you're watching from okay best burger in Washington or where you're watching from I love a good burger um and I want to know where y'all favorite spots are I want to know where y'all's favorite spots are MG saying Daniel Daniels is going to need a big tall receiver yeah they're all pretty small uh it's it's interesting it's it's like all kind of the same prototype of receiver which is which is interesting let me know what your favorite burger is uh best burger where you're from or best burger in Washington I don't know where the best burger where I'm from is like in Arlington or where I'm at right now in Dallas I will say my favorite burger is at a little place in fville Arkansas called hugos uh my dad is a Arkansas Alum so we go there quite a bit the pass complete for nine yards across the middle we go there quite a bit awesome little place great burger um if you ever in fville it's a it's it's a good place to check out Mike White in at quarterback for the Dolphins let me know chaps and Arlington Texas dad I almost said that that was the first thing that came to my mind um big bonds lap can't go wrong with a big bonds Burger they're best burgers in the world big bonds I never I've never uh never heard of that second three for the Dolphins five and a half minutes left in this game it's going to be a handoff looks like a holding call they're not going to call heck of a shot there from Reeves I don't know if that flags for the holding or if that might be helmet the helmet but he came in there and lit him up Skyrocket and deep Elum area in Dallas is pretty good good to know Cassie good to know you know I have I haven't been back in D I haven't been in Dallas for for for very long just two and a half months so it's always good or three months it's always good to know these things I actually moved three months ago today uh Burger King is always decent see mg I'm not a big Burger King guy I'm really not I wouldn't even say and I don't mean to burst your bubble here I wouldn't even say Burger King's like a top five fast food Burger I'm sorry I don't mean to be hating on you holding on Miami there we go about time a call with the Commanders way there we go um yeah I'm not a big Burger King fan I think that wood Burger has better fast food Burgers I think that Wendy's might have a better fast food Burger I think McDonald's has a better fast food Burger I do like McDonald's though I'm a big McDonald's guy fried egg burger with bacon there's a place in Tyson's Corner that makes it and then Clinton says uh or MG said nobody wants that but I don't know fried egg on a burger is delicious I just had that for lunch the other day actually it's uh from a place called Twisted Root called The Freshman 15 fried eggs and fries on it um it was delicious mom saying Habit Burger Greenfield South Carolina love that Mom been there for two or three weeks already got a good burger joint second and 10 motion to the right play action that's complete gain of nine it'll be third down that brings up third down or Culver is good Culver's is good Cassie have you ever had did you ever have the co uh the kurd burger that they had at Culver's where it was like a fried cheese curd that was almost in the shape of a Patty and they just put it on the Patty like in with the bun that looked delicious I never got to try it I really wanted to um third and one Mike White an quarterback motion out to the right shotgun there's a snap quick screen that's good enough for first down bad Miss tackle there I don't see you missed that tackle that was a bad Miss tackle flag that might be a late hit too might be a late hit too ah man bad turn to worse there bad turn to worse there if you noticed like I said in the very beginning holding on the offense back it up baby that's going to be let's go that make an automatic fourth down does that make it an automatic four down yeah that's holding you can't do that you can't do that you can't do that you can't do that third and 11 big stop here Washington down a touchdown just past the 50 yard line to the 48 that's where the Dolphins are third and two excuse me not 12 score buug is wrong wow Wright just releases a DOT and that's going to be a first down Dolphins first down Dolphins Eric isuka he was on the reception um they need to bring back fud Ruckers there's always yo faithful Five Guys fud Ruckers was great great fried pickles at fud Ruckers um Five Guys is great as well it's just so expensive like it's just randomly expensive you you know what I'm saying it's just like no need to be that much money um Five Guys is decent says mg qu say yum big buns is so good like seven bucks hell of a deal that sounds good Jonathan I wonder if there's a big buns here I doubt it Jonathan I'm pretty sure I Jonathan where are you watching from I think you're from Buffalo New York that might just be a uh that just might be a like Northeast kind of thing I don't know big buns Dallas Five Guys is decent Cassie says I always get the chicken sandwich okay interesting do you like cheese curs though Cassie because cver has great cheese curs my half pound bacon or bison burger is the best mg that sounds pretty good that sounds pretty good Chico Tacos El Paso Texas oh Jerry it's gting me hungry for some tacos we had some earlier in the office they were pretty good they were pretty good let's check it on that live sub count everybody we're inching our way up there we're inching our way up there 17,921 it would be tough I'm not going to lie it be tough to get to 18K it's not going to be easy but it's doable and we need you to do it if you're not subscribed to the channel subscribe to the channel you'll be happy that you did you'll get a video every day about your Washington commanders you get a live show every week you get a watch party every weekend best deal do you know why because it's all for free it's all for free and if you're already subssub awesome if you're subscribe amazing share it to a friend that you know isn't tell them to subscribe if you're at home with your family your dad's next to you he's asleep go steal his phone open it up you know it's password hit the Subscribe button what he doesn't know won't hurt him you know what I'm saying what he doesn't know won't hurt him stopping Dolphins under 20 is an achievement Ash I would agree if it was a regular season but like it's the preseason and you're facing Skyler Thompson and you're facing Mike White so I don't know if that's like necessarily something to Hate in Your Hat on Cassie says Rodeo Goat is good too it is good I went there with uh Kennedy and my little sister about a month ago Checkers and Wendy's make good burgers as well I agree Wendy's is pretty good Checkers I've never I've never been to Checkers true story five Five Guys love how many fries they give you yeah Five Guys does have some good fries and they do load you up and I love the peanuts too I do love the peanuts Mike White scrambles out to his left tries to deliver a strike you can just tell man these second or third string quarterbacks they struggle so much go into their non-dominant hand like when they're rolling out they can just struggle to make those plays www let's go nice play oh oh wait okay I'm not going to spoil it for anybody that's that's not watching the actual game is is watching it along with me I'm a little delayed I'm a little delayed but I think something Good's about to happen second and tip Dolphins had the ball empty set Mike White's in the shotgun there's the snap jamine Davis on the sack that's a fumble it is commander ball jamine Davis on the strip sack Jones Jr with recovery Dan Quinn's going crazy in that backwards hat let's go sub for commanders doves sub for fumbles like for fumbles do everything for fumbles jamine Davis what a play Beautiful timing on the hit that was a Derek Thomas type hit I don't know if if you're old enough to remember Dereck Thomas or if you're my age and you've just seen the A Football Life on uh on the old Edge rusher from played on the Chiefs played at Alabama before that in college fantastic just had a knack for for making the quarterback fumble the football and Jimmy Davis looked really good there uh looked really good there he's going on my winners list guys he's going on my winners list I'm going to go ahead and create a uh create a list of winners and losers and he's going on on my winners list no doubt about it winners losers you know who's going on my losers list that's Riley Patterson that's for sure s Juiced and Wy Davis needed that sack yeah that's good that was really good need a little juice in this right need a little juice speaking of burgers what are you guys eating right now when Kennedy was in the chat I I asked her this question she hadn't eaten yet she was sitting on the couch rapping my birthday presents mg says I was I'm 57 I was a teenager when Derek Thomas was playing he was awesome wasn't he didn't that look like a Dereck Thomas play mg I think it did what are y'all eating right now let me know I'm not eating anything I will say I do have a granola bar in my backpack I am G to snag that because I'm pretty famished real quick should I go granola bar or peanut butter crackers or it's a Lara bar I guess should I go bar or peanut butter crackers first person uh first person in the chat I'm going to go with okay Ash is eating a grilled cheese sandwich can't go wrong with grilled cheese sandwich mg had popey's chicken tenders delicious Ash did you make that grilled cheese sandwich yourself or did you uh did you get get it somewhere can't go wrong with a grilled cheese really can't we got to change that ball possession we got to Fumble yeah we did what should I eat bar peanut butter crackers someone let me know someone let me know 259 left in this third quarter third quarter started getting a little Pace to it very slow start Dino Nugget Snack Wrap that's what I'm talking about Cassie Cassie says peanut butter Jonathan says bar Dean says both I saw Cassie's first she chatted first I'm going to go with the peanut butter crackers but uh if I'm hungry enough I'll eat both Dean and I'll get to your bar Jonathan oh gosh fumbled snap looks like Wy picked it up not the way you want to start after causing a fumble not the way you want to start by after causing a fumble but hey that's okay looks like d sk's out of the game Jonathan's allergic to peanuts sorry bro you're missing out I'm not going to lie I don't mean to be mean and it's third down and it's third down man you cause a fumble you just don't want to go three and out right after that and it's third and 15 and I'm not feeling very good if I'm being honest I'm not feeling very good if I'm being honest oh it is Trace murle you're right awful throw awful throw throw it on a dime trly wear in number nine like why did he have a song That's So Random It's So Random he sticks he like wasn't even that good in college either like what was the big deal with Trace Murley let's look up his college stats out of Penn State and just like that the Dolphins have the ball again and just like that okay so we did have back to back 3,500 yard seasons 28 touchdowns eight intercept 10 interceptions 29 touchdowns eight interceptions so pretty good but it's not like he was like so song worthy you know Mike White to the middle of the field delivers a strike looks like Reed a little shaken up after that hit came in like a missile hopefully it's not what I automatically thought it was which was collar bone hopefully he's okay great tackle though ooh that's not good that's that's not good he's holding his arm like you don't want him to be holding his arm Jonathan said 24 years never had it think he's talking about peanut butter yeah I'm a big PB fan Cassie says I think cheesec crackers are better than PB Cassie I don't know if they're better but they are good and I think people hate on cheesec crackers too much I do uh we have no backup QB Driscoll didn't look bad let us know some scorers updates okay yeah I Will Dean let's look at some scores around the NFL right now the after this play Mike White little too high all right currently around the NFL is the fourth quarter of Titan Seahawks Seahawks are up 12 to 10 the bills are up six to3 on the Steelers there's 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter man these these games are so low scoring it's so ugly Panthers Jets jets are up 9 to6 12 minutes left in the fourth quarter the Cardinals and Colts Colts are up 213 12 minutes left in the fourth quarter Chargers and Rams are tied at six with 13 minutes left in the fourth quarter and Buccaneers are down 7 to 13 to the Jaguars with eight minutes left in the third quarter oh who was that oh it's Pierre almost came up with the interception bad throw by white Pierre almost made him pay couldn't come down with it could not come down with it that's going to be third down third down and 10 Mike White empty that little shift on the defensive line he drops back he passes he hits it o almost a fumble like the headphones feels like you're in the game Ash you talking about mine are you talking about are you wearing headphones right now I do like the headphones they hurt my ears after a little bit though gotta be honest they hurt my ears we get to see Adam Peters Personnel TR T picking skills here that's funny God over turnover and nothing out of it Dean says thanks of course my guy mg cheesec crackers are great they are great Mike White with a little checkdown that's going to be a gain of three and that's going to take us to the fourth quarter everybody that's going to take us to the fourth quarter I want everybody spam those fours in the chat guys let's see if we can get to 100 okay let's see if we can spam those four and we can get to 100 our chat rate right now is in the high 60s let's see if we can break it okay spam four we're gonna shout everybody who does Jonathan Taylor everybody we got 122 people watching only Jonathan Taylor spamming I need you guys to hit that four hit that four we're in the fourth quarter Four's up the most American thing ever everybody just automatically holds up force my mom's spaming four Jonathan spaming four I see Jonathan I see Dave I see Ash I see Mom I see Dad I see Matthew Jonathan Cassie funny Jonathan Cassie Andrew Cassie K Cassie Jonathan Cassie keep it going guys keep it going we're getting it there's kill some there's Cassie Jonathan Clinton Jonathan mg Cassie sharp mg K John Jonathan Cassie cool beans Cassie Cassie Jonathan Andrew cool beans Cassie Cassie guys we're going to crush it keep it going 30 more second Clinton sharp cool beans cool beans K Clinton Ash keep it going keep it going we're absolutely rocking this ash sharp K Clinton Ash Andrew John Jonathan sharp Jonathan Ash Jonathan K Jonathan Clinton Andrew 10 more seconds 10 more seconds Jonathan sharp Ash Andrew Clinton base for Zion sharp Ash five four three two one [Music] wow that was awesome guys that was awesome when the uh when it comes in Oh My Gosh guys we absolutely blew it out of the water 159 is the chat rate record right there 15 before that was 69 we got 90 more we got 90 more great job everybody great job everybody you guys did fantastic couldn't have done it without y'all shout out to all the people who uh who are spamming in that chat no no that's not bad Jonathan that's great Kennedy saying yes 159 says mom she's pumped about it nice says Andrew Jonathan saying oh we're 70 Subs away from 18K from breaking to 18K can we get there can we get there I'm not sure Kennedy I had the people choose between peanut butter crackers and a Lara bar for me to eat and they've chosen the peanut butter crackers bro I'm on my phone or it would have been 1590 yeah that's the one thing that's kind of hard about chat rate stuff is like if you're on the phone it's not super easy to do if you're on the desktop it is pretty easy to do phone's hard but thank you guys for trying anyway I'm going to eat a peanut butter cracker Mike White and the Dolphins are sitting at second down at about six and there's a sack and there's a sack Woods in on the sack I'm going to need a celebratory cracker Kennedy saying she ate a lar earlier they're great what can I say great DB play from Dave buts third and nine this is a huge stop here this is a huge stop that was a massive sack tackle and dropped come on baby come on baby let's go now can he miss the field goal keep it within a touchdown can he miss the field goal keep it with a touchdown Kennedy says girly water bottle it's hers guys it's hers she threw away what I had it was awesome uh oh lost subscriber okay 49 attempt six to 13 if he makes it they go up 10 points it's two-score game if he misses it Commander still within a touchdown 3 seconds left on the play clock it's up and it's wide right and it's wide right and it's wi right everybody type LOL in the chat everybody type LOL in the chat LOL LOL that was awesome that was awesome okay still a ones score game let's see if this offense can do anything man talk about an offense that hasn't had juice in this second half this offense hasn't had juice in the second half this offense hasn't had juice in the second half you know what hasn't had juice in the second half either been a little while since we got a Super Chat been a little while since we got a super chat now you don't have to Super Chat by any means I will say dolphins are just kind of uh extending their lead they're currently at44 we're still sitting at 65 so $79 away from TI them that's doable that's doable I'm going to give a a short deal you know the if $5 get you three raffle tickets $10 get you five raffle tickets I'm gonna say $20 gets you 20 raffle tickets I'm giving a deal I'm GNA a deal out okay $20 gets you 20 raffle tickets for a chance for this sweet Commander's hat I'm about to put up on the screen right now $20 it's like a $50 hat if you get $20 you get 20 tickets you're the odds on favorite to get it and so uh what say you huh what say you you want that you want that cool hat $20 20 tickets could be all yours all right let me do some things real quick okay okay if we if we get to 18K I would help I would help says Jonathan I know Jonathan no worries if you can't help that's no worries at all it's not required by any means not required at all new era are you saying the hats New Era funny it is new era wait let me check it might be 47 let me tell you pre-season let me find it okay go down to this I'm giv live play byplay of me checking the preseason raffle dock no that's not the one I wanted here it is it's 47 that's what it is it's 47 brand that's the uh that's the brand so again by no means but we're onun a little deal right now $20 20 tickets in today's raffle not going to guarantee anything but gives you a really good chance and just like that ladies and gentlemen it's going to be third down it's going to be third down gosh I like the player interviews are cool but like I can't hear them so it's just like show me the game you know third and seven Trace mle still on oh looked like a full start there oh no it's not trace mcy and I mean Jailbreak in seconds it is mcy Jailbreak in second sacked oh man that's just tough the defense has made some good plays into deep into that Red Zone made some really good plays forced to Fumble on by jamine Davis got a sack there on a second down set up a third and long cause an incompletion just bid don't break and this offense has just gone three and out after both of those kicker on the 15 taking about 26 we would be in lead if Riley was above average um no it would be 12 to 13 but it'd be close it'd be very close wouldn't be in the lead he's only missed two kicks so far would only be down one though let's go back what are yall eating right now it's a little late especially if you're on the Eastern Time Zone 9:33 you guys getting a little late night snack in little bowl cereal something like that Lucky Charms that's always a good go-to late night snack is Lucky Charms I'm eating on these peanut butter crackers Jonathan's eating a Popsicle okay Jonathan what uh what flavor or what color GTL Carter's eating tacos what kind of tacos I agree Jonathan can't go wrong with popsicle I'mma finish off this peanut cracker blue little icy pop those are fire I'm not going to lie to you Jonathan when I was um in like elementary school so like really young they used to have those at our cafeteria and we would like all get them and I mean we had to wear school uniforms and I would like get the blue ones and then I would come home and there would just be blue icy like all over my shirt and I had like this white colored shirt and there's blue I see all over it and those are great beef and cheese tacos that's what JTL Carter's eating for real do you stop somewhere for a snack after work Jack normally does McDonald's interesting no I don't I usually bring like I'll bring an apple to the office I'll usually eat lunch around like 12:45 I'll bring an apple to the office around like and I'll eat it around like 4:00 4:30 to usually try to hold me over for dinner and then by the time time I get home around like 6:30 6:45 sometimes 7 usually K Kennedy and I will eat dinner pretty quickly after that but um but no so I I love McDonald's though I'm a big McDonald's fan uh Carter I got you you can call me Carter I got you Ash says that means you really enjoyed the icy you're right Ash I did it was delicious they are delicious and I'm going to eat this L Bar I'm eating both I'm sorry about it I'm hungry 1252 left in this game Pitch Out to the left great Pursuit I will say they've tried a couple tosses these guys are setting edges keeping contained we got another player it's Jaylen Harris oh Jack stops after night games Cassie okay I gotcha I gotcha um I probably won't that sounds tempting though but probably not we got some some brisket in the fridge at home and so I'll probably I'll probably eat that when I get home but but I would mind to McDonald's Dave butts HTTR hey man baby Bruce 27 bro commanders gota win I mean they don't gota it's the preseason I would love if they did it'd be fun if they did because then something exciting would happen but end of the day it's preseason you just want these guys to get reps you know what I'm saying man lot of injuries sharp great question fantastic question so I usually go with like I like soda I try not to drink a ton of soda cuz it's just like not good for you but I do like it but I feel like I have to get it if ever I go to m McDonald's so I am um I'm always getting a Dr Pepper I'm usually getting two Junior burgers with fries I think it's like the number nine two Junior Burgers medium fry Dr Pepper H so good the onions the pickles the mustard the ketchup the cheese on the junior Burgers McDonald's just knows how to do it best fries in the game best fries in the game like not even close McDonald's Double Quarter cheese plane that's good that's good that's a good order right there okay this has me wondering okay give me a second give me a second okay what's your favorite fast food place we're talking about it what's your favorite fast food food place I think mine's waterburger um and we got a sack man this defensive line is really showing out in this second half they're trying their hardest they're trying hard their hardest to keep this game Within Reach another sack let me know what your favorite fast food restaurant is mine's waterburger I love Water Burger I know it's not everywhere though so Chick-fil-A is one of my favorites trying to think what else I like I like a lot I like fast food third and6 1150 left in this game Miami with the ball Mike right in the back field quick screen little bit of blocking back it looked doesn't matter Tackle by m Walker great tackle there dolphins going have to punt again dolphins are gonna have to punt again also apologies if you can hear me cheering again I can't hear myself and so if it's just brutal and I'm smacking my apologies everybody my apologies um let's get back in the chat see what you you guys are thinking for fast food McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder cheese plane I mean the quarter pounder is such a good burger Luke mcaffry back to the field punt it's going to go out bounds about the 28 yard line Jonathan saying big buns Jonathan you got me want to try it wantan to try that now got me wanting to try that um Kennedy she's saying Taco Bell Kennedy does love Taco Bell don't give me start on the crun Trap Supreme she says Carter saying Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A is just like the model of consistency you know it's like you can't get more consistent than Chick-fil-A especially in the fast food game only drink soda with a meal all the times drink water water is the absolute best I agree that's what I'm walking rocking with right now quick handoff get about two yards on that play it'll be second down second and eight 10 minutes 50 seconds left in this fourth quarter the next time you go to McDonald's get them MC double with ma Max sauce okay you know I've never had a Big Mac interesting uh fact about me never had a Big Mac either I've only had Quarter Pounders and the junior Burgers from from McDonald's never had had a big ma Trace murle drops back second and eight he's going long oh not a bad pass by Trace Murley just a dropped ball from Martavis Bryant oh that's not what you want to see little bit of a holding I do agree but oh it looks like they're going to call it there we go there we go Cassie says McDonald's I love their fries Cassie it sounds like you and Jack are big McDonald's people depends on the mood Chick-fil-A Arby's for their sandwiches and McDonald's sharp I agree with you man I agree with you I'm a big Arby's guy I think Arby's is incredibly underrated um I think it's a very very good fast food establishment and I think people just people don't like it because they like people tell them not to like it you know great little run there pick up a five never had Arby's says Jonathan you should try it Shake Shack says Ash that's a good that's a good one right there Taco Bell is horrible food says mg uhoh Kennedy mg's coming for you Matthew Lee want is Ben Senate still in for these fourth quarter drives I'm not sure Matthew he was in for that last third quarter Drive uh for the last Drive of the third quarter you got to pass um but I'm not sure if he's in the fourth quarter I'll keep an eye out on him Big Mac is my fave you gotta try man what channel is the game on uh Carter I don't I'm not sure I think it depends where you are where you watching from Carter I want the Mig rib to come back never had a make rib either Taco is good never had a make rib last time I Arby's I shed myself three minutes in the dve and Ash is saying you go to Arby's when no other fast food chain is around I disagree I disagree Kennedy wants me to remove himg for the chat because he's saying Taco Ball's horrible my goal is put big buttons on the m Jonathan you're doing your best second and six hand off that'll be oh my gosh it's a fumble that'll be a fumble and Dan Quinn looking as the same as all of us in disbelief who is that on the carry oh let's see Allen's on the carry fumbled it and the Dolphins pick it up Jonathan great to see you man thank you for all that you done on this stream being a mod and and and being in the chat you have a great night man we will see you next week and dolphins will take it first and 10 around the 45 yard line Just Hits just keep coming for the commanders in this game the hits just keep coming 950 left tacos good said you're awfully disappointed about a fumble when this is on a commander Chanel yeah I'm disappointed about fumble because the commander fumbled it Arby's best campaign was last year when they had Good Burger 2 movie attached with them and they had a the good burger with EDS burger sauce yeah that was a good campaign uh cars watching from WKA Alabama I don't know if you'll have it in your area it depends I'm not sure sorry my friend sorry Carter my bad the ball thingy isn't updating oh no worries I thought the Dolphins fumbled no it was the Commanders deep throw to the right that's going to be incomplete so could be a quick three and out for the Dolphins Taco Bell is horrible says mg hey man do you watch mfw wrestling I do not fun fact about me though Ralph I did wrestle in seventh grade um I was awful I got pinned 7 seconds into my first ever wrestling match and I lost every match I wrestled every single one sharp Field's interception coming I love it dang fumble nice no Mom that wasn't nice the the commanders fumbled Mike White and the shotgun empty set throws it that's going to be incomplete they better not call there's Manel Forbes with the stick legs going off him up that's insane that you have those legs and you're an NFL if you're an NL oh where's the flag looks like he said fourth down hopefully he's just a holding ketchup belongs on Burger in my opinion yeah I'm a big ketchup on Burger guy I'm a big catchup on everything guy I think they got 63 for that holding penalty fourth and 10 looks like they're just going to putt it away and yet again the commanders find themselves with an opportunity to tie this ball game up they have not been able to take advantage of any opportunity they' they've gotten in the past quarter and a half had a lot of chances to tie this ball game up defense has made a lot of plays Luke mcaffry with a fair catch in the five I don't know why and if like someone's watching this and you're like a special teams coach somewhere I know that's like a uh a shot in the dark I don't know why you fair catch the ball from the five I just don't know why you do it I feel like you just got to let it I get punters are good but like to me I'm just like I'm letting that bounce and and seeing if it's getting in the end zone and seeing like see if you get the ball up at the 20 you know um for down please says Bruce Forbes got two number two pencils as legs he really does sharp it's actually like crazy I've never seen an NFL player without skinny as legs as he does and I have skinny legs that's coming from a skinny legged person n minutes 30 seconds left Trace Murley with the little sidearm pass that'll be first down I think that might be mle's first down since getting in the game there we go Baby G first down to Davon Davis uh oh don't let Trace get hot uhoh don't let Trace get hot uhoh are we still stuck with that Aubrey kicker that missed one last game uh it's Riley Patterson and he's missed two this game there's going to be a flag Allen on the run again to the left yeah he's missed too Taco it hasn't been good both of them were pretty easy kicks as well like it's not like they're like 50 yarders it uh it hasn't been good that's for sure we're at 7,939 Subs can we get that number to 18K 61 more 61 more I to boycott Wendy's made me sick every time they cook burger after Burger on the same Grill without cleaning it yeah that's pretty gross I feel like probably a lot of fast food places do that though pretty gross though not going to lie ytf do we cut R I don't know he R AED missed a kick last game and I guess they just had seen more from Riley in practices but it looks like they might have made the wrong choice I don't know we'll see first and 18 murle on the pass that'll be completed for about four yards Coulson yankov with a catch set up about second and what nine 10 maybe 826 left in this game man this second half half has dragged on yeah if you guys want this the commanders to win this game go ahead and hit that sub button we sub for Commander dubs in this channel we sub for Commander dubs second and 12 mly dropping back three-step drop fires it downfield what a pitch and What A Catch and that's going to be a first down commanders Marcus roseme ja Saint on the catch beautiful throw for Trace murle got in his drop set his feet fired it Bessie's looked all game okay Trace don't let Trace get hot don't let Trace get hot hands it off fight for about two yards running just the running game has not been in there this entire game that's Austin Jones on the carry my mom's saying yes one a catch amen mom amen McDonald's burgers are very consistent are McDonald's McDonald's pretty consistent I agree okay second and nine 7 Minutes 24 seconds left in this fourth quarter Trace murly looked like it could have been a fumble but there was an incomplete pass thank the Lord did not look great there need to get the ball out pretty quick failed to do that uhoh the Bots are coming in Cassie we need you there we go Cassie there we go shout out Cassie everybody with Jonathan gone you got to step up you got to be the one you got to be the one Cassie thanks Mom she's spamming Cassie mom Cassie is Jack's girlfriend and Jack is the usual host of this channel he also hosts Steelers talk so she's just checking in on it Trace mly with a great throw and that one's going to be dropped should have been a first down catch and that was on third down that is tough I want to see us hit 18,000 subs for the start of the regular season taco we could do it tonight we could do it tonight it's going to take some effort but we could do it Taco you got you got some commanders friends around you share this to them tell them to sub as well tell them to join the best community on YouTube of commanders fans that's pretty cool that your parents tune in support sharp I agree it is pretty cool I'm very blessed to have the parents that I have they love me they support me my wife is watching as well I've got the best family around earlier my other stream my sisters my brother-in-laws are watching everybody's tuning in uh feel very Lov feel very supported you know they live far away so I feel like this is a chance they get to uh I know we don't get we're not talking directly but they get to get to hang out and they get to watch me do what I love to do so I think it's fun for everybody yes we do says mom John says thanks sharp that's our boy amen amen John giving Cassie some love Miami will take back over man I gotta check the ESPN stats guys cuz we're like back I don't think we've got a point was this a score going in halftime I think it was I think it was let's see Steelers lost says Cassie what was the score let me know what was the score play by play first and 10 Mike White still in the game for the for the uh Dolphins play action he pump fakes tries hit downfield wow throws a strike incomplete what a Play What a play by Tariq Castro Fields seat belt golly another commanders player down on the field injured 58 away guys 58 away if you guys want to know what preseason football looks like wow what a great recovery there a Castro Fields wait a oh that was also just kind of a drop kind of a drop there brick hands if you guys want to know what preseason football looks like the last drives have been punt punt fumble punt punt misfield goal punt fumble punt that has been the last nine drives I don't know about y'all that's no fun but hey we're having fun together 58 Subs away thank you guys for subbing Cassie saying hi to my parents our host has been on his feet for hours mg I have I have but that's okay going on eight hours 12 minutes standing straight not straight I I sat for a little bit in between but 4 hours 13 minutes earlier three hours 58 minutes now been on my feet a lot but that's okay uh I hate Steelers all their qes are mid says Ash yeah uh I think Russell Wilson might be fine that offense Steelers three bills nine gosh that's a hideous game as well but I know it's thir string team but still so annoying that we can't just score one TouchDown for a whole 10 minutes I agree Taco I want I want to score a touchdown just as much as you do I think Giants have the best QB says Ash with a winky face you're not wrong they Daniel Jones is awful I don't know if y'all saw Daniel Jones uh anything about him today he threw two picks uh against like in a pre season game and he's a six-year quarterback and he threw two picks he went two for six for his first two or first six passes and he had like a 5.6 passer rating or something like that he was awful just awful six-year quarterback man of motion going to be an end round fantastic tackle right there by Castro Fields man what a drive for him good little recovery on uh on that pass earlier great tackle there you got to be satire Ash satire Ash yeah she's she's using satire how much time is left in the fourth of this game Cassie 6 minutes 30 seconds let me update it let me update it for y'all thank you for keeping me on my p's and q's U let me change the ball sorry guys I'm getting so locked in on the chat for getting to do these things motion Mike White looking left throwing left that's going to be incomplete cter fields on the coverage man I I know I've said it before but if you like think about it every single play for the Dolphins has is like has a motion in it every single play I've either said motion left motion right Mike McDaniel loves his motions cash Field's fighting for that fifth string spot lol he is fighting he's been playing well though look mcaffrey back to return the punt let's see if they can do it let's see if they can do it everybody you know what we need to uh to change up this momentum I'll tell you what we need to change up this momentum there we go Touchback okay guys we need you to like the video see if we can change up this momentum we've got like the video we've got what a lot straight drives without points and we need points so like the video we at 175 likes there's 100 of you watching Scott from South Carolina is this another year with no well it's not a great offensive line there's some some high points in it some low points but for the most part probably let's like the video 178 liks let's see if we can get that to 200 let's see we can get it to 200 we're at 104 people watching I know 20 people haven't liked the video that they're watching right now we got 104 watching 180 likes we're not 181 let's get that to 200 let's get it to 200 handoff about 4 yard gain it's going to set up six second and six I don't know if y'all can hear it in my voice but I don't know if I sound raspy or anything but my voice is is hurting but it's okay but it's okay like the video 17 likes away from 200 let's see if we get 200 likes on this thing let's see if we get 200 likes second and six play action so's looking he's firing deep oh my golly I don't I I have mixed emotions about the referees in preseason football because it is nice sometimes to not have a game that has a 100 million penalties on it but at the same time in the same breath it's like okay maybe call something every once in a while you know maybe call something bench this QB yeah murle is not good mg Billy Abner saying let's go Dolphins Cassie saying real ones like the video I agree 184 likes we got 115 people watching if you're new in here go ahead like the video helps out us helps out you helps out commanders uh commanders fans everywhere we're looking to get 200 likes third and six because Sur he's got the ball he's dropping back he's going to be sacked he is gonna be sacked golly so that makes it oh that was a pretty sweet celebration I'm not going to lie either that was pretty cool one two three four five six six straight drives for the commanders up points you think Tua is a Super Bowl winning QB um Ash I don't I think he's limited I do I think he's limited I think he's good but I I don't know if his ceiling super I think he could be an AFC Championship attending QB I don't think you can win a Super Bowl to a talk law I will I will oh a lot of Miss tackles here great recovery I will say I would have I would have um answered that differently in college I thought he could have been but I don't think so he's just a little limited just a little limited 186 likes we got 110 people watching see if we can get 14 more likes like the video super easy to do literally just Boop hit that like button 4 minutes 36 seconds and yet another player down on the field this one's Woods ah there we go maybe I figured it out there guys I have a really small head Dan Quinn coming on backwards hat let me know if y'all like uh like the backwards hat look I think it's cool I don't know like it's it's interesting rocking it as a head coach like when he was the DC in Dallas and he was rocking the backwards hat it's like yeah you're the defensive coordinator you're you're cool you're rough you're tough Rock The Backwards hat but as a head coach you kind of want to be a little more buttoned up but I love it I love rocking the backwards hat Trey it's game time Trey Lance Last Chance what's that uh what's that score at MG let me know first and 10 Mike White in the shotgun quick screen and that's incomplete probably for the better that they didn't complete that pass that was about to get blown up see rahee moer two t v Loa just getting the R I bet they're thinking all the same things we are I bet they're like okay this game sucks this game sucks so bad okay guys 192 likes eight more eight more likes get us 200 eight more likes get us 200 come on like the video it's easy it's free helps out the channel little quick out be good for probably nine yards set up third down and nine another third down another third down seven more likes 193 total let's get that number to 200 I can't go back to Jack and say hey I'm giving you a video I just hosted your channel for you and you didn't even get 200 likes I can't do that I might get fired if y'all don't want me to get fired like the video 192 likes oh someone unliked it maybe they do want me to get fired obj still weird seeing him in a dolphin uniform 3 minutes 40 33 seconds left in this game third and 10 for the Dolphins this could be big little quick screen plus oh this is getting blown up what a Play What a play and yet again Trace Murley will have a chance to lead your Washington commanders down the field try to get a touchdown will they make it six straight drives without a single point or they break the curse who knows Trace will have a chance to do it up next Kennedy said Joey gaslighting what was I gaslighting I forgot I forgot okay Luke mcaffry doesn't want to field it that's cuz it's going out looks like that's the 40 yard line get 200 likes give away a raffle ticket that's a good call if we get to 200 likes Cassie Cassie is my executive producer if we get to 200 likes I'll give away a raffle ticket we'll do a bunch of spams I'm going to pick one person in the chat they get a raffle for the Hat come on like the video five more likes Cowboys last Super Bowl is 1995 that's true actually that's not true it's 1996 it's 1996 you know the classic uh very Switzer days sounds good says Louisiana better hit that like button welcome back welcome back everybody like the video it's four away 2 minutes 44 seconds left Trace Murley balls at the 47 couldn't ask for better field position they're going to hand it off and that's going to get stuffed H Golly Golly Washington is the best L sander I agree it's pretty cool it's pretty cool I've been there a time or two I really enjoyed it never been to FedEx though never been to FedEx that's probably going to take us to the two-minute warning it's looking like Mike McDaniels got his head set off wonder if his are hurting like mine are look at that watch he's got on look at that watch so the commanders will go into the two-minute warning down a touchdown six to13 is your score it's going to be second and 10 Trace murle has led this team on six straight drives with zero points can he do it can he get them in that end zone we'll see Louisiana asking did Eckler get any action he got did he get any action I don't yeah he did he got some action he got some action early let me look up his stats I'm rolling solo let me find his stats well I guess he didn't I'm not seeing anything from him maybe I was thinking of uh mck Nichols no he did not get any action could have sworn he did though yeah he did he caught one pass for four yards no rushing action but he caught one pass for four yards what's up Joey first the Ravens now the commanders let's go says Alex Marsh thank you my friend uh I'm not the new host of commanders I am filling in for Jack uh I am the new host of ravens rundown so if you guys want to go over there and sub to that channel that'd be much appreciated but I'm just filling in for Jack having a good old time with Commander report and we are at 200 likes everybody we got to 200 likes way to go everybody way to go so how we're going to do this is I'm going to need everybody spam me in the chat I'm GNA need everybody to spam me in the chat and what we're going to do is I'm going to randomly point to one person that's in the chat and they're going to get a chance to win a spot for the Hat raffle okay they're going to get a chance to win a spot to win that hat so everybody type me in the chat everybody spam me everybody spam me I'm G to give us 20 more seconds of spamming and I'm gonna look I'm going to close my eyes I'm going to point and I'm G to open whoever I'm pointing at will get an entry into the Duck Race for That Sweet Commander's hat okay 15 seconds 10 seconds keep spamming keep spamming everybody sharp says I need to hat on Bald keep spamming keep spamming come on 10 nine 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 sharp sharp you get an entry into today's raffle for That Sweet Commander's hat congrats my friend if you want to up it if you want get more entries send in a super chat if you want to uh increase your chances let's take a look at that Super Chat Manu you haven't looked at that in just a little while we're still running those deals still running those deals $ you get three entries into the Hat raffle for $10 you get five tickets into that hat raffle and $20 gets you a part of the hog Mafia club for $50 someone sends it A50 they get 50 tickets okay you send it a 50 you get 50 tickets if you send it a 20 you get 20 tickets okay and you get to be a part of hog Mafia uh oh I don't know what just happened to my TV but the game stopped showing so I'm G to figure this out quickly guys I'm GNA figure this out real quick for us uhoh recent apps NFL okay it's loading that's good sorry guys okay we're loading man I want to see Trace Murley driveing down the field this is why this NFL app is the worst you rock thanks Alex you rock man you rock my friend okay we're cooking now we're cooking now okay there we go we got it we're back it's loading come on man I can't wait for the regular season when we're watching these games on Red Zone and not the NFL app during the preseason it's the worst it's the worst did Martavis Bryant get any catches no Scott he got one Target and he dropped it uh I'm curious Scott are you a Clemson fan I see your Scott from South Carolina uh so maybe you're a Clemson fan big big Mart spr fan okay minute left in the fourth ball at 35 yd line what's trace Made of Wy in the backfield next to him shotgun two wide receivers to your right one to your left Ben s in that tight end Quick Pass that's going to be game of four it's gonna be a gain of four okay not bad would have loved a little more out of that would have loved a little more out of that but that's okay Davon Davis on the catch 58 seconds left of this game third and seven Huron 58 seconds third and seven shotgun three receivers to his left one to his right in the back field with Wy Tracer sley he's got it he's looking he finds him oh he fed oh he fumbled oh he fumbled commander ball commander ball wow wow wow oh my goodness who came up with the ball oh my gosh wow okay it was intended for Turner he dropped it Perry picked it off Martavis Bryant caused the fumble who recovered it wow that was a gift you're right Dave m to the right finds Wy and he's going to get tackled for a loss 43 seconds left clock still running three timeouts for Washington two for Miami Dan Quinn's pissed 36 seconds left second and 13 I don't know why they're take not taking a timeout right here I don't know why they're putting in Trace murly in a situation like this and they just burn a timeout H that was awful wasted what like 13 seconds 13 seconds golly guys Cassie's right are you Evan from super bad says Philly fans no I'm not I do like Michael Sarah though that's a that's a compliment so thank you for that but I'm not sub for commanders dubs if you want a w hit that sub button 52 away from 18K let's at least get that to 950 by the end of the game you got 30 seconds left we just need two more subscribers we did too much ankle biting this game yeah Trev I kind of agree you're not wrong two more subscribers second and 13 30 seconds left commanders down seven with the ball 34 yd line oh wow electric Trace murly empty backfield three wide receivers to his left two to his right second and 13 here's the snap he's looking good protection flushes out to his right wow hits Wy on the run and that's going to be a first down that's going to be a first down great play by Murley wow and we went to 950 Subs shout out to you guys uh Saga we missed two we missed two field goals this game so you you're telling yourself man if we made those field goal wins it yeah that's true that is true but we need a touchdown we need a touchdown 22 seconds left let me get that score updated great play right there first to Tim exle going for the end zone and that's incomplete 19 seconds left second down thank you guys for subbing 17,950 of y'all we got 154 people watching that's a lot that's a lot if you're not subscribed this is the most interactive commanders Channel on YouTube uh hit that sub button trying to get to 18K uh would love help from each and every one of you super easy it's free for y'all you get a ton out of it uh video every day of the week live shows once a week go live for every game it's the best deal get second and 10 shotgun snaap Trace mcy takes it he's looking Wily in protection he throws in the end zone and that's overthrown he was looking who's he looking for he's looking for Co Turner okay it's gon to be third and 10 14 seconds left sub for commanders dubs if you like commanders to win hit that sub button sub for dubs John Peterson is typing dub in the chat so is Alex Bruce is saying congrats bro Ray Lang saying touchdown for the win Rico cassada come on I got seven pick all I need is commanders win come on baby please please let's get the win third and 10 Trace murly in pressure okay it's going to be fourth down he find Daven Davis right there 10 seconds left fourth down keep sing guys keep sing let's keep that number go up sub for dubs sub for dubs we got 10 seconds left we got 10 seconds left down seven touchdown an extra point ties it touchdown two-point conversion wins it Trace m in the backfield two wide receivers right two wide receivers left Wy is left and there's going to be a timeout Dolphins this going be a timeout Dolphins okay I want to let y'all I want y'all to let me know what would you do here who you going to here H who you going to Daven Davis has been solid so far I'd love to see Luke mcaffrey Mike McDaniels fired up this is kind of electric ending to a preseason game guys keep subbing we got 163 of you on this if you're not sub go hit that sub button not like that last person CU we just lost a sub let's shoot that up let's get to 960 let's get to 960 sub for dubs sub for dubs we got 163 people watching 206 likes like the video sub for dubs wow fourth and six Murley in the backfield two wide receivers to right we got a tied end wide receiver to the left Wy in the back field shotgun snap Wy picks up the Blitz the throw oh the throw was there I mean it wasn't the best throw but it hit him in the hands and that's going to do it and that's going to do it everybody Mitchell Tinsley with the drop not the best pass by Trace murly but just right through the hands let's see Dan Quinn's reaction he knew it Mike MC Daniels fired up man dang is right everybody dang is right Dad saying Cassie go for two it's a preseason mom's saying dang daav is saying drop need a kicker yeah I mean if you have a kicker in that game you're down 1213 all you do is kick the 25 y right there you win the game but you don't have one you didn't have one you didn't have one and that's that and that's okay you know that's okay Dan Quinn Mike MC Daniel loving on each other and that's going to be the end of the game everybody final from my Miami dang 6 to13 your Miami Dolphins wion it Dan Quinn saying hi to a lot of his old old players like Neville gallamore I will say though guys we're crushing this sub count I know we didn't get the win there but we're crushing that sub count we still got 129 people on we still we got 129 people on guys if you're new to this stream if you're just now tuning in in about three minutes three minutes time we're going to be raffling off this Washington Commander hat to my left if you want to get it on the raffle a $5 Super Chat gets you three tickets a $10 Super Chat gets you five tickets a $20 Super Chat will get you 20 tickets $50 Super Chat will get you 50 pretty much uh I don't want to say guaranteed seeing it cuz it's a it's a raffle it's a chance but you have a good sh shot of winning if if you s in a $50 Super Chat wow what a game what a game if the ball touches your hands you got to catch it that's saying what Dave said I agree I agree Joey knows that yeah yeah I do yeah I do okay this is hat raffling off I'm going to give us 2 minutes I'm going to give us two minutes on this timer minute and a half okay and once it's off we're going to just run the relay rifle with who we've got if you guys feel inclined to send a a donation by all means would love that if not hey we're still chilling I want to know is Marshall Thomas or Lamar still in this chat Mar Thomas Lamar are any of you guys still in this chat because you guys have a lot of entries in this raffle and we're about to run it we are about to run it let me set it up let me get it set up did not think about that that was not smart was it don't worry guys I'm figuring things out [Music] okay that's what I'm going to do I'm gonna hack it or I'm just going to type these names in that's what I'm going to do Thomas wrong Thomas but present that's good to know Trev Ward we need a lot of improvement especially Target uh targeting ankles defenses glad you're doing it for the commanders keep rocking it thanks Alex you're the man we still got 81 people rocking with us keep hitting that sub button timer's done I'm going to get these names in if we get any any uh super chats in the next three minutes you can be entered into this raffle okay oh ah don't worry guys I'm figuring this out don't worry guys I'm figuring this out there we go Lamar are you in this chat you got a lot of names in this you as well Thomas you as well Marshall oh my gosh okay okay Thomas and Lamar y'all let me know if you're still rocking with us got 75 people in here y'all let me know if you're still rocking with us if you want to get in this raffle this is the last chance to do so or Marshall Marshall You Still rocking with US Marshall nickel yeah I hope so too okay we got a good amount of people in here we do however sharp are you here I don't see Sharp Lamar Thomas or Marshall nickel this is what we call the classic conundrum y'all know what I'm saying this is what we call a classic conundrum Sharp's here sharp is here I see you sharp one second my friend so your final score of tonight's game was 6-13 wasn't the most fun ending but you know that's okay Thomas is here Thomas we're about to do the raffle you got a lot of tickets in here thank you for the $1 Super Chat my friend thank you for the $1 Super Chat giveaway time says Cassie I couldn't agree more Cassie I could not agree more let me do this guys let me do this oh gosh guys I apologize for the delays so we're going to do is since only Thomas 13815 and sharp are still in this in this chat then I think we're going to run it with uh with just those two let me let me let me wait one second let me wait one second you know this is what happens when y'all get Stu stuck with one of the uh one of the new guys at chat sports this is what happens when we all get Stu stuck with one of the new guys in chat sports I got a call I got I gotta I gotta figure out something real quick hello sir how we doing good uh no I well I am I just have a quick question for you if so I've got good amount of people with a lot of names in the raffle but they're not on the stream anymore do I just run with the people who are still on the stream with the raffle okay gotcha okay sweet cool thank you sir all right guys sorry about that little delay we're going to run it with everybody we are we're going to run it with everybody and we're just going to get in contact with Lamar if he wins or with uh with Marshall if he wins because they uh had some great donations today and we're very thankful for them putting all these names in then we're going to run this I swear I swear Sharp's still here sharp I got you buddy you're still in this don't worry about it Thomas is here Je gray Still rocking with us so is Alex Marsh we still got a good amount of people around shout out to all you guys all the real ones all right few more names in and then we're going to do what they are calling the most exciting 30 seconds on YouTube we call it the duck race we call it the duck race so let's get this ready bang bang bang bang you guys see that most electric 30 seconds in sports you guys ready we're going to start this in three two winner of this wins the Hat one bang and they're off Marshall nickel with a quick lead in that green heart duck the 17 duck Marshall nickel the other one Statue of Liberty making a strong push we see Lamar Bowers on the bottom can't count him out Thomas 13815 or 12815 making a little bit of a push okay 5 seconds left who's going to win it Lamar Bowers making a push Lamar Bowers making a push and it's Lamar Bowers everybody everybody type Lamar in the chat everybody shout out Lamar in the chat congrat congratulations to him Lamar if you're still here let me know if not we will get in contact with you but for right now everybody give Lamar a round of applause that was electric duck race is always fun sharp says Lamar congrats I guess I was a lame duck LOL that's a great pun there sharp way to go Lamar Mom saying Good job Lamar we still got 57 people watching thank you guys so much for tuning in and hanging out with me today uh I know that I'm not the familiar face on this channel but hoping to become more familiar as the season goes on uh so I just want to thank you all for uh for hanging out with me it was a blast and until next time hey
[music] [music] he [music] welcome to the commanders report watch party i am your host jack sper uh we got producer joy peterson that's going to be coming on here in just a little bit but tonight it is sunday night football washington commanders versus new england patriots at commander stadium here... Read more
[music] he [music] welcome into the commanders report live show i am your host jack sp we'll be joined here by producer joey peterson here in just a second but today we've got a bunch of great commanders content coming your way over the next hour or so getting you guys ready for week one of the nfl... Read more
[music] today on the commanders support it is over reaction monday i have gone over the all 22 film from the commanders week one loss versus the tampa bay buccaneers and today i've got eight takeaways from that loss uh that we can take from here and kind of move into the rest of the season with and... Read more
[music] new commanders head coach dan quinn has officially released his first unofficial depth chart for the 2024 season just in time before the commanders play the new york jets in their pre-season opener this weekend on saturday and speaking of that game we are going to be going live right here on... Read more
They kind of shut me down this week but i just love to play the game of football so i want to be out there help my team so you were officially named the starter last monday and you said you really liked that having to earn the position why i mean nothing in this life is given uh you know you got to... Read more
Intro [music] today on the commanders support i have six position battles during the offseason program for the washington commanders during otas and mandatory mini camp of course that you need to be keeping your eye on here because there's definitely some interesting dynamics at play right now with... Read more
Been a little little news coming out of washington commander camp and a lot of it has to do with the quarterback being named a starter that we kind of already knew but still this is my team my team that i'm following this year only because i feel like no one's talking enough about him dan quinn's bunch... Read more
I feel like this team is riding under the radar a little bit no one really knows who this washington commander team is they got rid of so many guys but then they brought in so many guys and yet one of the big names is obviously the quarterback they selected number two overall jel jaden daniels is now... Read more
We are getting so close to that season opener sunday september 8th down in tampa against the buccaneers joined by the headman himself head coach dan quinn dan always appreciate your time yeah likewise man pump to have you here how much fun are you having i mean you're back as a head coach you know you're... Read more
Washington commander secondary issues may have just gotten a little bit bigger this week ahead of their week 2 match up against the new york giants this is david harrison of the lock on commanders podcast and for all the struggles that firstr draft pick emanuel forbes has been through in some of the... Read more
[music] [music] he [music] what is going on everybody welcome into the commander report by chat sports i'm your fillin host joey peterson jackberry is not going to be with us today but that just means we get to hang out i'm solo producing need a little bit of patience got a little bit of a late star... Read more
After months of waiting week one of the nfl is finally here and i've got my best bet washington commanders plus three at tampa bay of course i'm going with an underdog you've got dan quinn's defensive genius about to meet baker mayfield who could see some regression after a career best season last year... Read more