We Broke One Of These F6 Utes.. The Truth About Traction!

[Music] all right guys today we are out here in beautiful Queensland and we've got two F6 Utes both very different though we've got more of the stance style here and then we've got that Pro Street big tires on the rear and uh you know me I love a good F6 so similar power both said FS but let's meet the owners and run through what the mods are so we got Josh first here mate and um thanks brother for coming on the channel Let's uh talk a little bit about your F6 and just what you've done to it quickly because obviously I can see it's bagged got the Crazy Wheels on this thing it's uh it looks it looks hot yep yeah bagged it around cuz I want low but I want to get over speed bumps yeah and um built engine built box 358 turbo and then it's on PCM Tech so I can have 98 and 85 as well nice um and the power uh 650 on a wheel wheel Dino on a wheel yeah and uh it's a pretty nice looking engine B isn't it room for improvement but yeah I like yeah yeah there's always there's always um room for more isn't there always yeah but uh yeah all right well let's go to Johnny and um Johnny M again thank Che for coming down brother and uh St right away the wrap just beautiful man and again it was done by our mate Martini motor stylings here in Queensland and uh he done our VZ as well so it's always cool to see this and I love it man so give us a rundown as well let's let's pop the Bonnet on this thing it's making a bit of power too I think yeah it's at um 795 at the wheels at the high TR and the low's around 650 like um yeah it's been wrapped uh got a built motor as well by TBR in Toba uh trended by for performance Jamie up at for um yeah just the usual bolt-ons really so yeah just under 800 horsepower of the wheels guys and you got the Mad tires on the rear too this one so you can see the difference of you know sort of that stance Style versus pro street I think we call this style and uh yeah I think it's going to make uh an interesting drive to see the two UT similar power but on the road how do they drive different so um yeah let's fire these Utes up maybe and get on the [Applause] road bro hey for a for a car that's bagged all around are you I should say that's bagged all around you know we got the the the killer wheels on this thing man it's still RI tis doesn't it it does now like give me a bit of explanation on like the wheels I know these wheels are pretty uh pretty expensive Wheels desirable Wheels y they sort of really give me that like JDM feel too yeah so they work vskfs and they don't make them anymore and these ones were made on Boxing Day 2000 yeah wow just had new lips to widen them on the front they're nearly 25 years old these things yeah yep and uh incredible dish on the front too yeah like we we got some dish on the V on the back just some but you got more dish on the front on this thing 5 in lips on the front and then five and a half on the re it's pretty hectic but uh yeah I think you were saying you had to swap out the brembos just to accommodate the to get over the face yeah so you went back to the xr6 turbo brakes yeah yeah still but man it it does make it pop makes it look unique for sure and then the fact that it's bagged all around too you know you just don't see too many f6s like that especially Utes yeah and it it definitely is a wow factor when you pull up drop this thing to the floor and um it snaps a few Nicks every every time I take it out someone's taking par while asking questions yeah even when we we met up at the servo before man like people were taking pictures like they were loving the use together [Music] [Music] smart oh dude but it it's making the noises and I can feel this thing going for it oh wow I love it oh how can you not love it it's uh they're just so cool they just man I they're different UT as well it just I love a good you bro mad so much fun absolutely mad now I think there's going to be people asking in the comments right about the whole bag setup especially because it is cool and it's wow and you generally don't see it all around no usually in the back but I think if you're going to do it you might as well do the whole thing exactly and but I think a lot of people sort of like is it crazy expensive is it really difficult to do so they don't make these ones anymore these are all custom there's one it's been bagged for 3 years now y so before sort of became a thing and yeah it owes me just under eight for the bags all around yeah it's not a particularly cheap mod no no but again if you in that situation where you sort of need it yeah you're going to have to sort of bite the bullet I guess but if you've got a bad driveway it's super practical y but guys that you know it's expensive but hey if you're going to go and build the bar build the Box make it you know it's expensive regardless so oh yeah you might as well go all way all the way hey it's full on but man yeah these are special cars and the ones that you know you sort of you tend to hold on to it's um never getting rid of this yeah they're they're cars that are forever cars really and they don't make them so no with time it's hot and they're collector's cars for sure and um just with the limited run and only being sold in you know Australia New Zealand uh the rest of the world they missed out man big time definely I think that's why they never brought the uh the Barrett to the US because they were they were worried about their precious must Sals you know the barrel is going to absolutely crush him so yeah I've been uh I love a Mustang still but man there's something about a bar I'll tell you all righty guys so we're going to attempt the 0o to 100 powered by ctec and we're going to slow down we'll come to a full full stop here we'll uh get the dragy out we're going to reset it we're going to see what this thing will do mate so Trac draggy is good to go whenever you're ready all right any better 5.4 oh wait oh yeah 5 we did 5.4 right there guys so yeah pretty much a flat road again so hey look under 5 and 1/2 seconds it's better than I thought this thing was going to get yeah me too to be honest with the uh you know the old Chinese tires on this thing with the yeah the the the expensive JDM rims bro so it's not bad I'm happy not bad for a you too we got no weight on the back so two people in the car yeah not a bad run man all right now Josh we're going to do the wiper Tech wiper test wiper test yep so you run your wipers yeah see if the uh the put the little squirters on bro and run your wipers [Music] a it'll work hey bro I swear this trip like at least three or four of the cars bro no fluid in there it's like bro I can't even really test him but guys again we got to plug wiper Tech you want the best wipers use my code it's Ross 15 off link down below 15% off free express shipping so uh oh cing I don't need the wers oh it's all good brother now in the driver side guys jeez this is good I haven't been in this side yeah I was going say like it's um this stes pretty comfy not bad [Music] dude definitely different on this side of the seat oh D I'm take it pretty easy you know I always do take it kind of easy but man you can tell half pedal and it's still you got you're on the limit hey like oh feels very good I'm really just like man that's 3 and a half thousand I'm just starting to get the gate opening and I'm like dude it's just it's a handful this thing hey bro comes on nice and early it's a handful but man it's so fun it's uh yeah all the guys I'm sick of you guys commenting oh another bar how many baras bro I'll be doing baras till I'm old and gray because I'm already starting to get old and gray but like dude it's just every one of them you know depending on the mods they're unique like you you can really make these things your own and it just the feeling is always so special and fun and they really do change so depending on the setup it makes a big difference guys oh yeah so again to see one like this the way you've done it yeah it's awesome man it's fun and I think for somebody who likes to just have a street car and and you know you like that kind of show car look with the bags and you like to hit the ustos every now and then dude this is a sick setup I got to say because uh yeah it gets Rowdy it's fun and um man it definitely looks apart this [Music] [Music] thing you got to have them brakes brother hey 100% dude it's a um yeah it's a different feeling when you get the traction out [Music] like y That's the difference yeah in the other car we're pretty much we can feel that similar power but it's spinning yeah and you know this thing it's you're getting a lot more hookup in this yeah I love it and dude it's uh you really get the gForce in this one [Music] too Johnny Johnny Be Good bro let's go I love it man it's really cool man and um the fact again just under 800 wheel horsepower like F6 you with the nice the big tires on the back yeah the hero drags yeah like your proper rubber you need that honestly 100% yeah for me like I don't know I think I actually prefer this setup to be honest like I love a street setup for guys who like to go to Mexico and stuff yeah but personally I prefer that gut feeling of getting that grip I just like that gut feeling of getting grip like you get the your stomach goes into just cleen you know what I mean like just gives you a better confidence I mean the car just D yeah it's like I love I love a uh you know a street setup as well where you just want to rip tires and it's easier on the gearbox and drive line obviously when you have that setup but yeah when you can put it down it's that that cork feeling you really get it all in the the senses yeah I definitely feel it with those ties they make a big difference absolutely yeah this I can notice the difference already [Music] yeah what what's the story with your F6 like how long have you had this thing like um well had it in my my early 20s um I think I've had it for about coming 10 years now yeah yeah so uh they've had it a while and um obviously I said that in like in Josh's car too you know it's people don't fully understand the love of the bar I think until they've owned one and had one you know it's it's one of those cars you never want to get rid of no and every time you drive it you sort of you get reminded why I don't get rid of this thing yeah cuz it's same with my F6 it's like as much as I'm think sometimes oh I might get something else or maybe I've had this for too long you get back in it and you go no I would instantly regret getting rid of this thing you I mean like you just and there's something so special with an F6 yeah I'm too attached to it I got a soft spot for it yeah 100% I got a love hate relationship it is always a bit of a love hate but the love still stays strong 100% yeah you know like um uh cuz my mate uh back when I was in school um 20067 when I graduated um one of my best mates had a uh a BF F6 you nice and um yeah when he took me for a driving that I just fell in love and um and I was still on my red peas then though um so yeah I just waited to get to get my iens you just got got one and you just Ked it and I love that just worked hard had three jobs just um knuckled down and um yeah and said to myself I was going to get a BF but then end up getting the FG yep which hey it's not bad like FG man they made a lot of improvements with the FG motor um cuz I got the BF and I got every kind of Bolton on it I get 500 horsepower you guys you'd be making another 200 horsepower easy with every kind of bolt on you know [Music] so no I don't want to hurt the old girl [Music] yo dude it's um it has got way more gut feel yeah than the other one you I love Josh's car too it's so much fun but with that setup it makes the difference guys honestly and for that's that's sort of the main purpose of this video really it's to to show you guys you know if you if you like going and you know doing the sideways stuff and tipping it in yeah you know get the Chinese tires have fun with it just you know have a nice Dan it looks killer yeah but when you want to you know really get that feeling of what these things can do and and you know put it down you know Roll Racing that kind of activity yeah this setup is what you have to have and um that is it's pretty much night and day yeah yeah we've got to we've got to actually plug our made jono as well um Johnny Johnny and our made joh know but Martini motor styling um he wrapped he wrapped this car and three JS I absolutely love it like yeah the it's such a unique color with that the black but it's got that sparkle to it and I was so curious to see what it looks like in person and it still really looks so unique and um I can only again imagine under the lights at night it just pops even more like yeah it does it just shows all the uh the glitter yeah in the rap just looks like a pain job it's beautiful yeah I know and you must get comments on it all the time because all the time yeah like especially just you know driving on the on the highway and yeah y snapping some necks absolutely man yeah they have the headlights on they see the the sparkle effect and it's the same you know cuz jonno wrapped the VZ that we have guys and you know you've seen all the stuff we've done with it yeah he did a good job with that it's the same every time I sort of say oh yeah it's a rap and people are like oh it's a wrap like yeah they sort of don't realize at the beginning you know yeah he done a fantastic job yeah yeah know it's it's [Music] great it's got that torque this thing man it's wild I love it that's like it's the beauty of the barretts that mid-range punch yeah all right guys we're going to attempt the 0 to 100 again here powered by ctec so we're just going to come to a Full Stop we'll reset the Dragon and um we'll just see what we [Music] get just missed it bro the gearbox didn't like that eh no the gearbox didn't like that oh God I don't know what I do we could just leave the other one bro like yeah I think I'm break oh no didn't like it that's the only problem with this setup isn't it now unfortunately our prediction was right and Johnny did blow his input shaft on the gearbox and look the reason why this has never been a problem for him before he's had the car like this for quite a while it's because he drives it with respect and you know he doesn't launch it um you know he's G he gives it to it on the highway you know in motion and and that in its effect is is totally different um if you're going to launch these cars it does get a bit hairy if you don't have a built box um I'm just going to say that again guys if you don't have a fully built box and you have you know over 600 horsepower in a Bara just prepare yourself because this can happen and um another reason why a lot of people do go down the ch cheap tire route because if the wheels are spinning it's not going to break if the wheels are not spinning then there is potential for something internally to break and um yeah very painful experience I feel so sorry for Johnny um really didn't want this to happen to him but again he has got the car fixed now and he did just open up a new Venture it's called supplement cartel I did host a bit of a meet and greet when I was down there um he's got a website he's got an Instagram page please I'll leave a link for him down below go follow him at least on Instagram support his business guys he is a great guy and uh yeah I just felt really bad that it happened on the channel but um we're all okay the car's back together I believe now and uh this is a real world um real world stuff guys so uh again hope you enjoyed this video If You did leave a comment down below hit the like button subscribe we'll see you on the next one [Music]

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