My very FIRST Warhammer 40K Experience - Space Marine 2 PART 1 (Opening)

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:45:00 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: space marine 2 release time
[Music] okay I'm just going to start this video off and just tell you straight out that I don't know anything about Warhammer I don't know anything about this franchise the lore or the 40,000 whatever that means I don't know all I know is that this game was on my radar space marinees two everything about this game that I've seen online on videos trailers Etc screams that Gears of War feeling that I've been looking for that Brotherhood I've been craving since I finished all of the Gears of War Games playlist link below if you're interested and I had a chance to play this game at Gamescom in Germany this year just for 10 minutes and those 10 minutes were truly glorious so welcome Lads and ladies to Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 my very first Warhammer 40K experience in the 41st Millennium Humanity stands on the brink of annihilation the Galaxy spanning Imperium of man is beset on all sides by hostile aliens and threatened from within by traitors and Heretics it is an age of con constant War a new Dark Age in which Enlightenment is replaced by Superstition rhetoric and blind prayer to live in such times is to be one amongst Untold billions existing in cruelest and bloodiest regime imaginable the most powerful and dreaded of the imperian Defenders are the Space Marines bioengineered superhuman Warriors they are Humanity's last Bastion against the terror there is no time for peace no respite no forgiveness oh my God I I got chills in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War what is this dude what is this I I literally got goosebumps reading that what the hell Kaku Imperial held residus system so like the Space Marines are they similar to like Spartans from Halo or like they're super biological engineered humans I love I love everything about this dude this is I've been craving this experience man it's Planet Kaku so alien are are invading right now early stage Invasion e he the [Music] ominous Death Watch kill team Primus approach prepare for atmospheric entry what what was that huh and I thought the gears boys were Fick God damn approaching Dr you listen to that music it's an orchestra acquire [Music] they look like the formed dragons like yo how is he going to survive this I take it they could just drop and land on their feet like superhero Landing oh never mind I landed on my face is that me I'm the most badass looking character that's in this game right now kill team leader to Squad box check repeat team squad confirm Vox contact move camera we have crashed from your position locate crash death watch cus bomb damn it okay so right now the settings I have it set to uh uh what do I have it set to actually I might just go into the settings and just switch around the oh I have it set to Quality I think speed might be frame rate oh that's so much better yeah no speed yet no that's that is so much better my eyes are are are just way more used to this okay so we can run how do we how do we attack we we can't do anything yet only only run it seems okay dude look at the hangang on hang on a minute okay so I'm just going to say this right now I've never played Space Marine 1 I don't know how it compares to this one Ming to L contract with brother approaching orbital launcher facility Well secure now ala I'm moving to the crash site do you read any sign of the commander negative no contact since the crash I'm here damn it C you have command what are your orders we proceed as planned launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere detonate it and watch the tyranids die the sight I will greatly enjoy why why do they sound like Orcs okay so this is Mission description a Tyrion highi fleet has invaded the planet of karaku uh placing an alpha level project known as Aurora at risk advance to the orbital launcher facility and fire a viral bomb into the atmosphere to combat the tyrad threat you got it oh my Lord look at this swarms and swarms of Tyran ads this is crazy as I was saying I've never played the first game I don't know how it Compares but I am blown away by this and what I'm looking at right now visually this is stunning this is stunning dude and since we have a little bit of downtime before the game actually officially starts if there's any particular the will be if there's any particular content cinematics trailers all that stuff that you think I should react to to make this a more not familiar experience but more of a an experience that I can understand a little bit more then please recommend them in the comment section as much as you can whatever trailer cinematics Etc there was a video I seen it was like a 40 minute uh Warhammer 40K cinematic trailer super video maybe you guys want to see that I don't know I want I want to know a little bit more about this world okay so our want to strike with a light attack oh my God hack him and slashing baby okay so survival our armor meter is down below and our health meter is above damage depletes armor armor regenerates after small delay recent lost Health can be restored by dealing damage the white line indicates the maximum regeneration amount okay okay I I I think I understand that the only way I'm going to learn is by just playing the game okay yeah okay i' I've already learned how to sprint so I mean it's the standard in most games okay chainsaw chain sword combinate oh my God this game Heavy attack hold or1 to finish a chains word combo use heavy attacks against large groups of enemies okay when you say finish a combo hang on any word from Brother Darius on the commander yo it is left there's different ones so if the more you do hold on Brothers oh I see that's cool oh my God that's cool here's me clicking down R3 thinking I could um uh lock on Parry press h one to Parry common attacks and attacks with a blue indicator can be parried perfectly timed parries will constantly kill smaller enemies and will stagger large enemies oh L the Pari did I just do it bro ah no coming I want to practice that a little bit more what the hell is this thing it's freaking huge woo you see that Parry that was awesome okay hang on wait my AR my armor is depleted let's have a look over here dude we we don't have a stamina mirror I feel like Master Chief this is crazy oh man is this like a mini boss bring it okay so press X to dodge attacks Mark with a red indicator these attacks cannot be parried oh you can lock on the larger enemies that makes that makes things much easier oh [ __ ] I didn't I didn't expect that hang on it's back away it's back away okay let's lock on he's not locking on now he is O okay I'm too used to Circle being a Parry okay hang on hang on hang on chill chill chill chill execute execute oh my god well an enemy is incap incap incapacitated press R3 to perform a finisher restore some armor ooh so actually oh but my health though must reach that B I will even if I have to my way through okay I don't feel like I done pretty good against that I was going to say boss but it's not really a boss so Parry Dodge Parry Dodge okay just kicked it down I thought he was going to jump over it he just he just kicked it down I mean what what else would you do okay we going down here into the swamp or we going over here we have multiple pads to explore here I'm not really sure this feels like it's going back though going go this way because maybe there's something here we can metal with o this tank Darius brother I will repay them 10 Soul no Darius I don't even know who you are and I care let's go get out of it I should be kicking these rotten seos out of my fangs for weeks situation here in the launcher is be oh he's going to lift it oh my Godus oh my God so bad 10 more comeing down if we fail to launch that bomb there will be nothing to stop the terranics I am almost at the crash site just make sure the launcher is still standing when I get there I will hold the line for as long as I can we're full on ammo should I go back and explore the other area or maybe It ultimately leads here I don't know weaken the enemy hold R1 to knock back small enemies press R2 to perform the gun strike gain the advantage [Applause] okay oh well he died with the kick so nice probably should finish that tutorial though hey can't go through there put down some bamboo okay all right here we go oh get off let's go let's go man [Music] dude what's he going to do with this now you going to push it what a beast what a beast we are running out of time kill team I am at the crash site where are [Music] they [Applause] oh get out of my way you oh my god dude that's so sick so you get a good bit of time actually to Parry Baron my brother it's not like you have honored the Imperium with your devotion wait where is he oh no another Fallen brother no what's he got ala helus if you can hear me I have the virus bomb headed to the orbital launcher reach the orbital launcher facility how should Bight Cen us come on what is this why are we punching it this [Music] no can you save him death will not you piece of [ __ ] get out of my face that was my brother oh you want to go ah get all right hang on oh got him who else wants this who else wants to fight me tyranids EMB break the perimeter over anyone with a bomb on Route hang on squish man what's happening uh-oh [ __ ] back away back away oh what the freak how H [ __ ] Jesus I'm going to have to get some more kills [Music] wait do I have any steems no stems damn well at least I have back to full armor are you with me I have the bomb find orbital launcher this place is just so heavy metal it's ridiculous you have served your Emperor well no oh come on my Bros record log to any Imperial unit that recovers this log my kill team crash landed off course my brothers are all dead slain by tyranids I have the virus bomb moving to the orbital launcher we'll fire into Stratosphere where it will disperse over tyranid positions my brothers oh my God my brothers augmented L2 and AR Trey oh did not know you could do that oh they're coming here they are coming here oh my God just who how the freak ah get out of my face damn that fully replenishes ammo that's awesome man I lawn mow through him Contin the virus is our one chance to delay The tyranid Invasion the virus will spread through their forces they will adapt but it will slow them down the virus must be launched into the stratosphere Nothing Else Matters wow I love this voice his voice acting is awesome it's so perfect my God I thought it was a boss fight come hell yeah still trying my best to get yo used to this um the controls I mean but it feels great feels great thought that thing was still making noises I was like what dude I haven't been playing this game for very long and I'm already intrigued by like its story and wanting to know more about its lore so fascinating how long has Warhammer been around and what kind of stories are being told through this franchise and where the am I supposed to go I think I'll go through here shift change over your tness has been flaged through viation open the gates shift chronometer reset you are registered as on duty carry out the officer work according to the Divine synchronicity okay we found the orbital launcher it's right there but I have a feeling something or someone is going to interfere with our plans maybe not inserting payload please don't malfunction [ __ ] we did it CH material detected further benedictions required transmitting override authorization set course for stratospheric detonation the right of Safeguard must be performed seek an authorized Mak the console locate or to launcher activation console okay yeah something's happening here something's definitely happening here all frag grenades how do we switch to frag grenades I thought Circle was to switch to frag grenades but it it's actually just to fire them um I know now Ma Spirit where is the command cons how far can I throw these does not oh oh dear I don't know where that frag grenade went but it wasn't going where I wanted it to go I'm assuming you can play the campaign with a friend maybe I should maybe should I ask a friend to join me in the next episode maybe if you guys want to see a next episode launcher hibernation console inactive for 22 hours this Irey to the omiah has been locked activate La systems the right of initialization must be performed seek an authorized MOS of the command console for God's sake I just want to launch it the edge of the observation Platos will attend to you shortly doubtful dude what's this more grenades yes I kind of wasted the other three well I wasted two I successfully delivered one I think we have to go down there well I'm going to have a look around here first okay actually know there's something here we need to interact with this complete Awakening systems fromation light of capacitors initialized Personnel May prayers of charging drone can you not hasten the damn process sisic disruptions have occurred launch a altered oh my God I have to fight that oh [ __ ] all right then oh my God they're climbing up what you are are kidding me what is this game holy my God let let me get oh oh God is requ holy crap oh my God press it oh my God I made it holy that was getting dicey Oh I thought I was going to die there I was like damn I can't die on the tutorial mission oh my God oh my God this is [Music] Cinema oh no oh my God god dude remember reach oh we got to see her face oh my God that's the guy right Titus that that's that's the guy right I will take you all with me I will not rest until you lie dead at my feet o we have no help ourselves we're going to go down fighting yes [Music] sir even if I am slain I will Le you with wounds by which you will remember wow we will eradicate your kind from the Galaxy [ __ ] oh my God May that virus drip your flesh from your B what the freak is this oh [ __ ] come on a come on then so pretending to fight me and fight me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is this game no [Music] [Music] wait what the Cavalry is here I think I think we're kaku's orbit battle bars resilient day [Music] four man Titus I think his name is right that's the main I think I don't know I might be wrong he gives me Marcus Phoenix Vibes oh my God I hate to compare it to Gears of War and other Xbox franchises but what the hell is on my body the wound was fatal you survived only through the Rubicon surgery we remade you what I died primaris now why Lord issued the command himself is he here gone summoned by the prime Ark so I died I must get back to the watch Fortress you have been reassigned my place is with the death watch the Inquisition can find no stain on you Titus accused of heresy you have served Penance in the death la watch for almost a century and not once have you faltered but you will never No Redemption until you have faced the Judgment of your brothers prove yourself to us and no true Absolution I've been reassigned and reborn what is your life I am locked in my honor is my life what is your fate my duty is my fate what is your fear my fear is to fail it's like The Matrix what is your reward my salvation is my reward oh new armor and it's blue what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service [Music] the Rubicon surgery has remade you as a primaris mar wow you are now stronger faster and more resilient you will take your place as an ultramarine once more your brothers will know that you serve an Ultra Marine but your dishonor able status as a black shield has been redacted from the archives should it be discovered there would be questions has offered you a second chance do not taint it what what what what all right I'm going to end it there because I just wanted to play the opening of this game I wanted to get a taste of what Warhammer 40K is all about and especially what Space Marine is all about I've never touched a single piece of 40K media in my entire life I don't know anything about this world I don't know anything about this franchise all I know it's it's very popular a lot of people love it it's one of their favorites and I'm I'm I think they're the ones with the little painted models that you do and there's a there's a whole tabletop board game for Warhammer as well I know that's super popular I've seen it in so many different stores that I've been in but I don't know anything about it this is my somewhat introduction to the franchise I don't know what to tell you this is probably the worst place to start but what I got to experience there was pure Cinema that was a spectacle that that whole opening sequence was beautiful the gameplay was super fun super intense but also very very easy to get used to I I think I'm going to get really really good at this game those are words that I would probably most likely eat but everyone I hope you enjoyed this episode of Space Marine 2 massive shout out to focus entertainment for this amazing launch is getting huge reviews from many many different sources um and they deserve it so I want to play through this game I don't know how long to campaign is I don't know if I should invite a friend I don't even know if I should do another episode with you guys it all depends on ye if you want to see it if this video does well and more people want to see me play these games or play this this game in particular or react to some of the other stuff that's come out like cinematic trailers and stuff just to get a little bit of a taste of what the stories are like in this world and how they're told because I know Titus is a very popular character I don't know if it just comes from Space Marine 1 or is just a character that's popular throughout the 40K franchise I don't know but this is my first time playing it my first time interacting with anything 40K related and I loved it that was the whole point of this video was to see what it's all about and what the hype is about and just from that one opening sequence I already know what the hype is about this game is awesome I need more so please let this video do well so I can play more for you guys if not I'll be playing it anyway because wow anyway Lads ladies boys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed my reactions to Space Marine 2 leave a like if you did and comment down below your favorite thing about anything Warhammer 40K related I want to know and if I should check out some stuff leave that in the comment section as well and I will try make some reaction videos for you guys also thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in my next Space Marine video see you later dudes

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