Identity: You're Not Special | Pastor Tommy Palmer | Sunday Livestream

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 01:32:38 Category: Nonprofits & Activism

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[Music] [Music] yo that was a quiet little intro can we make some noise in here yeah what's up guys good morning I'm glad you guys are here this morning man man yeah yeah so good to have you guys this morning if you've not had a chance to say hi to your neighbor go ahead and take a second to greet them y' you know that that's what church is all about it's about the person sitting next to you and Jesus but go ahead and say good morning to Jesus and the person next to you Hey listen uh we do this every week it's pretty important actually uh scripture tells us in Hebrews to continually bring your sacrifice of praise which is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to the Lord and what that's saying is we are supposed to continually with our words Proclaim and give God thanks how many of you guys have a lot to be thankful for anyone in this house yeah me too me to so I want you guys to stand up to your feet if you able if you're able to stand up to your feet I want you to stand up to your feet and what we're going to do over these next few minutes is instead of singing a song we're going to lift up our own voices to Worship the Lord yeah come on and y'all know that verse that Pastor Tommy shares every week Hebrews 13:15 about lifting up our bringing our sacrifice of praise well this morning I was prompted to go back and look at the context of that verse I don't know if y'all have ever had that experience where you know a verse by heart you know it really well but you don't really know where it fits into the scripture so this morning I I opened it up and I looked at it and y'all I was so excited because when I looked at the verses prior and it talked about bringing that sacrifice of praise you know what it was all in the context of it was in the context of the work of the Cross of what Jesus did of his blood it says that before we had to bring the sacrifice of animals to be covered U and have our sins um forgiven but now all we have to do is offer a sacrifice of praise like how easy is that y'all and so I got excited when I saw that because I thought we do this every week we always you know thank Jesus for our blessings of our home and our family and all the spiritual blessings that he's given to us but seeing that today reminded me about where it all starts it all began with the blood and so today when you offer up your praise to him I want you to remember remember that all the things that you list today the reason why we can praise His him is because of the work that he did on the cross and y'all it is finished and on communion Sunday we have something to celebrate so hey we you do that right now will you start telling the Lord how great he is come on everyone in this house lift up your hands lift up your voice and start praising the Lord giving him thanks for what he has done for you come on lift up your voices it says make your praise glorious in this house come on everybody Jesus who is like [Music] you come on let's fill this house this morning this with your PR [Music] we worship The God Who was we worship The God Who is we worship the god whoever more will be he open open the prais part the SE my God he holds the [Music] victory Qui shout out to the Lord our God [Music] is shout out your [Music] praise shout out your [Music] praise God who the God all he hung up on the cross and he rose up from the grave my God still rolling St away they Jo in the house of the Lord they Jo to the Lord and we won't be C we shout out your there's joy in the house of the Lord our God is show in this and we won't be quiet we shout out your praise there joy in the house of the Lord there Jo in the house of the Lord today and we won't be quiet we shout out your praise Jo house the Lord our God is in [Music] this we shout out of your PR [Music] now we're royalty we now we running free we are forgi accepted Redeemed by his grace at the house of the Lord sing praise royaly we the [Music] prises we are for his praise in the house of the Lord PR there's joy in the house of the Lord there's joy in the house of the Lord today and we will all be Qui [Music] we shout out of your praise they join house to the Lord our God is Jo in this place and we will be quiet oh we shout out your praise and join us to the Lord there's Jo in house to the Lord today and we won't be cry we shout out and joy the house of the Lord I got it show in this place and we W be quiet oh we were the beg now we're royalty we were the greatest now we're all in are forg accept redeem his praise in the house of the Lord Praise we were the beggers we were the beg now we're royalty we were the risers now we're running free we are forgiv accepted Redeemed by his praise and the house of the Lord pra we were the beg come on now we're roal we were the pr now we're running we are forgi accepted Redeemed by his grace and the house of come on if you are in the house of the Lord let's Praise Him [Music] mighty warrior Sovereign King you and every batt even in the shadows gentle father you rich in love you clo be her and double their portion pouring water rushing wind winding like a fountain moving in Mountain great toov the architect Alpha and Omega holy way maker come on let's praise him who Senter The Great I Am with everything I have unto the great I am I'm singing How Great Is Your Name unto The Great I Am with everything I have unto the great I am I'm singing How Great Is Your Name sing Wonder work wonder work bread of life your body was broken Heavens are open the resurrected and lifted High Praise in the highest glory in the highest and The Great I Am with everything I have the great I am I'm singing how great is your name the Great I Am with everything I have The Great I Am I'm singing how great your name how great is your name how great is your name how great is your name Jesus how great how great how great is your [Music] name come on let's sing this together oh praise the pride of Judah oh praise the Lamb one slain yahe we love you yahe we love you oh praise the Rock of Ages oh praise the God who saves y way we love you yah we love you your name is our Salvation Jesus the King of Kings y way we love you goe we love you you're name is the resurrection your name is everything yah way we love you yah we love you oh yah we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you yah we love you oh yah we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you we love you we love you we love [Applause] you You Are Holy Fire the comfor your peace within the chaos how you sustain us thank you Jesus Breath of Heaven within our lungs a new sound is stiring and and it sounds like how great is your name how great is your name how great is your name how great is your name Jehovah Jehovah how great how great your name how great is your [Music] name come on think about the name of Jesus he's Jehovah Rafa he's Jehovah nii he's Jehovah jyra he's the Prince of Peace he's the Lord of lords he is good he's faithful come on if you know his name really sing this will you lift up his name today oh how great your name how great is your name Jesus Jesus how great is your name we lift you up we lift you up how great is your name how great how great is your name Jesus how great how great is your name Oh Praise Him for praise oh praise the of je oh praise the Lamb one slain yah we love you yahe we love you oh praise the rock of Angeles oh praise the God who saves yah we love you yahe we love you your name is our Salvation Jesus the King of Kings yah way we love love you yah we love you your name is the resurrection your name is everything yah we love you yah we love you oh yah we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you y we love you oh yah way we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you yah we love you oh yah we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you yah we love you oh yah way we love you yah way we love you oh yah way we love you yah way we love you yah way we love you yah way we love you we love you yes we do we love you Jesus oh Jesus oh [Music] Jesus we love you we love you yes we do yes we do come on let it rise up in this place we love you oh we love you y we love you y we love you y we love you yes yah way we love you y we love you oh yah we love you yah we love you oh y way we love you we love you y way we love you yah we love you yah we love you y we love you oh yah we love you y we love you oh yah we love you yah we love you oh yah we love love you we love you yes way we love you y way we love you oh we love we love you [Music] H The Great I Am with everything I have unto the great I am I'm singing How Great Is Your Name unto The Great I Am with everything I have to The Great I Am I'm singing How Great Is Your Name Jesus how great is your name can we lift up his name today how great is your name Jesus how how great is your name Jesus Jesus how great is your name yes how great is your name let's give praise to the Lord let's declare right now how great is your name we're going to go into a time of taking communion if you didn't get your communion cups that's right there in the back on encourage you to go ahead and grab that right now if you do have your communion cop and your uh the elements go ahead and start opening those as uh as we wait for our brothers and sisters to grab um their elements as well How Great Is Your Name Lord open up that [Music] bible now it's going to go in a whole different direction until we started singing that song and uh to feel led in Revelation 5 we see a scene John's up in the throne room he gets transported and he sees the throne room and all of that's happening there and he sees this one who's sitting on the throne he sees God the Father who has a scroll which is it's the it's the plans it's God's plans the father's plans for the earth and the cry goes out who's worthy to open that scroll who's worthy to to not only read it but who's who's who's worthy to to cause it to happen who's who's worthy to lead in in a manner that would be worthy of the father and and it says there's no one John can't find anyone and he begins to weep but then he hears a voice and says do not weep John behold the lon of the tribe of Judah the root of David has prevailed to open the scroll to loose its Seven Seals John gets some great testimony there is a lion there is a lion lion who's able to do it but this lion is not like a lion we would normally think about this power this leadership this this courage this fierceness doesn't look like how naturally we would think it looks like CU When John turns he looks and he sees a lamb that has been slain and though it is alive it had its whether it's its neck cut or whatever but he could tell this is a lamb that has been slain and it's this lamb who is slain who is the one who's worthy to take up that scroll and he does and the the exclamation That Goes Forth from all of the four living creatures the 24 Elders is this they sing this song you're worthy to take the scroll to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us Kings and Priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth it doesn't stop there because innumerable Angels join in with these four living creatures and 24 elders and they declare Worthy is this lamb that's known as a lion but he is manifested as a lamb that was slain Worthy is a lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever you know that the way that Jesus leads and the way that Jesus is is so different than anything we've ever seen before he declares that we would should reign with the Lord that we he has redeemed Us by his blood he has broke the power of death sin In The Grave by his blood you would think that he would break that power by going and just killing them and destroying them but instead he says no I give my life and that is the power of the Lion of the tribe of Judah and Jesus on a night that he is betrayed he's at his weakest moments humanly speaking he's going to give himself willingly to the guards and to the Roman soldiers and to the Pharisees and die and excruciating humiliating death and he invites his disciples in that moment as he takes the bread and he breaks and say Brothers this is this is my this is my body broken for you I'm sure they're looking at him thinking what do you mean you're you're the Messiah you're the one who's the Conquering King you're the King the lion of Judah you are the Messiah Peter said earlier you're the one that is the son of God but Jesus says this is how it works I break my body and I give it to you take and eat of it then he takes that cup and he says this is my blood of the New Covenant for [Music] you it's going to be poured out for you for the Forgiveness of sins for many all that would believe take and drink do this in remembrance of me and what he's offering us beloved what he's offering us is this I want to teach you how to rule and reign with me but the way you rule and Reign is you partake of how I do it you don't do it how you do it naturally speaking you do it how I do it you know these elements that we're taking right now they're outside of us these elements are not me but here in just a moment I'm going to consume them and they will become me they'll come inside of me and they will you won't be able to distinguish me from from this little grape juice and bread and when Jesus says partake and eat of me this is what he's saying he says consume me he said I don't want to just be on the outside of you I'm going to be on the inside of you but youve got to allow me to come do it the way that I do it that you die to your flesh and you give your life and in that you Reign and Rule with me and so as we take of these elements you know these elements are very small and puny they have the you know three drops of of grape juice and this little thing they call a wafer more like cardboard but you know it's not the elements themselves that's special is by our faith as we take of this that's what makes it special that's what makes it powerful and so as we take of this bread we drink of this cup we're going to do what Jesus said to his disciples and to all that were listening to him in John 6 where he says You must eat of My Flesh and drink of my blood if you want any part of me what that's what are you talking about says no for real you have to eat of me you have to consume me for those who eat of My Flesh and drink of my blood they I am in them and they are in me and this is what Jesus has given us today through his blood through him being a lamb that was slain though is alive today a conquering lion in the in power he's inviting us to do it with him today and so let's take of these elements we're going to pray over these but I want us to pray in this fashion and say God I'm I'm I'm willing to do it your way I'm done fighting for my own stuff I'm done doing it My Own Strength God I break I join in the breaking of my own flesh I join in the giving of my own life that I may find it so father we thank you Father for this gift this cup of Thanksgiving Lord we thank you Lord for this bread that was given that Jesus gave thanks as he broke it and we thank you for giv us your son the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the Earth not only for us but that we would join with him as we become one with him and so we take of these elements and by Faith Lord we say yes we say yes we want to learn your ways your gentle and lowly we want to learn your ways carry on your burdens and so as we take of this bread and take of this cup father we say yes to you we thank you in the name of Jesus go ahead and take take the take the [Music] bread thank you Jesus for spilling your blood for us thank you for giving your life blood that we may have life for taking us out of Darkness you may a kingdom of priest that we reign with you on this Earth we thank you for not only leading the way but making the way and we come and we partake with you we remember what you have done and what you've invited us into and we take of this cup as your blood to consume it to make it part of us in the name of Jesus you take of the [Music] cup in Jesus name deserve the Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise Worthy is your name come on let's sing it again Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name oh Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name oh Worthy is your name Worthy is your name Jesus Worthy is your name come on let's lift up our voices so worthy so worthy Worthy is your name oh Worthy is your name [Applause] Jesus Worthy is your name oh Jesus oh Jesus Worthy is your name Jesus you deserve the praise worthy is your name Jesus we love you Worthy is your name we love you God you're so faithful you're so faithful God you're so faithful so faithful God so we praise is we praise you you're so faithful God you're so faithful you're so faithful God oh we thank you yes we thank you Jesus you're so faithful so faithful God so faithful so faithful God so faithful God my oh my Lord you have been faithful all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am able oh I will sing of the goodness of God let's sing that one more time oh my life you s my life life you have been faithful all my life all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am able oh I will sing of the goodness of God on my life on my life you have been faithful oh all my life and all my life you have been so so God with every breath that I am able oh I will sing of the goodness of God cuz your goodness is run your goodness is running after it's running after me oh goodness your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life late done I'm surrendered now I gave you everything cuz your goodness is running after it's running after me your goodness your goodness is running after it's running after me your goodness your goodness is right running after it's running after me with my life laid down and surrender now I give you everything your goodness is running after it's running after me your goodness your goodness is running after it's running after me your goodness your goodness is running after it's running after after [Applause] me oh my life you have been [Music] faithful and all my life you have been so so good with every bre that I am able I will sing of the goodness of God all my life on my life all my life you have been faithful thank you Jesus and all my life you have been so s good with every breath that I am made I will sing of the goodness of God all I will see of the goodness of God if you believe he's been good to you youed up a shout of Praise come on father there is no one like you Jesus oh Father you have been faithful God in everything we've done You' have been faithful to your word and God today we declare it Jesus with all of our breath we're going to sing of your goodness Jesus so Lord we lift up your holy name and father we pray that for the rest of the day that our hearts would continue in this same scene God that you are worthy of Our Song In The Name of Jesus we pray we all say amen amen amen come on Hey listen first off this is most important welcome to church sh does anyone else in here love church like I do man I love it man come on all so I want you to do me a favor it's your first or second time here will you put your hand up real high we're not just say hi to you will you grab these hands Church you see these hands say what's up to them yeah welcome them say hi to them shake their hand greet somebody while you're at it go ahead and say hi to someone come on this is about the church coming together there all right grab a seat grab a seat John and Judy patas come to the front just there's a whole bunch of seats in the front come on get up here come on you are you are my special guest always sit right there you get out of here that way I could pick on you a little easier grab a seat if you can I'm glad you guys are here today man oh man I got a little house cleaning I got to do I got to tell you guys about a few things so go ahead and grab a seat to everyone who's uh first time or second time here I'm so glad you guys are coming today after church we got a little connection spot for you uh Samuel Bush's parents are here what's up guys hi hello yeah we love Sam Bush that's the guy so check this out though I do want to just put uh something in your ear that we're going to really promote next week but I want to start this week with you guys uh I don't know if you guys guys know this but our church uh five days a week uh five days a week we are on the streets and doing Ministry do you know that that we are out every day yeah it's incredible um and look around look around look around this church right now just look at everybody uh we don't have the funds look you can tell how poor we all are look around here we don't always have all the funds and uh and so what we do is we do fundraisers throughout the year and and we reach out to other churches and other believers and uh we got something coming up next week I'm telling you this next week but I want to prepare you because I want you to be able to tell your friends and family and anybody else that we're doing a fundraiser here at our church so that we could do more Ministry I don't know if you guys how many you guys want to see more people come to Jesus anyone in this house I me too I really want to see more people come to the Lord and uh our whole church was kind of founded on the idea that we'd go love the unlovable and we' go out in the street and minister to people that no one wants to minister to and so we're doing this fundraiser and uh I didn't bring a picture but if you have your notes you're taking notes write down ride for ride for every year my dad usually gets a motorcycle and you know you guys know my dad he's crazy he's in Boston right now uh he usually gets a motorcycle rides around town and he gives away at the end of this fundraiser and every donation towards this fundraiser is an opportunity to win well we didn't get a motorcycle this time we got a 1981 C10 Chevy and it is the most beautiful truck you've ever seen you go to the website next week we'll have a whole pitch for you we'll have some flyers for you to take to your friends and family business anyone who donates to this $25 or more enters a chance to win a suit does anyone in here want a truck does anyone want a cool truck yeah wouldn't that be cool yeah uh especially something like that dude you know he drives around everyone waves on him gives him a thumbs up it's a lot of fun we'll have that more to next week so I want you to have that in your ear but listen uh here's something else actually got to say where's Mr June at Mr June you stood up last week and you had an announcement sit sound don't stand up uh and he he wanted to say something I didn't know what he wanted to say say and he just wanted everyone to know that it was his birthday on Friday isn't that awesome yeah yeah happy birthday Mr June Noel Stern's birthday was last week is that correct Yeah Tim and Noel you guys stand up too these are some special guests of mine yeah if you don't know these guys I got to serve alongside of them in Ministry and I hang out with them and they they are all over they're traveling they're recording albums but today is their anniversary happy anniversary you guys today right is that true yeah yeah yeah that was cute that's like Jerry Springer how you guys said all like that like oh that was great yeah uh now there's a lot going on in this church man we got uh people who are moving soon Stephen Michelle I hate you for that we got all sorts of stuff going on we got babies brand new babies Matt Teresa just had a baby two weeks ago they're here yeah but I'm done I'm not going to talk about that anymore all right let's get to the word you didn't come here to hear about everybody else's life you know uh so check this out man we are on a new series we're going to talk about identity and I want to make you talk to your neighbor a lot so just go ahead and look at him and say I'm sorry go ahead and say that to him right now I'm sorry go ahead and tell them I'm sorry that I'm looking at you guys on the back I see you staring at me tell your neighbor that you're sorry you have to talk yeah you right there with the chain yeah I'm talking to you now so check this out man uh you're going to talk a lot and there's a reason why I I do this isn't just for fun uh you could get good worship anywhere does anyone listen to worship on their cell phone or anything like oh me too man I love good worship you can get a great sermon online uh for those who are online today I'm I'm so glad you're online but Church isn't about a sermon and worship church is about coming together as Believers and so I want to remind you that I know there's a stage I'm in some lights and you guys are in comfortable chairs and lower lighting but this isn't a movie theater this isn't a Stage Theater this is church so you look to your neighbor and say I'm glad you're here will you tell them that right now so I'm glad you're here look to your other neighbor and say talk to me stop avoiding me go ahead and tell them that stop avoiding me so look we got a we got this new series that we're on and for the next three weeks we're going to be talking about your identity we're going to be talking about how you see yourself what makes you you we're going to talk about your abilities we're going to talk about a lot of stuff these next three weeks I'm very excited but today uh this topic is you're not special go ahead and tell your neighbor that not special go ahead and tell them you're not special you ain't nothing go ahead you know I can hear a husband wife right now getting some stuff off the shoulders you know you're not special what if I just said that actually like that's not true I'm G to talk about something else I just want to tell you that n you're not special listen there's so many wonderful things I want to talk about you how great of a person you might be how talented you are but I got to tell you right off the GetGo you're not special you are not special and you're gonna hear me say that a lot and some of you guys are going man I came here to get encourag Tom you're really you know popping my bubble but you're not special I want you to look around this room look at everybody in this room they're they're unique in a lot of their ways but they're capable people I know people who are so talented so talented what they do but if I just wait a few more years how many you guys are know you could always find someone else who's more special after that right it's like man I want to put it in your head because today I want to talk about your identity and how important it is that first off you recognize that you're not special I want to talk about two different kinds of special we all feel two types of special that we all walk in and it depends on the day and and it depends on what's going on in life but I just want to tell you again you are not special you're something you're something something y like yeah I know yeah oh man but you're not and you're going to do some special things special is an adjective that generally means that something is distinguished or set apart from others due to its unique qualities importance or value now how many of you guys are married to someone special good for you that look at that marriage is healed I saw a husband raise his hand and the wife didn't did you that's crazy I'm looking at you guys yeah yeah yeah that's a fight happening love you God bless you usually means that it's better different or more important than others and this first type of special I want to talk about is that kind of special the one that you've kind of probably figured I was talking about which is that you're important that you're better than others that there's something special about you that you are going to do something so great that nobody in this world is ever going to be able to compare to it I want to tell you right now me saying that out loud to you right now is already going to rub you the wrong way because how many you guys have grew up and you had a good mom who told you how special you were all the time yeah I got a great mom too yeah and here this jerk looking Pastor wearing a football jersey to church there's a reason why I'm wearing this by the way shut up no man this guy up here is going to tell me I'm not special and I'm going to say this because I got to tell you that a lot of you guys are really talented some of you guys how many you guys know some talented musicians and singers anyone I mean Abby come on ab's voice give me a break right yeah I I love that some of you guys are talented in philosophy some of you guys could do math I can't do math you guys could do math uh but that doesn't make you special just because you're better it's not it's not special to be better than me you know it doesn't make you special when you have great talents that's not what makes you special football season is H starting this week and I actually wore this jersey that I found in the donation closet yeah uh it's Mike Wallace if you don't know who Mike M Wallace is he played for the Steelers back in 2009 when I watched football and uh this this jersey this guy he's not special he's famous Mike Wallace does anyone know who Mike Wallace is does anyone remember that yeah okay how about Jerry Rice anyone remember Jerry Rice the wide receiver for the 49ers yes I love that not special not special football season always reminds me of any other sport it's like every time you watch I you guys notic this but every time you watch a sport and every game have you notice there's always a new record that's broken have you guys noticed that no me me alone I'm telling you there's always a new record broke because no matter how special a person was before there's someone who comes behind them who does it better someone out there's going to do it Greater someone's going to be more unique and better than you they're going to be more important than you it's going to happen no matter what there's not a person in this world excluding Jesus Christ himself that you look at and go wow there important there's people who did greater crazier things and this is important to understand because we like feeling special I like taking my talents and elevating them I like making it so that's my identity I want people to know how good I am at something Checkers for instance I'm good I want you to know I plan three steps ahead like it's chess I don't know how to play chess well but if I did I'd probably be good at that too I'm telling you I'm I want to be known as special so do you in fact most of us dream about being special most of us dream about what it would mean to be on the big stage and having big impact and having importance most of us Str actually can I just say this not most of us the entire world is looking for importance that's what they're after that's what we want we want to be important we want to have some kind of contribution that's so special that people go wow that's am even they don't know our name because you know some of us Pretend We're humble and we go I didn't even no one knew who I was liar you get mad when someone doesn't give you credit for how nice the house looks get out of here with that J you know what I'm saying but I want to tell you how you can become special because God isn't looking for special people God's not looking around saying who has the most Talent how many you guys have ever seen or maybe felt like you had nothing to bring to God you guys ever feel that before man or how many you guys have felt like you had a great gift and you're just waiting for God to use it there's a lot of us like that man I'm so good I wish God would just use it God just use my gift I want to tell you right now God is Not Looking for talented special people God's looking for faithful people the way you become special is you become someone who's faithful to God now I going to preach on this sermon and I want to tell you there's there's two things that you're going to get out of this thing really quick number one the first thing you're go man that doesn't seem like there's a lot of depth to to that but I'm speaking on this because I need to speak to your flesh I need to speak to the thing that has deceived you into thinking that your talents and your works and your abilities are a qualifying factor for God to do something great in your life and I want to speak to that because you might theologically know that but your actions in your life have been holding you back in a lot of different areas because you've been trying to use your talents to be important you've been trying to use your ability or your knowledge or your forn knowledge or whatever you might have to make yourself important you've been striving at your job you've been striving before people and the reality of it is that's the wrong way to go it won't make you important it won't make you special the thing that God's looking for to make you special is your faithfulness to him if you have your Bibles I want you go to James chapter 5 we read this when we're talking about prayer and Earnest prayer a few weeks ago how many you guys been praying more since that last series man me too come on eight of us man we got to work on you guys we'll do another series on prayer 517 through 18 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours look to your neighbor and say Elijah was like you goad and tell him that Elijah was like you he had a nature like ours but check this out he did something pretty special and he prayed ear earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for 3 years and 6 months I'm going to take a drink of water to that and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the Earth produced its fruit how many you guys want to live that kind of Life any what in here how many you guys would like to be able to pray I don't know if you don't do this okay but how many guys would like to pray and then the rain would stop for three and a half years and you pray again and the rain comes that's special oh that's crazy I read that scripture and we we we talk about Elijah and this one talks about his Earnest prayer but his Earnest prayer didn't come from nothing his Earnest prayer came from a place of faith I want to tell another story and if you're taking notes I'm not going to actually put the story on the screen but if you're taking notes go to Genesis chapter 22 I want to read a story about or tell you a story about a guy named Abraham a man he was just a man he had talents I'm sure he was good at business but that's not what made him special that was just like anybody else listen there's been better businessmen than Abraham there's been better business people than him there's been better people he wasn't special in that sense in fact he was equal with you and I he was just like you and I sure he might have a better Talent here or there but he wasn't special what made him special was that he was faithful in Genesis chapter 22 the Lord tells him he says hey that son that I promised you Isaac I want you to go sacrifice him and Abraham without question says yeah I'm going to do it and he takes his son and he walks to the top of the mountain and he has him tied up and he lays him down on the Altar and he lifts his his knife up to kill him and while he lifts up his knife there's an angel of the Lord who calls out and says Abraham Abraham he says here I am he says do not do not kill your son and he looked and there was a ram in the bush okay how many you guys think that's a crazy story anyone in here think that's CRA How many you guys have ever thought about killing your kids right you would never do it if few hands what up you would never do that and you should repent for that by the way that's like not a good thing but legitimately that's crazy but in Hebrews it says he believed God that his promises were good and that it wasn't just a theology in his faith it was a faith that he was able to have actions in he said you know what I am going to follow you God because I believe and in Hebrews it says that Abraham believed that God would raise him up from the dead if that's what he had to do he knew that God wasn't going to lie and this is what the angel of the Lord says to Abraham he says because you have done this thing you've been faithful you follow me you believe me because you've done this thing and you've not withheld your son your only bless your only son son blessing I Will Bless You multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven as the sandwiches in the seashore and your descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies and your seed all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed because you obeyed my voice Abraham was special Abraham was so special the God of all creation said blessing upon blessing upon you I'm going to make your descendants so great you had one son I'm going to make your descendants like the sand on the shore have you ever tried to count the sand on the shore don't even he says see the stars in the sky he said I'll make your descendants like this you know what's crazy about this story is God said Abraham you're special because you are faithful to me not because you were good at War not because you had a bunch of your finances were in order not because you are good at what you did but because you believed what I said that's what makes you special the thing that makes you special Church isn't what you're able to do it's not in the abilities it's not in your talents it's in whether or not you will believe him it's whether or not you will say God you're going to be my provider it's not just going to be a theology in my head I'm going to trust you you see I I got to give a little lesson on faith really quick because this is important because James was able to pray and he was a man just like you and I Abraham he was a man just like you and I and God made him special so I got to talk to you about what faith is you see so many of us have some great theology how many guys have read the Bible all the way through anyone in here yeah man if you haven't we read it as a church that was like way too few hands by the way I love reading the Bible and a lot of us get some great theology in our minds we go man this is cool I like what God Said here we got this theology but theology is not what the Lord's after in fact he says knowledge is what Puffs you up so be careful what he wants is Faith and what faith is is believing God above all your other beliefs believing God above all your other beliefs now how many you guys believe that if you don't get food in your house you're probably not going to eat is anyone in here believe that yeah me too I love going to the grocery store and I I love getting food in my home but there's this belief that I have that if I don't have money then I won't eat that's just an easy one I go down a lot of different beliefs I got beliefs that if I don't act good before people then I won't have favor I got beliefs that if I don't do my part well enough everything depends on me anyone in here feel responsible for basically everything that happens in life yeah I could get one guy in the back raising his hand this is message for you brother and so what faith is to say God I know that this is all true Abraham I know that if I kill my son with this Knight that he's going to die but I believe you you won't lie so I'm going to believe that more than what I believe about right now and faith is the idea of taking your belief in what God Said and prioritize it over everything else the reason why I'm describing it this way is because almost everyone in here if I ask you if you had Faith you'd say yeah I got faith I got I got good bit of faith I know that God's my provider he's my healer I know he has Eternity for me I know the most important thing in the world that I could ever ever desire is his holy spirit upon me and this Blood to be you know be washed in his blood I believe that but I also have a few other beliefs and these other beliefs are you know pretty important like if I pray at work and I get fired for ministering the gospel at work then I will be responsible to provide for myself and I'll have to fix that so I'm not going to be a minister at my job even though I know there's nothing more important to share at my workplace I believe I just have some other beliefs I believe that God's going to be my provider but if I can't figure out how I'm going to get provided for he's going to leave me hanging I believe I just have some other beliefs and so what we have is this kind of nuanced Christianity where everyone Pats each other in the back goes great faith you know but your belief isn't enough in fact the scripture says about faith he says man you could say all day what you believe but what are you doing because if you say you believe it but there's no action behind it it's called Dead faith in other words a faith that doesn't even exist and I read these scriptures about Abraham and Rahab and all these people and I go wait a minute they weren't special because of what they brought to the table they were special because they said God I don't just believe it in theology I'm going to believe it as I walk it out I'm going to be the person who says I know you're my provider I want to be like Elijah we read the story the other day but Elijah is crazy because I don't know about you but when you're hung what do you do when you get hungry you go find food right that's the first thing you do right Elijah during the drought he goes and he goes out to this Brook and he sits at this Brook and you know who feeds him the father does and guess how he feeds them Ravens bring food to him how many you guys would touch any food that a raven dropped off did you guys even touched that that's disgusting the entire time i' be eating like God you want to kill me with a disease this is your chance you know but this is what's cool about Elijah he knew God call me out of the kingdom of this land to sit at this Brook and to live there then I know you're going to be my provider I'm not going to have to figure it out for you I believe you Abraham says God you told me that this son is my promise but if you told me to kill him my action my belief in you is so much greater than any other belief I have my and my belief in you God and what you said is greater than all the other beliefs that you might fail me that you might let me kill my son and you might let me suffer I believe something greater so much so I'm going to live it out listen you want to be special walk out your faith for real man you want to be how many you guys want the favor of God in your life youone want favor of God in your life yeah did you see the favor Abraham had blessing upon blessing I will give to you you know what that was he didn't say you're so good at what you do let me give you some more opportunities he didn't say I'm going to give you more opportunities because you're so talented anyone in the world could do that he says because you obeyed my voice you were faithful to me I want to say this to you right now you're not special unless you have faith in Christ you're not special and there's one more thing I got to tell you because before I go to the next piece on what it means to be special some of the Specialties that you guys like to hang on to and me too there will be a day than the most talented musicians the best football players Mike Wallace Jerry Rice Michael Jordan the best Business Leaders everyone who's ever considered special on this Earth will stand at a judgment seat one day isn't that crazy and there will be nothing special before the Creator he's going to look at the rap and go you broke that record we hang on to that we say that's what makes us special but the father says no no no no you believed me or you didn't we stand before him naked before his eyes nothing hidden and he'll look at and go okay let me look at you because you have all eternity let me tell you what makes you special not what you could bring to me not your sacrifices that's not what I was looking for did you believe me where are my faithful ones I want to put the weight on this thing because I don't know about you but I don't want to be the lukewarm Christian who says I believe yet walks out a life of unbelief I don't want to be the lukewarm Christian who says God I love you like the Israelites my my face was towards him but my back was turned against them like it says in scriptures I don't want to be the one who says you know what God I love having faith in you but it doesn't seem so special so I want to make myself feel important come over here I I don't know if you understand understand what I'm saying I don't know about you but I don't want to be special I want to stand before the father and him say Well done my good and faithful servant no no forget that my son you believe me you know I want to put that weight on your shoulders because the world's been trying to tell you you're special for what you can do that leads me to my next special because some of us don't feel very special we walk around and go I don't have a lot to offer you know I hear eie Sing My Friend Tim over here he plays piano like a Wonder Boy you know I was like oh I can't do anything like that you know I watch people play sports any soccer players in the house yeah okay you guys are tight a lot of us go around and go I don't feel very special I feel pretty mediocre some of us feel spe especially bad some of us feel especially bad to the point that we don't know if God could use us some of us feel especially bad that we just always seem to be down on our how many you guys know people who just seem the eor of life you know who I'm talking about yeah you guys know those guys it's just like man they just they always have the worst luck I want to tell you real quick about this morning this really did happen this morning I didn't plan this Tim and Noel came to our house at midnight last night I didn't wait up for him I was a rude ho I went to bed I thought oh we'll make eggs and bacon in the morning so I got up early the house was clean I'm cracking eggs into my bowl and I cracked four eggs and we get farm fresh eggs from Donald and Lisa they're the best eggs and you guys ever had farm fresh eggs sometimes you get a chicken and this morning after the fourth egg into the blll because I thought scrambled eggs would be the move the fourth egg Boom the rotten smell of a of a a little baby chicken I know so I'm like okay that's fine I got two dozen you know that's five we can still make it so I dump it out clean it put it down no joke four eggs fifth egg another dead chicken so I'm thinking like all right well you know I got 14 eggs left so I'll uh I'll just do individual eggs you know I didn't know what I was going to do so what I decided to do is I'll break the egg on the bowl and put it in a cup to see if it was B so I get five eggs in six eggs in break an egg and it it was if you've ever seen a bad egg the yolk is super super runny I broke the egg and right into the bowl again I threw away all the eggs so I thought well I better go tell Susie I wasn't just throwing away eggs for fun so I go upstairs because she runs the finances I wanted to make sure she you know she keeps her inventory you know how many eggs we have how she spend so I tell her like hey I just a heads up uh there were some live not live chickens thankfully but there were some dead chickens and the eggs I had to throw them away and I go back downstairs in the house is full of smoke I burnt the bacon I like oh man you know so I pulled out I'm thinking like ah not a big deal you know whatever that's cool I'll just eat some dog treats because I don't you burnt bacon tastes like dog treats right so I said to the kids like oh this is good it's like crumbling down their face and so we get in the car and I'm thinking that was that wasn't how I planned the day to go so I get in the car and uh Jacob sits right behind me and I feel him tickling my neck stop like I didn't do anything I'm like okay whatever and I feel I'm tickling my arm now heads up we leave our windows down all the time okay and at night time anyone else in here hate cockroaches yeah I look down he's not tickling my arm there's a cockroach on my arm we're had a red light I hit it Susie jumped out of the she threw it in park and jumped out of the car scream yeah screaming so I grabbed this football actually and started smashing everything you know and so then I get here and uh I enterr upt the run through and they're like hey Tom King I'm like so sorry yeah so then uh Susie comes to me because I come out of the restroom like and that's another part of the story I won't tell so I come out of the restroom and Susie stand outside the bathroom and she's like oh I was about to use the restroom and I was like well what aren't you she says oh there's a toilet overflowing so I go in there my brother Gabe's mopping it so I'm I'm want to unclog this thing now Gabe my brother he's like stronger taller and older than me he's already tried but does anyone else feel like men do you ever just feel like you're the master of the plunger you know what I'm talking about like there's never been a toilet that beat you I tried I tried until I was I was sweating I was actually in there sweating I just thought I should stop I thought so I put it down Gabe Gabe was endearing he watched me try he put up the sign and I literally I went to The Green Room and I just sat down and thought you know what there's no bad luck in doing nothing so I sat there now a lot of times what happens to us when we have things like this is what we start thinking is man I'm just especially have bad luck life is just especially hard you know you look at someone else and think man I wish I could had a life like them they got it easy they got it easy I love it when people have one kid and they look at me and my wife who have seven kids and go oh by the way we're having our seventh kid that's a weird announcement but yeah we're my wife's pregnant yeah that's great yeah that's great yeah is crazy way to announce it but there you go yeah uh yeah she's not just gaining weight it's real it's a baby so she's killing she's not been gaining weight actually she's been losing weight I don't know that's good or not uh but she's pregnant so I forgot to tell you guys that a long time ago she's been pregnant for a long time I've been telling you sorry but no uh uh we I love it when people have one kid and they they look at Susie with seven kids and go you're just you're just better you know you're just special in that way I'm just specially bad it's like we look at him like no no no you're you're able you're not it's not especially hard for you you're able life's not especially hard you're not an especially bad sinner you're not an especially bad person you're not especially mediocre you're not special in your lack of you know why I'm saying that to you because going back to those same scriptures about like Elijah they weren't especially bad or good but my favorite story is Rahab the town prostitute that the father looked at and said man you're faithful you're one of my great ones doesn't matter how bad you are the Lord's saying that's not what makes you special because so many people I know we going God's not going to use me look at my life I got to many dark secrets and you forget that the Bible's full of especially bad people I mean Paul the Christian killer the thief on the cross the entire Corinthian Church for crying out loud Jonah you see it wasn't a disqualifying speciality that they had you see it's not everyone in this place that they feel pride and they say I'm so special what I could do most of us feel special that we're not good enough most of us feel like we're especially bad or out of luck and I I talked about faith and it's true but I want to talk about something else because I know there's a ton of people in this house who settled in their walk with the Lord say said God I believed you but you never give God a chance to direct your life because you just thought well I'm not one of the greats I'm not that special in that sense I want to talk to you about what makes you special because faith is a big key but there's this other thing that I got to to hit on for a second if you have your Bibles I want you to go Isaiah 44:5 says one will say I'm the Lord another will call himself by the name of Jacob another will write on his hand the Lords and name himself by the name of Israel the scriptures prop sign about how people will start declaring the name of the Lord in their life this used to be one of my favorite scriptures because what I used to do when I'd read this as a kid I'd write the Lord Jesus on my hand I'm his and it was my signature so I I know it didn't mean much but I knew his name is what is special in my life but this is what's really cool about what makes you special you see I'm wearing this Mike Wallace shirt that I found in donations obviously he wasn't that good someone got rid of it for free you know they didn't even try to sell it and this has his name on it so it makes it cool what really makes this a jersey worthwhile is actually not his name on it it's the authenticity of the NFL on it that's what makes this jersey worth money but this football this football on the other hand has beat up and rough and ugly and small this football special for a different reason besides the printed name Logan that's a great name that's my wife's maiden name it wasn't that great we had to change it but it's a great name Richard I love you that's my father-in-law I love you great great last name what really special about this is the one who wrote his name on it my son William you see this football has somebody's name on it and there's not a football in the world that's special to my son William like this football because he said I want to put my name on it so everybody knows who it is I want to put my name on this thing I I want to choose this football now this football has been in our yard longer than he he I think he actually took it from his older brother to tell the church and wrote his name on it this might be a fight that we're going to have later but what he did is he wrote his name on it he said this is special and he wrote his name on it and now this football is something different I had a Hawks game I went to one time and I won the dance competition no joke I won the dance competition at a Hawks game and after the game I went down in the red parking and I had a Atlanta Hawks Tow and I knew the celebrities came down through the tunnel so I waited out there because in an artist I had a crush on at the time Sierra you guys remember Sierra she was there so I waited out there with one of my youth kids and she came out she says you're the kid you're the guy who won the the dance competition Sierra said that to me you know I was like yeah I'm not even married like what's up I said you want to sign this and she took that $1 towel and she wrote her name on it Sierra little heart while I standing there you know I I couldn't keep conversation I was star struck a guy named Jerome Bettis came out I don't know anything about football I'm a liar okay look at this we don't watch football at home at all I I became a Steelers fan because when I was dating Susanna she was a Steelers fan and that was a good move I'm not joking and so other people were getting autographed so I went got an autograph Jerome Bettis he didn't think I was as cool as see I did and all of a sudden what happened was that rag that was absolutely worthless that rag that had no value that rag that was honestly trash I have a million better Rags at home I got the soft Rags I got the white fluffy rags I got them all that rag became the most special rag I've ever had in my life because someone's name was on it I don't know if you've ever read the scriptures but if you go to 1 Peter 2:9 it says you are a chosen Nation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praise of him who called you out of Darkness Into The Marvelous Lights Pro prbs 13913 says for you formed my inward Parts you covered me in my mother's womb I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your words and that my soul knows them very well Jeremiah 1: 15 before I formed you in the womb Jeremiah I knew you before you were born I Sanctified you second Timothy 1:9 who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purposes in Grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus Before Time began Isaiah 431 but now thus says the Lord who created you oh Jacob and who formed you fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine you know what makes you special you know what makes you special not your talents not your abilities no no his name written upon you him looking at you saying no that's the one I want to redeem you know what makes you special you know when everyone looks at this football and it's a dirty junky football you can go get a better one elsewhere you know what makes it special there's a name written on it and the Lord's looking at you today and saying your speciality is not because of what you could do for me it's not by sacrifice it's because I called you I said this is who you are I took you I WR my your name my name on your hand this is the Lord's this is mine you know why this is so important for you to hear because if you forgot you are special but not because of what you're able to do but because of the one who redeemed you because of the one who called your name I don't know about you but I remember when he called my name I was just a young guy I remember in my heart going I know the Lord's called me to repentance I got to go pray to the father Jesus you called me you wrote your name on me some of us are in here and going man I'm just beat up and worn out I got nothing going good in my life I'm a useless person people walk by me they don't want look at me and the Lord is going yeah but I want to put my name on you you're greater you're greater than what your life has been you're greater than what you're capable of and not because you're going to do something great but because the great one said you are mine you know why this is important for you to hear this is why I'm going to land because the enemy wants to take that away from you the enemy wants you to think today that your speciality is your abilities the enemy wants you to think that your identity is your mistakes the the enemy wants you to think that your identity is what's happened and how worthless you've been and all your failures the enemy wants you to think about all your successes and I I want to just kind of cut through it all and say that's not your identity your identity is whose name do you have on you that's your identity your calling isn't what's good what you're good at I'm going to tell you right now so many people have talents that you're trying to get God to use and God saying I don't want to use your talent I want to use your life let me put my name on you stop let me put my name on your talents I don't want to put my name on your talents let me put your my name on your life stop bringing what you have to me what you think is good it's not a sacrifice it's not your Works no give me your life life you see when you become someone who recognizes God what makes me special what makes me special is your name the only thing that Separates Me from everyone else in the world isn't the records I break or how big I failed the only thing that separates me is your name you know what happens well like anything else that's special you'll fight for your life that to give it up you'll believe lay down every sin you can say I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to mess with ruining with what I got I'm I'm not I'm not even going to try and you see this you see this all the time in in sports these guys who have this great name and all their Fame and they trade it off right for drugs and alcohol and all us go man you dumb why would you do that didn't you see how special you were and the father's looking at you and he's going man if you can see just how big of a deal that God of all creation who holds the Galaxy in his hands says my name on that person is who I want I'm calling her I'm calling him that mother that husband I want to raise them up they're the ones that are mine I want to write my name on their hand I want to Proclaim my signature I want to make their value that they're no longer just some worthless rag I want to put my name on it so it's valuable if they can just see it and the enemy's trying to get you now the rag is important because it could do this and that the rags filthy he been misused you can't the Lord's God no no no no the rag doesn't matter the person doesn't matter my name matters and once you get that and you receive that you go this is my identity everything else can fade away my identity is that the Lord has called me I want to end with this last story a woman in the 1970s had been abusing drugs had been abused got married because she got pregnant and was going to abort the baby but just decided why don't we get married and keep the baby her husband end up cheating and leaving scoundrel they both work and about 3 years after the split at while working at a bank a coworker asked her and said hey you come to church with me and this woman never went to church Church her mom was abusive her father was neglective left them people who came in and out of the house destroyed her and she went to a church she sat down in that church seeing her name on a on a wall Patty Palmer my mom she saw that name she went home and said father no one's ever thought I was special I've been cast out abused my family doesn't love me my husband left me I'm a dead beats but if you think I'm special if you're going to put your name on my life and I'll give you everything the next two weeks went by and my father father came back into her house because he was recently saved as well and while he was in the house there was a sermon about will you give God everything and he my mom would leave him at the church because she'd get mad at him when she would see him and drive home and he had to walk home a few miles to get back to the house and he was crashing on the the couch just for a few days before he went to a job and inside that house he came in in the dark and my mom spoke up and said Paul did you like that message he said yeah man I love it I'm going to give God everything I've already given up my dope I've given up my life I'm going to give up cigarettes that's the last thing I'm going to give and she said well you give up your marriage he said yeah P I'll give up my marriage and she said I don't like you Paul I don't like you at all but God thinks I'm special he put his name on me if he could do that for me then I could stay married to you that day they started holding hands they didn't like each other 40 years later 11 kids and villian grandkids later my mom is a testament I recognized how special I was because he put my his name on my life and because of that I'll do whatever it takes for him you want to be special recognize that he he put his name on you recognize the value that you have because of his name all your talents trash they won't even get you into the gate but his name his name is upon you he's made you special will you rise to your feet will you close your eyes bow your heads [Music] listen every sermon I always want to give an opportunity to respond and I got two areas I want you to respond and really quick if you're in this house and you just feel like you've been striving in your talents you've been trying to do everything it could just to get you know to get the launch to get going to the next level you're going man I I have this great thing I just want to take to the next level and you've been focusing in on that that it's not necessarily bad that you focused in but I kind of want to H on the heart issue if you're in here and you're going man I've been finding my value my specialness my importance and what I'm able to do and I want to change that today I want to have you raise your hand but not yet hang on because there's another group in here who says man I feel like I'm useless like God will put up with me but I feel like he's far from me that he doesn't want to even be seen next to me and you're in this house today and you're going Pastor Tommy will you pray for me that I would recognize and see the value of of his name written on me tell me will you pray that I would recognize that my value my specialness is not in what I've done or who I am but in his name if you want that pray I just want put your hand up real high father all these hands Jesus we we want to feel the specialness of your name Jesus so God I pray over every one of these hands that are up in the air right now God that father they would have a value shift today that God they would recognize that value is it in what they've done how they've messed up their value is not father and what they're capable of or their potential father their value is whether or not your name is written upon them and God I pray that today for all these hands that are up that you would show them today Jesus that father you called them a holy priesthood that you called them out of the darkness into a marvelous light that God you've shown them that Jesus that there specially wasn't anything that they did but it was what you've done and that God we don't have to strive and our identity to be something we just have to be faithful to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords so father I pray for every one of these hands God that you bless them in the name of Jesus and keep your heads bowed for just a moment longer because this is maybe the most important question I could ask in a service if you're online or if you're in house and you never never given your life to the Lord before you never known that there's a God who will put his signature on you who will change the value of your life just by calling upon his name who will take you from dirty rags to a holy and royal priesthood I want to give you an opportunity today to give your life to the god who could make you something special like that woman Patty Palmer or maybe you're in this house and you used to follow Jesus and you walked away and today you want to come home maybe you've done it once maybe you've done it twice I don't know how many times you walked away but today you're going man I want to come home today I want to come back to Christ I want to give him my life if you're in this house today you ever giv your life to the Lord or you have multiple times but today you want to come back and make it recommitment I want to give you an opportunity and what we're going to do I'm not going to have you come on stage I'm not going to have you get anything special attention I have everyone's heads bowed and eyes closed I'm just going you lift up your hand real quick so if you're in this house you want to give your life to the Lord today for the first time or a many other times raise your hand come on come on I see some hands come on come on I see some hands come on come on come on you four you five I want you to know stay right there you're good I just want to talk to you no one else is looking it's just us God wants to do something in you everything that you've done in life even your Great accomplishments he's saying that's not what I was after he says I was just after the heart I just wanted I just wanted to be over you I just wanted you to follow me I have greater things for you he he was looking at you going man I wasn't it wasn't about what you've done he says all that stuff I'll wash away he says no no no I will make you new all you got to do this is what's crazy about the scriptures he says all you got to do is confess my name and ask for forgiveness he says I'll do it for you so what we're going to do is we're going to say a prayer the whole church is going to say this prayer together and everyone at home if you given your life to the Lord you can say this prayer too what we're going to do is we're going to say this prayer and it can mean the world or it can mean nothing it's up to you so what I want you to do I want you to repeat this prayer after me at the whole church WIll you guys do this with me dear father dear father I need you I need you come into my life write your name on me your name on I want to be yours I want to be yours so today I ask that you forgive me of all my sins and make me new I believe you died on the cross and you Rose again and today Father I'm going to follow you for the rest of my life I'm yours I'm laying everything else down you are the thing I want in the name of Jesus we pray listen listen you can't hear it but Jesus says anytime one of my lost Ones returns home he says there's more rejoicing up in heaven than when you found a great treasure that you lost he says it says that Angels come around and there's a celebration I can just imagine for you who Rose your hand that up in heaven up in heaven right now they're looking down at this old Warehouse in Atlanta Georgia an old fourth word and there's a sound so loud that we can't even imagine it but I think it sounds a little bit like this church will you show them all for [Applause] [Music] you that is awesome I'm just going to go a little bit off script I know I probably shouldn't do this but church family like for

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