Poor Girl in a Rich Family! I Became a Cinderella at Prom

w why did you do that watch where you're going idiot [Music] intense come by again always happy to see you how embarrassing Nikki get to work I want those tables spotless me help me out we're sisters even if steps sisters it's your dad's Cafe so that's your job to keep it from closing [Music] down vacation soon and I still don't know who you are I really want to meet you ah I like him so much I want to know who you are too this will be the best day ever woo I'll skip my first class text you soon already miss you darn I'm late for school I need to ask Damon hope he can cover for me hey Cinderella why are you late darn stepmom piled on work again I won't make it don't worry I'll handle [Music] it so where's Nikki Damon where where's your friend she's um yeah she's delivering a calf that's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard with your imagination you probably AC the project too come on up here oh the clown takes the stage well I take it next one up is [Music] Maggie attention please yeah right hey class [Music] quiet this Project's [Music] about that isn't my project you weren't even supposed to see that how long have you been going to the gim stop the noise right now or I'll cancel prom oh no not that please fine let's hope the evening goes on without pranks oh Kevin and I will be the coolest couple Sara you don't mind since he dumped you can you stop reminding me all the time enough already hey Zara are you going to the dance H what's it to you you have your cow lover so think about [Music] her oh hey why you rushing around oh sorry how you been haven't seen you in ages didn't think you even knew me hey hey bro hey bro long time no see ready for some practice second time I embarrassed myself in front of my carage what a nightmare did I scare you I made sure to cover for you in front of the teacher oo hope it went well don't worry it's all good so how's your secret guy there's a big game soon we got to stay in shape yeah bro why are you shouting quiet let's go [Music] outside my secret guy wants to know who I am wow that's awesome he's so handsome ouch careful wouldn't it be cool if Kevin was your secret guy yeah I knew you still loved me get off me what makes you think that I saw all your likes you want me back and I'm all for it I'm not liking anything you're mistaken oh yeah what the heck with you so crazy I'm glad I dumped her what a drama good thing she doesn't know it's me liking your posts what you're such a child and they're cool we're losers Zara won't be with you just like Kevin won't be with me we'll see at the prom you don't know you might get lucky doubt it I have nothing to wear and no money for a dress call your stepmom she owes you big time for working at the [Music] cafe such a nasty pest what does she want Nikki hurry up you're ruining my shopping I wanted to ask for my paycheck that I earned you're the reason we have problems at the cafe but I work non-stop I have nothing to buy a dress with take something out of my wardrobe and don't you have work go to the cafe you never gave me your clothes because you get the best my darling and her I'll give her my old rags who cares I'm tired Beauty takes effort uh-huh oh this is perfect I'll be the most beautiful you'll Dazzle everyone mhm I can't wait to see you at the ball I don't know I'm not sure I can make it maybe he is my secret guy oh I'd be so happy I've dreamed of this moment my whole life of course yes you are the best [Music] ever the star of this dumpy Cafe has arrived hey loser get me a cocktail no ice coming right up wow I can't believe it you're here more and more often watching me they have the best burgers here and the service is great right so when are you picking me up for the ball sorry I'm not going with you what do you even know what you're missing [Music] huh I've been dancing my whole life will be amazing sorry I can't dance at all I'm not your match your drinks are you seriously rejecting me sorry I didn't mean to hurt you it's fine you didn't hurt me I asked for [Music] ice what are you doing I'll help you if you help her she'll be scrubbing the floor all night and you Nikki are as dumb as your dad don't talk about my dad why do you hate me so much where but you asked for no ice really maybe you misheard me you're such a witch that's obvious oh what a brat you are [Music] [Music] lady David cut it out stop calling me Dad I'm I miss you so [Music] much Dad I feel so good with you we need to go out more often I feel sick Dad Dad what's wrong Daddy what's wrong Dad please please please don't leave [Music] me hey why aren't you answering open the door you're so annoying I'm fed up the door is always open oh really then I'm coming in what do you want I knew you'd be here crying Maggie was awful she humiliated me in front of K don't worry we'll find you the perfect look and the ball everything will be [Music] fine my stepmom gave me a box of clothes maybe there's something good in here you'll outshine everyone open it [Music] up she's she's just mocking me this is just trash what a witch shh I'm so [Music] pathetic Alice sent a voice message Nikki get to the cafe ASAP some kids throw up on the floor and you need to clean it I'll check in at 12 no no this is a nightmare go without me I hate scrubbing floors I'm at the dance you here I really want to talk to you in person I wish I'm cleaning up the cafe after kids my lady I'll save your evening from boredom let's go have fun you look great but I told you I have no dress and I'm working drop that rag you should think for yourself you should do what you want but I can't show up in this I know of an old shop maybe they have something and don't worry about money my mom gives me plenty of [Music] allowance hello is anyone here let's get out of here it's [Music] creepy who's there why are you screaming don't worry I was waiting for you how did you know we'd come sweetie I know you need a dress your stepmom is terrible and you're in love with Kevin that's so cool what about me what do you know about you you're wearing SpongeBob underwear and love singing in the shower hey you didn't have to reveal exactly that I have something for you she's really weird I can hear [Music] you here sweetie this is for you it's beautiful but it must be really expensive don't worry about the money it's not a real dress I conjured it really awesome and for me Nikki I need to tell you something soon you will learn the truth what what truth you'll find out later what about me can you tell me something watch your step and beware of carrots now go I need to close the shop thank you so [Music] much what the heck I told you watch your steps H wo Guess Who Could It Be You the girl from the me no it's me Maggie are you bored want to [Music] dance wow who's that mystery girl Kevin hello are you listening to me sorry Maggie but I need to go talk to that beautiful girl I need to find out who she is and put her in her place huh looks like someone did outshine you get lost [Music] loser yesterday everyone's staring at us I'm not used to this attention you wowed everyone with your beauty we could always go somewhere quieter if you're uncomfortable here I'd love [Music] that hey where are they going I need to tell Zara about this Mike leave me alone I'm not dancing with you come on don't be like that you're beautiful and I'm not too shabby we'd make a great pair it looks like Zada isn't happy with him bothering her I need to help her hey nerd beat it we're talking here if you didn't notice Zada doesn't want your company leave her alone exactly go away wow you're all such killjoys fine I'm leaving losers come on hurry Kevin's talking to some girl we need to find out who she is thanks for the help man Zada is so cool wait a second they're heading towards Nikki I need to make sure to help her feels like I've known you forever you're amazing oh man it's getting dark my stepmom's going to be back at the cafe any minute you seem kind of bummed out everything cool thanks for hanging out but I got to bounce can you at least tell me your [Music] name she's already gone we were too slow don't sweat it someone's bound to Spill the Beans about who she is made it just in time can you take this order real quick can you believe he was with her the whole time what am I going to do we got to deal that other girl Pronto customers ain't going to wait around forever I found her phone and guess what all our secret chats are in there Mom it's him he's probably talking about a [Music] phone dang that's my phone let's ease drop on that call dude you hit the jackpot now let's find out whose phone this is that's Nikki's phone swear I'll ring her neck I would do anything to find her oh it's Maggie's phone Maggie come here this guy found your phone oh you're a lifesaver thanks a bunch first I got to make sure it's actually your phone what did we last talk about oh I know we were discussing that cheesy romantic movie H sorry but this ain't your phone what do you mean it ain't hers of course it is ask something else [Music] mm- you idiot stay away from him him or else or else I had no clue it was him forget about your paycheck your job and your place to stay mhm why does everything have to go down like this so I heard you left the ball with some mystery girl come on Spill the Beans who is she sorry I can't say I promised not to hey guys what's up Zara not your business okay wasn't talking to you Kevin I'm here for Damon want to go on a date with my hero uh yeah sure awesome see you after class got to hit practice pass the phone to the mystery girl and I'll shoot her a text wait I'm going on a date with Zada yeah you've caused quite the scene Kevin's Plastering posters everywhere looking for you shame we can't be together hey Miracles can happen can you imagine that Zada asked me out seriously you think she's into you someone's calling ooh maybe it's Kevin it's Alice again I'm so done you're like her servant doing all the dirty job she assigns why don't you ditcher no home no cash no choice Nikki classes are done why aren't you at the cafe skipping again and who's scrubbing toilets coming coming trash with that wicked stepmother you won't even make it to the big match wasn't planning on it Kevin's the team captain and megie Banned Me from seeing him so you go enjoy your date oh right good to see you what's up here to remind you that truth is coming your way soon what truth am I supposed to learn your stepmom wants to tell you the truth that she was hiding like for years doesn't she me no clue what you're talking about oh you know you're just not spilling can someone actually clue me in ignore her Nikki she's nuts get lost crazy lady fine out bounce good luck dear Nikki why you standing around KN work I'll pile it [Music] on been thinking about you nonstop I've got a match soon come and watch if you're feeling what I'm feeling that's my chance got got to spill everything to him if it's mutual need Damon's [Music] backup Nikki I'm sorry but I got something more pressing right now hey there what's behind your back oh these are for you took me ages to pick them out close your eyes taada seriously you chose carrots implying that I need to eat veggies and that I'm fat no no I didn't mean any of that relax I'm just kidding anyway how's your friend um Nikki why do you ask are you feeling jealous no not jealous just curious if they you know Kevin and her are still talking well I'm not sure but okay come on spill and maybe I'll give you a kiss really well Kevin was asking about her so I think he's inviting her to the match seriously I totally forgot I got to run hey what about the kiss oh right the uh the kiss close your [Music] eyes move darn s got jealous because of your calls and left well probably because of them yeah sorry I don't want to bother you but I need your help can you cover for me at the cafe what would you do without [Music] me well Nikki for this you owe me a lifetime of homework Nikki you here pH first time I'm glad she's not around need to avoid being [Music] seen hello megie I decided to play it safe and destroy the documents so Nikki wouldn't find it so if you see her call me okay what there's some document that they're trying to hide I need to steal it urgently who are you and why are you bothering me hey there we're calling to inform you your car's being towed you may have parked in the wrong spot what seriously I'll be right there woo it [Music] worked oh my I need to tell Nikki ASAP she'll [Music] flip where is that girl I'm on edge jez please hold it Zara I'm in a hurry leave me alone I'm serious Kevin's waiting for you in the classroom he asked you to drop by find it hard to believe he asked you to tell me this check for yourself if you don't believe [Applause] me gotcha hey what are you doing let me go have no no choice please let me go this isn't funny anymore why are you all doing this to me it's all Maggie's fault [Music] bye he'll never find me [Applause] so did you do everything I asked surely loged her up Nikki won't be able to escape now by the way why do you need her mask and phone someone's coming time to [Music] go she did show up after all sorry we can't be together I don't love you what what why how could she just dump me with a note Kevin have you seen Nikki where is she no I haven't seen her so you just have her mask she just handed it to you like that so she's the anonymous one well why did she just stumped me she didn't write this it's not her handwriting we need to find her urgently I'll go look for her and use all for time at the match it's my time to shine Nikki where are [Music] you over here [Music] help finally tracked you down I know the whole deal why didn't you spill earlier that you're my mystery girl Maggie put the kabash on it she got Zara to lock me up nasty witches oh and now it's game time for you you're all on the game's the last thing on my mind I wanted to find you we got to hustle those brats can't mess up the big game of the year I asked Damon to buy us some time oh that's not the brightest [Music] idea and now [Applause] [Music] huhuh surprise you're annoying everyone scram already pH looks like we're in the clear and I'm out of here but first I've got a little announcement for everyone kid your time is up what a piece of work can't believe I put up with her for so long your time's up for real Alice and [Music] Magie you little brat how dare you and here's the kicker this document about Nikki's dad's inheritance found it with Alice and it clearly states all the cafe and House properties rightfully belong to Nikki it's all Li he's a crown artist so you've been stringing me along this whole time I'll tear you apart hey where do you think you're going the cops will be here soon and your charade ends now take megie too she's in on it you're both under arrest come with me no please we'll stop I swear don't buy it you're a witch and everyone knows it ha them away no I'm sorry I'm such a fool did everything megie told me to Damon can you give me a second chance Count Me In I'm so relieved everything panned out now ain't nothing going to get in our way something about how it is in the Moonlight that look in your eyes tells me that you want me and all my loveing we come alive in the night time you and I we come alive [Music] we come [Music] alive we come [Music] Al so what can you predict for me you took a d knock it off nobody even noticed got to make sure she does it back whoopsie let's skip the kissing no not happening not at all oh approaching okay okay why are you laughing I'm [Music] laughing ah Yik that's Nikki's phone I'm going to give her a piece of my mind

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