Category: Film & Animation
[musique] la plage lue par moi-même camille [musique] [applaudissements] ctin blue bingo maman et papa vont à la plage plage il montent la tente se roule dans le sable puis font la course jusqu'à l'eau bingo imagine que les vagues les éclaboussent exprès en voilà une très grosse maman part faire une... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musique] maman [musique] papa [musique] bingo blue alors à qui sont ces autres cadeaux pour oncle strip de la part de mamie oh le joli cadeau tiens oncle stripe c'est pour toi merci blouis le meilleur chef du monde merci maman e je croyais que c'était moi le meilleur chef du monde oh vous l'êes tous... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Oh c'était plutôt facile très bien maintenant c'est à quelqu'un d'autre d'être le père noël de la verand bonne nuit les enfants fermez bien les yeux sinon pas de cadeau oui [musique] oui quoi oh les vilains enfants ils ont regardé le père noël on a vraiment pas fait exprès c'est toi qui nous a réveillé... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] bl the beach read by me kami [music] kot blue bingo mom and dad are off to the beach beach they set up the tent roll around in the sand and then race to the water bl and bingo pretend the waves are trying to splash them here comes a big one mom is off for a walk along the beach why do you like... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] it's all good brandy so then your hips go around like this yeah that's great me and my sister brandy made this dance up for our mom's birthday when we were kids i can't remember all the moves though that's [music] her hi girls hi hey brandy hi chile it's good to see you yeah you too kids this... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Sabes que hoy te toca a ti llevarlas al cole es verdad niñas papá os lleva al cole esta vez no vamos a llegar tarde eh a pasear vale sin gluten con mucho gluten me voy a trabajar niñas hoy papá os lleva al cole yo no quiero que papá nos lleve al cole quiero que nos lleven mamá oh no te preocupes papá... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Presented by laurent fontaine and pascal bataille - good evening everyone and welcome to this 1ᵉʳ number of it’s only the truth that counts, our new show. a show which, is based on a rather particular principle. - 1ᵉʳ principle all people, that we are going to receive on this plateau, that you will... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Presented by laurent fontaine and pascal bataille - good evening and welcome. thank you for being us for this second issue from it's only the truth that counts. you know the principle of our new show. all the people that we invited tonight, don't know why they are invited. - they only have responded... Read more
Category: Education
[music] dad finger Read more
Category: Entertainment
Breaking bluey news in australia strike force bandit has caught a man who stole $600,000 worth of bluey coins a my coins september in australia bluey coins will be officially a part of the actual general money that's being circulated around the country these ones that the man stole with just a regular... Read more
Category: Education
[music] there's a st man waiting in the sky he'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'd blow our mind there's a star man waiting Read more
Category: Entertainment
All right in costco we have lucky brand ladies beck sweater they're going to be $15.99 so $5 off the beck one here's what it looks like white one these are actually quite nice um white uh whatever what do you want to call it greenish and black so a little bit of variety and the ladies shirt jacket $20... Read more