hello everyone welcome back to the channel today I've got a very special guest with me to preview the aflw season kicking off this Saturday it's obviously The Showdown I have thiry player number 17 for the port girls it's Ella B Ella welcome to the pair thank you so much for having me on very excited it's going to be a massive week this week but I'll do the the nitty-gritty stuff first and get the boring questions out of the way how's everything feeling going into this week it's obviously a very exciting time your third season as well um give everyone a bit of a rundown about how you're feeling going to Showdown this Saturday um everyone's super excited like can't wait obviously bit of rivalry there but everyone's really Keen just to get round one started like it's been a long pre season long offseason really so everyone's just ke to play some footy like it'll be really exciting um yeah obviously bit of rivalry there but also just round one like keing to actually get out of there show everyone what we've been training for really so it'll be really good and yourself personally obviously having a couple of years in the system now your third year how are you feeling yourself going to this one um I'm feeling pretty good um like Fitness wise I feel really fit and healthy so like my body feels great super excited just to be playing like we've got some really good young girls coming in and some EXP experience with like Kirsty lamb and stuff so it's like just so good we've got so many good new players to make I know it makes playing fun with you know having really good people to play with so yeah I'm really excited and I feel really good going into it so yeah I'm really Keen obviously the everyone's wearing the prison bar gy this week we saw a couple of weeks ago the men's side do it and getting the job done how special is that to you um to be wearing that gy this week it's obviously got a lot of history so to be wearing it in the IW must be I think next level compared to the men as well yeah well I think the men have been wearing it for over 120 years so like a really it's got massive history to it which is pretty cool and now I guess for us girls like it's the first time you know we're creating more history so it'll be like another big milestone for us which is really cool and it they look really good like they look unreal so it be really cool to wear them as well that's awesome and obviously at Alon this week so it's going to be even more special especially in front of the home fans yeah well we've got heaps of um new like popup Grand stands set up and we've also got obviously the old Grand stands the precinct Grand stands that there's so much space like heaps of activation stuff like it's just they've really done so well with setting it up and all like this behind the behind the scenes stuff like it's just going to be so good with the crowd there and yeah how they've done it because we've got the they've done a Redevelopment so there's heaps of new y like more space like because last year obviously they were redoing it so there wasn't much space but now it's going to be the first time where it's all done and yeah it's going to be really good very very excited I did see those stands and everyone was having a bit of fun with them especially the ASMR stuff which was very fun so um very very enjoyable there but obviously for yourself um third year in footy I'm going to take you back a little bit obviously spending your time coming through El and then Henley as well what was the inspiration for yourself to play footy originally what who inspired you what was the sort of the the characteristics behind yourself coming into the footy system yeah I kind of played you know I did um surf life saving was kind of my main thing when I was growing up um and been a netball and stuff which was all fun and just I just loved sport like I just loved anything really but um my brothers played footy so like lots of young girls like we couldn't play so watch our brothers play and all that and like you know my family like my parents are big footy fans so um it was kind of just when we got the chance like I loved running around and you know on a net court and stuff you can't really run much and really get moving and it's a small team but like footy it's a big team like all your friends so like when I was in year six and there was like the first girls team at Henley all my friends we were about to go to high school we were like oh my gosh like we can all play foot together there's enough for all of us to play like so we all kind of just did it and it was so much fun and then I never really had any like I just did it CU I loved it there was never anything like I'm doing this to be you know aflw one day I didn't really know how it all worked so it was all just for fun and then I just loved it so much so yeah that's awesome and then now finding yourself obviously on the list and playing for Port the draft year itself and then finding out was it a pretty surreal moment you said you obviously didn't have any sort of specific end goal with playing footy was it pretty surreal to be like oh well now I'm actually an aflw player yeah well I was really like going through Glen and stuff I don't feel like I was ever that person that people like wow like she's going to play F I was never that person so I was really like just doing it because I loved it always trying my best trying to get it better but I didn't really have that any too many high expectations of myself and then in um my drive year in 2022 that was the first year I got picked in a state team so I was like finally in a state team and then um played at Glen got picked in the resies and then got my league debut there so it was like all happened really fast and then it was kind of like getting calls like oh we're kind of like from Port like we're interested in you and I was like what like I had no idea I was like are you serious so it was pretty cool and then obviously draft night I kind of had an inkling but I was also so still like as if this happening to me like it was crazy for me it was just yeah I never could have imagined being here now so yeah was very good that's really really cool it's it's always a nice um little story to tell especially when you're sort of deep into your career now was there someone along the line that sort of inspired you that wanted to you wanted to be or like inspired you to keep going with with footy as a whole was an idol or even like a mom or dad or something yeah kind of like um just like going through Juniors and stuff I had a few coaches and stuff that were really I just got on with them really well and they always were helping me and obviously I wanted to always get better and that they were just really helpful in that way so I think that's what drove me to keep playing and just like stick in the sport you know lots of people can kind of just fall out of it if they're not enjoying it but I just like had really good support and then um my in terms of just like being an athlete my mom did like iron woman's Iron Man's whatever you want to call it um and stuff yeah so like she was like training a lot like uh she's probably the person I've seen the most like put time and effort into sport so like for me that was like I already had that my whole life like watching that and I was like oh that's pretty cool but then like in terms of footy like watching I remember going to the I think it was a the Crow's Grand Final which yeah is a bit awkward now but it was yeah Crow's Grand Final um like the women's team and I just remember watching that and it was pretty cool and like I think Aaron was playing then for Crows so I was like she was someone like really cool like looked up to her a lot and then obviously I got to play with her which was even cooler cuz I I remember like we went into the change rooms like first day I got drafted and I was like as if I'm in the same room as Erin right now like I'm about to this is crazy so that was pretty cool and she was an inspiration and just like a great um mentor and like role model at Port as well yeah I was going to that was actually that's a perfect list seg into me asking about obviously Aaron Phillips was your captain for the first couple years and now Janelle kers is also your your captain now has there been a difference between the two in terms of leadership and um what you can learn both obviously Janelle's coming into her first year so had one preseason but obviously seeing the expertise of eron and and now having J knowa has there been a massive change in terms of leadership um I think like Aaron was a really good captain and she was kind of at that point like you know she has she was kind of moving on from her playing career so she was just like a really good to have that experience and bring that leadership to begin but I think now having JC she's just like really connected with the group and um has that extra bit of time I think for everyone but like they they've both been amazing captains and like JC's just stepped in and kind of seamlessly like I don't think there's any change like everyone's like whoa like this is shaking us like it's been pretty smooth and like yeah J's done so well she you know she just cares about us so much and she's a great athlete herself she does all the right things she looks after us she gets to know everyone like she's done really well yeah that's very very good it's obviously very exciting for her obviously going to be her first game as Captain this week too as I mentioned third season um and you sort of started to really find some good form coaches award in 2022 in your first year last year consistent amount of games as well has there been a sort of a goal for yourself coming into 2024 that you wanted to set or something you're wanting to improve um um I'd like to obviously play as many games as possible like first year I obviously got picked a bit later on and then I was out last year with a bit of an injury so I just want to play like as many games as I can consistently um I think just for me it's just focusing on my basic skills um just like being more consistent with them um but my end goal yeah is just to play as much as I can really um but I'm pretty happy like with how things have been going so far I just need to keep doing like the little things to make sure I'm on top of all of my skills and stuff but yeah that's going to be awesome I'm very much looking forward to seeing how you play throughout the year Lauren Arn obviously signing on for another year too how much of an influence of she's been the coach throughout the whole time P all's been in the afo so far how um especially with her having a little one now how has everything been with her as a coach as well and going into the preseason has been a shift or anything that um you know adjustments for this year that might be different from previous years um no LA's always been really good to me like since year one I just feel like I've always been a to go to her and yeah she's been great to me she's a really good coach and she you know she works well with the other coaches and with all the players um I think that she really cares about us a lot like you can feel that which I think's really important and um this year like she's obviously had little Marley which has been so good to like have her come be part of the little Port family like I feel like she was off for a little bit of time but you know we all got to meet Marley and she's still been around like she was never really away from us too much espe like offseason a little bit but she still made that effort to put time in with us and I think that's been really good for everyone like she hasn't you know there wasn't really that time where it felt really distant so I think she's done that really well and obviously um it's hard to know what it's like having a kid but like I'm assuming it would be really bloody hard so she's done so well and yeah she's just a great coach yeah yeah I'm not gonna not going to question the parenting skills because obviously I don't know that either so that's I don't know that but that's it um yeah that's it so I mean it's a showdown week as well um I guess my first question is were you a poort or Crow fan growing up well my family's a my family's a bit all over the place so Mom goes she's a massive Melbourne like demon supporter and so is all her family oh wow yeah and then Dad is a Collingwood supporter oh wow and my brothers I got two older brothers and they're both Crow supporters so and then I was like when I was younger I was born in Sydney so I was a Sydney supporter oh and then I was like oh I kind of go for the crows because my brothers do but I'm not going to claim it just I like it LC end yeah so I've had a few different like I don't know there's a few different teams in the family so it's been hard to pick one but now everyone goes for port in the women's um you know team and then I go for now yeah that's very very good um obviously they have a very different ends of well actually none of them are featuring in September in the men so I guess you're the only one winning at the moment yeah I'm winning but um yeah there's lots of arguments and stuff so with all the different it's good though that's very very funny oh that's very good at least um nice differences that way you know you're not always on each other side I guess but we get into some quick fire questions we'll finish off uh with a bit of fun uh to to get this one done and thrusted but they're lighthearted they're not strenuous or anything like that I'm going to kick it off firstly Ella with what's your favorite TV show my favorite TV show I've watched Vampire Diaries about three times over so that's up there at the moment I'm not watching anything thing but yeah vampire diary is all time probably favorite show yeah yeah I got two SES they've watched that about 17 times as well so I'm all too familiar with that one um next one is what's your favorite flavor of potato chips um what's it called you know the red one sweet chili oh yeah the sweet red Ro Deadly Ones yeah those ones yeah nice uh you're now normally we ask goto karaoke song but I'll also throw in there uh what's your number one on repeat at the moment as well oh my number one song on repeat um my go-to karaoke song would be I think probably all to old Taylor Swift 10minute version I'm a big Swifty um and then on repeat at the moment I've been listening to lots of Zack Brian oh yeah not anything in particular to be honest well it's yours so um fake out by Fallout Boy at the moment which is just a very that very unique pick I mean was espresso for a little bit which is too I'm actually really enjoying Sabrina Carpenter's music at the moment yeah the new album yeah look I'm gonna admit it I'm a everyone's a Swifty but I'm a Sabrina you know well I don't even know she doesn't have a name yet yeah you can make one up carpentry I don't know Carpenters I guess we could say but um nickname growing up what was that uh bogey just standard is that at the club now as well yeah that's just my nickname at the club I didn't really have one actually to be honest growing up no one really called me anything besides Ella so but it's bogey now yeah nice and lastly which is the most controversial question we ask is what's your favorite shapes flavor um barbecue yeah lovely definitely not pizza I do not like pizza shapes no no I'm not a fan see mine's barbecue so we're fine yeah good yeah we' if you didn't if you said something like um crimpy then I think we'd have to cut ties already but you I don't mind crimpy I don't like the like cheese ones saory yeah no I like um actually I like the bacon ones cheese and bacon cheese and bacon y they're good but not just like the normal cheese ones they're the cheddar I think they're called oh yeah them no uh that's awesome great choices Ella and a perfect way to finish our chat today it's been an absolute pleasure I wish you all the best for season 2024 and I can't wait to see you and and all the girls out on Saturday night in the prison bars and yeah for the rest of the season good luck thank you so much it was great to chat to you thanks thank you very much everyone go enjoy and make sure you watch the crow uh the crows lose Saturday night to the power thank you thank you very much for watching subscribe to the channel and we'll see you next time

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