[Music] 1 2 3 4 [Music] welcome to Blue Sunday with I'm filling in for Joe luta and big Vince how are you mate good day rash it's great to have you here joining us and uh rescuing us tonight of course everyone will know the Great Richard rash Hussein host of the change room here on the jumper punch Channel every Thursday night with his good friend Sam and uh uh we'll have a little bit of a chat about that later on in the show but um rash you've come to our rescue mate unfortunately Joe our regular host is uh out doing another tour of Thailand with another big group so he was unavailable again tonight but uh he assures me that next week uh he will be available because it'll be on a Monday night we play West Coast next Sunday night so uh uh we'll we'll actually be doing the show on Monday the 19th of August so um mate good of you to come on and looking forward to a chat tonight with you after after a very very disappointing game today by Calon um well I i' I've only got one word for that embarrassing and to have all of those great players of the Past come to the game today and celebrating the club's 160th uh anniversary and uh you know to see them there on the boundary line around the the MCG today which was Bast in beautiful sunshine was a great day for football great day to watch football yeah you know that was just a deplorable performance I can't remember a worst performance under Michael Voss in the last three years if there was one more than happy for any of our viewers to uh to remind me but um of course this is a Facebook and YouTube show and so we encourage all of our viewers out there to uh to take part by sending in their comments and uh I'm sure rash as you view those comments you'll put up some of them on the screen for everyone to I'm really looking forward to hearing what uh The Hyphen David R Jones talks about today really getting he would have been there today and and guess what we also have another person joining us here as a special treat tonight well let's make it a bit of a surprise let's add him we'll add him shortly but we've got a very you know surprise but can I go through some of the formalities first if I may yes of course you can m y first formality here if I must say I'm just going to put on the screen here the jumper punch live show yes it's on the 31st of August 2024 sponsored by Blue crypto that does a great job there those that haven't been to the first show I went there it was absolutely amazing they had some pass plays had Peter mcconville there I think um Vinnie CIO Vinnie cogio there's a few past players uh Rocco did his standup he was amazing uh definitely something to uh go check out uh tickets are available and yes they are on and you're going to have a plethora of finger food served throughout the night beautiful Italian food served up by the the lovely people from uh the Fang Club even though it's being held at the Lazio Mar club which is another region of Italy another two regions of Italy um combining to have their own uh venue on Broadway in Reservoir that's Broadway in Reservoir rash not Broadway in New York okay yeah I'm aware of that I'm aware of that another one if I may uh just to put my up if you don't mind just a quick for me so this is my book uh that I was gonna make intruction for you mate give it the introduction and then I throw it up yes yeah put up the put up the uh the thing on screen there for the record and off the Record by the one and only Richard rashed Hussein and um how much is that book where where can you get it from uh and how much is it rash uh I'll put the um this is the link for it so this a preor it's on Amazon the Kindle version is like $3 and book the the physical copy this one copy yeah yeah this one for those for those oldfashioned people like me that like to read an actual book yeah is $15 and and it's dedicated to my daughter so I've done done something for her and it comes out on her birthday she helped me design book cover can you tell us roughly what it's all about it's an interesting um title you've given it so um what what's behind all that that's just my experiences in the entertainment business and working with big stars and stuff and and some of the experiences and crazy stories that I've you know I don't go too crazy there's there's stuff that's off the Record that I haven't put on there that's for the next book which will be off the Record and for the record but um you know um yeah it's and it's and I've designed it like like music playlist so so there's a chap Ice Ice Baby that I think that's chapter two and it talks about being cool under pressure and stuff like that so a lot to do with the mental Fitness stuff that I do and just sort of like a guideline into into the music industry and how that also like works and hopefully it's there to inspire people so that's pretty much it enough about me fantastic so all the best with that thank you thank you very much uh there's there's there's so many comments there many people on on so I'll be going through the comments shortly um who should we introduce in first or is it I think we get the uh I think we get uh the special guest um presenter along with us uh this this week who um of course uh is the inspiration behind the jumper punch Channel let's bring him on because I think he needs a bit of therapy tonight there he is there is Rock Let's uh everyone this going to be a therapy session so we thought we'll all come on and uh have a bit of a chat about the game we won't keep our Reese on I re we get him on pretty quick but uh yeah we will but just quickly before you do uh just the links to your book rash and to the show are below in the description so if they click on the link which is below they'll be able to get the book and another thing you're going to be selling some of the books that are at the live show there going to have going to have some books there so you can buy a hard copy there so I like Jimmy's comment there next live show is going to be a group therapy session way things are going we'll all be holding hands singing kumb around the campfire that's my unofficial book launch at the uh jumper punch event so right so you'll be there to sign books for everyone who wants your autograph yes well yeah yeah yeah okay okay all right let's get the great man on shall we let's do that oh jeez here we go we got the heavy weights here tonight hey hey this is like What's happen you doing Joe's G I reckon I reckon Joe's just give up as he he's just he's flying the C he's had enough he doesn't want to put up this crap anymore and he's on a beautiful beach somewhere he doesn't need this [ __ ] tonight what a fantastic day why don't we talk about the good things about today the sun was out Sun was shining it was fantastic what a day for you know what I said to my son because he's never really seen any sort of success so we're sitting there in the sun I got burnt we're sitting there it was hot it just felt good and I said I said Dylan I said this how it feels like on Grand final day M it's it's like it just feels like the day just felt so good like it just felt right you know it almost gave me memories of the 1987 Grand fight between C and hawthor where ree won the N Smith medal only 37 years ago it wasn't bit warmer that day about 34 that day yeah I know it was just a beautiful day for footy wasn't it and to watch the footy was perfect you know it was a great day for footy today except for um except for what the BLS who pulled the Caron gy on just um yeah either weren't up to it or or yeah I mean we we you can use the injuries as an excuse and I suppose that you know that that did hurt us but um just the whole I just think from that first bounce I wanted to see a Carlton team who who who were fed income and we didn't get it no it was absolutely can I say something ree I'm gonna be because maybe you can't be as hard it was an absolute disgrace the effort that was put in I can be as hard as anyone that's that's no football team no foot team should play like that we got embarrassed today we got embarrassed today they ran they ran like rings around us it was just absolutely like it was pretty much uh the AFL side playing the aflw and that's not been dis dis respectful to the girls but I'm telling you it it looked that bad it looked like they were they were running training drills around us basically that that was what they're doing I mean they were just linking up and and running try you know I'd like to know the tackling coaches down there because uh we just don't put tackles on they they were fantastic I'm going to give a lot of credit to Hawthorne though from where they were from 05 to come back to where they are right now they they they're playing good footy and um yeah and uh and we knew that coming in and our our BLS I don't know where they weren't ready for it or or just um mentally aren't aren't strong enough but when you seasons on the line you got to show a bit of grit and a bit of fight and um you know wear very little of it in you know a lot of our BLS they throw the tail in pretty quick and uh and why is that re like seriously like you said mental it's mental you you tackling tackling you you some of the best tacklers of all time I mean the smallest BLS that's all mental it's it's up top it's got nothing to do with your side or whatever Tony Liberator is probably one of the best tacklers of all time and um and you know one of the smallest players to play so it's mental if you want to tackle if you want to do the the do the hard things and the chasing and the tackling and the Smothers and and everything that Hawthorne did to us then um that's above the shoulders it's definitely not below the shoulders so tell me something re so it's above the shoulders all right so it's mental okay we get it why whose fault is that like why aren't we like this this isn't just this has all come down to this week but you could see it happening in the last four or five so whose faults that why aren't we up for the fight why I I look at some of it got to go back on the playing group some of it's got to go on the coaching group some of it's got to go on the fitness people it's it's right across the board I mean uh car we have a list that that's you know I mean we think is is is you know going to open that Premiership window I mean I think I said last week the window's not open the door's shutting and and the door's shut now the door is shut on on a Premiership um this year anyway so um you know we're right back to the drawing board we need to but we we we still have got that Talent there um um I I don't think we're I don't think we've got the belief the players haven't got the belief um I think our a lot a lot of our real problem stems in how we execute inside 50 oh every time every time and and you look at what Hawthorne did to us today their execution inside they were hitting targets they had space they had play how do they get Space how do they find all those targets inside and we can't and we're bombing the ball in consistently we're just we're we're a very predictable football team um easier to play against um Team teams have worked us out so therefore they can just play their game I was talking to uh Ramo which is I'm going to put a comment there from him today and we had a we had a little debreath and he was telling me today says how does hathorne do a rebuild in you know a year and a half or two years and it's taken us how many years you know it's it I've listened to all of you guys and I think it's a multitude of things it's the fitness it's the coaching it's the players it's Mentor it's a whole multitude of things and I don't think they've owned up for it you know that's that's my concern I don't think they've really owned up for it they're giving us the same jargon that's why I put Ramos's uh comment there they're just G to give us the same jargon all the time and say all right yeah no we're g to get better we're got to get consistent no they need to well they trotted out some puff pieces during the week after that terrible loss last week as well didn't they they did y I mean it's always the same smok and mirrors the cartton pr machine goes into overdrive and it's all about you know putting out positive um news articles or interviews or you know something to distract the uh the members from um the terrible performance on the weekend so Ramo is probably right what what what video are they going to trot out this week I don't think it's I don't think like they deliberately like say oh we'll bring out this video to distract every own I think it's all bet do you want to make the bet no no I reckon they knew that they were going to bring out the Legends it's 160 they knew exactly what I know I'm not talking about that I'm talking about all the other stuff as well and to me it's just all distraction mate smoking mirrors been this way for years Rocco yeah I think they knew that it was gon to all come out this is this has got nothing to do with the player group right but I think them bringing out this stuff distracts the whole playing group like the bubble heads I don't want to be I love an but enough with the bobbleheads you know and then the and then the Legends like the new jumper I don't care no one cares about the jumper it was more about the jumper the Legends and all that like M there needs to be someone who comes out and says you know what this is just not good enough we don't need these distractions you know we're not that good that we should have these distractions sorry we're not that good and you were saying about the list David I'm going to get I'm going to I'm going to like sorry I'm talking a lot but you were saying about the Leist and we've got five or six or seven great players that any team would take any team right but I don't think the rest are good enough let's be honest with her not good enough no they're either I'll tell you and and and they're either not good enough and there's quite a few of them playing at the moment who are not quite good enough or or they're continually injured and in and out of the team and that's just good enough it is just not acceptable for a football club to keep going down this same road and um and and and and persist with um with BL just you know I mean well we had five injuries today I think Boyd you know to his credit you know Boyd went back on the ground and played I mean sold it on Charlie went straight down the RS and and and didn't see him again so um you know I'll give credit to Boyd for at least bloody playing injured and we we all played injured back in you know I mean you just do what you do for for the jump here I mean anyway you know and we got players playing injured you know I got no doubt wsh she's um heard today he's got a bit of a hip hip sort of problem that um it's not his back which is one good thing anyway but uh he's got a bit of a hip issue that's really just restricting him from being able to burst and and and and you know that real power that he that he has got so which is a shame but um that's part and partel of footy and you just got to you know you just got get through those sort of things and work ways around it so has it exposed their list for a genuine um depth like you talk about having depth on your list have we been exposed for a lack of depth now because of these injuries that every time we seem to get a a handful of them we just can't cover them and we just seem to you know go too thin down down we've spoken about selection Integrity here quite a number of times in the same players coming back in and Jackson B's not getting a game at all now he goes and picks up the ball 47 times a few weeks ago and and can't get a game um because his disposal is poor and did you see some of that Disposal today I mean if disposal is poor if you're gonna if you can't get a game for having poor disposal half of those blocks today should should not play next week and and that's what's happened with Jackson vins so the these are the problems and and and that selection Integrity I I I really you know I didn't want to Har on it earlier in the season but I think that is important too that that's important in a club um way people people know you know if you perform in the you perform down below and we're not performing up top you're going to get a game you know you are going to get a game and and we're going to play you and you deserve to be in there and and it's that's where you get your depth from from you don't get it you know I mean when when good players are playing well week in week out in in your reserves team and the the senior team's going pretty ordinary and they can't get a game well that that just says something to everyone that you know certain players are going to get a game regardless you know what does it say about the standards I mean yeah you're not you're not making a good point there it's not just that Jackson bins the poor guy is busting his backside to get an opportunity and he just won't get one doesn't matter even if he gets nearly 50 touches but it's also saying to the other players that are not performing oh that's okay you'll get another game next week we're not going to drop play you and and and and put our faith in you even though you're going bloody terribly you know it's it's it's it's it's not good enough and uh and and and you know that that really I I reckon that should have been addressed and questioned probably earlier on the season when when people were saying about you know bins every week sort of thing and and and he just couldn't get in there and and that that should have been addressed because I think you either got to you know you you got to put the pressure on the people who are making these decisions and selecting the team that's running out there I I couldn't care if Jackson Bin's um um kicking is not the greatest if he can get it you know 40 odd times 30 times or 20 odd consistently better than half those in there he's doing a lot better than all the BLS you know most of those BLS in there so he also kicked three goals in that vfl game too so I mean what what more does the poor guy have to do you actually wouldn't blame him for saying you know what I I give up I don't know what more I can do to get an opportunity I if I was manager I'd be saying you know what mate I think it's timeing he be shopping him around but and I think that's one of the problems with um with a person like bins and and they're trying to hide that they got a perception that he can't play well enough at that level and um and and and then you know hoping that someone else is going to want want him and and then they can you know trade him off or whatever and get something for him but yeah um yeah and not exp other one the other one too by the way who's been drafted in the mid-season draft was Cooper Lord who's really performed very well in the bfl and he hasn't even been named I think as an emergency yet so well both of those should be playing next week yeah you know what now that you got all these injuries they probably will play them you know when it's too late you got it you got it you can't rotate those other BLS through again the same old bloody heads who are coming through just not not quite up to it but um so you know and and and the silly thing is we can still play finals we can still play finals I mean we we we had a few results win no we have a good win against um West CO West Coast this week you know and get a bit of percentage we we're on top of Hawthorne again and we're in and the doggies the doggies lost today yeah they got they got fed today so you know ual fact there might be hord and C could both make the finals like because there's no guarantee the doggies will make it even now so so we got that's up the point you know like we we got to win games of footy we're got to win games of footy and we're going to turn it around in in a short space of time you know got to get back some form yeah exactly we we we're g to get first to the ball we we're we're a slow team too we're we're a slow team we need to put some Pace in there somewhere and and even um you know just trying to inject some Pace into the Midfield put put chin Cotter in there he can run you know he can run he's got Pace put him into the Midfield I even heard he I even heard he copped a bit of an injury today too he did he did he did the thing is re you mentioned hang on rock you mentioned the um the other results and teams on the ladder that um have lost it's amazing you know when you look at the ladder now which um I don't think we've got the visual uh tonight but as it stands at the moment the teams that are fifth sixth seventh is in Brisbane freem manle and Western Bulldogs all lost this week and as well as that essendon and Collingwood below us they also lost so that if half of those had have won we'd be almost out with hardly any chance to make it but now we are actually a chance to make it with games against West Coast and silda coming up so we got to we got to improve and improve quick don't we well the only that's kept us in it has been the result other results we haven't controlled our own own destiny we have not controlled that all we've uh We've relied on other teams being beaten to be you know close to being in there yeah otherwise we we we and we the way we're playing we don't deserve to be in there anyway I mean it'd be embarrassing to be in there well you know one of the questions that's going to come up in everyone's mind and and I reckon people would have been asking themselves this immediately after the game today um we've actually slipped out of the eight on percentage to Hawthorne now do you actually prefer to make it in the shape that we're in with all the injuries we've got and no form and um you know looking for all money like we're shot would you prefer to still make the eight and and have a chance of progressing through the finals uh with the risk of course of getting absolutely belted in week one if you're not producing a fit side on the ground or would you rather say no you know what better off to actually not make it and um and reset for a brand new season no you don't you don't you don't go out not to win agree course you got to go you've got to go in there man look at GS they turned it around in one quarter yeah they were getting smashed six weeks ago or whatever a few weeks ago against us and now all of a sudden they're World beaters I mean it can turn around of course you want that change but I heard people today Rocco I heard people around me saying I'd rather not make the finals this I think they just that I think a lot of people were upset today so a lot of things were coming out that you really didn't mean you know what I mean like it was just like we were sitting there like I was just astonished and I probably said a few things that I'd him really mean you know like ah just throw out hole blow up we just need to restart in reality I mean at the end of the day we've got to we got to start like tomorrow in the in the first training session or recovery man and there's got to be you know that mindset has to change because that that was not good today that was poor as I've seen since maybe when we when Port Adela kicks like 19 goals in a row against us I haven't seen a poor performance like that for like three years I reckon and and look there there's ways are getting beaten and um and giving up's not one of them um you know they they gave up today they realized they they um didn't have their rotations so they couldn't get off the ground they they BL they run harder off the ground than they do while they're on it getting off to bloody get you know have a rest and they do they run quicker running off the ground than I see them when they you know so so don't tell me about the bloody rest and all this sort of stuff and you know you your your professional footballers you you know I mean we used to run 100 minutes out I mean you tell I mean of course we got time at the end and we weren't professional athletes or anything like they are now but um um they they should be able to run 100 minutes a lot easier than we ever could so um they're professionals you know I mean they should be able to do it I have I have a question for re um it would be interesting because I'm sure that there be people that are watching would be interested to know I mean today was the 160 Years celebration and and correct me from wrong there would have been a lot of your old teammates would have been there and passed players and celebrating 160 years of this fine fine Club what was it like like just from from your perspective did you go into the rooms prior or just give us a bit of background if you can on that no we're all in the uh Miller room up on the uh second floor there at the MCG and um it was it was as flat as you could be you know was you know it was disbelief and and um embarrassing it was um it was terrible you know it was just uh what about before the game what about before the game ree what was the anticipation and the buildup like was was there a Bel we were going to really perform today or was was there a bit of concern about you know how we were going into this game with with having lost our previous What four out of the previous five games I think everyone went in there with with a lot of Hope because um you know you're coming into a must-win game I mean it's a must-win game for Hawthorne too so you got two two teams coming out there must win one has a real crack and wins it and the other gives up you know and look you know we did get a those injuries we can make as many excuses but I I just felt like the um the real grit and determination of a team that should have been had a harder Edge in it um you know hawthor hathor were just outnumbering us at the ball they out tackled us they outrun us they they were quick they were faster they were stronger they they they did everything they did everything and um and and that just you know it's as if we accepted that and and gave up towards the end of the game and and allowed them to you know just probably only only saving grace was I was looking at me live lad and I'm thinking gez we'll get beat today but we'll still be in a spot which is ridiculous but and and then they just kept piling goals on and and I'm watching the percentage because as their percentage is going up ours is coming down so every goal is being kicked you know they got they actually scored a goal in the last quarter that got them 67 points up and that meant that the live ladder put them on ahead of us on percentage and all around me I I had this massive amount of cheering going on I what what the hell's going on and people were telling me around the place oh we've just overtaken you on the live ladder I thought gee where people are really conscious of it aren't they yeah well was to start the game though you know I mean we're well well ahead of it um you know that was never ever I actually said to a few it was 112 percentage was 112 and there was 104 before the start and then it came before the game I actually said to a few people I said they could beat us today and we can still remain in E spot on percentage because you know I didn't think we were gonna get flogged that I think this is a you know like we're worried about percentage we're worried about all that I think the club too you know like at the end of the day just mate there's some fundamentals that we just I don't know man we just we we didn't get right today we haven't had been right for like weeks now like we're got to fix some stuff up there I don't know if it's the coaching I don't know if we've been found out like seriously like you could talk about the tackling and and and like um the running all right that's fair enough but we will beaten in actual tactical around the ground like the way they spread is amazing and we can't spread like that when we spread it's almost kick wait H knew H was running to where we were spreading before we were spreading like and then when they spread soon as they got the ball over you'd see four or five Hall form players on the wing waiting for the ball like they knew and that's got to be that's got to be tactical that's got to be coaching you know what I mean and like you saying before the entries into the 50 that's that's coaching mate that's coaching and and early on you know in the game and and you know all all I wanted to do was see us I wanted to see a hard Edge but I also wanted to see risk taking and and the funny thing is you know early in the game there we we took we took some risks and and then and then we got cut off there were a couple of times where the the you know the turnovers happened and um and so we stopped we St the idea was right but the was P well the the execution but keep going I mean risk it's risk and reward it's it's you you're not going to get rewarded if you don't take those risks and but what what happened was we had a couple of turnovers and then the BLS just went and played safe footy again the chip Ki back you know and and every time we go into the forward line we think we've just got to lob it on top of uh Harry MC's head right on top they kick it right to him he's standing there and um put the ball up and out in space and make him run to it you know I mean there's ways you can do that and um we play a lot of dumb football and and that's got to you know I mean put it this way has to be in in the coaching to to a certain exent extent because you you you just we're the we're the worst team at coming inside 50 connecting inside 50 and everyone talks about our forward line as being our our what we kick how many goals we kick tonight five goals if you if if you've been in another planet sometime today anyone who's watching the final scores were Hawthorne 166 112 the cartton 58 38 and three of those five goals were kicked in the first quarter so yet again we've had another match where we've only kicked two goals in three quarters yeah and and and we got this great forward line that everyone's worried about you know is going to take us H land or whatever great forward line but if you don't know how to use it like it looks like we don't know how to use our forwards like we got two of the great forwards potentially right and then and then I think Charlie I love Charlie right I love my players I love Charlie but in that second quarter when he had Williams in the bloody Square on his own like what are you doing mate like get the ball over to him he tried to do these fancy stuff you know like what do you like seriously like they was just that was just showed the whole day was in that one passage of play like move the ball through through the set another thing ree I want to ask you right so you say like we play some dumb football and in the first quarter just like last week in the first quarter we're taking those chances and we're hitting some of those targets and then all of a sudden they either work us out we don't stop do we start playing for ourselves then instead of a team because it seems then the players are SC to make a mistake so then all of a sudden you're playing for your own spot for and if you're starting to do that and I even think that the coaching all of a sudden starts to coach for for itself you know because really is is Charlie right to come come in today are we scared not to play him like because he got injured right that put it this way that that that that one with Williams in the Square I mean it was typical of Charlie um I don't even know if he wanted to be out there today you know he he he obviously had a bit of an injuries whether he wanted to be there or not but he was not right in the head um by by a long stretch and was better off not playing you know would have been better off not have you know putting someone else down there as a Target whether it be Kennedy or or or um you know throw um Kemp back there or you know put him put him down the full line so try something different um and and that's another thing what are we scared of bloody you know scared of making moves not making you know once once once again it's at our selection again you know you're playing BLS who are not right and um and we we played injured back in our day because that you know but they don't do that now they don't do that they they don't play injured anymore because um you get a lot there's a lot of medical you know um ramifications supp if if if something bad does happen so um yeah so you know don't play him don't play them you know today there was five injuries today a lot of those injuries today is because we played [ __ ] out I don't care what anyone says and what happens is if you start playing [ __ ] out you start putting like sad probably has to run a bit harder than than he would normally because he's trying to trying to get to a ball that wasn't to him you know uh who was it that um who oh when Martin got injured right he he hurt one of our players as yeah yeah they both they both collided and both that's happened at the same time so my question is I got a question my question is that we're talking about this but who we got to fill in this this is the point so like are we overrating our team as a list because obviously we need pace and the question is who is out there in the reserves or whatever to give us the pace I I don't see it so I mean you know Jackson B is one we've spoken about I'm not too sure about the young black cooper who who who um is he fast I I don't know much about him to be honest so very little you don't know much about him if you don't see him so you know I don't know much I don't know how fast he is but I know he's been getting a lot of the ball been getting a lot theall I'm telling you now bins and Cooper Lord deserve an opportunity and if they don't get one um I don't think we're doing the right thing at all fact I don't we' I don't think we've even played I don't even think we've played one player that we recruited to the club last year we have not given one of those players a game this year not Ashton Moyer not Jackson beans I think Jackson beans got a quarter as a sub yeah and yet again the club did the disgraceful thing in my view in giving a debutant their first game and having to spend three and a half quarters on the freaking bench got one disposal I that should be banned that practice but anyway um that's not an opportunity that's that's barely given the guy a chance to to get warm um and none none of the other players that we recruited have had a game not one can I ask rash a question I'm going to ask rash a question you're the Mind person here man we do the change room every Thursday right comes on you and Sam and we and we and usually your theme revols around what K need to do or what they've done right sure what is going on like we're saying it's a why aren we all like uh on the same page rash like why what's going on why aren't we believing what we can do without being privy to what's what's in within the four walls it's too hard to ascertain to be honest however General basis on a general a general in a general thing the me it's messaging is communication there's a whole bunch of things between things that we don't know could be morale inside uh there's a whole bunch of different things however uh if you're consistent with the with the belief system and you reinforce that and they they're trying to manufacture it at the moment you can hear cs's today what he was talking that you know still a chapter to go and a whole bunch of different things they're saying the right things so it's like think about this like when you're mindset your mindset you say okay I'm GNA Be A Millionaire I'm G To Be A Millionaire and you're looking in the mirror and you're saying I'm a millionaire same as what Crips are saying but if you don't really really believe that it's not GNA happen so it all comes down to belief and then training the mind and and I I don't think they've got the right people inside to be honest I think there's there's a lot of things they need to fix to go to the next level you're not going to do it just based on seven or eight players there's much more than that yeahor I was just gonna say what you're saying with the messaging is exactly um what I come across this week anyway when I was going on to AFL 360 with weers and and actually Shane I said um I said so what's this all about he said I'll get the girl to ring you and find out so anyway she rang up and uh I said so what's um you know what's it about what you know what are we going on talking about oh no we're just talking about the season and this and that and and we just got to remain positive and say that um you know it's a tough season and that's very close and and she started going on with these you know I'm thinking do you know who you're talking to I'm not GNA parot any of your bloody you know I'll get out and say what what you know I'll answer the questions is is it said to me so uh but that that's it that's what they're you know they're sort of trying to get people out there to say what you know keep pushing it's not that bad you know it's not that bad well it's called and everyone problem you know 85 that's like an alol mate you'll never you'll never cure the problem unless you're prepared to admit that you got one in the first place and the club's not the club's not prepared to do that they just want to keep spewing out positive propaganda to all of the uh all of the sheep out there that'll listen to it but the people AR stupid though that's it the supporters are actually not stupid we rather the truth and it just tell like in your days and I know we can't keep going back to your days but sometimes you have to look back and say you know what worked you know and you had some great leaders right in first of all scks and I think cribs is a great Captain but you had people like like David Parkins and then I keep saying it like the the president at the time you know like M he used to I keep hear us to put fear into the players like if you lost the game you know like does that make a difference like getting someone up there to to not accepting this this kind of performance oh exactly it's it's totally unacceptable and and and um and and and how how you know over the past month our season is just um faded way um it's been it's been terrible I mean they they've given us all this hope and and and and belief and um they've just stripped it straight away from us and it's um that's that's one of the hardest things when when you really do have a bit of belief that hang on a minute this mob might be the real real thing they they might be a genuine Contender this year and um and they gave us that belief and and and we believed it and we we've been let down so uh but there was evidence there reys like when we like six or seven weeks ago when we be Jal long right there was evidence there that we were playing a good brand of football we were tough at the ball we kicking a high score I mean the the proof was there the proof was there it wasn't like we were just making it up the proof was there but ever since that we lost to Richmond and then ever since thens but something something's gone wrong there for sure that's the pivot point it the confidence in the group it must be at an alltime low I mean it was almost like we were at the stage last year before we played who was a goal Coast you know we we were just woeful that EST game that's probably the one game that that typifies what we saw there today that EST game it was absolutely woeful and um embarrassing embarrassing and and it was similar I was actually in the president that time last year and and I re and um I MCL Johnson and a couple of others all walked out at three4 time and and and went home and uh you know there there's a few bugs walked out today at three4 time and went home um as as you would because um you they build us up with hope and and just tear it tear it away from us but uh actually there's a good one there forward you know but um we got our backline coach is um Aaron Hamill isn't it which is I I still can't I just and at one stage like to tell you the truth like the the back six have done well you know like the back six but I don't know if that comes down to coaching or just comes down that we' got some good players back there but Jake weering helps we got weering we got weering he he and he gets no help you know I mean it's funny because coming home tonight um with me next door neighbor who I had with me and and I was just talking about this is what we need we need to go and get a tall backman I mean I know they they're talking to it was haes from gws at the moment who's 32 but I'll be checking his body can start but but but I'll tell you what if there's a block in in the you know mean Mitch Mitch mcgavin's brother if he could stand up for the next two years you'd say look you could be part of a Premiership team we need we need a cracking small forward who's quick I mean we got SL down there always mlop um they were wful today all of they're slow they are slow they are um they don't get enough of the ball um they just I I don't know I don't know why they just keep getting a game week in week out and whether it's deran or or o or or motlop I mean they're all the same they're all the same they don't offer anything different they offer the same thing and it's not very much and is that the same for the Midfield we can say that too like it's a lot of it's the same you know what I mean like we haven't got that PA no there's no one with genuine Pace in there we don't put anyone with genuine Pace in there it's um get a guy like Alex Maru or Vinnie Kio down there to show them how to actually hit the pack at PACE and Rove Rove off the pack and kick goals that way because i' never see them do it Adan Glen was one of the best I saw he used he was unbelievable at it just hit it one grab through and going but um but you know I mean how would Eddie bets be loving it down there at the moment an absolute ball with those big BLS down there and just feeding off them um and it's it's why because he's a smart footballer and it's why Williams looks so dangerous down there because he's a smart footballer the other BLS aren't very smart they just you know they they're I don't know they're loiterers they they just hang around the forward line they don't do said the way they enter that forward line seriously it's been a problem for a while man like it just doesn't function properly man our connection out our connection out's not there I mean you yeah opposition like Sicily Sicily was continually on his own running across half back and just intercepting and and causing a problem back there we don't have anyone doing that you know because we and and weers can do that but we need him playing on a you know playing directly on someone or or or we're going to get carved up because we haven't got that second tall um Kemp is not up to it he's not up to playing on a allall um he gets beaten week in week out when he plays on on taller opponents who are too strong and and yeah so you know mean they you I can't criticize our backline too much because they're under a lot of pressure and they they have a real crack but um the the the field obviously isn't doing enough defensive work to stop the ball coming down is it because it was just getting pumped down there that many times they were getting around us like witches hats today embarass I don't know what was you got the stats there Vince what were the clearances and um I actually think we did all right in the clearances but I don't know how no no I'll tell you what the what the official stats were okay they had that much more of the ball it's not funny 435 disposals to 3 58 that's 77 more possessions all right that's about 20% more 20% more possessions three or four gooders I'll get to that quickly their disposal efficiency was 79% to our 75 according to the official um uh website I've got here um so more kicks more hand balls the free kicks were very similar 19 to Hawthorne 17 to Carlton contested possessions 120 to Hawthorne 112 to cartton uncontested 309 versus 238 and that just goes to show you how much they were running around us and they had the ball had the game on their terms didn't they all ball and they were just too quick for us right marks 141 to 111 contested was 10 to9 but uncontested 131 to 102 marks inside 50 Rees they had 20- six yeah hit out we got this we got this great forward line with um yeah Harry and Charlie down there that's is so you know I've got another got another stat inside 50 that'll interest you in in a minute you asked about clearances they were very similar Rocco they were 33 to 31 and even the um the Senate clearances were exactly the same I told you I saw the stats I couldn't believe it that but in the as as far as the eye test when I saw it we got smashed I can't believe it was how we cleared the ball it was how we cleared the ball so I I think I think that was what happened when they cleared the ball they they just about scored from it they pinpointed passes yeah this what this is the stat this is the stat I'm going to get to in a second right y so we actually had 63 clangers to 53 so we we did butcher the ball a fair bit more than them tackles inside 50 now for a side that had had the ball most of the day 20% times more well 20% more than we did they had 51 tackles to 47 and 13 of those inside 50 guess how many we had one two two tackles inside 50 I mean what are those small forwards doing well that just shows foggy wasn't down there he's the only one who does tackle down there charliee wasn't chasing he wasn't chasing he was um he didn't want to be there today that that didn't help us that didn't help us and I saw once when when coming out of our coming out of our forward line uh o gave up he stopped he just he practically stopped and jogged and the hor for players just I don't know who they were just ran away with it you know one on either side and he practically just stopped and I that's when I said to myself you know what I think I think we're done I think we're done we're not running anymore you know like no by the way I'll just finish off on this and then we can keep talking inside 50s 64 to 43 now that's 50% more inside 50s to Hawthorne even though we all had the same amount of clearances and all the rest of it um and of course scoring shots they had 32 to only 13 and out of those 32 scoring shots they went at 50% 16 goals 16 we went at 30% five goals eight and actual accuracy sorry I beg your pardon 50% uh 50 inside 50s efficiency I should say that's 32 shots from 64 entries and they also had a 50% shooting accuracy of 1616 we only had 30% efficiency going inside 50 we only had 13 scoring shots from 43 entries and when we did score we only scored at 38% 5 goals eight so you know it was an absolute belting it was um it it was a systematic Demolition and you know we just totally got de demolished today as far as I wouldn't I wouldn't be critical if if we had have had a red hod crack right to the end you know I mean that that's we didn't if if that AB booed by five or six goals because we you know of our injuries and everything else yeah but when they were Waltzing around us when they just and I I know what I know what the club's going to come out with um we we couldn't get the players off to give them a rest to give them this to give them that that that's that's what they come out with because um that's the way footies play these days but um that that makes no difference it makes no difference um if you're not you know if if you're giving up because that you can't get a rest on the bench then um shouldn't be out there in the first place guys sorry sorry Rocko did any of you guys see the Michael Voss press conference I haven't seen it but I got told by someone that he was chuckling at the start of it or something he was um I saw I wasn't almost like you as I you know no like that I think he's gotta he's got to put it across you know like I understand what he's got to do but I I thought he was again he was better than last week but he was still little bit weak is to me you don't I wouldn't I wouldn't pick out individual players but I'd be saying that was unacceptable that's not what we stand for yeah you know I'd be saying those sort of things and he didn't really say those things so I think he's he he's almost what you said before ree like he's almost been told what to say so we don't this is what I wonder this is what I wonder because apparently Patrick Crips was also interviewed and he was talking it all up like yeah we're you know we're still going to make it and all this now is that just Patrick Crips being told what to say to keep the uh the natives happy I think so what does cripper not come out and say the way the way it really is come on he's no no deal this was last week and and me and Paul and they picked this up last week and I wasn't happy when I heard Michael Voss say he was proud of the comeback now I can understand that but that should never have been said because Mitchell said that in the same question said it's not a good time to ask right we lost and that's all that matters right and are we're proud of the comeback you know like and I don't know heard you never would have heard Robert walls or David Parkin saying that in your day REI would you well that that and that was the first thing he said you know his in his press conference last week I was PR and you know why they come um John Longmire on the other hand um give his but as you say and I actually said to Tommy Alvin and Paul M today I said how would you be walking into w after a game like this Jesus I mean I can see I can see the fear in your eyes now Reese after I had strips torn off me from time to time I mean but that that's just part and Par or you you know I mean and and to be perfectly honest I didn't like Wy very much you know and he I don't think he liked me very much but um but he knew he knew how to he knew how to wind me up and and um and I wanted to shove it up him and I wanted to in sort of things so it it worked you know it worked the way you know the relationship um handled itself and and put it this way you know when when I started coaching I actually I think I rang Park and Wy and apologized to them both and said look very sorry but you know now I'm having to deal with these bloody try to get them into line I understand I understand when you become a parent it's like when you go now I understand what my dad was saying you know sorry go the old the old saying is the old the old saying is the minute you realize what your father was telling you was right you've got a son telling you that you're wrong anyway yeah can I just say i' hasten yeah go on there a different era then of course and generations Chang we we all we all understand that only concern is what we call in in mindset business we call it uh toxic positivity okay so you got to be careful of being too positive and not being real now youve got to maintain some positivity you have to right you say okay we're going to come back we're going to get back to it next week but he's got to stand up and he's got to say that's unacceptable we had too many players too many passagers blah blah blah and he's not doing that and that's my concern because then unless he's doing it behind the curtain door you know behind the doors something else but I don't think is because otherwise he would have seen some change there still there has not been enough significant change in the last six weeks he hasn't got down to the root cause so that's that's all I want to put my two Bob worth let's move on to yeah go ahead I agree that that that's so true because you can be too positive right and then the players aren't being held accountable you know what I mean because yeah all right yeah yeah that was a good effort yeah and then and then you walk off going oh yeah all right that was a good effort you know in instead of saying you know what message that was not a good effort mate that was not a good effort mate you have to try harder mate you have to I can't maybe we all come from a different era but I I look forward to like being challenged I look forward to telling me I didn't do good enough M we need more of you imagine like when you were playing imagine someone coming up to you the coach coming and saying reys we need more I bet you he said that to you in the 87 Grand Final reys we need you to do this job today mate we need you to do this job you know instead of saying oh yeah see how you go against one of the great Center half forwards of our Century you know well no he sort of did do it that way actually I did so no it was you know I think he just threw he threw the challenge out to me you know I mean that was um yeah you know that that was that was a challenge I had to get out there and do a job so uh yeah but um you know put it this way you know back in our day we walked off the ground after a game like that it wouldn't matter if you had 20 injuries um you know get ready to bring your mouth guards to bring your mouth guard Monday don't worry about that and you you'd be you'd be doing the hard yards and and yeah and that that in itself puts a fear a god into into into players you know because um you you just don't accept that type of mediocrity that you know we we saw today guys well you gotta remember BLS like Robert walls sorry I was just going to say BLS like Robert walls and um Alex jinko and guys like that they were brought up under the barassi era and uh you know if you lost it was just considered to be unacceptable at C losing you what was that saying that they had there um at the ground Rocco in the players raced coming second I can't remember there was something about second is not good enough yes cuz that's right yeah or he's unac or something like that yeah boys I'm just looking at the time look wary of Reese's time with us firstly there's a donation from $12 thank you very much thank you Chris Chris yeah so just go ahead Rock sorry I was just gonna ask now re now we've tried to we've kind of tried to dissect today and everything but yeah what do we what do we like no you saying what the problems are we need Solutions now and I know we're not going to we're not going to solve this on on Blue Sunday but what do they have to do where does it start race like where does it start does it start tomorrow like where does a start that we go you know like we got to turn this around where does it start you know who's the person I know you're going to say the coach and yeah it's I mean it's got to come from the players but um you know and what players we take over to West Australia next week I mean that's really going to be the um yeah that's that's how it is I mean we would might be taking a bunch of kids over there um having their you know first second whatever game so it's it's going to be tough but I tell you what you you just want to see a hard Edge to us at some stage because you you just you can't accept mediocrity I mean you you know one thing I look I I played for South Melbourne the swans before Carlton and and I hated it when we we'd walk off the ground we we'd have a great performance against Essen or Caron or whoever and and and lose by you know a kick or two and and you get clapped off the ground by a supporters I mean I hate about it you come you come to Caron you expected to win you pulled that jump it on jump on the monogram on the front and um didn't matter how many injuries didn't matter during a game during the week whenever you you're expected to win you you were expected to win and and and you went out there and and put your body on the line for your and uh more importantly for your club and and the supporters of people who are coming to watch you and uh you know because we we we we front of them in the social club afterwards you know there who got down in the social club every time Win Lose or Draw and and and you fronted your your Spectators and um you know it wasn't easy at times but um that's how we were how did you like if if a supporter came up to you and go M it was Bloody shitty ass today you know like I don't know what they used to say to right but how would you take that how would you take that would you would you get offended by it or like how would you take no they don't no you wouldn't you I mean you probably if if you were bad you you would have already caught the spray from the coach I mean you you're down anyway so um we used to pick the papers up and read them and and and and you'd have a sunscore bloody in in the in the Monday paper so you know you went [ __ ] out everyone knows you went you know you haven't had a great game or whatever so oh well you you you you don't just sulk about it you you pack your bags you you know you probably have three or four less beers on on the Saturday night and um get off a Sunday train and and and work on getting better over the week and and and repay it next week and and that's all you can do you know we always I got one more question and I don't know if this happened in your time right now we've got some leaders there and and you know some of the main leaders you reckon we got enough players and that happened in your time where you like a lesser player like just a junior that would that would stand up in maybe your meetings and that and go no that wasn't good enough you reckon we've got those sort of players that that would stand up and say that wasn't good enough and even though you maybe like a Hollands or someone you know and do we need those sort of people because as a team I think that even a junior should be able to say mate that wasn't good enough by you you know I'm giving my all like I I saw you oh yeah yeah I I asked a question of um of Sho Sullivan today I said I said do these do they get replays of what's happened and and go through them forensic because walie Wallie would have you know he would have cut the tape out he would have sat down all Saturday night cut the tape out and and basically embarrass people in front of your peers and and and um and that's what that's you know I mean you know but it was to show you look this is unacceptable this type of situation you haven't you know you haven't put your body on the line or or whatever the case is you you know it's a weak tackle or whatever or or and and I don't I I don't really think we have enough strong leaders in in our team at the moment I mean who's who's leading our forward line certainly not Charlie certainly not Harry I mean Harry got Charlie's the one in the leadership group I'm not sure what he's doing in there but uh other than does does he display leadership out there I mean the only time you seen em motion out of out of Charlie's after he kicks a goal and he he does the big you know the flex or whatever and you know that's you know I mean it's all about setting standards and and if he was setting standards he'd be laying a few more tackles doing a bit more def he's back he's back trying to wrestle blocks one-on-one yeah yeah consistently and and it just makes it easy for someone to fly over the top and then he looks frustrated and then he doesn't Chase and you know I don't think that's setting a good example down there I think you're right and I think we've got like you got kryp I think you've got like of course weering in the backline I think Newman's like a leader he seems to stand up and I've seen I've seen Newman tell Crips off in the game telling to get out of here move over go go there so this is what I'm saying have we got enough of those players that that you know what this is my team too mate like come on mate I need I need something from you you know and I don't think we got enough we we got two or three main leaders but mate as a team to me everyone has to be a leader manate and and everyone should have the same voice mate no you can't not every be leader it's it's impossible no no no why why can't Hollands come in there and say mate and come into the room and say wasn't good enough he can but not everyone's the leader it's like organizations you can't you can't have everyone's the leader too many chefs you've got to have those and they lead and then someone's upset but we need more of that so a bit bit more Mongrel I re again there are occasions there are occasions where you know you you can ask for that voice to be heard or whatever and and what do you think sort of thing and and you know that someone will say well that was totally unacceptable and and and you know so that yeah but your leader look KP kpp is a great leader and leads by example out there um I don't know how hard he is on his peers his his teammates and and but he should be supremely hard why should he be burdened with all the work I mean I'd be dirty on him for not pulling their weight and not you know coming along with him um yeah so you know I mean he he does only have to inspire I mean you have to have a bit of um well you can easily sit back and say well I'm not as good as cripper and I'll just play my little role out here because I'm not as good as him and he's he's a brown medalist and he's a champion and and I'm not I'm not that good but um you know when it comes down to the the the little things you need to do um everyone can do them everyone can tackle everyone can chase everyone can do the little things and um and and I think I've said it you know repeatedly o over the time you get all that right you get the small things right first you you know you you get your your grit you you just you let's just concentrate on tackling and chasing and and all those little things the rest of it ends up taking care of itself because you can all play football you wouldn't be there if you couldn't play football exact so just get the little things right and and and this this week and this is probably why I'm more disappointed than ever is is because this was a crunch game for both teams this is when you wanted to see that you know you wanted to see the passion you want to see that you know the players just having a real crack and and um we you know just very disappointing and um you know terrible result yeah can I just say before viewers which is really good at one time push the like button fantastic I hope this is therapy for everyone co-host from Dubai Sam e so yeah listen to the supporters yes sometimes you do have to listen to supporters you know what I mean just um before we before we do our votes rash uh because I think we need to get on to our votes yeah just want to quickly point out um one of my favorite um uh YouTube shows and I know a lot of our viewers will will watch his particular videos every week I'm speaking of Heath Buck Bucky on My Blue Heaven I I watched his preview a couple of days ago I'm not sure if you're aware of um Bucky re you probably played with him I think he was a I coached him in the Hammerhead is that right there you go I'm I'm not sure if he watches our show but I just wanted to mention because he does a he's a very passionate C supporter he does a fantastic preview show before the game and then a review show after it and I watched his preview show this week and um and I I was taken back a little bit by his confidence because I was certainly not confident going into today uh because I knew how how Hawthorne had the you know potential to rip through us with their Pace um but he was absolutely adamant he said look absolutely no question in my mind this is not just I think we'll win or I hope we'll win or I think we could win I'm telling you now we win this game and I thought wow and he said to me well if I'm wrong I'll have to put I'll have to get the eggs out because he he bought this container of egg saying that he'll he's happy to have egg on his face so for all of those viewers out there that enjoy watching his show uh and those of you may not be aware of it tune in My Blue Heaven let's give him a bit of a uh a plug uh I re he'll be smashing some eggs on his own face this this coming probably tomorrow I'd say I was fairly confident too but just quietly I walked today said mate I'm telling you I thought mate we're gonna put on a show tonight man today man I I was pumped man the sun was out it was everything was perfect until they bounced the ball yeah yeah two goals in four minutes two just to R it in I was exactly the same I I I I said you look at those two teams on paper I've never heard of half of those blacks in in you know I mean haven't watched you got to hand you got to hand it to Sam Mitchell and his assistants of which by the way about three of them are former cartton champions in uh you know Brett ratton I think director of coaching there or something like or director of football and uh Kade Kade Simpsons an assistant coach and so is Adrien hickmon um maybe we should be trying to get them over to cartton but anyway um you got to hand it to Sam Mitchell he's turned that side right around especially since losing the first five games of the season it's been amazing they they did have some major injuries in those first five rounds and that that look you know I mean and we've seen today but injuries do take a toll on on on on clubs and sure that were 0 five and and I think it was um they since W 12 16 they've since won 12 out of 16 and two of those four losses were by one point to Port Adelaide where they should have won and two points last week where they should have won as well against gws so you those if those had have been wins they'd be on top of the ladder if you look at the ladder since round five unbelievable oh look it's it's it is it's a very close season this year and um you know anyone I I actually I actually said during the week that um we have an opportunity to um get some get you know three good wins and get some confidence going into the finals and and the fin the grand finals up up you know I mean tough for grabs SW the swans you know that they were shoeing three or four weeks ago um they they you know they're struggling they are struggling big time and they''re been worked out so um yeah it's going to be a uh you know you know up until do you know up until Sydney beat Collingwood on Friday night all eight teams in the lad could still potentially have dropped out of the eighth and we're at Round 22 not anymore I think syy no no no not anymore but I'm saying before that game was played technically if all of the eight teams in the eight had have lost the last three matches and cons you know some of them by considerable margins they could have mathematically fallen out of the eight but obviously some results obvious each other too yeah that's right yeah boys just let's get to the but there's one comment here I'm not sure if there's any truth maybe maybe R will know salers is that is that true yeah yeah yeah there was anyone who got the um the sun today there was a big two-page article done by Mark Robinson um oh really with Sellers and yeah yeah yeah so uh he's yeah he's got the early stages of denture and um [ __ ] it's been no we've we've known about it for yeah about 12 months or so now and um being kept under reps but he he's come out and and and let people know which is fantastic um yeah so you know who knows how much it was caused by football or whatever um um else you know we'll never know sort of thing those sort of answers but um yeah it's a sad situation for for both Sellers and his and his family because uh you know I mean anyone who knows people who had dementia that you know it affects the the family just as much and he's been raped Virginia I think they've been married over 40 years and that they yeah yeah so it's um yeah it's a sad situation but uh we're there to help him I think you know the past players groups you know we right behind whatever we can do and he's getting medication and and and the best treatment and stuff he can at the moment so and he's all right he's Turing up to all their functions is is there on Friday at their Spirit of carton function so yeah he was he was on Caron radio today with uh with and andn yeah so he was on there today and and apparently um uh what's his name who's the comedian was also in there Dave Hugh Dave yeah yeah and he was he was freaking out a bit I think they were all up and arms in in there so an an actually spoke to an and he was pretty rapable after the game he just said that that was just not rubbish all right boys let's talk about the votes for the games because I'm looking at the time and and I know we only got The Hyphen for a little time so let's go into the votes um Vince start with you do we start with you or me or or Rocco or who you know well I normally go first so three vot week um yeah with Matt Kennedy I'm gonna have to go to my phone now Matt Kennedy three votes I gave um two to is it Nick Newman or no Nick Newman got one and wasn't it aers Akers two and um Nick Newman won and uh yeah not really gonna say too much about it because I don't think either of those three had great games but um I had to put three two and one and um that's how it fell yep Vince mine was similar rash mine was similar I had three three votes to who I thought was our best player clearly on the day uh Matthew Kennedy he tried his guts out he had 33 possessions 10 marks four tackles he even got a couple of hit outs I mean yeah Harry mcai went into the rck a few times and he didn't even get one hit out so you know Kennedy got a couple and I think kpp might have got one but other than that The Ruck was fairly even um but I thought Matthew Kennedy was clearly our best I gave him three votes I also gave Blake acers too I thought he battled hard on his wing again 28 disposals um eight marks kicked the goal there just after halim and I thought oh here we go hopefully we can string a few together but it was the only goal we kicked in the quarter um and I gave uh one vote to Ole Holland who I thought tried pretty hard on his wing as well so um you know bit of a bit of a consolation vote to be honest because there weren't too many of them that deserved anything but uh they were my 321 yeah brocco by the way if anyone's wondering about the uh the Colton goal kickers today there was only five single goal kickers Charlie KERO got one Harry mcki got one uh Elijah Hollands got one and then Matt o got one they were all the forwards and uh Blake akers's got the one that was it okay thought about the votes but just on the eye test again you know Ken yeah aers played all right and yeah and Newman I thought stood out a bit there he he got a lot of the ball but I didn't used he was the sub and he got free votes yeah y yeah they're probably about right yeah OE OE OE he played okay too he he he worked a bit out there um did a few good SPS and that but cripper I mean tried his heart out but uh could could only do but the rest really well the thing about Crips and and Walsh I'm sorry to interrupt here but you know they both got what 25 and 24 respectively but you know seven kicks and 18 hand passes to Crips and nine kicks and 15 hand passes to Walsh their meters game would be very very minimal I reckon today yeah very ineffective both of them not like wasn't warranting a vote from you know either of them I wouldn't have thought yeah boys my votes it was very hard by the way I don't know if you know but you know Jordan Boyd for the whole game and I know he partly injured he had zero disposals zero but apparently he played with is it a is it aor what is it like he played with that for three quarter so they kept him out there because they needed him so so he was playing hurt but yeah he got zero possessions I got more possessions than him and that's like that's bad Donuts so anyway my votes were I gave three to Newman Kennedy two and one to acres yeah yeah all right now don't know what Joe's votes are yet but it'll be something similar to that I would have thought yeah reys can you give us the spirit of carton award I mean this is the the usual one yeah Spirit of C award I know wasn't going to give it but I I I because I didn't think anyone showed any real Spirit out there besides probably Matthew Kennedy but um um yeah this week goes OE Holland I thought um there were a couple of rundowns and and he chased pretty hard today and and and just showed like you know he was willing to chase anyway and tackle and and do that he's probably the skinniest kid out there so um yeah he he he gets it today and um I think he showed a few of his uh bigger and more experienced teammates um a bit about you know the little things you need to do and chasing and tackling and and that sort of it we caller we call him man he just doesn't stop running man he doesn't he does he just gives it his all we have that's one thing you can't say about him he gives it his all yeah by the way boys I think um we give a bit of a shout out to uh those guys that dressed up as The Blues Brothers that came down from all parts of Australia Today to support the club and uh there's a pretty good effort coming all the way from you know all all parts of the country really from Western Australia Queensland the whole lot uh came down and up in their in their Blues Brothers outfits it's a great effort so big shout out to them for the effort that they put in I reckon all right so before we let Reese go I think you're you've got an event Reese correct me if I'm wrong because someone's put here in the comments that uh Friday night here in Perth with diesel do you want to just mention that before we let you go anyone want Tun Up there I'm over in Perth on Friday night with uh Diesel and sticks I think um sticks will be sitting in the middle and Diesel of me either side and um he's got a separate he I've always said what happens on the field stays on the field but I'm still hoping diesel might pull a boot boots on for the over 50s or something I might line up on the other team and yeah Square it up but yeah we'll have a bit of fun on Friday night and I'm over there for the game too so anyone else G over no um by the way ree is that before you all head over to Gloucester park for the trots that night or is it is it after that or before that no it'll be it'll be well before it but no that'll be our night I'm I'm off the drink at the moment Vince I'm behaving myself so oh good man where abouts is this being held this function I think it's a Camden Hotel I'm not too sure where it is a Camden hotel I think it might somewhere near the casino around that area right and I I'll I'll give also a shout out to our friends at uh the wa blue that's the West Australian supporters group over there in Perth they do a fantastic job every Saturday morning for those of you who may not be aware Reese is actually their regular weekly guest uh with his segment on their radio show um and it's called the shirtfront isn't it Reese on 91.3 Sport FM and Rocco and I have actually been guests of that show uh and we we turned up in person there a couple of years ago um at their invitation so they do a great job and um they're holding a function before the West Coast carton game at the camfield which is directly opposite the ground it's only about what couple of minutes walk from up the stadium so it's a fantastic function go out there and support them all you West Australians and and and also um any of our viewers who are going across for the game go across I think it starts at about 11:00 in the morning there on Sunday and I think the game starts at 2:40 p.m. Perth time and obviously that means 4:40 p.m. over here on the Eastern Seaboard but uh it'll be good uh good to go over there ree I know you love your time whenever we go to Perth no it's a good place Perth love getting over there and um and really looking forward to it so uh yeah Friday Friday night Friday Friday show and then obviously on Sunday the footy and um I'll have on the red eye back so yeah yeah yeah so before we go I thought we you're almost I reckon a tip for next week what's going on car let's let's preview next week yeah give us give us the tip next week and then we'll let you go we've had you for too long I should be doing yeah I know what I should be doing to try and catch those bugs but by the way Rees you know Joe and I both Joe and I both tipped hathorn for that game you tipped kton so now Joe and I have gone ahead by two can't catch it can I all right I'll tip the blues then you'll probably tip West Coast so I'll tip the blues look I I'll continue to show Faith but um it's swindling at the moment no look I I think this is going to be a bloody tough game they they'll have a little bit of confidence especially being over there and they won the last couple yeah and the embarrassing season might continue but hopefully it won't and um hopefully I can get in the rooms before the game and I might be able to give a couple of bit of a clip over the year before they run out yeah them up I'm going to go Blues I I w't better against them I still think but we're gonna have a few injuries I don't know who's going to come in but one man in one man out we've been saying that for years now and let's do it so yeah the blues look this the blues have to win and they have to win comfortably because we need to win comfortably because we need some percentage and we need to win our next two games so if we lose next week it's season over there's well not only that I think then some real questions are going to be asked you know so if you're losing next week to West Coast I don't I don't even I don't think you don't even want to contemplate that do you yeah look I'm going I'm going for cartton too um I I just I think it's an absolute must win and it would be um it would be uh yeah crisis talks I reckon if we happen to lose that game to West Coast um that's how serious the situation would be if we lost to a team like them who have been I wouldn't be surprised if they I wouldn't be surprised if they start favorites there you go really yeah would not be surprised if Charlie doesn't play sad doesn't play who else is fogy sad did sad get injured too today did he yeah he got injured last quarter another ham Street jeez oh my goodness I'm going for c not by match but I'll get for carton by oh jeez 29 Points there you go you know there could be as much as five changes next week just through the injuries could be more but but if but if if you if you take notice of what ree said before they need to start dropping players who are just not performing so they just seem to be reluctant to do that need we needed to do that earlier in the year because I mean we're just got to hang on to whoever we've got it's it's and the five players coming in they're most likely going to be like Juniors Le young I'm telling you got be someone like Le young y probably I mean if Charlie's out you need need a couple you need a couple of tall players to come in maybe even put Le young in the backline though I wouldn't play him down forward and I'd put down forward I don't like K in the backline so try K as as a center half forward or forward pocket something I think he come across as a forward didn't he yeah just show some fight guys just show some fight about I think bles will just win I think they'll they'll start getting together if they don't it's I I reckon the questions are being asked now not not next week so but I think I'll put the faith in them but David thanks for coming on I know because if keep these guys here they'll keep you going for another 25 minutes mate you really appreciate your time now hey Monday night hey Monday night next week re so we'll give you a chance to get back to Melbourne will you be back in time for for the show on Monday yeah yeah I'll be back on Monday I'm catching the red eye back on on Sunday night so back yeah so I'll be right I'm ree what's that you might catch a plane at half time be honest depending on what what's said during the week and and what injuries and everything I might even bother going the other thing I'm gonna miss your live show too on the 31st I'm up in Sydney for that weekend so yes I've got another one I'm actually catching up with the grand kids weend you know what I was looking forward to it between you know the last game and the the buy sort of thing my wife's gone up there for a trip anyway so I was going to tag along and um and catch up with me grandkids I got three grandkids up there and um and I thought yeah it'll be a great break before the finals well Jesus Christ I know a lot of C supporters that were getting on their phones today looking up flight center for just for a week St there for a couple of weeks yeah thanks a lot guys thanks thanks mate Al righty guys you guys Italians Italian Italian Lebanese like but you know what it is Rush like an hour and a half it's all it's not that it's it's just like I think today's been like just everyone just needed to get some stuff out man like it was I got say I thought I thought you asked some very intelligent questions tonight and and I think most of our you know viewers would be thinking along the same lines of some of these things that we've asked Reese and REE is such a fantastic source of of of of insight uh not just information but insight into what what's really going on behind the four walls of a football club and you know where the issues lie and who's responsible and who should be held accountable for things it's just been uh such a uh a privilege and a pleasure to have him on as our um Regular special comments man as Paul would as um Joe would call him expert commentator as I like to call him but um you know one thing that he said tonight that's really got me so I I'll talk about it on Tuesday but that bit about going on 360 Yes something about that man I didn't like already and he and he and he didn't like it either so so that's the C propaganda machine in full swing Rocco keep trying to tell every the truth I know you say propaganda machine and I think all clubs do it machine huh the pr they all do it and they all have to be zero because you know what was pissing me off today they kept showing the picture of Charlie kerer on there and I kept saying like why are we have like take that off you know so sitting on the chair Jacob weeding sitting on the chair inside that restaurant Johnny Johnny Vincent Sams or whatever it's called hope everyone's happy with their [ __ ] bobbleheads mate they can all bubble all day mate with your bubble heads mate like who was the Bubblehead that they were giving away today it was a double it was sad and an Christ it's two in one they're both standing next to each other the two whoers that's only been created next to you well apparently not apparently they come but I just I I've always said and it was first came up to up with it but then we we decided but uh so but anyway hang on hang on hang on let's give credit where credits you weeks before that came out you were sprouting we've got to get back to doing things that brings the fans together yeah we got we got to start something again that you know you have gives the fans a chance to to um to Galvanize that you know in in adversity especially when we didn't have much going for us at the time yeah yeah anyway listen um I'm gonna use got a few other things to just tidy up I got dinner waiting I I I couldn't eat today they were making me sick I did not eat today I'm gonna go get some soup just to I'll tell you one thing you can do for us before you go yeah tell us Tuesday night the jumper punch all right so this is what we're gonna do like yeah so we got all our shows and that so Tuesday night's going to be a big night I think it's going to be a bit like tonight we're just going to like we we message each other and it's going to be I think I think we're just going to sit down and talk about it like you know don't worry about stats and that like this is just something we gotta got to talk about so it's always going to be a big night I'm sure we're gonna get plenty of other supporters like we did last week it was a huge show last week you know over 200 live views and that and tonight everyone in the chat is being fantastic thanks to everyone thanks to everybody that's contributed tonight before we go yes the the te look everyone man everyone there's like still 96 people can everyone all you 96 people buy a ticket tonight let's because at the end of the day I'm telling you win or lose finals or not finals hopefully I still believe we'll make finals um it it'll be a great segue into the finals yeah if not it'll be a great way to just big therapy session and we're going to have special there we got giveaways we got jumpers to giveway we got um Raffles um there's going to be we got the we got the we're gonna have a rash there with the record everyone on there I want to see everyone buy a ticket come on let's so uh um it's gonna be a great night let's so we're pretty passionate about our show we're pretty proud about it uh we' put a lot of work into it um have you secured those players that you were talking about on your show last week we're still working on it we're still working on it like we just we're almost we're almost there but these players are so dealing with players is I can't imagine being a bloody Coach man dealing with these players you're not telling me anything I don't know Rocco yeah no I know you know about it but um I I believe the older players were much more accommodating than than new players you know but absolutely regardless of of who it is we're going to um we're going to get we're going to get some some special people out there and um I'll be doing my standup I've been working on it yeah um and I'm I'm ready to attack there's there's already a few people I'll be attacking in the crowd I already know who I'm going to attack so get ready for this I might even be cancelled after I do this standup and um and yes uh I will be doing my rant and I really haven't got into the club all year but I think it's time that um look I love the club I love them and I want them to he win and I'm going to back him I'm going to back him you know and and I'll be there and I'll back him but you know what doesn't mean you're not entit to ask some serious questions it's just it just wasn't man if anyone sits there right and says they were happy either being the club the players or supporters well well I'm done then I don't know what to do if anyone's happy with that then I don't know man I don't know what to do man like you're right it's been we M we love the club man we don't want to see that and like we were embarrassed I'm sure they were embarrassed you know what I mean you know we we got to be better than that guys we got to be better than that you know y so guys thank you very much all right rock thanks for joining us tonight mate it was great to have you on we haven't had you on too many times this year in fact I can't remember whether we've had you on at all this year to be honest might certainly not certainly not for the whole show I think you might have made a a quick guest appearance for about 10 minutes one show but you know what like good I'm on like between Tuesday and Wednesday sometimes I'm on I'm on H for seven hours and that's a lot that's a lot of Rocco the other show you should tell us about Wednesday night well Wednesday's going to be big you know I I I was getting ready to uh absolutely pound them too because they're both losers one after the siren one away all four of you have been part of losing sides this week C I think about seven eight weeks ago n 10 weeks ago uh the latter was uh Carlton second uh Collingwood third and yeah fourth and now it's N9 10 11 do you believe it so unbeliev so it's gonna be a big show I'm sure like well none of us can give it to each other because we've all we're all just as bad as each other this week man but we've all still got a chance to make the eight just quite well apart from Richmond who are obviously bringing up the top all of the table down on the bottom um Caron essendon and Collingwood are the three teams immediately out of the eight with two games to go so it' be interesting to see how many if any of those three teams actually managed to sneak in by The Season's end I think um Quin is the only one that's kind of happy because he's a loser completely right now he's watching us lose he actually said us message and he was kind of a little bit happy you know because he I think he said join the club or something and you know what just quietly so yeah so it should be a big night and then we've got all the other shows we you go through but make sure everyone Tuesday night and make sure let's get those tickets so we they are they are really selling really good so you know limited number so um yeah just get on there yeah so and apart from that thanks uh big Wing Jin thanks rash you're star pleasure no worries no worries hey by the way for anyone who's thinking about how to book go to and look up the jumper punch live show right or the link is below if you look at the if you're watch show if you just go just below now and on any see the link just click on to the link and yeah and just it's easy as that just the the link is below but if not and um and let's do it boys let's do it one way or another let's get together and it's either we're going to be um we're going to be smiling or we're going to be crying but let's let's do together whichever way it is yeah yes well let's hope that ton still takes part in the finals by the end look after this by Wednesday I'm gonna be pumped I'm gonna think we're gonna win the Premiership you watch I tell you what that Western Bulldogs versus gws game in bat's going to going to be pivotal I would have thought it's a tough game a tough game and same with the freem metal versus Port Adelaide game which is the last game of the Home and Away series after Kon place and killer so even freal even freem medals looking shaky now they've lost their last two yeah they could miss that to the good thing is that everyone in the top kind of six They're all playing each other so yeah someone's got to lose you know but anyway listen at least I got a football today uh one of one of my blue footballs you know and I think get a bobblehead but I got a football so uh looks looks like the size of your big thumb all right M well done we'll see you Tuesday night on the jumper punch seven o'clock see you guys all right thanks all right Vince are we about to wrap up what do we got what do we got next well very briefly rash we uh quickly go through the results of uh the other um the other games will played this weekend and then I'll go quickly into big vincenza's verdict which I've got a few little issues to talk about tonight but um just briefly let's go through the results of um of the games that were played this weekend so first of all on Friday night we had the Sydney Swans my goodness did you watch this game 27 points down halfway through the last quarter and then kick the last five goals of the game to get up over Collingwood 13 1189 to Collingwood 12486 and that would have been a big dent in collingwood's hopes to make the final eight and on Saturday we had a number of really ISAC Isaac he's last quarter was caike just oh yes Isaac Heeney was brilliant in the last quarter in fact he was really good all game but especially in that last quarter amazing um Saturday so then Saturday we had a few very strange results did we we had the Brisbane Lions at the gabber getting beaten by gws we had Brisbane bad kicking mind you eight goals 1664 with 24 scoring shots getting beaten by gws who only had 17 scoring shots 13 goals four isn't it amazing what accurate kicking for goal can do for you but um you got to give credit to gws they're on fire at the moment and entrenched in the top four Brisbane slipped up there they're down to fifth at the moment and with a couple of challenging games to come uh well against Collingwood next week and then against essendon the following week so no guarantee but you'd probably back them to um to turn it around then we had North Melbourne who looked for for all money like they were going to beat West Coast with only a few minutes to go and West Coast pulled something out of the fire and knocked them over in in hobar North Melbourne 14397 defeated by West Coast Eagles who we play next week 1512 102 and that was their second win on the bounce after beating goal Coast last week um then we of course we had another interesting result over in Perth with jalong going over there and knocking over the freem metal Dockers the freem M Dockers kicked 9862 and they were beaten by jalong 10373 in Jeremy Cameron's 250th game and then we had a cliffhanger at Marvel Stadium last night by the way I went to this match with Tanya and let me tell you she was not happy especially with the umpiring in the last quarter but mind you she should have been more unhappy with the ways than kick for goal they kicked one goal nine in the last quarter rash I know get done by the goal Coast sons who only kicked two goals straight and knocked them over by a point essendon 12486 defeated by go Coast 1 987 and uh that really well if ESS and had to won that they'd be in the eight right now very comfortably yeah um well they lost by a point this week after winning by a point against freem last week how things can turn in seven days at the MCG Melbourne put up a great fight up against Port Adelaide but the power Just managed to uh KCK a couple of points late they were 51 to 51 with only a few minutes to go and in the end uh those couple of points in the end got Port Adelaide over the line 7153 to Melbourne 7951 in a pretty ugly game of football PA Francis was special yes he was a great player in that game but you know again U Port Adela just keep winning they keep finding ways to win and they're in fact I think they're um they're second on the ladder as we speak unbelievable who would have thought that um now today apart from our disaster performance against Hawthorne we had two other matches where St Kilda were back on the winning list after a very poor performance last week 15999 defeating the bottom side on the ladder Richmond 7951 an eight goal victory that um uh was exactly what sinil supporters would have been looking for and uh and they've uh now almost caught up they one win away from Melbourne um who are well I'll go through the ladder very shortly but yeah they're starting to catch up Asar Adelaide who won the last game of the round and um geez the Western Bulldogs haven't enjoyed going to the Adelaide oal have they they got smashed by Port Adelaide there many weeks ago now they've been smashed by Adelaide Adelaide Crow who really performed very well today 79 111 uh to the Western Bulldogs poor kicking for goal nine goals 18 72 39o win to ad so the bubbles burst with Brisbane and the Western Bulldogs who had a number of weeks in a row where they had consecutive wins but um both of those two clubs Brisbane and the Western Bulldogs have come a Guta as they say this weekend and have I guess allowed clubs like ours to still have a sniff in making the eight so with Brisbane freem metal and Western Bulldogs all losing Carlton essendon and Collingwood all losing the only team to have really elevated itself is Hawthorne after their win today against us on percentage now they're inside the eight so we'll quickly go through the ladder you got Sydney on 60 port adelade on 56 along with gws and jalong they're all on 56 each they're in second third and fourth on the ladder then fifth is Brisbane on 54 one win ahead of freem manle on 50 then inside the eight are Western bulldogs and Hawthorne both on 48 and cartton has slipped out of the eight also on 48 with a percentage of 107.4 half a game behind us is essendon on 46 and a fairly poor percentage of 96 Collingwood another half a game behind them on 44 then you've got two teams who can mathematically make it but practically won't be able to that's goal coasted Melbourne in second and 13th positions on 40 points they're on 10 wins and 11 losses and then sides that just mathematically can't make it so you got s hildon 36 Adelaide 34 and then quite a gap to West Coast on 20 whove won their last two games North Melbourne on 12 they won three for the season and bringing up the rear on only two wins and eight points is Richmond so there's your letter all right all right so give me your yeah going no no you go you at bet say give me your what I was I thought you were going to go to verdict but not maybe that's what I'm gonna give you okay give me your verdict all right uh we apologize for not having any visuals up there tonight everyone or any um introductory little Snippets but [Laughter] um yes look there's a few issues I want to give you my verdict on this week I'll be very quick with them okay I'll just quickly make my point and we'll move on because we've already kept everyone well over the normal time that we go uh first of all I wanted to mention about the the AFL uh scheduling the final round of the season in terms of which games are being played on which days and at what time with only two weeks to go that is just ridiculous two weeks two weeks notice people normally want to travel I mean I'm not just talking about people in Victoria there are people in Sydney brisman Adelaide and Perth that may want to go to their games they can't book their flights they can't book their accommodation and normally when you book flights and things like that now with only two weeks to go you're paying through the nose for them I mean there obviously no consideration given to that at all and the and the the actual round that they come up with with Melbourne and Collingwood play on a Friday night I mean really um I would have thought the Brisbane Brisbane versus ESS and game should have been given the Friday night status but anyway that's the AFL for you not happy with that I think that this should be at least a month's notice given for people to travel um Craig McCrae the Collingwood coach blaming an umpiring decision that wasn't given for uh for for a Sydney Swans player going over the mark and he said that you know if that was at the MCG it would have been paid so what he's basically accusing the umpires of is giving into the home crowd um well geez isn't it funny how things can turn hey Collingwood were the recipients well well I guess the beneficiaries of a non-decision of that exact same nature when they played North Melbourne at Marvel Stadium a few weeks ago that's two Collingwood players in overstepped the mark well and truly overstepped the mark against North Melbourne and a 50 meter penalty wasn't paid they ended up getting over the line by a point well the karma bus has come and hit hwood in the face hasn't it and Craig McCrae doesn't like it I just think that was pretty poor from a an AFL coach to blame that anyway another one is the uh parking situation at the MCG today I couldn't believe it apart from a very few amount of cars I think they might let some people that have dis disability stickers in but other than that on a beautiful sunny day where you know the sun was out and the the the grounds were were dry I couldn't see any reason why you wouldn't allow cars into the car park today but apart from a very few amount of Exceptions there was no parking allowed inside the grounds of the MCG today um why not I don't understand it I had someone meeting me at the game and he said oh look they wouldn't let me into the car Parks I've had to go back into the CBD and park my car in a in a car park that cost him a fortune and then uh then he had to walk all the way from the from the city into the MCG and uh you know it's just ridiculous I would have thought I don't know why they didn't open the car park today you got 85,000 people coming and they couldn't open the car park that was I don't know I shake my head at some of these decisions anyway maybe someone can explain it maybe someone knows something that I don't know okay couple of other things rash that have got nothing to do with football I noticed during the week not that I watched it because um as you know Bo as as as you know I've boycotted it but um isn't it interesting how that man with XY chromosones that was allowed to compete in the women's boxing competition won the gold medal I hope the international Olympic Committee uh are happy with themselves for allowing women's sports to be completely hijacked by the uh by the noisy squeaky wheels of the LGBT TI community and they've allowed an intersex athlete to compete against biological women but it's all all I can say is that the world has just become an absolute joke when we allow this sort of thing to happen but Vince I think it's a woman no it's not it is it is a woman inter no no no inter has XY chromosones which makes this person male that the G it's intersex the the the genitals are not fully formed but they're um they're sort of um internal if you know what I'm saying so that so it still has the male genitalia but not fully formed and um yeah Alle allegedly still brought up as uh female and all this sort of business but biologically speaking and scientifically speaking this person is male yeah with XY chromos significantly high testosterone level than any other athlete look the international boxing Association or whatever they called um disqualified this particular athlete as along with the other one that we we've spoken about from Chinese taipe yeah um from the World Championships last year for failing for failing um the uh eligibility tests and you know the international Olympic Committee have just bowed down and C cow toow as they say to the uh to the LGBT community and uh this is where we're at now we've got biological men competing in women's sports in the Olympics I think it's an absolute disgrace anyway um shame on shame on the shame on these people for allowing it to happen and um the athletes who um who have refused to compete I think that uh they they're going to be found out to be totally correct and not even bothering to compete um the other one I wanted to mention on a positive note um is one of the most beautiful people you could ever um see and know and listen to and speak an absolute Sports person of the highest integrity and the highest quality who even almost Barracks for her com for her fellow competitors when she is playing her Sport and hopes that you know that they actually do well and that's why she's held in such high regard in her Sport and she won the gold medal after winning a silver and a bronze in the previous two Olympic Games in Rio and in Tokyo she finally won the goal so she's got one of each now bronze silver and now a gold medal in Olympic Golf for the women's individual um event and I speak of course of New Zealand's Lydia Co she is an absolute champion and not just a brilliant golfer has won 20 tournaments in her 10-year career she's still only 27 she was basically a childhood proy and um I say proy Prodigy I should say yeah yeah and uh yeah she's won a gold medal overnight and I couldn't be happier for her she now is uh qualifies for the Hall of Fame in the international um in International Golf there's only 35 golfers in the Hall of Fame she's now qualified and she is the youngest to do so at only age 27 and uh New Zealand has got themselves an absolute Gem of a sports person that they can idolize and that's the sort of woman who should be inspiring women to get involved in their various Sports and especially women who want to play golf because I actually really really love watching Golf and uh especially women's golf um it's got some of the highest quality golfers in the world uh and and they can compete with men at the level that they play and another one who did very well in the Olympics um another two were the Australian girls Hannah green and Mii Lee um and they are brilliant golfers as well so well done to them but well done to lyia co from New Zealand absolute Champion that's all you can say about her an absolute champ champion and a beautiful beautiful person okay very good all right all right so rash now what about your show every Thursday night yes what have you got what have you got planned for this week we haven't really planned it we're trying well you've been helping me to try to get Kenny Hunter on the show so we're waiting to hear Kenny gets in touch with us so hopefully fingers cross that we get Kenny hunter in for this Thursday and that we'll call it the fifth quarter I guess and uh that that that would be interesting other than that if we don't get him on well I tell you there's a lot of things I can I can you know come up well after today's after today's performance I would have thought that you and Sam might dissect what's going on with C at the moment and their players no it's it's uh look we we always talk about mindset every week and I think here it's yeah if I was to take a a guest it's a multitude of things it's not you can't just say it's mindset mindset plays a big part it's out of form it's coaching it's yeah there's a whole bunch of different things but so I've got that coming up and um then I've got the book that's coming out on the 20th of August so record so yeah get yourself and for for those of and for those of our viewers who I'll just swap swap caps now because I've got my sports bit kept on for those people whove been um hanging out for my bed of the week um because I haven't Joe on the last couple of Sundays um I'll I'll do a decent uh bet of the week next Monday night when we come back from the West Coast Caron game all right so um don't fret there'll be a decent couple of bets coming up before The Season's out all right so I think we should sign off thanks guys for everyone for watching it's been a wonderful show we've had so many comments I been managing it um yes you're done very well by the way in that and thanks to everyone that comment and took part in the show we love to to get your comments and your feedback and uh and your questions and all that sort of thing so to all of our regulars won't mention them all by name right now but you know who you are uh much appreciated um you know your loyalty is tremendous and uh with any luck rash after two weeks missing we'll get Joe back next week but in the meantime I just want to say thank you so much to you for uh for filling in for him you've done a great job and uh I don't know how you managed it with Rocko and RE Jones on the David ree Jones on the show as well as Italian talking and just you can't you can't stop don't worry people used to it with us thanks again I'm gonna do the outro till next time next Sunday and Tuesday you've been on the jumper punch Channel thank you very much and on the count of three one two three go Blues no you don't say all right cool later y blue that was [Music]

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