my name is Tomy Springfield and I'm better than you if you're new here click the like share subscribe hit the Bell click all so you can get notifications every time I do one of these videos in today's video you know I pay attention to what's going on in the media and what's going on in the world so there's elections going on and we just had the Democratic Convention and the Democrats decide to bring up the Central Park five you know you can go Google it look it up it was about five kids who was accused of raping a white woman in Central Park um Donald Trump took a four-page ad out and he said some things and people like to attach him to this story so the Democratic Convention BR these guys out well I'm here to tell you facts about that story and those guys to me and to others those guys were guilty and here we have the cop Eric Reynolds who was a lead investigation they' love to tell you it was racist and it was this and that but they don't tell you the lead investigator was a black cop they don't tell you two of the five guys were actually arrested while beating another man half to death no no victims pointed out the central part five why cuz they were in com was beat up in the hospital so it wasn't like white people pointed out these black guys these black guys were caught through an investigation by the police the police called two guys they started telling and confessing about the Central Park jogger who the police didn't even know about at the time she was still laying in the ditch where they left her but those are things the media won't tell you so like I said this is the cop this is part one of his interview now I cut the interview the interview is hours long I got to the meat of the interview and this is part one let's get into that video from the 23 and the 24 mhm and the 2 they all came in the park they're all driving up and down you know the um the the walkways and you know nobody sees nobody saw anything M so um finally a uh a a cop on foot runs into a man who a teacher his name was uh John laan and he at first thought the guy was a drunk from because from a long distance he could see the guy was staggering and he's like oh he's must be drunk he gets closer and the guy's drenched in blood I mean he's just completely and from his head yeah and both of his eyes was swollen shut it was just it was a [ __ ] mess so he found Mark found him on uh the west side of the reservoir so my assumption was because you know a no one was we didn't see any of these kids right B there was a ton of cars driving around this must have driven them out of the park right if you're in that group and you see all these police cars at some point you're going to you're going to go where the police aren't so you're going to leave the park and since the last attack was on the west side I said let's drive out of the park on the on Central Park West we'll see if we see the group in the 2 or 24 poaching again exactly exactly poacher you thank God for poachers so um all you need is that excuse well I'll tell you we drove out of the park at 100th Street and as soon as we came out boom there they were right across the street from us how many there's like 30 of them wow and my partner and I Bobby Powers we looked at each other and I was like Bobby there's no way we're going to get these kids I said I mean well the most we can get is two you know the rest of them are going to be in the wind so uh we decided what we were going to do we were going to call for assistance did they make your car right away or no they didn't make you so nobody nobody knew who we were I know you don't need my help cuz we all are smart and intelligent but I just going to add but as you can see this is the officer Eric Reynolds he was the first on the scene when they started getting calls about kids in the park attacking people and he said when he arrived to the scene they couldn't find nobody they didn't see anyone so they continue to ride that's great so we uh we're about to call an 85 we're going to tell everyone come no lights no Sirens um come down the side streets so that we could box them in we'll get you know we still won't be able to get all of them but we'll get you know many much more than we would have by ourselves so the next thing I know so they stumble AC across the crowd they went through the park they didn't see nothing they go on outside of the park and they stumbled across a group of 30 40 teens and they knew it's just two of them they couldn't get everybody so they tried to come up with a plan and he's going to tell you why that plan got foiled oh they stop the group stops they're across the street from us walking up town they stop and they're pointing at our van so we're like we look at each other like what the [ __ ] going on nobody nobody ever makes us MH and once again I must apologize because I don't even know the name of this show and I will get the name of the show and put it on the screen or put it in the descriptions but I think these guys are all cops or ex cops and I want to give them the credit I was just so excited to find this interview like I just cut it up got the parts I wanted and just started actually watching it I don't even know everything he's going to say that's how confident I am in him I don't even know everything he says every video I usually make I usually watch before I make the actual video but I was just excited to get this video but enough of me talking so next thing I I hear a WAP on my window cuz I was the recorder I look over and it's this female cop and a [ __ ] scooter mhm and I'm like what the [ __ ] are you doing mhm you know and she goes she looks me she goes oh I I think that's them across the street mhm so no [ __ ] Sherlock what the [ __ ] oh my God detective now first grade she probably want PP I wouldn't be surprised puzzle Palace she'd probably get great over me she was out there on all out so now the group and Raymond's by the way as we're looking at the group Raymond Santana and Steven Lopez are in the front how old are these kids they're like 14 15 years old now he just told you the two group two dudes that was out front basically running the group they're part of the Central Park 5 now these two were caught for another incident where they beat a school teacher half a death the kids they're kind of like leading the group so they stop and they start who's leading the group Santana Santana and Lopez the two of them oh okay so we take the van and we pull it up and we you know uh Park perpendicular to the curb we like blocked their their uh path so then all of them start running right they all they just all start running except for Santana and Lopez mhm so my partner and the cop on the scooter go after the the kids that are running on foot I stood with um Santana and Lopez they told me that um that the group was about to Rob them they said yeah officer these guys were you know just about to jump us which I knew was [ __ ] cuz we were watching them we knew so the two guys two that later become part of the Central Park 5 were caught they got caught they haven't even found the lady for the Central Park P yet they got caught but they tried to tell the police oh these guys was trying to rob us they was trying to rob us but like he said I knew it was [ __ ] cuz I was already watching them let's go you know we could tell they were not about to get jumped so I pretended to believe him because if I didn't they were going to be in the wind and I wouldn't be able to catch the both of them I'd only be able to get one of them mhm so um I told them oh okay no problem I said if we get any of them you know we'll bring them back and you can we'll see if you can identify them or not so then uh call in 85 a bunch of cars come we end up getting three more kids um who' you get um Kevin Richardson Lamont McCall and Clarence Thomas but not the Supreme Court justice so now you you you you you you have what you see you got the Central Park 5 they all arrested and mind you mind you they haven't found her body yet she's still in the ditch these guys are being arrested for another crime so the Central Park 5 is not innocent kids like main media want you to believe like the Democrats want you to believe they are being arrested for another crime at this time different Court Justice that that was before maybe Congress maybe so now we got them in the car he was the oldest one hanging out with them right he must have been like 65 at the time he was wearing his rope that's how we knew it was him and he had a gavel it wasn't a steel pipe it was a gav turns out anyway go ahead so um another car comes Sergeant's car comes to where I'm at and we get Lopez and Santana they're actually pretty surprised to you know get the cuff slapped on them CU they they thought they were getting over the whole time yeah yeah so uh we bring them back to the entrance of the park and in another car we had the other three kids the other three kids are now crying right they're crying and they're saying look we know who did the murder um uh was Anon McCrae will take you to where he lives now at that point we thought they were talking about the teacher the guy who had his head busted open mhm cuz we didn't know about the jogger nobody knew yeah except for them now you heard what he just said on the scene one of the kids said one of the five said yo we know who did the murder we'll tell you now the s are baffled because they like we arresting these kids for beating this dude up that we found bloody they don't know they haven't even found the jogger yet she's still in the ditch so for all those people to say was racist and they just picked up these kids they didn't even know she was in the ditch and these kids are under arrest think about that pay attention folks the joer existed she was still can I just stop you for one second yeah when you arrested Santana and Lopez did you do a show up with anyone no no because the um llin couldn't see anything but there was at least what five or six other victims right yeah yeah and I I forgot how we what we did um so at that point there was no identification procedure um I'm trying to think my sergeant might have done something listen I like this show I got to get get the name of this show I got to give these guys credit why cuz they're cops why I like it cuz they're cops cuz they questioning him like they cops so they're asking him the right questions like he just stopped him and said yo how did y'all get identification H H how did y'all know did anybody say these were the kids that did it I love this show I got I got to start following these guys I'm not sure but I remember we we ended up uh locking up locking them up for uh unlawful assembly and RI R yeah yeah based on on what on the the group being out hey man I love this show man cuz he's asking the questions as a cop they're basically interrogating him and as you can see the other cop is looking at him in his face he's reading his body language yeah he's looking at the other cop but he's looking he this cop over here was just looking him in the face this is what I like about this show they are questioning this dude like he's a suspect I love it got to get the name of this show in were they was was I know at some point they were breaking light bulbs on Central Park West was that before or after you stopped them that was before all right so that was part of that you that could have been the riot charge right yeah or disorderly group or whatever right I'm just trying to cuz I know there was like six or seven different complainants right you know some who had gotten assault one who had gotten stabbed the one gentleman laan you were referring to was jogging also right right and he was hit with a pipe I believe I mean he was probably in the hospital so he couldn't he couldn't do a show up unless you brought the perss to the hospital and that's important to know everybody cuz they want you to say it was a racist the white lady or the white guy said that these black kids did it at this point she never gave a statement and I I got that on my page too she doesn't know she has no rememory of this incident so to this day she never said the black guys did it the other guy he was beat up and so bloody he couldn't Point nobody out and they were all in the hospital she was in the ditch and this guy is bloody on his way to the hospital no one identified these black guys these black guys got caught by good police work and being seen doing something right all I was just nobody I um I'm I'm trying to think I know we had a problem with the IDS in the beginning because there was such a large group right you know like the the people on the tandem bike they just put their head down and you know rode right through the uh all right let's backtrack a little bit the five that you got you got Raymond Santana and the kid Lopez what was his name Michael St Lopez step Lopez okay those are the two that you grabbed and then in the other car there's three other kids right uh Kevin Richardson Lamont McCall and clar Thomas so you got five right now before we go any further you you you're mentioning other victims so let's go back to um these incidents that were having in the park as this is unfolding you're learning about more incidents right yes give us a a couple of the incidents that these 30 kids were supposedly responsible I'm sorry I know y'all won to hear the story but I I'm just amazed and love how this show worked I I I just love how these two cops are actually grilling this guy like he's in the interrogation and if you notice the one cop was questioning them why the one cop was questioning them the other sorry they're not even cops they're podcasters but they used to be cops and the other guy soon as he finished the other guy jumped right in there with his questions and then the guy that was questioning he's over there looking over his notes cuz he getting ready for his questions why he's answering questions I love this show y'all I got it you know and I'm 50 years old as a young kid oh man F the police and you know that's the dumb things we were brainwashing to thinking When We Were Young in in the hood doing illegal [ __ ] but I love how these two dudes work and I'm 50 I don't have problems with police anymore I I'm not committing crimes so and I'm comfortable with saying I love these guys I love these ex cops I love how they run their podcast I love how they do their things okay y'all I know let me get back to the video I'm sorry of being involved in U they assaulted um they assaulted another Runner yeah there was a guy on a uh racing on a bike T the bike no there was there was a couple on a tandem bike that male and female on a tandem bike yes yes and because the woman were they with the mime no you got jokes to um let's see there was a taxi driver they were throwing rocks at um they threatened several joggers I think like two or three uh there was a there was a gentleman who was actually just came to the park just to have his dinner had a beer and Chinese food and they [ __ ] beat him unconscious and so the Central Park 5 the lady wasn't the only victim there were other victims but once again the lady was the bigger story and I think the prosecutors made a mistake they thought they had a slam dunk and they didn't charge these kids with the other crimes that they convicted that night and that was their mistake poured the beer over his head and you know and I'm sure we had other people too that were you know that were accosted that didn't come forward they were just you know [ __ ] this because this this was a group of between 33 to 40 kids I don't know I think the head count just from what I saw was uh 30 well parts of this report it says they say 30 33 we interviewed 37 kids oh you did 37 37 kids yeah so as you can see that's part one of the Central Park 5 that's the cop Eric Reynolds they told you it was all about racism and you know Donald Trump was this bad guy cuz he wanted bad guys to go to prison but here in this interview what we have learned is these kids did other things to other people and what we going to learn in the future interview there was other evidence there were other things these dudes gave it all up we're going to find out that the Press said oh they question these dudes and they deny them fool we're going to watch the interviews we're going to see their parents were there them these everything was done by the book everything was done in good police uh good police work why the Democrats would like to bring these guys out just to Bass Donald Trump will NE I would never figure it out but on this channel I'mma show you they were guilty Donald Trump was not wrong and like I always say man click that like share subscribe hit the Bell click all so you can get notifications every time I do one of these videos and if you're a supporter of the channel I salute you and much love and respect goes out to you and you and you and you and if you out here hating and believing what the fake media tells you cut the [ __ ]

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