The Value of Deliverance

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:51:44 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] [Music] word and we for another opportunity to um continue to grow uh as we seek to learn about uh deliverance and the importance of the same in our lives and so often what we do is we we tend to do things and may not have a full understanding of why we do them and one of the first things I learned uh in school with psychology is is a definition of what it is and and psychology simply put as a study of why and what we want to do tonight in our study as we continue to unpack the mysteries of Deliverance is is look at the why the why behind the what looking at why Deliverance is important we we've talked about what Deliverance is we've talked about the importance of fighting the good fight in fact we spent two weeks talking about that so we know that this battle is critical we know that it's important we know that it truly is a matter of spiritual life and death and as we prepare to go to the battlefield as we prepare to R ramp up and as we prepare to bind and loose as we've been mandated to do and as we seek God for discernment and as God begins to give us that discernment and we begin to to to call out demons and bind them up and and use the word of God to do so at some point we stop and ask ourselves why why why are we doing this why why is this important we've learned and established that it's an important part of ministry we've learned and established that it's important component of the church but like news that happens when we see it on TV it hits home when it becomes personal it hits home when it's first person and it's us so as we uh launch tonight I want to ask the question uh of what you think value is if I asked you what is value what would your answer be what is value to you not what is valuable what is value what's the concept of value what is that to you anybody I mean uh um what what something is worth okay yeah what what something is worth that that that's a great answer great answer first lady I I was uh my my definition was very similar value is the the level of worth that something carries and that that's that's in my mind that's it that's it the level of worth that something carries what something is worth what something is worth and when we look at that in relation to deliverance and we look at what Deliverance is primarily talking about which is our souls we we begin to think about the value and and we can all think about things that we've spent money on things that we've purchased things that we've rented things that we've paid for that we deemed valuable when we look at those things in relation to our soul and we all understand the value of our soul as Believers we realize and understand the value of our souls and every now and then when when that why comes into play concerning Deliverance when that why comes into play uh concerning is all this really necessary the response that the response that comes to mind should be Mark 8: 36 and 37 and what it says in the King James version is this for for should profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul when I first started studying and reading the word of God um and I read it in my mind as I remembered it what what prophet of man what is the prophet of man if he gain the whole white world and lose his own soul is there anything worth more than your soul that was a question that Holy Spirit would pose to me and still poses to me each time I think about that scripture and I quote that scripture in prayer just in my personal devotional time when we look at it the way it's written what jumped out as I looked at it and and began to study through this for tonight is the phrase in exchange what shall a man give in exchange for his soul so when I began to dig I I found something very interesting uh when I found the definition of value Webster device value as the importance Worth or usefulness of something so to the degree that we shared our answers it is correct however it's deeper than just that and as I looked at that and thought about my answer that I wrote down and and even here uh answer first lady that you gave what what what I realized and what Holy Spirit began to show me is that that instance of what happened is what's happening spiritually in the world today to so many people and what I mean by that is this um a misunderstanding or maybe better way to put it is not having a full understanding of what it is that you have when salvation has taken place and your soul has been claimed from death and brought to life through the blood of Jesus Christ because when we look at an exchange in this verse in exchang is from uh the Greek word uh antaga and antaga literally means to barter now to barter is simply to to trade to trade to to to trade because it the trade is designed to represent worth it represents value in some countries in some circles even in America uh the whole concept of bartering replaces cash money has replaced Cash Money Pastor what do you mean what I mean is is bartering means that one takes what they deem as valuable or worth something a good a service a skill a talent a gift that they have and say hey they put it on this bartering exchange hey I can lay flooring I can landscape I can do handiwork and I'm willing to do 20 hours of handiwork in exchange for a weekend in a festar Airbnb somebody that may own that Airbnb say you may may say you know what I'll take you up on that and the exchange takes place and the reason why that's significant is because the individuals that are engaged in the bartering Dynamic have a joint understanding that the good that one has and and the service that the other has both carry a level of value that if properly exchanged between the two of them it's an even exchange and remember I said in the past couple of lessons I've said in the past few lessons really the very first lesson I said that what the enemy does in applying spiritual pressure is he does it from a position of methoda remember a method to his Madness the enemy is patient the enemy takes his time the enemy will do it gradually the enemy will do so subtly that many times if we're not careful we won't even notice it and what the enemy does even with this concept which is why Jesus asked the question what shall a man give in exchange for his soul the answer should be nothing because there's nothing worth more than our souls there's nothing that's even in the same price range even in the same tax bracket as our souls but what the enemy does here when we talk about strategy because remember the enemy is strategic in his attacks and this is why we have to be mindful of the Ws the Ws the methoda the meth methods that the enemy uses as a method to his Madness and each day the enemy will seek to send different methods our Direction that's why spiritually we have to be on guard and that's why some days spiritually was so drained because the enemy has been so busy and we've been so busy fighting in the spirit realm what the enemy does in this method is he strives to Cloud our Judgment of the value of our souls through through applying demonic pressure in our lives with the intent of getting us to lose all hope of freedom and resort to bartering or trading away our soul for material gain and it's significant to understand that you you you've heard I'm sure whether it's in movies or possibly read it in books or possibly even heard it in church in a Bible study or a sermon how how people have um sold their soul sold their soul uh to to the devil for talent for fame for Fortune for this for that and unfortunately that that has happened and and continues to happen in some Arenas and a part of it is because initially before the realization of what's happened is taking place this Dynamic is taking place this Dynamic of having the uh uh antama mindset being able to barter well you know what I mean I'm good at what I do and I have this this this Talent that's been given to me by God and and the enemy will come because remember back in the garden the enemy came in the form of a serpent and he he didn't come in domineering he was subtle he he came up to to Eve and and asked Eve you know what what's what what's you doing basically some par I paraphrase very basically and Eve shared what was going on and and Eve made it crystal clear that well God said that if we eat the eat this you'll surely die so in 's M it's a good thing to not eat from it because I don't want to die and and and and the enemy Satan said no you won't you won't surely die he didn't want you to do it because presenting something that seemingly is better or that seemingly is of equal value because it's better because the enemy understands and knows that the value of our souls is something that there's no amount of of of any type of Revenue we can put on it but he'll try to get us to think that there's a false equivalency between our soul and money our soul and fame our soul and accolades here in the earth and when individuals fall prey to that what they've done is they've opened the door to let demons in and let demonic pressure have its way in their lives and they intent with the pressure because methania is patient that pressure gradually gets Tighter and Tighter so that the spirit of hopelessness can be then can then begin to tatch on and make the individual feel that freedom is nothing that's even meant for them because of guilt because of shame because of this because of that and what happens is instead of realizing that the word says whom the sunsets free is free indeed they begin to play Let's Make a Deal Let's Make a Deal for a little bit of happiness in exchange for a little bit of my morality a little bit of my usefulness a little bit of my capacity to be all that God has called me to be a little bit more of my capacity of worth I I'm lowering my self worth and we don't want to do that because when selfworth is lowered what happens is the value becomes lower when the value Bec comes lower that means that the the understanding of what that thing that we've devalued is the the these um importance of it begins to diminish and far too many individuals in the world today uh have allowed their spiritual selfworth to diminish and as a result what's happened is they found themselves in spiritual bondage and because they're in that spiritual bondage what God desires to use his church to do as we as we discussed what our uh role and function is in the earth Deliverance is a part of our role and function going into all the world and making disciples meaning we have to collect and get ingredients to make something that currently doesn't exist in the lives of individuals that we meet and sometimes when we go shopping we may not always get the grade a quality stuff but we can still get things that that man might not view as grade A and still use them to make grade a quality finished products and that's what happens when we meet individuals that are suffering from demonic pressures and suffering from being bound spiritually the process of expelling those demons from those individuals that's called Deliverance that's the key to Deliverance that's what Deliverance is however tonight we're talking about the why and it can only happen once an individual realizes the value of their souls once again because what the enemy's done is he's moved methodically and in in and locking down indiv uals by having them in essence trade away their freedom what he's done is he's done it by by systematically uh putting the mind in bondage by systematically making the minds of the individuals that Fallen pray to this all of us at some level by taking our minds and trying to get us to think that we're not as holy as we think we are we're not as uh great as we believe we are we're not the apple of God's eye we can't be because we've done this because we've done that because we've fallen in this area or followed in that area those are tricks of the enemy and the enemy keeps doing that with the intent of trying to keep us in a state where we don't remember and we don't realize the value of our souls because again Jesus asked the question what is it going to profit an individual if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul that's a poignant question because the soul is the essence of who we are the soul is what this eternal battle is all about because if you look at the relationship between um um Spirit soul and body that's what the battle is all about it's for our souls and there a tug of- War and the spirit realm for our souls and whoever wins whoever wins that tug of- War that's where the soul is going yet because we have an advocate on our side because we have an advocate fighting for us that Advocate is there to remind us of our value to remind us of our Worth to remind us of our degree of usefulness in the earth and that that that Advocate is is is Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit is the third person of the godhead because what God's desire is is for our hearts to be pure in order to help others see their true value and he's ready to purify us through Deliverance but the thing many many times that keeps us from being truly set free is us we quote all day whom the sun sets free is free indeed but do we really believe it and I say do we really believe it because many times what we do is we allow our logic to to come in and ask the question well well why I saw Skip One Time on TV where um it was a comedy skit where uh the adult was telling uh the child facts and each time the adult told the child a fact the child would ask well why well because the adult say well there are nine planets in the solar system why well because uh the scientist didn't discover anymore why well because and it just went on and on on be until the individual got to the point the adult got to the point where the child kept asking why so much that the that the adult was just out of answers and everybody in the audience chuckled thought it was cute but when we look at that in the spirit realm that's what the enemy strives to do with us he strives to keep us in a constant state of asking why in the hopes that if we continue to ask why and continue to ask why and continue to ask why and the response is in our mind because he's relying on us to rely on our logic because he's trying to cut off remember methoda method to his Madness in fighting a good fight we understand in different Arenas that in each Arena whether it's on the home front or in the church or in the community um you know or even in ourselves what the enemy is constantly trying to do is cut off the vertical communication between us and God and if you can cut off our vertical communic communication with God and in the process of cutting off our vertical communication with God get us to submit ourselves to a far lesser being horizontally by selling our souls out to music or to this or to that what he's done is he's isolated us spiritually and we have nowhere to go and what God desires us to realize is that there's always a choice and the choice is always Jesus because Jesus is is there he's he's ready to save he's ready to deliver we've just got to make up our minds we've got to understand that our why is not found in our logic but our why is found in the Rama word that comes from the word of God because the word lets us know that the word is designed to be be be sharp it's quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword so we're dressed properly because we have on the whole armor of God and that's what the sword is for the sword is to to get us out of situations to cut all that stuff out of our way so that we can see where we're supposed to go and we can keep our eyes stayed on Jesus so that we can be all that God has called us to be does that make sense so the question then becomes well why is Deliverance valuable well Deliverance is valuable really for two reasons first reason is that is is is critical in the preparation of the bride of Christ and the bride of Christ is the church and the church is us so Deliverance is a critical piece in our preparation to receive Christ at the next level Pastor what do you mean what I mean is when we all said yes to Jesus we said yes to Jesus with the intent of being saved from our sin and and and given the right to inherit eternal life and if you think about a lot of romantic comedies have used kind of this this concept um but sometimes in in in the legal profession I'll use it sometimes the legal profession when the executive of a will reads the will an individual in the will might be left uh uh a large amount of money they might be left a piece of property it might be left something that the family deems is really really valuable the crown jewel of whatever the individual that's passed on had and the person in the will says it's yours and understand where it is it's in the will it's yours but in order to get it this is what you've got to do you've got to prepare yourself in this way you've got to be married You' got to have children you've got got to be gainfully employed all before you're 35 years old if you meet these criteria when that age comes and meets you and it's written that way purposely and I said it that way for a reason I'm going to get into it just a moment when that age comes and meets you and you find and you're found ready everything that's attached to that age will be released to you for you to enjoy and your family to enjoy for the rest of your life and that's significant because when we say yes to Jesus and salvation comes definitely it's a day to Rejoice but our work is not over it's not and they lived happily ever after at that point ultimately yes we do live happily ever after but at that point that's where we got to begin to put in the work and we got to begin to put in the work to be prepared because when we say yes to Jesus what we've done is we've said yes to an eternal date that means we got a date with with the bridegroom we got to date and we got to be ready for our date I know when when I was actively dating when when uh we when first lady and I were actively dating and actively recing we we took time to get ready because we wanted to be ready when we saw one another we we may have been we may have been going through things we may have had some things get to us we may had some things get on us whether it's naturally and doing our jobs at work our respective jobs or maybe even emotionally somebody might say something that got us upset or got us down and even with that by us both being Believers even spiritually some things we may have had to to deal with because we didn't want to have to have the other person wrestle with that because we wanted to present ourselves we want to be ready to to to have a good time and enjoy one another's company well as it pertains to being the bride of Christ this is the same concept only it's for all eternity because we're betroth now we're committed to him we belong to him and he desires us to be ready because as a church we are the bride of Christ and Christ is coming for his bride and what that means is that we as a bride have to be cleansed we have to be cleansed one of the things that is one of the worst things that one can do if one can help it and and I'll put it that way one of the worst things one can do if one can help it is put on clean outer garments if they've not taken the time to bathe themselves if they've been out working and they have a job where it's physical labor if they've been out working and in in the midst of working whether it's the way your mode of travel if you use public transportation maybe it's something you stepped in on the way home maybe it's something you walked through maybe it was a restaurant you ate in you know greasy spoon restant whatever it is that the smell and the odor of the day is on you and and you got to date the last thing you going to do if you know you have the smelling odor on you if you know in your right mind you have it and I said it that way for for reason you're not going to take off those dirty clothes and not cleanse yourself and put on clean garments and go meet your betroll why because you want to make sure that you present the best aspects and version of yourself you don't want anything that would be repelling to him or to her because you love him or her and each time we allow the enemy to come in and and get us with that false method to devalue our elves to devalue ourselves in our thinking to devalue ourselves in our actions and to devalue ourselves with the corrupt communication that comes out of our mouths what we're doing is we're adding more spots we're adding more wrinkles to the Garment that God desires us to have clean because the bridegroom is coming and what Deliverance is is it's truly an essential part of our preparation as Christ's bride because what it does if you look at the page scripture here that's referenced and it's referenced in Mar which is why I'm going this route in Ephesians 5: 25-27 it says husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it husbands love your wives agapo love your wives Agape show your wives agape love unconditional love love that means the best for them even if it means the worst for you and that's exactly what Christ did for us the church he gave himself self for us the church he knew what the cost was he knew he had done nothing wrong but he knew that he had done nothing wrong for the sole purpose of being right to do everything that needed to be done to set the church free once for all time because true love helps you understand and and keeps us ever mindful of the fact that the living that we do is not for us the living that we do is to be a blessing to others for the purpose of sanctifying and cleansing uh and here he's talking about uh the wife you know the husband is designed to live a life that ultimately uh continues to sanctify and cleanse his wife just as Christ ultimately lived the life and died to sanctify and cleanse the church with the washing of the Water by the word so it shows us that the words that we speak carry weight the words that we speak carry power and and as we strive to to live a life that's free of of spot wrinkle it goes on to talk about you know the washing go Water by the word that he might present himself as a glorious church or a church reflective of the bridegroom reflective of ultimately the father a reflection ultimately of what was supposed to take place back in the Garden of Eden we designed to be a reflection is awesome because when we look at the number of years that have passed from the Garden of Eden to now God is still so present and so awesome that we are still a reflection of him and the world can see God in us provided we understand our why and what it is that we're doing we're seeking God to keep us clean we're seeking God to keep us in right standing with him we're seeking God to keep us pure because we're living a life to be a blessing to others so we can't have spot we can't have wrinkles we can't have any such thing but instead we have to be holy and we have to be with without blemish and people have taken words like holy and and the concept of Holiness and being without blemish and made them them taboo made them unattainable and I'm here again this is all about demystifying the concept of Deliverance and and one of the the the greatest myths that that I desire to bust is you know it Holiness is Holiness is still appropriate Holiness is still proper there is no asterisk in Salvation there is no what God knows my heart I heard that a lot in my my late 20s from my late 20s to my late 30s I heard that well God knows my heart yes he does know your heart because he knows your heart that's why because he knows your heart he knows that he sent Holy Spirit he knows that at times you've heard Holy Spirit he knows that your mind is mindful of what it is that you're doing and he also knows that you're making the choice to still go the other direction so have to be careful what you say he knows my heart is not an excuse just like in traffic court they say ignorance is no excuse same concept here spiritual ignorance is no excuse but Deliverance is critical because what Deliverance does is it removes the spots and wrinkles of sin and demonic pressure in our lives because that's what demonic pressure is demonic pressure is designed to get us out of our natural character our natural character and our natural inclinations as Believers are to be a reflection of Christ which means we're designed to function as as Genesis 126 says be be made in His image and his likeness which means we function like him we speak like him we we act like him we think like him but when the Demonic pressure comes it's designed to pull us away from that it's designed to pull us away from the source of our supply the source of our value one of the fastest ways to devalue something is to pull it away from it's source and force it to stand on its own merits especially if it's new because it's understood if something is new in and of itself it cannot stand alone and meet your every need but it in conjunction with other things to help one see the value of it in the biggest scope makes it invaluable makes it Irreplaceable prime example stock when you buy stock in a startup company you can literally buy stock Pennies on the dollar if you held just that one stock unless it was like a a company that was blowing up like overnight that one stock ended of itself in that instant didn't make you rich but if you have that one stock as part of your portfolio of crypto and and stock of of of companies that have been around forever and new companies like this and Cutting Edge companies and maybe some mutual funds maybe some precious metals now what you have is what's called a portfolio and a portfolio is a combination of things that no matter what comes your way if one thing crashes you got something to offset it God desires to build spiritual portfolios in US those spiritual portfolios are built in us as we allow him to do the delivering work in us because each time he delivers us what he's done is he's given us more diverse Weaponry that we can reach to in the form of the word because again it says um that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of Water by the word so as we allow God to do the delivering work in us what happens is God is allowing more of his word to come into those places where sin once resided so when the enemy would seek to try to come and attack Us in those areas instead of finding a home what he's going to find is the word he's going to find more word he's going to find more diverse word he's going to find a gigantic portfol folio of the word and when he finds a gigantic portfolio of the word there's nothing that he can do with that because light and darkness can't dwell together in the same place and God desires us to be holy and without blemish and when we allow ourselves to truly be clean cleaned by God and truly live lives with the intent of remaining clean for God that's what Holiness is making the conscious decision to live a life that's clean and sinf free to the best of our ability and understanding that when why wants to come in to get us to go the wrong way we do as the word says look to the hills from whence cometh our help understanding and knowing that our help comes from the lord it's not designed for us to have all the answers it's not designed for us to know all the answers it's not designed for us to have the answer to the why we can ask the question why but we have to allow God to continue to keep us in a state of remaining delivered remaining free from the Demonic pressure and when those demonic pressure does try to jump on us because it's going to having an understanding and realizing that I got a date because like in my work day yeah stuff might jump on me yeah Pride might jump on me today yeah anger might jump on me tomorrow yeah fear might jump on me the day after that but you know what I'm going to go in my prayer closet and I'm going to cry out to my God and if me doing it myself ain't going to work I'm going to go to my church and talk to my pastor and he or she is going to pray with me and I'm going to talk to my brothers and sisters in Christ and they're going to pray with me I'm going to talk to my family members in order to get and keep the balance in my home spiritually in place we're going to pray we're going to do what we need to do we're going to get this thing off because we have the capacity to do so because Deliverance is the valuable end result of our willing and complete surrender of ourselves to God so that he can properly and completely prepare us for his return that's the number one number one reason why Deliverance is valuable because we got a date each and every one of us have a date it's a date that we can't change it's a date that we can't cancel it's a date that we can't shift it's a date that we don't know in our natural man so because we don't know would it not stand to reason that we should be in a con State young people say it this way be ready so you ain't got to get ready Holiness is our way of spiritually being ready because no man knows the day nor the hour where a son of man shall appear but every one of us knows that the enemy is going to send pressure in our lives because he sends it every day any questions any comments anything anyone like to add or share okay nothing to add right now okay so the second reason of the two reasons why Deliverance is valuable is because Deliverance blesses us with Priceless Eternal benefits and the way I thought about this is Holy Spirit presented it to me which is why I wouldn't got this scripture is the wedding reception cuz remember the bridegroom is coming the bridegroom is coming for us and and those those of us that are married have gone through our own marriage have been to to weddings understand and know that it's at the reception that the gifts are brought and wise couples and most couples now are functioning more in wisdom and leaving at less a chance they're establishing what's called a registry and the registry is designed to put them in position to get the things that they really want but more importantly the things that they really need to start a new household together because most couples know that yeah I got my stuff and yeah she's got her stuff or if you're a female I got my stuff he's got his stuff but we're coming together we starting something new so I may not like the the shade of colors that his furniture is I might not like the the shade of of of furniture that that you know her quiet room has but what we're doing is we're coming together and establishing something new and because something new is being established what happens is that the people that come to receive the new couple the people that come to receive the new couple at the reception bring gifts with the intent of those gifts being a blessing to these individuals not only for the moment but their gifts are designed to be a blessing for them ideally as long as they both shall live as their vows say or as long as their marriage is intact and as we begin to mature our thinking I know as my my thinking has as my thinking began mature I I strive to try to do better in in giving gifts to individuals that are married at that receptions that I'm more in line with the mindset that I'm in and understand the importance and the significance of what's happening because when one shows up at a reception one is basically saying that I salute this couple I support this Union and I'll do everything that I can to see to it that this Union makes it and that's a big statement it's a big statement because what happens when we get ourselves clean through deliverance and strive to walk in Holiness what God does he doesn't have us go through all that work and just have us go through all that work to get clean to leave us empty what he does is he fills us with some things he fills us with the gifts of the Spirit he fills us with the fruit of the spirit he fills us with all with with both of those components and he does it in different mixtures in each and every one of us but he does it so that we're not left empty and he does it more importantly so that we're equipped to be eternally effective for the kingdom and what what the enemy does he sends his demons out because again he functions as strategy demons are enemy enemies rather the gifts and fruits of the spirit and what they strive to do is keep those fruits and keep those gifts from coming forth in our in our lives they try to hinder them and try to try to try to shut him down try to sty him out you know when we don't exercise the gifts because the gifts of the Spirit are linked to the power Dynamic of who we are as Believers and I learned in weight training in high school even more so in my own life in my own workout life that that the whole concept of use disuse is true and the whole concept of use disuse is this if you have a group of muscles even if you are one that works out if you have a group of muscles and you don't work them out for an extended period of time what happens is that they begin to shrink they begin to to to atropy they begin to to shrink they begin to come become weak they begin to become less defined and that's what the enemy banks on the enemy banks on the strength that we have which is part of our value our Soul's value banks on us not exercising banks on us not doing it he tries to put us in positions where he he makes us think that we're weak we're too weak to deal with that you can't handle that yes we can because the word tells us we can do all things through through Christ who strengthens us from a fruit standpoint if you take fruit and leave fruit too long eventually what does fruit start doing start spoiling so the enemyes to do all he can to try to disrupt and upend the gifts and the fruits of the spirit and to keep them from coming forth in our lives because what happens is that when that happens that hinders us from being prepared for the Lord's coming that throws us late that throws us late no recently we we had we had we had a wedding and and um the day of the wedding I wound up getting thrown late unexpectedly because I did something that I thought was simple and this is how the enemy works again method to his M there something as simple and and normal that we've done every day is take my dog out to to you know go to the bathroom took him out go to the bathroom never had problems this particular day he decided he wanted to take off what should have been a 5 minute chore turned out to be a 30 minute Excursion all over the neighborhood and had me come back totally not in condition to to be where I needed to be what I have to do I had to go and get myself together because I wasn't going to put on clean clothes coming in in a dirty fashion I've been chasing my dog all over over the neighborhood had to put him away had to go get myself cleaned up had to go get myself back right because cash this I realized that there was something present that shouldn't have been there and what the enemy does he tries to keep us fooled and thinking like we talked about at the very beginning he tries to keep us so fooled and thinking that uh the devaluation in our minds of our spirit and our soul that's normal that's not normal because unlike stock unlike the things that I mentioned earlier that's part of our natural portfolio our spiritual portfolio never decreases in value it only increases in value as our faith increases and what the enemy banks on and what he tries to do is he tries to get us so bewildered and so guilty and so this and so that you know I ain't got to clean up I ain't got to try what's the even point and what happens is resentment comes in defeat comes in and when the enemy gets an individual to the point of allowing spirits of defeat and resentment to come in the enem is like I got them because now if they're defeated that means I can get them like we said in lesson one I can get them to the point to begin to speak stuff into existence because while I can't destroy directly I can destroy by their hand I can destroy by their mouth because all I can do is pervert and corrupt I can't recreate but what I can do is destroy if they give me permission to with the words that come out of their mouths remember we function like God we're created in the image and likeness of God and Satan banks on that because if he can concede and if he can Su succeed rather in making us as Believers feel that we're less valuable to God because of the Demons present in our lives he can prevent us from being truly free and I put it that way because at times the enemy does strive to come in at times en we might come in but being Mindful and being sensitive because we're we're children that walk in Holiness we will not that that won't allow us to remain in that state it's not going to allow us to remain in that mindset we're going to feel that something's off we G to feel that something's not right even in the garden though wrong was done in that moment after they ate the fruit they felt something was wrong they look down and realize wait a minute we're naked we ain't got nothing on and they took action and the action was a reaction as a result of the sin that had taken place but holy spirit prompts Us in the instances where these things that are not of God these demonic pressures that are seeking to come in and apply pressure before they can get a good hold what the what what God does is because we got the whole armor on we put the word on it we keep the word on it and we stay consistent with it and we stay persistent with it and we understand that it's a process and we definitely understand it's a process because in the previous slide I missed that point that that it's a process and what happens that the process really does carry tremendous values and we got to remember that it's a process because the process is designed to keep us in line to have access to the benefits going back to what I said before the process is designed to keep us in a place where we can always use the gifts that were given on the day that we said yes to Jesus and on the day that God cleansed us because he was their father Son and Holy Spirit were there at for for to receive us at the reception and they were there to say that we're here that we support this walk and we're going to do everything that we can to walk with you to make sure that you don't stumble and you don't fall the one that you've got to worry about is you you've got to worry about you but to give you incentive we want you to understand and know that all these gifts you have are right here and it gives us a list every day and then looking at this list I have a new a different understanding perspective now so this list I'm going to make sure I op my prayer and and and ask as Holy Spirit to commit to my spirit long term so that when the enemy cease to come in like a flood I remember this because it says bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits these are all the gifts the benefits that come with having the gifts and the fruits of the spirit in Our Lives who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases who redeems your life excuse the typo from destruction who crowns you with loving kindness and Tender Mercies who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles in other words at every turn at every turn the enemy seeks to attack the health I got you covered the wealth I got you covered the mind I got you covered the body I got you covered the spirit I got you covered the family I got you covered the church I got you covered your community I got you covered at every level in every Battlefield I've got you covered this is why we fight the good fight we fight the good fight because we're fighting a fight that's already fixed we're fighting a fight that we know we've already won but we still got to go through the motions of doing the work because we're not fighting the fight because we lost we're fighting the fight because we won and because we've won what this fight is designed to do is to get and keep us prepared because this is a fight that we want to continue winning because again no man knows the day or the hour when the son of man shall appear no man knows the day of the hour when the bridegroom is coming and we don't want to be found not ready we don't want to be found having chased around the dogs of Our Lives all over the communities our lives and saying you know what I don't feel like doing the work of getting myself clean today I don't feel like doing the work of preparing myself and sanctify myself I don't feel like going into prayer I don't feel like casting none of this stuff off me I'm just G to go ahead and throw my throw my throw my my gown on because he surely he's not coming back tonight or if it's a guy throw a tuck on surely he's not coming back tonight and that's Theon night he comes remember the parable of the the the 10 virgins half of them were foolish half of them were wise half of them made sure they had enough oil the other half didn't and while they was going to get the oil they were going to do the right thing but they just chose the wrong time to do it and this is why God wants us to be mindful best time to do it is right now because what Deliverance is is a Perpetual it's it's the Perpetual gift rather that continues giving in our lives as we remain submitted and obedient to his will Deliverance is not necessarily a oneandone proposition Deliverance is designed to be an ongoing celebration of being clean and being filled with God's presence and with God's power so that as he continues to move in and through in in and through our lives what happens is that he gets the glory and we get the benefit does that make sense amen so when we when we look at the takeaways and we look at the realization of why Deliverance is valuable two is the number of witness and ultimately our deliverance is valuable and the value in our deliverance is found in the lives of others through our witness through the activation and the activity of the benefits in our lives on a daily basis even on our worst days people still see our lights shining and it's just awesome how God does it I I can't even explain how he does it but it's just awesome and I'm so thankful that he does it but Deliverance is valuable to us because Deliverance is critical in the preparation of the bride of Christ the church is critical in our preparation we got to remember that this is what it's all about and this should be our motivating factor in getting ourselves prepared by allowing God to prepare us and secondly uh Deliverance is viable because Deliverance blesses us with Priceless Eternal benefits once we allow God to truly empty us out and we truly Embrace and receive the Holiness that comes with him and strive to live our lives out in a way that obeys when God said be holy for I am Holy those benefits are Priceless and when we think about the benefits and what it took to get them when the enemy does try to come in and and and try to get us to barter with our soul and ask and and and the question is ask in our minds is anything worth in your soul we can all say absolutely not because the enemy is trespassing he's a trespasser and because he's a trespasser we have the authority and we have the right I think I said that here somewhere um yep here it's vital Deliverance is vital to keep us focused and mindful of the spiritual truth that Satan and his demons are spiritual trespasses we have the right to to evict them in the name of Jesus that's what we've got to remember to stay blessed and stay in lock up with those Eternal benefits we got to remember that the that the trespasses are going to try to come the trespasses are going to try to come the word puts it this way no weapon that's formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that seeks to rise against us in judgment he shall condemn it doesn't say that the weapons aren't going to be formed because they are it just says they're not going to prosper it doesn't say the tongues are not going to rise up but it says when they rise up they'll be condemned provided provided we understand the why behind what it is that we're doing because if and then we if if and when we you know don't understand the the why behind our what if and when we understand the why behind our what we're truly Unstoppable and as we understand why Deliverance is important in our lives we can truly live Victorious lives as living witnesses that can truly truly change the world and truly change the path and trajectory of so many people's lives so that they might come to know Christ so that Souls can be added to the kingdom amen amen amen any questions any comments anything that that anybody had living witness Ministries is a Church on the Move dedicated to spreading the GOP Gospel of Jesus Christ through the preached and taught word Community activism and Outreach and practical Ministry designed to meet needs save Souls bless hearts and transform lives you can sew into living witness Ministries via cash app at dollar sign LW Ministries 2020 tily or gify at Living witness Ministries lrange Illinoi or zel at Living to witness atgmailcom sew your seed into the good ground of living witness Ministries today and thank you for helping us reach the world with the lifegiving [Music] word we pray you were blessed by today's message and would love to hear from you if you have any prayer requests praise reports or would like to know more about living witness Ministries you can write to us at PO Box 250 769 Milwaukee Wisconsin 5 3225 that's P box 250 769 Milwaukee Wisconsin 53225 you can reach us by phone at area code 414 909 0133 again that's area code 404 909 0133 you can email us at Living to witness atgmailcom that's living the number to witness to learn more about living witness Ministries online visit us at witness again that's www. living witness until next time we encourage you to continue to live your life as a living Witness [Music]

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