BEYOND SPIDER-VERSE ARTICLE the first thing that I wanted to cover today was all this beyond the spiderverse shenanigans there's been a lot of um uh talk behind the scenes of the movie being uh at least you know in some sort of development hell and I figur let's go ahead and read this we'll come back there's been additional uh context provided um you know earlier today just a few hours ago but this is according to IGN spiderverse producer shuts down rumors that much of beyond the spiderverse has been scraped says it's coming along nicely one of the producers and I believe one of the co-writers of the film Spider-Man in the spider series producer Christopher Miller has Swan into squash rumors suggesting Sony recently scrapped much of its work on beyond the spiderverse gossip started following a report posted via Jeff Snider the ins Snider website see what he did there according to its sources most of the work man in the project was scrapped for Creative reasons quote unquote at some point during its development progress lost and Disney Marvel seemingly planned to release a live action Spider-Man 4 in 2026 which we're going to talk about in just a bit the film was said to likely not arrive until 2027 it's news that's had audiences concerned that it could be several years before more spiderverse comes their way but now the team behind the movie is saying there's nothing to fear Miller who has made a name for himself with projects like The Lego Movie and 22 Jump Street both great films my opinion shut down latest rumors with a post on x/ Twitter he says quite plainly that nothing has been thrown away when it comes to beyond the spiderverse nothing has been scratched Miller said the reals are coming along nicely his comments in the matter should calm those who have been waiting to see the story wrap up since the latest film across the spiderverse released in June 2023 a movie I really liked I think a lot of you guys like to Additionally the comic book series composer Daniel pton also took to x/ Twitter to clear the air suggesting that there may not be much truth to the information floating around online don't really ever want to weigh in on this sort of stuff pton said but would you ever believe there could sometimes be stuff in the internet that might not always be particularly accurate and I reached out to son for comment and they have uh not responded and they just go into more details about the movie and delays and the SAG after strikes you know it certainly affected things obviously um so we'll see when that movie comes out but okay so you know I I I believe Miller I believe Christopher Miller I don't think he has misled anyone uh in the past you know MY THOUGHTS for nefarious uh reasons and and also Phil L Phil Lord Chris Mill as I said before I think they're two of the most talented people probably working in the film industry today certainly two of the most talented people that Sony has under their belt right now no question and um I I've loveed their contributions uh to to film and to television and and certainly to to Spider-Man as well and I mean the the last thing I I would want is a delayed to this I mean if you got delayed you know delay it you know just so the employees aren't run ragged and everything and you know they can leave live ordinary lives of course of course of course but I think the reason why this story just popped up and it why it just you know put a lot of people in the panic mode or made people not even panic mode that's not the right word or term for it uh concerned the reason why I think a lot of people were concerned uh was because Sony is incompetent Sony is the they they are they are a bunch of fuckups working over there from Tom Rothman to Amy to to Amy Pascal to to the bloated orc creature wearing a human skin suit Avia Rod just just a bunch of fuckups across the board made so many horrific decisions for for many many years they they are the definition of of of failing upward right uh in this in this industry the fact that they have jobs or the positions that they do is mindboggling to me and so to hear like that it's like oh well of course that's what's happening because and I've said this before and I've had a lot of this even confirmed like my thoughts are like I kind of just feel this way I can't like base on anything it just feels like a gut feeling for the longest time has never made any sense to me that you have Sony who has delivered such films as and listen some of these movies have made money others have certainly not and they've been box office disasters but the same company that has made great movies like The in of the spiderverse films like the first one and and and the second one and some of these other side projects which are coming out the third one is coming out right um is also the same company that has made Venom and Venom Let There Be Carnage and and morus we all morb Chad we all we all Mor when we saw Madam web and then we got craving the hunter craving the [ __ ] vegetarian craving the vegan you know that's going to be coming out in the next what next next month next month I can't keep track when that movie's coming out it's either next month or in December I don't know but you know it's it's just it's just incredible that that there's just such stark contrast in terms of the quality between these projects and I said for the longest time and I was Vindicated in my in my uh thoughts on this and my gut feeling that I did not believe Sony knew what they had with that first in of the spiderverse movie and it was just certain things the fact that uh it it had such a relatively low budget compared to their you know other other films certainly in their anime it's like $100 million doll and for the movie to look as good as it does it's like wow you know the fact it was it was concentrating on on Miles Morales who was a more recent creation within the Spider-Man Mythos and things the fact it had like that kind of experimental art style that now is proliferated wonderfully so cuz I love that 2.5 it's it looks great and uh I actually know one of the animators that worked on that film and they said yep Sony had no idea what they had and they were pretty much allowed to do whatever they wanted because they were inexpensive that's what happened but because in the spiderverse with such a success critically most certainly it won an Oscar and commercially it did well it wasn't like a Hu I mean it made money but it wasn't like you know a billion dollar movie that doesn't necessarily have to be it doesn't need to be but you know you know it's like oh [ __ ] like it was successful and then people were excited about it you know they were enthused about it and then they got you got the sequel which made even more money it was was great one of my favorite movies of last year a lot of people's favorite one of their favorite movies have not their favorite movie of last year and so you know the this this in a way like I was happy with like a lot of people happy with the success of these end of the spiderverse movies but at the same time kind of concerned it's got double-edged sword because the more successful they are the more I feel like Sony is just going to be like strangling it you know put putting their hands around its windpipe and just choking it and making it terrible and also coupled with the fact that Phil Lord and Chris Miller they're not going to be sticking with Sony for long you you know their contracts have not been renewed and they're being let go because apparently they have a deal with universal right which they had Inked years ago but again if I was now listen I don't run a billion dollar film division okay I don't um but if I was Sony if I was Tom roin if I was a blo orc Goblin creature wearing a skin suit like avier Rod does every day I would make it my priority to keep those guys and those under them and those around them and then anyone else that that has worked on their projects here at our company because they produce such great works like that's what I would do um and I mean I'm sure they're far more expensive uh than they were a decade ago you know making like 21 Jump stream Jump Street of course of course but at the same time is just like they've produced some of our best films some of our best projects over the last 10 to 15 years like of course we'd want to keep them and so it just it just boggles my mind so my fear is and the reason why I think this this this story caused such a fuffle is because with them gone I feel like what's going to happen with into the spiderverse and all these other films and projects that have this art style and this whole new world that they're going to end up being just as [ __ ] atrocious okay as Venom as morbius they're going to as man we they're goingon to my fear is they're G to morb into the spider-verse and it's and its sequels and other projects come out of that and like that's I think a major concern that's a huge concern it's a justifiable concern and so yeah um you know I I I mean I believe I believe uh Chris Miller in what he's saying here it's just like Noe that that that you know the the Jeff Snider of it all that he's incorrect and that's not what's going on but at the same time it's just like it could have been true really could have been it would have been a major concern um you know I'm I'm very I'm still very excited for beyond the spider take as much time as they as they need to to make that movie obviously you know I don't want the the people working in that film to be run Rag and have their you know lives destroyed of course of course obviously you know take all the time you need I'm I'm a patient man she I'm a sometimes I'm impatient but I'm a patient man when when it comes to my movies just make sure it's good and I enjoy myself and I feel like we all feel the same way at least many of us do but uh yeah I am very concerned about the future of um of Spider-Man and certainly into spiderverse with Sony and with Phil Lord and Chris Miller leaving because I feel like once they're gone Sony's gonna [ __ ] railroad they're going to take advantage of that entire universe and and and make it not feel so special and and and I think there's a great risk uh of it becoming horrible like their liveaction Spider-Man lless Spider-Man films but that's just kind of how I feel how about you guys how do you feel about this you know okay it's like all right because I believe that you know uh uh uh Chris Miller is speaking the truth it's like nope it's not like the movie's all scrapped or anything like that um but I guess it's just like do you have do you have the same level of concern that I do uh with the future of of spiderverse and I get just Spider-Man in general there's something else that we're going to touch on just a bit that was brought up to me yesterday and a lot of people want to talk about that I feel like we can we could talk about it with greater detail now um but I am curious to hear your guys thoughts on on on this story or the the the the the the risk of all this exploding in a horrible way with with with the absence of Phil Lord and Chris Miller down the line let me see yeah Venom a Venom anime movie Next you joke wind Fox but that might happen I would not be surprised would not be surprised uh let's see you guys are saying right right here it's going to screw up a little bit don't want to miss anybody well you go hard poor I ain't poor I'm I I have no I have no problem being his number one enemy I have no problem talking [ __ ] about that man he has been an albatross around the neck of Spider-Man and so many other films for for for decades you can thank him for Borderlands most recently you can and like and he's attached to some big projects I mean obviously Uncharted you know look how that turned out he's going to do that in Charles seel that Naruto movie he's attached he's producing that movie uh what's the other thing Metal Gear Solid it's just like godamn unless someone can Wrangle him or or kind of just put him to the side be like yeah yeah sure put your name on it because you have to be have we have to have your name on it but if like any creative involvement yeah like he has a reputation um wi within the film industry for like not giving a [ __ ] about the things that he's like uh uh adapting or or or making he's a toy man that's where from he's from the toy business how can we make a toy out of this let's let's put this guy in this in this colorful suit why because we can make a toy out of it that's his whole deal and that's what I'm concerned about oh man I would make a black cat movie because uh it can make her no I I like like the I think on paper Like A blackhe movie sounds cool like I wouldn't mind that at all do I trust SE to make it a good one no but I'm not against that idea I Love fici Shah Hardy she's a wonderful character she's she's uh she's a badass she's hot as hell she's smart she's the whole goddamn package she's everything that you want so I would love that I would love that I just don't trust SE to make it Chris SS thank you for the Tim I'm G read your comment just a second I'm just scrolling down right now let's see it's insane that they that uh it's insane they are [ __ ] with the one big thing they've got leave miles I know I'm they're gonna they're gonna oh my God they're going to exploit that kid it's going to be rough uh let's see who else is here morb Chris morb indeed Venom an I would not be shocked if that happens let's go let's go ahead um the animated Spiderman movies are coming out are more made for 105 age groups I disagree I think they're made for all ages well that's what's wonderful uh wonderful about animation and I feel like more in the west should adopt this way of thinking certainly the the Western uh filmmakers and not even Western filmmakers although some dis dismiss animation uh the the Western film industry they should look at it the same way that the Eastern film industry looks at it you know these companies in in Japan and South Korea and all these other East Asian countries this animation it's not just for children it's a medium to tell all sorts of stories it can be for children it can also be for adults it can also be for everyone we've had numerous animated films that have been that way I mean just recently like inside out too it's like yes is maybe that they're like yeah we want kids to like this sure but that movie Works across the board uh for multiple demographics no matter what the age or or race or ethnicity or cultural backgrounds why those films are successful and I feel like that should be the mindset for animation in general make it even more even better that way new ideas introduced let's see here uh D going is St is good to have you here good sir but who is more in common between Sony or WB oh that's a good question uh fumbling that bat me I cannot believe that they passed on that that is [ __ ] nuts that thing looks so goddamn cool I think people been making a post compar it's like you passing a animated Batman Beyond movie for Minecraft and I'm not dismissing Minecraft I'm dismissing just the way that movie looks this is this thing looks [ __ ] atrocious it's crazy I don't get it please rude everything we love oh yeah a throw Lucas film in there most certainly yeah yeah you're right Pro you're right uh CH apparently Snider posts a lot of [ __ ] no I know believe me I I know uh John Snyder by his reputation yeah he uh he is um he is definitely he's posted some true stuff but he has posted a lot of [ __ ] you're you're you're not wrong you're not wrong at all Mr Mr SS funny enough I posted a story in a Facebook group the other day where he claimed out three had a $200 million budget and a guy I know who works in the industry told me that he's not trustworthy source of info there you go there you go fair enough for the future of the Spider-Man animated films I have host but the live action Spider-Man spin-off movies should just be done with after Venom 3 I I feel like they will be I feel like I mean who knows um there's always feels like there's something in some form of production there has to be right but they got to do like a reset they got to that's why I thought you know it would make sense to britty and Phil Lord and chrism was like hey let's get the guys who've been making or excuse me they're not the only guys obviously there's because you have the filmmakers the actual directors who are who are making those movies of course you definitely deserve a lot of credit I don't feel like they get a lot of credit which is sad even I'm forgetting their names at the top of my head but you should bring in the guys that clearly know what they're doing right and I feel like Phil Lord and Chris Miller know what they're doing and the people that they've had making these all their live actions Spider-Man Spider-Man films have no [ __ ] clue what they're doing clearly so I agree with you there needs to be it needs to be done and they need to do something different cuz they're not going to give it's not like they're going to give Spider-Man back to Disney that's never going to happen all these Char they're going to keep them forever right so they got to do something better than what they're doing right now it's the only thing that we can hope for at this point and hopefully the relationship continues uh with with with Disney in such a way where Spider-Man can still be shared for all these other Marvel projects at least that's what I want I think this might be uh partly lordon Miller's fault too since they made the production of AC cross SPS hell for the animators too much might lead into some factors why this so maybe that is maybe that maybe that is a major factor and how to became High film this year there you go watch the make a black cat move instead of a spy she's bitten by a radioactive cat and gains power I know just like Catwoman the cat just barfs in her goddamn open mouth just like it does in Catwoman 2004 what a scene seeing that CGI cat that terrible even at the time the CGI and that cat was bad and having to just just wretch into the open open mouth of of a of a near dead Hy Berry oh my Lord what a what a scene I give Sony this they haven't cancelled nearly finished movies for attacks right off so uh they got they got I mean I'll give that sure sure that's that's a fair that's a fair statement that's a fair statement to make that's that doesn't mean that their movies are good but it is fair Bob uh petti uh Peter Ramsey and Rodney Rothman directed the first one give them the credit they deserve let's see here uh cross and Beyond are being directed by Kemp Powers uh Hakim do Santos and Justin K Thompson and and those are the same yeah oh yeah okay you mentioned across yeah yeah yeah yeah good they deserve they deserve the credit they deserve the credit but but again it's just you know I'm I'm just concerned for the future of of a lot of Spider-Man content because I I like all of you guys I love Spider-Man and I want to see good Spider-Man content um I feel like Sony just doesn't produce a lot of good stuff aside from um the uh the animated things and I don't give them any credit for Tom Holland they don't deserve they don't deserve a [ __ ] modum of credit for those movies okay I am I am more I am uh uh uh uh more concrete uh in my opinion that that those the fact that those movie happened that it was solely because of of John Watts and and um Kevin feige and and the the MCU they don't deserve any credit for those [ __ ] movies you know those those are not Sony movies those are Marvel movies those are Disney Marvel movies MCU movies so um but yeah we'll see it's very concerning but you know speaking of Spider-Man speaking of Spider-Man bring this up right here continuing on and this was brought up yesterday you know we we briefly talked about this but I think you know it's related it's related and I want to voice some of my concerns about this but at the same time it's interesting um but this is uh from The SPIDER-MAN 4 ARTICLE Hollywood Reporter and this was already kind of like talked about uh yesterday but Spider-Man 4 Destin Daniel keton whose name I will always forget how to say uh in the future here we go move him over a little bit give him some respect uh apparently in talks to direct Spider-Man 4 although as far as I know it's like that is confirmed but whatever we'll say in talks for right now uh Dustin Daniel keton is doing whatever a spider can I hate it [ __ ] uh filmmaker behind Shan Chi and a legend of the 10 Rings is a talk to sign on to direct Spider-Man 4 the movie brings an end to speculation of who would spin the web for one of the biggest franchises in Hollywood my God these spider puns keton will bring fresh blood to this iteration of Spider-Man which stars Tom Holland and is in co-production between two separate Studios Sony and Disney own Marvel Studios it's basically you know it's mically Marvel uh and it will make him the fourth director to take on a spidey solo feature John Watts directed the previous three Han uh star movies well Mark web Helm the two amaz Spider-Man films and star Andrew G okay and and Sam R directed the the the to McGuire Trilogy we know we know the Holland Spider-Man movies grew into a$1 billion franchise Spider-Man no way home enticing pandemic we audiences out of their homes and gross almost two billion after I think I think it made like 1.9 billion did very well for itself uh Chris McKenna and Eric summers are back on script duties well Marvel head Kev feige and former Sony head Amy Pascal are producing sorry I gag because Amy Pascal's name was typed out in front of me first St Spider-Man 4 is running not crawling full steam ahead and will shoot early next year because they want this in between uh the two Avengers movies they want this in between uh what what was formerly the cane Dynasty is now called Doom War which will probably give us the proper introduction of Dr Doom uh to the MCU or at least a version of him played by Robert Dow junr and obviously Secret Wars um and they probably want to FastTrack this too Sony probably certainly does because of their colossal failures recently with movies like uh morbius and uh Madam Webb critical and Commercial flops although you know Venom movies make money we got got to acknowledge that although critically they're they're they're they're flops um and then they go into more details about all that you know all the all the history of that so um now in terms of of of I had to look at his name again Des Destin Daniel keton that's it's not an easy name to remember the only thing I know of him is being the director of Shan Chi and a legend of 10 rings and I remember watching the film those years ago it's been so long why we going get another I guess we're not going to get another Shan Chi movie for a very long [ __ ] time at this point unless they give it to another uh filmmaker um but I was like wow this is this it started off like I thought really strong like that first half of that movie was pretty goddamn good it was you know Marvel's uh you know it's their kung fu movie you know mixed martial arts like oh this is this is great and then as soon as we go to Mystical mumbo jumbo land with you know all the dragons and then you you kill off uh ww you C off the mandarins like what are you doing it was it was like it was it was like two different films and like just clashed together didn't work I I like the more grounded nature of the first half of sha Chi than the ridiculous over-the-top CGI crapfest that came later on and so you know my I think this guy is talented clearly um but my concern is and and this is also you know part of the thing that's been talked about a lot recently is like for Spider-Man 4 you've had big disagreements apparently between um Kevin feige and Disney Marvel and and Sony where and VY Disney Marvel they want to do a more grounded street level Spider-Man story a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man right and that would make sense after the events of no way home where it was big Multiverse adventure and all everything Peter Parker's alone right he's that probably the lowest point in his life and you know I mean it's not said that this what it would be but I think it would be cool like yeah haven't team up with Daredevil have it be him going up against Kingpin right I would love to see a liveaction Spider-Man fight a live action Kingpin v n can you imagine do have Charlie Cox who was in the previous Spider-Man movie a cameo appearance but but Sony wants to do Multiverse stuff and this is like listen there's been some success of the Multiverse and there's been a lot of failures and I feel like a lot of people have fatigue with it and they want to move on and I feel like a good step in order to move on is to like hey let's do a more grounded Spider-Man movie but seemingly that's not what's happening um it looks like it's going to be a Multiverse movie it looks like they're like Sony got their way which I think is very concerning and um I I am concerned that this movie is going to end up being just the the last half of shaqi where we go to Mystical mumbo jumbo land where I it's just a CGI cacophony and I don't know what the hell is happening something about a dragon and it's evil and it wants the souls out and and the Mandarin wants his wife's Soul because he thinks that's it's like doesn't make any sense uh now this is the guy that now if we're going to get like o grounded Spider-Man like the first half of sha then I'm like okay I'm I'm I'm on board I'm okay but I don't know what I'm gonna get so I'm a little concerned about that but um how do you guys feel about this you know are you more like me where where it's like okay MY THOUGHTS this could be potentially cool this is the ground Spider-Man or are you more concerned we're going to get you know timey wiy mumbo jumbo like I don't know uh Deadpool says Shan Shi worked best as a kung fu movie in a similar vein objetive 100% matter of fact they have the whole sequence well I think it was like the big set piece or excuse me it was the second big set piece in the movie when they're fighting on the bamboo uh shoots like the ladders and stuff straight out of rush hour to straight out of rush hour too and it looked great and then the one before that you had the bus Which me there's some CGI in there sure but but it looked really good and so I want more of that I think that would be awesome but agreed agreed that's when those was workers like this is really nice and then you know oh let's see here uh another in the Multiverse says Pro I'm not going to be the same as it's not going to be the same as the other Spiderman I'm very curious to see what this is going to if it's going to have like those that same flavor as the John Watts movies or it's going to be a far departure I just don't know never thought in my lifetime the would get tired of Multiverse I know I well you know if you if if you produce some middling stuff you if you if you you know drop the ball in some of it you know or a lot of it people are going to get tired of it and so yeah they want and you know I think people in terms of like Marvel Disney they just want Fantastic 4 they want X-Men I think because of things like X-Men 97 that wet people's appetite like oh [ __ ] yeah it made us I think it made us all remember like oh [ __ ] the X-Men are cool let's get more X-Men content so we'll see he'll be like Shan Chi but what which one just like you know maybe it'll start off like really goddamn good but then by the end of it it'll be like what happened oh let's see good people are saying I don't think that was fing Fang F that Dragon wasn't fing Fang fum as far as I know I think that was something else I think that was something else I don't know what that dragon's name was I don't anyone remembers I want the next uh film this from K9 excuse me I want the next film to be a Spider-Man Daredevil teaming up together and Kingpin as the main villain yeah also have Fisk hire Spider-Man Center characters hunt him down I would bring back vulture Scorpion and shocker shocker and have some new v m Mr negative would be I think really cool um that would be awesome Tombstone and chameleon yeah yeah I I definitely want to ground it but yeah you can yeah you can bring back some of those older villains yeah task of hunting down Spider-Man I like the idea of maybe vulture being like I'm here to help him I'm not here to like hurt him since he saved me I think that'd be kind of nice but then scorpion being like yeah maybe the physical bad guy having shocker coming there sure you guys know I love my shocker I love shocker Mr NE I think would be awesome uh really was properly introduced to him and the the Spider-Man video game from a couple years ago so that'd be cool Tombstone would be great to see I I always wanted to see chameleon in a Spider-Man think he make a really cool villain for Peter Parker to go up against yeah and it could also be like maybe a bit of a back door uh to bring in Miles Morales too and all his characters so I'd be all for it Malcolm says Marvel's being washed under excuse me uh beinged I think you mean watch is excuse me Marvel's being watched under a microscope by all its fans they shoot the hell out of this film if work gets out it sucks if it's stinky uh Dipple says in Destin Daniel keton Defense the third aanchi was something Marvel that was mandated okay all right okay okay if that was if that was like you know the the the powers that be at Marvel Disney then maybe I won't be so harsh on him that's fair that's fair like director I'll give it a shot shuni to is 100% timey wiy mumbo jumbo my I hope not oh God or at least was um wild the cane stuff yeah I wonder I wonder if that's because it was all set up for cane and things and that's why they had to like all right we got to kind of introduce this so uh Chris says in my opinion Shan Chi was the second best post game movie Behind Guardians 3 it's not it's to me it was the in the middle it was it could have been up there for me it was just that that last half just I was like this isn't working for me but that first half I thought was very strong was very strong um but I totally understand why I I think because I think that first half is pretty good when fo just want Spider-Man Dar double to team up me too I want that too I love that relationship in the comics Shan shei should have been left as a Jackie Cham Bruce Lee type movie agreed Agreed 100% Multiverse also just deflates Stakes of what's going on it gets hard to care about your characters when you can uh pluck different versions in them for some other uh Dimension the die or the actor want to come back whatever yeah that's why you got to use it sparingly honestly if you're going to use it at all use it sparingly make it feel special um which I feel like it's been used at its best um in films like uh Spider-Man no way home bringing back those villains and things I thought was cool or even more recently in Deadpool Wolverine which surprisingly was not like just a roasting of the fox a it was more of like I mean a little bit of roasting but for the most of it it was just kind of a goodbye which is interesting you got to do it like that thinko was a big great Green Dragon um which I don't think the dragon in the movie was green I can't remember I don't think it was F Fang fum I think they would have said if it was F Fang fum or not um thing was definitely that Dragon I don't think so they would have called him fing Fang F there would have been a moment where it's like what's the name of this Beast thinging Fang Fu and they wait for the Applause I don't think they call him thing F Fu um I enjoyed shuni and the Kaiju dragon as big said but it was a large tunnel ship yeah it just didn't work for me but fair enough uh Isaac the X-Men came back particularly when we needed them still can't believe they thought eternals would be worth investing that's the other thing eternals man that's a what a wet fart of a movie I think that's um the weak film not only of phase four because that was phase four right phase four but just overall I was like what are we even doing can't see anything in the film it's dark it's too dark oh it be fun to mix it up have Spiderman fight bulls that would be cool I wouldn't mind that at all I'd be up for it yeah I love the idea of of of super villains being shared by multiple superheroes I think that's cool I was saying for the longest time if they ever did like a well you know they did a black panther 2 not to say they can't do this uh even though it would be really complicated now um I would love it if Craven the hunter was like a was a main villain of a Black Panther movie I think that would be awesome I think that'd be so cool having to infiltrate wakanda and try to like assassinate toch the royal family be like oh my God I would love that but you know that happening is unlikely uh the Inhumans now oh yeah I I get them confused all the time Isaac don't worry you're good you're good I was like I I knew exactly what you were talking about seear Spa Green saltation living on prospering good to see her just talking about some uh spitman stories interesting good good good um good uh things been brought by the chat Kim ni say also screams Marvel playing it safe now because director choice but they're bringing in the same writers in the previous movies P they need a new crave team for this new movie I also wouldn't uh I think you wouldn't have minded the two bad boys directors uh Adil Ellie Arby and I belal F Helm this movie I think I think like they were rumored to be helming like um some sort of Marvel project maybe their names were thrown around for this one um yeah I'm I mean hm cuz I really like the Holland Trilogy like it has its flaws or some things like I didn't like this I didn't like that but overall I really enjoyed those movies um and I really love no way home thought it was I thought it was great despite some plot stuff that didn't work some you know inconsistencies let's say with the rules they established uh but the emotional stuff like really hit for me really landed for me and you know seeing those villains come back and actually used well I was like oh [ __ ] you did it um so I'm not against the writers coming back I guess I guess and I because there was some backlash towards the way in which they present Holland Spider-Man I wasn't against it personally where he was more tied to the greater MCU of it all and he was you know more tied to Iron Man and everything and certain charact like in each movie he was tied to like a certain Marvel character like in the first homecoming it was Tony Stark Iron Man obviously the next one it was it was um shield and um Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury and then most recently obviously was Doctor Strange and no home I thought that was kind of cool but they they they set it up in a way where all right well now he's alone right and he's at probably the lowest point ever in his life and so this could potentially be like a very it could be not saying it has to be but it could be like a darker Spider-Man story um since he has no one and so having him then deal with like the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man stuff or stuff on that that street level like the criminals and the and the and the kingpins of it all and having interact with Daredevil who I feel like he needs a like he needs a friend more than ever and I feel like Charlie Cox Daredevil could be that you know maybe not the best friend maybe not the friend he needs but he needs a friend you know since you know J's a little [ __ ] up himself like I think that's a really cool idea and um I that's what I want but and I maybe the writers could deliver that but I can understand your point maybe want a different creative team in there kind of uh pitch that idea pitch that movie what would that be like so you you bring up a good point you bring up a good point I'm not against it um let's see here I remember f f fum the timate alliance one because he's the first main boss you fighting oh he is isn't he yeah uh let's see here I personally would love a shuni and Iron Fist film but we need some really good wrers behind Iron Fist people who understand the com yeah that's the thing Iron Fist is such a like um again not the fall of the character but just the people that have been attached to him and adaptations recently kind of like a really bad to mixed reputation but he is a wonderful guy I love when he's teamed up with Luke Cage in the comics you know Heroes for hire and all that great stuff but yeah I I would like that too I think that'd be neat um let's see who else just scrolling who else is here uh yeah Marvel bringing back all the Defenders even on your F Well I think I think you're going to get some of them I think well you're obviously getting Daredevil and all his supporting characters I think uh Kristen rers is coming back as Jessica Jones in some capacity for the new the new Daredevil series you know I don't know if we'll I mean what's his name um I'm not I'm to be honest I'm not a big fan of Mike cter as an actor and so they've wanted to recast him I'm like go for it you know um but he initially was kind of negative like ah whatever but then suddenly he's like oh I'd love to come back and it's like okay you're probably coming back in some capacity but Finn Jones I don't think they're going to bring him back sadly I don't think it's the actor's fault just didn't work out very well just horribly written show well at least what I've seen of it um but yeah I think they're going to bring back a lot of that Netflix Marvel stuff as they say they should they shouldn't abandon it if if if if they shouldn't abandon the stuff that was working and clearly they knew that they realized that in the Daredevil production they restart and hopefully it'll be really good because I love dared double um yeah they get the drag I don't think I think I would have remembered if it was fing fing F uh let's see here SRI I'm glad to leaving your chn stuff me me too I was just like this is not working like none of it like I was I remember just watching because I didn't see that in the theater I saw that on Disney Plus or whatever I did my spoiler review and it was like the it movie was like 3 hours long I like this movie does not need to be three goddamn hours long you know um it's just just conceptually it's like there's not nothing about that was working it was like this isn't working I just remember like these characters are goddamn dull you know the the like how they function within the Marvel universe doesn't make any sense to me you know it's just it's just you know visually it was just so it's like I can't I can't see anything in this everything's washed out it so much of it felt like uh I said this in my review from years ago I it's I I said that this feels like a Marvel movie directed by Zack Snider except not as much slow motion obviously it's just like there's no color it's like where's the Goddamn color what happened um let's see here they also directed the first and last episode that's right yeah that's that's their connection I'll be honest i' rather have shuni 2 than Multiverse [ __ ] Spiderman 4 I agree I'm I there with you Deadpool i' rather have that I rather have a grounded shuni to than more Multiverse Spider-Man I like the Multiverse Spider-Man what they did I just I just don't need more of it like hey that was great that was very special cool if they want to do multier Spider-Man [ __ ] then then bring in then do then do the Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spiderman movie where they're on their own adventure like go ahead and do that I'm fine with that but let's let's let's see Tom Holland Spider-Man be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man I think that'd be cool um let's see here Chris says it's funny how this is getting brought up as soon uh after us talking about Tim Burton because I think him and Marvel suffer from a similar issue of how sometimes it's not such a good thing keeping working with the same people over and over again because because eventually you develop such a trust in shorthand that you stop pushing each other in ways that you need to be pushed and the work can suffer as a result yeah yeah true it's a good point well black happy in it I don't I don't know that'd be kind of cool though if they did a street level movie that would make sense Gwen I'm not sure I mean they could all these all these I think it would be kind of interesting if they we talked about this before if they uh on past carton farton sessions that we've had that in this new era of Spider-Man movies where it's like all right like yeah eventually they'll [ __ ] reunite with MJ and Ned and all that but like maybe Peter starts friendships with because of course he would wouldn't he friendships with new people um like he would meet like he would meet Gwen like the Gwen Stacy of this film Universe uh who maybe could be spidergwen I think that'd be kind of cool and Harry Osborne or whoever else or miles Miles Morales and so on Tom Holland doesn't want to do it anymore you can you can give the franchise to the that new actor who'll be that Spider-Man so like that's I mean that's what I would do but yeah you can bring in Felicia Hardy I mean don't over stuff the movie of course but you know laid down the groundw um for future films yeah yeah why not why not IR Luke Cage team up was the only good episode in the Netflix show for the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh Isaac hob sperman for is just a pan in silk ROM now that's now Now's the Time what a weird charact I I'm very unfamiliar with silk and I remember what was it Spider-Man 2 you guys were saying like Chris wait until you see the ending of Spider-Man like excuse me the the the Stinger the stinger and I saw I was like who's who what I was so confused I was like I don't know who this is you guys had to explain it to me I was like oh well then they they canceled that Silk project right weren't they going to do that Silk movie it it wouldn't be a romcom Isaac it'd be like a sex comedy it'd be like a rated R nearly x-rated sex sex comedy oh my Lord bugs never F got the complaints to Tom Holland he always felt intentionally inspired by the Ultimate Universe of his Youth and L I like I really love Tom Halland Spider-Man I for me personally in terms of the liveaction performances like a liveaction Spider-Man he's my favorite he's my favorite I I think he it's one it's cool that you actually have someone that looks like they're a teenager because I do not think to Maguire nor Andrew garfi look like teenagers in their movies um they're like you are a 20 plus nearly 30 plus year old man uh acting like a teenager or trying to act like a teenager and not to say that they didn't have their moments in those movies they absolutely did of course of course but Holland whatever they were feeding him they kept him young where I bought him as a between the ages of 16 to 18y Old Peter Parker I was like Yep this yep he looks it you know even still to this day he still looks pretty goddamn young so um so yeah uh so I never got the complaints either I I I I and I like they changed it up a little bit with him being so connected to Tony Stark and the Avengers little I thought that was cool I was like yeah this is neat maybe maybe some people don't like this um I understand they like Stan and Spider-Man being by himself but it it it gave me um kind of those Brian Michael Bendis Spider-Man stories where he was with the Avengers a lot he was one of the founding members of The New Avengers and I thought that was cool yeah jesica Jones is coming back yeah they've already confirmed she's back and they actually go to a bunch of different locations as opposed to most uh SN movies which one oh eternals uh where did they go where did they go they go to the beach I think they go to the beach and they go to the little cult compound in South America and I think they're someplace cold yeah yeah they're doing the silk so is that happening they're doing I thought that got cancelled wow they're doing the silk movie holy [ __ ] Chris the fake nerd I was like I didn't know I don't know who this character is that that's that you you know someone's like extra I'm like I have no idea what this [Laughter] is oh man let's see it' be fun if the Maguire was 27 that's right he was he was 27 years old when he um when he made that first Spider-Man movie and he looks 27 Spiderman can't stop trying to Bane silk I know that's what's connected to it he doesn't know why give Peter some Joy TR a shot in London the desert the the side of a real volcano some spots in the midwest most s stuff is shot that's true it is shot on down stages you're not wrong you're not wrong fraud I'm a fraud lies deception Hamilton bger welcome we're just talking Spider-Man I feel like we talked about it well I thought we'd have a thorough conversation so yeah just to wrap up the Spider-Man section of of the stream listen um I'm hoping for the best for beyond the spiderverse I believe uh uh Chris Miller uh what he's saying and that uh Jeff Snider uh was incorrect I do believe him um not Jeff Snider excuse me I believe Chris Miller and I think that you know when the movie comes out the movie comes out I'm hoping it's great uh but I'm still very concerned with Phil lordon and Chris Miller leaving and the Sony of it all the Tom rothman's the Avia rods Amy Pascal's coming in there and just railroading those movies and having them fit those those films fit their Visions which their Visions are [ __ ] so that's what I'm concerned about and the same thing for Spiderman 4 like I hope it's good you know uh Destin I'm I'm gonna say his name without looking at it Destin Daniel keton did I get it right Des Daniel keton I think I got it I got at least two-thirds of it I hav't got the Destin part and the keton part I don't know about the middle I got it [ __ ] yeah um like I'm hoping that this this film Spider-Man 4 whatever they're going to call it is going to be more like shuni the first half of shuni and less like the second half and based on what you guys have been telling me saying that that was more mandated by the powers that be at Marvel that they have that big Gog mumbo jumbo you know um world that that was more them less him that I'm like okay so I'm hoping that and I hope I hope that he he he he gets to do a more grounded Spider-Man film but my fear is they're going to do a Multiverse which is what Sony wants so we we'll see we'll see I'm hoping the best you guys know I love Spider-Man I love Spider-Man and I want Spider-Man to be treated well and I just have concerns um of some of the people that have a [ __ ] choke hold on they're just constantly putting pressure on the windpipe and he have some creative people that are able to lessen that choke hold but I feel like those people are gone on we're going to we're going to we're going to morb we're going to morb again I don't want to morb again Chad I'm tired of moring I got to morb one last time this year uh with Craven the Hunter and I don't want to do it and no Venom [ __ ] I got a morb twice so I it's even more than I want to I got a morb twice Chad because Venom comes out next month that's what it is that's the October I couldn't remember Venom is is next month and then December is uh uh Craven so I'm concerned I'm concerned hey uh Sony Sony's still in my mind oh and thank you uh who came in there at the fall uh Galaxy gas puffer that's a good name Galaxy gas puffer thing with the fall excuse me I'm choking on that gas uh uh thank you so much you're my new huckle hope you're doing very well just talking Spider-Man talking news we'll see hopefully Craven listen if I hope Craven's good I would love for Craven to be good you know but but I don't think it will be I'm not I'm no my expectations are not high for Craven they're pretty low they're Subterranean they're underneath the [ __ ] ground but we'll find out and then that ant May movie if fin get that ant May spy movie morbin all over the place yeah thank you for your service I would not be Mor I don't want to be oh Chris is like who won't be his lost yeah I think it is too I think it's a lost cause we'll see I'll let you guys know I'll see it I'll watch it I'll you

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