Category: Entertainment
The question is is venom the last dance going to be the last venom movie yes yeah i think it's pretty much on the nose there they've said it in the title but regardless of whether it is or is not the last venom movie we've got to do fact of the day page number 276 fact number chess ludo and snakes and... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Par rapport à venom 3 on a eu un nouveau trailer aujourd'hui trailer qui nous montre entre autres knul le roi des symbiotes qui sera donc bel et bien dans le film les rumeurs le disaient cependant les mêmes rumeurs disent quand même que c'est pas vraiment ce qu'on croit dans le sens où knul serait plus... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Beyond spider-verse article the first thing that i wanted to cover today was all this beyond the spiderverse shenanigans there's been a lot of um uh talk behind the scenes of the movie being uh at least you know in some sort of development hell and i figur let's go ahead and read this we'll come back... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Do you meet up before you commit to a role do you ever say like i want to meet captain america and find out what the that guy's really like i mean i' love that you think i had to have the authority did you cat this guy all right let me get a taste of him i'll tell you he can stick around my mo is always... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
दिखा दो लंग हे गा अरे यार व वो क्या था लीजिए डिलीवरी पेमेंट कार्ड से देंगे या उधारी मिस्टर स्टाक मेरे लिए क्या ऑर्डर है कहा तो था दूरी बनाए रखो जाल में फस से रहो ओके समझ गया सर देखो दीदी मैं लड़कियों प हाथ नहीं उठाता बड़ाही किसा पटा डायलॉग है अब ये कौन आ गया की टीम को इन्होंने सर्कस बनाकर रख दिया है वाओ लोहे का हाथ ये हाथ मुझे दे दे गुरु या डायलॉग तू पूरा बोलने दे सीक्रेट के विलन Read more
Category: Film & Animation
And in three two one hey guys welcome to nerd locker podcast sorry i'm just really excited okay you can start over i was i was really that was was that loud i don't know yeah that looked really l wait no no no oh that's real loud okay i'm sorry okay you can go ahead i'm just really excited [music] hey... Read more
Category: Entertainment
गाइस भली टनल्स मार्वल की दूसरी मूवीज की तरह सक्सेसफुल नहीं हो पाई थी लेकिन इस मूवी की तीन चीजें मुझे पर्सनली काफी अच्छी लगती हैं एक तो मकारी की रनिंग जो दिखने में इतनी रियल लगती है कि हम उसे लिटरली फील कर सकते हैं दूसरा है थीना का ये एंडिंग फाइट सीन जो लिटरली गूस बंस ला देता है और लास्ट है मेरा फेवरेट इस मूवी का विलन जो इतना ज्यादा डेंजरस था कि कि वो लिटरली टनल्स को मारकर उनकी कॉस्मिक एनर्जी अब्जॉर्ब कर सकता था Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[musik] halo assalamualaikum teman-teman semuanya selamat pagi selamat siang selamat malam di mana pun kalian berada sehat seat semua ya well guys di video kali ini aku akan ngebahas beberapa berita terbaru marvel's news of the week yang lagi hot nih teman-teman ya jadi di sini videonya akan ada informasi... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Bon les amis il faut qu'on parle il y a la ps5 pro qui vient d'être annoncée j'arrive un petit peu en retard mais alors j'ai vu tellement de choses euh que j'avais envie aussi moi de réagir par rapport euh à la vidéo euh qui a été faite de sur sur l'annonce sur les capacités euh euh de de la console... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Did you know florence pew is desperate to meet tom holland and she thinks she can take the piss out of him in a good way here take a look ooh good question i mean it would have to be spider-man i think they'd be so silly together it would be so fun as well and i've been desperate to meet tom for such... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] when i first saw joker when i saw you and murray franklin the whole time i was watching i kept thinking i hope this guy blows his brains out and then you [music] did and for once in my life i didn't feel so alone anymore forget your troubles come on get happy better chase all your cares away... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Wade wilson aka deadpool sets his sights on wolverine as logan quietly waits for his dinner a duck cleverly rigged with a hidden bomb just as the meal explodes wade steps out from the smoke revealing he's been contracted to eliminate wolverine what follows is a chaotic series of attempts by deadpool... Read more