애거서 크리스티: 오리엔트 특급 살인 Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express (한국어) 04

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:57:42 Category: Gaming

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for for I found a button from an Orient Express staff jacket did you lose one by any chance no Miss as you can see I have all my buttons it is not mine [Music] no no no no not good think poo that is not a good answer I must admit I'm not right this time no no no no not good this is wrong but I'm never far from the truth I do not think that's the right answer I must admit I'm not right this time I do not think that's the right answer think poo that is not a good answer this is wrong but I'm never far from the truth [Music] [Music] the murderer may have impersonated ratchet by calling m Michelle to make it seemed that ratchet was still alive at 12:37 a.m. that's the right answer h this is wrong but I'm never far that was easy e so my friend have you found our killer not yet but I will tell you what I have learned please our assassin could have gotten under train at vovi disguised as a conductor entered ratchet's room and killed him then he walked out through Madame ard's connecting door where he lost a button from his jacket he had to wait for m Michelle to be absent he waited too long the train had left the station he was trapped aboard indeed he had opened the window to make it look that he'd escaped that way however if he waited until the train stopped again due to snow his Footprints would have been found the murderer is still Among Us on the train there's a problem with the second class toilets what now all morning passengers have been complaining that the door is locked so I went to check I knocked but no one answered I didn't think I should open it without speaking to you first you did well m Michelle lead the way I use my master key but who is she is she alive she is breathing then if she isn't dead isn't she our murderer that my friend is what we must find [Music] out the ticket reads Joanna lock traveling in compartment 10 5 Miss can you hear me H H she's breathing her pulse is strong there is no sign of physical violence this woman is sleeping very soundly this woman is sound asleep given her location I would say she has been drugged and deposited here well at least it's not another murder on my train the train is of course full miss the least I gave you indicates that hilard Schmid shares her compart I will want to talk to her later for now we will concentrate on this mysterious Young lady let's return her to her more comfortable bed good idea Pierre locate This Woman's room and fetch the doctor yes sir I will question her when she wakes up please let me know what you learn Manis Lock's compartment is 105 I suggest we return her to her more comfortable bed yes hopefully she will awaken soon [Music] is a cup of tea with white residue at the bottom for a briefcase and a vagon Le conductor's jacket and the button is missing is for so p any luck so far I'm disappointed in you I was certain you would have it by now but of course you know what you're doing it isn't woby trapped is it if you need a break I can ask Jean to make you some coffee have you tried one two three four we really need to find the combination P what if the briefcase is booby trapped no that's mine I never remember my passwords so I make them easy ones have you tried 00000000 but of course you know what you're doing it is woby trapped is it poo what if the briefcase is booby trapped so poo any luck so far we really need to find the combination if you need a break I can ask Jean to make you some coffee have you tried 00000000 I'm disappointed in you I was certain you would have it by now no that's mine I never remember my passwords so I make them easy ones have you tried one two three four po I'm disappointed in you I will you would have it by now so P any luck so far no that's mine I never remember my passwords so I make them easy ones have you tried 000000 book silent like a mouse please I'm sorry you're right I'll be quiet now you need to concentrate I will not utter another word not one there will be another murder on the Orient Express in a moment she has a gun come come BR criminals are often known to carry one ratchet was stabbed not shot but then why take it on the train her driver's license confirms her identity she she is American these are fake IDs it's certain this badge says that Joanna Lo is an American detective with the birkshire police department in Massachusetts an American police officer oh M Lo seems very interested in our victim of course she has studied her Target possibly the stuffed animal is the same as in the photo found at the crime scenes what a coincidence another luck appears to have been investigating M look she's waking up thanks to you I would not be surprised if our murder victim were also waking up I what oh my head what's all the yelling about who are you give me a good reason why you should not be in handcuffs I can give you a reason book whose handcuffs will we use I have none do you well I you are Joanna Lo manoel yeah yes um Joanna lock I'm um I'm a detective book Massachusetts police I have found your credentials mmis and I know who you are Mr puu then if the introductions are complete perhaps the explanations May begin I I I'll try it's simple really I I'm on the trail of a murderer [Music] I had just been promoted to detective after 5 years on patrol it was my first time on a major case it had been a month since Daisy Armstrong was kidnapped the Armstrongs were desperate for some sign of hope I was there only for paperwork to fill in some blanks [Music] a topographical map often more important than a road map in these mountains the investigation is now part of a pile of Investigations and my captain sent me here just to dot some eyes and cross some teas the crime was audacious how could the kidnapper know which was the window of Daisy's room know they could use a ladder to reach it and know they could enter the room without being seen the misspellings are clearly on purpose and they didn't return the child when the ransom was paid how could the child be taken with so many people in the house I can't imagine the pain her parents felt when they realized Daisy was gone how are they going to feel when they realize I have no answers for them only more questions that's why I'm here a damn computer glitch or somebody pushed delete instead of save whatever happened we lost the nanny's deposition so my entire contribution to the investigation is to take it again the phone record of the night of the kidnapping the last call was for 911 [Music] the investigation is now part of a pile of Investigations and my captain sent me here just to dot some eyes and cross some teas good evening Colonel Armstrong yes you're the detective they phoned about Joanna lock I don't remember you I'm newly assigned to the case it's about time more detectives were involved my wife Sonia she she hasn't been herself every day is a waking nightmare for us tell me you've uncovered something new I'm here to speak to your daughter's Nanny there was a computer problem her earlier statement has been lost oh I see we had hoped I'll do as you wish I won't be far if you need me hello are you suzan Moro Daisy's Nanny yes I'm Joanna lock a detective working on Daisy's case is there any news I'm afraid not how can I help you I'm really sorry I'm afraid I have to take your statement again concerning the evening of Daisy's disappearance appearance there was a computer problem your statement was accidentally deleted of course I want to help anyway I can tell me about that night in your own words the Armstrongs at the party to raise money for a museum I think Mrs Armstrong is on their board I was in charge of Daisy I stayed with the little one all evening playing with her and reading books to her she couldn't sleep with all the noise and the comings and goings what when did you notice Daisy was missing I was only gone 5 minutes to to pH my mother she's in the hospital when I returned Daisy wasn't in her bed I thought she might have gone to look at the party but then I saw the handsome note on her pillow I screamed and screamed I couldn't stop did you notice anything unusual before that I was with Daisy all evening finally she fell asleep I didn't see anyone else or notice anything in particular do you have any idea who did this no I can't see who could have done such a horrible thing the Armstrongs are such good people like my own family thank you for giving me your statement again I'll get back to you if I have any questions I won't be fa okay I have Suzanne's statement but her answers need some [Music] checking e e this information does not correspond to what Suzanne told me Suzanne said she left Daisy alone for 5 minutes but Mrs Armstrong says she stayed with Daisy for a while and Suzanne did not return score one for the good guys for a toy train now here I am on a real one Leon in France what a lovely looking City for a toy castle when I was a kid I had a police station and a tiny squad car with a siren that really worked a gold mustache thank you very much the World Through The Eyes of a child seems so sweet Mrs Armstrong my name is Joanna lock I'm a detective investigating the kidnapping of your daughter may I talk to you when is your baby doe Mrs Armstrong Sonia I don't want to talk I just want to see my daughter again that's all that matters the poor woman I can't imagine how she feels and another baby on the way I want to help but I'm here to take the nanny's statement and there are no words I can think of to e Sonia's pain nothing shocks me here score one for the good guy guys Mrs Armstrong let me show you this Daisy my little Daisy I miss her so much how good it is to see her face I can't imagine the pain you're feeling right now she loved her little stuffed animal fluffy she took him everywhere with her the kidnappers took it as well they didn't have to that means they wouldn't hurt her doesn't it every lead will be followed up you have my word on that thank you I shouldn't lose hope somehow I know it isn't my case but I just made a promise and I mean to keep it do you know where I can find Miss Maro she's in her room last door on the left tell me about the night Daisy was taken especially anything about your daughter and suzan Maro apart from seeing to our guests I took a moment to check on Suzanne and Daisy in Daisy's room Suzanne wasn't there but Daisy da was asleep I sat with her for 10 minutes or so Suzanne didn't return while I was there but there's no reason for her to sit there all night when Daisy is asleep I went back [Music] downstairs may I come back if I have more questions of course anything I can do okay the stories Sonia and suzan tell don't match I should recheck my file and track suzan's movements for e nothing shocks me here that is not exactly what Suzanne told me earlier Suzanne was on the phone more than 5 minutes score one for the good guys if I understand you correctly you left Daisy when she was not asleep the B was very loud Daisy was too wound up to sleep I read her a mly mule detective story to try and put her to sleep Daisy finally fell asleep right before a mly mule solved his case in the book I was reading her I had to make a quick phone call no more than 5 minutes but when I came back Daisy was [Music] gone come on Joanna you can do better are you sure you are only gone for 5 minutes 5 six what does it matter it was very quick what you're telling me doesn't really agree with what Mrs Armstrong says Mrs Armstrong must have looked in right after I'd left that's how it could have happened but the timing of the kidnapping had to be so precise how could it be I need to find something more concrete you say you were only away 5 or 6 minutes but Mrs Armstrong says she was alone there more like 10 minutes and the phone record shows that you stayed on the call for more than 30 minutes way longer than you said my mother is extremely ill it's difficult for me I may have lost track of time when I came back DIY had disappeared it must have been a coincidence you have to be precise Suzanne a little girl's life is at stake why are you doing this I didn't do anything wrong I would never Ur Daisy I need to check Suzanne's story she's panicking why now what is she afraid [Music] of I should see if the Armstrongs can confirm what Suzanne told me I should see if the Armstrongs can confirm what Suzanne told me f for [Music] that is a great detective job the kidnapper places a ladder under the window to Daisy's room then he joins the party just one guest in the crowd he somehow knows when Suzanne leaves the room that then sneaks upstairs he opens Daisy's window carries her down the ladder and vanishes I should see if the Armstrongs can confirm what Suzanne told me [Music] the detective gets it right the number you have called is not in service at this time please hang up and dial again or contact your service provider the number Suzanne called is not in service a hospital I spoke with Suzanne she was phoning her mother that's why you didn't see her when you went to check on Daisy yes her mother I tried to call the poor woman earlier that week but the hospital said she's been in a medically induced coma for more than 2 months Suzanne told me she called her mother but she would have known her mother was in a coma I should see if the Armstrongs can confirm what Suzanne told me I should see if the Armstrongs can confirm what Suzanne told me their fairy tale became a nightmare how are you doing are you holding up you know in the military you're supposed to have the stiffest of upper lips the Desert War taught me that soon enough but this it's difficult damned difficult harder on my good lady of course do you know where I can find Miss Maro her room is upstairs across the hall from daisies she seldom leaves it did you see Miss Maro during the party I remember seeing her at some point but otherwise no I was too busy with my guests wear the smile shake the proferred hand M Maro told me she called her mother well why not I believe they are very close and the poor woman is not well she needs some experimental treatment that isn't available yet in France I won't be long take whatever time you need [Music] the number you called that night night is no longer in service I I I don't understand that's that's the number the hospital gave me to call my mother's room you told me you were on the phone with your mother when Daisy was abducted as we said earlier I didn't pay attention and was on the phone longer than I said but since my mother is very ill she had to leave her hometown Leon because the treatment is not approved yet in France she is in an Hospital in Boston for a special treatment I call her every night to check on her when I came back Daisy was gone I'll never forgive [Music] myself I need evidence she's lying not guesswork I don't see anything that proves she's lying are you sure you called your mother yes every night since she was admitted in December Suzanne I checked the number you say is a hospital appears to be disconnected that's pretty strange don't you think it's always worked in the best the area code for Boston is 617 this was 413 that's our local area code she's obviously lying but why she seems to really care about Daisy your mother had to leave a country renowned for its Social Security where healthc care is Affordable and go to Boston for expensive specialized treatment I imagine that the cost of her care must be high did you think that your share of the ransom would pay for your mother's care how can you think that I would allow Daisy to be kidnapped for money she's like my daughter I could never imagine such a thing her reaction seemed sincere but I needed to see how she'd react Suzanne I think you really care for Daisy if you do then tell me the truth you can't have been calling your mother while she's in a coma my mom really is in the hospital in Boston she really is in a coma I I wasn't calling her I was on the phone with my boyfriend Noah why lie about it why are you panicking because he's gone I haven't heard from him since the night of the kidnapping I'm afraid he's somehow connected to Daisy's disappearance that he was just using me somehow but I swear I talked to him yes for more like 30 minutes that night so he couldn't have kidnap Daisy at the same time we were talking but he could have kept you talking so someone else could take Daisy yes you can see why I lied can't you I was afraid you'd suspect me of having something to do with it you can understand that can't you Suzanne I want to believe you but you've made it harder to find Daisy do you realize that oh my god what have I done what's most important is not what you've done but what you do now go I'll be back to talk to you no more lies Suzanne for Daisy no more lies Noah the name might lead us to that little girl I am on this case now whether my captain wants me to be or not [Music] a locked diary let's see if I can shine some light on its secrets [Music] a locked diary let's see if I can shine some a locked a locked diary let's see if I can shine some light on its secrets a card from the florist it's signed n huh what's in the glass case oh big surprise glasses I expect Suzanne must have gone through a lot of tissues these past weeks an Eiffel Tower keychain but no key small jewelry box by the size I'm guessing earrings a locked diary let's see if I can shine some light on its secrets this

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