Category: Entertainment
Ahí está bien el volumen gente bueno argentina arrancó bien para usted quién fue el mejor jugador de colombia y el mejor jugador de argentina bueno lautaro ahí hoy la verdad que con los dos centrales o colom menos se le se le complicó y y pelear contra esos dos m bastante se la bancó chao si la mira... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Bonjour bonjour à tous et bienvenue pour le zfn 2024 ravi de vous retrouver est-ce que tout le monde m'entend vous m'entendez vous me voyez bonjour ah bon ça a l'air vu le vu la gueule du vu la gueule du truc oui c'est bon on a la gare de montel là impeccable parfait ravi de vous retrouver c'est le... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Особенно вопрос донатеру который это заказал плане того что как смешно ты хоть знаешь что такое обама почему трамп хочет его отменить почему его не получилось в чём он заключается этот оке то есть ну реально я тя чтото этом дава это же просто страховка какая-то медицинская в сша не ну вот ты не знаешь... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new welcome to my channel so today's video i will be filming another strip four guys video yes you've heard that correctly i will be filming another one of these videos in my series since you guys are really really enjoying them at the moment and they... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] welcome to tampa raymond james stadium and while it is indeed home to the 2021 super bowl champion buccaneer it is also the home field for the usf bulls and the clash that we have in store today we've got a sensational match up for you fans have been filing in and getting ready for this game... Read more
Category: Sports
Wine wine wine i've had it with your excuses you're acting like a loser you want therapy i'll give you therapy get off your duff get out of here and make something happen do i make myself clear Read more
Category: Entertainment
He was the biggest giver of love that i've ever met in my entire life like what you guys saw on tv it was a huge part of him but the other side it would it would take a lot to be that yeah yeah allison hulker boss is remembering her late husband steven twitch boss on the may 29th episode of taylor lner... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Allison hulker is moving forward two years after the death of her husband of 9 years steven twitch boss allison hulker soft launched her new romance with a cryptic photo in the adorable snap shared to her instagram august 28th allison and her partner shadows were cast against a concrete Read more
Category: Gaming
E for [applause] hi everybody this is brad nestler with me as always lee coro and kirk herb street it's a sweltering late summer game today here between the clemson tigers and the seols of florida state the early season continues and we're here ready to bring you appears to be another fantastic college... Read more
Category: Education
All right y'all we're back another video we are back another reaction tomorrow for the people that pre-ordered 2k 25 we will be on the game finally seeing what the hype is about with the dribbling the shooting the new game speaking of 2k we have the cover athlete for the women's edition aia wilson versus... Read more
Category: Gaming
You're weak in the pants in the pants you heard me you got a weak wiener your wiener is something left to be desired it's like a [laughter] volvo it'll get you where you need to go but it's not going to turn any heads god damn it ladies whoa c man pie is actually a thing oh get what [ __ ] [music] queens... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Vous comptez rester là longtemps monsieurti oui c'est mon bureau monsieur vous avez été exclu à l'unanimité plus personne ve de vous oui mais c'est moi j'ai décidé je reste là d'accord mais tout le monde est contre vous mon vieux vousz plus pouvoir rien faire vous êes en tr de ridiculiser c'est minable... Read more