College Football 25 BUFFALO vs USF GM 1 (2024 Dynasty)

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:44:56 Category: Gaming

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[Music] welcome to Tampa Raymond James Stadium and while it is indeed home to the 2021 Super Bowl champion Buccaneer it is also the home field for the USF Bulls and the Clash that we have in store today we've got a sensational match up for you fans have been filing in and getting ready for this game as we'll see a squad from the back the Buffalo Bulls taking on a team from the AAC the south Florida bulls for EA Sports college football I'm Reese Davis joined here in the booth by David Pollock and Jesse Palmer and guys let's get this thing started and the Bulls will get us started with the opening kickoff the returner will field it and try to do some business and they'll bring him down to get get the offense started on the next drive so the buffalo bulls will be in a hole thanks to that short return and here comes their leader Jesse he just has a way of elevating everybody's play and he's a point guard too so good at Distributing the football finds the open guys and he makes this offense go makes it go and just you can trust him everything is available but you're not playing with one arm behind your back you got all guns blazing well it wasn't great field position to start start with and it's getting worse now the defense gets a sack they're getting aggressive up the field they get to the QB and they're sending a [Applause] message they've got it at the 20 on second and five we the give on the inside able to pick his way forward for a decent game before the defense gets him down not exactly the ideal situation for this offense third and long backed up inside their [Applause] 20 and that's incomplete a Defender all over him knocked the ball to the ground fourth down coming up the Bulls will punt it away on fourth down three and out they got stuck in Reverse they hope the punt can bail them out good job by the coverage unit to put a stop to that return the Bulls offense will take the field for the first time as we take a look at our impact players for this game David what do you look for to make an impact from your leaders your leaders not only have to lead the football team but they got to step up and make plays on the field keep everybody calm these guys typically do a really good job of it yeah David and they also generally set the tone for their respect hit the gas kid wide open thee he's there to make the stop but not before he sets up this offense first and goal from the seven what what a run great speed great vision elusiveness and David he's tackle down close to the goal line yeah and this offense when you can run the football like this man you will have success especially in the Red Zone trying to get touchdowns buys a little extra time into the end zone almost intercepted they took a shot on first down and just about turned the p over defense roll up deep in its own end on that last play now a second and long coming blue Yankee blue jackit fing play action got out of trouble got rid of it gets it out quickly they'll Mark him down at the two the excellent execution on that throw and catch I'll say this man in college football you see a lot of bad tackling you didn't see it right there that was an awesome job first off being there at the point of attack once the tight end made the catch there was no doubt he was going down great job form tack they believe in their running game on Third and goal here and he takes it in for the score touchdown South Florida andry's no secret about it line up and goal line formation I'm going to run the ball down your throat my guys are more physical than you six points on the [Music] play P unit on the field point and the pat makes it 7 nothing quick work on that scoring drive just four plays and finish to deal with the short touchdown run from the two the kickoff team out there and ready to go here he comes from inside his own five not a lot of space to be found good Hustle by the coverage team and they stop him at the 21 the Buffalo offense headed back to the field the last time we saw this offense we had to look quick it was a three and out Jesse he just had no rhythm in that last drive so someone's going to have to step up and make a play David and get this thing going yeah let's find some juice find your guys find those plays that you know you can run inside out forward backwards get some first downs get some positive momentum looking for a man it's Agana shoots it to the left and the pass is incomplete thanks to a big hit some noise [Applause] you make up the game plan and not a lot on the play sheet for this third and long from inside their own 20 29 he's looking downfield to throw how about that play to get a hand in there and force the incompletion and the Bulls will call on their punt team this will be the second time they've had to kick it [Applause] away he only needs a SLI of daylight the solid return there offsets some of the punt yardage and really sets up this offense nicely South Florida has it back and the Bulls offense will return to the field Jesse a very productive Drive last time wound up with a touchdown yeah mixing and matching play calling really well nice balance on that last one Dave we'll see what they can do here in this next Drive yeah and I don't expect anything different when you put together a drive like that I would do more of the same keep the pace keep it going picked up two yards on that last one they need eight on second down off play action fires on the move and that pass is intercepted going the other way and he's got room he's at the 40 the 20 and a big return after the int sets up the offense for this possession not only do they get the interception but they're able to get a huge return and remember this team practices this all week right once they get the interception they've got guys turning their heads and they're looking for blocks they're looking for people to get a hat on down the field and with that int they now flip it that could be a big Point swing in this game Buffalo has it back let's see what the Bulls offense can do and to punt it away on their last possession but man what great field position this time I mean this is awesome like last possession didn't go go great now you're set up in an opportunity to get some points start thinking about what plays I like Jesse as I cross the field there are a lot of offensive coordinators out there David and in this position they like to take a shot right away and try and capitalize on this field position he'll be brought down at the 5 yd line and this defense is on its heels they love to make this short field pay off with a touchdown instead of a field goal but it's third and goal wants to throw it's Agana and he Walts is in for the score touchdown Buffalo touchdown Buffalo the offense did exactly what it needed to do getting the ball in field position like that it's that killer mentality you step on their throat you keep your foot down when you get opportunities like that there are golden chances to put touchdowns on the board the offense took care of [Music] business lining up for the p on exra point smashes it through for the pat quick strike offense on that three playay scoring drive and they punctuated it with the 5yd touchdown run from inside his own 15 looking for a crevice couldn't find a way to create that broken field as he stopped at the 25 South Florida ready to send the offense back onto the field after that last pick David they really need to take care of the ball this time no doubt and Paul I want to know what Spurrier said to you on the sideline after a pick do that again and you'll be right here beside me for the rest of the game you got to go out you got to call your plays and I hope this coaching staff isn't going to be afraid to throw at this drive after picking up a couple at second and eight 42 spider quick strike complete the defense wouldn't let him loose and even though it's in completion they lost yardage now facing a third and long from the gun wants to pass throws to the wide out good quickness to grab it off the balance he's run out of bounds but not before turning in a big pickup and moving the sticks for a first down the Bulls come to the line with a new set of downs Brown will throw it makes his connection and he was fortunate not to lose yardage on that play able to wedge it back to the line of scrimmage nice job defense you always hear people talk about tackling the catch you saw it right there there was nowhere for that receiver to go once he had possession as a result no game obliterates him still on the move he has 60 yard Ys rushing in this game what a way to start the new season defense is going to have their hands full trying to stop this guy they better rally to the football and get multiple hats cuz he is not easy to bring down and the Bulls have their offense in high gear 55 they're going to ride this running back running into the open space gets out of bounds after the big game but they've got it first and goal I bet that running back's eyes got so big when he gets that hand off going to the right and he sees the huge holes yes please the defense just didn't flow quickly enough all of the blockers had leverage on their men man that defensive line has to get off the ball a little bit better get some penetration to stop that outside run and he was hit just as he was releasing the pass and it falls to the ground incomplete well man this quarterback is fast you saw that on his ability to scramble around but he wasn't fast enough to outrun that hit and it was the hit that caused the incompletion looking to pass on second down fires to the end zone and he's got it touchdown balls and this offense gets on the board and the first passing touchdown of the season and I feel pretty confident saying the first of many this offense looks like they're in a good rhythm in this passing attack's going to be hard to [Music] [Applause] stop lining up to tack one more onto that lead and he made that extra point the wet Turf no problem at all so a well executed 8pl 75 yd drive and the score comes on a five yard touchdown pass and he'll bring it back and the returner is stopped looking for a productive play on first down running back searching for a hole they make the Stop and that will likely bring us to the end of the first quarter at the [Applause] 15 we've come to the end of the quarter and USF is on top guys let's have a look at the stats as we've played one period lots of time left and we're ready to get back to it and open the second period up we'll get this quarter going with a second down play here we go we go give to the back across the 25 he's got room and he was loose and out the gate and doesn't go down until he gets to the 48 yd Line Hey listen explosive plays comes in all different shapes and sizes that time they attack the outside to the left on the ground and that is a momentum sh play they know they have a huge Advantage there I I expect them to go right back to it and what do you do now if you're on defense you got to be expecting that they're going to try and Tack that side of the field maybe in the same way maybe on this next play right here halfway there on first down it's second and five they've softened them up with the run now to throw it didn't have much of a choice there but to get rid of it and sometimes you got to know when to give it up as a quarterback you feel it you can't hold it that second too long when bad things can really happen you could tell the clock went off and he was throwing that puppy away fires to the wide out got his man what a throw not a lot of room he fits it in beautifully they've got it at the 30 and now a fresh set of downs for this offense he's going to pass trying to get to him and the quarterback runs out of time and down he goes at the 38 what a nice answer by this defense you give up the big play you respond right back you get the sack create some momentum for your side nice job by this defense staying with it the give to the running back from the shotgun open space of the 25 and it is a chunk play a huge gain on that one before the defense brings it to an end well that's why this running game can be so Dynamic this guy is special when he has the football in his hands he can make people Miss he can run with power and he also has speed you saw it on that last play might as well run him until they stop him he's got it again I like this guy as a running back because he could run between the tackles and he can also go outside he can really do it all going to work on second down in the red zone is still some ground to cover to pick up that first down he'll pull it on the read he'll get that one all the way down to the four yd line before he stopped well this is one of the fastest quarterbacks in college football and that's why the options a good idea because if he can get out in space and he has a chance to get down field he is really difficult to tackle and he's very difficult into the end zone he goes touchdown Buffalo touchdown Buffalo the field position position was bad the Finish was great great way to answer that poor field position poor field position no problem how about it a great job by the offensive coordinator this offense getting in a good Rhythm early even backed up even in a predictable situation great job coming out ready to try the point after for the extra point and it's up and good kick is good that TI again at after that latest answer tied things up just about set to kick it away again from inside his own 10 he'll try to help out their field position just never had a chance to shake loose and he'll be brought down at the 24 South Florida has it back and the Bulls offense will return to the field the way this game started you feel as if you have to score a touchdown every time you have it and now we'll see if they respond yeah and I wonder how much pressure that puts on the offense Jesse like you know this is back and forth and I got to score and every possession matters so much what does that do to you as a quarterback well it puts a lot more pressure on you for sure to feel like I got to make every third down throw if guys are open vertic running toward the tap tackled but he has a first down and this defense is going to have their hands full because they're going to need to be comfortable with guys one-on-one on islands in the perimeter of the field and they're just going to have to make better plays than what we saw right there they knew this offense was going to try to be aggressive got to need better effort in the back end for this defense moving forward after ripping off a big chunk of yardage you figure they're going to go right back after him first and 10 from the 31 they get him stopped at the 26 but not before he picks up five yards I know the passing game sells the passing game is exciting but it's not exciting to get five or six yards pop on the ground but it will be very successful halfway there on first down it's second and five 42 spider SP pulls it and fires to the left and he'll be tackled but there is a flag on the [Applause] field they say you could call holding on every play on they did on that one now on second down on the move it's Kei they make the stop but not before he takes a chunk out of what they need to move the sticks give him 105 yds rushing and he goes over the century mark in this season opener Brown wants the pass and this sophomore able to wreak some havoc and get the sack timeout is called and it's the defense wanting to make sure that everyone's on the same page for this big down here comes the field goal [Applause] unit oh he missed it no good and here in the second quarter Miss field goal leaves his tied guys the Buffalo offense headed back to the field that running game was impressive taking them right down for a touchdown last time David yeah just mauling no secret play call and he's running in the open he's run out of bounds but a big play on that one and it'll be a first down a new set of downs after the completion and that's a first trying to find his man on first down they'll run the screen on the move at the 30 finally run out of bounds but he has this offense rolling with a first down fresh set of downs after the completion he's looking to throw it got it in the middle it's moral they get him down after he makes the catch yeah great job creating space that's what you're supposed to do when you get man covered you got to find a way to get a step make it easy for your quarterback to read that leverage and when he drags across the field he can see he had him he completes it for the first down they've got the play bottled up fumble it's out well the offense looks as if they fell on the fumble and they'll keep the ball offense calls a timeout here critically important to make sure they have the right play called and everyone on the same page here they get him on the ground but it's a first down the offense burns his third and final timeout of the half the Bulls will snap it on First and 10 he wants to throw pocket starts to collapse good job to avoid the negative play and just get rid of that thing going to work in the Red Zone they can pick up the first down without getting it into the end zone dropping back it's Agana gets it out fast bells and whistles have got to be going off in this quarterback's head now it's third and longine so if you know you're expecting pressure you got to know where your hot routes are you got to be able to read the coverage and make sure you get this football out of your hands quickly to not take a sack or Worse turn the football there the official says no good after that fail field goal attempt fellas still tie ball game well that's one the kicker would like to have back that's a kick he should be making in his just a few seconds remaining here as they try to put something up before [Applause] halftime reads it fires complete he's there to make the Stop and they threw it in reverse losing yardage on that play BR up second at the end of the second quarter that means it's time to join Kevin and our halftime update gentlemen you've had yourselves a superb broadcast so far today in Tampa and if you thought that was a quick first half you'd be right on the money an offensive showcase yes but it's been those Dynamic running backs who have set the pace I'm curious to find out if this ground and pound approach is going to continue into the second half or if one of those defenses will actually show some pride and with that let's send it back to the guys inside Rayman James Stadium all right Kevin about ready to start the second half here and the Bulls will kick it off to to start the second half from inside the 10 here he comes just never had a chance to shake loose and he'll be brought down at the 24 South forter ready to send the offense back onto the field first drive of the second half always fun to watch you see what type of tweaks were made at the half especially when you're locked up in a ball game like this one yeah and it's been a good game I mean it's been a little bit of back and forth in a feeling out process and now once you get in the second half who's going to get aggressive Palmer who's going to take some shots try to make some plays and really go for it yeah it's interesting I think as play callers right now you learn a lot about these coaching staffs with respect to who does make the best adjustments there's a lot of coaches that believe we're just going to be and he breaks into the open he will step out of bounds but not before the big pick up and a first down for this offense he can throw it he can buy time he can run it what what can't he do this guy's so talented when he does stuff like this there's no way to stop it there's no way to coach a defense up against this he's just really fast and I can't catch him leaves it with the back still running at the 40 the express way is wide open ripped off a huge shark play on that one as he gets the first down before he steps out of bounds well the defense knew coming into this one reies that this team was going to try to use their speed and take advantage of it and they did right there nice gain on the Run play to the right found plenty of Running Room in that defense they've got to find a way to get there make the tackle in the open field yeah and they got to do a good job with their eyes finding the football and they've got to get a lot of bodies to this guy cuz he is fast they'll go to the ground trying to run it in in the Red Zone he's got four and he's down at the 12 after the productive first down play it's second and six Brown will throw it quickly complete breaks the tackle and he's going to lose yardage he was looking everywhere for just a little grass and a little air and none to be found really need to pick up this conversion and avoid having to settle for the field goal on Third and long he's going to have to throw for it and he was looking into the end zone but it's incomplete now on fourth down they'll try to come away with [Applause] three9 not a chance missed it and after the Miss field goal guys we are still locked up that's now the second Miss field goal for this guy and you have to wonder if the weather is playing a bit of a factor not easy to kick in these kind of conditions with all this rain Buffalo has it back let's see what the Bulls offense can do you want to talk about taking the wind out of your sails Drive the ball down the field and miss the field goal David you know what don't leave it up to Kickers execute better offensively I think you he felt the heat trying to get away but down he goes he'll lose a yard or [Applause] two and they are looking for a ball play that'll work now facing second and long from the 19 from the gun the running back has it just gets it to the 28 pick up of one the big defensive tackles in the middle they're not always the best pass rushers but they are strong and I say Country Strong they put their hands on you you feel it they lock people out on the line of scrimmage they create separation they wrap running backs up and usually they don't get out of the midst of those big points re you and I were talking about this before the game how is this defense going to be able to deal with all the speed they have offensively you saw them just rip off a big play and Jesse now their head's spinning just a little bit give up a big chunk play and it's right back at him looking downfield it's Agana and that's not the way they drew it up it's incomplete this has been a tight one third quarter all tied up it's now second and 10 now they'll run the draw he picks up four that'll leave them with third and six trying to pick up a first down we trying to move the sticks on third down through the air all kinds of room to throw that one in there he works his way inside the 30 down to the 29 and picks up first down the Bulls are moving quickly down the field off the play fake on first down got him downfield they make the stop but this passing game does some damage and they move the sticks with the first down and the Bulls come to the line with a fresh set of downs wide receiver now comes in motion touch pass on the Jet Sweep shakes off the defender he had all kinds of company as soon as he got and he had to fight his way back just to get to the line of scrimmage operating in the Red Zone here on second down from the gun running back gets to give able to get a couple on the play he's down at the nine they'd love to pick up this third down and get a fresh set with first and goal we on Third and long trying to have a big completion here here bringing the heat touchdown bulls and that one will put him up here in the second half and the running back gets his second rushing touchdown of the game you want to continue to feed this guy you could tell he's got a nose for the End Zone knows how to get in there knows how to make things happen [Applause] they'll try to add another to their lead and the extra point is true and they're on top by seven so an 82 yd drive there and what a way to finish it with a nyd touchdown [Applause] run here's the return from inside his T nice job executing all of the assignments as they put a stop to that return at the 22 South Florida has it back and the Bulls offense will return to the field we talk about settling for points but sometimes when you have to settle for nothing David it can be demoralizing yeah it can definitely be frustrating and I think it leads you to say maybe I go for it more but Jesse I think this offense just needs to put another drive together and just finish Stronger Yeah and and be a little bit less predictable too especially as they get closer and closer down to the end zone a run up the middle is stuck for no game and just a great job by the defense being Stout right that's your job be Stout up front stuff in the Run play make them get in more passing situations but do not let them run the football that's 101 stop the run first how about getting the foot down on that throw for the big completion this dude is putting in work out of the slot and he is just wearing out this defense man you see it Rec in football they just these slot guys are so quick so athletic you back him up off the football so you can't get hands on him and you just find ways to continue to get him the football he's making plays so I'm going to continue to throw it his way didn't get much on first down it's second and nine he'll try it again just a solid stop by this sophomore 45 y thirdd got quite a ways to go to keep this drive going it's third down from the 45 Brown wants to pass oh they really could have used that catch their physical pass defense it brings up a fourth down the Bulls will punt this one away getting our first look of the afternoon at the [Applause] punter and the punt team able to smack him to the ground first play of this drive comes from the 27 55 they'll run it from the gun defense makes the tackle and that will probably be the final play of the third [Music] [Applause] quarter guys we've reached the end of the quarter and buffalo is on top they've done the work to build a nice cushion now to bring it home as we check out the stats after three quarters one more period to go to see who can make the winning plays and come home with the victory will start the quarter offense about to snap it on second [Applause] down on second down he'll fire he's moving out of the pocket and they get to the quarterback and knock him down back at the 16 defense came on the field with fresh legs and here on just the second play of the drive they're able to get a sack this defense has kept them backed up now one more stop and they can get off the field on Third and long he's got the back in the middle crosses the 30 he got to land and sure tackling there to keep him from getting to the first down marker and the Bulls decide to pun it away he'll be content with the field position making the fair catch right around the 30 yd Line south Florida ready to send the offense back onto the field David the punter got some work last time they'd like to keep him on the sidelines in this drive yeah it's not something you want to say very often you don't want the playter out there this offense needs to get back lathered up and get a little bit more of a rhythm best way to do that identify where your best players are and just get them the football give these guys some touches to Kickstart this off offense he's looking deep reacted well to the tip but just couldn't squeeze the football instead of the turnover it'll be third down well that DB basically could have just ran that route for the wide receiver he was all over him there was no shot that receiver was going to be able to make that play beautiful job by the defensive back feeling some heat going for the big play and it slips through his fingers incomplete that would have been a huge game if he could have held on the Bulls will bring the punt team onto the field this will be the second time they've had to kick it away he'll bring it back it's bir they'll get down and put a stop to this return they'll mark it at the 32 the Buffalo offense headed back to the field boy three and out last time David they'd like to be more productive this time around yeah in the last Drive nothing really clicked no rhythm got off the field really really quickly they need to put something them together here yeah David bad execution on that last drive so they got to take a collective breath and start playing like a unit on this drive the handoff keep working on that clock and he doesn't find much Running Room a short gain on the play the crowd is going to tell you the result of this when they are into it on this huge third and three they'll try to get it through the air nice defensive play to get a hand in there and knock it awaye I mean sometimes you overthink it sometimes running the football on Third and short with the lead is not the worst thing in the world keep that clock ticking now decided to go for it setting up a fourth down and this looks like a situation where you should put the football they make the stop but there is a penalty marker down let's see what the call [Applause] is so the decision has been made and the coach will take the penalty the offense lining up for a first down play they'll try the Run gets it out to the 25 yd line a gain of three it's just so nice to know you can start off on first down with positive plays positive yards hand the football off set up a good second down after the three- yd pickup they come to the line Second and seven looking left left excellent coverage and good use of the hands to knock it away Zone coverage that time in the cornerback a nice job with his eyes he's watching the quarterback he sees the ball thrown so he knows exactly when to break on it he's able to break it up for an incompletion the playaction fake the short hands it's Kei he's really close to that first down marker but they stop him just a bit short I mean good news here they get the completion and bad news though not enough to pick up the first down the target there he's got to do a better job understanding where the first down marker is make sure he gets the right depth on his route now all of a sudden head coach has a big decision to make tackle was made after the first down do you think that was a straight go or they just sort of went with gut feel as to whether the defense was going to relax on that fourth and one I don't know but I know this as a coach I'm not giving a lot of freedom for gut will on the own side out of the field he's going up top catch inside the 30 and still running a giant chunk of yardage picked up there and they're down to the 24 the big play came David he saw that safety and just didn't believe he could get over the top and time exactly right you see the one safety in the middle of the field you know the outside parts of the field are open run those goes those streaks down the field on the outside let your playmaking receiver make that play for you finally some signs of life from this offense which has done nothing in the second half it's first and 10 the carry going off right tackle here they bring him down and he's going to lose a yard on that one and the D does it again like I feel like it's a repeat we could play that over and over today they've had a great game against the pass against the Run limiting the big plays and they do it again just watch them where they're supposed to be they're physical they don't give up a lot of tackles you know a lot of yards after The Tackle just a great performance by this deep nowhere close on that one as he got drilled trying to deliver the football and now they face third down they line up with some serious work to do if they want to convert this one they'll Run play action that's caught it's Atkin he is tackled but it'll be a fresh set of down got to give this defense tons of credit how good have they been on the back end in coverage just feels like every time this QB has thrown the ball it's been contested they haven't given up a lot of yards and they need to continue to be great in coverage with the lead in this two-minute situation he's got it on the run that completion will take them inside the 10 to the N yd line you know sometimes when you're throwing against Zone coverage you need time for the routes to develop so nice job by the quarterback there being patient allowing his receivers to work themselves open here we go looking for room it's Kei he is going nowhere he stopped at the line of scrimmage you got to have that defense you know you can go to in running situations your base defense where you say okay this is where I'm going to start and I'm going to stop the run stuff it up front my guys play Big up front then if I need to add some blitzes to it later on down the road I can but great job in the base defense making a play oh and he dropped it he had a touchdown right in his hands and couldn't hang on it'll be fourth down after that incompletion there is so much pressure now on this quarterback to come up with a big play they need to score a touchdown they need to keep this drive alive to have any shot at winning this game but it all comes down to this play right here fourth down got to have it here looking to scramble and they got him a sack denies the try to convert on fourth down well that play never had a chance on fourth down they're trying to catch the defense off guard throwing for it but no protection quarterback didn't have an opportunity to step up and get rid of that football give the defense credit man tremendous aggression there on Fourth hand off from the shotgun we'll give him a couple on that one second and eight coming up timeout called by the defense 29 seconds to go and the defense doing a great job committing to the run when you commit to the run like this obviously viously you can give up some plays in the passing game but you got to stop the run first and they try the middle of this defense and that is not happening timeout is called the clock stopped with 26 seconds left they line up and it is a long way to the sticks from here they'll run it on the counter picks up just a few before he's brought down not really willing to take a risk there on Third and long out called by the defense 23 seconds left on the clock and the Bulls will try to pin them back with the punt fourth time tonight we've seen this guy come on to punt not able to pop the big return but they've got the ball back and ready to go with a fresh possession line gets set first down he wastes no time and comes out throwing and is knocked away an incomplete the defensive back staying in phase and batting it away on second and 10 a four wide out set trips right Brown will throw it he'll take another shot here he can't find his man in the clock stop with six seconds left it just took a shot down the field didn't get it so you've got time for one more play everybody thinking Hail Mary right now I know the odds don't say you're going to come up with it but man we have seen crazy things happen in college football pass Falls incomplete and there are still three seconds left well I know it hasn't been a tremendous day statistically for this quarterback but his decision making has been good enough to win this game hasn't thrown a lot of T oh he's ready to take a shot ball falls to the turf the final pass is incomplete and that's going to do it for this one you're going to hear guys after this game say got to work harder got to be more intense you know sometimes the harder you try the worse it gets and it seemed to me that's what happened out there today yeah just never really got into a rhythm for this team there's no doubt they've got a lot of very talented players on both sides the ball so David I don't think this is a situation where they need to now freak out and try to reinvent things on either side of the football just being in better Rhythm early and trying to find that in their next game I think would go along yeah and it's just finding a couple of those plays what what do I do really really well let's continue to build on that let's take away these negative plays let's take away these turnovers how do we create more turnovers I think that rhythm you're talking about Jesse finding of those things that I do well building on them and doing more of them that's going to do it for us for Jesse Palmer David Pollock our entire broadcast team I'm reys Davis this has been another presentation of EA Sports college football

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Part 47 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 CFP National Title Game vs Georgia

Category: Gaming

Are you kidding me right here national title game we knew this was a special year we knew it we felt it all year here season 3 under coach herby vers smells we felt it all year guys and here we are on the doorstep of immortality baby oh man national title game no we don't save her for saturday we [ __ ]... Read more

Part 43 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Big Ten Championship vs Oregon thumbnail
Part 43 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Big Ten Championship vs Oregon

Category: Gaming

Baby if that doesn't get you amped up you better check your [ __ ] pulse ladies and gentlemen here we go we got the big 10 title game year three of our you dubbed dynasty we got oregon number four versus number three washington how are we feeling out there ladies and gentlemen let's go let's get a bet... Read more

Part 45 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Rd2 CFP Peach Bowl vs Miami thumbnail
Part 45 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Rd2 CFP Peach Bowl vs Miami

Category: Gaming

All right we are back we are in the peach bow tonight college football quarterfinals udub rank number five against number three miami are we ready for this you guys are we actually ready for a possible national title run tonight in year three with coach herby vers smells are we ready for this hey uni... Read more

Part 48 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Offseason Activities thumbnail
Part 48 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Offseason Activities

Category: Gaming

All right we are back it's time to go from year three to year four here in our husky dynasty we just won the national title game here in year three a last second field goal against georgia to win 20-7 the number one ranked washington huskys 15 and two let's take a quick peek here we got staff moves... Read more

Part 44 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Rd1 CFP vs North Texas thumbnail
Part 44 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 Rd1 CFP vs North Texas

Category: Gaming

Oh baby we are back it's time to hop in playoffs north texas vers washington let's go we got a uni redemption here uni watch coming in from big stupid big stupid what do we want to wear here in our first ever playoff match up year three under coach herby vers smells you have the floor my friend purple... Read more

Part 46 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 CFP Semis Rose Bowl vs Oregon thumbnail
Part 46 - CFB25 - UW Husky Dynasty - Year 3 CFP Semis Rose Bowl vs Oregon

Category: Gaming

The rosebowl is washington at rank number five and oregon number two we get another shot at oregon who we just barely lost to in the big 10 title game oh baby what a matchup let's take a quick look here at the college football bracket holy [ __ ] okay washington has beat north texas we have beat miami... Read more

UCLA vs Hawaii Week 1 Simulation 2024 Season - College Football 25 thumbnail
UCLA vs Hawaii Week 1 Simulation 2024 Season - College Football 25

Category: Gaming

Aloha welcome to paradise aa hawwaii just outside of hulu and the home of the hawaii rainbow warriors a tremendous setting and a spectacular game that we have in store maybe you need a little caffeine or maybe the sheer energy of this matchup will keep you wide awake as we know anything can happen when... Read more

Week 7 PAC 12 Football Simulation UCLA vs Cal  #pac12football     collegefootball25 #uclafootball thumbnail
Week 7 PAC 12 Football Simulation UCLA vs Cal #pac12football collegefootball25 #uclafootball

Category: Gaming

Ley in california memorial stadium where this crowd has been in since early in the day saying you know it you tell the story you tell the whole world that this is bear territory this match up today part of the lifeblood of the sport a rivalry game where the results will be remembered for a lifetime... Read more

2024 Florida Gators Schedule Preview thumbnail
2024 Florida Gators Schedule Preview

Category: Sports

Beginning and first 4 games operate in truth right operate in truth tell the [music] truth hello everybody and welcome to the gator truth florida football podcast i'm daniel and on this episode we're going to take a look at the gator 2024 football schedule and i'm going to tell you a little about each... Read more

College Football Highest Scoring Games 2019-20 ᴴᴰ thumbnail
College Football Highest Scoring Games 2019-20 ᴴᴰ

Category: Sports

Far again the deep back take it to them and will the blades bunch down houston 67 yards to the full-back carruthers straight up the gut and carruthers again nearly untouched for another score he's got him right now if he wants him first and go over to the ground game getting to the edge turning the... Read more

A New Leader Emerges To Save Our Season (WSU College Football 25 Dynasty Ep. 6) thumbnail
A New Leader Emerges To Save Our Season (WSU College Football 25 Dynasty Ep. 6)

Category: Gaming

And we are back i'm ethan aka ooso monkey sitting here with a 2 and six record we came in with really high hopes on this season started off with three losses followed up with two great wins and in the past three weeks we have lost three games that we should have had we have been pretty bad offensively... Read more