BREAKING NEWS ‼️Hells Angels Heading To Aurora Colorado Confront Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua

have you guys heard about what's going on in Aurora Colorado I mean they're taking over the city they're taking over apartment complexes and this is happening all over just not Colorado but the the Colorado thing caught the imagination because there were many of them with the biggest weapons that you've ever seen so this is a gang from Venezuela called Trend deaga and what happened in Venezuela is the government let a bunch of these dudes out of prison and sent them to go across the border to come over here thanks ven UA and now they're taking over whole apartment complexes out there in Aurora Colorado and they're doing a lot of damage in New York and El Paso Texas is on high alert right now because of how much damage they're doing out there but uh America already has its own organizations and criminal elements and none of them are taking too kindly to any of this one in specifically who's been rumored to be stepping up and we're going to talk about that right now is the Hell's Angels so the Hell's Angels are one of the first and one of the most powerful biker MC's on the entire planet and if they're coming for you it's already guaranteed that you need to stop drop roll dig a little hole crawl inside it and probably die before they get their hands on you I've worked with some of these dudes and they were great to do business with because they acted very professionally but they are definitely no joke and you do not want to piss these dudes off and the internet is exploding with rumors right now that the Hell's Angels are on their way to Aurora Colorado to deal with trendee auwa so let's get into this and see what we can figure out if there's any truth to that or if there's is not and what we think is going to happen when they face off with these Venezuelans developing right now Aurora police officers they're patrolling areas of suspected gang activity and that includes this apartment building this is the one at Dallas Street and 12th Avenue where Venezuelan gang members have been caught on camera with guns breaking into units wait wait wait wait wait I thought none of this was actually happening and everybody who was saying anything about what was going on is a racist what happened oh yeah that's right we caught it on video it went national news and now Trump and Kamala Harris are both talking about this and it's just been established as a fact and even the governor is talking about it funny how that works huh that so much of this has been the focus of national attention this week we have been reporting on this at the local level for weeks but police now say they're there as well engaging with residents thank God nobody's going to have to shoot their own dog cuz now the cops there to do it for him but to be completely fair I'm pretty sure that the cops have known that this was a real life thing for at least a couple of weeks because they had a shootout with them and it was established that the higher ups in this organization have put a green light for them to attack any cops who tried to stop or pursue them while they were committing crimes Aurora leaders say the city it's a safe place to live to work to shop hey Jack they said it's completely safe to live in Aurora should we go buy a house there n I'm good yeah this doesn't look super safe to me either the video shows a group of men walking up a stairwell at the edge at Lowry apartment complex in Aurora all of them appear to be carrying rifles and handguns and the video shot earlier this month so I think at this point we've clearly established that if you are an American if you are a law abiding citizen if you're even an American criminal these dudes have now become the Ops so let's talk about the unsung heroes of this situation who are stepping in and are going to be doing something about this the Hell's Angel and the internet has been flooded with rumors that this point that this is going to happen but I have actually gotten in touch with someone who is an actual Hell's Angel in the state of Colorado and I'm going to tell you what they said now the first thing that you need to understand is that if the Hell's Angels want to move on these dudes in Colorado they do not have to flood in from other states Colorado already has multiple chapters of the Hell's Angels that are there they're ready and they're equipped to handle business if that's what they want to do now could they call in backup absolutely 100% but each chapter would have to vote on that because that's the way that they work they have autonomy it's not all just run by one centralized government in their organization what my contact on the inside in Colorado has told me is that they have plans to roll up nothing more nothing less and that's a direct quote and of course that's an intentionally vague statement which I would expect nothing less because what you have to understand about these organizations is they're under constant surveillance and they're always under the threat of RICO Act which would not only affect them but affect their Brotherhood worldwide but what is that that actually mean all I can say on that is if you know you know and a big shout out love and respect to all the homies out there in Colorado I'm not going to get too deep into their politics it's not really my business I am not a member of their organization but what I will say is that there is the potential for this to go higher and higher and escalate if these Ops want to escalate the situation with them in fact other chapters from around the country have already issued a public warning to this Venezuelan gang if they don't stop cease and assist like immediately be a lesson to the gang members in Aurora Colorado please heed my warning I did 10 years in the joint in the state of Kentucky I'm telling you right now the people that are coming known as the hil's angels are not to be [ __ ] with you are getting ready to have a large swarm of men who are like-minded Brotherhood driven and will not govern themselves by the laws in which that you think that they will you are getting ready to have that you have never experienced in your life and people that live on a certain side of the law may be perceived as whatever but I promise you this we know that you're taking advantage of defenseless people you will be the ones calling the law because you do not want men like me and the people that we associate with to descend upon you you because we will not care about evidence we will not care about any of that [ __ ] there will be guns there will be knives and there will be no more time for questions please leave before you force the hand of a power that you do not know the extent of how far it reaches if you try to meet them with any type of resistance you will die you will die in the street they are going to [ __ ] you up now I don't know about y'all but I got that message loud and clear I was absolutely picking up what he was putting down I think he spelled that out absolutely perfectly and if these dudes don't listen I promise you these are those ones man and then we need to talk about the possibilities beyond that because if they have any problem taking them out the Hell's Angels there are other organizations that will step in and band with the Hell's Angels I know a lot of these people are outside of the law that's what Outlaws are people that live outside of the law and a lot of them have their own inner squabbles but when it comes down to it we are all Americans and we do not want to see innocent people within our communities taken advantage of and done dirty the way that these people from the outside are there are bitter rivalries between certain MC's I'm not going to get into which ones that's not my business because I am not a patched member of any of these MC's but I can tell you that there is a high likelihood that they would set that aside to be able to take care of the business that needs to be handled out in Colorado in New York in Santa Fe all across this country if need be and these dudes would step in and handle what needs to be handled in the way that the police are not allowed to do if things keep going in the direction that they've been going there is a very high likelihood that we would have a war between American Outlaws and The Intruders who have managed to infiltrate our country with bad intentions I already know somebody's going to call cap and say that any Outlaw Biker is just a scum bag or a criminal so I want to show you shalawam I want to give all Praises sign and glory to yahwah bahasham yahawashi bahasham Rah kadash I want to give double honors to the apostles and Elders of great Millstone because those are the men who I learned this truth from through the spirit and power of yahwah bahasham yahawashi yahwah is the true name of the god of Israel yah yashi is who the world ignorantly calls Jesus Christ but his one and only true name is yahawashi and um pretty much this is going to be a short video just um concerning the times we're living in so pretty much to jump straight into the topic of discussion the Hell's Angels biker gang apparently um there's like viral videos going about and there's different news articles and they're pretty much saying that the Hell's Angels because the a police department they don't want to combat you know the Venezuelan gang Trend Diaga you know T um TDA because the police is not doing nothing and there strong strong gang activity like the robberies you know burglaries breaking into people homes now the Hell's Angels they're saying that look we're going to head over there and we're pretty much going to solve the problem for you all right so all hell is getting ready break loose man you know before you know it there's going to be purging going on like how you see the movie Purge crime is going to go up there's going to be an increase in violence because of this migrant crisis you have crime going up all over America all right from the west coast to the South to the east coast all over and these things are done by Design so that you know America could go under a police state you know martial law could come into effect so ultimately that's what's going to end up happening because if you have two armed gangs two big gangs fighting each other there's nothing that the police can do so you're going to have to send in the military eventually all right and this is the spirit because um you know the first video I did on this situation you know I mentioned that I said what about the gangs in the surrounding areas anyways getting into the lesson this is U Matthew 24 and verse 12 it says um and because iniquity which iniquity sin upon sin right and you could equate this to Crime going up right and increasing violence in society as Society collapses right and because iniquity shall abound the love of many will wax cold or the love of many shall wax cold all right so the more America goes through a economic collapse you know goes through a Great Depression round two you know people's going to be more in a desperate State people is going to develop a mindset of survival people that never committed um any type of crime or done any type of violence you know if their back is against the wall and they don't have no choice then that's what they're going to have to resort to all right so you know America is prophesied to go through an economic collapse in the form of Martial law you know in the form of the US dollar crashing the economy collapsing because you know 2025 they're supposed to raise the depth ceiling because the depth it keeps growing and growing and growing you know eventually they're going to have to default and that means that a lot of these companies you know a lot of these Banks they're going to end up defaulting which is going to lead to the unemployment rate being Sky High and it's going to lead to an increase in crime all right just like how you saw during the the pandemic you saw an increase in crime so the same thing is going to be going on in these last days it's going to get worse and worse all right so I'm going just read it one more time so like I said you know America is prophesied to go through economic collapse in the form of Jacob's trouble or the days of trouble right it says because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold so that's exactly what's going on all right with the increasing gang violence right now this is 2 ezras 13-31 it says and one shall undertake to fight against another one city against another and that's what you have going on right you're going to have best friends betray one another because of famine because of poverty right but then you're going to have these gangs and these different militias they're going to be fighting all right they're going to be killing each other you're going to see dead bodies in the streets this this is what the prophets seen in their Visions this is why they got sick all right one city against another one place against another one people against against another and one realm against another so ultimately we know concerning the end when yahawashi returns back with the angels that's one realm against another you know what the scriptures describe as the war in heaven all right the Angelic or the Heavenly realm versus the moral realm all right so now let's focus on this part right and one shall undertake to fight against another one city against another right one place against another one people people against another so this is an article I found right and if you go on Google you type in Hell's Angels Venezuelan gang right it's not a Venezuelan gang but that's just how I typed it in and then you're going to see all these different articles pop up you can click on any one that's going to give you the same info see so now let's go to this right here this is from times right right this was posted today September 1st 2024 Hell's Angels heading to a waral Colorado to fight Venezuelan gangs video surface right it says social media claims suggest that members of the Hell's Angels are heading to a rural Colorado to confront Venezuelan gangs am made concerns about gang activity so this is why the Hell's Angels is going to them to confront them you know to pretty much warn them to stop or else it's going to be like a war all right like a gang war it says this follows the release of a surveillance video showing armed men allegedly taking over an apartment building identified as The Edge at the lry link to the Venezuelan gang Trend Diaga TDA right let's go down here so I mean that's that's pretty much it ain't really nothing to discuss see really nothing to discuss so now let's just finish it off right here this is um 2 EES 15-49 it says I will send plagues upon thee so who send in all his judgment the most high that has the spirit over life and death as well as his only begotten son right I will send plagues upon the widowhood a lot of these women they're going to lose their husbands all right see when a woman is married to her husband and he dies she becomes a widow all right and widows are allowed to remarry which links up with Isaiah um 4:1 right it says poverty that you dollar is going to crash there's going to be a lacking jobs the unemployment rate going to be sky high crime going to go up burglaries all type of things inflation hyperinflation famines right so it's going to lead to Poverty as the dollar gets weaker you're not going to be able to afford as much Goods as you did in past decades so people's going to be going through poverty they're not going to be able to pay their bills they're going to be poor right famine which is a lack of resources then you going to have the Famine of the word as well no internet it says sword which which represents um martial law right a police state because the crime is going to go up it says and pestilence you know disease outbreaks there's multiple of them right now you got the c um the co v19 right the c one to the N you got the the impo you got bird flu you got this mosquito disease that's going on to waste our houses with destruction and death so this is what the most high is getting ready to sin all right Mass judgment across Babylon the great which is America because these people have walked in great pride so you know all hell is getting ready to break loose in which the scriptures described as Jacob's trouble shalawam

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