The Raw Word - Full Episode 002 - Ashlee Simpson Ross and Evan Ross

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:43:00 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: evan ross
so Ashley you love being a mom so much any more kids in the future can you really look a few pounds thinner by changing your dress up for real for real oh so let's get our first model out here this should be what your household budget looks like you should have it all broken down by the different costs that you're paying now I think I want to get in on some of this too we've all had those friends who only add drama to our lives let me take a drink you can say it we we on Raw [Applause] hello hello hello welcome to the raw word I'm Dr Michael Eric Dyson I'm so glad to be here today how y'all feeling out there all right that's what I want to hear I'm ready to do this darn thing right now I'm joined by my awesome co-host Claudia Jordan and Dr Dan ragner W so let's get right to the conversation it's been almost a month since the horrific high school shooting in Parkland Florida where 17 people were killed the tragedy has renewed the debate over gun control only this time teenagers are the ones driving the conversation the next generation wants this generation to do something about it and they want something done now about these guns guys th this is pretty amazing right that these young people have said enough is enough we're tired of you having the conversation one of them David hog said we're children you guys are the adults I loved that I loved that finally someone was saying that and it's never never on the victims to say anything but I love that they're getting involved and they're so right I mean we are we're hanging them out to dry right and to contrast that we love what the kids are doing but I hate what the politicians are doing this love affair this love affair with the NRA has got to stop the fact that we're putting the NRA ahead of the lives of our children and expecting teachers to carry guns to school and do their job to teach which they're grossly underpaid for and then be on point and and work security when when police officers are afraid to go in and rush in is absolutely ridiculous it's got to St it is crazy they don't even give them the books they need let alone that they can't get the books they can't get high uh speed uh highp speed uh access to Wi-Fi and maybe NRA should stand for no rifles allowed how about that why don't we just clear those out but let me tell you something what's interesting here is when we think about kids across this country when we think back into the 1960s when young people right first they were 17 18 year olds and when they cleared out they had 10y olds out there with women who were fighting so this is not the first generation think about Arab Spring think about the fact that all across this globe young people have been leading the fight for social justice but the problem is sometimes some of our kids like in Black lives matter they were dogged how dare you terrorists come out here and do what you're doing now we see a sharp contrast with these young kids in Florida by being embraced as Heroes I think both are right I think these young people in Florida are are heroes and I think that the young people from Dream Defenders and from black lives matter are heroes too standing up against Injustice is the fundamental move of democracy and all of them should be celebrate 1,00% love it and there and these kids are amazing and unfortunately there's a a segment of our population that want to continue to demonize anything that they see black and brown people doing even when it's they're on the right side of History oh of course and and it's amazing like the how how black lives matter is vilified oh look look Martin Luther King Jr when he was alive was called by the in command of the FBI the most dangerous negro that's what we were called then in America so if Martin Luther King Jr who has a statue on National Civic territory in DC can be demonized everybody can be demonized so know that you're on the right side of history when they don't and that's true about about race for sure MH but kids get demonized all the time they don't get the respect that they deserve and from adults at all right and you know it is always the kids that are leading the way right it's the youth that's going to bring this back m in any movement the younger people seem to be more open to to diversity where the old folks seem to tend to want to hang on to their guns and hang on to Old archaic values well there's no doubt about it when you think about it uh Pew research uh did a report and they said Millennials are open-minded when it comes to interracial marriage and gay marriage but they have some strikingly similar beliefs to their mothers and fathers when it comes to race and ethnicity so we don't want to we don't want to overe exaggerate the degree to which your youth opens you up to new possibilities cuz you can be an old dog new tricks and then get on a different leash all right look let's go on another subject here one of my favorite comedians got real heavy recently on social media SNL Star lesie Jones posted this Instagram picture of her at the gym with the caption okay back to cardio but confession I feel like I'm doing it for nothing I'm healthy and look good but I feel like what's it all for if the people you want to notice don't I just feel like I might die alone now I saw this post on lesli and I this is something that she's been speaking about for a long time being a sister that's 6 foot tall and and and and and she's she's a strong woman right and a lot of times she feels like I think she feels like she's intimidating and a lot of men don't approach her so it's a really sad thing she success I remember lesli being in the comedy clubs all across Los Angels and this woman has worked hard amazing personality her work ethic she's she's successful she's a great woman and to feel like she might die alone is so sad well let's name it for what it is you you put your finger on it she's tall she's a she's powerful think about another tall assertive black woman I don't know Michelle Obama and she got dissed as an orangutang and an ape when you think about Serena Williams Oh my God she's too muscular so that a women in general regardless of your ethnicity or race might feel if they are taller or out of the norm of beauty somehow intimidating to others but imagine when you throw race on top of that and you throw the fact in that that she's been outspoken and she's been a victim of this kind of trolling from the social media in the past but it is it it it breaks my heart to know that she believes that she might die alone that's it's not a good feeling for anybody that's certainly hard to hard to see you feel for her but but I I love that she did this mhm we need more more vulnerability we need more people showing that that's actually strength in my line of work as a psychologist that's what we talk about all the time hey it's it is refreshing because when you're a celebrity you're supposed to pretend that everything is perfect and since you've made it and you have money now like life is good and perfect but that's not the case a lot of people are out here pretending and because they feel like they have to so they go back home after getting all these accolades publicly and go home to an an empty house or they're lonely they don't have love and Lesly come on the show we'll find you a man we got you girl yeah ladies listen there's a disturbing practice getting attention lately stealthing okay it's when a man secretly takes off the condom during sex without his partner's knowledge or consent and it's more common than people may think even more alarming there are online communities where men encourage stealthing and even share tips on how to trick women I I I thought that men would not want to open themselves up to getting someone pregnant but the real problem is how disgusting this is well yeah you've got disease to consider you've got the fact that women who think that they're protecting their bodies especially if men happen to be bisexual and they're engaging in sex with some other man and then coming to them but I got to tell you from the streets it's it's kind of incredible to me because most men are trying to put on three or four condoms to try to prevent uh pregnancy so what what do you think is behind this well that's what they say but I mean I talk we I have this conversation with my girls all the time we talk about how amazing it is that men with a seemingly a lot to lose are out here so willing to go all willy-nilly and try to go raw and just take advantage just for sexual gratification just to have the pleasure of having unprotected sex without your consent and I hate to say it but I think some of it is that the men are are totally willing to just walk away from it so they're they're just saying fine I'll take my pleasure and I'll I'll go so your point is that even should they impregnate the woman that after she Bears the baby they have nothing to do with the child yeah which is sad because it's making us look pretty bad so that moment of pleasure 5 10 minutes and sometimes 2 minutes you're going to put my life on the Laine and what leave me with a baby yeah that's uh that's whack that's whack as it can be and I I I have daughters and since having daughters it's it's even more it's even more ridiculous to think about this that you know women are not just here for our pleasure right well look in in an era of me too when we are redefining the parameters of sexual desire what a consent is affirmative consent versus the old kind you know old style where you just it was implicit uh obviously this is something we have to rethink because when a man engages in that kind of activity then at that level it's like when you used to go into old western towns with the sheriffs you when your when your gun was a weapon you got a weapon there bro and if you don't use it correctly there going to be consequences all right more of our word after the break [Music] R Kelly is her ex-husband right here yeah you can say it we we on Roll let me take a [Music] [Applause] drink welcome back to the raw word now just like you clean out your house sometimes you got to spring clean your friends to help me break this down I invited two of my closest gal Pals to join me on Claudia's couch please welcome our girl Annie alonza guys Andria Kellin welcome ladies hey I'm getting comfy on your couch girl hold on let me get my liquor oh please do so uh ladies back me up here we've all had those friends who only add drama to our lives and we need to re-evaluate those relationships let's go through a few examples and you tell me you know what you think about these kind of friends okay first the friend you used to date some people keep people around that they dat it and don't want to let them go and it's like you know is that a good thing or a bad thing to have in your life let me take a drink would it depend on how good that thing is exactly so Miss Kelly are you um having relations with old exes that are now friends well no no not at all but there are some prospects I'm like you know let's see if we really should have broke up really yes okay let me ask you you have a very famous ex R Kelly is her ex-husband right here yeah and all those songs you can say it we we on Raw so a lot of those songs were about you all of them yes they were my favorite is sex in the [Applause] kitchen so so would he be a friend that you would still keep around absolutely not really he's an ex for a reason okay so you would spring clean that friend I would spring clean summer clean winter spring fall clean yes yes he's my exporation here you go you know you know that I I did a whole full on block on my phone of of every guy you're a Savage sure am got it from you well thank you I learned from the best you guys and I wasn't going to go into 2018 crazy again you know crazy again crazy again GL you said that yeah I'm going to go into it crazy but not crazy again I actually need to be better at that I feel like like um I'm really sentimental and I tend to hang on to people longer than I should and I've gotten burnt because I give more than I receive like I said if that thinging is right think again oh my God if it's not I don't want a man with hopes dreams and journals I need you to have it together okay because they're not your project so how do we no more developing potential that's what we're going to do here okay next we got the flaky friend the friend that's always laid the friend that doesn't show up when you try to reach out to them the friend that just isn't there for you but maybe you're there for them is that something that is forgivable or is that something that you just throw the whole friend away I think it's forgivable I do I think as long as your intention isn't just to be horrible as a friend I mean some people just are flaky for whatever reason you know and they're late guilty okay yeah I'm waiting on you you red carpet on that like with with Annie here miss movie star check her out she got a whole bunch of projects coming out check in the mail thank you oh checks in the mail yes and I'm at the Red Carpet blowing up her phone like I'm a I feel like a stalker sometimes cuz then you are just you do say that really late I cannot believe she's doing this right now do not believe this she is the latest person that I know oh my God lies I'm late you late late eventually okay so that's something you'd be more lenient with I'm late like thank you good night thank you late I'm that late light us up concert over late yes okay next we got the Debbie Downer friend the girl that's always has negative news the girl that's bringing down the mood I mean as someone I've dealt with depression and I've been depressed before and I would hate for someone to throw me out because they thought she's a Debbie Downer if you're a downer you're probably going through something and you need your friends more than ever I would think but it's that fine line because there's Debbie Downer and then there's Mar girl is going through something right so Debbie Downer is typically the one like the sun is shining she's like it's too much sunlight uh they will always find something but I say that I'm not the girlfriend I'm not the tissues for your issues girlfriend I am not her at all girl call me once you paid that 150 and sat on that couch with your feet up I'm not her I promise you because I believe you get one chance at life we're here we're on this side of the grass live life be happy I don't have time for it I don't cheers as long again it's all about balance yeah because you know people go through depression it takes them longer to get out of it but if that's just your personality and it's always negative like you said I think that that person is probably going to bring you down eventually as well yeah but you and I have talked about it too where we both will get into our holes and like I'm like I hate everyone and I really don't mean that but for dramatic purposes I'm like everything sucks right now I hate everything but we both know how to pull each other out and it's called alcohol there you go just peachy and stores now no but then there's also the difference too where you have the Negative Nancy like the one who's just a hater and that's where you have to separate and be like I I can't because you steal the shine every time and it should be sunny and vibrant I usually don't even have friends like that actually not now not now no I just I don't have the patience for it and I'm from the south side of Chicago don't let this baby hair fool you don't let edges are snatched edges they stay snatched honey let me tell you I'm so serious about my edges I said when I die and I'm lay in that casket and I don't have edges y'all better tattoo some on I'm dead serious B not the point is it's okay to eliminate friends who don't add value to your life invest in relationships that matter most and don't give up on your girls if it's temporary all right we will have more after the [Applause] break this should be what your household budget looks like you should have it all broken down by the different costs that you're paying now and then I'm going to help you find ways to cut those back the biggest issue that people have is waste I think I want to I want to on some of this [Music] too welcome back to the raw word as a kid reviewing your finances was as simple as breaking open the piggy bank or maybe a couple of them if you were fortunate but as we get older we all know that managing your bills can get very complicated our next guest is here with tips on tidying your finances so you're left with more money in your pocket please welcome consumer savings expert Andrea wari thank you for being with us so really uh it's not just for the kids Dan I think I want to I want to get in on some of this too there's a reason we're here we're ready to learn yeah and just so I can you know really prepare you for why I want to help you save I mean the average American household has over $155,000 in credit card debt and more than half of Americans have less than $ thousand dollar in savings actually 40% have no savings at all so I'm going to help you break down the budget and help you save money let's get let's get right to it let's get on over's going on so you you brought us a a household budget exactly so these are some average costs that Americans households are paying now of course the biggest cost is going to be rent and mortgage you know when we look at this $1,200 I mean some people are paying even more than that unfortunately people when they're shopping for a house whether they're renting or buying they want to get their dream home and they buy more than they can afford Bo but I recommend that the your rent or mortgage it should be just 25% your monthly payment should be 25% of your monthly take-home pay so even if you're going in with a partner and your spouse you're buying a house you're combining your income you might want to buy an even more expensive house try to cut back so what I would recommend doing is using it's time to move yeah I got to go I got to go yeah if you're shopping for a house or looking for a new apartment use the this is a great site where you can figure out not just what the monthly payment is going to be but it factors in taxes Insurance your interest and even potential HOA fees to give you a better idea of what that payment will be so if you're looking to move maybe it's not in the hottest part of town to help you get that cheaper price God bless you yeah so now when you look at like utilities and groceries and home phone all this kind of stuff do people actually sit down beforehand do would you recommend they sit down get this list together and when they're meeting with the various professionals who are there to help them they get some advice but they also kind of stick to this pretty rigidly so that they can balance what their desire is and what the cash they have at on hand exactly I mean right now this should be what your household budget looks like you should have it all broken down by the different costs that you're paying now and then I'm going to help you find ways to cut those back so when you're looking at your gas and utilities this is actually something that you can begin cutting so your electricity just by unplugging all those gadgets or using a power strip and turning it off when you're not using them you're going to save p 5% on your build okay I'm guilty of that there you I I don't out and I ain't turning it off yeah exactly using a power SHP and they even have ones with remote so if it's behind your entertainment system it's easy to disconnect that way okay and then also turn down your water heater when you're going down away for vacation and wash your clothes in cold water those are all simple ways to save wow sounds like living like a poor person that I was back in the day right you know what it's going to allow you to afford the things that you really care about in life who wants to waste money on electricity right is this a per day what is that this is a month you know some people unfortunately if they're going out to dinner a lot might be spending that this is about an average monthly household bill for groceries now for $239 this is what you would call a moderate plus people who that's a starvation day how many people are living in this house so this might be two to four but you're going some people are spending a lot more there's a big range now when it comes to groceries I would say the biggest issue that people have is waste how many times do you buy something you may find it on sale you end up throwing it away I don't care how much it costs you initially if you're throwing it in the trash that's the most expensive ingredient you're purchasing so this is really streamlined you're forcing yourself to say what do I really really need exactly so I actually have an app and tips to cut that grocery budget first of all use an app like the fresh 20 this allows you to meal plan but also using just 20 simple ingredients and it comes up with different recipes so you don't have to buy that much at the grocery store there's also Checkout 51 that gives you cash back on your grocery shopping purchases super simple otherwise what I like is using a hand basket instead of a cart I'm much more aware of those impulse purchases oh well what for the rest of these we're going to have to uh come on speed through this but what what what kind of app would be available for the rest of these that allows us to get into it CU I'm look is this the landline or the uh the Android and cell phone yeah this is a landline oh I see so this is what I want I want you to cut that off completely you can use an internet home service like Uma for free so you don't have to pay that monthly bill your mobile and data plan obvious see a lot of people are paying more than that look at your bill chances are you're not using all of that data and you can maybe lower it to a lower bill so I'm going to cut that as well right your cable and internet this one you want to call and find out if there are any special promotions so uh you know you'll notice that that bill keeps Rising every month or every year call them and you know you might even threaten I'm going to change to another change to another station and let you you want to cut that one as well now your streaming video services so popular look at the ones that you really use and cut the ones that you do not which one ever plays The Godfather I'm keeping it right but I bet you that a lot of people get caught up in getting these things and then forgetting they even have it exactly why you talking about me like that D okay really I was talking about myself I swear yeah you forget you have it auto insurance so your auto insurance I think that consumers are really good at comparing the rates when they're first looking for their plan and then they forget according to the which is a comparative market place they can save you $300 by comparing rates every couple of years so get back online and use that app to see if you can save on your auto insurance plan so membership I need to uh double mind it seems like some of it's about re-evaluating and not exactly not standing P yeah exactly so you know you can get stale in your budget but you have to check it every month every six months if you have a partner you guys can go on money dates to look over your budget okay we're going to finish it up right here so we got gym membership and then miscellaneous subscriptions so if it comes to your gym membership be serious are you really using it if not cut that you can take advantage of free trial memberships and also work out outside when the weather's getting nicer and then other subscription Services there's a a company called trim and that's an app that you can use they will review your bills they will review your bills that your bank statement and your credit card to look for those subscription services that you aren't using and help you cancel them there's also bill which will negotiate your bills for you they'll take a small percentage of your savings but they do all the work so all right all right thank you so very much Miss Andrea that was very very powerful such helpful information thanks for having me appr so for more information and more of Andrea's tips go to your website raw and we'll have it there for you more raw word after the [Applause] break can you really look a few pounds thinner by changing your dress up for real for real and you sit up straight oh [Applause] welcome back to the raw word most of us can probably agree we wouldn't mind looking a few pounds Slimmer but actually losing the weight is easier said than done I can testify to that and that's why I'm so excited for our next guest she's going to show us how to dress 10 pounds thinner please welcome style expert Stacy Cox thank you for joining us it is a pleasure to be here now now keep it real though Stacy can you really really look a few pounds thinner by changing your dress up for real for real and you sit up straight oh yeah you guys posture is everything probably the number one thing I tell my style clients and my my celebrities that I dress for Red Carpet you can look five pounds thinner instantly by just standing up pulling up your shoulders puffing up your chest you know like our moms always drove us crazy hey stand up straight um that's the first thing you got to do wow ni easy right it costs you nothing but no I find myself constantly doing that like being conscious of that because I you have a modeling background but that was like 20 lbs ago oh I had a moding background about 150 PBS ago great great that be a calendar in the G Gerber baby you know I'd like to see uh how this works proof of this so let's see our first model you're putting me to the test all right so let's get our first model out here I let's actually we should look at her before okay let's look at her before hold hold we're jumping we're excited okay so this is Cherokee um and what you were just seeing right there is her before and this is my friend's after say working Cherokee yes sh so let me give you guys all the tips you need to to to set you up for Success um you got to understand proportions and you have to understand patterns and then we're going to just talk a little bit about the power of the jacket okay we'll start there jackets are everything you can take a jacket and change up an outfit a base pair of jeans and a base top like Cherokee has on just by the outfit we could do this for like an anniversary dinner with her boyfriend then we could take that jacket off add a little denim jacket with a little Fringe sleeve and give it some a look that would be fun if she was going out with her girlfriends another thing if you want to lean your legs out look at the trouser she's wearing it's a trackpant trouser so she's got that beautiful trackpant long line coming down the side of her leg so it elongates her leg I like that I like that the tip it's it's sporty meets more it's class more classy if you look at her top her little tank she's wearing a belt if you look under my jacket I'm wearing a belt the biggest thing about looking a few pounds thinner is embrace your waist Embrace curves and belts even though we're a little bit insecure of wearing belts belts will actually help you instead of hurt you and people have to un I know I I knew you that's counterintuitive yeah that's very counterintuitive and the black tank underneath also is one right the black tank is slimming wanted to play with patterns so we did a little bit of a floral but it was soft I love it and a little male Spanx might not hurt either male Spanx how about that okay male spanks we'll take it we'll add it into the equation so let's look at the before picture of our next model which is Ben okay so you guys let's look at the before picture of my friend Ben all right Ben so you can see the shirt's ill-fitted it's too long at the base um and we just want to give him a look again that takes 10 lbs off his frame so I want you to see Ben why use my body for his before I'm not sure why they did that oh sweti man you're looking good check it out right he actually does look 10 pound thinner like the other picture I felt like it was like a lot of focus here on his tummy and this takes the focus away from his tummy and again we're working and playing with the power of separates and like I keep teaching everybody the power the staple piece the jacket jackets will transform you this is the untuck and cover so we untucked a shirt but the the color the col color with the light and the dark gives him a leaned out look the v-neck t-shirt is so super on Trend um the the scoop neck crew t-shirts give you more of a Charlie Brown feel this gives you more of a hip edgy feel I paired it with some fun clean canvas sneakers also staying in the same Hue to give it a nice long line and then I also wanted to make sure the Fabrics felt soft and comfortable on Ben okay Ben Ben like a little sexy Silver Fox Now Ben can you uh leave that outfit as you leave please for me and did you love the Michael Jackson song that was sung for you oh absolutely very good sir thank you man all right aw next all right so let's look at the before picture of Rebecca and see what was going on there so if you look at her before picture um she's wearing a top that's way too baggy for her so it's actually making her look bigger instead of smaller now Rebecca come on out let's see what you look like in your after all right Rebecca okay I see you so let's go back to the idea of proportions if you wear um tighter pants or a pretty Pencil Thin skirt you then want to M you the proportion rule is then have the top have a little more volume narrow have more volume if the top is tight have the pants have a little more flare and volume so it's counter opposites and then she's got a statement necklace on on her neck I love statement necklaces as I I'm guessing you do yes um because it's like puppies and babies and statement necklaces they get the convers ation going which I love yeah and then if you want if you've got black and white it's very simple and basic and you want to pop the color you jump in with a fuchsia clutch she looks amazing so much beautiful she is ready to go get the SC it out there all right and our last Model so let's look at the before picture of Caesar Caesar's a graphic designer he wanted to look a little hipper a little edgier with clothes that fit him a little better and make him look a little thinner so Caesar come join us come on out oh I noticed the layers are not making them look heavier they're making them look thinner and cooler in hipper actually such a great Point you're touching on so let's speak to that um what you're looking at is the Pinstripes the pin stripes you never want to wear horizontal stripes it will add 5 to 10 pounds instead of take them away you want the vertical stripes and that's the power of the Pinstripe and then you see we've got the third jacket in a row because the jacket gives your shoulders it gives your shoulders a little bit of pop it brings you in a little bit at the waist any truth to the fact that the darker the color the fewer pounds you look like you possess amen all right excellent point you just you just tied that together nicely with a bow I like it this has been fantastic and actually it's we see the evidence like we see the proof as in the pudding right there amazing leave that outfit for me sir as you leave thank you all right he has a whole new wardrobe I do all right thank you we trust you Caesar well for even more amazing style tips that will instantly make you look slimmer follow our Instagram thanks Stacy my pleasure all right we'll be right [Applause] [Music] back so Ashley you love being a mom so much and you have a great baby daddy SL husband yeah um any more kids in the future [Music] [Applause] welcome back they're young talented and in love and I'm not talking about Dr Dan and Claudia and they both come from famous families well I get a chance to sit down with Evan Ross and Ashley Simpson Ross at their home now we dished about their friendship turn love story and what's it like having Jessica Simpson as a sister and Diana Ross as a mom you both are basically Hollywood and musical royalty what's it like to live in this household Evan has like quite a few friends and things going on all the time so he's the social one yeah he's the social one and I think the nice balance is that we are just like a Down Home family as well so yeah yeah Mom comes here a lot Tracy's working like crazy so she tries to come but you know the family's over all the time speaking of Tracy you've got Tracy Ellis Ross and Jessica Simpson as famous aunties Tracy's been really and so has Jessica been really amazing about the clothing they always got gifts the best yeah Tracy sends gifts like crazy with cloes so is Jagger looking Jagger looking flawless what a family get togethers like great this is a lot more normal than I think people think I mean you know it's a lot of chips and dips and you know it's fun like I feel like you've become quite the chips and dip yeah yeah but they put me on a they put me on a whole new game that's like really yeah yeah what have you learned from her family that they got like this ranch dip Ranch in with like with like shredded cheese and bacon that is phenomenal and your family have you to her too oh yeah we doob do Christmas Lobster Ross makes the lobster and it's phenomenal we having the shell on it and having to break it open and the whole thing so she's got and collor greens I've been making the collard greens the last few times takes a lot of time but it's amazing this is making me hungry me too I'm like I come funny enough I feel like it's all feels kind of southern cooking even on and Tracy makes the best salads best salads Evan you've always said that no matter how famous your mom is that she always made sure to you know put motherhood first and now you guys are a famous family and like how do you manage to keep your kids staying grounded as long as you give your children love and they understand what's going on in the world and you know has have compassion I think it's you know it's not it's not the hardest thing in the world and being a mom is like my number one thing in life and yeah just like incredible so yeah is it is it really normal do you do reg also I don't think I've known anything else definitely true but but yeah but it is normal it is I feel like very yeah I think so to so Ashley you love being a mom so much and you have a great baby daddy SL husband um any more kids in the future I love really love their Vibe and they seem like a great pair they really were and that wasn't a technical error there you all need to stay tuned to find out what they have to say about having more kids more raw word up next [Music] in the beginning when we started dating she would wear a lot of my clothes and I like some of her stuff and I just feel like you know there's nothing better than like putting your boyfriend's clothes on it the only time I was really not happy when we were sharing clothes when I was pregnant and he could fit into my jeans there Michael said when he came out of retirement we're back Claudia got the inside scoop on an interview with Evan Ross and Ashley Simpson Ross and I must tell you fascinating they're so sweet and you know our conversation continued as they revealed if they want more kids plus their collaboration inside the studio and in the closets what any more kids in the future oh yeah definitely like yeah I love more we're definitely having another finish this album and then yeah for sure we got work to do and then and then and then we'll have another one how many would you like like what would be like okay I'm so happy I want definitely one more we'll see what happens after that I'm like one more and then well she's got to no look I'm not the one doing the work so I get it yeah I think one kid at a time and then you can yeah so the personalities of your two kids you've got Bronx and Jagger right what are the differences in their their personalities Bronx is creative and sweet and he's got an old soul too and um Jagger is the boss Jagger is the boss yeah she's already like give me the microphone and the shiny dresses she's I going to be Amy she calls my mom Amy yeah all the grand kids she loves her ammy she wants to dress in the glitter I see you have some glitter on you right now and obviously it's from her she just had a costume on yeah I was like where did all this glitter come from so you guys writing and working on music together what kind of music it's kind of all the music we really love and we're kind of like putting it together and finding really good sound we it's so much fun to be able to work together cuz we like want to be around each other so it's like a really great way to find a way to just really do stuff together you know what I mean that's the goal right to be able to do what you love and be family we have something in common to talk about yeah so fashion yeah we're working on it like a unisex line I feel like even in the beginning when we started dating she would wear a lot of my clothes and I like some of her stuff and I just feel like you know there's nothing better than like putting your boyfriend's clothes on I feel like it's so fun and for me for that's kind of random but I've always liked boys clothes so it's kind of come around to that now I think there is really no gender to clothing you know what I mean it gives also men a lot more opportunity to be a character and have their own look you know what I mean it's a cool the only time I was really not happy when we were sharing clothes is when I was pregnant and he could fit into my jeans all right so we got some rapid fire questions just the one word first word that comes to mind when I ask you these questions okay favorite TV show blackish Jane the who's the better driver me yeah right who leaned in for the first kiss me really oh aggressive older woman maybe maybe I feel like it I hope so sounds good well I appreciate you guys taking time and allowing us ourselves and just what advice would you give people out there that are looking for love trust your heart listen to yourself and and I don't be afraid yeah trust you g you know when you you feel that way you know and yeah exactly don't be scared just you know love okay well we'll be looking for that uh new album and the new baby thank you no pressure but pressure yeah yeah always pressure it's now I got to say these two are the real deal there was no faking it wasn't a Hollywood couple although they're Hollywood royalty genuine you can feel it genuinely I I mean I was inspired when I left there they have such a sweet love story cuz I'm not saying you're cynical but you are skeptical in a good way I mean I've been burnt a few times but they gave me hope like I left there like wow Love Story exists oh that's it was aming beautiful so I just want to thank I'm a therapist talk to me anytime how much time do you have a lot okay well I just want to thank Evan and Ashley for welcoming me into their home and being so open so thank you so much wow y'all stick around CL for Franklin's is next [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I had a lot of fun today how about you guys all right it was all right well we're no I'm just kidding it we're not done yet I mean y'all know I like to keep it 100 that's what we're doing all right do you guys want to shot at this $100 bill too late cuz it's all mine budy it's time to flaunt for Franklin all right I'm looking for someone in the audience with a hidden talent who's got a hidden talent oh wow let me see let me see look all these talented people sometime my man right here what's your talent uh I'm a singer you a singer what's your name um my name is malijah malijah can you really sing malijah I think so yeah all right well let me y'all want to hear malijah go down what what kind of music you going to sing um I sing like Jazzy pops like in between R&B Jazz and pop all right man let's let's see let's see what you got here sweet um this is I'm over now I got to hold the microphone oh sorry this is an original called Dead of the night all right whispered way a simple Breeze how many times must it take for me to see that you all lot need the door was locked but you the key I've been down the road and back to finally understand what that all means all right all right and you do my part and you look at Art and every time you okay all right I just want to add on there let's give it up for him right here now it's in my determination my providential imagination as to whether this young man gets $100 what do y'all think Oh no I got to keep this 100 do y'all think he deserves [Applause] it all right who else got some talent in here let me see no Talent over here come come come young people young people let's see what's Be You Got Talent uhhuh what's your name uh Emily Browning hi Emily Browning yeah are you related to Elizabeth Barett Browning uh I wish yeah she was a great po you oh yeah yeah about a couple centuries ago but that's all right yeah it's okay you're looking pretty good oh thank you very good so what is your talent um I do I do animal balloons an animal balloons yeah I literally have a pup in my bag like in your bag yeah you just carry animal balloons around well you never know in kids security I can make something for you what what can you make for me uh I can make you a penguin I have those really and I can be Batman yeah let's go so I can go like this and then I can go like this what yeah I just I'm I'm a weirdo you like weirder and fast I know my God I know Ebony and Ivory so then I just tie them up here and then I don't know I lie to people tell them I went to Harvard for bology I mean ballon allergy is pretty good cuz you're killing the game right now so that I know it doesn't look like much right now oh my God he needs feet a penguin needs feet right I mean you're doing this pretty good I'm going to make a beak like this a beak all right and that's orange one of my favorite colors really yes too I mean you got this thing under control I am very in control oh my Lord please don't bust my bubble all right y'all see this oh my God it's okay we're talk how time that's all right let's let's get it's a mouthless penguin let's show it to everybody it's a bad penguin now miss Emily right yeah does Miss Emily deserve maybe $13 how about how about how about 15 how about 20 25 a 50 come [Music] [Applause] on she's the Penguin and I'm the Joker thank you to all our guest today and thank you for watching see you next time on the raw word Ohad girl you doing good you got a good tent [Applause] do

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