Survivor Edge Of Extinction In 16 Minutes!

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:16:25 Category: Entertainment

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Survivor edge of Extinction premiered on February 20th 2019 as 14 new players will begin a Survivor season like no other these 14 newbies will be joined by four returning players who represented The Season's theme and never given up even when things look Bleak with Aubrey and Joe joining K and one more and David joining Manu during the marooning Ron found an advantage with this being the advantage menu and he could steal tribe reward an extra Vote or individual immunity good up until the third Tribal Council but spoil alert with K's dness this Advantage wouldn't amount to much on K Eric and Gavin bonded and in general many players share their views and that the returning players had to go on Manu re red a lot of people the wrong way with her mom likee behavior and when she and Wendy helped Keith teach him how to swim the three of them quickly became The Outsiders of the tribe after K won immunity Keith smartly turned on his Alliance to save himself with re being the main target when word got back to re that she was in trouble she was Furious and campaign for wedworth but in the end it was too little too late for re with tribal not even hiding the fact that she was going home as she was indeed the first boot in a 4311 split vat with Wendy however just when all hop team lost for she was was given a decision to make re Trav spoken thanks if you want a chance to get back in the game takes the torch and get on the boat H nice episode 2 begins with ree living an absolute hell life at the edge which say what you will about this twist that had to be a miserable and scary couple nights alone for ree on Manu Rick and David Bond did and Kelly Le a tribe wide hunt for the idol to keep Wendy from finding it with their close was Ally Lauren being the one to get it at the immunity challenge Keith struggled with the swimming and tossing Rings leading to another coma Victory with this performance Keith became the new Target instead of windy due to how weak he was but Kei rallied for the majority to Blindside the obvious running Wentworth in the end though it was simply too early to make a big time move and thus weakling Keith was sent to the edge in a 611 vote Keith the tribe was spoken God Episode 3 begins with a reward challenge with man winning their first challenge winning themselves chickens however Wendy conspired to let the chickens free to get back at her tribe on comma a majority six officially formed to go against the returning players and Aurora who was closely align with Joe however Aubrey would find her first ever Idol on Survivor at the immed challenge monu couldn't keep their momentum going sending them to the third Tribal Council to begin the season after the challenge Wendy went through with their plan to sabotage the tribe and H the tribes Flint to keep them from cooking the chickens so at this Wendy seemed all but done for however David wanting to take out Wentworth got his number one Rick plus Chris and Wendy on board The Blindside Kelly however Chris would tell of the plan after David specifically told him not to Leading David and devans to wonder if they could fully trust Chris going forward at tribal Devin and David indeed felt like they could no longer fully trust Chris and started with Kelly's Alliance to Blindside him in a 5-2 vote and at the time made him win more forgettable boots of the Season Chris tribe spoken episode 4 will begin with a tribe swap but we really didn't get that much of a mixup as the new combo was all OG commas and Ron Julie Julia Joe and Aurora while Manu 2 consisted of only one OG Manu and Wendy with the rest of the tribe consisting of Gavin Victoria Eric and Aubrey and then a new tribe was formed called Leu consisting of the other five OG Manu members on lesu the elements really began to get to Lauren and she damn near was on the edge of quitting on comma 2.0 Aurora and Joe D be tried to form the majority lines with Ron but he was having none of it and even went through Joe's back to confirm he did have the idol on Manu when he told the tribe that she was on the bottom of the old Manu tribe making her an appetiz an option to pick up going forward however she once again became an outcast after she released the chickens at the media challenge despite being a new tribe the minus continue to struggle sending them to the first trial Council as luu the boat was pretty obvious as was in the middle between the two pairs of Kelly and Lauren and David and Devin with the Newbie players being the main target at tribal it looked like Lauren's terrible episode would end with her getting voted out with an idol in her pocket but the edit got us as front runner at the time in devans would be voted out over Lauren in a 3-2 vote fourth person voted out a Survivor edge of Extinction Rick devans devans Trav spoken the double boot episode 5 will begin with the reward challenge with K and Manu winning an assortment of sandwiches on Manu the OG Kama still wanted Aubrey gone despite Wy being the obvious vote with Victoria making a fake all girls Alliance to make Aubrey feel 100% safe on L Su while wardo tried to convince Kelly to take out the weakling Lauren for being sick Kelly wasn't budging and thus The Outsider David was all but a goner if they were to lose immunity and it sure looked like that but unbelievably the pathetic Leu Tri pulled off an insane comeback to send m to the tribal and put that right here put that right trying something different get it Le thinks they have it if they're right it would be their first win and it is wins imunity God are you okay oh my God the quote all girls Alliance thought about taking out one of the guys but Wendy was reluctant however Aubrey was completely oblivious to the fact that she was hesitant since a newbie comma brought Wendy in to Blindside her sending her to the edge with an idol in her pocket [Music] fifth person voted out a Survivor Aubrey that's three that's enough Aubrey Travis spoken Joe was super concerned to see Aubrey go and knew he was liking next of Comm where to go to tribal so as expected Joey Amazon turned off his challenge Beast meter to 100% as he led Kon to victory at both the reward and immunity challenges which was especially important this episode because only the first place team would be immune as the other two teams will go to Tribal Council to vote one person out Manu agreed to stick together and targeted Lauren correctly identifying that David likely wasn't close to her and wouldn't go to rocks this early in the game on lesu campaign for Wendy believing that there would be no way that OG commas would go to rocks for her the tribe then went on an idol hunt with Kelly finding it and shared it with Lauren with Lauren in turn telling Kelly about her Idol at tribal wo's plan went through as after a 4-4 tie between Lauren and Wendy the OG com voted her Wendy on the revote making her the final pre-merge boot of eoe can you call me Big Wendy big Wendy yeah there it is nothing like you Wy you're amazing the D is spok episode 6 begins with the merge however it wasn't going to be a 12p person merge like they had originally thought come on in wait I knew it I knew it are you serious there's always a Twist oh my God they're all coming does it Dev earns his way back into this game despite all five of the losing players agreeing to go back to the edge Keith and windy immediately raised a flag once they returned thus officially becoming the first players to be eliminated from Survivor Devin will get one half of a powerless immunity idol and if he and the person he shared the other half with survive tribal it would become a real Idol and he obviously gave the other half to his number one David the less of three majority of Kelly and Lauren turned on Devon since he was the easy vote and hope they can integrate themselves into the common majority at the immed challenge Julie would come out on top when word got back to de that he was a Target he and David also turned to the commas to save themselves to split the votes on Lauren and Wentworth with the OG Manu targeting each other the Comm 6 realized they had the bootes to take out Joe if they wanted to Ram was especially down for this after Joe was vague with him throughout the day but some others thought it was too early to turn on Kama at tribal Joe and his closest Ally Aurora joined in on the split vote against David and devans however the Comm six used their votes to take out the other OG comma returning player in Joe in a 6322 Blindside Joe the tribe is spoken after losing Joe Aurora question placed in the tribe as she now had nobody she could fully trust with the commas now a bit unstable approached devans about the OG monu coming together and bringing in Aurora but devans was having absolutely none of it and he and David joined up with the leaders of the common six and Eric and Ron to protect themselves at the edge Aubrey found two advantages with one being appalled to practice for the second re-enter duel and the other was an extra vote for somebody in the game which he gave to Aurora at the immedia challenge A desperate Aurora came out on top as she Lally bargained with Victoria after Lauren passed down out after the challenge the comments plus David and Rick plan to split the votes on Wentworth and Lauren however approached Gavin and Julia about Ron and Eric using David and devons to their advantage in the future leading to the wonder where they actually stood in the comma 6 and after Eric couldn't even look Julia in the eye when talking about a potential David Blindside this was the final straw for The comx Outsiders as Julia Victoria and Gavin flipped on Eric and Ron with Eric being their target sending him to the edge in an 822 vote Eric was spoken after being left out of the vote Ron and Julie made Julia their target believing she was the main one responsible for Eric's Blindside the majority a from the last vote agreed to stick together however the commas wanted to take out David as opposed to another comma which made the monu wary after Gavin won immunity the majority switched their target from David Don but when Julie got word of this she campaigned for the commas to get back together to take out Kelly after a quiet night before tribal Survivor bedan Kelly Wentworth got suspicious and after some alarming comments at tribal absolute chaos unfolded they're saying your name Julia Julia let's talk about it if it's not Julie I'm out freaking out no you know what I've seen the looks I've seen the looks and Ron should know not to trust it I wasn't even told until the very end by Gavin which one was the choice tonight deal with soccer moms she's Julie Julie I cannot believe one thing I'm ready to jump ship I'm ready to jump ship are you okay oh my God she lost her damn mind after everything finally settled everyone other than aora agreed to take out the untrustworthy Julia David played his and deon's Idol for himself and neglected a vote and in the end Julia was sent to the edge in a 91 vote Julia spok being the obvious Target for everyone considering she was the only one who didn't vote for Julia at the previous tribal Aurora clutched a big time to win immunity so with Aurora off the table the OG majority aliance this time decided to go through with their David blindsight plan while David and Devin tried to turn the game around on the Wentworth and Lauren Trio with being their target trying to get The Outsiders of Julia Aurora and Ron on their side in the end though the tribe simply viewed David as too threatening with only devons voting with him sending him to the edge in an 82 vote Here We Go Again Jeff David tra smok episode 9 continues on with the outsider Deon winning immunity in large part due to David sending him a challenge Advantage from The Edge so with the next best option Aurora on the table she appeared to be the easy vote for the night however self imediately wanted to make a big move recruited devons Victoria Ron and Aurora to Blindside wentw Aurora gave her extra vote to Ron to prove her loyalty but this only made Ron question his vote as voting on Aurora would mean he would get to keep this extra vote and nobody would know about it in the end though Ron spared Aurora and wo's plane went through as Kelly was shocked in a 5-4 Blindside sent her to the edge with an idol in her Pockets 11th person voted out in the eighth member of our jury Wentworth need to bring me a torch wow guys what worth trais spok after Kelly's Blindside Gavin confronted and made him his Target at the war challenge the team of Julie Lauren Rick and won a trip to the Sea mud pits along with the feast however on reward Julie and Lauren agreed that devans and were the most running players in the game with devans once again being an easy target for the majority however he once again followed their plans by winning the second straight clutch immunity so if devans off the table the next biggest target became however and deon's campaign for the next biggest threat in Ron to bring in his number one and Julie to vote for Aurora as Lauren Victoria and Gavin wouldn't go to rocks for her at tribal though Julian Ron sided with the majority plan sending him to the eoe in a 62 vote weog the tribe has spoken Devin confronted Ron about his betrayal with Ron giv him the advantage menu he found on day one to build trust but this menu was obviously long expired the remaining seven CWS were surprised by the loved ones as they will compete with them for a chance at a picnic lunch Ron and his partner Lloyd won and they chose Gavin and Julie along with their loved ones to join them devans knowing he was in trouble looked for an idol and he would indeed find it after Gavin went immunity devans was a clear Target but everyone was paranoid of him having the idol Ry assured him the abandon manyu was real and that everyone was on board to take out Aurora however the trio of Lauren Victoria and Gavin plan to split the Vates on Rick and Ryan as their secondary targets believing he was much more threatening than Aurora Aurora even gave her extra vote to Gavin to build trust to which Gavin used that tribal to V for Ron twice along with Lauren after Bering Ron over the advantage menu Devin played the idol for himself negle in the majority four votes and thus Ron was idled out in a 3-1 vote Ron the TR spoken after playing his Idol Devon searched for another one and he would find it at the reward challenge Gavin won and chose his Alliance of Lauren and Victoria to join him for a feast at a PO Resort where the three pondered their options knowing they had the power within the game at the immunity challenge the target devans once again came out on top which put Julian Aurora on The Chopping Block Lauren who had bonded with Julian felt she was an easier beat than Aurora campaigned for her but Gavin Victoria were wary if Lauren was too close to Julie at tribal Dev attempted to cause mistrust in the majority when he threatened to play his Idol on Julie however when the votes were revealed Devin kept his Idol and Lauren got everyone on board to vote out Aurora over Julie making her the final eoe vote off in a unanimous vote aora the Travis spoken the 11 edge of Extinction Castaways all fought for a final shot back in the game with third boot Chris Underwood coming out on top just beating out Joey Amazing Joe could win it right here Joe drop Chris for the win Chris it Chris has earned himself a spot back in the game back in the game Chris went to work immediately as he bonded with fellow eoe rury in devans and told Lauren he knew about her Idol as ww told everyone on the edge and everyone wanted to see her make a big move with it and there would be no bigger move than to play it on him and idle out the threatening devans after Julie won immunity Chris campaigned that Deans and Victoria were the biggest perceived jury at the edge but when Devon showed him his Idol this made Chris want to stay loyal to him as he received one half of an idol and if he made it past tribal it would become a full Idol the same Idol deons got back at the merge at tribal only Victoria voted for Chris as Lauren wasts her Idol on him and hopes to impress the jury devons would neglect a majority three votes with his idle play and in the end Victoria was idled out in a 20- vote this time going straight to the jury Victoria the tribe spoke the next day not only did devans give back his half of the idol to Chris make it a full Idol but he would find another rehent Idol his third of the Season he also planted two fake Idols that both Lauren and Julie would find and after Devon win a munity there would be four Idol plays at tribal Devin played his Idol for Gavin hoping he would take him to the final three if he were to win final munity while Chris played his Idol for himself neglecting the majority three votes Lauren and Julie both play their fake Idol as well much to their disbelief when they learned both were fake and in the end Chris and devans viewed Lauren as a much bigger threat than Julie as she became the second straight player to get idled out in a 20 vote lawren tribe spok thank you it's the final M challenge now and Chris would guarantee himself a spot in the final three with his victory however when it came time for the firem making challenge Chris made his million-dollar move it's the biggest risk I'm taking so tonight I am offering up my immunity necklace oh my this is yours Julie and I will be making fire against Rick Devin tonight wow it's over Chris has earned his way into the final three taking on Devin straight up Showdown devans Tri to spoke Chris Gavin and Julie now won the biggest wtl final 3es ever as Julie was a clear goat Gavin was invisible for most of the season and Chris has spent all game on the edge However the fact that he had spent so long with most of the jury members combined with his insane endgame gave him the 940 win over Gavin and respectively to become the 38th Soul Survivor and the first and still only winner to ever win after originally getting voted out the winner of Survivor edge of Extinction thank you guys so much for watching this retrospective of Survivor edge of Extinction please be sure to like And subscribe and check out my previous installments of this series as well and until next time have a good one guys

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