Bobcat postgame: Brent Vigen, Ty McCullouch, Tommy Mellott break down win over Cal Poly

Published: Oct 14, 2023 Duration: 00:18:50 Category: News & Politics

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outstanding effort offensively and defensively uh what are your initial uh comments after this one well I think there was there was was plenty of good plenty of uh big plays made by a lot of different guys um offense defense special teams you know I know I know what we're after and and at times that didn't maybe look like it but like we want it to I guess but uh you know appreciate the the effort by our team um you know anytime you can win a game in this league you got to take it and run with it and analyze it and move on from here and got Tommy back into some action and uh that two-minute offense that he ran right right at the end of the first half was spectacular yeah yeah I thought he uh he looked like a quarterback out there you know um considering he's been out it's five weeks right I and you know I thought uh when he was out there he functioned really well and at the same time we were we able to keep it somewhat limited um as far as the situations we put him in but um that was a step for us in in his return and um I thought it went well Sean Chambers continues to rush the football throw the football another allaround solid game for him yeah you know and looking at another game where he only carried it four times but all kinds of production obviously the big long run in there and and you know I thought he did some really good things in the downfield passing game and then he missed a few throws as well but uh you know with him I think we have uh you know big c big play capability I I know we do with Tommy as well and you know now that we have them both back healthy you know we can shift gears here a little bit um as we move forward but um yeah it was a good effort by both them and um that's what we needed need quarterback play to be good Tai over 100 yards receiv receiving tonight I gu what did he what does he bring to this offense in the in the Deep In The Deep passing game well I I think he he's a guy that can run away from people um everybody that watched that game they had nine guys or whatever eight guys down in the Box um consistently so you're leaving a guy like Tai matched up one oneon-one and we got him behind the defense a couple times we got him running across the the field away from the defense a couple times um you know he's got that uh that extra gear um and you know it was great to see him make that last one in particular because that was a contested catch so um you know pleased to get a little bit more out of him you know both uh at the receiving side of things and and with the big punt return to really get going things going yeah speaking of that what you think of probably you know most P returns you seen in a game so far I guess what you think in that front special teams you know uh special teams uh you know the punt return game was all over the map um we returned one for a touchdown we block one and we couldn't feel the whole bunch of them at the same time so you know um I I like to say you take the good with the bad but we can't uh we can't do that you know we have one go off have a turnover on pun return so um yeah a lot of opportunities uh you know we we certainly like the good but we got we can't um discount the things on that particular special team that didn't go real well um and then you know Derek I thought at the end went out there and did a really good job so uh yeah it's a little bit of everything for sure on that punt return team coach what was the reason behind uh Julius Davis not seeing the field you know Julius is is banged up um simply put you know he didn't play a lot in the last game and so he practiced a little bit this week and um you know I think we felt like if we buy him another week we that would be good for for him good for us and that's that was the result of it bringing Tommy in um in the Red Zone was something I don't know if has happened usually it's the other way around with with Sean coming in um what was kind of I guess the thinking behind put him in well I think we had certain things within this game plan that we were going to do with each guy and and I I think not necessarily dependent of the the field position um you know sometimes I think through the course of the uh the last year and a half um it has been strictly field position based as far as our substitution patterns with those quarterbacks but it really wasn't tonight you know it was just uh um hey you know we want to do a certain amount of things with Sean we want to maybe do a certain thing amount of things with Tommy and and that was it that was it more than the field position that case first uh kickoff was kind of a unique play where the ball's kind of rolling through out of bounds and then Marquee jumps on it out of bounds I mean what did you think of his no that's a a really uh smart play it's something that we cover um you know you you cover it in uh uh the fall in Fall Camp uh you know I'm sure it gets reviewed from time to time with them but that's that's the circumstance that ball that's not quite making it to the sideline um if the returner is out of bounds and touches the ball it's the penalty and that's uh you know one of those situations that you don't know when it's uh when it's going to pop up but when it does you want to execute it and Marque he just he did just that what you think of the pressure on the quarterbacks same he or seemed like he was getting hit a lot yeah you know as much as they want to throw it uh um that was you know something we needed to generate up front and and for the most part we I think we were able to do we're up rushing four guys um so you know um I'm looking at attempts they attempted near 40 times uh you know that's you throw it that much against against our front I I hope we can get some some pressure on and um we did just that you guys seem to you know maybe have you know glitches or whatever you want to call your first possession was a was kind of a three and out or whatever and then the defense had a tough time to start the second half kind of and then special teams too but what you say I mean they continue to plow through and well I know we start our first play offense we fumble the ball and it goes we go backwards so now we're in a second really long um you know defensively I I look at that that second start of the second half I mean they made some plays in there they you know they got good good players too but your point I think understand that all these teams that we play in our league have guys that are out there that are are more than capable of making plays they're going to make some from time to time and we have to be able to you know uh good play next play Bad play next next play and I think our guys really buy into they don't let things linger you know and if the other team scores we got to find a way to to answer that um so yeah I think you know we had to bounce back from Plenty of uh what I would say were bad plays today and not let those things really Stack Up On Us how' you feel uh Brendan's overall game was uh really good you know uh that's that's really the first time because we haven't punted a whole lot um that he really let the ball fly a couple times I know he was really really good in pregame um so on so on the pting punting they they ripped up a 59 y um average 49 on four punts that was great and um you know field goal wise extra point wise kickoffs you know and that breeze picked up a little bit I know he was getting it right down inside the one so you know that was uh that was probably as good as complete a game as he's he's had and that's um that's a great step for him Adam Jones first Gary goes for a touchdown how special was that yeah it's great you know I I I it happened this week where the the red shirt rule got changed essentially um so that you know postseason play wouldn't count so you're sitting there saying well we got six games left to guy like Adam we want to want to potentially play um see what he can do and we were down a couple backs so you know this was was a good time to give him an opportunity um so to clarify the the the four games that you play lives within the regular season I guess that's probably how I should have put it so anyways we're here give him a chance and and you know he made the most of it uh I think he showed great acceleration on that uh he's got uh really good Vision we've liked it we've seen and you know he's a guy that uh not only has a bright future but we want to you know get as many guys ready to go for the stretch run as we possibly can I'm sure run defense this uh especially the first half was a really spectacular uh how's that contributed to your success throughout the season so far well he you know we really want to we want to run it um and we did that again uh we want to be able to stop it and to do that uh you want you it takes uh it takes an effort that is certainly about guys making plays but it's about guys trusting one another and and being in the right spot and um I thought we did that I thought we tackled uh tackled well you know after we had a game against Portland State where they made some made some uh made us miss some tackles I guess um so yeah please please with that I I know um A lot's said about how much calp wants to throw it but you know you really got to limit the run so that doesn't become something that they they even want to think about um Jared kind of being the feature back tonight also had that you know that great catch in the end zone um what did you think of just him kind of stepping into that role tonight yeah you know I think uh that's that's probably the most run as far as uh volume that Jared's had and and you know I I I think uh you know 14 carries um probably a little bit of everything there and then it was a really a spectacular play in the passing game and I think that's one thing that he's done real well not a ton of opport opportunities so you know I hope it's an opport you know a game that Jared can build upon we certainly you know um I getting Julius uh back fully functioning Scot Humphrey Lane Summoner you know those guys are um on the menend and getting there but uh you know I think Jared continues to make the most of his opportunities all good all right thank you coach thanks Co all right questions for Tai welcome uh no so Ty um over 100 yards receiving tonight I guess what um what were you seeing in the past game I guess how big was that to kind of I guess have a big game like that in the past game um you know coach house and Coach Judy the whole offensive staff just prepared us so well this week we expected a lot of one man cover three looks which is great for you know one-on-one matchups and we knew this week would be like if we're going to do something it's now so I'm glad we were able to execute the way we did and we got to be be able to spread the ball out a lot so I'm happy for everyone we talked about your speed a lot I guess were you kind of waiting to catch your first deep ball on today yeah I was a bit antsy uh probably showed in the way I was playing a little bit but yeah it was very exciting take us through that P return touchdown oh man I I just fumbled the the uh Z round on the first play so I was a little upset with myself so I just kind of said I'm going to take this no matter what and I'm going to score and thankfully I did I was that feeling like going into the end zone while all the fans screaming right next to you oh I was Gass so I couldn't really there there were a lot of emotions going but it was it was it was a great feeling Bobcat Nation just amazing how uh tough has it been to sit on the sideline for the first four games of the season and how gratifying has it been the last two games to be able to you know see the field now it was extremely tough but just knowing I'm on a team with a lot of great guys who always work hard and always give their best it it just gave me hope for you know the first four four games and then what's to come next so um I although I was upset I was just happy for the team cuz we were winning kind of an adventurous special teams day uh individually and then just as a team I mean how would you describe just kind of the all the twists and turns on special teams today yeah they they started getting tricky with it they had like nine different formations that they were using on for punt specifically and they started kicking they started doing things that they weren't supposed to do so it kind of just you know messed me up a little bit back there but um I feel like there's a lot of improvement that we can do on special teams so we'll get back to it this week and we'll get better anything else all right thank you time y thanks thanks guys Tommy I guess first of all just you know first game back how did it feel to get back out there awesome yeah um it's tough sitting on the sidelines when you know those guys uh week in and week out are giving everything uh for the team and and you're not able to uh you know sacrifice along there with him so I think that's that was the biggest thing is just being back out there and being able to you know be with the guys um that I've been with throughout the entire summer um preparing for this season so it felt great couple touchdown passes I guess how did it feel to I guess you know kind of kind of get a score again kind of get back into the group tonight yeah um no it felt great getting back out there uh it's uh for sure a different situation when it's you know you're cold when you're going in there and uh you know just one play here or there you know a couple plays here and there and so so um but you know it's it's a different skill that you have to learn and so uh ultimately that's what you know we that's what we did tonight and and um you know I was just blessed to be back out there and playing how's your body feel overall I feel great yeah um I think uh you know I'm sure that like I was saying it just sacrificing day in and day out uh it's tough when you have one thing that's kind of holding you back and everything else just feels great you know um it's hard to sit on the sideline when you have one thing cuz I you know there's a lot of guys on this team team that have a couple things going on and you know maybe not uh you know substantial and taking them out but this you know a lot of guys fighting through injuries and and bumps and bruises and you know that's what football's all about it's you know it's a 100% injury report with that so um you know I feel great and I'm I'm just blessed to be able to be back out there with them might be a little sore tomorrow though yeah I'll be a little bit sore tomorrow I didn't take any hits today really but uh you know just getting back out there and running and you know just playing for you know shoot we out there for three and a half hours I think so uh you know that in itself will be um you know you get a little bit fatigued from so but just getting back into the group of things playing some football you threw for two touchdowns and returns you just say what you were seeing out there uh yeah uh I mean I think the very the first one was uh you know a great concept that they drew up um we we got great blocks by our wide receivers kind of set up like that taking advantage of some stuff that uh you know cowply does and uh you know it worked out great they give us some different looks looks um than what we had anticipated just that they haven't shown all year but um you know just that just uh I mean Snell made a great play on that one and then again uh on the second one with Jared uh you know he made a great play on a you know manto man uh matchup and and going up and getting a ball so um you know I think that those guys are The Playmakers for sure on those plays what have you thought of uh Sean chamers performance over the last you know four or five weeks since you've been out no he's been great um you know I think we're we're certainly blessed to have that guy um you know he's super dynamic on the ground he's throwing the ball really well um you know just uh stretching the field with some of those posts uh those race routes and uh you know he just a competitor and you know he'll do anything to win so I think that without a doubt he's he's done great so I'm uh you know it's great to be in the room with him every single day these runs I feel like uh they get longer and I feel like he's doing them every single game we're calling his number on a long touchdown run is that based on scheme kind of his reads and you know what the defense is doing or a little bit of both or what is that yeah I mean I just think the guy he makes plays um you know I think last week on the touchdown run it was in a situation where um you know they're they're in an odd defense they you know they have two guys run out with the bubble and uh you know everyone else is to the boundary and and you know he just has a hunch that you know he pulls his ball when um you know the situation that we had you know most likely you know just kind of a give um but he just sees it and and you know they they blew the defense uh with two guys running over there and then you know he makes a huge play and you know weaves around a couple guys and and and then you know again tonight I think that um you know we made a great read a great read pulling it off of uh the seap defender and then he's just you know dynamic he just runs and and um you know the guys outside of him obviously um you know didn't keep containing you know he just made a great play off of it just took advantage of that yeah sorry last one uh for me especially on that uh one where he pulled uh broke about probably three or four tackles carried like three guys in the end zone what do you uh what does that say about his toughness you know how tough do you think he is oh yeah I mean the guy runs hard um I mean like I said he's just a competitor he's going to do everything he can to win um and you know that's what that's what he is as a you know a quarterback and it's a great thing I mean that's what you you certainly um you know that's that's the name of the game is is is scoring points and and and competing and he does a great job with that he just runs you know physical and and um no that was that was it was a great play I think uh you know I have to watch it for sure and uh you know obviously you can't teach that that stuff uh I think our online had a great uh you know push in there as well but yeah Sean I mean he just keeps rolling you know when most guys would try to get down so they don't um you know get injured or you know he just keeps rolling and you know I just kind of what he that's what he was that's what he was doing so it's awesome you and him seem to have a really good relationship how would you describe your relationship these last two years yeah I mean it's been great um you know when when we first brought him over here um you know right after the national championship game you know certainly like okay well like oh what's going to happen with this how you know how's this guy going to be and and I think from the very start it was always you know we were very upfront with each other talking to each other um you know making it very plain that what we're doing here is is uh you know we're going to do one our 11th really well whoever is going to play and uh you know we're going to help this team win and and that was the thing from the very first start you know very first day uh you know talking and I think that um he's a competitor and and um you know our relationship is is great you know just day in and day out you know working with each other talking over things um you know what he sees what I see um you know kind of just trying to learn from each other for sure so uh you know he he sees the game a little bit differently than I do and and that's you know certainly a great thing and and we can kind of uh combine those ideas together um Tai is a guy you guys been waiting to add to the mix for the first few weeks of the season I guess what's it like to have him back what's he bring to this this offense and I guess having a big game tonight yeah um I mean Tai I think you talked about it there briefly you know he's out there for he was out for a couple weeks and I know how hard that was for him you know he doesn't he uh you know obviously didn't play most of last year um and then you know he obviously wanted to to come here and and uh you know get rolling right off the bat um a couple of those games were taken away from him unfortunately but you know he's he's a he's a High character guy that was here all summer for the right reasons uh he came to this team with you know the right intent of of just winning games and contributing and and and doing his oneth and and I think the guy is super Dynamic uh you know super fast a playmaker um you know I wish uh that first you know very first play would have gone a little bit better I think that you know he could might have been able to house it I I I'll have to watch to see what happened on it um but I mean shoy came right back and and house that punt return and and um you know was making plays downfield you know tough plays with those posts and those race you know those catches um which is great

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