Minecraft Movie Looks Really Awful

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:17:49 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: film minecraft
if it's Steve it's Steve so if you couldn't tell I'm quite ill at the minute I've got a bit of a cold my chest is clogged I'm losing 90% of my fluids through my nose and you know the main reason because of that is no it's not because I went to a public swimming pool that wasn't treated and someone probably peed in the pool it's because the Minecraft movie trailer just came out and I will be honest to you Brave statement incoming that I definitely haven't stolen from popular commentary Channel critical it is not good it is beyond not good now the Minecraft movie trailer is something that has been in concept for I I feel like it's been decades now right like for example we've had the Five Nights at Freddy's film that came out that was done by blumhouse that to be fair for the most part was actually pretty good I mean you know back when it came out I did actually caption it saying that the film wasn't very good I did like a little Meme and then everyone basically quote tweeted it uh roasting me I feel there's a lot of films that Hollywood think about making and then they kind of realized no we should do that but then they end up doing it anyway I mean I remember like over 10 years ago there there was a meme movie that was meant to come out this prophesized meme movie with like Miga socially awkward penguin a bunch of memes that new Jens would not understand and then that morphed into the Emoji Movie which is one of the most hated films of all time mostly because one of the main characters is James Cordon welcome to the loser Lounge I also feel that negativity online right now spreads a lot more than how it did you know a couple of years ago because it gets clicks it gets views but that being said me trying to be a contrarian as much as I can the new Minecraft trailer it does not look good it looks absolutely horrendous I mean if you look at the like to dislike ratio now I know it's not that accurate since YouTube blocked it but it's just a very negative reception overall me personally the biggest problem I have with the trailer is why is it humans why is it actual like real actors inside a CGI world that is the most dead kind of film making imaginable it's basically just like the Avengers films where you know it's people just on like a green screen set the entire time but in the Avengers it made sense because it was humans that were put into you know a realistic setting but here it's an animated setting it's Minecraft and they have real life actors like they've got Jason Mamoa uh they've got Jack Black playing Minecraft Steve with the little blue shirt you know I love Jack Black just as much as the next 35-year-old redditor I even saw him live in Berlin Tenacious D with him and Kyle gas that was before the uh the little spat that they had meet me over by the drums do not bring your microphone you know the joke that Kyle made about wanting to game end orange man and that led to Jack basically saying he just doesn't stand for it don't miss next time and another problem I have with the film as well apart from the live action actors I mean we don't need that we could have just had like you know CGI uh you know like Minecraft Steve the Minecraft female I have no idea what her name is I'll be honest but think about it if you actually had Minecraft character characters in a Minecraft film imagine the visual comedy and visual gags that you could have I mean we've already had Minecraft story mode like that was an actual game that Telltale made there was so much genius comedy there I remember one scene like I've never played the games myself but one scene that went like viral everywhere is when one of the main characters pet pig the pet pig dies and he turns into a pork chop and it's it's genius writing because it's really horrible it's it's a horrible scene the sad music playing but then also it's kind of funny because turns into a literal pork chop it'll be fine are you okay you're a hero does say anything and also the visuals of the actual Minecraft world itself some of the scenes do look pretty good but for the most part it almost looks like a you know one of those texture packs you download and it just looks way too realistic to the point that it's like very uncanny photo realistic to the point that everything just looks off that's exactly how the film looks the film I don't know how they've done it the film does not look like Minecraft it looks like a HD texture pack for Minecraft I do have to be honest though like I am incredibly biased with this stuff like one of my favorite texture packs of all time there was a guy this is old head we are going back to old head territory there was a Minecraft YouTuber called disco and he did these amazing coded you know redstone contraptions and he also released his own texture pack called the OCD texture pack and it basically simplified all the blocks and stuff like that and it was very appealing to look at if you don't know who Disco is he was the guy who made the crying Notch face if you guys remember that please God tell me you remember that I'm not that old right oh God could you imagine the little zumas watching this video they got no idea so what that's that's not a that's not a fortnite event what is that you know some of the actors in This film I don't really have great hopes for Jack Black for example I think he's a very talented guy amazing musician you know some of my favorite films of all time is like Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny but also he has been in some real stinkers recently like for example the Borderlands film he played the kind of like quirky clap trap side character and I feel in this film as well he's going to have the same kind of role he won't have a main role I guess more of like a side roll or a cameo rle he's probably going to get these four characters and show them around you know the the world and how it works and stuff because he's someone that's basically lived there you've also got Jason mamur in the film as well I have no idea what he's dressed as he looks like a reject of Ken from the Barbie film and then you've got other cast members in the trailer like for example uh white woman black woman and white child I I I'll be honest I have no idea who those people are if they were in like your favorite Netflix series or something I'm incredibly sorry to offend you but genuinely the only people I know in this film Jason Mamoa and Jack Black but again I really don't watch films anymore I think the last film I watched is long legs and only because of Nicholas Cage let me in now and it can be nice let me in now and it can be now I do think there is some credit needed I don't like the visual Style I think it's really bizarre looking but still the VFX team whoever's been hired and probably absolutely overworked because VFX teams is basically the same as like working in video games it's crunch hours they've done a good job I mean some of the shuts in this film like when you can see you know the Minecraft trees and stuff and how the trees are blocks that is good I like that I think the actual world looks good but then the actual models that they've got look bad like for example there's some you know some scenes in the trailer where you can see like you know Pigmen and stuff from the nether uh and it just doesn't it doesn't look good you know you can see pictures of like uh sheep llamas that doesn't look good because it's almost like they've tried to keep the blocky Minecraft aesthetic but then they've they've almost tried to shoe in like a kind of Angry Birds look where everything looks a little bit off or almost like you know it doesn't have a consistent style the Super Mario Brothers film had a consistent startle again that's another film that Jack Black was in so he seems to be really doing this Tour on like you know animated films at the minute or playing an animated character in a live action film now I get it okay the cards were stacked against them to do a video game film and make it successful is really really hard to do you know if you look at the Wikipedia page for video game films I think only a handful of them are rated over 50% now we're all being negative NES right we're all jumping on how how bad this film is you know oh God it looks so awful it's it's going to you know it's going to be terrible will it do well financially yes it will you know why the Borderlands film failed and no one saw it because Borderlands was an 18 rated game kids had no idea what that was they weren't allowed to play it Minecraft is one of the most accessible games on the entire planet you could probably run Minecraft on like a toilet bedet if you programmed it properly and I think that's the point like it's not really to be like a groundbreaking film that appeases people it's just to get kids to beg their parents to come into the cinema to watch the Minecraft film because again that's two tickets isn't it if it's a parent and a child that's two tickets that's already double the profit like the Super Mario Brothers film I don't think it was a terrible film I just think it was like you know pretty forgettable it's like eh but again it's like that's not what they care about they care about the kids they want to try and get as many in the cinema as possible to sell tickets and they don't care about quality control parents are just happy that their child is looking at a big screen instead of just looking at an iPad could you imagine that it's like oh Terry I'm going to take our our our son I'm going to take him to the cinema so he can stare at the big iPad on the wall not the little one the little one damages his eyes and that's where he plays Roblox with the older men now one of the only saving Graces I can find for this film which shows that someone in the department did actually care is the fact the music for the film is scored by Mark msbar now if you're infamiliar with that name don't worry I have no idea who he is either he was the co-founder of the80s electronic band dvo which most people probably know as like the funny Red Hat People now the important thing is this guy has scored loads and loads of video game music he's done the Sims 2 Crash Bandicoot Jack and Daxter even you know Skate 3 you know how like everyone loves Skate 3 the funny game where you can like you know jump off your skateboard and how people are begging for Skate 4 isn't it crazy to think it's actually been like over 14 years since we've had a sequel to Skate 3 that is woo that is scary he's also scored movies and TV shows like for example uh the Rugrats uh Regular Show Thor Ragnarok uh cocaine bear like that's meant to be a Saving Grace oh yeah you know the guy who did cocaine bear let's get him on for the Minecraft film so the point I'm trying to make there is at least the music score might be saved now loads and loads of people especially on Twitter are just not happy with the Minecraft film I mean people on Twitter are never happy anyway because they complain 20 hours a day for free for but someone called chzo on Twitter made a really good point basically saying that what made them upset is the fact that the Minecraft film could have looked like this and they basically showed a trailer that moang did or Microsoft I guess talking about the Minecraft caves and cliffs update and this could have been what the Minecraft film could have looked like which is not too dissimilar to how the film actually looked but instead of having you know actual actors it's Minecraft characters now again I have been very negative about the trailer I don't think it's very good I think it's a very bad representation of what Minecraft is but again it's going to do well you know we can we can hate on it and say how this isn't what I dreamed of but it will do well because Minecraft is you know it came out 13 years ago it's a very old game but it constantly has a new influx of kids that play the game and that's what's important this isn't like an old franchise I mean you know a great example that I talked about earlier Borderlands first of all it was 18 only it was mated I mean I get it like the occasional parent will be um based and let their kid you know play the game when they don't hit the age of 18 you know it takes me back to me being like 12 years old playing GTA 4 and I just felt like the most evil person in the world like oh I'm playing a game that I'm not legally allowed to play oh my God I always remember when I was trying to get like 18 rated games I'd make up this lie saying how like it's rated 18 because the game is difficult even though you know rating boards have nothing to do with difficulty it's just like you know sex violence drugs Minecraft is a game that resurges quite a lot I mean you know you had the whole yog cast thing like basically 10 years ago and now you know more recently in 2020 you had lockdown and then you had all these Minecrafters blow up overnight you know because every kid was basically stuck at home and they couldn't go outside so all they could do really is use Twitter but then they became quite depressed so then they went over to YouTube and it's like oh look that's Tommy in it I'm going to set my profile picture as him I like that person now now of course as you can imagine for such a momentous occasion every YouTuber rushed to do a video on this I think the opinion we need to respect the most are actually the Minecraft youtubers themselves because they are basically the major reason why this film will be financially successful Tom me and it did a reaction Captain Sparkles another incredibly famous Minecraft Youtuber also did a reaction to it and Analysis but one video that I love out of every YouTuber on this site Jack films did a reaction right and some of these people they tried so hard to get it to the 8 Minute Mark so they could you know get more money and stuff and they just fell short I mean uh tmy in it just fell short critical just fell short unlucky but somehow Jack films managed to turn it into a 30-minute video by basically having the most schizophrenic breakdown possible he analyzed the entire trailer frame by frame and I don't mean like you know frame by frame some people say that he literally analyzed frame by frame while having this like VR Avatar of himself on the right that's ran by AI I'll be honest I haven't checked in on Jack's films in quite a while but I feel like his the law that has gone on over there has progressed about seven layers deeper than the Sniper Wolf drama I saw him in last year I'm going to be honest with you guys I don't know what this is I don't know if this is I don't know if this is like a famous town in Minecraft like is this does everyone know the village in Minecraft I don't know exactly what I'm looking at but it looks cute I am so excited react bot are you ready for the Minecraft movie squeeze me son my man let's go so just imagine at all moments of this 90minut or 2hour movie however the movie is they're just going like but why is that tree floating after I cut it down why are the pigs talking Steve who I can't I cannot wait for that I cannot wait for that Cinema now a lot of people as well have been very quick to point out these similarities between the Minecraft trailer and the first Sonic trailer if you remember Sonic obviously got a trailer and everyone hated Sonic's design so much they basically harassed Sega to the point that they had to redo the entire Sonic character and thank God because obviously in the original trailer that was dark days he looked way too photo realistic and it just looked off it didn't look like a hedgehog it looked like a man wearing a suit of a hedgehog and obviously if you look at the side by-side picture of like the pink sheep and the trailer and then Sonic it does look kind of similar unfortunately it is giving the same amount of Vibes so am I saying to bully The Producers until they make the change no because bullying is bad 2016 pyro would be saying that but not current pyro I'm a changed man like I think with the Minecraft sheep if they got rid of the hyper realistic teeth and the hyper realistic tongue I think the rest of the model actually looks okay one way I think they can actually save the film is by putting a few like you know adult jokes in there hear me out I'm not talking about innuendos and stuff like okay so I looked at the plot summary and they gave a full plot summary in the description of the video and basically they're trying to beat the Ender Dragon to go home you know the same as like pretty much any single Minecraft run but could you imagine like if the ending had like a gag for example where you know they're trying to beat the Ender Dragon they ran out of resources they're all about to die someone looked at an Enderman they didn't have the little pumpkin on their head you know everyone's going to get game ended and then suddenly Jack Black comes in as Steve and he uses like the funny command block to use console commands to basically delete the Ender Dragon I think jokes like that you know in practice could be kind of funny but it would go over most kids' heads so I I just don't think they'll put in stuff like that I think one closing note I want to complain about as well which I find really bizarre is like whoever the VFX team were they they did an amazing job but they seem to have added fur onto everything I'm not really sure why you know like the llamas have fur the sheeps have fur that makes sense but then if you look at stuff like the clouds the clouds almost don't look like Minecraft clouds because they look a bit too realistic and then in even more damning examples you can vaguely see a creeper for like a couple of frames in the Minecraft trailer and it has fur on it this is one of the problems I have with it some of the stuff in it looks like Minecraft and then other parts look hyper realistic I mean look at the grass if you look at the grass in any of the shots of the film The Grass looks like it looks photorealistic the VFX team they have done an insane job but again just because it's realistic doesn't mean it's actually Minecraft and let me end the video on this if you think I'm being too negative they're one of the most liked and wholesome streamers on the internet right now queso watched the trailer and even he said himself he just did not enjoy the look of it at all this don't even look right there's real people in it dude it's just like why look at this llama I legit yo Chad I legitimately I thought y'all was just being too critical when when I when I asked y'all if this was good or bad the funny thing is about queso as well he was actually more hyped about a fan animation in Minecraft someone made for him than the actual Minecraft trailer okay so we spawned in an area where there's literally one tree what dude what is this we spawned in an area where there's literally one tree within the within the next 30 miles be sketch watch out [Music] like hitting them hitting them hitting them hitting them we're all good here wait dides he give honey or no that'd be too hyper realistic right yeah so what does all of this mean with the Minecraft film coming out I don't know but they should bring back jinsky games remember that YouTube channel that Jack Black had that he said he was going to upload loads of video games on and he basically never ended up playing a single video game uh yeah he should he should bring that back hey what's up it's me Jack Black this is my new YouTube channel jablinski it's going to be bigger than ninja it's going to be bigger than pewdiepie So what's Jain jables it's PewDiePie oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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