How Nikocado Avocado Lost The Weight

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:27:15 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: nikocado
coming out with lies like the old scale two steps ahead I am always two steps [Music] ahead we've had a lot of weird conspiracies during our time for example many years ago we had Timmy thick someone that would post quite provocative pictures of themselves on the internet and then later a tweet came out saying that this was entirely a Harvard experiment and then it actually got so bad that Harvard had to come out themselves and say no this has nothing to do with us another great example is the Legendary Times of 2016 where you would have YouTubers do pranks out in public but they would dub them as social experiments well we've had a lot of social experiments in our time but I feel that nikocado avocado has done the first real social experiment pulling the rug underneath everyone now if you don't know what's happened with nikocado avocado you do you saw the critical video on it it's basically redundant me even doing a video Once critical has already covered it but I have the added bonus of chat roasting me apparently me being devastated that nikocado avocado lost weight TI pyro has now unsubscribed to nikocado avocado due to losing his weight inflation fat okay there's a difference there's a difference now nikocado is not new to the paralive slop Mill and to be fair he's not new to the internet in general he's beefed with loads of creators and from what I've heard is suing quite a lot of them as well he's actually reached that level of infamy that he managed to get himself the meat Canyon special treatment and it's your fault and then nicardo reacted to said video while doing a a mukbang at the same time it it's your fault I'm wearing the wrong shirt it's your fault and then on top of that as well got me can and oille to do a mukbang together and then it went even further with umil doing multiple collabs with nikocado avocado and they even had a podcast that was very shortlived most people don't actually remember that they did have a podcast together so it's no secret that nikocado avocado is a marketing genius like the guy is so smart he manages to turn any negative controversy in a way to get clicks and attention onto his channel I'm sure you've all seen the videos of him like in a Mobility Scooter going around w like hitting stuff you know crying even Parts where he's like apparently defecating himself in videos oops oops this is all a really smart Ploy because in reality nadoo is playing a character to look into nado's content is like you are basically trying to understand the ending of lust I've even seen YouTubers that have had like these seven layered game theories on how for example nicardo is only doing this and only destroying his body by putting on so much weight so quickly because he's trying to fulfill a fantasy and he might even have a sugar daddy he deleted old footage and clips as if it's like him pretending to be someone else's Channel like I don't understand I don't understand but this is on his own channel that's doing this and at that moment when I realized that that this is just a fetish thing one thing I do want to say after watching that clip do not look at the other tab the guy has opened I have no idea why he has that okay that's weird so of course the main problem everyone had with nicard is the fact that he was borderline fetishizing his content you know doing mukbangs to the point that most people would eat like that amount of calories probably within a week not in one sitting now I'm not telling people what to do with their bodies of course parasal would say that but the point I'm trying to make is he actually got so much notoriety from doing all this that you know he was sat there in like an oxygen mask at one point and I remember critical doing a video I think over a year ago basically saying that this YouTuber is killing himself slowly four views and keep in mind a lot of people forget this because they only know the fat nikocado avocado years ago basically when starting YouTube the guy was skinny he was skinny and he was a vegan YouTuber and one of the First videos he actually uploaded was him basically quitting being a vegan and that's when like you know all the weight gain started so from his own words he basically left the vegan Community mostly due to like uh mental health issues and originally when he blew up I I don't mean in Korea I mean literally in size a lot of people were concerned but I think originally it probably was just excess weight I mean like you know when you're a vegan you tend to you don't tend to eat more healthily that's not true a lot of people that are vegans usually just like live off fries and stuff but you know I assume he had a certain diet and when he stopped being vegan that basically just completely fell out the window and I think a lot of people found nikocado avocado and they were bullying him because he was fat and then he realized wait I'm actually getting more views doing this so I tell you what I'm going to do I'm going to double down I'm going to make even more content like this I'm going to bait even more people this is one of the first examples I've ever seen of a profitable LOL cow so there's loads of people out there on the internet like you know Boogie only used be blade like you know a lot of people that like you know they get made fun of and they get no views it it is the worst outcome you can ever have in your career but nicardo is walking that tight rope perfectly he's hated online he's been villainized but he gets views so it is worth it I mean obviously looking at this from like an actual human perspective not just like you know content brain Andy obviously over time this would ruin anyone's mental health I've been playing a lot of fear and hunger recently it's basically like the Mind bar just like slowly shrinking over time and I feel like money and Views only get you so far because if you're hated on the internet and you can't play it well I.E you're not a psychopath then it sucks it degrades you and I think that's one of the reasons why he basically lost all of this weight and now he's skinny now to the actual video itself he does begin with his Infamous quote two steps ahead I am always always two steps ahead two steps ahead I am always two steps ahead now he actually dropped two videos which a lot of people didn't notice he dropped one on his main Channel and then he dropped one on his second Channel and again you look at the main Channel there hasn't been an upload for over 7 months and then on the second Channel there's been an upload in the past 3 months which led a lot of people to believe that he's basically been pre-recording all of his videos for the past couple of years now I've gone through through all of the both of the videos and I've watched them in their entirety he purposely keeps it vague how he lost the weight a lot of people think he was like taking illicit substances a lot of people think he was just OIC coping I really don't think people understand that OIC is not this miracal weight loss drug that everyone thinks it is okay I'm going to go on this rant about oone pic for a second right so a good example right A lot of people in the fitness industry they're absolutely enormous like Sam solic you can look at that person and say lamu you're on Trend you can say that guilt-free but then when someone loses weight now a lot of people jump on that train by saying oh it's OIC he's OIC coping OIC final bus again I don't think people understand like OIC itself does not help you lose weight OIC all it does is kill your appetite and the reason why a lot of people are fat is because there's just like so much junk food I remember like I think I've already been to America like twice in my life I feel so bad for you guys like the UK is horrendous for food and nutrition but America it's like I swear like you go to any supermarket in America 90% of it will be just like you know packaged junk food ready to eat and then the other 10% will actually be like food like actual food that you need to go home prepare cook boil all that kind of stuff I don't cook that that takes too long I'm just going to eat the Takis instead now he goes on a very weird rant which is basically up there with Heath ledgers Joker or any Far Cry villain to date you know he said he's two steps ahead he then says that this was a the greatest social experiment he has ever done this has been the greatest social experiment for my entire life it's luring it's compelling it's gripping and then he goes on this weird rant saying like everyone's following mob mentality and you're always just ants I feel as if I'm monitoring ants on an ant farm one follows another follows another follows another it's mesmerizing it's spellbinding all the these little consumers all of these lost and bored people people consuming anything that they're told to consume and then he takes this panda head off to reveal that he is in fact the villain so I am the villain because I've made myself one so I kind of told a bit of a lie earlier on in the video you know how I said that he never actually explicitly said how he lost the weight he did he said he had a dream and he woke up and when he woke up he lost 250 for some reason I don't really believe that I'm not sure why today I woke up from a very long dream and I also woke up having lost 250 lbs off of my body also I do want to say a lot of people just completely skimmed over this video obviously you know nicard is doing this whole bit you know like an evil character Arc and he's lost all this weight because I think again the guy's are marketing genius right if he just did a video saying he lost the weight and it was a wholesome video people would be like wow that's cool anyways but by making it out that he's been like a villain all along he's building up that Persona and it's really smart because everyone is talking about him including me because I like money but the point I want to make is that panda head is really really important and a lot of videos I've watched I watched critical video and no one else's but I'm just going to say I watched a lot of videos no one actually seemed to pick up that the panda head has a lot of significance in like a really bad way so you might remember a video floating around on YouTube called why I'm scared of nikocado avocado uploaded by Stephanie Sue this has been in like loads of meme formats and stuff now most people probably haven't even watched a second of the video they just know the meme format of where she looks terrified and right above is like Nado avocado screaming or something in a different thumbnail but one thing that's really important is the panda head that nikocado avocado is wearing is the exact same panda head that Stephanie's husband hband wears and Stephanie's husband wears that on purpose to conceal and hide his identity and obviously if you can guess Stephanie and nicardo are not on good terms there's actually a tweet here pointing it out as for the panda head when he Reveals His weight loss Stephanie's husband famously keeps his identity Anonymous by wearing that exact panda head so it's 100% intended to be a slight at Stephanie now the Stephanie Sue and nicardo drama runs deep I mean that original video like why I'm scared of him that came out 4 years ago and they still haven't managed to patch up since there was a tweet I found which basically tried to like Briefly summarize the entire beef so nicardo was cool at first and they shared intimate aspects of their life which built trust between them that was all shattered when nicardo started trying to pressure Sue into spilling tea about her drama with another Creator Sue kept trying to avoid the conversation saying it's over and she had no bad feelings from the falling out which she had with said Creator nicardo kept pressing her he recommended that they collab on a video spilling tea and she was like no I don't want to do that but then he'd use her words against her and pressure her during the filming he bought it up and even though she was clearly uncomfortable and he made it seem like she had some big problem with the Creator but like you said XYZ twisting her words after Sue felt scared because nicardo is known to make callout videos so she was afraid he'd share the personal stuff that she confided in him about now I can't exactly vouch for that claim but I have heard through the grape vine again with no proof whatsoever so the biggest fatest allegedly but Nado avocado is apparently someone that is known to sue quite a lot of other content content creators apparently there's like a lot of ongoing lawsuits and stuff although she was uncomfortable she finished the third agreed collab video the next day they were texting and calling her to try and film The Last collab but Sue was literally asleep after a night of panic attacks she told them that she was in and out of sleep nekado was angry he thought he'd been kept waiting for her just to cancel after failing to pressure her into still doing it he took to insta story saying he had audio files and receipts about a certain Creator later Sue discovered something in her CCTV footage now this is where the rabbit hole gets even deeper and we do talk about like some essay stuff so if you don't want to you know watch that I'm going to put like a time stamp on screen when I stopped talking about it back story I believe Stephanie Sue was sexually assaulted in her own home so she's very serious about security she had like a CCTV setup he knew about her trauma and fears and such regarding security anyway nicardo kept saying weird things about her home and how nice it was at one point she stepped away momentarily to go to the bathroom I believe and she could see that nicardo had taken pictures of her security system during that time from the CCTV which was creepy like why my security system why would you wait till she left to do that and without permission Sue felt anxious after that and had the breakdown that caused her to sleep in Not only was she anxious cuz he kept threatening to expose her on Insta but he also intimidated her and manipulated her not taking no for an answer which is why the topic of essay came up she found out that he had made a me too joke in a past video and lamented about a date he went on and the dude didn't want to sleep with him and how annoyed he was cuz he had gone all the way down there just to not get laid it was gross and weird Su reached out to the person they talked about and how scary and manipulative nicardo was Nick spread negative rumors about Sue so other creators joined him in making fun of her in and out of sleep comment publicly filming videos about them saying it now this rabbit hole with like you know nicardo and Stephanie Sue I feel like this is going to be dug up again because he's back in the spotlight honestly like that entire thing that I read There is absolutely no proof in anything that has been mentioned it's kind of just like a you know like nicardo could basically just come out now and say no that's not true and where did you go from that it turns into a he said she said situation I know it takes away from the video a bit but I did want to mention it because I noticed a lot of people are bringing up the Stephanie Sue stuff again now going back to the weight loss it is kind of funny because he does say in the video that prior to him losing the weight a lot of people were just calling him you know Fat Sick boring irrelevant people were calling me fat and sick and boring an irrelevant I think irrelevant is the one you really can't use because the guy was pulling like millions of views per video again he was hated online he knew he was hated online but if you're pulling in those views and you can deal with the mental anguish of the entire internet on your back it's worth it but yeah then he doubles down again basically saying he's always been two steps ahead and then bizarrely doing a cubric stare into the camera for a few seconds if you've seen Like A Clockwork Orange or like any cubric film you'll know exactly what I'm talking about people are the most messed up cre creatures on the entire planet and yet I've still managed to stay two steps ahead of everyone and then after that after that bizarre Far Cry you know how you play a Far Cry game and you get like the intro to the villain and it will be like a really good like 10minute monologue and then you don't see them again until like 3 hours into the the game and then you probably see them again when you kill them at the [Music] end that is basically the same intro that nicardo has here because as soon as he's done with that the tone instantly changes and it goes straight to like this wholesome mukbang with him with his parrot called Mr Noodles and then if you go onto the second Channel video believe me I watched all of these I became like a nikocado avocado scholar I was trying so hard to find like any kind of like secret messages or links or anything but there was nothing and the second video basically is wholesome throughout it doesn't have that kind of like dark ominous message like the first video does but one important tidbit he does share is he says at one point in the video that he hasn't recorded a video like this in 2 years I haven't made a video for like 2 years so it's reason to believe that he's been basically losing this weight consistently for the past 2 years and I think you have to give the guy credit like he has lost an incredible amount of weight and I think as well he's done it in a very clean way he doesn't seem to have like you know any kind of like loose skin or anything which usually happens when you have incredibly quick and dramatic weight loss I think he's just been like slowly doing it for the past 2 years to the point that the skin on his body has actually had time to adjust I mean obviously he's wearing you know a red shirt in the video you can't tell like what the bell's doing down here you can't tell if he's like covered in stretch marks but like it doesn't really matter like I'm genuinely happy for the guy I don't watch his content I'm not like a fan or anything but like you know to lose that much weight whether it be like you know exercising uh not eating as much which is probably that one to be fair you know even like OIC coping you know like no matter what he's done it's obviously work for him so you know congrats like I cannot hate on that now in the videos as well after the you know Joseph Sneed Far Cry 5 dialogue how he's going to like you know start his own cult he does actually seem to have changed his mannerisms you know his personality he's a lot more like you know he doesn't have a temper anymore he's a lot more softspoken he almost seems to be worried that people won't like him anymore I don't think this is actual nikocado avocado I think this is like another kind of like Persona you know he's got these like chaotic little Outburst Tiss where he'd like you know fart and like start crying or something or like you know Miss a bit of food and just like start tearing up all of this like this chaotic element this like negative Karma aspect of him it's been completely wiped and to be fair one thing that's really surprising even though he's like so dead skinny now he still manages in both of these mukbangs to devour an entire plate of noodles which I think he said himself at one point was like 5,000 calories now is he actually eating these noodles because a lot of mukbangers do like cuts and and stuff where they just spit the food out afterwards which is just disgusting like absolute waste of food I know that's me complaining about that all right but like I'm saying I think there's something really wrong about like promoting binge eating and then you just like spit it out off camera but nicardo is known for his mukbangs for having basically minimal cuts and honestly a lot of professional he's probably eating right now the same way that a lot of professional eaters do in the same sense as like uh beard Meats food Matt Stony these are people that will binge e like an insane amount of food one day of the week and then the other six days of the week they're literally just living off like protein shakes a couple eggs that's it because they know that the one day of the week they're in a calorie Surplus and that's fine usually the way it works is like if you're in a calorie Surplus for like one day maybe two maybe two you're okay that's fine anything after that it's over but yeah if you manage to like bottle it down to like one or two days and then the rest of the days you're in like a deficit it's fine it balances itself out so that's usually the cheat code when you see like a bunch of like skinny people eat like 20 calories and it's like how are you not how do you not look like a parasitical commission what is that this then led to loads and loads of people making memes the guys straight away like for example they're saying that nicardo looks like the Scout from Team Fortress 2 to be fair not that dissimilar the red shirt in the cap is really helping there's a picture of him before and after the weight loss you know saying before and after uninstalling League of Legends nikocado avocado is a psychological horror to me he's been saying it's an experiment from the start but the way he dropped all his morals of being a vegan put on this act for years and then secretly lost it all for a gotcha moment I am scared of him and his dedication and then there's one nikocado avocado coming back after 7 months with skinny Peter Griffin there's something wrong about skinny Peter Griffin I think it's the neck there's something really wrong about that pop crave even did a tweet saying nicardo revealed his 250b weight loss in a new YouTube video titled two steps ahead he claims he'd secretly been losing weight while posting old videos in what he called the greatest social experiment of my life and then someone quote tweeted him because Twitter works on quote tweets ratioed the account immediately saying nicardo showing his fully inflamed and uncensored [ __ ] as part of his plan if you know you know that that's real by the way I think he did like an only fans or [Music] something the only thing I know about that picture I haven't actually seen the original I've just seen people like use other items to make it look like the original picture nicardo avocado was never spiritually fat he's a classically trained violinist he understands discipline and was never out of control it's been a fairly obvious kman esque performance art since the beginning holy skitso poster people have been pointing out saying that like this could be one of the best face reveals of all time if nicardo never actually shown his face even saying that like you know Wy web Ser putting out a tweet saying dream should have done his face reveal like this bro would be goated if this man's really had vid stuck pil for 2 years so he could lose weight in secret he's won at 5D chess so is this planned it seems so if you look at the time frame between his most recent video and the last video where he was fat it's 7 months I don't think he could have achieved this in 7 months without visible signs sagging skin Etc but yeah it's like what I said you know he's got like no actual you know stretch marks or anything like like no cuz the skin would literally be hanging down to like here or something right I think one thing that's really funny about this as well a lot of YouTubers recently like for example Sunny dropped videos talking about how nikocado you know is like ruined his life everything's in shambles and I feel like there's been so many videos dropped on him in the past week he was waiting right for the opportune moment where he was getting the most amount of hate possible online and then he thought you know what we're dropping the video two steps ahead there was also other people on Twitter that were gloating that they were right all along like this one artist psych basically saying that nicardo was wearing a fat suit the entire time and Mike made a really good call out so he said this back in 2023 of May I'm calling it now he's nearing the end of his social experiment this was all an internet act and he's actually a health expert he knew exactly when was the breaking point and he knows exactly how to drop weight fast it's all going to be a big documentary and then he quote tweets himself a year later saying well well well and that got like nearly a million likes Jesus but what a lot of people didn't actually realize is throughout the videos that he uploaded apparently in advance he did make a lot of low-key hints about his transformation now again like I said even though his main Channel video was posted seven months ago his second Channel video before the weight loss one was only posted 3 months ago and in that video even though he's still a bit of a a big chungus a hecking wholesome chunker he does actually look like he's definitely lost some weight now remember that oille podcast that I talked about earlier on in the video that's really important because if you go on the defire podcast Channel dumpster fire podcast uh nicardo ended up uploading a lot of videos himself and one of them a year ago he does look pretty skinny I mean still like a little bit chunky like it's nothing crazy but yeah like compared to how he did in his last video a year ago this is one of those videos I think that actually managed to slip through the cracks but the ruse was obviously still going and that was one that kind of slipped through the cracks for like you know super fans to find out I guess because his third Channel which posted a video a week ago actually had a video of him back at his biggest but this video was actually a collab he had with hungry fat chick from 2 years ago despite being posted at the time of recording 6 days ago he links a different collab that the two of them did 2 years ago in the comments section the same thing goes for his fourth Channel as well so he really like this guy stocked up on like months worth of footage before he made the decision that yep okay I'm going to stop being fat now and I think on purpose he left little breadcrumb Trails like for example him on the uh the podcast Channel he had with oille he actually had himself like more skinny but that was posted less recently than this video being a week ago I feel he left the trail so people could put two and two together together but obviously the majority of the public they just see like oh you're fat and and that's it and then Reddit Scholars disc just that sentence Reddit Scholars discovered that he actually had the idea to set this plan in motion to stop being fat years ago you know having that exact same monologue that he actually had in yesterday's video just ripping that off one to one now not to go conspiracy mode but a thumbnail for a mukbang on his third Channel compare that to 2020 and then 2024 I'm not sure if that was actually him from this year but that was something that I think everyone overlooked but yeah again like I can't hate on the guy for the white loss Journey like that is commendable and he fooled the entire internet like I said there's been so many commentary videos that have like came out with these huge exposes on him and then he's done like a complete 180 and been like no I'm not fat anymore obviously there's other things they go into detail and stuff that you know I've kind of skimmed over with like with the Stephanie Sue stuff that there's a lot more but obviously a lot of people are clicking on this video to find out fat man is no longer fat man he used used to be fat man but fat man secretly becoming skinny man while uploading videos publicly as fat man but again he's pulled back his Persona like what I mentioned earlier I've have no idea what kind of content he's going to do now he's he's peaked right now I feel like he's peaked but he still needs to keep riding that wave so I feel like I don't know I mean honestly I think he's going to do a Christian Bale thing if you don't know Christian Bale he's played Batman Patrick bitman you know who he is but the point I'm trying to make is he's got really shredded for roles in films but then on the flip side he's got really fat a lot of you you know people that like work as actors and stuff they get on Trend they get on gear like for The Avengers films they like you know gear up and stuff and then after that they kind of get out of shape a little bit but Christian Bale is someone that consistently puts on weight or loses weight I mean there was a film where he played uh Dick Cheney I think and he got pretty fat for that one and then uh the biggest he's ever been like muscle wise is when he was playing Batman as well and then on the complete flip side of the spectrum there's a film that he was in that I think that came out like 2009 or something called The Machinist and in that film he looked looks like a jump scare you would see in a Roblox map he looks terrifying but yeah going through the videos you know the main Channel and the second Channel video he does almost seem to be a little bit remorseful of the character that he was playing I still think that he's playing a character definitely but you know this might be I he's going to change if he's lost all this weight he's also going to have a huge personality change I don't think it's going to be him I think it's going to be a new persona he's crafted I'm talking about like ight shamalan the film split now but it'll be interesting to see what he does next like I feel if he's not acting like as much of a LOL cow his career might slowly go down but I'm I'm not really sure I mean even now like you go on his banner and his merch is still him fat saying it's your fault it's just water we and honestly I feel now more people are going to buy that merch than ever as like a show of support like it's almost like putting it in a museum because that fat nikocado there's a pretty high chance that we're never going to see him again yeah that's pretty much it uh what what's the moral of today's story fat oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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