YouTube's Biggest Legend (Nikocado Avocado)

I am always two St steps ahead so I am the villain because I made myself one dude not going to lie the edit went hard Bro went from Five Guys to one b no intro today fat guy lost weight that it's incredible this is probably the coolest thing a YouTubers ever done since the PewDiePie Bridge incident NC Cado straight up dropped the avoc AO and gain so much Aura it just radiates out of him DBZ style drops an absolute cult classic two steps ahead and goes on a joker esque monologue which is just bone tingling two steps ahead I am always two steps ahead this has been the greatest social experiment for my entire life it's a learn ing it's compelling it's gripping nikocado avocado is a grade A level Entertainer and somehow you flipped it back on the audience it was actually our fault for consuming him eating and throwing cheeseburgers around his car made and that's the thing who gives a if he switches it on the audience and goes on a joker esque monologue the dude lost 250 lbs I feel as if I'm monitoring ants on an ant farm one follows another follows another follows another so-called free thinkers when the car in front slows down you are the ants I feel like I just got e assaulted here I'm filing charges before this video posted the last upload was 7 months ago and it's honestly impossible to lose 250 lb in 7 months so people were speculating that he actually pre-recorded these videos and was going on a sigma grind said for like 2 years the jokes on you no the jokes on you you're the one that lived your life at 411 lb I didn't dude what the hell bro stopped eating it you still cooked him having lost 250 lb off of my body yet just yesterday people were calling me fat and sick and boring and he's not wrong the timing couldn't have been worse for sunny V2 he released a video about Nic aado and it aged like milk and everyone wonders why I'm posting less I'm not happy I don't like what I've done I don't like what I've become nic's recent video is so incredibly tragic it makes all of his previous breakdowns seem like they were happy moments maybe he was the ant nikocado was talking about because truly villainous immediately after but his Claim about money is a little more surprising the irony is I've barely made any money for the past 2 3 years sun2 then started to try to count the dude's guap using some epic calculations and Nic aado had him fooled bro to the extent that nickado is now struggling to survive this dude's a multi-millionaire and he fooled you he'll be fine for himself imagine if he disappeared off of YouTube for a year or two lost all the weight and built muscle became an absolute Chad and returned to YouTube as a violent YouTuber the respect he'd received would be insane lowkey he did get a lot of respect but he came back to his old content what can I say a man's got to eat you're prostituting yourself over for cheeseburgers again aren't you man's going to eat Julian imagine he was three steps ahead and he recorded this video knowing he was going to get fat and then he posted it later to do like some sort of inception now that would break the internet like he's still fat he just trolled everyone Nick's completely terrified of trying something new the worst part is I have an Escape Route and I'm so afraid to take it the timeline just aligns way too well it's almost like him and sunny V2 planned this like genuinely two steps ahead yeah he's probably two steps ahead of most people in line to the great just because you lose all the weight it doesn't undo all of the damage that you experienced during 8 years of being morly obese this guy's a great a level hater be happy for the guy come on dude if you purposely make yourself fat for 8 years as a social experiment to see how people are going to react it's still going to negatively impact your health well no Sherlock also why you looking at his gut bro what's going on you looking at my gut no did he in fact document any of it now what do you think we could have learned more from had he have documented his journey we could have watched him eating recipes for my cookbook dude Shameless self-promotion bro what are you doing going to the gym putting the fork down and inspiring all of us to lose weight along with him but rather than that we just see the before and the after it's still inspiring though the dude lost 250 lbs I don't get it he doesn't owe us anything to a point I agree seeing nikocado progress on like the treadmill or like the stair master be some insanely good content that would inspire a lot of people but it comes off like you're just a hater dude I most certainly would love to watch the videos of diado in the gym training doing cardio what he ate how many calories and so I mean hey we on the same page here imagine walking around at his Peak 411 lb all for an experiment two steps ahead I am always two steps ahead I am always two steps ahead I didn't even see this clip earlier I'm actually lost for words my jaw dropped to the ground after year after year he lost seven years a weight in 7 months well it wasn't 7 months it was in fact 2 years I think we all failed the social experiment truth be told I understand where this old guy is coming from but I think he's taking nikocado a bit too seriously you're forgetting this is a dude who throws Popeye's chicken sandwiches in his car is a outright troll Sunny's math checks out the dude was destroying his body but he did it for a bag and you know I personally wouldn't do that but props to him major bag alert some of you Mor ODS are fat for free dial in lock in what's stopping you this video should be your wakeup call now I hate my finances I hate my husband I hate my family I hate my friends I hate my work I hate this country I didn't know he was Hassan what a fing liar dude today I woke up from a very long dream having lost 250 lb off of my body Mr Noodle you're so cute or was it in fact OIC did he in fact go to the gym I don't think he has a lot of muscle mass and so did he in fact lose all his muscle and although he does affair to be thin I do believe he's a perhaps a little skinny fat dude give him a break bro you just keep going you're freaking cooking his ass bro come on show us your blood work just because he's lost all this weight it doesn't mean that he's healthy bro you can't argue he was healthy you're back then like come on bro he's loving this look at the eyes the way he's talking bro is the sociopath eating recipes for my cookbook my cookbook the joke's on you how is this funny it was worth being 400 lb for 8 years throwing away years off your life for a joke while this guy is a bit of a hater he's hating from the right place it's like that tough but fair love nevertheless let's focus on nicacado and emphasize how insane this accomplishment truly is cannot deny that the transformation is incredible earlier even in oav ville's video he was rolling around like a freaking Mario Kart Go-Kart with his shirt hanging out and now he looks impeccable and probably better than 90% of the people that were calling him fat in the first place if you're upset at the Joker esque speech in the beginning you're sort of a goof because you're falling into his trap it's obviously done for Showmanship and as a former violinist that's kind of what he does and before you call me a nikocado meat Rider at least you can be one because he can finally see his stomach I am always two steps ahead do subscribe to West Jet's channel here is very good at YouTube subscribe please now

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