Category: Gaming
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Category: Entertainment
I am rarely left speechless by the things i see on the internet but when i opened my phone this morning and saw this video from nikado avocado i didn't have a damn thing to say i just stared and stared like an idiot yeah i was so confused not even 24 hours ago i made a live stream called he got bigger... Read more
Category: Gaming
Two steps ahead so i am the villain nikocado avocado revealed a whopping 250 lb weight loss in his video two steps ahead unveiling it as a clever social experiment he shared that he had been pre-recording content for 2 years which has already gathered a staggering 25 million views today i woke up from... Read more
Category: Sports
The bulk king is back even though it feels like he never left according to nickado avocado it's actually been 2 years since the last time he's recorded a video even though he's been pumping out videos like nick smith pumps out his nut milk he revealed that he's been posting pre-recorded videos slowly... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I am always two st steps ahead so i am the villain because i made myself one dude not going to lie the edit went hard bro went from five guys to one b no intro today fat guy lost weight that it's incredible this is probably the coolest thing a youtubers ever done since the pewdiepie bridge incident... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The truth behind nikocado avocado's weight loss nikado avocado has lost a ton of weight and what does that mean hi i'm sue i was actually working on a video about online hate and how that can affect the trajectory of your career and then the news dropped and this made perfect sense so today we'll be... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The first one west jet with two t's and so westjet you've been flying around for too long it's time to touch grass dude what the hell i just got roasted bro who's laughing last now westjet i'm sorry coach but it's me i ain't the one crashing out in a youtube section and then cherry picking the comments... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Fala galera beleza domingão como é que vocês estão aí já comeram aquela maionese aquele frango assado serrar na casa dos parentes um gonof um sapic vianes então bora relaxar aí vendo uma notícia rápida né um react rápido hoje nós vamos fazer um vídeo aqui que é puro react então se você é aquele chatão... Read more
Category: Entertainment
At this point you guys have probably seen uh niik kato's most recent videos where he is a skinny boy anything that they're told to consume so i am the villain because i've made myself one now i'm going to be honest i had a video ready to go to post yesterday about all this because you know want to be... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Did you hear the youtuber nikocado avocado recently took a 7-month hiatus for his weight loss journey and oh my gosh i'm absolutely shocked one person commented on x saying i'm gagging so bad omg another person wrote nikocado avocado has been self-aware the entire time don't be fooled and get this a... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hello hello hello how you doing today this is twan and i am on a gop1 weight loss journey i am on the injection pin we over 2.4 mgram which is the highest dosage i have been on this now for a year and a half and i want to share with you all and show you how to properly give yourself the injection okay... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Nikocado avocado conocido por sus videos de mukbang reapareció tras perder 115 kg después de un largo retiro de youtube durante este tiempo reveló que su transformación física comenzó en secreto hace 2s años mientras publicaba contenido grabado previamente nikocado explicó que su drástico cambio fue... Read more