Category: Entertainment
I am rarely left speechless by the things i see on the internet but when i opened my phone this morning and saw this video from nikado avocado i didn't have a damn thing to say i just stared and stared like an idiot yeah i was so confused not even 24 hours ago i made a live stream called he got bigger... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Peasants i'm a page i've been tricking you people by saying i'm on a weight loss journey i post you two steps ahead i am always two steps ahead Read more
Category: Entertainment
Remember nikocado avocado in 2016 he was a vegan youtuber and now he's one of the internet's most talked about personalities he started with peaceful vegan mukbangs sharing healthy meals and positive vibes but things were about to get a lot bigger fast forward to today and nikado has taken mukbangs... Read more
Category: Gaming
Primero que nada un saludazo a todos los miembros del canal por apoyarme a ver a ver quién de ustedes fue el que dijo septiembre sorpréndeme porque vaya que esto nadie se lo esperaba o tal vez sí pues recientemente ni cocado bocado el youtuber que se hizo conocido por sus videos principalmente de mukbangs... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Fala galera beleza domingão como é que vocês estão aí já comeram aquela maionese aquele frango assado serrar na casa dos parentes um gonof um sapic vianes então bora relaxar aí vendo uma notícia rápida né um react rápido hoje nós vamos fazer um vídeo aqui que é puro react então se você é aquele chatão... Read more
Category: Entertainment
At this point you guys have probably seen uh niik kato's most recent videos where he is a skinny boy anything that they're told to consume so i am the villain because i've made myself one now i'm going to be honest i had a video ready to go to post yesterday about all this because you know want to be... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And everyone wonders why i'm posting less i'm not happy i don't like what i've done i don't like what i've become i don't like what i look like ncoc card's recent video is so incredibly tragic it makes all of his previous breakdowns seem like they were happy moments simply titled by nikocado talks about... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Mano esse influencer enganou todo mundo e ainda lucrou com a hipocrisia da internet por que você lembra do nikocado avocado que é o influencer que faz aqueles vídeos de muk bang que é quando a pessoa se filma comendo grandes quantidades de comida pois é o que pegou é que ao longo dos anos o nikocado... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone some of you may be asking did nck avocado went under the knife or did he lose the weight naturally no matter how he did it it's impressive i do have my personal opinion what i think but first you got to give it to nick avocado he had everybody food for those saying he was sick he was about... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Two steps ahead i am always uno creería que luego de la puñalada falsa de sho cabrera no existiría otro experimento social que nos pudiera sorprender pero dad las circunstancias parece que estamos en presencia de un nuevo acontecimiento histórico para la historia de internet bueno no sé si de todo internet... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Cómo es posible que un hombre cambie su apariencia de manera tan drástica en menos de un año pónganse cómodos porque vamos a ver cóm ni cocado avocado engañó a todo youtube y los mantuvo hablando exactamente de lo que él quería que hablen como si fuera un juego de ajedrez donde cada movimiento suyo... Read more
Category: Gaming
Two steps ahead so i am the villain nikocado avocado revealed a whopping 250 lb weight loss in his video two steps ahead unveiling it as a clever social experiment he shared that he had been pre-recording content for 2 years which has already gathered a staggering 25 million views today i woke up from... Read more