Urban Meyer DESCRIBES game as "PAINFUL" & SPURRIER speaks out

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:09:43 Category: Sports

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talk about this while we're waiting for Mr Jud here um oops that's for Jud Urban Meer spoke up today said it was painful as a former coach to watch what happened on Saturday obviously coach Spurrier spoke out to what happened he goes just do something different you could just see his something was on Pat dully um podcast you could just see the disgust on his face Chris doring who we who I there he is who I uh prefered just the other day um as well with how he's such a a go-to m Mr Jud Davis what's what's up baby can you hear me guy I can hear you man what's up baby I didn't I didn't know I was gonna be on video man I thought I was just gonna be doing it be the radio yeah I got see that beautiful face come on you got you got a face for TV baby you know better I mean you you don't have to show your face if you don't want to but we we appreciate seeing you we both got faces for what's going on guys I don't know man you what's will you tell me what what what are we doing Jud what what happened Saturday I don't know dude all I know is I know two things I know two things I hope that Miami is like a top five team okay right and I'm glad and I'm glad I'm not a seminal okay I love the jab I've been I've been giving the crap here's here's my my thought to that though let's say Miami is a top five team okay I'm a cool I'm cool with acknowledging that if they are which I don't think I think they're good but let's say they are I still don't agree that we should be that far behind right like I'm okay with admitting that they're really really good but we look if they're number five we're still a 50 ranked team right yeah that's that's probably the most the toughest thing we had all off season um we knew Miami was coming right all this time to prepare and I guess what was so crazy to me watching that game is it was just blah from top to bottom what we had what one play that he went what 50 yards and scored right yeah and ran but guess what we never ran that play again yeah yeah and what was funny like I was watching the game it's like every time Montell went around the edge like he at least got like a 10 yard chunk and then he has that big 71 yard run and you're like okay well are we going to continue doing this or we're just going to keep trying to throw the ball deep that's one thing that made like Spurrier just brilliant is if it worked he'd run it he'd just keep running it right until it doesn't work yeah beat it he didn't care um and listen don't get me wrong I love coaching AP I've gotten to know him a little bit I've gotten to know a lot of the coaching staff and um oh am I still there you're still here sorry I'm I'm just giving you your own little screen here so I can see who who we were talking you know what I mean I love all those guys I think they're doing it right off the field I mean everything but you know I don't know I don't know as far from what I understand I mean maybe you're still calling the plays right all the plays um I don't I don't know if that's going to change um and like I said I'm not gonna be one of those guys that sits in his basement and uh I says I and say I know how to call the plays and um and I think that he got I mean when I heard that I cringed I mean I don't think he meant it that way I just think he he meant it where we're going to focus on the team and what we're doing and not try to listen to other people tell us how to do it but I guess he chose his wording his words wrong but my gosh he got Land Based didn't he yeah he apologized for it today that he didn't apply it that way but again you you got a little too specific on a location and it was that old typical shot of some some guy in his mom's basement that's what rils people up and I mean this thing took off it's football season which means it's time for you to start winning with your favorite players on and off the field and with price picks you can do that all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and watch the 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when you play $5 that's code High toop on prize picks to get $50 instantly when you play $5 you don't even need to win receive 50 bucks it's guaranteed prize picks run your game now back to the show for sure let me like w far Dave yeah well I I think that analogy that he made I think somebody in their basement could have called better plays on Saturday against Miami I mean you lost 24 points to a team was on a 2.5 spread you were evenly mashed up rosters I mean Florida had the 12th ranked Roster Miami had the 14th ranked roster so you're going into that game thing and it's going to be really close you go in there and for the second year in a row you come out there unprepared not just completely all over the place for the second year in a row and you expect the fans to want to see that especially you're getting blown out at home in the swamp you are at home I just I don't get it this team isn't LSU this team isn't USC it's it's not Texas it's not Georgia it's not even Old Miss it's not even Tennessee and you get blown out by them how you going to how you going to survive the rest of the schedule I don't get it yeah um you know I don't and there was just and some of the the it wasn't just that some of the things the lack of effort on some of the plays I mean I've seen a lot of people have broken down plays and showing this guy I mean you know on the pick not trying to make the effort to I mean ah there's no and then the late hits on the quarterback I mean come on guys this is stuff you learn when you're when you're a sophomore in high school um I mean those two those two penalties were massive right yep crushing um I don't like I said only but it's so funny here we are talking about this and Gator Nation everything and I can't even imagine what's going on in Tallahasse I mean can you even fathom the dumpster fire how really think about this for a minute I mean they haven't even played anybody yet yeah and they gota play Memphis they gota play Memphis I love how we are in the complete Gutter and jud's like but look at this though look what's happening over here in this armpit of Florida I mean we're here but they're here they're down I mean I can't people were leaving that game what the third quarter I love this is how I am Jud I was I on Monday I went live to celebrate the loss like I am the exact same way like this is where the Florida hate for these other teams there's just it's it's almost we we enjoy the the downfall of our enemies sometimes more than our own victories or successes because it's just fun watching them lose so I I I feel I me they were cheering for Brock Glenn in like the third quarter in the second game I mean it's it's childish right but like I said I want Florida to lose in every sport every day all day every across the board I don't care women's sport that's just the way it is I mean as a player former player you know we played Georgia it was fun we played Tennessee it was fun but when you played Florida State the the hate it was pure hatred and um you know it may just be a pillow fight when we play them at the end of the year but you know I I don't I don't know but I I I was watching that game and I was the biggest Boston College fan I just I just couldn't help it I just couldn't help it I almost uh if you checked out Jane Crane's tweet I almost predicted the score right I said 35 to13 Boston College and they were like five yards away from making it KN it yeah they should have scored I was so mad did you did you see um I loved canel's tweet and then Van Pelt just blast was beautiful canel is swimming cup if we could make fun of Florida State this whole show I would just do it hey so you know my aunt and uncle I mean obviously Joe and Chelsea FSU fans right and so oh gosh I haven't even talked to Joe oh yeah they're they're so bitter right now so he you know I love him because they're my family but there sometimes you're just like you look at him the word FS just like uh you know especially this time of the year uh he didn't give me too much Flack I was there this past weekend he didn't say too much he KN because of week week before and I kept telling I was like y'all going to lose on Monday he's like no no we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine they were not I honestly when even they were down early I thought okay they're gonna get it together and they're going to come back and win in the second half but I'm telling you what they have they have thrown all their cars and on DJ what a disaster I mean that guy's just chased the money from school to school and dude he's terrible he he he really is bad it's amazing there

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